[ROM][P900][UNOFFICIAL] CyanogenMod 12.1 (Android 5.1.1) | LOLLIPOP | 20151104 - Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 Android Development

1I'm not responsible for any damage to your device of any sort.
By flashing this you take responsibility of anything that happens.
Process at your own risk!
1. Install custom recovery
2. Download the zip(s) - firmware and Google Apps additional package (optional)
3. Download and install a compatible recovery
4. Full wipe all
5. Flash firmware and gapps
6. Starting from 20150101 build - if you need root - you can enable developer options and activate root from here.
Also you can use old way: install SuperSu from recovery http://download.chainfire.eu/641/SuperSU/UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.40.zip
If you make stock firmware backup and install any cm11\12 or omni - you can get problems with restore backup of stock firmware. It can be problems with apps - like not supported os. To fix it - after restore backup in twrp - flash stock firmware using odin without any erase - you will restore all functionality or you can try repair permissions in twrp.
Known Issues
CyanogenMod Build:
50: 20151104 - first 5.1.1_r26 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5UzJnckRhRnNfbkU/view?usp=sharing (md5: 156985a81a84d373b11796b72623f96b)
49: 20151029: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5SlRXc29vSkFkV2s/view?usp=sharing (md5: e2eb464b235cb56eca1728aa65e06c43)
48: 20151006 - first 5.1.1_r24 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5eDlDVzkzRkg4d28/view?usp=sharing (md5: b43e02ddf0a5660aebd928c41e098924)
47: 20150923 - first 5.1.1_r18 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5aWxqbVl5MkZuZUU/view?usp=sharing (md5: 90ef4c212971e9cb0c3f1d721fbb1a71)
46: 20150910 - first 5.1.1_r13: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5SGZoUHNPaVRXcU0/view?usp=sharing (md5: bb30f44fead1397a05526a6dd04fdbbb)
45: 20150823: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5dXhpNkQzSkh4Tm8/view?usp=sharing (md5: ed11f20d90627c9649533538cfe4646e)
44: 20150810: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5UWRGdDRaYmRRelk/view?usp=sharing (md5: 928d2649135f7942dd085a7ee4ff5cda)
43: 20150805: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5Z21uclZGQ1Z3bms/view?usp=sharing (md5: 314c2a17cb5fe355d54ca524c542dd0e)
42: 20150731: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5cW1Sdjh0RGh5NHM/view?usp=sharing (md5: cbf64228449bfce55708542a3a4453a5)
41: 20150722: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5eXNidTViWkdta2c/view?usp=sharing (md5: a335999f932b5b856112e2e9af5e4840)
40: 20150716: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5NUJMeTNJangyNDA/view?usp=sharing (md5: 514147308c075701563cf5db77b6f1b2)
39: 20150712: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5OXZhcml5MGtTRXc/view?usp=sharing (md5: 362c58782924bf23a1de2a6f94b3fb0b)
38: 20150707 - first 5.1.1_r6: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5U1NmWFQweWhUdms/view?usp=sharing (md5: 698664b4f1015f990768acecdc0ec91f)
37: 20150703: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5dF9xSFIyNkwzaFE/view?usp=sharing (md5: 5cf011f480bd9a87238f7b3f50326813)
36: 20150614: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5SnJPc0ZDMUJ0Wlk/view?usp=sharing (md5: aa1675cc82edfaeb1585597ccda405cc)
35: 20150606: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5M0hwMHRlS2E2b0U/view?usp=sharing (md5: a64a367f150472a08024b6dae6d44074)
34: 20150528: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5RkM4VFFpN2IyMGc/view?usp=sharing (md5: 17fd3c06d7eb7375224ecde8535e63b6)
33: 20150523 - first 5.1.1_r3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5bGx0MXV5NXYyYnM/view?usp=sharing
(md5: 52253b24547e007b697d88b779cc8d2e)
32: 20150516: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5ZmtpVFRRUkRxc0E/view?usp=sharing (md5: b72effa0fa9bb53ae21ba900214ae3b2)
31: 20150510: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5RzdDdExuaEc5N2M/view?usp=sharing (md5: 6c49be1f7bb065796be4d7afa3a1ecba)
30: 20150506: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5VkdtaUZuanMtVWM/view?usp=sharing (md5: 69f4459f8e61d30fc8dd9ddcc0951f59)
29: 20150504: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5a2IyYzVhbV9Rekk/view?usp=sharing (md5: 81872fb9fece5dba904b9c64c36edbb0)
28: 20150423: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5dU1SRU9kRmFfN2c/view?usp=sharing (md5: 5bb91efaaaa73273147feb3634b0de75)
27: 20150422: first 5.1.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5U1VFX181UXJuWkU/view?usp=sharing (md5: 4f8c8cb6f157fdee66bde06bcdff098b)
26: 20150421: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5QzFfeW91MkpqY3c/view?usp=sharing (md5: 640e767593f65d79ab7ad941552b60c0)
25: 20150415 - first build on new android-5.1.0_r5: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5VTdRcmNHUnNoMnM/view?usp=sharing (md5: a8b818c8922ec9ddc47e58e64b53aca1)
24: 20150411: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5c3BJYk1CUmozTjA/view?usp=sharing (md5: f7d26ba7d7035bd31b8aac1a8817cf4e)
23: 20150408: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5QWdVM24tS2pKZUE/view?usp=sharing (md5: 4efc947bdf2648a82efdffd9a98f45dc)
22: 20150405: sound settings now working: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5MzFlRWo3SXBfTFE/view?usp=sharing (md5: d13412fa39f5fb490fc33293ef1c4f41)
21: 20150404: finally new version, based on new android 5.1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5clRnUlZKMTJ0YW8/view?usp=sharing (md5: 461545173f848bfef1f3e35a3addc98f)
20: build 20150319: wizard work: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5a2lXTEdrZ1BsQTA/view?usp=sharing (md5: ad7582d50c26e7e868a8025d4919bce7)
19: build 20150314:
- enable the stylus options (thanks apascual89) - settings\Language&input\Stlylus guestures:
- still crash at the start, removed the wizard (thanks ReasonablyRooted). Look like CyanogenMod prepare for 5.1 and now is a lot of changes.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5bDBCN1pqQUotczA/view?usp=sharing (md5: b3c4df897a1992923042ec9c0c18183e)
18: build 20150308: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5eFo5ZTl1aUs2V2M/view?usp=sharing (md5: 4e426e9f5f5383912b6dcec0bc7d5eca)
17: build 20150301 - move to sd-card now working, latest code: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5TUJDWVFLRkkyZlU/view?usp=sharing (md5: 87cb05514598f056cb89a117684060e9)
16: build 20150220: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5aEFqUWV3U2RwQ1k/view?usp=sharing (md5: c6059618aa6e1fcd5ead39575f3c5d6b)
15: build 20150217: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5WjVSZHpEcG51ZTg/view?usp=sharing (md5: bd491e6bad0577504b27e7556ed1b34f)
14: build 20150207 - link updated, latest code, but cm12 still on 5.0.2, hope upgrade to 5.1 will be soon: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5YXZiaWRaNnEydlU/view?usp=sharing (md5: b3185f5d1501f15a8bdf5ffea71e51e6)
13: build 20150131 - start wizard working (only one error on start wizard - "Unfortunately, the process com.android.phone has stopped." - just ok and continue, this problem will check tomorrow), merge with latest changes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5TTVaVFFrNUJMcmc/view?usp=sharing (md5: f6c3fa4b9a3a45becba930443e6acce7)
12: build 20150129 - Now at the end of an error running the wizard, this version only place on top of existing CM12. Checking this problem right now: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5YklLRWQ4MTVyM28/view?usp=sharing (md5: fa2b8fad7e029718ae53c2f88a74ce2a)
11: build 20150104 - root absent, performance page work (you can change cpu freq and governor), change cursor for s-pen (thank Dreamer7050): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5OTVHbzVZaDRPU1E/view?usp=sharing (md5: ba357fdec7590ef109d6e2a24bca5cd8)
10: build 20150101 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5dEdtRndMczl2U2s/view?usp=sharing (md5: fb79fc67de62f980d441372db25abde9)
9: build 20141224 -fix mouse cursor (thank bonuzzz): https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=HsrO&id=0B-6nm7Jks0W5UlhwUXhlZkJZcGs (md5: b39415d0e5169a20e132bd4d55e3cbd7)
8: build 20141221 - latest code + turn on sepolicy, experimental change keyboard height (now about 70% of original): https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=ubXT&id=0B-6nm7Jks0W5eW84OUo5MThiNG8 (md5: 778552b5480c4780fb4a3d7ae17c57b5)
7: build 20141219 - latest code + change wifi region from GB to All (thank to arcadia2uk): https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=YlMi&id=0B-6nm7Jks0W5QXppRWNQTjR0ckk (md5: 37cf6a1c5d349f499f7e894b17f7133d)
6: build 20141217 - remove s-pen cursor: https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=WymH&id=0B-6nm7Jks0W5WmY3ZnVBOFdieVk (md5: 62bdb528a8e73e7601c2b17bbe2632b2)
5: build 20141216: https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=YlMi&id=0B-6nm7Jks0W5UzJrRF85SHZvRFU (md5: d33a4d0045b0b23d69806d74bfc825f4)
4: build 20141215 with change cursor for s-pen: https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=YlMi&id=0B-6nm7Jks0W5bHhMMkpYVjZuekE (md5: 968d7140a7b3452e19a07fc80c45b2f7)
3: fist build 20141214: https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=YlMi&id=0B-6nm7Jks0W5ajdDa3kwR09GU3M (md5: 771381e1990dc02ce25356b5c0d52f1f)
CyanogenMod Port:
2: clean-up https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=YlMi&id=0B-6nm7Jks0W5SkVjZkgwTW13VzA
1: first very draft version https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=YlMi&id=0B-6nm7Jks0W5dHV4RW9HUVFjRms
It need special version for lollipop, take it from:
Official TWRP: http://www.techerrata.com/browse/twrp2/v1awifi
cm12 branch, in readme file (see device tree) all instructions for build.
Device: https://github.com/Valera1978/android_device_samsung_v1awifi
Kernel: https://github.com/Valera1978/android_kernel_samsung_v1awifi
Vendor: https://github.com/Valera1978/android_vendor_samsung_v1awifi
Thanks to CyanogenMod team and special thank to crpalmer, his hard work on fix all problems for original SM-T520 finally allow create build for SM-P900.
Special thank for bonuzzz.
XDA:DevDB Information
CyanogenMod 12, ROM for the SM-P900, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2
Valera1978, bonuzzz
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: CyanogenMod
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 20150408
Stable Release Date: 2015-04-08
Created 2014-12-13
Last Updated 2015-04-08

Nice will flash it when I get home

Looks awesome! Will load tomorrow and post results!
One request along the way ... any chance you could include an MD5 checksum when you link the ROM? It's probably a leftover reflex from my early Internet days when Wildcat BBS would randomly drop or insert noise into a download, but it makes me feel better about hitting "Wipe".

