Looking for App Devs,ROM Devs and Over clocking Specialist - Design, Prototyping, UI, Graphics

Greetings to all in XDA,
We are a new mobile startup brand that is looking for nerds like us to join our team of designers and engineers to work along side us to pave the way of new models of smartphones to hit the market which we all know is increasingly saturated with the same ol` same ol` . We are here because we believe in the need out there to come out with something that redefines smartphones.
If you are interested in being the part of this journey please let us know as we are looking for passionate individuals looking to show their talents and be recognized for it.
Kind Regards and i look forward to hearing from you :cyclops:

anandliveshere said:
...We are a new mobile startup brand that is looking for nerds like us ...
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Sounds good. What are the professional requirements for the 'nerds'? Do you have web-site to learn more about the startup?

:fingers-crossed:Check your inbox.Thank you
surlac said:
Sounds good. What are the professional requirements for the 'nerds'? Do you have web-site to learn more about the startup?
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anandliveshere said:
Greetings to all in XDA,
We are a new mobile startup brand that is looking for nerds like us to join our team of designers and engineers to work along side us to pave the way of new models of smartphones to hit the market which we all know is increasingly saturated with the same ol` same ol` . We are here because we believe in the need out there to come out with something that redefines smartphones.
If you are interested in being the part of this journey please let us know as we are looking for passionate individuals looking to show their talents and be recognized for it.
Kind Regards and i look forward to hearing from you :cyclops:
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check it inbox +


Windows Mobile 7 in Live Mesh Commerecial

Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RY-q8k2RRI
It appears at the 0:33 mark. Compare what you see to the following photos:
What do think? Did Microsoft just give us glimpse into the next version of Windows Mobile? I'm pretty exited over this if you can't already tell.
It's on the nike too!
Can't wait to see if they release it for the nike!
Good luck to you excalibur users, My brother owns one =]
wreiad said:
Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RY-q8k2RRI
It appears at the 0:33 mark. Compare what you see to the following photos:
What do think? Did Microsoft just give us glimpse into the next version of Windows Mobile? I'm pretty exited over this if you can't already tell.
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What do I think?
I think I will see what Android offers.
I don't see anything interesting in those pictures.
spikey911 said:
What do I think?
I think I will see what Android offers.
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Ditto. And I hope it's a little more spiffed than what I've seen from the SDK emulator and the "leaked" pics of the supposed first phone.
spikey911 said:
What do I think?
I think I will see what Android offers.
I don't see anything interesting in those pictures.
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Then... Why are you here?
Now playing: Marilyn Manson - tourniquet
via FoxyTunes
Ok here
Better Quality:
What do you guys think now? Doesn't it look pretty similar to the photos?
wreiad said:
Then... Why are you here?
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Probably to find out things about the Dash? Maybe to soak in new tech, but hay i'll say the same doesn't look impresive and i'm def not here to listen to Manson
wreiad said:
Then... Why are you here?
<annoying foxytunes crap snipped>
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I'm here because I believe in helping people get the most from their dash through greater information availability...that and I actually *like* some of the guys on this board.
That having been said, I'm not a fan of Microsoft who, unless there is significant competition from one or more outside sources, will *not* innovate since they know they have consumers by the balls.
I'm all for checking out Android since it's open-source. As it's about the only thing that promises major, widespread, worldwide consumer competition for Microsoft, it will hopefully light a fire under their respective asses to actually improve their stagnant PDA-phone operating system. The supposed WM7 pics and videos might be a start, but they're already way behind.
I've used smartphones since WM2002, and it really hasn't changed fundamentally since then. To use the current political language, Microsoft can only keep putting fresh lipstick on a pig for so long.
wreiad said:
Then... Why are you here?
<Foxy Tune b.s. snipped as well>
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That's a dumb question...
I am here because I own a Dash and I LOVE it.
I am here because YOU asked for our opinions.
I am here because this is a GREAT group of people with a lot of knowledge and skill.
However this discussion is about WM7, which the Dash WILL NOT HAVE.
Those Youtube videos don't even show 2 seconds worth of video of the phone, what exactly are we supposed to see?
Thanks for asking, but next time if you want peoples opinions, don't always expect them to agree with yours....
Beartard, you are absolutely right, I have had a PPC since day one, and its pretty much the same today as back then..
Wow, tough crowd. I appreciate the video surfacing again, and it shows some things which we did not appreciate then:
1) Sliding panels is coming to WM Professional.
2) The live mesh integration client is pretty cool.
3) WM7 is going to look cool too.
For the people looking for change over the years, I have been using WM since 2000, and I have seen plenty of change.

