[Q] What is a good mp4 editor (GN4 and PC)? - Verizon Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm looking for a decent video editor for when I take video with my phone. Let me say, that I'm honestly a noob at this. I basically want to be able to trim a video (beginning and end), and if necessary, flip the videos. That, and also eradicate the problem I had with a video I took yesterday. It was basically a concert at a bar, where I was right in front, inches from the monitor. The sound was great. The singer's hair was blonde, and his hair basically reflected all the, I guess you call them skyhook lights in the ceiling, so there was an annoying glow around his hair. The drummer of the band had a glass shield around him, probably for noise cancellation, and in the video, I could see the glass light up from the lights as well, in a similar fashion to the singer's blonde hair.
In short, 3 questions:
App to trim videos.
How to flip videos (they looked 90 degrees off on my phone but perfect on my PC)
How to eradicate glow from light shining on blonde hair and a glass shield.

Move Request
Can a moderator please move this to the Q & A section? Sorry, I missed the initial sticky post. Thanks.

Did you hear about Faasoft MP4 Editor? My friend recommended it to me and happy with it.
It seems to do the tasks for you.


Evo Video Questions...

So I recorded some videos in a dark bar yesterday and they turned out... surprise surprise... terrible. The lighting was bad, and sounds was clipped. etc... not that I really expected much.
I did notice some odd things. First is that the frame rate was 13.7 for some reason. Is this because of the low light and it needed to expose the camera higher? I would have rather they raised the ISO or darken the image then lower the frame rate from 24p.
The other is that the audio was 8bit... I know that the mic can't really capture much, but I am wondering why not give it a little more room.
The last question I have is what formats can the Evo play locally? I tried to clean up the video and audio as much as I could on my laptop and want to put it back on the phone. Anyone know?

Camera question - Washed out pictures?

Hey Guys....thanks in advance for any replies...
Can anyone give me some tips on how to take decent pictures with the Evo? In most cases I am taking pictures in dimly lit restaurants or bars (no comments please, heh heh) and most of the time the pictures are completely washed out due to the flash coming on and lighting up the subjects faces like a Christmas tree.
Does anyone know if there are settings, other software or any other tips that can be used to help me take better pictures??
Thank you!
From the camera app,there is a tab on the left side in landscape mode. If you slide it open, choose settings, then brightness a slider will open. I've found that in dim to dark conditions, best results with flash on are with the brightness set to around -2.
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Theres an old photographer's trick, not the most elegant of solutions but putting a piece of scotch tape over the flash will help diffuse the light and also get rid of the harsh shadows from the flash.
bluehaze said:
Theres an old photographer's trick, not the most elegant of solutions but putting a piece of scotch tape over the flash will help diffuse the light and also get rid of the harsh shadows from the flash.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Honestly this has started to cross my mind too. The two flashes 'sounds' like a good idea...but they are WAY TO HOT for a close up (within 6 feet or so). Now they did actually work pretty well at dusk for a test shot about 12 feet away. (So that should tell you they are too bright for close work)
I am thinking of maybe taping just one and testing.
But you could use scotch tape as posted, because the frosted look of the tape would help diffuse the light. (Remembering it will diminish ability to flash far away.)
Have to start treating this more like cameras now...they are going to require more than point and forget.
I asked the same question a few weeks ago - why doens't the EVO do light metering.
One though would be to use a LED application to turn on the LED light - maybe on low, and don't use the flash on the camera application? I know a pain to do (and a loss of coolness points) but might work?
if you really want to be photo savvy go to a photo store and get a sheet of diffusion gel, and just place a small cut out in between the flashes and the battery cover. also always shoot as low as you can go with the ISO, the problem with the EVO camera is that when in low light situations it switches to a high ISO, but it doesn't factor in the fact that the flash is going to go off, so when the flash goes off, the high ISO coupled with the strong flash means super overexposed picture. so either leave the camera at iso 100 or 200 and try shooting that way or try the diffusion i stated earlier.
the camera is just very badly coded. for instance what the camera should be doing is lighting the flash to focus, read exposure and compensate, then take the picture with the proper level flash. as it is now all it does is try to focus completely in the dark, then just flash the flash at full power while its taking the picture. it really is a terribly coded camera.
its like the people over at HTC basically just added the lcd's just to add them, i mean we already know that the LCD can be used at various levels of intensity...its a damn shame...
Are there no apps out that improve the cameras function? i figured there would be.

[Q]blinding camera light?

just curious if there's an app or mod out there that allows you to dim the LED flash on this killer phone? i like using the flash when shooting video but it's so bright it makes it difficult to look into the camera without being temporarily blinded.
or am i being a wuss?
you aren't being a wuss. I was actually wondering this same thing. God forbid you shoot video at night - everyone hates you or goes blind...
You could go to anywhere you buy cameras and look for a diffuser. It would stop it from blinding you but you'd have to rig it to the phone. I've actually used a piece of scotch tape as a makeshift diffuser before and it worked beautifully. Just gotta be careful not to cover the lens.

One X Microphone

So far from what I have seen from the youtube HD 1080p videos the microphone recording has lots of annoying noises when its really windy or noisy.
One easy fix to this would be if you have a cover case for instance then you could put a small piece of sponge or material that muffles it and it should be fine, I saw a guy on youtube do this to his Samsung SGII and it worked fine.
Just sharing, useful tip perhaps.
Im not gonna let anything stand in the way of this beautiful beast haha

Display black and grey in motion

Hello, I have the 8.4" WiFi model (SM-T700) and a few problems, the two with the display are really annoying.
Fist thing, I think everybody knows this image where you can see numbers from 21 down to zero, with each number getting blacker. When I am in an absolutely dark room and I have about 2% brightness (guessed, it gets relatively bright the first millimeters on the slider), I can see the 9, maybe the 8, and then everything is black. I made a photo with long exposure so you can see it. It is clearly noticeable while watching movies, when someone has dark or black hair, all of the hair is just one black thing on top of peoples' heads. Even on my crappy Laptop screen I can see the definition of the hair.
Second thing, when there is a dark picture and something black is moving in the dark part, it looks like a shadow is following. So if you have the person with the dark hair, and the tab makes it totally black and he/she is moving, it takes the display a bit to switch from black to the actual color. I uploaded a movie, and you can definitely see it. Take a look at the two black tiles, if I move it fast enough they become one big tile.
Both of those problems might not be very visible in the photo or video, but it so annoying and definitely way worse when you look at the screen with your own eyes. It doesn't really matter when you surf the web, but watching movies is very annoying.
Does anyone of you have an idea what I could do?
Thanks guys!