So much fun.....
Sent from my SM-P900 using Tapatalk

Ok, I gotta say that this is one of the smoothest & fastest ROMs out there for the SM-P900 Wifi. Hands down, ABSOLUTELY ALMOST PERFECT. A lot of the samsung functionality is not there, but this is CyanogenMod 12 not TouchCrap, lol, I mean TouchWiz. I personally installed this ROM and am currently running it on several of my devices and I must say it is better than any other mentioned daily driver. It does not include the Samsung properties. However, if the developers and or the OP would allow me, I'm about 99% sure I could strip off all of the Spen(s) functionality from the TouchWiz Stock ROM, and have it fully implemented, installed, and completely working with this beast of a ROM. And yes I'm pretty sure that it can be done. That is of course if the developers and or the OP ALLOWED me the opportunity to assist. As of for this ROM. I have bench tested it several times and the numbers are better than any other ROM out there today for this model. Please don't anticipate that I'm implying other developers ROM's are not all there or are not good ROM's. It's just my honest opinion, from some 25+ years of advanced software and hardware development that this ROM is the most stable, best battery consumption, has a better and far superior benchmark, clears the RAM faster, reads and writes better with this particular hardware, produce better results, even without the Spen functionality, than anything else currently available. If you were to add the Spen full functions and missing software. This would devastate anything else out there, and would totally show the full power capabilities of what this hardware can properly do with the right provisioned software and or ROM.
Basically put. I've developed for 3 of the top companies in the US and this would absolutely be my daily driver, if the missing Spens functions were to be added. Without the functions added. It is by far the most stable and rock solid ROM out there.
If you're looking to fix that crack flashing addiction, one time and for all, then look no further, this is it. PERIOD.
Developers don't need no stinkin' signature!
If I've been able to help you, please hit the "Thanks" button.

she's a beauty
Thank you so much!!! Coming from stock this rom is a huge improvement. I will be donating when I figure out how. The ROM installed without issue. I'm a software engineer so I use my tabby for uml diagramming, taking notes at meetings, android development, and surfing the web. First thing I tested was the spen in papyrus and it works great(installed the spen app recommended from the kitkat rom.) The cover works great, on/ off just like before. Chrome on the stock rom would pause all the time in the middle of page loads. It was so annoying that i was considering pulling out the profiler to looking for a solution. Its now so smooth that i feel i couldnt make any further improvement. Overall, the performance versus the stock, well there is no comparison, your ROM smokes it by a mile. I am currently developing a USB accessory. I could not access this tablet over a Bluetooth PAN because Samsung didn't let me use the blue tooth to connect to my PC. Now I finally have bluetooth PAN, can't wait to try it on Monday. Oh yeah, I'm a super geek and I just had to have lollipop on my tabby, thank you for the early Christmas present!
To anyone who is wondering if they should give it a go.....do it!!
PS. Not sure how much of a trade secret your build process is but I would love to know the process. As I said earlier I'm developing a USB accessory and to test I must plug and unplug the USB cable all day long. Every time I do this adb disconnects the debugger. I have looked at the code and think I can make the needed changes to avoid the disconnect. All I need to do is build adb from source and test the change. having a working build would really help.
Thanks again,

I'm actually very impressed at how well this has been ported over. This actually is the best CM Lollipop ROM I've ran thus far (and that's across 9 different devices..).
Great work. Shoot me a message if you come by any issues you can't figure out.

I had a few issues with the setup.
1. I could not sign in to Google during setup. It would say it had trouble connecting and to try again later. I push next button and same message comes up over and over. Had to use back button.
I could sign in to Google from the browser but still couldn't get Play Store for recognize me.
2. In the About device, all the info was from the previous rom and kernel. I did full wipe of delvic, cache, data, and system.
So, I restored back to previous rom since I couldn't install any of my apps.
---------- Post added at 05:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:16 AM ----------
Also, I tried installing clean up: cm-12-port_working_last.zip, in twrp but it error ed saying that it was for that it was for xxxwifi (sorry, don't remember exactly ) but I had xxxxaxx, as if I was running at the rom or something so couldn't install it. Was I supposed to run it first? It is listed first but has 2 by it so I'm a little confused.

Hello guys! Thanks for the rom!
I have a question, You need a different recovery to that used for CM 11? Thanks

dadecamp said:
I had a few issues with the setup.
1. I could not sign in to Google during setup. It would say it had trouble connecting and to try again later. I push next button and same message comes up over and over. Had to use back button.
I could sign in to Google from the browser but still couldn't get Play Store for recognize me.
2. In the About device, all the info was from the previous rom and kernel. I did full wipe of delvic, cache, data, and system.
So, I restored back to previous rom since I couldn't install any of my apps.
---------- Post added at 05:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:16 AM ----------
Also, I tried installing clean up: cm-12-port_working_last.zip, in twrp but it error ed saying that it was for that it was for xxxwifi (sorry, don't remember exactly ) but I had xxxxaxx, as if I was running at the rom or something so couldn't install it. Was I supposed to run it first? It is listed first but has 2 by it so I'm a little confused.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This firmware for SM-P900 only (code name: v1awifi). It's always detect as v1awifi for any custom firmware.
You can make small modify to run this firmware: open cm-12-port_working_last.zip, find META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script and remove first line from it.

Wow, very interesting! Спасибо, Валера!
I am curious about S-Pen here and all that handwriting stuff.
Anybody could share his experience?

Aurondios said:
Hello guys! Thanks for the rom!
I have a question, You need a different recovery to that used for CM 11? Thanks
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Click to collapse
No, you can use the same recovery. I use TWRP
I can put cwm from cm11.

when using the s-pen an arrow appear as using a mouse Can I remove it? its annoying
---------- Post added at 04:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:07 PM ----------
tatuk said:
Wow, very interesting! Спасибо, Валера!
I am curious about S-Pen here and all that handwriting stuff.
Anybody could share his experience?
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The S-pen works veeery nice! Beter than stock and CM11 but there is a little problem. When u use the s-pen an arrow appear in the screen like when you use a mouse.

Which of the 3 links in the initial post should we use - just want to make sure thanks

golfinggino said:
Which of the 3 links in the initial post should we use - just want to make sure thanks
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The one with number "3." is the latest.
---------- Post added at 08:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 PM ----------
wiped all.. still have this problem..
add http ://shrani.si/f/h/12d/4tZld3cF/20141214203353.jpg
it says my device is not v1awifi..but i have sm-p900 wifi version...

Aurondios said:
when using the s-pen an arrow appear as using a mouse Can I remove it? its annoying
---------- Post added at 04:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:07 PM ----------
The S-pen works veeery nice! Beter than stock and CM11 but there is a little problem. When u use the s-pen an arrow appear in the screen like when you use a mouse.
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You cant turn off mouse pointer.
There are very early builds. They dont pretend to any stability and usability. Use them as is.

Valera1978 said:
This firmware for SM-P900 only (code name: v1awifi). It's always detect as v1awifi for any custom firmware.
You can make small modify to run this firmware: open cm-12-port_working_last.zip, find META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script and remove first line from it.
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Click to collapse
I tried newest build and still get the error. Says my device is v1a3gxx. I am on SM-P900 and using Civato's rom
I am now trying to delete that line but don't know where the line ends, because the text continues on in windows notepad.
assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "v1awifi" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "v1awifi" || abort("This package is for device: v1awifi; this device is " + getprop("ro.product.device") + ".");
Thanks for your help.

dadecamp said:
I tried newest build and still get the error. Says my device is v1a3gxx. I am on SM-P900 and using Civato's rom
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Click to collapse
Sounds like you installed a "wrong" CWM or TWRP. I guess Civato's ROM did not check this during the installation. Go ahead and reflash your Recovery. Make sure it's for P900, not P905 or anything else.

dadecamp said:
I tried newest build and still get the error. Says my device is v1a3gxx. I am on SM-P900 and using Civato's rom
I am now trying to delete that line but don't know where the line ends, because the text continues on in windows notepad.
assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "v1awifi" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "v1awifi" || abort("This package is for device: v1awifi; this device is " + getprop("ro.product.device") + ".");
Thanks for your help.
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Click to collapse
You have P901 model
so you have to extract zip archive, replace in updater-script "v1awifi" to "v1a3gxx", make new zip archive and flash it.
Dont edit it in windows notepad. download notepad++ for example.

