[Q] "Retroactive Bricking" or "spontaneous" hardware fault? [Xpost One X/X+ Help] - HTC One X

[Q] "Retroactive Bricking" or "spontaneous" hardware fault? [Xpost One X/X+ Help]
*PSA: This will be crossposted in xda GenerAL Q&A and HTC One X+ forums, I hope cross posting is allowed, haven't seen it mentioned in rules.*
Hi all,
Quick disclaimer: I've been lurking parts of xda now and again for a couple years now, have flashed a couple of phones and tablets now and again for mainly practical reasons, recently getting more interested in it as a ""fun" interest or "hobby".
SO: I am very aware that this is my first post, the rules, search function, etc. ..
BUT: After extensively searching both google and specifically xda to help me resolve this issue *myself*, I decided to create an account and post. I'm sorry if this Q should have been put in the newbie thread, my assessment was that it probably has no place there.
ALSO PLZ NOTE: What was meant to be a succinct summary and question somehow turned into a condensed but complete rundown of events, so here is a...
- Replaced HTC One X+ display/digitizer unit myself, ran fine for 5 weeks.
- Then: flashed twrp 2.7x or 2.8, not sure anymore, before installing Android HD Revolution 33.1 by mike1986, and following the official instructions, which ran great for about week until my phone spontaneously BRICKED THE F*CK OUT COMPLETELY.
(yes, true brick, paperweight, robot-corpse, whatever)
If so, what could I have done wrong? (POSSIBLY something to do with a bootimage of firmware that I was sure I had the up to date version of... dunno though).
About 6 weeks ago:
- Cracked the display of my HTC One X+ badly by dropping it onto concrete-type floor at a rave/party
=> Decided to try and replace it myself, researched for a good while (talking several days here, 90s/00s kids),
=> Decided to replace the display/digitizer unit myself to save money and gain knowledge.
Repair process was challenging and nearly as nerve wracking as playing the WSOP (not kidding, have played it three times), had an issue immediately after putting it back together where it suddenly wouldn't charge AT ALL anymore (NO LED), and overheated, and had unusually fast battery drain of its remaining charge (which never ran out completely before resolving that issue, since I kept turning it off whenever possible).
=> Took it apart and put it together again XX times until realizing the power switch flex cable kept slipping out of its two (jawbone?) connectors during putting it back together (I was doing something wrong with the flex positioning).
=> This resolved the issue.
=> Felt like a hero and that I win at life (since this phone has a rep as being hard to meddle with, and this was my first time even opening, let alone taking apart a smartphone).
=> Continued joyful phone shenanigans for over one month.
=> THEN: Decided to root it, mainly because there was a particular app I wanted that required root ("Quick reply for Whatsapp/Pushbullet", for the curious).
My previous, very limited rooting/flashing experiences =
- Google Nexus One (CWM/Cyanogen) a few times, years ago
- Galaxy Tab 10.1 (CWM/Cyanogen 10.1 ages ago, TWRP/Omnirom Kitkat 4.4.4 recently) a couple times.
So, did my research (or so I thought..?) for this particular custom ROM, decided to go for Android Revolution HD for HTC One X/+ 33.1 by mike 1986 (because it looked fckin awesome, and it was, while it ran) and loved the sh*t out of my "new" phone for about a week. Especially the vastly improved battery life seemed almost surreal, a big deal for a fixed-battery phone.
Then, ONE FATFUL EVENING in a bar, I remember looking at my phone and seeing 35% left, (days before it would've been an amazing 70-80% on an avg. day), which may not be relevant as it was my birthday, so had been using it a lot that day => may be a moot point
- Next time I looked at the phone ( < 1 hour without active use for sure) it was dead.
"Hmmmm," thought slightly drunk me. Whatever, charge it later, weird sh*t happens.
- Got home later, charged it over night after booting it with usb cord attached (mains).
Seemed normal, I even set an alarm.
=> Alarm never rang because it was in a powered-off state again come morning, despite all-night charging.
=> It booted to HTC logo. Seconds later, it turned off again. Held down power again, all I saw was the soft touch buttons flashing red a few times. After this it unexpectedly became (or was secretly crowned):
No power on with or without volume up/down held for whatever amount of time;
No charging, no heating up when "charging";
No LED in any colour or flashing frequency, ever;
No response after hours and days of charging on different USB cables on PC/wall socket;
PCs and laptops don't register a sign of anything when it penetrates their port parts, etc etc...
.Even that semi-mystical bright-light-exposure-while-charging "light sensor manipulation" thing (which apparently worked for a lo of people with similar issues) did nothing for the cause.
Promotion: *Paperweight status successfully acquired.* Yay.
Now, obviously my first thought was that the power flex that gave me trouble during display replacement probably slipped again., somehow (I had taped it down solidly I thought).
=> SO I opened it once again, flex position seemed ok, but I wasn't sure of its functionality as it did look kind of battered from the somewhat unprofessional repair I had conducted on it (which I openly admit to, though I really did try my absolute best).
- Spontaneously took mainboard/battery combo to a local independent phone/accessory shop after being told they'd take a look for free
(I was in there was in there buying a microsim adapter so I could use my ancient Nexus One, since my GF has my old S2 now, which she kindly offered back, but its hers now, so nah. Great phone though.)
=>Shop's advice echoed my thoughts: Flex cable may be screwed, I may have damaged it by bending in the wrong direction/too often, and that damage somehow didn't manifest until much later. I didn't mention the recent rooting + flashing as I deemed it irrelevant at the time.
Their secondary thoughts: Battery or mini-usb port fukt, (which would require soldering, which they don't even offer).
