Windows 10 rom for LG's G3 variants - a possibility??? - Windows 10 Mobile

With the release of Xiaomi's Windows 10 rom, is there a possibility that this could be ported over to phones such as the LG G3 with the same chipsets, chips and ram??
Would definitely breath new life into the device and something i would be willing to donate for.

It would definitely be a possibility, but devs would have to be willing to put a lot of time and work into learning the structure of the new os and adapting it to the dissimilar hardware between the g3 and the mi4

I was guessing the same thing but the first emerging problem is the following (please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm here to learn):
when you extract this specific rom, you find out about 20 partitions (unlike other lumias)..and it's almost the same number of partitions that an android rom for xiaomi has.
So my guessing is: xiaomi's bootloader hasn't changed, it's the same for windows 10 mobile and for android. They build a rom (probably working on the NT kernel of windows) suitable for this specific device. Of course lg's devices manage the memory with a different partition, if I haven't written wrong things (otherwise correct me), to make a port is necessary to have an in dept knowledge of window's kernel (a not so simple task since it's closed source) in order to change *at least* the partition scheme and to make it suitable with lg's bootloader. People who can manage with this task, as far as I know, are not too much..


What to do if I want to....

I have purchased an unkown brand of PDA phone which is manufactured in China/Taiwan where Windows Mobile 5.0 is installed. However, the machine seens very unstable because the system somehow will stop running when soft-reset or while using it. Is there any program I can use to check the ROM information/version of my device so I can upgrade it for a more apporpriate ROM/OS. Thanks!
Start -> Settings -> System -> Device Information (Under `Identidy`) may give you a clue. A photograph of your hardware may also help.
It says Microsoft Windows Mobile Version
OS 5.1.1700 (Build 14343.0.0.0)
ARM920T S3C2440A
Below is the photo of the machine, however the words are in Simplified Chinese.
As the phone singal is very weak and the machine is very unstable. Just wonder if I can find a better Radio Rom or OS to replace the exiting one.
I'm 99% sure it's a samsung, there was another thread with an similar or same (i don't remember) phone and query somewhere in this forum. i thought it was an abandoned concept, (remember the slider phones in the last two matrix films)
This phone looks like Samsung, and actually this model from Samsung has been for sold on market in China last year on CDMA network called SCH-M509 (China, with CDMA SIM card slot) or SCH-S250(Korea, without CDMA SIM card slot). Check the link below and you see Samsung is not running Windows operating system. (In Simplified Chinese wordings)
You can see the phone I posted earlier looks the same as original Samsung. I'm sure that the Samsung phone is not running Windows Mobile but the one I purchased is on Windows Mobile 5.0, therefore, I really want to see if I can flash the ROM for better performance (or at least more stable and reliable).
Anyone able to help? If I want to flash the ROM, what information I need to know? ROM version? Machine model e.g. Magician, Wizard..etc? Any program I can check the ROM information? Thanks!
roms are unique to each device - the hardware is different, the touchscreen button combos are endless, so the rom needs to be different.
as it's not made by htc, you will not likely find anyone with a rom for it on this forum.
i think you have two choices,
1 check the other phone forums - howard, pdamobiz etc.
2 cook your own rom - there are guides scattered around this forum, i don't know if the process is the same for all, but if you check guides for more than one you'll get the idea

Android on Universal

Android is a new open source mobile operating system that Google developed and an SDK has just been made available.
It would be great to see this ported to the Universal if its possible.
I don't see why it would not run since the Universal can already run Linux (to some extent) and Android is just based on that. Whether and to what extent the hardware can be supported is another question that only our programmers can answer. As we can surely count HTC out on supporting their legacy devices it might not be worth anybodies time in the end.
SDK for Android would not help at all. It is just a set of headers and import libraries. To port something to a device you need complete source codes of its kernel, software, etc. Even more - we don't know hardware requirements for Android. It may require the NOR flash to run from it - and we don't have it on our device at all.
mamaich said:
Even more - we don't know hardware requirements for Android. It may require the NOR flash to run from it - and we don't have it on our device at all.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Nobody uses NOR these days, it's too expensive and provides no real
benefit over NAND. The XIP days are over.
I hate java with passion, but i don't see any reason why Android software
will not be running on the universal.
Any news? I mean: can Universal run an Android ROM?
I saw something on tytnII, is there an hope?
can anyone confirm if android requires a customised hardware or minimum requirements....
By The Looks Of It I Shouldnt See Why Not...
I Saw That Video Of It On The Tytn And It Looks Like Its Just A Linux Based Kernel Booting Though Haret.
Theirs Already Some Pretty Good Progress With Linux On The UNI And I Dont See Why It Shouldnt Be Possible To Patch This Up. (Wish I Could But Im Not A Linux Coder )
maybe something like this
(click on the emote)
could be done for univ.
Getting A Replacement
I Get My Replacement XDA Exec On Monday Hopefully So Ill See If I Can Do Anything. No Promises Though
It looks promising but I am also awaiting the Ubuntu Mobile edition for PCC: it looks awesome!
if it has to run java bytecode
hi a .CAB solution should be possible. tis my prefered choice at present. KVM with class jar anyone??
any news ?
Kaiser can run Android, any ROM for Uni?
In this thread we have Android ported in to a Kaiser, hope someone is working on an Android ROM for UNI!!
It looks very nice the interface
Does anyone knows more info about this?
Any news on Android for Uni?
I've been trying to get it to work on my ELFin too, but i gave up when i only managed to get the Linwizard running without startx... (i dont know how to telnet and startx -.-)
Any news on this?
I'm thinking of getting a universal but i'm gathering info on it atm!
Has anyone been able to get some real progress on this matter?
I installed this onto my main memory, but when I run it I get a blank screen and the phone vibrates continuously, what am I doing wrong? I think this version is supposed to work on the Universal.
hye !
i also tried to install android on my universal, but it didn't work at all, i only had a black sreen and it vibrate without stopping. if someone has an idea, or a new thread were we can find out a running android os for uni... i take it !
Very keen on this
Is there a project? .. I'm a developer and would be willing to assist, but i haven't got enough experience with these devices to start the project off myself...
Count me in as a beta tester
It would be great to have Android on Uni!!
So this news means that very soon developers can start working on android to be ported on other devices!!!