Great ROM just flashed and testing it out now everything seems to be working as it is should thanks for another great ROM option


[ROM] [Dec 13, 2012] [4.1.2] CM10 Nightly by WFLSL from fengbao.com

Disclaimer: I take no credit for this rom. This CM10 Nightly was developed by a developer named "WFLSL" who posted his work on a Chinese forum called "fengbao.com" (Original link: http://bbs.fengbao.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1219102)
Warning: I am not responsible for any outcomes made by this rom. Install this rom only if you agree that flashing a non-stock rom could result in bricking your your phone, meaning that your phone may be permanently non-functional.
WFLSL, the developer of this rom has been maintaining continuous works in making CM10 available for all LU6200 users, but because he only posted his work on that Chinese website, not many people from other countries know about it.
It is virtually impossible for users who do not speak Chinese to register and use Fengbao.com. Even if you somehow figure out how to register, you won't be able to continue because you can't get the download link which is only revealed upon posting a comment. To post a comment on Fengbao.com, you need to enter a captcha code in Chinese. Obviously most of international users do not know how to read and type in Chinese.
That's why I decided to start this thread to keep you guys with up-to-date CM10 available for our device.
Again I take no credit for this rom. I am not a native Chinese speaker. I am a Korean who just luckily know how to read the Chinese captcha code and enter it. All the thanks should be forwarded to "wflsl" for his great work.
Please note that I may not be able to update this thread as often as you all want me to, but I will try my best.
If there's any problem, moderators can delete this thread. It's 100% okay with me.
CM10 Nightlies for LU6200
This is CM10 Nightly created for LU6200 by WFLSL. (http://bbs.fengbao.com/thread-1181592-1-1.html) My guess is (because I do not fully understand the original post in the Chinese forum) that WFLSL made this rom by porting CM10 for p930. I believe he mentioned that the change log basically follows that of p930.
There are no special modifications or special features other than CM10 stock features. However, I made very simple and minor modifications to this rom 1) to make it more stockish and 2) to fill things that are missing.
1. removed Chinese keyboard.
2. removed Chinese-localized Root Explorer
3. removed an app called 'Rebooter'
4. modified build.prop to change the default language and location to English and US. WFLSL made this default since the December build.
5. removed a script that reboots the device after installing the rom.
6. removed unnecessary server lists in hosts file under system\etc\. This caused issues in using Play Store and some Google services.
7. modified [init.qcom.post_boot.sh] under system\etc\. to make mpdecision and thermald work on LU6200. See the following codes. Texts in red has been added. WFLSL made this default since the December build. So this change is now there already.
# Post-setup services
case "$target" in
"msm8660_surf" | "msm8660_csfb" | "i_atnt" | "hdk_8x60" | "i_skt" | "i_dcm" | "p930" | "su640"[B][COLOR="Red"] | "lu6200"[/COLOR][/B])
start mpdecision
start thermald
Also in the same file, I changed the following value from 0 to 1. When this is 0, the back light of the touch buttons (menu / home / back) does not work. If you prefer to keep them off, open up this file using Root Explorer or the likes and change the value back to 0.
echo [B][COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR][/B] > /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/max_brightness
Installation Instruction
1. Boot into CWM.
2. Back up your current rom.
3. Full wipe. (If you are coming from a previous version of this rom, just wipe cache and dalvik cache.)
4. Install the downloaded rom.
5. Install Gapps : http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-jb-20121011-signed.zip
6. Reboot
Download Link
20121125 (Nov 25, 2012) : https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BwyI4fyzvGBsSmpkdmRhczlzWE0
20121129 (Nov 29, 2012) : https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BwyI4fyzvGBsc1c3UjFXcC0tNHM
20121213 (Dec 13, 2012) : https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BwyI4fyzvGBsQjZqWW5IOXlNTGM
(I will keep the most recent 3 builds under my shared Google Docs folder. Please do not ask for older builds.)
Change Log
- If you find your home button does not work after flashing a new rom, you probably flashed wrong Gapps. (Flashing Gapps for Android 4.2 will cause this.) To solve this problem, flash the correct one linked above. If this doesn't fix, factory-wipe your phone, format system, then flash CM10 and gapps.
- Some reported (including myself) that recording 1080p with stock camera is problematic.
Again, I am not the developer of this rom. If you find a bug and can speak Chinese, please visit the original developer's page and report there. My support will be very very limited because I am not a developer at all. (Original link: http://bbs.fengbao.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1219102)
Thank You
Thanks for your great effort mate in bringing this out for us.
Thank you for sharing this and thank you for the changes you made. Those are the usual changes I do in all the ROMs I use. Thank you for saving me the trouble.
TQ for this rom. it's stable so far
Wow first time for JB
Thanks a lot for the work.
mac20dnangel said:
Thanks for your great effort mate in bringing this out for us.
But I am releasing the Stable build of CM10 for LU6200.
You may search for it.
Optibean RC2
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And thank you too, and to be honest (and not hopefully not being offensive) Optibean has too many other things you have added (like HoloLauncher), some users might not want it and don't want to mess with /system/apps/. So a clean ROM like this one might actually help.
Thank You
maddie said:
Thanks a lot for the work.
And thank you too, and to be honest (and not hopefully not being offensive) Optibean has too many other things you have added (like HoloLauncher), some users might not want it and don't want to mess with /system/apps/. So a clean ROM like this one might actually help.
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Thank you for the support and suggestions. By the way OptiBean will be release in three diff. files:
1st - A clean slate ROM
2nd- A Medium ROM [Minimal Add-ons] Around 200mb size
2nd - Heavy ROM [Lots of System Add-on Apps]
That will be its next release.
Holo launcher was removed and replaced by the latest Trebuchet launcher and some optimization has been made with the ROM.
Hope you will like the next release of Optibean.
PS: Sorry for my bad english
thank you
can you bring new download link : 2012-11-23
this rom draining my battery so fast T T
Sent from my LG-lu6200 using xda premium
Thanks, will give it a try.
SHaDoHaCK said:
thank you
can you bring new download link : 2012-11-23
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Though the title said so, the uploaded file was Nov 21 version. However, I just noticed there was another update yesterday. I will try to review the rom and upload it soon.
mac20dnangel said:
Thank you for the support and suggestions. By the way OptiBean will be release in three diff. files:
1st - A clean slate ROM
2nd- A Medium ROM [Minimal Add-ons] Around 200mb size
2nd - Heavy ROM [Lots of System Add-on Apps]
That will be its next release.
Holo launcher was removed and replaced by the latest Trebuchet launcher and some optimization has been made with the ROM.
Hope you will like the next release of Optibean.
PS: Sorry for my bad english
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Thanks for the great effort you make.
I will try to keep this thread until it is not needed any more. (Like you said you are uploading the clean CM10 too)
iamdos said:
this rom draining my battery so fast T T
Sent from my LG-lu6200 using xda premium
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Try to turn off wifi when you are not using it. I get average of 1.5% drain if I don't use the phone.
If I leave the wifi on, I also get bad battery life.
If you encounter some ghosting effect (graphic issues) in games like Dead Trigger, try to check "Disable HW overlays" option in Developer options (Settings). this solved my graphic issues.
Everything else is smooth and fast. Battery drains a little faster but tolerable. All in all a great ROM.
The best part is, the original poster gives a full detail of what he changed and never claims the ROM as his release and gives full credit to original developer.
This just replaced MIUI on my phone.
it's hard to off wifi ^,6
Sent from my LG-LU6200 using xda premium
iamdos said:
it's hard to off wifi ^,6
Sent from my LG-LU6200 using xda premium
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I use profile apps to automatically disablle/enable wifi/bluetooth/gps/etc based on time/schedule.
Just posted 20121125 build. (Same minor modification applied.)
There seem to be very minor changes according to the change log. If you are happy with 1121 build, you can skip this one in my opinion.
One thing I did notice was that the original developer, WFLSL, inserted a new 'hosts' file under system / etc folder. There're a bunch of server lists for Google services, and I am not sure what they are for. (These weren't there in 1121 build.) If you encounter any problem while web browsing or using any Google services, open 'hosts' file and delete everything after the first 2 lines as shown below, save the changes, and reboot.
#local localhost
i just flashed version 20121125
only 1 problem is play store doesn't load any images T T
try to uninstall latest version 3.10.x the one that come along with this rom
to be older version of 3.9.x but still the same T T
Edited: just notice pins2u said above...i changed hosts file as you said and it's okay now TQ
iamdos said:
i just flashed version 20121125
only 1 problem is play store doesn't load any images T T
try to uninstall latest version 3.10.x the one that come along with this rom
to be older version of 3.9.x but still the same T T
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I think it's not because of the play store, but the file called "hosts" located in system/etc.
Please follow the procedure below.
Open the file with root explorer. You will see bunches of lines.
Delete everything except for the first 2 lines.
It should have only 2 lines as shown below.
#local localhost
Save it and reboot.
See if it helps. I haven't test the rom myself yet, but will report back when I do.
iamdos said:
Edited: just notice pins2u said above...i changed hosts file as you said and it's okay now TQ
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Okay, that's great. I will update the rom tomorrow.
Update: New link for 20121125 build with reverted hosts file has been posted.
pins2u said:
Disclaimer: I take no credit for this rom. This CM10 Nightly was developed by a developer named "WFLSL" who posted his work on a Chinese forum called "fengbao.com" (Original link: http://bbs.fengbao.com/thread-1181592-1-1.html)
Warning: I am not responsible for any outcomes made by this rom. Install this rom only if you agree that flashing a non-stock rom could result in bricking your your phone, meaning that your phone may be permanently non-functional.
WFLSL, the developer of this rom has been maintaining continuous works in making CM10 available for all LU6200 users, but because he only posted his work on that Chinese website, not many people from other countries know about it.
It is virtually impossible for users who do not speak Chinese to register and use Fengbao.com. Even if you somehow figure out how to register, you won't be able to continue because you can't get the download link which is only revealed upon posting a comment. To post a comment on Fengbao.com, you need to enter a captcha code in Chinese. Obviously most of international users do not know how to read and type in Chinese.
That's why I decided to start this thread to keep you guys with up-to-date CM10 available for our device.
Again I take no credit for this rom. I am not a native Chinese speaker. I am a Korean who just luckily know how to read the Chinese captcha code and enter it. All the thanks should be forwarded to "wflsl" for his great work.
Please note that I may not be able to update this thread as often as you all want me to, but I will try my best.
If there's any problem, moderators can delete this thread. It's 100% okay with me.
CM10 Nightlies for LU6200
This is CM10 Nightly created for LU6200 by WFLSL. (http://bbs.fengbao.com/thread-1181592-1-1.html) My guess is (because I do not fully understand the original post in the Chinese forum) that WFLSL made this rom by porting CM10 for p930. I believe he mentioned that the change log basically follows that of p930.
There are no special modifications or special features other than CM10 stock features. However, I made very simple and minor modifications to this rom 1) to make it more stockish and 2) to fill things that are missing.
1. removed Chinese keyboard.
2. removed Chinese-localized Root Explorer
3. removed an app called 'Rebooter'
4. modified build.prop to change the default language and location to English and US.
5. removed a script that reboots the device after installing the rom.
6. removed unnecessary server lists in hosts file under system\etc\. This caused issues in using Play Store and some Google services.
7. modified [init.qcom.post_boot.sh] under system\etc\. to make mpdecision and thermald work on LU6200. See the following codes. Texts in red has been added.
# Post-setup services
case "$target" in
"msm8660_surf" | "msm8660_csfb" | "i_atnt" | "hdk_8x60" | "i_skt" | "i_dcm" | "p930" | "su640"[B][COLOR="Red"] | "lu6200"[/COLOR][/B])
start mpdecision
start thermald
Also in the same file, I changed the following value from 0 to 1. When this is 0, the back light of the touch buttons (menu / home / back) does not work. If you prefer to keep them off, open up this file using Root Explorer or the likes and change the value back to 0.
echo [B][COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR][/B] > /sys/class/leds/button-backlight/max_brightness
Installation Instruction
1. Boot into CWM.
2. Back up your current rom.
3. Full wipe. (If you are coming from a previous version of this rom, just wipe cache and dalvik cache.)
4. Install the downloaded rom.
5. Install Gapps : http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-jb-20121011-signed.zip
6. Reboot
Download Link
20121121 (Nov 21, 2012) : https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BwyI4fyzvGBsdGdMaUhPellPbFk
20121125 (Nov 25, 2012) : https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BwyI4fyzvGBsSmpkdmRhczlzWE0 (updated)
(I will keep the most recent 3 builds under my shared Google Docs folder. Please do not ask for older builds.)
Change Log
Again, I am not the developer of this rom. If you find a bug and can speak Chinese, please visit the original developer's page and report there. My support will be very very limited because I am not a developer at all. (Original link: http://bbs.fengbao.com/thread-1181592-1-1.html)
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Download Links not work,can you please upload new Download Link?
Link for version 20121125 (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwyI4fyzvGBsSmpkdmRhczlzWE0/edit?pli=1) still works. I just tried.