=> SO, feeling confirmed in my layman's assessment, I cheaply got a pristine new replacement flex on ebay, double checked all videos/tutorials, implemented the damn thing with considerably more skill/experience and even higher anticipation. What happened next was shocking:
Absolutely nothing, obv.
=> Did an additional epic f*ckton of internet/forum research, found similar problems and some resolutions, but no real answers, probably because my main problem translates to a kind of hybrid question.
So here I am now am with my core question:
Is it possible to FULLY brick an HTC/any smartphone but not become aware of this until one week later, when the device dies OVER ONE WEEK of reliable and amazing performance?
(and if yes, what aspect/stage of the flashing process is this likely related to?)
If the answer is NO, it must be a hardware fault with probability rank (I think)
1.) Battery dead for whatever reason
2.) Mini USB OR mainboard/integral component (equal rank as not sure), possibly caused by incompetent repair, but why or how would this express itself over a month later??
3.) Other, which I'm not aware of.
While researching new ROMS for the N1, I realized that I may have messed up on the "bootimg part" of the flashing process of the Revolution ROM, a part I found v. confusing in the instructions, even after rereading them many, many times. It was about the most recent firmware, which I was pretty sure I had anyway, since it was unrooted before and I do remember installing some firmware updates over the air.
I still did my best to follow the instructions though.
=> Maybe this has something to do with it, i.e. the hardware can't accept a charge because the software allowed it to become too uncharged (a fairly paradox concept to me, but apparently it can happen. Guess it's like a BIOS-type thing).
Thank you for anyone who read this far!
As it stands, I refuse to give up hope so soon after experiencing that rush of having fixed it myself.
Any specific or general help, tips, hints, pointers, replacement phones (One M8 or S5 plz., Iphones will go straight on ebay) would and will be greatly appreciated!!
The obvious choice is to get a new battery and see what happens, but I'm not sure if I wanna sink any more money into this phone, only to later find out the mainboard is at fault (not worth the money replacing), AKA "get a new phone without a contract", which would more than suck for me financially atm (Im ignoring my N1 here, which I love, but don't wanna be stuck with, esp. as it has the standard-issue broken power button (which I actually had repaired once under warranty, back in the ol' days of yore some prefer to refer to as 2009.
So guys: What's my move, if there is one, besides going to a local/online service centre (I live in Germany btw.) and probably paying unproportionate cash money to even have it looked at?
Cheers, thanks, merci, danke
PS: Just saw the polling function, so I attached one just for the hell of it, to see what happens (never used one before).
If you feel both qualified AND so inclined as to pass judgement on this here serious business, please indicate what you think may be the cause of my issue.
Poll is in "General QA" Forum original post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/general/help/retroactive-bricking-spontaneous-t2948954

*BUMP 1*
Come on guys, I know it's a wall of text, but can't someone at least answer the TL;DR?
=> Is is possible to flash a custom rom which then (possibly because of improper installation) causes the phone to brick about a week later?
Simple question surely!


What do i do now that HTC has screwed me over?

Just to give you a brief rundown of everything that's happened..
I'm 17 and saved up for a few months to buy a HTC One X. Needless to say, it's probably the most expensive phone i've ever owned, since all my other phones were hand-me-downs and old phones from eBay.
This morning i wake up and go to work as usual. Just to find my phone's display won't switch on. As you can imagine, I'm tirelessly panicking and try the 3 button combo.. to no avail.
Using Fastboot to reboot didn't work either.
This phone turned into a brick overnight, and i have no idea what happened??
Just before i left for work, i did check my phone and it was working alright.. Then five minutes later, it won't display anything.
The thing is, I can't take it back to HTC either because this is my 5th replacement phone!
First one had black glue smudged on the LCD it's self,
Second one had the screen not glued down and wasn't aligned,
Third one didn't even have any glue applied and the case wasn't even attached properly,
Forth one had this problem where the screen's LCD would dilate if i touched it - even lightly,
and this one is my 5th, the antenna wasn't properly connected and now the screen doesn't work.
I've had terrible luck, and i don't know what i can do?
If you can give me any information to get me out of this, it would be much appreciated.
Although i still can receive text's and calls fine, it's just the display..
Since you’re unlocked and running a non-stock kernel and ROM, maybe some of the dev-ish folks can help you resuscitate it if it’s indeed a s/w problem.
If it’s a h/w problem, what to do depends on where you bought the phone and how old it is. If it’s within the remorse/DOA period maybe you can exchange it. It’ll be hard for whoever you bought it from to see you’ve unlocked it if nothing’s showing on the display.
If it’s outside of the exchange period you’ll have to send it in for repair. If you can’t bring it back to life to flash it back to stock you’ll have to throw yourself on the mercy of HTC Asia in getting it fixed unlocked. HTC's different repair centers seem to all have different policies related to warranty coverage for h/w faults on unlocked phones. If it is a dead display maybe you’ll get lucky.
You might want to put a note in with it telling your “I’m 17” story and how devastated you are something you’ve worked so hard for has failed. Repair techs are people too. Good luck.
BarryH_GEG said:
Since you’re unlocked and running a non-stock kernel and ROM, maybe some of the dev-ish folks can help you resuscitate it if it’s indeed a s/w problem.
If it’s a h/w problem, what to do depends on where you bought the phone and how old it is. If it’s within the remorse/DOA period maybe you can exchange it. It’ll be hard for whoever you bought it from to see you’ve unlocked it if nothing’s showing on the display.
If it’s outside of the exchange period you’ll have to send it in for repair. If you can’t bring it back to life to flash it back to stock you’ll have to throw yourself on the mercy of HTC Asia in getting it fixed unlocked. HTC's different repair centers seem to all have different policies related to warranty coverage for h/w faults on unlocked phones. If it is a dead display maybe you’ll get lucky.
