[Q] Need help restoring lock screen ads... - 8.9" Kindle Fire HD Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi! I'm hoping someone can help as rerooting and/or even backing up my data is not an option with my computer out of commission. I'm on a rooted Kindle Fire HD (the original one from 2012; this thing's so old it's got burn in problems on the screen) with firmware 8.4.3 and seem to have accidentally broken the lock screen ads. I want them back, as the placeholder is ugly and I'm one of those people who like them. Here's what happened:
Yesterday, the calendar app icon in my favorites menu (which I use as a quick way to see the date while in an app) turned into a corrupted-looking grey blob. Being sick and not thinking logically, I freaked out thinking the glitch was permanent and googled ways to fix it. One site said to go to the app manager and clear data and cache of the app called Launcher...
Not only did that not work, but suddenly my kindle went through the registration screen! But, thankfully, it already knew who I was ('this kindle is registered to [My Name], is that correct' or somesuch). It then gave me the tutorial screen like when you first register a kindle... But after that went right to my home screen with everything still set up and installed. I lost zero data that I know of and only a handful of settings-- most notably the one to turn off 'customers also bought...' on the home screen. All I had to do was set that again and it took effect. Today, at midnight, the icon for the calendar came back since it changed to display the new date. But I've got another problem I can't seem to solve.
Now, my lock screen takes a moment too long (usually no more than a second or two, thankfully, but sometimes a mini eternity) to come on, and when it does it has a generic, ugly image that says to verify my kindle is registered and connected to wifi. It is both registered and connected-- in fact, I'm using it right now to type this. I want the special offers back, but it still hasn't downloaded new ones or shown any indication that it can anymore.
I checked, and there were no system/assets and system/.assets folders, which i know are related to lock screen ad removal hacks. I added back empty folders with those names using ES File Explorer, rebooted the tablet, but it's been eight hours so far and no change. Could someone help me restore the lock screen ads? Maybe provide the relevant files/folders to put in assets if that would help and not carry a notable risk of bricking?


Can't get the Quick List to stop appearing!

Hey there.. I just installed the Energy ROM after having received this phone as a gift from a friend (with an unknown other ROM installed). I haven't had any problems with it for several weeks until just earlier today when the Quick List has decided to randomly start appearing on my screen. I don't even know how to trigger that screen to appear myself, but I can leave my phone unlocked on my desk and it'll randomly show the Quick List for a little while, then it'll vanish, sometimes extremely quickly. But I can't do anything on the phone anymore since it's constantly appearing and interrupting whatever I'm trying to do.
Like I said, I attempted to install an Energy ROM (Energy.RHODIUM.21916.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.Mar.08.7z, according to the file I downloaded from the Energy website) and it just finished no more than 30 minutes ago. As soon as I turned the phone back on from a reboot, that dang Quick List screen appeared.
Does anyone know why it keeps popping up and how I can get it to quit? Or is there some way I can just disable the Quick List altogether (as the options on it aren't really useful anyway..)? Thanks for any help ya'll can provide!
Started having this problem a few weeks ago. Did some hardresets, some task29 and tried different roms. But this quick list keeps appearing outof nowhere. Starts to get frustrating.
It's happening again...
So, for no reason that I could tell, it magically started working again (same rom as listed above) and I never saw the Quick List window again until today.
Today, I was using that same ROM as before, but the Quick List window started appearing. I thought that perhaps it was just something to do with that build, so I upgraded to the English build available at (well, tried giving the link but apparently I haven't posted enough, so never mind). It's at "http : // Energy Roms dot com forward slash www forward slash flavors forward slash sencity.html" for the HTC Touch Pro 2 Cookie (April 8, 2011 version). The ROM installs without a problem (absent the annoying attempts to get the phone to not constantly display the Quick List) but as soon as I power the phone on, the Quick List starts blinking on again.
I searched around as before for a solution and thought I could just disable the setting so that when I hold the end call button, it displays the Quick List, but after 10+ attempts to get to the settings window without the Quick List appearing and interrupting me (then closing itself automatically and displaying the Home screen), I finally got the setting saved and it didn't change anything.
Is it possible to just turn the Quick List feature off? Is there some known reason why it has possessed my phone? Thanks for any help ya'll can give.
Is there still no solution for self appearing Quick List? because I have the same problem :/
I've solved it The front keys flex need to be reconnected to main flex because "endkey" was self pushed what in energy rom is configured to turn on Quick List.