[UPDATED][2015][How-to][Everything you need to know and do to your Captivate Glide

[UPDATED][2015][HOW-TO]Everything you need to know and do to your Captivate Glide by Stormdude124!
Hello, I see a lot of people wondering how to root the captivate glide,what ROMS are active and want to use a custom ROM but can't figure out how to do it. Well, here is a awesome guide that's easy to follow! When your done don't for get to drop a thanks if I've helped!
(of course when you make any modifications to your phone I'm not responsible but I am here to help!
I'm not discouraging you to do this,because this makes your phone awesome, but you know the drill :3 )
Firstly you need to update your firmware to 4.0.4 UCLJ3,You technically don't have to do this step,but this is the guaranteed way to successfully do it and have no issues. Here's two simple ways you can do it:
*If you are rooted /have the Rodgers version and want to update:
If you are on 2.3.5 android firstly, Update to official ICS 4.0.4 via ODIN.If you have Rodgers version you need root anyways .Click the button to show more and why:
Okay so you have the Rodgers version of the phone and you want root right?
Well your in luck! It does require having a custom ROM first...The reason is because the pre-rooted 2.3.5 ODIN flashable ROM is dead and I have yet to find one.If you want to be on official ICS Do this:Flash TWRP>backup your ROM>Install CM11 from recovery(it is pre rooted thats a plus!)>backup your /efs(this contains your unique IMEI number) with efs pro>then flash the 4.04 offical firmware via ODIN below this>restore your /efs. (if it was lost of course)If you want to stay on your custom ROM theres no probem with that,but if you have problems with signals or anything just flash this in recovery.
If you have any questions regarding this method check this thread out first.Anyways please follow the guide for step by step instructions on how to do everything and have the required files!
Rooted at&t version you don't have to do anything special just update normally *Sweet tits it already uploaded to my Google Drive! now its available to anyone Links are below this [I'm pretty sure if you have Rogers version you can update with this as well,but you need to have root to have your /efs partion backed up because in some cases it was reported lost.]
ICS 4.0.4 UCLJ3 Mirror 1 SamMobile(needs account) Mirror 2 My Google Drive (anyone can access no account required and fast speeds!-a txt file is included if you need more help you out on flashing it )
and here's also a guide on how to flash it!(if you are following this guide please use Bubor's TWRP as it is needed for KitKat ROMS)
*If you are not rooted /at&t version and want to update:
you can simply use Kies
If and after you updated though Kies,make sure you uninstall Kies before you install ODIN.
Basically follow this youtube video and install TWRP not CWM!!!
I can't stress how important it is to Have TWRP, CWM will simply not work,but if you installed CWM its not hard at all to change! Just flash this in CWM and your recovery will change to TWRP
If on mobile or non flash device click here
While watching this video please flash TWRP!!!!!
You should now be fully updated and rooted!!!
This is not necessary if you are staying on your current network,but if you want to unlock your phone to another network,It would be cool to see this first: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1860003
Here is a list of currently active ROMS (as of 1/24/14)
(Bubor's, grtsarav's,and xdajog's ROMS) The only bugs which are in JB+(4.1+) include,No Bluetooh Headset (everything else works fine,BT speaker file transfer ect.) Fixed camera Rotation,meaning when you take a Picture it will always be rotated at 90 degrees,just rotate them in gallery.
Anyway the ROM I use is CRdroid 4.4.4,but if your looking for something a little more Stock based use sediROM.
But i'm not the one to tell you what ROM to get! Try them all! Or try just try one! What ever you like! All I know is you'll enjoy the life and freedom with a custom ROM!!!
*Please read if you have a JellyBean ROM* all Jellybean ROMS haven't been updated in awhile.If you would like a ROM that is guaranteed to have updates please choose a KitKat branch or use sediROM (which is ICS 4.04)
Lollipop (Android 5.0-5.0.x)
Alsas Fix -It is baked into the ROM,download terminal emulator to activate
CyanogenMod 12 5.0.2 Last Update: 03/02/15
Current Status: Stable
-Root: can be enabled in development settings,enabled by tapping build number 5 times!
Bugs: Unfortunately if you want to use this ROM you sacrifice your camera.²Apparently apps that didn't work in 4.4 work fine in this build,meaning you can use latest google now ect.
KitKat (Android 4.4-4.4.4)
Note:* the alsas fix (aka skype fix) has its own version for 4.4.3 and 4.4.4,here's the link for 4.4.3*
Here's the link for 4.4.4
*Freshly updated 4.4.4*
CyanOgenMod 11 M12 (KitKat 4.4.4) Last update:01/13/15 Current Status: Very Stable
OMNI ROM (Kitkat 4.4.4) Last update:12/23/14 Please go to Test Directory for this version (window mode feature) Current Status: Very Stable
P-A-C Man ROM RC1 (KitKat 4.4.4) Last update:12/23/14 Current status: Very Stable
grtsarav's ROM:
*updated to 4.4.4*
crDroid Simple (KitKat 4.4.4) Last update: 10/02/14 Current status: Very Stable
Note:* the alsas fix (aka skype fix) has its own version for 4.4.3 and 4.4.4),here's the link for 4.4.3*
*Here's 4.4.4*
>All 4.x.x ROMS<*It has came to my attention that some apps aren't compatible with our phone anymore.This is due to a bug in the Nvidia GPU and NEON Instructions that our CPU is not compatible with.
Below I have provided the latest versions of affected apps that work with our phone:
Google Now (Search) GNL Says you need a newer version of search downgrade it
Google Now Launcher-Use this If The latest GNL says you need a newer version of search
Youtube 5.3.32-Some say the latest version works,but it crashes constantly.This one doesn't.
Google Camera 2.2.024 -Tested works great!
Google Maps 6.14.4 -the latest works but there's a bug in the NV Graphics that gives you a black screen when you leave the app and comeback to the same session o_0
4.4.x Gapps package from 03/16/14-Okay we lucked out here,I couldn't find an old Gapps package any where on the web containing compatible Google Now and guaranteed no F/Cing apps ,then I check an old folder I had on my phone.What do you know? I have the file saved from way back
If you installed a newer version of these apps that didn't work,just uninstall the updates and install the one provided!
also If you find an app no longer compatible with this phone let me know and I'll post an older version that does!
Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0-4.04)
xdajog's ROM
(Private beta testing completed.)
SediROM v1.6*1.6.21* (Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4) Current Status: Very Stable
Last update:01/08/15 Compatible with enterprise apps
Now has the option to turn root (su) off or on!
Everything works including Bluetooth headset
Very Recommended ROM!
Please report bugs promptly so he can give you the best experience
ROMS that haven't been updated in awhile:
Jelly Bean (Android 4.1-4.3)
P-A-C Man ROM (Jelly Bean 4.3.1) Last update:02/25/14 Current Status: Support probably ending soon...
CyanOgenMod 10.2.1 (Jelly Bean 4.3.1) Last update:02/25/14 Current Status: Support probably ending soon...
(Discontinued as of January 2014) OMNI ROM (JellyBean 4.3.1)
For older ROMS click here
you must change the assert tag to flash in TWRP:
@Bubor:You may want to install older rom, you must change assert tag in rom zip file META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script:
assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "i927" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "i927" ||
getprop("ro.product.device") == "SGH-I927" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "SGH-I927" ||
getprop("ro.product.device") == "SGH-I927R" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "SGH-I927R" ||
getprop("ro.product.device") == "SGHI927" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "SGHI927" ||
getprop("ro.product.device") == "SGHI927R" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "SGHI927R" ||
getprop("ro.product.device") == "n1" || getprop("ro.build.product") == "n1" || abort("This package is for \"i927,SGH-I927,SGH-I927R,SGHI927,SGHI927R,n1\" devices; this is a \"" + getprop("ro.product.device") + "\"."););
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Custom Kernels: (Not required! If you don't know what this is,skip this section!)
GraKernel by Grarak compiled by bubor
Fixes some wifi issues,sleep of death, and stable over clock (when you first flash go to system settings>preformance>processor>change maximum CPU frequency to 1200mhz (stock is 1000mhz)
If you want to go back to 4.0.4 stock the easy way just click me
[HOW TO FLASH VIA TWRP] (which you should have!!!!)
If you already flashed a custom recovery to your phone via odin heres what you do:
1: save all data, shutdown your phone
2: hold vol down and power
3: let go of power
4: your phone should now say "booting into android recovery"
5: you should now be in recovery
6: firstly, click "Backup"
7: Back up the desired Partitions
8: Swipe to Back Up
9: Let back up complete (can take some time depending how much stuff is backing up)
10: Return to the main menu
11: Locate "Wipe"
12: Swipe to Factory Reset (before you freak out it, DOES NOT WIPE YOUR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL SD CARDS!)
13: Locate "Install'
14: Find your ROM (if you downloaded your ROM from your phone it is usually in /sdcard/download)
15: "Swipe to install zip"
16: Let your ROM install (it will take some time)
17: Congratulations you have a new ROM on your Cappi!
[F.A.Q] {new question added 5/30/14}
Q: A new update has been released for my phone do I need to Factory Reset my phone?
A: No just flash on top of it but make a backup first just in case the update has problems
Q: I'm coming from a different ROM (like OMNI ROM) can I restore my /Data or flash on top of my current ROM?
A: No, if you are doing something like that I would use Titanium Backup to backup your data and apps
Q: I'm coming from stock do I need to unlock my bootloader to install custom ROMS?
A: No all you have to do is have a custom recovery and you're good to go!
Q: I see I need to backup my EFS, is it really necessary?
A: Not really but, its not a bad idea to do it,download this,if you need a step by step guide click here
Q: Do I need to flash any Custom Kernels, GAPPS ect.?
A: All Bubor's ROMS have everything built in,but grtsarav's ROM requires a GAPPS package
more info on his ROM page
Q: I have the Rogers version of the i927 do I need to do anything special?
A: No all the ROMS are universal
Q: Why can't I just flash TWRP and a ROM without updating to 4.0.4 ICS first?
A: You could, but we say update first you can avoid unknown issues with Baseband (that's like sleep of death dropped calls ect.)
>Only do if you flashed a GApps package not including search<*If you want 'Ok Google to work on your ROM and offline voice data:
1: Download this:en-US.zip
1:Extract with your favorite extracting app (i used root browser) to /data/data/com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/app_g3_models
2:use rootbrowser and check every premission by long pressing file:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
*This also gives you offline voice typing (System>Language and input>Google Voice Typing)Enable it
I recommend You use Google keyboard by Google it integrates both in one awesome keyboard here's play link
*How to enable voice typing
1: Have google keyboard and Google Now (In playstore its called Google Search)
2: Make sure you have Voice Search enabled:System>Language and Input-Check Google Voice
It should look like this:
3:Now go somewhere where you can open Google keyboard and long press the comma left of the space bar
4:A box should come up saying "Input options"
5:Click Google Keyboard Settings
6 :Check Voice input key like this:
8: Finally your outcome should be this:
-UPDATED 3/25/14- *How to get a fully functional GNL (Google Now Launcher) it all works!
It's been released on Google Play!
Known issues: the always listening feature may make all sounds lag when using "Stock libs" (original sound drivers in "windows terms").Skype fix (tiny alsas) fixes this. Just type command from terminal when making a call,that's what I do.