You might want to put a note in with it telling your “I’m 17” story and how devastated you are something you’ve worked so hard for has failed. Repair techs are people too. Good luck.
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I shook the device out of frustration.. and it started working for a few seconds.
What's going on here? Is it a faulty display/connection? Is there a way to possibly just send it to a nearby phone shop and get it fixed?
Sorry about all the questions, I'm shocked, happy, and devastated all at the same time.
Are HTC refusing then? That seems a bit off/ illegal... Surely under the faulty goods act (I assume the law isn't THAT different in Australia to UK) they have to take it back as it CAN'T be a year old and they can't prove the issue was caused by your mistreatment. It doesn't matter how many phones you've had... Also, where did you buy the phone from? I think you should be able to return it through the shop as THEY sold you the phone, not HTC... They are still under an obligation as they sold you the thing.
Plus, the 'I'm a 17 year old and saved up for ages thing' might work too! I'd try not to get too technical with the law if you go down this route though!
Best of luck sorting this out. It's within your rights to get a replacement (you bought the phone new, I assume?) so I'm sure this will eventually work out. Don't give up! You just need to speak/ write to the right person...
sent from my internet
What rom were you on?
I remember my One X not charging at all while it was turned off completely although it showed Orange charging led.
It could be that you ran out of battery and phone not turning on. Due to no charging effect.
Reading your story there's one thing that's crossing my mind.
Could it be possible the battery run dry during the night?
It sounds stupid but those things you forget easy when you're in a hurry or stressed.
I don't read anything in your post you tried to charge.
Atrixx said:
Just to give you a brief rundown of everything that's happened..
I'm 17 and saved up for a few months to buy a HTC One X. Needless to say, it's probably the most expensive phone i've ever owned, since all my other phones were hand-me-downs and old phones from eBay.
This morning i wake up and go to work as usual. Just to find my phone's display won't switch on. As you can imagine, I'm tirelessly panicking and try the 3 button combo.. to no avail.
Using Fastboot to reboot didn't work either.
This phone turned into a brick overnight, and i have no idea what happened??
Just before i left for work, i did check my phone and it was working alright.. Then five minutes later, it won't display anything.
The thing is, I can't take it back to HTC either because this is my 5th replacement phone!
First one had black glue smudged on the LCD it's self,
Second one had the screen not glued down and wasn't aligned,
Third one didn't even have any glue applied and the case wasn't even attached properly,
Forth one had this problem where the screen's LCD would dilate if i touched it - even lightly,
and this one is my 5th, the antenna wasn't properly connected and now the screen doesn't work.
I've had terrible luck, and i don't know what i can do?
If you can give me any information to get me out of this, it would be much appreciated.
Although i still can receive text's and calls fine, it's just the display..
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privatetrousers said:
Are HTC refusing then?
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Yes. But not in every region (yet). Do a search. It's been disucssed. Also, it appears Samsung's going down the same path.
BarryH_GEG said:
Yes. But not in every region (yet). Do a search. It's been disucssed. Also, it appears Samsung's going down the same path.
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Aware of the discussion... Using the xda app and didn't pick up that the phone's been 'HTCdev'd (my fault for not reading properly - sorry, folks!). Still not sure HTC/ Samsung can legally 'sign your rights away' though. Still, not a discussion for here...
Hope you got the phone sorted anyway.
sent from my internet
Atrixx said:
I shook the device out of frustration.. and it started working for a few seconds.
What's going on here? Is it a faulty display/connection? Is there a way to possibly just send it to a nearby phone shop and get it fixed?
Sorry about all the questions, I'm shocked, happy, and devastated all at the same time.
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How or who fixed ur antenna problem, could be related if handset wasnt but back together properly.

[Q] HTC One X questions – temperatures, CPU frequencies, ripples and perhaps more.

Hello everyone. First of all, I want to write a small disclaimer saying that I have already searched multiple forums in order to find specific answers to my questions, but haven't managed to find the answers I needed. Furthermore, I am a first-time user on XDA so I also wanted to say Helloooo!!!
Here's the story. Two-days ago I have purchased an HTC One X from Orange, so it's the Tegra 3 international version. I need to point out that this is my very first smartphone. I haven't owned one until now because I felt like all I needed was a small box to speak in. However, times change and I am finally living in the present .
Needless to say, I love this device. However, I have a few questions regarding the handset, and handsets in general.
- First, the temperature. I have searched forums and I have learned that some smartphones get hotter than other, and that it's a normal thing. However, since I am not used with a hot device in my hands (literally and figuratively) it got a bit scared and I have searched the web for answers. The thing is, I wasn't able to find what is the exact safe-zone for this specific device. Keep in mind that this is a Tegra 3 version, and from my understanding Tegras it gets hotter than Snapdragons. Also, I have noticed that on many threads and forums, people mix-up battery and CPU temperatures…I simply want a clear answer. I want to know the safe-zone for both the CPU and battery, separately.
As a side note, I don't really care if the device feels warm in my hands when running demanding apps and games (normally the device is quite cool). However I am afraid I will damage the device if I play heavy 3D games….I don't want that to happen.
I was also wondering whether or not it's safe to use the phone with a protective case on, like otterbox defender. Wouldn't that rubber make the temperatures even higher?
- Second question: I ran StabilityTest because I got paranoid and I wanted to see if my device was stable. I ran the first CPU test (unrooted) for about 15 minutes and got no errors. However, I have noticed that on screen it said the cores run at 1,000 MHz…Wasn't this supposed to run at 1,5 Ghz?
- Third. I have also learned yesterday evening that some HTC One X units have a screen ripple issue…I tested mine and indeed I have the same problem.