Wow Naughty by Nature Rap Group Interviewed About Touch Pro2!

Dang, this guy even reads our threads at XDA...this guy's cool:
[I listened to Naught by Nature]
im really impressed with his knowledge. he actually is excited by it all
Thats awesome that hip hop artist start interfere to do things with windows mobile. Commitment those people in this things is only make better for us.
wildliquid said:
im really impressed with his knowledge. he actually is excited by it all
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Yeah, and I listen to Naughy by Nature too and also he praised windows mobile! He said a lot of people who "hate" windows mobile are "uninformed", I think he knows what he's talking about it. This is great.
Thanks for the link.
Yeah, Vinnie Brown is definitely passionate about Windows Mobile (like everyone here). He's really proud of those customized TouchFlo 3D graphics, and with good reason.
It would be cool if Microsoft made him an official spokesperson. I'm looking forward to their new album too.
adamz said:
Thanks for the link.
Yeah, Vinnie Brown is definitely passionate about Windows Mobile (like everyone here). He's really proud of those customized TouchFlo 3D graphics, and with good reason.
It would be cool if Microsoft made him an official spokesperson. I'm looking forward to their new album too.
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He say's he's been in the forums plenty...but does anyone know if he has an account here? I would love to know.
poetryrocksalot said:
He say's he's been in the forums plenty...but does anyone know if he has an account here? I would love to know.
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i doubt he wants anyone to know.

One of the best WM apps, Griff, looking to become open source- will you take over?

So one of the best apps on Windows Mobile, Griff, is about to die. The developer doesn't want to continue with it. I suggested that he make it open source and let the community take over, rather than let it die. He told me to post an inquiry here and see if there was any interest from the community.
Do any of you developers want to take over? Some more info on Griff:
The thread where the developer asks me to post here to possibly find someone to take over an open source project:
For those who don't know, this is the best mobile music making/sequencing app on the market. It has won plenty opf awards. It's virtually unchanged since 2000 (except for adding support for additional resolutions) and still today is better than anything on the iPhone.
I'm hoping there is someone out there who will take over this project and make it continue to be the best app out there as we move onto capacitive screen devices and devices that don't have a d-pad.
If you know of a better place to post this, please post it there...
Hmm Im not really into music making on my phone but It looks like a good piece of software
Im not a developer but I CAN do this
(lol hope it helps)
Hrm... very very interesting indeed! This would blend my personal life (writing music), professional life (development) and my hobbies (big focus on PDA's and WinMo for the last 4+ years) very well.
I'd be interested in joining a group to do this - I couldn't take it over alone (there just isn't enough time).
What language / libraries are used?
I was a C/C++ programmer at one time. Today I'm mainly enterprise Java with a smattering of other stuff. I've also designed quite a bit as well (project plans, UML, ROI, yada yada yada corporate stuff).
I run our corporate builds and manage developer assignments / team coordination - so out of the box I can pledge to help with source code management and developer support / project coordination. These are easy for me as I do 'em all day every day. Besides active development, as well
I'd like to see a few people express interest and I think I'd be willing to jump in with both feet here - especially if it migrated to a freeware kind of system.
Oh please someone take this over and make it COOL. It has potential but the UI is so unintuitive. I been doing pro audio for years and years and years and I had to drop the idea of killing time with this app.
Griff is easily one of the best applications for music production on windows mobile and indeed any mobile platform.