read "Skype Fix" below for more info and how to install it
Older Versions(might need older Google Now?)
First Release
Second Release
*How to install Google's Documents UI (Google's new file explorer)
Download the apk >here<
1: after you downloaded the apk copy and paste into System>app
2a: if you are on CyanogenMod it will ask you if you want to over write the file,tap yes
2b: set the permissions to r-w-rr
3: reboot and watch the magic
*How to have a custom wallpaper on your favorite KitKat ROM:
-Before we get started CRdroid has Custom wallpaper setting built in after build 5-
-CM11 also has it now where you can set a custom locksceen wallpaer (settings>themes>lockscreen wallpaper)-
Anyways if your ROM doesn't support it here's how to get it:
1:Basically you need to have XPOSED Frame work,you can get it freshly updated here
2: After you install Xposed Frame work installer,install and reboot
3: There are two routes you can take,you can download GravityBox and have more customization,but it does break some CM settings (theoretically its not supported, but I've used it and it works perfect,it also adds the AM/PM feature).The other route is Xposed lockscreen,which basically the title states what it does,customize your lock screen!The only feature it has is custom wallpaper for lockscreen
4: you can fetch GravityBox here and Xposed lockscreen here
5: MAKE SURE you activate your module you choose and don't have both active at the same time!
*How to use Skype or VOIP apps with ease this also fixes the lagging sound issue with Google now/launcher! This Will work on any of our KitKat based ROM's:
1: flash This zip in Recovery:4.4.2 ROMS: >here<
4.4.3 ROMS: >here<
4.4.4 ROMS >here<
2: After you flashed that,reboot into system
3: Open Terminal Emulator (it's included in CM,but if you don't have it click here
4:in terminal type "su" to get root premissions
5:Run "alsas" command to switch audio stacks,at anytime to switch between GSM (regualr calling) and voIP (like skype ect.)
Notes:When you first flash the zip it will switch it to voIP-aware,CHANGES ARE PRESISTANT,meaning to have GSM calling you need to run the command from terminal everytime you want to switch between the two
For JellyBean ROM's (4.1-4.3)
1: Download this zip
2: Flash zip from recovery
3: The first time you flash the zip it will change it to voIP aware (so you can use skype or any other voip calling app)
4:to use GSM calling,simply flash the zip again! Basically flash when your done using Skype!
If any other questions need to be asked feel free to comment below (probably the best place its a nice area!)
or PM me if necessary! If you want to report any bugs about any of our Developers ROMs please, and I mean PLEASE report only new bugs that haven't been reported!
*Bubor*-For ROMS,Recoverys,and for keeping the Captivate Glide alive!!!
*grtsarav*-For your ROM and helping the community with your port!!!
*xdajog*-For Giving the community a good choice of ICS!!!
*dman3285*-For giving us an easy way to return to stock
*Darkshado*-For showing us how to network unlock our phone
*dbrannon79*-How to backup EFS
*TheTechnologicalKing*-Supplying youtube video
*KennyG123*-For stickying this thread so people can easily find it!
*Other Respectable Devs*-as I add new apps I can't really add all of them at once,so this is my thanks for the applications you've made!
Please view this to see how far we've come >>>
01/26/14 uploaded a version of EFS pro backup (the version provided by dbrannon79 would not work on the glide anymore because too new)
02/01/14 some polishing and simplification also added link to Google keyboard.Will update more later tried updating from phone so may be a little off. Will add how to flash TWRP from ODIN from this thread (eventually no external threads!) User feed back would be awesome! If something needs a change or you want me to add something let me know!
SD:2/01/14 Changed links to google (when will microsoft learn?)Will make an updated video on how to ODIN TWRP when I have more time ; Thanks for user input:*dragonfire613*
02/05/14 Updated Google Experience Launcher to latest version Ripped straight from update! It's Now called "Google Now Launcher"
LTD 02/05/14 Tweaked some stuff
02/08/14 added link to Samsung Kies;Made guide more user friendly!
02/15/14 added when ROMs were last updated; added how to get Google's ''Documents UI" on any KitKat device (haven't tried on JellyBean?)
Bubor updated CyanogenMod 10.2.0 to 10.2.1
02/17/14 added how to have a custom wallpaper on your favorite KitKat ROM
02/23/14 added Skype fix thanks *mrk2815* for telling me,thanks also to S-trace for simplifying skype fix on ROMS!;Added JB fix
02/25/14:updated header
03/08/14: ROM updates
03/12/14 ROM updates
03/16/14 ROM updates and added grtsarav's ROM
03/17/14 ROM updates and tweaks
03/24/14 ROM updates and updated info about flashing TWRP,all versions are up to date and ready for KitKat!
03/24/14 tweaks about GAPPS,updates about GNL
03/27/14 New ROM!
04/03/14 ROM updates and ROM Stability updates!
04/08/14 PAC ROM 4.4 Moved to development section,as of now,it will be maintained
04/14/14 Some useful info
04/18/14 ROM updates
05/02/14 ROM updates
05/05/14 ROM updates and some info regarding JellyBean ROMS
05/16/14 Added the latest version of Google Now that works on our device right now
05/17/14 Changed The Google Now link to my Google Drive
05/26/14 ROM updates
05/28/14 Thanks Adam77Root for showing me the hide tag!
05/30/14 ROM updates
06/06/14 ROM updates.We're now on 4.4.3!!! Added how to flash older ROMS
06/11/14 All of our KitKat ROMS are 4.4.3 now
06/20/14 We have a new ROM check it out! Its ICS
06/28/14 My birthday was yesterday! ROM updates Most ROMs are updated to 4.4.4;Clean up
07/08/14 Updated List of current ROMs; Sorry I did't update I was on vacation
07/19/14 SediROM has entered public beta phase
07/20/14 Fixed a slight error
07.22/14 xdajog's ROM update and new info about SediROM
07/27/14 Bubor's ROM updates
07/29/14 We got stickied!!!
08/06/14 grtsarav's crDROID ROM updated,go flash today!
08/23/14 SediRom Updated to RC2 You know the drill!
09/03/14 Tried to simplify on how to update to latest firmware,I fixed the dead links to download the firmware,its from sammobile let me know if it works
09/04/14 Big Big update hope this helps out! don't forget to drop a thanks! that makes my day!
09/08/14OMNI ROM and PAC ROM got updated! What are you waiting for? go flash it!;Fixed some stuff to do with Rodgers version
09/18/14 CM11 got updated,now it has great battery life;PAC ROM updated to RC1,also on any ROM the latest YouTube doesn't work you must downgrade.I will supply the latest version that does when I have time
09/19/14 CM11 updated to M10,more about what's new in M10 here
09/20/14 added links to latest versions of certain apps that can't be updated anymore
09/24/14 Google Camera was added to that list.Also I got my hands on a 64 bit PC so LS ROM is coming soon...when I am home to install linux and setup the build environment of course!
09/25/14 Added a version of google maps;Got a hold of my captivate,tested Google Camera version I posted. It works Perfectly! Updated Lockscreen wallpaper info
10/02/14 crDROID ROM got updated,so flashy flashy
10/03/14 Added a Gapps package that is 100% compatible with our phone no F/Cing apps :good:
10/20/14 Sorry I didn't update this sooner,I've been very busy with my new job!All of Bubor's ROMs are updated! go flash and see whats new!
11/11/14I have added a poll so our developers can know which roms were actually using
01/15/15 Updated every ROM! Sorry I haven't been posting been very busy at my new job! I'll try not to be behind!
Changed to 2015!
04/22/15Got my Cappy back to test with. Played with cm12 added. What bugs I have discovered and updated to the latest Dow loads!
Extra Tips
[ hide]-FUTURE USE-.[/hide] You read the whole guide? Wow! thank you for your time!!!
stickied on 07/29/14
I hope I simplified your day! If you don't understand anything,please don't hesitate to ask any questions. I am friendly
I won't get mad if you post a noob question (all I ask is to read the comments first and see if your question has already been answered!)
The skydrive link is dead
That's Microsoft they are changing to onedrive or something I'll fix it around 1pm CST
Sent from my Kitkatified I927 running CM 11
Try this link right now: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=99E32AEC5C18FA3!5344&authkey=!AHFGJKAOM68Ou4w&ithint=file,.zip
I'm going to switch all to Google drive
Sent from my Kitkatified I927 running CM 11
stormdude124 said:
Try this: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=99E32AEC5C18FA3!5344&authkey=!AHFGJKAOM68Ou4w&ithint=file,.zip
I'm going to switch all to Google drive
Sent from my Kitkatified I927 running CM 11
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OP Updated with new links and information
For the love of god mention somewhere that you need google search installed before you do anything trying to make voice typing active when offline... that would have saved me hours of headache right there. (I know it's probably obvious to most people, but for dumb noobs like myself, we need to know)
Okay noted XD
Sent from my Kitkatified I927 running CM 11
Does anyone know if the most current OMNI-Rom has multi-window enabled? Or is it only the test rom?
I think its just the test version
Sent from my Kitkatified I927 running CM 11
OP updated for February!
OP updated for March!!!
IEMI removed
I purchased imported unlocked galaxy glide from ebay india , after some day it locked itself. I get it unlocked in local market and it was working fine.
A day suddenly its iemi number changed to generic iemi and as these phones are blocked in india , so its not working here.
Plz guide me what to do?
I am ready to use custom roms but how to back my iemi with unlocked phone?
Plz help
Man, I really hope you backed up your IMEI before you installed your custom ROM
Sent from my SGH-I927 using Tapatalk
stormdude124 said:
Man, I really hope you backed up your IMEI before you installed your custom ROM
Sent from my SGH-I927 using Tapatalk
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yes i do have all efs files with me
okay awesome! download this
and restore your files,if you need step by step let me know!
CWM ROM flash error status 7
stormdude124 said:
okay awesome! download this
and restore your files,if you need step by step let me know!
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While flashing CM-11 Kitkat ROM using CWM, it gives an error status 7.
I tried deleting the assert clause as given here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2522762
But it give the same error status 7 : set_metadata_recursive changes failed
Somewhere I read that I need to use CWM +. Help me out. Or give some link to latest CWM.
You need to use TWRP (team win recovery project) in the guide it states to flash TWRP not cwm,your in luck though,you can flash twrp through cwm, flash this: http://dualhoki.vim.hu/bubor/dev/twrp-i927/twrp-2.6.1.zip
Then try flashing cm 11
Sent from my SGH-I927 using Tapatalk
Hello guys, i have a few question about omnirom, what settings is good for performance in settings>performance>memory ?
and for what is SWAP int-sd card? it's good for performance? or just space?
Tabo8226 said:
Hello guys, i have a few question about omnirom, what settings is good for performance in settings>performance>memory ?
and for what is SWAP int-sd card? it's good for performance? or just space?
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If you don't know what settings will be good, don't touch them, they're mostly for fine-tuning system built-in app killer. You hardly can have much profit from changing them, only if you need a bit more RAM badly.
SWAP int-sd card is for using your sd card as internal memory (so you can install apps there). You should use it if 4 gb of internal memory is not enough for you (as it is for me as I'd like to install couple of 1-2 gb games). You will lose performance with swap if your SD card is less that 10 speed class.
Given that BT doesn't work in the newer ROMS (JB & KK), I regrettably had to revert back to 4.0.4. I found that I needed to replace the recovery with CWMR from TWRP in order to install one of DMAN's ICS ROMs. TWRP failed to install the 4.0.4 ROM.
After replacing the recovery, it is probably a good idea to backup the new ROM (JB or KK) using CWMR so that you can restore it if desired at a later time.