[Q] Accidental Reset... wtf

I had a strange reset of my phone last night, through what I think was no real action on my part, but I wanted to defer to the experts and see if anyone can help me make sense of this...
Also, as you'll see at the end of my post—if you make it through my rambling—I could find some of the info I seek elsewhere on this, and other forums, but the combination of data would be a difficult scavenger hunt and I thought this thread may help other lite (or lazy) power users with similar issues or info searches in the future...
So I was changing my battery out last night and when I was pulling the dead one out I had accidentally turned the phone on, but was talking to someone at the time and, being distracted, continued pulling the battery.
I got the new one in and turned the phone on to be greeted by what I think is called, and excuse my ignorance on terms as I have had no real interest in rooting to date, the debug screen—white background, cute little android rascals on the bottom, several restart options, etc. I believe I selected 'fast boot', as I think I have done when some random serious of events have greeted me with the 'debug' screen in the past.
All seemed fine and the device started up but it lagged on a black screen with an icon I interpreted as an 'update' icon and a progress bar. When I got to the OS, my settings, screens, apps, etc were reverted to stock conditions. My SD card retained all its contents and I used AppBrain so I was able to get things back to some semblance of normalcy rather quickly, but I am left with so many questions...
I've come up with 3 possible explanations...I made an error on the 'debug' screen, my device had a huge and random hiccup, or there was some strange update last night that, despite my best efforts, I cannot find mention of here or on any other forums.
Some additional info...
-on App Brain site, after linking the reset device back up to my E-mail/account, I have a totally new list named, not by the former 'ADR6300', but by 'HTC Droid Incredible'. This leads me to believe either AppBrain has changed its naming convention for this device since I originally set the app/account up, or there was some strange mystery update.
-I have always updated when prompted so I believe I was running the newest OS and am still on 2.2 now.
I'm not really looking for a solution to the reset, more looking for answers/theories and some preventative measures for reducing possible distress should something similar occur in the future.
-back-up methods...I use Launcher Pro Plus - paid, and just realized I can back-up home screens and settings through the launcher but is there anything else I should be doing?
-break down on that 'debug' screen, best option to choose for various issues, etc.
-has anyone heard of a similar story, update last night, or know the reason for AppBrain's new naming convention for my device?
Any other info, tips, or relevant advice would be much appreciated. As a Web/graphic designer and modern woman I am inquisitive and technical by nature but tend to subscribe to the 'if it aint broke, don't fix it' school of thought unless there is some new feature I hear about or want when it comes to my device. So I am not dense but I definitely don't know everything and I am looking to you, the 'experts' for answers
You held vol - and the pwr button when you turned on the phone. That is what made you go to the bootloader (debug). From there i'm guessing you had the phone do a factory reset, that is why everything went back to how it was when you first bought the phone.
2.2 is the "newest" build available without rooting your device.
Rooting and making a backup through Recovery is the best way (imo) to create a backup.
For what it's worth, I think g00s3y is spot-on
When you get to the hboot screen (the white screen with the Android dudes at the bottom), there should be 5 options:
Seems most likely that you mistakenly hit the last one rather than the first.

Root Archos 80 Cobalt 4.0.4 help!

