[Q] [DEV][AOSP] Android for Ancora - Samsung Galaxy W I8150

Hi mates
I am trying to port the AOSP L-Preview branch for our phone it's generated 5.2gb of out/target/product/ancora folder but compilation still stuck on the following image
arget Symbolic: libstagefright_amrnb_common (out/target/product/ancora/symbols/system/lib/libstagefright_amrnb_common.so)
make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/ancora/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/usr', needed by `out/target/product/ancora/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/audio.primary.msm7x30_intermediates/AudioHardware.o'. Stop.
Should I remove audio configuration from ancora.mk?
what kind of commit should apply to fix that error, any help will be thanked .

Maybe will be ported a pure AOSP
OK the most of the source are compiled the only think i need to fix is boot.img creation now i replace the AOSP recovery with cm one because the aosp is based only for the devices that support fastboot where our phone doesn't support it, if any updates or got it booted I will notify .


Compile Error

I am trying to build a stock CM9 rom for the Inspire/Desire HD. I have Koush's Device files and am trying to use AOSPX vendor files/hardware files for OMX it seems to compile fine til it hits this error.
build/core/base_rules.mk:166: *** hardware/qcom/opensource/omxcore: MODULE.TARGET.SHARED_LIBRARIES.libOmxCore already defined by vendor/qcom/opensource/omx/mm-core/omxcore. Stop.
I'm not sure what to do, any help is much appreciated.

[Q] Building AOSP - Branch 5.0.2_r1 - Boot-loader loop?

Hey XDA!
I've been trying to learn to compile AOSP so I can customize ROM's from scratch instead of having to steal someone else's compile and make modifications from there. I definitely don't want to take the work of others and back track to make changes.
I've got a Nexus 7 2013 LTE and I've setup a Linux build environment. I've installed the correct packages, followed all the instructions on the AOSP site, and downloaded the proprietary binaries (both the current 4.4.4 and preview binaries) to try and create a AOSP Lollipop 5.0.2_r1 build. I know there are ones out there that are working almost flawlessly, but I can't seem to get it to boot. My file sizes for system.img and all other packages are the same after compiling, I "make clobber" once executing the shell scripts to create the vendor folder in my source root, and I see the vendor files being processed during the build, but once the package (both ota and manually built attepts) are fastboot loaded, I get a boot loop, and I'm not sure why, it instantly hangs and reboots as soon as the "ANDROID" screen appears.
If anyone can give me any guidance, I want to start building ROMs for the community, but I just can't seem to get a bootable build to compile.
I may have missed some details, so if anyone can help me with figuring this one out, feel free to PM me, or leave a note on this topic.

CM 12-1 compile htc m9 himaul image

Hi all,
I have downloaded the sources for cm 12.1, I have already build many ROMs for htc m7, m8 and some others. Cyanogen have not released the source for htc m9 yet, however you and find a github repo with all the neccesary parts for building you himaul ROM over a CM_12.1 source. It is called Hima-Dev
I have cloned all necessary parts for building it and I have placed them into the right place. Bellow I attach a listh of what I downloaded.
The kernel
Then the common vendor propietary folder
And finally the device specific folder along with its common folder for device.
Before building I run the ./extract-files script in order to get all propietary libraries, apps and files. Then I start a building for "himaul" and everythhing works very ok. (breakfast himaul && brunch himaul)
The problem comes after install the new ROM. It raises many exceptions during boot screen. Bellow I attach some of the log messages I get.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "__htclog_init_mask" referenced by "libtime_genoff.so"...
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke interface method 'void android.app.IActivityManager.handleApplicationCrash(android.os.IBinder, android.app.ApplicationErrorReport$CrashInfo)' on a null object reference
My question is. Should I wait for cyanogen in order to get a stable source or is there any workout for solving this? :good:

Building Unlegacy Android

Hi all,
not sure if this is the correct place to post, please move it in case this should be in another forum.
Im planning on start building my own rom based on Unlegacy for my maguro. Havent found anything specific to this project so once im done i will document how to get it done so that others can use it as a reference.
Have been reading over the weekend and i think im quite clear how this works even if it would be the first time i do sth. like this in android world. So please bear with me !
I have contributed several times to the linux kernel and gentoo linux and developed for some other (closed source) projects many years ago which means im an old school guy and im completely disonnected from "modern" development.
I know how to build, patch, debug c and so on but i have almost zero knowledge about git and some of the other tools that are used nowadays. Furthermore i have almost no idea about android itself, im planning on reading more about it to at least know what im doing before getting messy.
Here my first questions, more to come im sure :
- first things first : is there documentation available somewhere specific to this project ?
- im syncing right now. So far it has downloaded 36 GB and repo says it is at 93 % ... is this normal ??? I know android projects are huge but this sounds to me like im doing sth. wrong. Isnt there a way to just sync what i need for tuna ? Am i supposed to tune the manifests to just sync what i need ?
- toolchain : i have seen while it synced several toolchains already. IIRC there were some problems with modern toolchains and gcc-4.7 should be used to avoid some problems with the buggy mmc. Is this still correct or can i just give gcc 5.x a go ? Im asking because thats the toolchain im using right now.
- kernel source : are there other more updated sources available apart from the ones in this tree ?
- build times : im used to long build times. Years ago when we built some huge c++ projects it took days to finish even with the huge buildfarm we had at our dispossal. What build times can i expect with a regular android build like this one ? I have a i7 with 8 cores at 3,5 MhZ and 16 GB Ram available and could even use another similar box with distcc if necessary.
Would really appreciate if someone could sched some light over this and let me have some tips / tricks to avoid further problems.
I have the feeling that some guides im reading are pointless because they are outdated.
Thanks !
Unlegacy Android follows and combines the OMAP4- and Grouper Android OpenSource Project which were created in late 2015 in order to maintain a clean, organized place for pure AOSP support for various OMAP4 and Grouper devices.
The goal is to provide stable and optimized releases of the recent Android versions for the supported devices.
This organization's goal is not to create feature packed ROMs, but to create a base ROM in such a way that custom ROM developers can easily adapt our changes.
The source is combined power from multiple devs, you won't find a newer kernel or device source for it.
Why there's no official thread yet? We are still preparing our source and some stuff around for best user experience. The source compiles as it is, no need to change anything for tuna.
You should be patient and wait until the stuff is "official official" available, our freetime is limited and we do our best to get things running.
Android-Andi said:
Unlegacy Android follows and combines the OMAP4- and Grouper Android OpenSource Project which were created in late 2015 in order to maintain a clean, organized place for pure AOSP support for various OMAP4 and Grouper devices.
The goal is to provide stable and optimized releases of the recent Android versions for the supported devices.
This organization's goal is not to create feature packed ROMs, but to create a base ROM in such a way that custom ROM developers can easily adapt our changes.
The source is combined power from multiple devs, you won't find a newer kernel or device source for it.
Why there's no official thread yet? We are still preparing our source and some stuff around for best user experience. The source compiles as it is, no need to change anything for tuna.
You should be patient and wait until the stuff is "official official" available, our freetime is limited and we do our best to get things running.
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thanks, wasnt actually pushing to know how the current state of thing is, was more about knowing if im doing things correctly.
I have built succesfully a couple of N roms for my maguro and im learning how to cherrypick and reading more about the android frameworks.
thanks !
have just synced and got this when trying to build :
SYSMAP System.map
SYSMAP .tmp_System.map
OBJCOPY arch/arm/boot/Image
Kernel: arch/arm/boot/Image is ready
AS arch/arm/boot/compressed/head.o
GZIP arch/arm/boot/compressed/piggy.gzip
CC arch/arm/boot/compressed/misc.o
CC arch/arm/boot/compressed/decompress.o
SHIPPED arch/arm/boot/compressed/lib1funcs.S
AS arch/arm/boot/compressed/lib1funcs.o
AS arch/arm/boot/compressed/piggy.gzip.o
LD arch/arm/boot/compressed/vmlinux
OBJCOPY arch/arm/boot/zImage
Kernel: arch/arm/boot/zImage is ready
make: se sale del directorio '/usr/src/droid/kernel/samsung/tuna'
make: se entra en el directorio '/usr/src/droid/kernel/samsung/tuna'
make[1]: *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo 'dtbs'. Alto.
make: *** [Makefile:130: sub-make] Error 2
make: se sale del directorio '/usr/src/droid/kernel/samsung/tuna'
make: se entra en el directorio '/usr/src/droid/kernel/samsung/tuna'
The present kernel configuration has modules disabled.