[ROM+KERNEL][D802][STOCK]bruce2728-d80220f[stable][fast][no bloat]

bruce2728-d80220f Stripped stock ROM
With my optimized stock kernel​
Fast, smooth and stable stock experiance
init.d support
Removed all play store available apps and a lot of LG apps
Replaced stock file manager with ES File Explorer
DSP Manager for enhanced audio effects and EQ
My optimized stock kernel
4k video recording - xdabbeb 3.1.0
Slow motion video recording - xdabbeb 3.1.0
Flex home theme - optional
Flex weather theme - optional
This ROM comes with my optimized stock kernel which can be found in this thread.
Kernel features include:
Compiled with linaro 4.8 using -o3 compiler flags
Optimized for speed and battery life
SCHEDULER: Autogroup patch
lib/memcopy: use glibc version
lib/string: use glibc version
Optimized ARM RWSEM algorithm
vfp - compile with neon
vfp: hardfloat
Removed a lot of debugging, stats, logs and tests
Updated kgsl from CAF
For a full list of changes check the commit log on my github
md5 5895d5f7af31c37430d138a08379bca6
The download size is still 1.5 gigabye as i prefer to use a system image for a cleaner flash
and so I can setup symlinks and permissions before packag the zip.​
Reboot to recovery
Wipe data, cache and dalvik (system is wiped during install)
Install zip
No need to install SuperSU, it's already rooted.
Fixed flac playback with DSP Manager
Added Flex home theme
Added Flex weather theme
Added back sim tool kit
Updated to my latest kernel
Removed preload symlinks
Fixed some permissions that could have potentially stopped BT working correctly.
Removed icon boarders in fles theme - used icons from cloudyfa's mod to patch theme apk
Synced kernel sound driver with stock - trying to fix in car bt audio, normal bt audo is fine
Added Flex addon to first post - contains flex theme and some flex apps
Rebased on D80220f_00
Kernel updated to v0.2
Stock kernel - Download - md5: 61dfab7e2e0983bc8a68399ca983f37b
Stock camera - Download - md5: f6df6af7f5f7be45d8fa751bc796d6ee
My kernel - Download - md5: f8e311de1b0b06ead79a476e7d1ee5b1
Flex theme and apps - Download - md5: 69dea2017fedc02eb699572f0a53a643​
xdabbeb - for his camera mod
Cloudyfa and bender_007 - for AutoRec​
Donations are always wlcome and appreciated but in no way required.
If you would like to donate please follow this link.
Thank you.​
XDA:DevDB Information
bruce2728 D80220F, ROM for the LG G2
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
ROM Firmware Required: Custom recovery, latest kitkat firmware
Based On: Stock
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: v4.0
Stable Release Date: 2014-07-01
Current Beta Version: v1
Beta Release Date: 2014-05-04
Created 2014-05-12
Last Updated 2014-07-01
For those interested in benchmarks, here are some scores i achieved using this ROM.
I have been running the v1 very nicely. The only error has been the Bluetooth audio with my car system. There was no audio. I moved to another kernel and it was resolved, but your kernel was faster. Would you mind adding the pateched stock 20d kernel in a flashable zip so we have stock as a backup alternative? Thanks for your work.
albsat said:
I have been running the v1 very nicely. The only error has been the Bluetooth audio with my car system. There was no audio. I moved to another kernel and it was resolved, but your kernel was faster. Would you mind adding the pateched stock 20d kernel in a flashable zip so we have stock as a backup alternative? Thanks for your work.
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Yes i can do that but it may work in v2, give it a try and let me know please.
It will be up in about 40mins, I have a really slow upload speed.
If any of you are good with graphics, feel free to send me some banners and title headers for the first post.
If I use yours you will get a mention in the first post.
Great!! Will try it when i get home from school!:good:
Edit: Downloading....
Edit 2: Dowload keeps failing after 7% ...think you should get another upload another site...
V2 upload complete...
@bruce2728, thanks for your work!
I've been using v1 of this ROM in the last few days: very clean and smooth so far, will follow this thread.
Where is the flashing manual ?
@zhuchella, what do you mean?
This ROM must be flashed the same way of others: reboot your phone in recovery, wipe System, Data, Cache; flash the ROM's ZIP and SuperSU v.1.94; reboot to system.
Downloading keeps failing on v2....
---------- Post added at 02:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ----------
Downloading keeps failing...
Giocarro said:
@zhuchella, what do you mean?
This ROM must be flashed the same way of others: reboot your phone in recovery, wipe System, Data, Cache; flash the ROM's ZIP and SuperSU v.1.94; reboot to system.
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Correct, but no need to flash SuperSU, the ROM is rooted already.
Norside said:
Downloading keeps failing on v2....
---------- Post added at 02:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ----------
Downloading keeps failing...
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I'm in the process of getting another host for now though I'll post a temporary mirror.
It will take a while to upload, my connection is not the best.
bruce2728 said:
I'm in the process of getting another host for now though I'll post a temporary mirror.
It will take a while to upload, my connection is not the best.
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Thanks Bruce, v1 seems to work though, will try that one first
Edit none worked will wait for new download
Running v1 for some days now, impressive balance between speed and battery-consumtion. How already mentioned, for my needs the perfect rom+kernel combo with Xposed and xdabbebs camera mod...thanx!!!
I score bellow averge
bruce2728 said:
For those interested in benchmarks, here are some scores i achieved using this ROM.
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Dear Bruce, I've just installed you ROM (V1), and mi Antutu score is 31549 (nothing touched). I tell you this because you posted your score.
Am I doing something wrong?
By the way, I have an International D802.
Thank you very much in advance! :good:
the problem is a different MD5 goo_im V2
nostromo76 said:
Dear Bruce, I've just installed you ROM (V1), and mi Antutu score is 31549 (nothing touched). I tell you this because you posted your score.
Am I doing something wrong?
By the way, I have an International D802.
Thank you very much in advance! :good:
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You didn't do anything wrong.
Even if the same device with the same rom, benchmark still can be different due to many reasons, such as temperature, what apps you've installed, or the minor differences among each devices.
yuyuchen0204 said:
You didn't do anything wrong.
Even if the same device with the same rom, benchmark still can be different due to many reasons, such as temperature, what apps you've installed, or the minor differences among each devices.
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Ok, thank you for your answer, I know those things and I know benchmarks should not be trusted :silly:
By the way, I'm very happy whit this ROM, I'll report back my experiences. :highfive:
stöbener said:
Running v1 for some days now, impressive balance between speed and battery-consumtion. How already mentioned, for my needs the perfect rom+kernel combo with Xposed and xdabbebs camera mod...thanx!!!
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It has the camera mod already.
One of the things I need to put in the thanks section.