Im not a dev but i write music... i would be happy to get involved with this project somehow.
i do have some experience with programming but my code would probably be buggy as hell
I am personally very interested in this. only demoed the thing but found it really, really brilliant.
I can't promise I will have much free time for it, but I will be more than happy to give all the support I can.
I can do sourceforge, github, C/C++ also for Windows Mobile, C# for what matters. I can also do a lot of other things that probably don't apply in this context
bloody hell.. I didnt even know such an app existed.. thanks for sharing.. now who is going to take it over.
devices that don't have a d-pad.
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you mean 500+$ phones.
Edit: Just excited to see offers of contribution
You might be late on your ESP payment, looks like service is down and giving you erroneous insight.
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fixed now, sry.
*bow* thank you, I'm still optomistic that a project like this can come together and resurrect a great piece of paid software into a community-driven piece of open source and freeware.
And I didnt heard of this software before now?
Greetings and what a piece of software.
I'm a producer myself and have been looking for a software as this, looks awsome.
I'm not a developer but hoping that someone here will take over this fantastic project.
Haven't used Griff in a few years, but I'd would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see this project brought current.
This looks like something that could blend so well into an HD2.....and give Intua Beat Maker (iPhone), a very good run for the money.
I looks like it just needs a home start and a drum pad section, and it matches the best iPhone has to offer.
I hope someone takes this and runs with it.
please make it happend!
Greywolf_Ghost said:
This looks like something that could blend so well into an HD2.....and give Intua Beat Maker (iPhone), a very good run for the money.
I looks like it just needs a home start and a drum pad section, and it matches the best iPhone has to offer.
I hope someone takes this and runs with it.
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that would be nice
So here's what I know so far - Griff is primarily a single developer project with ~ 300 cpp/.h files based on the MFC framework. There's a couple of people who write plugins for it.
So, I'm in if Daniel (the developer / code owner) decides to go open-source with the project. Looks like we have several SMEs and testers ready to go - anyone interested in contributing with the coding? I can go it alone, but life has its time constraints
eknutson said:
So here's what I know so far - Griff is primarily a single developer project with ~ 300 cpp/.h files based on the MFC framework. There's a couple of people who write plugins for it.
So, I'm in if Daniel (the developer / code owner) decides to go open-source with the project. Looks like we have several SMEs and testers ready to go - anyone interested in contributing with the coding? I can go it alone, but life has its time constraints
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I don't now much about coding, but I do own Visual Studio 2008 (was planning on getting into it) and I would be happy to try. I do make a lot of music on the PC though (using Cubase) so I could definitely contribute some ideas at least.
I would definitely be willing to help with the coding too provided someone can help me out when I get stuck.
awesome SD!
Neither I was aware about this application. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
I play the guitar and the piano myself and occasionally I do some home-recording with Cubase although it is just a hobby. But still, I have a few ideas and knowledge about the music-tools available out there.
Playing around with Cubase is not my only hobby - I am also fond of programming. Unfortunately I hardly know any C++ at all since I am old "Basic"-user and now I am programming (both for desktop and Windows Mobile) in the .Net enviroment with C# and VB.Net.
So I doubt I could help with programming but I could indeed help with beta-testing (since I know the "logic" and way of thinking normally used by a programmer).
Just to summarize, I am ready to give a helping hand.