Type 'make config' and enable loadable module support.
Then build a kernel with module support enabled.
make[1]: *** [/usr/src/droid/kernel/samsung/tuna/Makefile:1144: modules] Error 1
make: *** [Makefile:130: sub-make] Error 2
make: se sale del directorio '/usr/src/droid/kernel/samsung/tuna'
make: se entra en el directorio '/usr/src/droid/kernel/samsung/tuna'
The present kernel configuration has modules disabled.
Type 'make config' and enable loadable module support.
Then build a kernel with module support enabled.
make[1]: *** [/usr/src/droid/kernel/samsung/tuna/Makefile:1144: modules_install] Error 1
make: *** [Makefile:130: sub-make] Error 2
make: se sale del directorio '/usr/src/droid/kernel/samsung/tuna'
[ 33% 9805/29540] target thumb C++: libLLVMCore <= external/llvm/lib/IR/LLVMContext.cpp^Cmake: *** [build/core/ninja.mk:149: ninja_wrapper]
no idea why it complains about dtbs or module support being disabled.
where is the kernel .config file stored by the way ?
any ideas ?
thanks !
thagringo said:
- im syncing right now. So far it has downloaded 36 GB and repo says it is at 93 % ... is this normal ??? I know android projects are huge but this sounds to me like im doing sth. wrong. Isnt there a way to just sync what i need for tuna ? Am i supposed to tune the manifests to just sync what i need ?
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When building cyanogenmod I can reduce it to about 5GB with this repo init:
repo init -u https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-13.0 --depth=1 --groups=all,-notdefault,-device,-darwin,-x86,-mips,-exynos5,-intel,-eclipse,-device
b specifies the branch you want and means you don't get the whole tree.
The --groups excludes a bunch of stuff you don't want/need (mostly different platforms).
The depth command means that only the last version is checked out and not the whole history.
However, if you are creating a new ROM with this a base you might want the history.
Since this is a Developers forum, it would be nice if ROM posters actually put the build instructions in their posts and didn't just link to github and force you to search through 10s of different repos looking for info though.
opticyclic said:
When building cyanogenmod I can reduce it to about 5GB with this repo init:
b specifies the branch you want and means you don't get the whole tree.
The --groups excludes a bunch of stuff you don't want/need (mostly different platforms).
The depth command means that only the last version is checked out and not the whole history.
However, if you are creating a new ROM with this a base you might want the history.
Since this is a Developers forum, it would be nice if ROM posters actually put the build instructions in their posts and didn't just link to github and force you to search through 10s of different repos looking for info though.
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Nice, thanks a lot !!
For now I have given up and I'm waiting for things to settle down.
Cheers mate !
I'm taking the same W&S Attitude about Building
thagringo said:
Nice, thanks a lot !!
For now I have given up and I'm waiting for things to settle down.
Cheers mate !
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That is why I am taking the same wait and see attitude about building (though I AM actually running this on my toro-variant GNex on Tracfone; because it's unified, this same ROM will run on maguro).
Since then, I have grabbed AOSP 8.0 (latest branch) and I'm trying to compile (with new branch in place) and I'm running into a headache post-breakfast (breakfast is fine). Where things fall down is between brunch and lunch (in fact, it is during brunch where things fall down). I'm thinking that the falldown is because things are still fluid, so I'll keep the eyes peeled.
PGHammer said:
That is why I am taking the same wait and see attitude about building (though I AM actually running this on my toro-variant GNex on Tracfone; because it's unified, this same ROM will run on maguro).
Steps to take (from stock via Skipsoft Unified Toolkit):
1. Unlock and root (reboot following this step)
2. Flash TWRP and reboot.
3. Upgrade TWRP to and reboot.
4. Download both the firmware and GApps 7.1 pico (as is the case with GApps 6.0, nano is too large for any GNex) and push them to your phone, then force a reboot to recovery (which SHOULD be TWRP
5. Install (in order) aosp_7.1_tuna2016-10-21 (latest as I type this) and open_gapps-arm-7.1-pico.zip. Wipe cache and reboot after the last install.
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well, yes, i have been using 7.1 for a couple of months already but i was actually trying to build my own with the gcore stuff patches included.

[Devs Needed] Rom compiling issues

I don't know what's the issue with my setup or kernel tree (Alberto97's git) that I'm getting these errors all the time when I try to compile any rom
1) rmnetctl library conflict. There's always this error in all roms and states that "shared libraries is already defined" in rmnetctl folder in device tree hence stopping the build at the begenning. I got past the issue by deleting the rmnetctl folder in device tree but is it the right way to do it?
2) Sepolicy error. Even after I delete above folder, the build stopped after it reaches about 34%, I don't know what it's called but I'm getting this error every time I try to compile any rom. This time while building aosp extended https://hastebin.com/yomepicili.sql
I'm a noob so pardon any lack of knowledge. I am trying to learn to compile here. Also, I'm using oreo-mr1 branch device tree and kernel and oreo-mr1-addison branch for vendor.

