HELP jailbreaking windows 8.1 - Windows RT General

Hi I'm new this forum and found it when looking to jailbreak my windows rt 8.1. I followed the steps that were provided in the thread "jailbreak+infected updates+signed applications" but I don't have any watermark on my desktop. I removed the infected updates even though there were a couple that weren't even there and I executed the command in powershell and it said it completed but no watermark after reboot.
Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk

Brandon's Windows RT Quickbreak Powershell
Save this to a .ps1 file on your RT Device, if you use notepad be sure it's a ps1 file, not a txt file. Run powershell as administrator. Type in the path to this .ps1 file.
The command.
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>c:\temp\jailbreak.ps1
The file.
$registryPath = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update"
$Name = "AUOptions"
$value = "0"
New-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name $name -Value $value -PropertyType DWORD -Force | Out-Null
bcdedit /set '{current}' loadoptions ' /TŅSTSIGNING'
wusa /uninstall /kb:3084905 /quiet /norestart | Out-Null
wusa /uninstall /kb:3088195 /quiet /norestart | Out-Null
wusa /uninstall /kb:3108381 /quiet /norestart | Out-Null
wusa /uninstall /kb:3121212 /quiet /norestart | Out-Null
wusa /uninstall /kb:3101746 /quiet /norestart | Out-Null
shutdown /r /t 0 /f


[ROM][WWE]Shipped:1.37.479.3 Help needed reconstructing

i got my hands on my first diamond so i made a dump:
ROM version:1.37.479.3 WWE
Rom date 06/24/08
Radio Version:
Protocol version:52.26a.25.09H
CE OS 5.2.19591 (Build 19591.1.1.6)
I uploaded the raw files in case someone needs them
Sorry if not in the right thread, but it's a bit late and i'm running out of battery on my laptop.
pass: "xdadevs" without cuotes.
PS: if someone would be kind enough to make theese files into flashable roms, i would appreciate it,
Can someone extract the rom from this dump and convert it to a flashable one ?
I tried to reconstruct a rom for my polaris in the past and almost briked it.
I don't want to repeat that, and i'm eager to test some cooked roms but i need the original rom in case i want to send the device back to Vodafone.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks ravest.
That ROM is the same which I have in my Dimond. But I am beginner in flashing ROMs, so I am supporting you to beg somebody to make a flesheable ROMfrom your dump, and you personally I would like to ask to describe step by step how to do dump of ROM for me. I was reading some HOW TOs, but still I do not understand how to do it.
this is the guide i used for dumping:
and there is also a guide for kaiser where i found the tools needed:
you may also need to install sdkcert and enablerapi on your pda in order to be able to dump those files.
step by step guide:
1. extract itsutils ( to hard drive
2. open command prompt (run "cmd"), go to the folder created above (use cd command)
3. run
pdocread.exe -l
and you will get a list like this:
210.38M (0xd260000) DSK1:
| 3.12M (0x31f000) Part00
| 4.38M (0x460000) Part01
| 106.38M (0x6a60000) Part02
| 96.50M (0x6080000) Part03
3.75G (0xf0000000) DSK7:
| 3.75G (0xf0000000) PART00
STRG handles:
handle e6932666 3.75G (0xf0000000)
handle e7cae8da 96.50M (0x6080000)
handle c7db27be106.38M (0x6a60000)
handle a7db279a 4.38M (0x460000)
handle 67db2752 3.12M (0x31f000)
4. run
pdocread.exe -w -h 0x67db2752 -b 0x800 0 0x31f000 Part00.raw
and you will get a result like:
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0x31f000, Part00.raw)
4. run the same command changing the values acordingly
At the end you will have in the same folder 4 files: part00.raw, part01.raw, part02.raw, part03.raw
ravest said:
this is the guide i used for dumping:
and there is also a guide for kaiser where i found the tools needed:
you may also need to install sdkcert and enablerapi on your pda in order to be able to dump those files.
step by step guide:
1. extract itsutils ( to hard drive
2. open command prompt (run "cmd"), go to the folder created above (use cd command)
3. run
pdocread.exe -l
and you will get a list like this:
210.38M (0xd260000) DSK1:
| 3.12M (0x31f000) Part00
| 4.38M (0x460000) Part01
| 106.38M (0x6a60000) Part02
| 96.50M (0x6080000) Part03
3.75G (0xf0000000) DSK7:
| 3.75G (0xf0000000) PART00
STRG handles:
handle e6932666 3.75G (0xf0000000)
handle e7cae8da 96.50M (0x6080000)
handle c7db27be106.38M (0x6a60000)
handle a7db279a 4.38M (0x460000)
handle 67db2752 3.12M (0x31f000)
4. run
pdocread.exe -w -h 0x67db2752 -b 0x800 0 0x31f000 Part00.raw
and you will get a result like:
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0x31f000, Part00.raw)
4. run the same command changing the values acordingly
At the end you will have in the same folder 4 files: part00.raw, part01.raw, part02.raw, part03.raw
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Thanks ravest - good work!
I have to read all paths first, download software and after that I will definitely try.
Thanks again.
up ?
Anyone can help ?
Thanks in advance.
And what do we have to do to the .raw files to make them usable for rom flashing?

