Speakerphone only works on cm rom - Sprint Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

My mic seems to mute when I use speaker phone or use a video.call with hangouts. When I flashed cm speakerphone works during calls but not during video calls. Nobody can hear anything. I'm thinking cm uses a different mic for speakerphone and that's why it works. I tried to put it on safe mode but it still doesn't work on TouchWiz roms. I also cleaned the speaker holes but it didn't help. Anybody else with this problem?


Galaxy Nexus - Mic only works on speakerphone

Since today my mic only works on calls when I have speakerphone turned on, well at least people can hear me a little when speakerphone is on. They cant hear be at all when its not on. I have played around with mute button when on a call with no luck.
OS Version: 4.1.1
Baseband: I9250XXLF1
Kernel: 3.0.31-g6fb96c9
Has this happened to anybody else?
The mic has frustrated many of us!! Put it back to stock and call Verizon for a replacement. Make sure to back your phone up before anything else!!
I had it happen to me a few days ago.
Thought it was hardware related but then found that the mic worked on speaker phone.
Flashed back to stock JB.. no change
Flashed back to stock ICS and it worked again. With that the ICS updated to JB then I put CWM and back to CM10..
It has been fine for a few days except about 3 days ago I had an issue with the phone showing it was charging when it wasn't plugged in. Had to do a full wipe and start again. Now I am back on euroskank CM10 nightlies
I am on stock and I am in Ireland so phone is GSM version of phone
I have only got the OTA updates since I got phone and I didn't root it
I got JB update a few weeks ago and issue only started now
Is it possible that one mic is used for speakerphone and camcorder, and the other is used for standard voice calls?
See, I have the opposite problem... standard voice calls work fine, but speakerphone and camcorder record no sound. Lots of flashing alternative stock roms, with no change.
Is it possible the noise cancellation mic is used as the primary microphone for camcorder and speakerphone? I've heard that a speaker can also be used as a mic... is that being used? I'm considering replacing the flex cable with the standard mic and USB charging port, since the part is only about $6. Is the noise cancellation mic on a separate, cheap, easy to replace part as well?

[Q] microphone almost inaudible, works fine on speaker

I'm running a stock galaxy nexus, and since a few days (suddenly), people can't understand me anymore when I'm not on speakerphone, I sound really far-off and muffled.
Since it's working fine when on speakerphone I'm suspecting either a fault in the noise cancellation or with the microphone which is used in regular calls.
In the stock android I run I don't find an option to disable the noise cancellation.
Can anyone recommend me a rom which has this option? I'll be giving the phone to my wife next month (provided I can fix this problem), so I don't really care one way or the other if the experience/ui of the new rom matches what I get from stock android. All that matters is that the phone works well.
If disabling the noise cancellation doesn't pan out, would there be any way for me to force the phone to use the secondary microphone for all calls? (Since it still works fine on speakerphone...)

Microphone not working properly after lollipop ?

My in call mic, as well a google now hot word, is not working after installing the latest firmware for lollipop.
It is recording at an extremely low volume. People say I sound muffled and far away.
To get "OK google" to respond I have to put the mic right next to my mouth.
Every thing is fine when using speakerphone .
Are there two mics in the phone? Why would it not work in normal call mode and be fine on speaker?
Also after a google search. I found people in the nexus 5 community with the same problem.
Tried flashing older lollipop firmware to no avail. I haven't tried going back to sense yet, as I want to keep lollipop.
Any help or ideas are appreciated.
Strange. Try reflashing it. Make sure to wipe.
Anyone? If there is two mics is there a way to switch when they work. I'm mean to say have the speaker phone mic work as a regular in call mic
This is making me crazy. I can't send the phone to HTC, they want $400 because I used HTC DEV to unlock my phone.
Sometimes it works fine, like 5% of the time. Speaker phone mic works perfectly. I have to put the phone right near my mouth to get "ok Google" commands to work.
Does anyone know how I can get the other mic to act as the primary one?
Searching the interwebs. There are rumors of the noise cancellation causing the issue. Idk?
Can't buy a new device. I'm stuck with this one. It is beyond frustrating.
I've flashed, RUU'D everything under the sun to try and fix this. Nothing.

Microfone issue

have a problem with my HTC 10 when I make standard call there is no any problems, but when I switch call to loudspeaker people tell that they can't hear me, phone usually lie on the desk during this calls.
Is this hardware issue, or software? I use Viper ROM. This phone have two microphones right, which one is used with loud speaker call?
Hello, the same speaker like without Loudspeakermode. Try another ROM at first Stockrom, shouldn't help this i recommend to contact your seller.
speaker no matter if phone is at the ear or call is in "speaker" mode works without any problem,
my problem is with microphone but only on "speaker" mode because then other side can't hear me.
to resolve it, I've bored out the microphone hole on the bottom of the case enough to make sure the mic is fully exposed and that appears to have done the trick.

URGENT HELP! Problem with calling/receiving calls

A problem happened on my phone over the last few days
Basically, the speaker and mic don't work in call, I can't hear anyone, and they can't hear me, with or without loudspeaker, there is nothing at all.
If I use the LENOVO HELP app, that tests speaker, I can hear something through the earpiece, and the mic works, but nothing on phone or on Facebook messenger
The phone rings and I can ring others, and I can use data and everything, and I have gone back to stock (tried 6.0 and 7.0 but to no avail)
Can anyone help?

