Pedometr bug? - Huawei Watch

Hi, i faced this bug with Huawei B1 talkband and here also. Every movement of my hand can be treated as a step. So when I'm waken up in the morning it can show me that I've made 20 steps or more. If I doing smth with that hand it also increasing the number of steps. Even when I driving my car the same.
I have Samsung galaxy gear live and My phone(S5) and there is no such bug there. I think the pedometr sensitivity is too high. Wondering how to decrease it?

I think my watch is doing this too. I went from 4000 step to 6000 steps when I got this watch.


Moto 360 Steps Showing Higher and Then Lower Next Time

All of a sudden the step count shown on moto 360 is going crazy. Yesterday for example it at time 1 it showed 100 steps, at time 2 it showed 3,000 steps, and then the third time it was back into the 100's. Today it did the same thing but not as big of a jump. It went from 367 to 97. Anybody else having a similar problem?
the_main_app said:
All of a sudden the step count shown on moto 360 is going crazy. Yesterday for example it at time 1 it showed 100 steps, at time 2 it showed 3,000 steps, and then the third time it was back into the 100's. Today it did the same thing but not as big of a jump. It went from 367 to 97. Anybody else having a similar problem?
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Having this exact problem this week, however mine always resets to 0 for the previous day and stays like that, even though before I go to sleep it'll show around 9000, which is fairly accurate.
Really weird, hope it's sorted soon!
I've been seeing a huge fluctuation in step count when I wear it while doing situps. The fluctuations have ranged from ~5k to 100k. I see "normal" counts while doing other exercises and activities. Weird.
I've tried resetting the watch, but still see it. This started happening after the last firmware update.

Sync with google fit

Curious to see if anyone use the google fit app along with thier watch? I've noticed that the two are no synced (# of steps recorded from Fit greatly differs from watch - which makes sense as my phone is not always on me when I move around).
so how do sync the data from my watch to be shown on the google fit app? or is that only shown on another app (like moto body or something else)?
basically, I want to use the Fit app to record my weight and see the metrics of my steps, heart rate, etc. but I only want the steps to be recorded from the watch.
I think you have to bear in mind that fitness-wise any smartwatch (even those with GPS on board) will never be anything more but a compromise for a real fitness watch. It's a nice to have for a smartwatch and maybe data aquisition quality improves in the future but I'm sure this remains playground.
I am seriously pissed with google fit. before i got it, my watch did pretty well taking my steps. now it only takes them when i carry my phone and it resets midday all the time, ex. it said 125 steps at 10 am then 34 at 3 pm. wtf! I like the look and how it keeps records, but im going to delete it soon.
andypiznti said:
I am seriously pissed with google fit. before i got it, my watch did pretty well taking my steps. now it only takes them when i carry my phone and it resets midday all the time, ex. it said 125 steps at 10 am then 34 at 3 pm. wtf! I like the look and how it keeps records, but im going to delete it soon.
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That could be related to how the app syncs with the watch. Check the app settings in android wear.
jco23 said:
That could be related to how the app syncs with the watch. Check the app settings in android wear.
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yeah i did that. i had to switch my heart rate and steps to moto body. moto body told me i took ~2800 steps where google fit said 169 steps for the whole day. 2800 is way closer, still low i feel, but 169 is no where close.
As of now, Google Fit on the phone does not sync to the watch.
Sfkn2 said:
As of now, Google Fit on the phone does not sync to the watch.
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right - even though the details on the app on the market says that it does.
Yeah mine is not working too
Sent from my SM-G906S
Not sure about others but since I installed Fit on my phone, my phone battery has taken a hit. I have since disabled it.
madgalaxy said:
Not sure about others but since I installed Fit on my phone, my phone battery has taken a hit. I have since disabled it.
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Me too. I left a review on the app in the market. If enough people do, then perhaps they'll adjust it.
I don't have an issue with Google Fit.
I occassionally walk around with my phone on my desk, or with my watch charging (and my phone in my pocket).
Initally the steps are out of sync, but once Fit sync's the data, they match up (ie if watch is showing 1500 steps, and phone is showing 400 steps, within 15-20mins of sitting at my desk, I'll check, and my steps have been updated to 1900 in google Fit.
By the end of the day, my Google Fit steps usually matches my Moto Step count.
HuStLaZ said:
I don't have an issue with Google Fit.
I occassionally walk around with my phone on my desk, or with my watch charging (and my phone in my pocket).
Initally the steps are out of sync, but once Fit sync's the data, they match up (ie if watch is showing 1500 steps, and phone is showing 400 steps, within 15-20mins of sitting at my desk, I'll check, and my steps have been updated to 1900 in google Fit.
By the end of the day, my Google Fit steps usually matches my Moto Step count.
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In the android wear app, what app is synced with steps - moto body steps or google fit?
Google Fit for steps, Moto Heart Rate for heart rate.
HuStLaZ said:
Google Fit for steps, Moto Heart Rate for heart rate.
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I re-enabled activity detection, and my steps began to sync - however, the phone's steps count appear to override the watch's step count. for example, I noticed this morning on my watch that my step count was 147, but the phone read 93. when I pulled down the step count on the phone to force a sync, the watch suddenly read 93. I would like for the watch to override the phone on this statistic, but not sure how.
Well, I installed google fit yesterday and took a long walk today i expect that the data was different in watch and phone but... it sync; the data in watch and phone is the same, the past data was not sync but i don't care.
Due to battery drain problem, I turned off location history , don't know why the Google fit forced to use location history . if you do the location on /off frequently, it will screwed up the syncing, the logic is the phone steps overriding watch , most of the time , I did not bring my phone out while going for a long exercise. It is mad to see my watch's steps of 10000 being reset to the phone value and the wrong recording being pushed to my watch steps history.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
This. Happens to me constantly. As a result, I uninstalled Google Fit. Presumably when I update to Lollipop I'll have to disable it. Candidly, it seems like a very minor bit of code to fix the issue but it's not there yet. As a result, I just use Moto Body, though I wish that they had an app to monitor it as well. Incidentally, having removed Google Fit, I can share that my battery life has improved dramatically.
hmanxx said:
Due to battery drain problem, I turned off location history , don't know why the Google fit forced to use location history . if you do the location on /off frequently, it will screwed up the syncing, the logic is the phone steps overriding watch , most of the time , I did not bring my phone out while going for a long exercise. It is mad to see my watch's steps of 10000 being reset to the phone value and the wrong recording being pushed to my watch steps history.
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Update to fit app (and android wear too). We'll see if they corrected the battery drain issues.
jco23 said:
Update to fit app (and android wear too). We'll see if they corrected the battery drain issues.
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I Really regret buying the moto365 now. I think I am just going to sell this thing when the up3 comes out and wait for a few years before I go back to a smart watch. Google fit is an absolute joke compared to just about any other fitness tracking software you can find. I had a Fitbit Surge for a while and it was extremely accurate but the bands are too small for even an average sized man. So that went back for a refund.
Very disappointed.