I hope someone can advise me. I am new to rooting and I have followed this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2066972 and done as advised(to the book). My rooting was successful. I am using windows 7 64 bit.
One of the reasons I wanted to root was so I could restart and not shutdown - this option currently available on the tab by default.
I have one major problem and I don't know if the error occurred since rooting the Archos 80 Cobalt tab.
When I restart the tab the page etc load correctly and the wallpaper fills the screen. After a short refresh I have a black bar appear to the right in landscape mode. When I flip the pad vertically the error no longer occurs. However, when I load apps (both in landscape and vertically) they open correctly and fill the whole screen - no errors, they work perfectly, error only in home screens. No errors what so ever in vertical position.
When I change the wallpaper all is normal and sometimes not. This never happened before rooting. I reset the tab again when this error 1st occurred (after rooting) and left the default wall paper. All was working fine - when I swiped screens. Reinstalled all apps - all worked fine. I was able to swipe the screen and no errors occurred (tabs in black bar to right) and then changed the wall paper and then the problem arose again.
When restart, page loads/wallpaper loads up fine (fills whole screen), only shortly thereafter to 'refresh' and the bar to reappear and when I swipe screen for the error to occur. When I swipe screen I get the icons in the black bar.
I hope someone can advise if the rooting has caused problems or it's a software conflict since I have been installing apps, I'd be most grateful!
It seems the screen shifts slightly to the left - hence the black bar and icon issues.
I include some pics:
Dev123i said:
I hope someone can advise me. I am new to rooting and I have followed this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2066972 and done as advised(to the book). My rooting was successful. I am using windows 7 64 bit.
One of the reasons I wanted to root was so I could restart and not shutdown - this option currently available on the tab by default.
I have one major problem and I don't know if the error occurred since rooting the Archos 80 Cobalt tab.
When I restart the tab the page etc load correctly and the wallpaper fills the screen. After a short refresh I have a black bar appear to the right in landscape mode. When I flip the pad vertically the error no longer occurs. However, when I load apps (both in landscape and vertically) they open correctly and fill the whole screen - no errors, they work perfectly, error only in home screens. No errors what so ever in vertical position.
When I change the wallpaper all is normal and sometimes not. This never happened before rooting. I reset the tab again when this error 1st occurred (after rooting) and left the default wall paper. All was working fine - when I swiped screens. Reinstalled all apps - all worked fine. I was able to swipe the screen and no errors occurred (tabs in black bar to right) and then changed the wall paper and then the problem arose again.
When restart, page loads/wallpaper loads up fine (fills whole screen), only shortly thereafter to 'refresh' and the bar to reappear and when I swipe screen for the error to occur. When I swipe screen I get the icons in the black bar.
I hope someone can advise if the rooting has caused problems or it's a software conflict since I have been installing apps, I'd be most grateful!
It seems the screen shifts slightly to the left - hence the black bar and icon issues.
I include some pics:
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I decided to unroot phone (don't know why) and then re root. Still had same problem. But messed around again and manged to brick tab. Tab kept restarting even when I switched off...followed advice given in above thread re ''Recovering "Bricked" Achos 80 Cobalt to Stock ICS 4.0.4'' but kept restating so - so almost in one go I put in the power cord, usb cable and pressed the down volume key and manged to get it to work.
I have one problem (if I have read correctly and I need his cleared) - during flash the advice given was ''do not select any of the tick boxes", so I unticked all and pressed ''flashrom'', nothing would happen. So I changed it back to default - all checked (2-11),1st option shaded green unchecked - pressed 'flashrom' and it all worked.
Archos now works superbly. However, I still have the same problem when I change wall paper from default. The only fix (if only I knew, I wouldn't have wasted so many hours twice reinstalling apps etc) was to change the wall paper to live and the tab home screens work perfectly.
I have one problem now though unlike before I recovered. After installing quite a few apps I get not enough space and then I have to move some of the apps to SD card; but there is no SD card.
Can some one please advise if I have recovered correctly? Many thanks.
Tomorrow there will be a new rom with 2gb storage for apps.
globula_neagra said:
Tomorrow there will be a new rom with 2gb storage for apps.
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Many thanks fro letting me know. I have a 2nd one of these (for my sister), hers is not rooted. Same problem so it must be a software glitch. Regards