However, it slightly ripples mostly on the left side. The thing is, it doesn't bother me because it only ripples if I press the glass on its very edge, and I can't see a reason why I would do that when using the device normally. I admit, I haven't pressed too hard because I really like the device and I don't want to damage it.
So what I was wondering is this. Is it normal for every One X to get this ripple effect? I have searched an older thread somewhere, and opinions were mixed. People have said that as long as it doesn't affect the rest of the screen, it's normal. Others (probably those owning another device) claimed it's not normal and the owners should replace the device.
However, the thread was a few months old and I wanted to get some newer answers. Has HTC answered this issue? Is it or is it not normal? I mean, I know no ripples > some ripples, but still. Is it dangerous? Will the problem get worse with the passage of time?
The thing is, someone claimed they have returned the device only to get an even worse one…I am not bothered by how my display ripples. It's nothing annoying, so as long as everything remains the way it is, I see no reason to return the device.
Will it get worse in time…?
Also, is the HTC One X the very first device to experience this issue? If not, how did the situation developed for other handsets experiencing ripple issues?
- Lastly, some people claimed that a certain update addressed a certain overheating issue. I am running software version 1.29.401.11 and it says I'm up to date (again, international version). Was this bug-fixing update released on the international version already, or am I running a version that overheats my device? Or, was this problem present on the international version to begin with?
Thank you so much for having the patience of reading my wall of text. I apologize if any information was already out there, I simply couldn't find the answers I needed. Well, I found some.
i really want to thank you for asking these questions. many of my questions will be answered too. i am waiting for the latest batch coz i believe i will get a perfect HOX. my basic issue is battery life is short. dint you face any problem like that? or wifi problem?
anyways. i am using N900. it is the most hackable device. i do many hacking and testing with it. can all these be possible with HOX. i am sorry but HOX will be my first android device so i know very little about android.
1) is it possible to hack WEP and WPA (with dictionary) wifi network?
2) is there MDK3 for android?
3) dsniff, dnspoof, etc
4) MITM attack.
if i buy HOX i will really miss my N900 for all these. is it possible to use them in android?
muid02 said:
i really want to thank you for asking these questions. many of my questions will be answered too. i am waiting for the latest batch coz i believe i will get a perfect HOX. my basic issue is battery life is short. dint you face any problem like that? or wifi problem?
anyways. i am using N900. it is the most hackable device. i do many hacking and testing with it. can all these be possible with HOX. i am sorry but HOX will be my first android device so i know very little about android.
1) is it possible to hack WEP and WPA (with dictionary) wifi network?
2) is there MDK3 for android?
3) dsniff, dnspoof, etc
4) MITM attack.
if i buy HOX i will really miss my N900 for all these. is it possible to use them in android?
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First of all, thanks for arranging all these questions in nice manner.
I'll surely keep track of this thread, as I'm also having similar doubts, which are not yet clear even after reading many threads and posting threads....
Looking forward to buy a new HOX here, preferebly from latest batches....
And a kind request to members those who are replying;
kindly give an unbiased opinon, and pls dont mix up any other issues...
muid02:- buddy, Please read what the thread is for....dont mix up unnecessay issues here, like your N900, adroid and other stupid stuffs...If you want clarification in those issues, start a new thread....
Neevar said:
Hello everyone. First of all, I want to write a small disclaimer saying that I have already searched multiple forums in order to find specific answers to my questions, but haven't managed to find the answers I needed. Furthermore, I am a first-time user on XDA so I also wanted to say Helloooo!!!
Here's the story. Two-days ago I have purchased an HTC One X from Orange, so it's the Tegra 3 international version. I need to point out that this is my very first smartphone. I haven't owned one until now because I felt like all I needed was a small box to speak in. However, times change and I am finally living in the present .
Needless to say, I love this device. However, I have a few questions regarding the handset, and handsets in general.
- First, the temperature. I have searched forums and I have learned that some smartphones get hotter than other, and that it's a normal thing. However, since I am not used with a hot device in my hands (literally and figuratively) it got a bit scared and I have searched the web for answers. The thing is, I wasn't able to find what is the exact safe-zone for this specific device. Keep in mind that this is a Tegra 3 version, and from my understanding Tegras it gets hotter than Snapdragons. Also, I have noticed that on many threads and forums, people mix-up battery and CPU temperatures…I simply want a clear answer. I want to know the safe-zone for both the CPU and battery, separately.
As a side note, I don't really care if the device feels warm in my hands when running demanding apps and games (normally the device is quite cool). However I am afraid I will damage the device if I play heavy 3D games….I don't want that to happen.
I was also wondering whether or not it's safe to use the phone with a protective case on, like otterbox defender. Wouldn't that rubber make the temperatures even higher?
- Second question: I ran StabilityTest because I got paranoid and I wanted to see if my device was stable. I ran the first CPU test (unrooted) for about 15 minutes and got no errors. However, I have noticed that on screen it said the cores run at 1,000 MHz…Wasn't this supposed to run at 1,5 Ghz?
- Third. I have also learned yesterday evening that some HTC One X units have a screen ripple issue…I tested mine and indeed I have the same problem.
However, it slightly ripples mostly on the left side. The thing is, it doesn't bother me because it only ripples if I press the glass on its very edge, and I can't see a reason why I would do that when using the device normally. I admit, I haven't pressed too hard because I really like the device and I don't want to damage it.
So what I was wondering is this. Is it normal for every One X to get this ripple effect? I have searched an older thread somewhere, and opinions were mixed. People have said that as long as it doesn't affect the rest of the screen, it's normal. Others (probably those owning another device) claimed it's not normal and the owners should replace the device.
However, the thread was a few months old and I wanted to get some newer answers. Has HTC answered this issue? Is it or is it not normal? I mean, I know no ripples > some ripples, but still. Is it dangerous? Will the problem get worse with the passage of time?