[ROM][P900][UNOFFICIAL] CyanogenMod 11 | 20150209

I'm not responsible for any damage to your device of any sort.
By flashing this you take responsibility of anything that happens.
Process at your own risk!
1. Download the zip(s) - firmware and Google Apps additional package (optional)
2. Download and install a compatible recovery
3. Wipe data & cache partitions and flash firmware
4. Optional: install the Google Apps additional package
Known Issues
Everything shoud work
19: New cm build 20150209: latest code + fix keyboard height
18: New cm build 20141124
17: New cm build 20141104: latest code + allow physical keyboards fix + enable xpad in kernel
16: New cm build 20141031
15: New cm build 20141027
14: New cm build 20141025
13: New cm build 20141022
12: Back old boot from bonuzzz (freezes with native cm).
11: Fix virbate (big thanks for bonuzzz) - CyanogenMod 20141015.
10: Finally we (I and bonuzzz) made it. CyanogenMod 20141014, fully builded from sources, no more ports.
9: Merge with original CyanogenMod 20141010 + latest kernel from bonuzzz (cover now working, all working)
8: Merge with original CyanogenMod 20141008 SNAPSHOT-M11
7: Merge with original CyanogenMod 20141007 + back SPen functionality
6: Item 5 + bluetooth fix - finally it's fully work
5: Merge with original CyanogenMod 20141004 - lcd density changed from 320 to 270 - it's look more frendly.
You can play with density - edit ro.sf.lcd_density value in systembuild.prop
In stock - 320,
Now - 270,
Phisicaly - it's about 248, but it's too small to me
See attached screenshots with diff density.
4: Merge with original CyanogenMod 20141003
3: V2: MTP fix - big thanks for bonuzzz, he made new kernel with mtp fix
2: V1: Fix SPen in vertical mode
1: V0: initial version
CyanogenMod Build:
19: New cm build 20150209: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5R2NVanBKTkZlcDA/view?usp=sharing
18: New cm build 20141124: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5QVRzQnBEaFZLRm8/view?usp=sharing
17: New cm build 20141104: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5TW4xTlhIR0RkTFE/view?usp=sharing
16: New cm build 20141031: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5eFFhSmhZTzBGODA/view?usp=sharing
15: New cm build 20141027: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5Vk5KcW9sU1RpM0k/view?usp=sharing
14: New cm build 20141025: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5a1JXczYxNDJ5RzA/view?usp=sharing
13: New cm build 20141022: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5QUtKLXFpRWxSVkU/view?usp=sharing
12: Back old boot from bonuzzz (freezes with native cm): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5NHktYUROOTVSNFU/view?usp=sharing
11: Fix vibrate - CyanogenMod 20141015: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5QU0wUHpNUGJqdk0/view?usp=sharing
10: CyanogenMod from sources (require full wipes): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5Z25IWDZCeFBudlE/view?usp=sharing
CyanogenMod Port:
9: Merge with original CyanogenMod 20141010: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5OElZRmRGLTluYms/view?usp=sharing
8: Merge with original CyanogenMod 20141008 SNAPSHOT-M11: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5blpPRVFpX1hNNzg/view?usp=sharing
7: Merge with original CyanogenMod 20141007: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5WGJYUFd1dWF5emc/view?usp=sharing (link updated)
6: Merge with original CyanogenMod 20141004 with bluetooth fix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5d2l2LW56QlV0LXM/view?usp=sharing
5: Merge with original CyanogenMod 20141004: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5OVYxU1Z1NWtKRms/view?usp=sharing
4: Merge with original CyanogenMod 20141003: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5OGpYb21SZEZWd28/view?usp=sharing
3: V2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5NmY5V29PNVFadm8/edit?usp=sharing
2: V1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5aE1sa0NfVDdXa28/edit?usp=sharing
1: V0: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5dUlTc3lfLWtTaUk/edit?usp=sharing
Google Apps additional package
(use latest kk gapps: gapps-kk-20140606-signed.zip): http://goo.im/gapps
or (set of packages - full, mini, micro, nano): http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2397942
Kernel with enable VT (big thanks for bonuzzz) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5VldRNGdqYld3TEE/view?usp=sharing
kernel config for P900
kernel for exynos 5420
Thanks to CyanogenMod team and special thank to crpalmer, his hard work on fix all problems for original SM-T520 finally allow create the port for SM-P900.
Special thank for bonuzzz.
1. Install Xposed framework: download apk from http://forum.xda-developers.com/xpos...gelog-t2714053
run apk, launch it, go to framework and press installupdate, then reboot. Alow root if ask.
2. Install XHaloFloatingWindow module: open Xposed framework, go to download section and search XHaloFloatingWindow (just type Halo), open XHaloFloatingWindow, swipe to left - and press download on latest version
3. Activate XHaloFloatingWindow module: open Xposed framework, go to Modules and check XHaloFloatingWindow, then reboot. Allow root if ask.
4. Open XHaloFloatingWindow - you can leave all by default, but:
- Popup WindowPopup Dim set to 0
- Popup Behavior - check "Force New Windows in Halo"
5. Install MultiWindow Sidebar: download apk from http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2729450
6. run MultiWindow Sidebar:
- Check "Start on Boot"
- In "Select Apps" - add your apps
- In "Drag Launch Mode": select ParanoidAndroid Halo
- In "Tap Launch Mode": selecrt ParanoidAndroid Halo
then reboot and enjoy.
It's a bit buggy in rotate, but it's work.
CM S Pen Add-on: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tushar.cmspen
Note Buddy: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tushar.spen_helper
INKredible - Handwriting Note: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.viettran.INKredible
XDA:DevDB Information
CyanogenMod 11, ROM for the SM-P900, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2
Valera1978, bonuzzz, arcadia2uk
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: CyanogenMod
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 20141104
Stable Release Date: 2014-11-04
Created 2014-11-05
Last Updated 2014-11-05
Finally, thank you so much.
Do we need to update to latest TWRP or should work? Had issues on other devices using ver
** After testing everything works fine, great work !!!
I'm on - it's working correct for me. But it also should work on
Valera1978 said:
This port based on official CyanogenMod for SM-T520 (http://download.cyanogenmod.org/?device=picassowifi)
It's for SM-P900 (Exynos) only.
I'm not responsible for any damage to your device of any sort.
By flashing this you take responsibility of anything that happens.
Process at your own risk!
1. Download the zip(s) - firmware and Google Apps additional package (optional)
2. Download and install a compatible recovery
3. Wipe data & cache partitions and flash firmware
4. Optional: install the Google Apps additional package
Known Issues
1. MTP
CyanogenMod Port: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5dUlTc3lfLWtTaUk/edit?usp=sharing
Google Apps additional package (use latest kk gapps): http://goo.im/gapps
TWRP: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2706982
Thanks to CyanogenMod team and special thank to crpalmer, his hard work on fix all problems for original SM-T520 finally allow create the port for SM-P900.
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does it keeps the s-pen ability ?
snir2 said:
does it keeps the s-pen ability ?
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pen works but no pointer on screen.
Also having trouble mounting device on my laptop.
Yes, pen working - i checked in INKredible, button work too.
Mounting on pc - trying fix it.
nice to see CM coming.. been a while since been able to use em
From my Fired-up Note Pro 12.2!
Sweet! I sort of feel like this tablet has now arrived If possible, could someone who has it up and running give us a quick overview of things like spped, responsiveness, battery etc?
I just flashed this ROM it is running very smooth I am running it with art and nova launcher and very impressed so far, I can't comment on battery yet will test it out tomorrow I have been waiting a very long time for a cm11 ROM for this tablet and would also really like to see a slim or carbon ROM as well
Update header: add V1 version - now SPen working correct in vertical mode.
Hi, thank you for this ROM. Is app to sd working?
Now there is a chance to actually use it. I ll wait for the mtp to get fixed though. Thanks!
First of all, thank you for the port.
Installed V1, full wipe using TWRP
Everything seems to be working fine so far. The only issue I'm concerned about is how the Interactive governor is tuned. The CPU spends most of it's time pegged at 1900MHz across all four cores even when just scrolling through Facebook or Chrome. Changing the governor to Ondemand makes it behave much better. Battery life would be an issue on Interactive.
Edit: also, on first boot I couldn't see my 5GHz access points. Changed the WiFi Region code in settings to my country (Canada), rebooted and could now see/connect to 5GHz channels.
I've only been running it for a couple hours, so I'll give more feedback as I get more data.
New V2 version: mtp fixed.
I want it but i have p905
Inviato dal mio SM-P905 utilizzando Tapatalk
Hi Valera1978,
This is not for my device, mine is a 905, but thanks for bringing some movement to this forum and of course, thanks for your hard work supporting this tablet. I believe some more months and we'll see more ROMs posted here.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Dirty flashed V2. Can confirm MTP working with Win8.1 (only internal storage mounts, but not external sdcard)
Works really well, nice and smooth. I'm surprised to see such a great ROM, thanks.
Ahh! Finally some movement on this device! I will flash this as soon as i get up tomorrow and post some feedback.:good:
This Rom is huge, after testing 2 days, I can say it s fast,smooth,better battery life,even gaming performance is better than Samsung stock crap installation.And look.... we got more free space.I kinda miss the pointer under the pen but that just a matter of time . Great work.