[Q] Build ROM straight from Google Source (AOSP)

Greetings all,
I would like to know something that seems to be so simple it hasn't been documented here anywhere.
My question is: How do I build the source provided by Google for my Desire HD?
Yes, there are tutorials, don't point me to them. They either provide you with the AOKP way or the CM way.
I want to build my stuff from scratch.
Is there a generator that will create the necessary file structures for me (in the devices folder)?
Is there a complete list that my rom needs to include in order to make it run on my device (preferably a list of folders I need)?
I know about the vendor files, these are created by a third party. How do I know what vendor files I need to create? How do I know how to name them?
Don't get me wrong, I've used C, C++ and C# for YEARS (I think about 8 now) and I know how to code. I just don't know how to compile android!
It doesn't seem that hard though, I've seen threads where people provide ROMs for the Desire HD without even having the device!
Also, how would I test this and debug it? I don't think it's safe to just flash my rom once I get it compiled to my actual device and possibly brick it.. Can I use an emulator?
I hope you will read this post before answering something alike "Plenty tutorials" or "This can be found everywhere", because it can not. I can only find AOKP or CM ways, I want neither.
Greetings Ultimate-Tester
The only time I know of that this has been achieved for this device is aospX, an ICS ROM on the Inspire 4G forums. It is much harder than you would think. Google does not support this hardware, HTC does. So there was never AOSP source for this device.
Yes, I can imagine how hard it is. As I said I have programming experience, it's just that I don't have it with Android ROMS.
I have built mainly for Windows, also on Ring0 level (which is the lowest level you can get) so I think making drivers is a task I can handle. I am definitely not underestimating it.
Could anyone give me an answer to this line:
Is there a generator that will create the necessary file structures for me (in the devices folder)?
Is there a complete list that my rom needs to include in order to make it run on my device (preferably a list of folders I need)?
I am very interested in how other people knew what folders to create and what files to put in them. How would the Google Source (envsetup) know which device files to use and what not? Again, can I generate the file structure somehow?
My suggestion is to use device trees from AOSP-based ROMs that already exist for this device. For example, look in the cfX manifest.xml for Ace-specific stuff (kernel, device, etc.). I personally haven't seriously tried this before, so that's all I can offer.
Okidoki, will do. Then for the last item: Testing.
What will be a safe way to test out my brew?
What will actually happen if I flash a ROM with missing files? I hope there's an underlying catcher that will send something I can see in logcat and fix it that way.. Is this the case, or will I immediately brick my phone once I do something wrong? Do I need to make sure something is 100% there in order to reach my recovery again?
I'm nor aware of any safety nets. If you're developing, you probably have to be willing to take the risks.

[Q] Fairphone and Firefox OS

at the moment it is not possible to install Firefox OS on fairphone since that it is not supported by mozilla. Do you know if there is a project that is able to do it?
My understanding is that to do anything related to custom OSes or custom ROMs will require source code or custom drivers for the hardware that is used in the phone. There may be projects out there that are attempting to this for the MTK SoC that is used in the fairphone, but as the hardware in each model will likely be slightly different, there will be no guarantee that all the functions of the phone will actually work. There is a whole discussion about source code availability in this thread:, as well as a number of mentions of (limited) progress in building a working kernel in order threads. In short: the chances of an alternative OS for the fairphone appearing within a useful time frame appear to be quite slim.

Android Universal ROM - possible?

Sorry, if this is the wrong thread or if this question itself is stupid.
One thing I have been thinking about in the last few days (especially with Android Nougat this close to release) is: "Why is there no Universal Android ROM (Cyanogen or other) that can be installed on any (or at least a number of common) devices like Windows or Ubuntu for PCs?"
I did a bit of research on the internet today, but the only answer I found over and over again is, that it's because of drivers and the sheer number of different phones and tables out there.
But now my more exact question: Why isn't it possible to bundle the drivers for SoCs, antennas, ... who are most popular (like Snapdragon 820, 810 ...) with a kind of standard AOSP ROM as this works with Windows (as far as I understand it)?
Thanks for your help!