The thing is, someone claimed they have returned the device only to get an even worse one…I am not bothered by how my display ripples. It's nothing annoying, so as long as everything remains the way it is, I see no reason to return the device.
Will it get worse in time…?
Also, is the HTC One X the very first device to experience this issue? If not, how did the situation developed for other handsets experiencing ripple issues?
- Lastly, some people claimed that a certain update addressed a certain overheating issue. I am running software version 1.29.401.11 and it says I'm up to date (again, international version). Was this bug-fixing update released on the international version already, or am I running a version that overheats my device? Or, was this problem present on the international version to begin with?
Thank you so much for having the patience of reading my wall of text. I apologize if any information was already out there, I simply couldn't find the answers I needed. Well, I found some.
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Temperature - it does get hot. A lot of people say don't play games whilst charging the device, as it will get hotter.
I personally don't believe in this. The phone should have safeguards (similar to a PC) to specifically stop it overheating - infact it does, when it gets too hot, it stops charging. If it overheats and dies (which is a big if, i've certainly not heard of anyones hox dying from overheating), then this would be covered under warranty anyway. Which I believe is 2 years. It would be reallllly stupid for HTC not to test for heat issues before release. I'm sure they had a fleet of devices all running stress tests just to make sure they didn't melt.
I don't know the 'safe zones' all i know is that HTC confirmed that reaching a temperature of 55c is normal and nothing to worry about. I have since read of people reaching higher temps (72c) but I don't think even that had any adverse effects
The CPU underclocks itself for power saving. This is a separate feature from the companion core. This can be modified, you have to create a shortcut (easiest way is to use minimalistictext, and create a widget, that on tap will open the power saving settings shortcut.) It does run at 1500 however. You haven't been conned at least
Most hox's i've had (6 in total) had the screen ripple, the general rule on whether it is normal or not - if you have to push really hard to get it to ripple, then it's fine. It's only when it ripples on a very gentle touch that you might want to get it replaced/repaired. (a gentle touch does fall into normal use, and this ripple imo shouldn't happen under normal use.)
Do be sure that if you send back the device, that it IS a hardware problem, and that it is a bad enough issue to warrant possibly getting another, but worse problem. Note that I've been through 6 hoxs, each one of them with different (and some of the same) problems. The 6th one, is also defective, and is due to be replaced soon.
I don't believe the HOX is the first device to suffer from screen ripple. My DHD did it. The difference was i had to push unbelieveably hard to make it happen the slightest bit. So clearly there is some sort of design flaw here, particularly on those hoxs that just need a slight touch for it to happen.
Regarding the update that addresses overheating, somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but i think thats the 2.05 update, which hasn't been officially released yet, only leaked. You can install a custom rom with the 2.05 base, but otherwise just be patient and we shall soon have the update OTA.
Hope this helps
lawrence750 said:
Hope this helps
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Thank you so much for the detailed reply Lawrence. Your feedback really cleared some things in my mind.
Regarding the temperature, I have never seen the LEDs go red or anything like that. It just feels warm, that's all. I just checked the temperatures and right now while idling it shows 39 degrees, but considering the fact that my room temperature is around 33 degrees, I suppose that's a good value (yeah, AC broke, I run a big fan in my face lol). While playing GTA 3 for about 30 minutes last night the temps reached 50 degrees. I have seen older posts claiming that 50 degrees is really bad, but those posts were after or even before the handset launched in certain regions, and most people claiming this were comparing the One X with their own handset. Now that you've said HTC confirmed that 55 is a normal temperature, I think mine performs quite well to be honest...
Note* I haven't played while charging.
About the screen ripple. It doesn't happen on normal use. but if I focus in holding my fingernail on the very edge of the screen and drag it from top to bottom, i do see faint ripples. as I've said, it doesn't bother me as long as it won't get worse... do you have any idea if it can get worse somehow with the passage of time?
I am rather afraid to replace it since yes, I might end up with an even worse unit... so, for me at least it all depends on whether or not the ripples can get worse or if it can damage my display in time. I really don't know what to do here...I certainly don't want to replace my phone for more than one time...
Since you already replaced your HTC One X 5 times now, can you tell me how the process works? Will they replace my phone at the Orange store or do they need to check on it for a frikin week before deciding to give me another?...
Regarding the update, if it's not out then I'll just wait. Considering the fact that according to HTC my temps are in check, and considering the fact that I never got a warning and / or reboot, I should be safe, I hope.
Neevar said:
Thank you so much for the detailed reply Lawrence. Your feedback really cleared some things in my mind.
Regarding the temperature, I have never seen the LEDs go red or anything like that. It just feels warm, that's all. I just checked the temperatures and right now while idling it shows 39 degrees, but considering the fact that my room temperature is around 33 degrees, I suppose that's a good value (yeah, AC broke, I run a big fan in my face lol). While playing GTA 3 for about 30 minutes last night the temps reached 50 degrees. I have seen older posts claiming that 50 degrees is really bad, but those posts were after or even before the handset launched in certain regions, and most people claiming this were comparing the One X with their own handset. Now that you've said HTC confirmed that 55 is a normal temperature, I think mine performs quite well to be honest...
Note* I haven't played while charging.
About the screen ripple. It doesn't happen on normal use. but if I focus in holding my fingernail on the very edge of the screen and drag it from top to bottom, i do see faint ripples. as I've said, it doesn't bother me as long as it won't get worse... do you have any idea if it can get worse somehow with the passage of time?
I am rather afraid to replace it since yes, I might end up with an even worse unit... so, for me at least it all depends on whether or not the ripples can get worse or if it can damage my display in time. I really don't know what to do here...I certainly don't want to replace my phone for more than one time...