Is XDA Portal all about Android???

Whats going on with XDA Portal??? All I can see there is news about Android apps, themes, rooted devices and nothing else more.
I simple dont get it, there is already a major WP7 breakthrough with a Mango 7713 Custom ROM for HTC WP7 First Generation from DFT talked all over the place but not a single word from XDA Portal, or did I missed something?
Is everyone here hypnotized with Android?
What do you WP7 fans have to say?
dotcompt said:
Whats going on with XDA Portal??? All I can see there is news about Android apps, themes, rooted devices and nothing else more.
I simple dont get it, there is already a major WP7 breakthrough with a Mango 7713 Custom ROM for HTC WP7 First Generation from DFT talked all over the place but not a single word from XDA Portal, or did I missed something?
Is everyone here hypnotized with Android?
What do you WP7 fans have to say?
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There was an article last week about a Mango custom ROM for the HD7, I think. In any case, it's based on the news writers and which forums they browse around in. I think only egzthunder1 is still a WM user.
i think you just have to wait. As more people turn to wp7 you'll hear more and more news about it. Also the reason android is mentioned so much is because most the phones run android and you also get a lot of news about the phone itself rather than the os.
cajunflavoredbob said:
There was an article last week about a Mango custom ROM for the HD7, I think. In any case, it's based on the news writers and which forums they browse around in. I think only egzthunder1 is still a WM user.
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That article was about HSPL/RSPL for HTC WP7 devices released by DFT and I am glad someone published it. Now we just need kitchen tools and start cooking it.
I really dont understand this lack of interest about WP7 as I have been playing with Mango for awhile and think that is so much better than Android.
As a side note this message was send from an Android device because my HD7 run out of battery. Android is fun too.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
XDA Portal News Writers Team works non stop to bring the best of what happens on our big site, as we are a small group it´s impossible for us to not miss some of the important stuff happening around and we need the help of our members to get to this future stories.
We try to cover all OS´s but you have to know that Android news are happening more often than WP7 or WM, however we have not any special preference as our duty is to cover the best of any OS, thanks for your tip, I will be writing about it soon.
And next time you want us to publish something please PM any of the NW´s Team.
P.S: Here some examples of all the WP7 articles we have recently published
dotcompt said:
Whats going on with XDA Portal??? All I can see there is news about Android apps, themes, rooted devices and nothing else more.
I simple dont get it, there is already a major WP7 breakthrough with a Mango 7713 Custom ROM for HTC WP7 First Generation from DFT talked all over the place but not a single word from XDA Portal, or did I missed something?
Is everyone here hypnotized with Android?
What do you WP7 fans have to say?
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orb3000 said:
XDA Portal News Writers Team works non stop to bring the best of what happens on our big site, as we are a small group it´s impossible for us to not miss some of the important stuff happening around and we need the help of our members to get to this future stories.
We try to cover all OS´s but you have to know that Android news are happening more often than WP7 or WM, however we have not any special preference as our duty is to cover the best of any OS, thanks for your tip, I will be writing about it soon.
And next time you want us to publish something please PM any of the NW´s Team.
P.S: Here some examples of all the WP7 articles we have recently published
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I will and thanks for your reply. I am sure the team is doing their best but please try to focus on WP7 a little bit more.
Great news are coming soon to WP7 Chefs.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium App
Ill try and keep an eye on WP7 as well. Like Orb said, we go where the news
Indeed. As was expressed earlier, your feedback is definitely appreciated.
Though we generally try to have the Portal act as a microcosm for the site's activity as a whole, we could stand to have a little more WP7. As Orb3000 mentioned, please feel free to PM any of us in the News Writers user group if you see that we have missed anything important in the WinMo or WP7 worlds. We would be delighted to write about it.
Thank you, once again, for your feedback.
When I spot any WP7 developments I tip off Egz (or anyone else I can find online) - I'm claiming credit for the HSPL article tip .
I'm just busy IRL at the moment and not keeping up with the developments every day.
To be fair to the team, not much has happened in the WP7 until recently
And the show goes on and on and ...
This is a disgrace for WP7 members. We really have to dig if we want to find WP7 news.
Well we still have wpcentral.
I really hope WP7 can take off. I like Android but WP7 is prettier and snappier. If there comes a time when my must-have .apks have an equivalent or superior on WP7 I'll totally switch. Those must-have .apks used to be .cabs and that's what held me onto WinMo for so long. I was waiting forever for garmin to sell me an android app but instead they just bought navigon... Works for me...
Like i was stated a couple months ago, we go where the news is. I have not seen many suggested news in the lines of WinMo7 since this thread was originally started. Once again, if you see something news worthy, please let us know so we can get on top of it. We are a small group and do not always catch things immediately.
Bingo, what TRM said is absolutely true. On top of that, most writers use Android and unfortunately, it is very hard to keep tabs or even review apps when you don't even have a device to test things on.
I just got a WP7.5 device, so we may start seeing more of this in the Portal...
Coupled with the fact that the portal guys work really hard to find new, relevant content.
And in this day and age, that is primarily Android content, based on marketshare and usage levels.
Perhaps wp7 will pick up a bit, but it's still not gaining much ground
If you guys want something on the Portal, Suggest It
Or use the "Submit to Portal" button at the top right of every thread.
svetius said:
If you guys want something on the Portal, Suggest It
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the_scotsman said:
Or use the "Submit to Portal" button at the top right of every thread.
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As much as I try it just dont get published.