{guide} How to install/configure kitchen to customize Roms

SORRY MODERATORS AND DEV i an not a dev but still i am posting this in dev section but i have see lot of persons struggling with kitchen including myself.I want to help and thought it might help
Sorry for BAD English [SIZE]
(" ,----.. .--.--. ,' , `. ,---, ");
(" / / \ / / '. ,-+-,.' _ | ,--, ,--.' | ");
("| : : | : /`. / ,-+-. ; , ||,--.'| ,---, | | : ");
(". | ;. / ; | |--` ,--.'|' | ;|| |, ,-+-. / |: : : .--.--. ");
(". ; /--` | : ;_ | | ,', | ':`--'_ ,--.'|' |: | |,--. ,--.--. / / ' ");
("; | ; __ \ \ `. | | / | | ||,' ,'| | | ,"' || : ' | / \ | : /`./ ");
("| : |.' .' `----. \' | : | : |,' | | | | / | || | /' :.--. .-. | | : ;_ ");
(". | '_.' : __ \ \ |; . | ; |--' | | : | | | | |' : | | | \__\/: . . \ \ `. ");
("' ; : \ | / /`--' /| : | | , ' : |__ | | | |/ | | ' | : ," .--.; | `----. \ ");
("' | '/ .''--'. / | : ' |/ | | '.'|| | |--' | : :_:,'/ / ,. | / /`--' / ");
("| : / `--'---' ; | |`-' ; : ;| |/ | | ,' ; : .' \'--'. / ");
(" \ \ .' | ;/ | , / '---' `--'' | , .-./ `--'---' ");
(" `---` '---' ---`-' `--`---' ");
Following are some sites which you can use :-
Kitchen Form :-
1)goto this form download kitchen i strongly recommend Linux version
1. Download Ubuntu from
2. Once it is downloaded, in the VirtualBox program, click the Start button at the top.
3. Close out all the warnings that come up.
4. Then click on Devices > CD/DVD Devices > More CD/DVD Images… then select the .iso image for Ubuntu you downloaded.
2)Then install Ubuntu on ur system(i use vmware for this work)
3)copy kitchen folder to ubuntu the open the folder goto menu run in terminal it should work but if there any error or menu doesnt work then
6. Follow the prompts on the screen to install Ubuntu on your Virtual Machine.
7. Once it is installed and reboots, goto Applications > Accessories > Terminal and type this line with hitting enter at the end:
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre
It will ask you for a password, type in the password you created when you went through the Ubuntu installation process (it asked you for it before finishing the install).
Then it will ask you y/n. Hit y then enter. Then when it shows you the terms and conditions, hit right arrow on your keyboard and click enter to select ok. Then hit left arrow on your keyboard and enter to select Yes.
*NOTE – Your keyboard and mouse will not function on your regular computer once you use them in the Ubuntu virtual machine. To re-enable them, click the Ctrl button on the right side of your keyboard.
4)Download the java files manually FROM INSIDE THE EMULATOR/LINUX using Firefox here:
Download the java files manually FROM INSIDE THE EMULATOR/LINUX using Firefox here:
Java6 Bin
Java6 Jre
type java in application center in ubuntu jui
Then open the Terminal App in Ubuntu and type this with hitting enter at the end of the line:
sudo dpkg -i sun-java6-jre_6.18-4_all.deb sun-java6-bin_6.18-4_i386.deb
And that should fix it.
5)The open the Kitchen folder in the ubuntu and open MENU file in terminal
6)The rom u want to customize in to be copied into the orignal_update folder
7)Rest u have to enter ur choice in menu and kitchen will create a working folder
8)WORKING folder is the main folder in which u do all ur work(costamization work)
note:- error 6 this is the most frustrating error u will surely face while flashing ur rom and is related to update_scrpit and i stronglly recommend start again from scratch than roaming around finding error
9) download autosign or other signing file if u get any signing error
i want to thank all the dev and persons who help me in solving my problems regarding the kitchen and errors i have faced in developing my roms (which i create form myself as they r not worth posting )
i really appreciate them thanks
I am one big idiot noob
Nice guide! Thanks
Happy to help
One big idiot noob
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
Awesome, thanks! I was looking for some guides on how to do this. I'll take a look at these when I get some free time.