Since you already replaced your HTC One X 5 times now, can you tell me how the process works? Will they replace my phone at the Orange store or do they need to check on it for a frikin week before deciding to give me another?...
Regarding the update, if it's not out then I'll just wait. Considering the fact that according to HTC my temps are in check, and considering the fact that I never got a warning and / or reboot, I should be safe, I hope.
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I don't think the ripple gets worse over time, I can't say for sure really because I haven't had one long enough to see, however I can say that it does appear to be the way they are assembled that causes the issue, and its that that defines how bad the ripple is, rather than it getting worse over time.
My most recent hox, didnt have very bad ripple, and now after 'repair' it does, and also has a dead pixel in a different place. I suspect they actually replaced the screen, and it so happens that this screen has bad ripple. The other one didn't.
If I could find out for definite what they did it would kinda confirm whether the ripple gets worse over time or not, but they didn't log anything about the repair (tracking site never updated) and HTC can't tell me anything other about it than 'we're still waiting for it in repair center'
The replacement process (this applies to UK):
Sales of goods act states that if there is a fault with the device, in the first 6 months after purchase, it is the retailers responsibility to repair, replace, or refund the purchase, unless the retailer can prove that you caused the fault yourself.
If the repair option is chosen, then this mustn't significantly inconvenience the buyer. IE if they send it back unrepaired, they don't really have a choice from then, other than to replace it or refund you.
However there is also a cooling off period.
Depending on whether you bought the phone from an Orange shop (from actually within the shop) or bought it via internet/phone/mail, it differs slightly.
I'm pretty sure you don't actually
If you bought it online, or by phone, but not in the shop, then you will have a 7 day cooling off period, from the conclusion of the contract
If the service was activated before the 7 day cooling off period, then you have given up the right to a cooling off period, but this must have been clearly communicated and with your agreement.
Orange must also send you written confirmation of the contract and any other additional information applicable. If this doesn't arrive within the 7 days, but before 3 months after purchase, then the cooling off period doesn't start until these confirmations have arrived.
Assuming you're out of this 7 day period, and also assuming that you haven't accepted the goods yet(see below) then you can reject the goods if they aren't as described, fit for purpose, or aren't of satisfactory quality.
Customers are considered to have accepted goods when they:
tell you they have accepted them
alter them
keep them for a reasonable length of time - this varies according to the nature of the goods
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I'm just looking for the cooling off period when bought in a shop, but my head hurts lol, if you do a bit of searching on google should come up fairly easily
Even if there isn't a cooling off period, which you don't need a reason to cancel, then you can reject the goods as mentioned above, on the basis they aren't of satisfactory quality, and in this instance orange will possibly replace, but they aren't obliged to at this point. Appeal to their goodwill, but they may well insist on sending it for repair.
I have read before than if CPU ran at 80 + degree every time then it can last for 2 years , so no worries about heat guys. The money which we have paid is worth.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
forumhookersdotcom said:
I have read before than if CPU ran at 80 + degree every time then it can last for 2 years , so no worries about heat guys. The money which we have paid is worth.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
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But can the adjacent components withstand that heat emitting from the CPU?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
stuart0001 said:
But can the adjacent components withstand that heat emitting from the CPU?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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they use the foil layer to spread the heat over the device, so yes i expect that any nearby components would be fine.
I'm starting to get pissed off.
I got in touch with an HTC technical agent via their online form, and I have received an email where the agent told me that the battery temperature should not go over 50 degrees Celsius. If that happens, then he advised me to return the phone immediately.
He also said that ripples are not normal and once again, I should return the phone.
So I ran Glowball for about 20 minutes and my battery has gone up to 61 degrees Celsius....
I decided to take my phone back to the store where I have bought it. Those dudes raised their shoulders and told me to go to the company that deals with warranties in order to get a paper, then return to them.
I asked them if I can cancel my contract and get a refund, but no, apparently it too much time has passed since I made the purchase.
I have called the company and a clueless lady answered then cut me off mid-sentence when I started talking about technical stuff. She was clearly clueless but asked me if I have been at the store with my phone...derp...
Then she told me that I should go there on monday and see what's what....
What an incompetent way of doing things. I am 99% certain that I won't go anywhere with these monkeys, either that or I'll waste at least a whole month trying to get a hold of a HOX that works as intended.
This being my very first smartphone, I am very disappointed and I'm fearful I have just got myself a two year contract with a carrier, for a phone that doesn't work and with which I'll probably stuck with because of these idiots.
And by the way, why hasn't HTC recalled or announced every carrier and company that deals with warranties that every phone that has ripple and overheat issues need to be recalled and replaced as soon as someone like me shows up in their store with a faulty device in their hands???
htc one x cpu and battery
I have the following problem:
I have a HTC One X and have the BinDroid 5.0.0 Rome installiert.Der battery goes down quickly and the system hangs, no matter what I want ... the problem was with Coredroid V4.0 and BinDroid 4.0.0 already ... Not even in Whatsapp I can write without it hangs and the battery will not work correctly if it depends on the charger as soon as I use some program ... no matter what, whether whatsapp or other app's ... in the car when it depends on the charger, it produces the error message "Unable to load, the unit will be more current than the charger can charge" <- something like that ^ ^
now my question: it may be that generally run all CPUs instead of one CPU and the other can be switched on when it is necessary, as it should be normal, according to HTC?
What can or should I do that my HTc one x fluent running again?
Am very satisfied with BinDroid and in my opinion is the best ROM for the HTC One X

Signal Sporadically Drops After Kernel Mod.

Before I go any further, yes I have checked for other threads relating to the issue I am experiencing an could not find any that were completely relevant to my situation (I know how annoying and time consuming duplicate threads get! haha).