Does anyone make a watch face that accurately tracks Phone battery strength?

I've had the Galaxy Watch since March and have played around a lot with faces for it that supposedly show both the Watch and the Phone battery strength. I had many of these on my Moto360 Gen2 watch that I replaced with this Galaxy watch. The Moto faces I used would keep updated with battery strength throughout the day. Every watch face I've tried with the Galaxy tells me I've got 100% most of the day. Occasionally it'll update and show where it's gone from 100%, down to something else, ex. 87%, 56%, etc, without showing any other decreases in between those. Some days, I go all day long with the watch showing I'm at 100%, even though the phone is lower.
I have a Galaxy Note8 and decided to go Galaxy Watch, thinking they would actually be more compatible. It seems like I had better interoperability with the Android Watch than I do with this Tizan based watch, even though it's all part of the same ecosystem by Samsung.
Does anyone out there know of a watch face, Paid or Free, that accurately represents Phone battery strength?
All in One! by Shuisky works for me with my Pixel 3XL.
Thanks. I have that one, and for some reason, the Phone battery indicator goes away when I install it on my watch. I can see it when I first bring that face up and select it for the watch. But, then after it initializes on my watch, the phone indicator goes away and only shows the watch battery. That's what seems to happen with all the watch faces.
newkydawg said:
All in One! by Shuisky works for me with my Pixel 3XL.
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I have bought All in One, but the mobile battery indicator stops updating after some 15 minutes, (mobile is the Note 10+)
EDIT: this is the fix
SpideRMaN-17 said:
I have bought All in One, but the mobile battery indicator stops updating after some 15 minutes, (mobile is the Note 10+)
EDIT: this is the fix
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Thanks. I just went through and found a couple of things that needed to be unchecked. I'll see how that runs through now and if it fixes things.
I appreciate the info.

GT2 Pro - steps vs calories

Not sure if it's because it's currently paired to a Note 20 Ultra or if it's a setting I can't find, but although the steps seem OK, the calories burned and the distance walked seem to be about double what I would expect.
For example on the main Health page, at the top, it says I've got 9983 steps, which is about right, but it also says 794 calories and 12.43 miles??
If I go into devices and just look at the watch results, I get the same steps, and 394 calories and 4.27 miles - these sound about right.
Any thoughts appreciated. But maybe all will be well if my Huawei watch from China ever arrives
EDIT: A bit more reading suggests you get around 50 calories for every 1,000 steps - so one is miles over and one is under!
Anybody else having an issue?
Nobody having any issues with the GT2 pro then? Must be the Note 20 Ultra.
stewarta13wsb said:
Nobody having any issues with the GT2 pro then? Must be the Note 20 Ultra.
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Not that nobody having that issue, it's more nobody is paying attention to that. The other day I was doing heavy weight lifting 10 minuts in total. As Huwei Health calculated I burned exactly 2 calories It's the other way around with steps count. Way off...around 2x more. Both my and my wife's watch. So it gives...yes there are issues.
People are more interested with fancy watch faces, not so much if data presented to them are real. Only my two cents
EDIT: And BTW...pretty sure nothing wrong with yours Note 20 Ultra

Steps count inconsistent between Huawei Health app and my Watch GT2?

Everything is in the title. I got a count of 10 140 on the watch but, in the Health app, my count is at 14 300 steps. I read, on other forums that it was because the app still count your steps with the phone sensor, even if you're not wearing the watch.
In my case, it shouldn't matter since I wore both, the phone and the watch for the entire day. There should be no difference between the two. Before I return the watch to the seller, is there a solution to this problem?
I also till this day did not find a solution. I have the exact same problem. Problem is cused by Huawei Health app, every just slight movement of a phone is considered as a step and than summed up with watch counted steps. Stupid as f..k
NandoKerry said:
I also till this day did not find a solution. I have the exact same problem. Problem is cused by Huawei Health app, every just slight movement of a phone is considered as a step and than summed up with watch counted steps. Stupid as f..k
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Absolutely true. The step count is highly inaccurate. Every little move of the hand (if you're using a Huawei Watch) or the slightest step would be counted as 1 step. I'd say it has a ~ 40 % error rate and I don't think I would be exaggerating.