[ROM][P905][UNOFFICIAL] LineageOS 13.0 | Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow | 20170713

I'm not responsible for any damage to your device of any sort.
By flashing this you take responsibility of anything that happens.
Process at your own risk!
This firmware was developed for the p905. It doesn't apply to the p905v at this time because it's bootloader locked and a custom recovery isn't possible.
If you want to check firmware - please make backup. Better to store all partitions, at least efs and may be modem.
1. Install custom recovery
2. Download the zip(s) - firmware and Google Apps additional package (optional)
3. Backup all partitions (it least efs) and store somewhere - it need to do - because you can loose imei
4. Full wipe all
5. Flash firmware and gapps
Multi-window mode
Enable Developer options
Enable Multi-window mode
By default in Marshmallow charge only, need select MTP
On start need once set up sdcard - portable/internal storage
Settings -> About tablet -> press 7 times "Build number"
Then Settings -> Developer options -> Root access
Stylus gestures
Settings -> Language & input -> Stylus gestures
Gestures work only when you press a button on the stylus.
Known Issues
LineageOS Build:
6: 20170713: restore livedisplay functionality, security patch 2017-06-01: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5UjZDNlN5V2dXdlU/view?usp=sharing
5: 20170516: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5WElSSzNJSE9nMnM/view?usp=sharing
4: 20170411: security patch 2017-04-01: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5OHRMMWNEb09xWHc/view?usp=sharing
3: 20170307: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5Nk1rM0RTcW5lakU/view?usp=sharing
2: 20170217: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5dE9fQ3hOeXdjOVk/view?usp=sharing
1: 20170125: microphone in the skype - done: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5U0N5WldUZHdkSkE/view?usp=sharing
CyanogenMod Build:
36: 20161109: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5YXNjTWlUQlNERk0/view?usp=sharing
35: 20161012: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5V1QwRE9maWxmVU0/view?usp=sharing
34: 20160921: the September update of the Google Security systems: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5OFdud3BqeV8ycnc/view?usp=sharing
33: 20160807: the August update of the Google Security systems: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5aEx1NlpZdVQ5U3c/view?usp=sharing
32: 20160708: the July update of the Google Security systems: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5elZWRXNvU1hIdWs/view?usp=sharing
31: 20160609: the June update of the Google Security systems: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5TWJNb0pYeGRZbG8/view?usp=sharing
30: 20160525: with cyanogenmod gello browser: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5Qm5zeHBSblQ3b3c/view?usp=sharing
29: 20160524: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5cGVESjhteDA5STg/view?usp=sharing
28: 20160510: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5VXRSZEV2NGJ2dGs/view?usp=sharing
27: 20160504: the May update of the Google Security systems: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5M2FDa0FJdG96Ykk/view?usp=sharing
26: 20160430: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5SkduNTNsN3dNYzA/view?usp=sharing
25: 20160415: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5ZHpVS2UtbHctcU0/view?usp=sharing
24: 20160406: the April update of the Google Security systems: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5UDBJd1NnVW05THc/view?usp=sharing
23: 20160402: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5MnB3MkJHMHl0M2s/view?usp=sharing
22: 20160317: android-6.0.1_r22, rollback fips_crypto_utils: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5OHBtMWEwX19SeVk/view?usp=sharing
21: 20160308: the March update of the Google Security systems, small update Wi-Fi (on the load some games (like Boom beach) was the problems with WiFi - it was reconected several times, as a result - long download): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5eDFXSXdmZEVVV0k/view?usp=sharing
20: 20160303: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5VUNPQTFpZ2diRnM/view?usp=sharing
19: 20160301: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5N2R6OXMyTFNLRTA/view?usp=sharing
18: 20160226: huge graphic update - gpu driver (adreno) from latest lg g3 kernel and the new adreno proprietary files (up OpenGL ES 3.0 from 127 to 140 version): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5c0M2NENVWWJROVE/view?usp=sharing
17: 20160222: new config for audio and graphics: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5WS1DYTlTUnR0VU0/view?usp=sharing
16: 20160218: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5VGRkdXBuR05LLVU/view?usp=sharing
15: 20160213: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5QV8zSmdVbDFhd1k/view?usp=sharing
14: 20160212: fix gps:
in new format: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5bmRSZHl0UGdwZTA/view?usp=sharing
in old (like 1-12 versions) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5cTQzMEFaSnAxOVU/view?usp=sharing
if you get error during flash firmware in new format - flash old version and please send me system partition size (you can simply install terminal and run command df)
13: 20160211: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5UHJqak9KU3g4LVE/view?usp=sharing
12: 20160209: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5YXo2eDBVdkRSNnM/view?usp=sharing
11: 20160202: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5R0tpTjNOYkNSUVk/view?usp=sharing
10: 20160128: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5bU5DWlhad28weWM/view?usp=sharing
9: 20160124: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5VGp3QlQ5dHA0NG8/view?usp=sharing
8: 20160123: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5OTJpX2NTLVJGRUk/view?usp=sharing
7: 20160116: fix changing network type (lte3g2g): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5LW15TlJ2UHdwdjA/view?usp=sharing
6. 20160112: fix incoming calls, enable accept all file types in code (bt, meneses.leonardo please check it): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5VDV2bnhVMlhHbzQ/view?usp=sharing
5. 20160110: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5MUdWZEMtQVQwa3M/view?usp=sharing
4. 20160106: fix ril: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5THg2QUpUdmgtVG8/view?usp=sharing
3. 20160104: fix ir and flip: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5UG14UWU2QWVuTGs/view?usp=sharing
2. 20160104: fix camera, AudioFX, sdcard, general update: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5MllsQ2ZJeXBuMVE/view?usp=sharing
1. first public, but still very draft version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6nm7Jks0W5VkdhM1dkMlJQR1k/view?usp=sharing
Platform: ARM
Android: 6.0
Official TWRP: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2706982
cm13.0 branch, in readme file (see device tree) all instructions for build.
Sources: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/
Device: https://github.com/Valera1978/android_device_samsung_viennalte
Kernel: https://github.com/Valera1978/android_kernel_samsung_viennalte
Vendor: https://github.com/Valera1978/android_vendor_samsung_viennalte
Thanks to CyanogenMod team
XDA:DevDB Information
CM13.0 for SM-P905, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: CyanogenMod
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 20160112
Stable Release Date: 2016-01-12
Created 2016-01-14
Last Updated 2016-01-14
Can we expect also a MM version for the p900? Nothing happens there.
Gesendet von meinem LG-H815 mit Tapatalk
FrankFieb said:
Can we expect also a MM version for the p900? Nothing happens there.
Gesendet von meinem LG-H815 mit Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Unfortunately at this moment I have only p905.
Thx for that sad answer.
Gesendet von meinem LG-H815 mit Tapatalk
Thanks my friend for this also awesome rom!
Looking forward for new updates :good: :good: :good:
Awesome!!!! :good: :good: :good: New rom available!
---------- Post added at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:29 AM ----------
Such an awesome advance into fix those, now old, bugs huh!? Kudos, excellent work my friend!
Does not detect simcard.
Read first post:
Known Issues
1. RIL....
lauffer said:
Does not detect simcard.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The LP version has RIL working flawlessly if you really need it. For now, I gonna stay on LP until our beloved dev @Valera1978 gets RIL fixed :good: :good: :good:
havent tried this yet
but man thank you so much please keep working and updating this one
have a pleasant day ahead
Thanks for this Awesome ROM
1st I tried the 2nd version and another day I installed the latest (3rd) version on top of it.
Looking forward for new updates...
New CM13 build is up! RIL is fixed! Thanks to our beloved dev @Valera1978
Yes, sim card is working fine with 20160106 version.
Overall looks fine.
is there a simple way to fix sdcard permissions in MM?
abofaizan said:
Yes, sim card is working fine with 20160106 version.
Overall looks fine.
is there a simple way to fix sdcard permissions in MM?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Supersu would fix also this?
abofaizan said:
Yes, sim card is working fine with 20160106 version.
Overall looks fine.
is there a simple way to fix sdcard permissions in MM?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What is wrong with sdcard? On first start - you can setup it as portable\internal and then all working as usual in Lollipop.
for example: https://motorola-global-portal.custhelp.com/app/answers/prod_answer_detail/a_id/109134/p/1449,9582
@Valera1978: I can confirm that so. The sdcard is detected then normal and has write access. I've marked the sdcard as portable.
Just a short feedback..
The rom runs like a boss! No glitches or issues at all.
It's running fast, smooth and reliable. For sure a daily driver.
I thought that it should become an Official CM13 for sure.
All thanks to our beloved dev @Valera1978 Excellent job my friend!
@Valera1978, do you accept donations? Excelent Job!!!
I get a 404 error trying to download the Recovery link. Any alternative?
aviator1 said:
I get a 404 error trying to download the Recovery link. Any alternative?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm sorry, my fault. I copied from the cm12.1 thread. Link updated.

