Screen lights on with every notification - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

I have a GS6 edge, and it has an annoying "feature" - the screen turn on every time I get an SMS, there is a reminder about an event from my calendar.. and every other notification, basically.
I could find a setting "do not display content" under "notifications" in the settings, but now the screen just light up - with no notification on the lock screen.
Does anyone have any idea how to make the screen stay off (and just make the sound \ light up the notification LED)? :crying:

It may be your "Ambient Display" setting. I installed CM13 on my M8 the other day and noticed that every time I would receive a notification my screen would wake up... I searched everywhere on my phone and even set my email app to "no peeking," whatever that is? Anyways, after Googling the mess out of this I found that the issue was the Ambient Display setting which is under Display settings. Simply turn this off and Boom goes the dynamite. My issue has been solved... Maybe you have already figured this out by now as you posted your question months ago but maybe someone else will stumble across this with the same issue and be like.... yassssss


Phone stays lit after a text message?

I don't know if anyone else is having this problem but my touch pro 2 has the tendency to stay lit after a text message. It can get very annoying because if I get a text message in the middle of the night it stays lit all night until I find it in the morning. This only occurs sometimes and is usually fixed with a reboot.
Under settings > Power> I have my backlight and "turn off device" everything set to 1 min. Does anyone know a fix to this problem? Thanks
That's weird. Take a look at your sound and notification settings.
My screen doesn't turn on when I get a text message, I just hear the sound and the light up top flashes.
can you please tell me what you have checked under notifications and sound?
i would love for it to just play a sound instead of having the screen light up thanks!
You might need to disable wake up on new sms thingy.

[Q] Q: Flaky notification light

I've found that the notification light on the front of my desire is quite random as to whether it decides to flash or not when a new message has arrived, or when I have a missed call, etc., sometimes it does, other times it does not. Sometimes the light is not flashing, but when I press the power button to unlock the screen, I see that there are new messages waiting.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is it software/hardware problem? Or a user problem in that I haven't switched on some setting? I have everything turned on in settings -> Display -> Notification Flash
It's not random but the light only flashes for something like 10 minutes. There are apps, that can keep the light flashing, in the market.
Its not to do with that, I've had it where I watched a sms arrive, the phone beeps and vibrates, but the notification light doesn't blink at all during or after the arrival of the sms.
I never worked this out, in the end i found an app called "LED me know" on this forum which did the trick.

[Q] Flash notification

For some reason the flash goes off when I get notifications now. It's driving me nuts trying to find out how to turn it off. The accessibility feature is set to 'off' so I don't know where else to find a way to turn this annoyance off! I should also mention that I don't have a notification app installed... Unless there's an Asus one I never noticed.
Any idea?
I believe its under display settings and turn off led indicator, i believe that's what causing that.

Having major issues with notifications in Pie

It seems like ever since Oreo (currently running Pie) my notifications have been really screwed up and I'm at a loss as to how to fix it. I need help lol.
1) With screen off, a lot of times I won't get any notifications until I wave my hand over the proximity sensor.
2) Sometimes my LED doesn't turn on. Like, I'll grab my phone and there'll be a notification on the lock screen, but the LED doesn't alert me to it. Other apps don't flash the LED at all even though it's turned on in settings.
3) I never get voicemail notifications. At all. And I can see missed phone calls if I open the phone app, but there's otherwise no indication of missed calls. Wtf!
I've tinkered with all of the notification settings to no avail. I also noticed the number of options that can affect notifications seems a complicated mess. I'm a bit disappointed at what the Android notifications have become.
Can anyone offer any help with this?

AOD brightness way too dim...

Hey guys, like many of you I recieved my Note 10+, and I'm almost done with the full setup. I am having a slight issue though with my AOD screen being way too dim. It's so dim that I can hardly make out the notification symbols. I've gone through the Lock Screen settings, and removed the auto brightness, and set the brightness all the way up, but it's like it did nothing. It's still very difficult to make out the notification.
Just wondering if anyone else is having or had the same issue, and was able to fix it?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Sorry for the message above. I literally just figured it out by accident. Right after I posted I turned my phone off, and tapped the screen once to see the time, then for some reason i double tapped the clock, and i got a brightness slider. I turned it up all the way, and it's much better now.
Sorry for the post if it's already been mentioned. I'm back on Android for the first time after being on iPhone for the past few years. I feel like I need to learn everything again.