[Q] Help needed in system reformatting

Hello XDA!
I've been messing around with my Samsung Galaxy Gio (GT-S5660). I was trying to make a custom ROM for it. Not really custom, I just wanted to customize a stock ROM by updating system apps like Google Play, YouTube, etc... and removing bloatware...
After several hours trying to make a working ZIP image using the Android Kitchen to use with CWM (I had a nightmare with updater-script and update-binary)... Deodexed + zipaligned and everything went fine... I realized that I'm running out of space in /data while trying to restore my installed apps and figured out that it got something to do with deodexing so I made an odexed + non-zipaligned ROM and flashed it. Now having shortage in /system.
I reverted to the stock Odin-flashable ROM and was shocked that the system size is actually "smaller". I think that got to do with the ext4 formatting of the /dev/block(s)
I used this "" script bundled with "mkfs.ext4":
#!/sbin/busybox sh
# Ketut Putu Kumajaya, Jan 2012
# taken from ext4 tools script, copyright Chainfire
OUTFD=$(ps | grep -v "grep" | grep -o -E "update_binary(.*)" | cut -d " " -f 3);
progress() {
if [ $OUTFD != "" ]; then
echo -e "progress ${1} ${2} " 1>&$OUTFD;
set_progress() {
if [ $OUTFD != "" ]; then
echo -e "set_progress ${1} " 1>&$OUTFD;
ui_print() {
if [ $OUTFD != "" ]; then
echo "ui_print ${1} " 1>&$OUTFD;
echo "ui_print " 1>&$OUTFD;
echo "${1}";
format_to_ext4() {
cd /;
/tmp/mkfs.ext4 -T ext4 -b 4096 -m 0 -J size=$SIZE -O ^resize_inode,^ext_attr,^huge_file$EXTRA $BLOCKDEV;
/sbin/tune2fs -c 100 -i 100d -m 0 $BLOCKDEV;
progress 0.25 300;
ui_print "Formating /system";
format_to_ext4 "/system" "/dev/block/stl12" "4" ",^has_journal"
set_progress 0.50;
progress 0.25 300;
ui_print "Formating /data";
format_to_ext4 "/data" "/dev/block/stl13" "16" ",^has_journal"
set_progress 0.75;
progress 0.25 300;
ui_print "Formating /cache";
format_to_ext4 "/cache" "/dev/block/stl14" "4" ",^has_journal"
set_progress 1.00;
#progress 0.25 300;
#ui_print "Formating /sd-ext";
#format_to_ext4 "/sd-ext" "/dev/block/mmcblk0p2" "16" ""
#set_progress 1.00;
ui_print "Formating done !";
# system --> data=journal, not supported
# cache --> data=writeback, not supported
And this is the start of my "updater-script" code:
package_extract_file("", "/tmp/");
package_extract_file("mkfs.ext4", "/tmp/mkfs.ext4");
set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/tmp/");
set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/tmp/mkfs.ext4");
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/stl12", "/system");
Look, this doesn't have anything to do with the apps' sizes as the difference is relatively large for an old device (~25MB).
Now what can I do? How can I reformat the system to stock and flash again?
PS. Im not a n00b nor a dev.
Thanks much in advance!
TytanSlayer said:
Hello XDA!
I've been messing around with my Samsung Galaxy Gio (GT-S5660). I was trying to make a custom ROM for it. Not really custom, I just wanted to customize a stock ROM by updating system apps like Google Play, YouTube, etc... and removing bloatware...
After several hours trying to make a working ZIP image using the Android Kitchen to use with CWM (I had a nightmare with updater-script and update-binary)... Deodexed + zipaligned and everything went fine... I realized that I'm running out of space in /data while trying to restore my installed apps and figured out that it got something to do with deodexing so I made an odexed + non-zipaligned ROM and flashed it. Now having shortage in /system.
I reverted to the stock Odin-flashable ROM and was shocked that the system size is actually "smaller". I think that got to do with the ext4 formatting of the /dev/block(s)
I used this "" script bundled with "mkfs.ext4":
#!/sbin/busybox sh
# Ketut Putu Kumajaya, Jan 2012
# taken from ext4 tools script, copyright Chainfire
OUTFD=$(ps | grep -v "grep" | grep -o -E "update_binary(.*)" | cut -d " " -f 3);
progress() {
if [ $OUTFD != "" ]; then
echo -e "progress ${1} ${2} " 1>&$OUTFD;
set_progress() {
if [ $OUTFD != "" ]; then
echo -e "set_progress ${1} " 1>&$OUTFD;
ui_print() {
if [ $OUTFD != "" ]; then
echo "ui_print ${1} " 1>&$OUTFD;
echo "ui_print " 1>&$OUTFD;
echo "${1}";
format_to_ext4() {
cd /;
/tmp/mkfs.ext4 -T ext4 -b 4096 -m 0 -J size=$SIZE -O ^resize_inode,^ext_attr,^huge_file$EXTRA $BLOCKDEV;
/sbin/tune2fs -c 100 -i 100d -m 0 $BLOCKDEV;
progress 0.25 300;
ui_print "Formating /system";
format_to_ext4 "/system" "/dev/block/stl12" "4" ",^has_journal"
set_progress 0.50;
progress 0.25 300;
ui_print "Formating /data";
format_to_ext4 "/data" "/dev/block/stl13" "16" ",^has_journal"
set_progress 0.75;
progress 0.25 300;
ui_print "Formating /cache";
format_to_ext4 "/cache" "/dev/block/stl14" "4" ",^has_journal"
set_progress 1.00;
#progress 0.25 300;
#ui_print "Formating /sd-ext";
#format_to_ext4 "/sd-ext" "/dev/block/mmcblk0p2" "16" ""
#set_progress 1.00;
ui_print "Formating done !";
# system --> data=journal, not supported
# cache --> data=writeback, not supported
And this is the start of my "updater-script" code:
package_extract_file("", "/tmp/");
package_extract_file("mkfs.ext4", "/tmp/mkfs.ext4");
set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/tmp/");
set_perm(0, 0, 0755, "/tmp/mkfs.ext4");
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/stl12", "/system");
Look, this doesn't have anything to do with the apps' sizes as the difference is relatively large for an old device (~25MB).
Now what can I do? How can I reformat the system to stock and flash again?
PS. Im not a n00b nor a dev.
Thanks much in advance!
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ive also used deoxwd from peteragent5 its work fine and great its 2.3.6 but yes its consume a big amount of internal memory so I've change my rom and use some other custom rom's