So I am with Telstra (Australia) currently running the 4.1.1 (JRO03C) Build. It is rooted and (Currently) running leanKernel-4.0.0dev14-jb. Prior to this I was running Franco's kernel. More or less, after waiting for Franco to push out a stable build for his mod, I decided I would try out the LeanKernel that is included through his Updater (So much quicker than the recovery way, I love it!). However, I just had to be unfortunate enough to do this during that 12 hour window in which the Franco Kernel Updater was experiencing a bug when flashing LeanKernel. After installing and rebooting, the phone would not start. It would just sit there at the splash screen, I set to work resolving it but ran into issues where the boot-loader was saying that there was no 'Boot' or 'Recovery' partitions. This was peculiar because I could still access CWM. So I eventually fixed it by pushing the Stock Kernel to it Via Fastboot and re-applying all the Bootloader and Radio images. (Another small fact, regardless of what Kernel I flash to it, it still seems to say LeanKernel.)
Now, the phone worked fine and Dandy for a few days, I did not even loose my data in the process - Was exactly the same as before. However just out of nowhere it lost signal. I immediately try powercycling it - did not fix the issue. So I then cleaned the SIM card and all the usual but it still could not acquire said reception (I also swapped SIM with a friend and my SIM worked in his without fault). I proceed over the next few hours feverishly mixing and matching all kinds of Radio's, Kernels, Settings, Supposed Patches and Fixes to no avail. The signal would come and go seemingly at will. I also fully reset the device and that did very little to improve the situation apart from render the phone slightly more responsive. And the thing is, its not as if it is saying it still has reception - the representation bars literally disappear completely.
Im at wits end with it, I had a HTC Dream when i was at school and spent weeks upon weeks figuring out how to carry out the Basics of a PowerUser Equivalent (Rooting, ROM FLASH, Radio's, Kernels, Overclocks, Diagnosing Software errors - the works) but this one has me gob smacked. Any help would be greatly appreciated, please let me know if you guys believe I may have forgotten a step or something obvious (Hiding in plain sight haha).
Anyone? Any feedback appreciated.
Alright, So I waited for somebody to reply to my question but it seems like everybody has better things to do. Eventually I resolved the problem.
I take no responsibility if you destroy your phone by disassembling it incorrectly.
I exhausted all possible software related troubleshooting, so I decided to tear it apart. After following the iFixit Guide for disassembling the Nexus (ifixit.com/Teardown/Samsung-Galaxy-Nexus-Teardown/7182/1) to Step 7 and removing the Headphone Jack/Speaker Assembly, I then noticed that my Coaxial Antenna cable had been pinched by the plastic mounts that it sits in. Due to the way it had been pinched and where the mount was - I was confident in assuming that I must have dropped it one to many times (i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j345/THEfog101/WP_000002-edit.jpg) causing the plastic rails to compress the cable.
Due to the small size of the cable - it was beyond repair, however I did manage to get it partially working as a interim solution. I separated the plastic shielding from the cable and re-rolled the inner cabling to the best of my ability. I then re-applied the plastic shielding and sealed it in wax. After re-assembling the phone (i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j345/THEfog101/WP_000011.jpg) it was getting reception, however it did sporadically drop under heavy usage (Lots of Data Usage Etc).
I Hunted around for the replacement cable (Was a lot easier than I thought It would be) when I found a supplier in the US, it proudly stated it was for the global model so I was confident it would work with my Australian model (cellphone-repair-shop.com/samsung-galaxy-nexus-global-antenna-coax-cable/). It was a little bit more pricey than I thought, but it was still a heck of a lot cheaper than buying another Galaxy Nexus (~$500).
The Cable came (i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j345/THEfog101/IMG_20120828_171935.jpg) and I fitted it the next day, simply taking the old one off and replacing it with the one I received in the mail - nothing else needed to be done. Since fitting the new antenna the Nexus now receives full reception again does not suffer any drops in service. (i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j345/THEfog101/WP_000020.jpg).
I hope this helps any others that suffer an issue similar to this. Sticking it may not be a bad idea either - simply because I could not find any other DIY fix to this issue online.
P.S Sorry about the non hyperlinked URL's, it wont let me post them because I have not posted here 10 times, despite me having been a member for quite some time.
Nice job, you know your stuff. Glad you got it fixed.
PS: the posting limits are based on the number of posts you have, not the date you have registered at XDA.
Thanks, It was a good opportunity to learn a little more about the internals of the phone as well. But yeah, I figured that was the case when it kept em blazing that message across the top of the page in large obnoxious letters whenever I tried to post with URLs embedded haha

My now pitiful experience with the M8

I love this phone. It's sexy, fast, and did I say sexy? But I'm on my second one now. The first had five stuck pixels and the top was pealing off. This one has none of that, but the touch screen is bugged. If I touch the backspace key on the Google Keyboard, I'll hit P somehow then it will select something random on the screen. If I'm scrolling through the homescreen, an app will open out of nowhere. If I press the back button, it will register it as a slide all the way up the screen and open Google now. I don't know if this is software, but so far it looks like I'm going to have to get another M8. If that one has problems, I'm going to the S5, no matter how ugly and bloatware ridden it is. I can't believe I've gotten two lemons in a row.
On that note, does T-Mobile offer replacements 14 days after getting the replacement, or is it only 14 days after getting the original device? I unlocked the bootloader so I don't want to send it in to HTC.
Get that info from your carrier. Go within these 14 days to a tmobile shop or just call them.
We are not tmobile here
Mr Hofs said:
Get that info from your carrier. Go within these 14 days to a tmobile shop or just call them.