Come on guys, as I said in a previous post I am sure you are doing your best but If you look to the Portal it is all about Android, there is nothing about windows phone.
Custom Roms, apps, tricks and device root and device reviews are only about Android. If there is a first custom rom for an Android device this is almost instantly reviewed, if there is a new outstanding app for Android it is posted immediatly, and so on...
Dont get me wrong, I have nothing against Android or Android Members, in fact I have an Asus device with Android too, but when was the last time something about windows phone was posted in the Portal?
We are a few Windows Phone fans here but we were Thousands back in the WM6.5 good old days so I think we deserve some attention too from the news writers.
Again, please dont take these personnal statements as an attack, that is not my intention. But, as a Windows Phone lover I feel sorry to see WP7 being left behind by this community that I love so much.
dotcompt said:
As much as I try it just dont get published.
Come on guys, as I said in a previous post I am sure you are doing your best but If you look to the Portal it is all about Android, there is nothing about windows phone.
Custom Roms, apps, tricks and device root and device reviews are only about Android. If there is a first custom rom for an Android device this is almost instantly reviewed, if there is a new outstanding app for Android it is posted immediatly, and so on...
Dont get me wrong, I have nothing against Android or Android Members, in fact I have an Asus device with Android too, but when was the last time something about windows phone was posted in the Portal?
We are a few Windows Phone fans here but we were Thousands back in the WM6.5 good old days so I think we deserve some attention too from the news writers.
Again, please dont take these personnal statements as an attack, that is not my intention. But, as a Windows Phone lover I feel sorry to see WP7 being left behind by this community that I love so much.
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I'll flag the portal admin to your post
dotcompt said:
As much as I try it just dont get published.
Come on guys, as I said in a previous post I am sure you are doing your best but If you look to the Portal it is all about Android, there is nothing about windows phone.
Custom Roms, apps, tricks and device root and device reviews are only about Android. If there is a first custom rom for an Android device this is almost instantly reviewed, if there is a new outstanding app for Android it is posted immediatly, and so on...
Dont get me wrong, I have nothing against Android or Android Members, in fact I have an Asus device with Android too, but when was the last time something about windows phone was posted in the Portal?
We are a few Windows Phone fans here but we were Thousands back in the WM6.5 good old days so I think we deserve some attention too from the news writers.
Again, please dont take these personnal statements as an attack, that is not my intention. But, as a Windows Phone lover I feel sorry to see WP7 being left behind by this community that I love so much.
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Perhaps people are betting on the wrong horse. It is predicted that there will be more windowsphone devices in 2016 then iphones. This is calculated by analists of IDC. Other analists confirms this evolution. The growth of android will stop soon too.
I think that the intrest in windowsphone will grow with the growing part of windowsphone in the market. So I am not worried at all. It will only be better.
Personally I don't like android at all (nor Iphone).
Link to chart of market share : http://www.standaard.be/mobilia/cnt/DMF20120611_020
Hi dotcompt,
Thanks for the heads up. You bring up a very valid point, and I will make an effort to address this. While we do indeed have more Android users here, and thus more Android development, WP7 is a fantastic OS that should not be ignored. I apologize for the inconvenience.
To alleviate it, would you be so kind as to PM me personally when you have content suggestions? I would gladly publish any story about WP7 as long as it's relevant development work. And on that note, thank you much for contributing to the community with your development efforts.
dotcompt said:
As much as I try it just dont get published.
Come on guys, as I said in a previous post I am sure you are doing your best but If you look to the Portal it is all about Android, there is nothing about windows phone.
Custom Roms, apps, tricks and device root and device reviews are only about Android. If there is a first custom rom for an Android device this is almost instantly reviewed, if there is a new outstanding app for Android it is posted immediatly, and so on...
Dont get me wrong, I have nothing against Android or Android Members, in fact I have an Asus device with Android too, but when was the last time something about windows phone was posted in the Portal?
We are a few Windows Phone fans here but we were Thousands back in the WM6.5 good old days so I think we deserve some attention too from the news writers.
Again, please dont take these personnal statements as an attack, that is not my intention. But, as a Windows Phone lover I feel sorry to see WP7 being left behind by this community that I love so much.
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Cost for Demo App? Your opinion...

Hello fellow developers,
I am turning to your expertise because as a member of XDA, I trust and value your opinion. I have a situation and would appreciate your input. I am working on an App idea. I've figured out most of the details and planned a road map. I have a 7 page mockup ready to build only a demo app (no backend, only visuals for potential investors to help me fund the full build).
I am wondering what I should expect in terms of costs to design and build an interactive demo? I would appreciate any range of costs you may find reasonable.
Thank you in advance for your input, I appreciate it.
Alex1x said:
I am wondering what I should expect in terms of costs to design and build an interactive demo? I would appreciate any range of costs you may find reasonable.
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I'm new here too, but been doing Android development for a few years... In my own experience I've built mockups/apps myself, so to me it was always "free"... my spare time... but if you want real answers, and related to your app, you'll have to provide a heck of a lot more detail!
"How long is a piece of string"...
peaklabs.net said:
you'll have to provide a heck of a lot more detail!
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I agree, even if you will not have working logic in it, you still need to design it ( 7 Activities) and sometimes design is much harder to do than logic behind it