Keyboard and Home screen wallpaper keep changing

OGP was getting laggy so I restored to factory stock. I was surprised though that the phone remained rooted, which I guess is good. I then installed FreeGee and went with CWM, same as it was before the restore.
Now, a few weeks later, I'm having some issues with the keyboard and the Home screen wallpaper. About once or twice a day (on most days), for some unknown reason, my keyboard will revert to the Android keyboard (AOSP) from the LG keyboard that I have it set to. When I "correct" it to the LG keyboard, sometimes the "Extended keyboard" option is checked and other times it's not (I always leave the extended keyboard checked). I also will occasionally get a notification on the pull-down that I need to select a keyboard.
The other issue is that the Home screen wallpaper also seems to change itself back to the default blueberry paper. This only happens on the home screen, and it does not affect the lock screen wallpaper. The wallpaper issue seems to happen at different times than the keyboard issue.
I've also had the phone reboot itself once or twice since the restore...both times while in its holster. Only reason I know this is that I hear the AT&T boot music playing in the background. Upon viewing the phone, it's verified that it is in fact rebooting.
Anyone else having these issues, or know the cause?
andygold said:
OGP was getting laggy so I restored to factory stock. I was surprised though that the phone remained rooted, which I guess is good. I then installed FreeGee and went with CWM, same as it was before the restore.
Now, a few weeks later, I'm having some issues with the keyboard and the Home screen wallpaper. About once or twice a day (on most days), for some unknown reason, my keyboard will revert to the Android keyboard (AOSP) from the LG keyboard that I have it set to. When I "correct" it to the LG keyboard, sometimes the "Extended keyboard" option is checked and other times it's not (I always leave the extended keyboard checked). I also will occasionally get a notification on the pull-down that I need to select a keyboard.
The other issue is that the Home screen wallpaper also seems to change itself back to the default blueberry paper. This only happens on the home screen, and it does not affect the lock screen wallpaper. The wallpaper issue seems to happen at different times than the keyboard issue.
I've also had the phone reboot itself once or twice since the restore...both times while in its holster. Only reason I know this is that I hear the AT&T boot music playing in the background. Upon viewing the phone, it's verified that it is in fact rebooting.
Anyone else having these issues, or know the cause?
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Guess nobody else is having this issue.
The spontaneous rebooting has stopped, as has the "extended keyboard" issue.
What remains is the wallpaper and default keyboard changing issues. They both change at the same time now, about once a week.
What I was able to nail down is that this happens after every time titanium backup (free version) does its weekly thing. I have no idea what setting(s) I may have enabled to cause this. Anyone have an idea they can help out with?
I have the exact same problem with my home screen wallpaper changing. Ive had my optimus since about july and the first time it did it was like 2 weeks after i got the device. Kept doing it even tho i would change it back and not do anything with it regarding the screen. Wasnt sure what to make of it but whatever. It didnt do it again until yesterday (24th) and it wouldnt stop. Had to change my screen back like 5 times, and i just woke up a little bit ago and it was different again. The phone was just laying there. Didnt touch it so i have no clue. Ive tried going thru the settings to see if maybe i had checked something or whatever and im pretty sure i didnt. Only thing i can think of is that is just a glitch with the phone. I like the phone too much so thats not enough to get me to wanna get rid of it.
WHOvianFanGirl said:
I have the exact same problem with my home screen wallpaper changing. Ive had my optimus since about july and the first time it did it was like 2 weeks after i got the device. Kept doing it even tho i would change it back and not do anything with it regarding the screen. Wasnt sure what to make of it but whatever. It didnt do it again until yesterday (24th) and it wouldnt stop. Had to change my screen back like 5 times, and i just woke up a little bit ago and it was different again. The phone was just laying there. Didnt touch it so i have no clue. Ive tried going thru the settings to see if maybe i had checked something or whatever and im pretty sure i didnt. Only thing i can think of is that is just a glitch with the phone. I like the phone too much so thats not enough to get me to wanna get rid of it.
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Are you running Titanium Backup?
If all else fails, you can always restore to stock and reinstall your apps and other items. Then maybe you will be able to determine what is causing the issue.

[Q] Question on deleting shortcuts or apps from home page

I did some work on one of the 2 non rooted units that I have and installed the Llama options for "sleep mode" where the unit boots to XBMC when turned on, goes to sleep after 20 minutes and if yo hit the home button it still takes you back to the FTV home page but with no activity for 15 seconds it goes to sleep again. If you hit the OK button it wakes back up in XBMC. What a great setup for a non rooted unit. Kudos to the Kodi.wikki site for the information and way to do it.
Long story short, I took my second unit and did a factory restore on it to set it up the same way. All went well, but I notice that now up at the top of the home page where the recently view items are, all of the original shortcuts are gone...Netflix, Youtube, Classic TV...... 14 or so of them in all and in thier palce now are two or three info videos including the original one you have to sit through to even get the unit working and two more new ones as well as a shortcut to Prime TV.
My question is.....is ther anyway to delete these videos and get them off my unit. They simply taKe up space and after having to watch that first one at least a dozen time now I don't even want to see a shortcut to it!!
Someone please say there's an easy way to delete them and tell me how.....
PS... I noticed other several subtle changes in the layout even though my firmware didn't change. I can't explain how it happened, but another change is when you go to settings, applications and manage all applications. The window with all of the installed aps used to open up to the right of the main app screen.....now it opens to the left of the main screen. Again, no big deal, but something did change today after resetting the unit and I just set it up for the first time several days ago....it's now different. I just want to eliminate those instructional video shortcuts though!