We are not tmobile here
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I realize that, I was just seeing if somebody may have had a similar experience, and hoping this was a bug I'm experiencing now, like how my old GNex couldn't detect corners of the screen.
Gatortribe said:
I realize that, I was just seeing if somebody may have had a similar experience, and hoping this was a bug I'm experiencing now, like how my old GNex couldn't detect corners of the screen.
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I had the phantom in the keyboard after installing insert coin 2.10 but after updating to 2.3.2 its all good, now the only thing that pisses me off is the whelp message on firewater s off lol :good::good:
Sometimes it makes me happy to live in "technology backwards Australia" (relatively). A year and a bit ago, my 1 year old son thought my HTC ONE X would look better in a bucket of water, maybe he was trying to make a boat.. It had been around 6 months since I had it, I don't get "insurance", IMHO, a scam for most cases over here. Drying it out with silca + rice, I got it going again except it wouldn't read the SIM card. I took it in one of the local carrier shops (Vodafone), we're discussing the possible costs, and she sees my "very colourful" ViperROM, naturally no Vodafone look or apps (LOL).
The girl says it will be "a cost involved" if I want HTC to examine + repair and/or replace phone yada yada. Memory says she said it was $50 to get HTC to look at the phone to let me know if it was repairable etc.. So, I say thanks, go home, look for Vodafone RUU. Go back to stock, go to the other shop, I talk about the phone not working, playing dumb. The attendant guy says "Ok, let see what I can do for you". He goes to a cupboard, finds a refurbished HTC ONE X, and swaps it over on the spot.. Yay for people who don't "dig deeper", as all the phone stuff was less than a day old, that kinda looks suss, unless factory reset would make the files have similar timestamps etc..
But meh, I got a new phone replacement basically, well I didn't have the POGO pins working so my cheap ebay powered case wasn't worth getting extra time, but that was ok, ROM improvements plus my own 10plus hours a day helping out some ROM + kernel devs suss out the battery, we were getting a "pretty good" daily use per charge as opposed to the start, plus I owned 2 or 3 Nexus 7s by then... heh.
And it was somewhat mind blowing walking past the phone shops with the wife+ kids seeing the M8 on release day, no "fanfare" or trying to show off the M8 as a great flagship, it was on display next to an iPhone 4 and a Note (2 or 3).. And then the S5 on it's release did get the little bit of extra 'showing off', but overall, to most ignorant people (non insult), they were just other phones there, well besides how most people know someone or have had a galaxy themselves so therefore may be drawn to that.
And I spent a bit of time at the carrier shops recently as my wife (plus myself) were able to get a new phone, which my wife did, I mainly was inquiring about cheaper or better plans of similar cost since I was happy with my G2. I get a date personally that I have to wait to get a new plan as Vodafone want to intice people to get new phones so they can finish their plans earlier than 'just' getting out of contract to another sim plan.
True to Murphey's law, my G2 got hosed that night, HAHA. Had one 'big death' like that, did the stuff needed to reload the phone with a tot file etc, but the EFS partiton was truly hosed. Baseband, simcard, wifi was truly dead on stock JB, Kitkat and various custom roms I installed that night. Next day, M8 baby!
I got a perfect unit.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

Top Speaker (ear piece) not working.

My wifes top speaker doesn't work so the only way to hear during a phone call is to plug in a headset or put it on speaker. Is anyone else upset
with this company? They started a kick starter campaign to raise funds to start this company and due to the support from the community they came up with the funds. Then they took the first train Smoking to no support ville to sellout to a company that doesn't even make phones. A seemingly large amount of these phones have hardware issues with the speakers, the charging and cables. I cant detect mine in windows and I know enough about computers to know its not the driver or the computer (Ive tried many computers and cables). These issues are present across stock and customs Roms so Im not too hopeful and I apologize for being as pessimistic as I am right now but I dont feel like I should be having all these issues from a phone that is a little over a year old and there isnt any support from the company whoever they are now. They made a low quality phone (im being real nice) and then BAILED. I wouldnt even be upset If they stuck around even in spirit but theres no one to vent to. Hopefully this will help someone out there if they even consider buying this phone. If anyone has any ideas about the top speaker id appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
I understand your rant and honestly since you seem to have tried everything and failed to get a solution I understand your reply but you found out about the hardware issues from everywhere, gathered in one sentence and added 'no support from company' to it. Not quite fair.
Cable/Charging issues were in Q1-Q2 2016 which was resolved with cable replacements. Speaker/Volume issues was software issue which they kept working on till the last update they provided. Other major hardware issues were resolved with direct device replacements in warranty. The company stopped selling quite early before actually ending the support. Only the new buyers who bought at a steal price (leftover stock from sellers) didn't get the warranty or support as such.
People like to call them a a sellout but its better to be acquired and let their design language live than to go shut down the company for good, new phone makers see that fate quite often. Also this device is quite identical to what 5X is, so its not quite a 'low quality' phone. I am being real here too.
At the price its been sold at right now, it still is a steal. And the people who buy now know they aren't going to get warranty as its quite nicely and loudly announced.
The only gripe I've is the small battery size and mere 2.5-3.5hrs SOT. For me I never crossed 4hrs and average at 3hrs SOT. But then again that can be solved by a power bank which most carry now a days. I am considering buying one to charge everything I carry all day.
Now since you said you tried everything I would still like to ask have you installed the 'Robin drivers'?^ Because once that is sorted out most custom ROMs are quite stable and you can even flash stock again to know if its a problem for not.
I believed seeing the Android device detected was enough but after wiping everything from custom recovery the device never got detected but the Robin drivers helped to push files via adb.
^Robin Drivers - https://insider.razerzone.com/index.php?threads/robin-factory-images-and-usb-driver.21487/