[Script]Tools Menu v.05

This is a batch file i made to install a tools menu i made. it came to be out of me being lazy and not wanting to have to open menus or hold shift
i did not make the scripts that some of the options use(credit is in the script).
see pictures to see the options and what it looks like in the end
IF ON WINDOWS RT YOU MUST BE JAILBROKEN TO USE. Thanks GoodDayToDie, it is now perfect
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Installs finished
Power with extras
v0.2 - added open powershell as admin here, fixed open cmd as admin here, no longer need ele.exe and the e.cmd file
v0.3 - able to remove the restart explorer.bat file thanks to coldbloc
v0.4 - added power menu. normal has lock, logoff, restart, restart with boot options, and shut down. the second has all of the first but sleep, hibernate, and switch user.
v0.5 - fixed an issue in the hidden files vbs(thanks LEDelete for pointing it out), fixed missing icon folder copy command in install script (thanks trm96 for pointing that out) should fix icons not showing up
the script has some swears i found them funny, again the script was made for me i just figured others my find it helpful.
if the icons dont show up reboot
Download Tools Menu
Looks cool.
So imagine I copy a registry key to my clipboard, does this regedit command capture it and open directly ? I checked, it only opens registry. Wonder if this MJ snippet would work in RT.
FYI, I don't prefer to kill-explorer like that, I think some settings that are not finalized until logoff can be lost when doing so, so instead I just logoff. But to each his own.
You can also change the position setting and the flyout will move to top or bottom of your menu. Make change in same key as the muiverb.
"SubCommands"="regedit.Tools;Open Admin Cmd here.Tools;Open Cmd Here.Tools;Files Extensions.Tools;Hidden Files.Tools;Restart Explorer.Tools"
I forget the trick to add an extra divider line.
EDIT: I've never been able to get more then 12 subcommands even with nested flyouts, if anyone knows how I am all ears.
coldbloc said:
Looks cool.
So imagine I copy a registry key to my clipboard, does this regedit command capture it and open directly ? I checked, it only opens registry. Wonder if this MJ snippet would work in RT.
FYI, I don't prefer to kill-explorer like that, I think some settings that are not finalized until logoff can be lost when doing so, so instead I just logoff. But to each his own.
You can also change the position setting and the flyout will move to top or bottom of your menu. Make change in same key as the muiverb.
"SubCommands"="regedit.Tools;Open Admin Cmd here.Tools;Open Cmd Here.Tools;Files Extensions.Tools;Hidden Files.Tools;Restart Explorer.Tools"
I forget the trick to add an extra divider line.
DIT: I've never been able to get more then 12 subcommands even with nested flyouts, if anyone knows how I am all ears.
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tbh the reason i didnt put a position in is i couldnt decide where i wanted it and where it was worked with the rest of the stuff in my context.
as for restarting explorer i run in testmode 24/7 so after i remove the watermarks i just restart explorer rather then logging off. its also helpful if explorer decides to lock up.
well i was bored so i added the option to choose position to it
pbanj said:
i run in testmode 24/7 so after i remove the watermarks
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That sounds like you have to do it every reboot. Are the mui files protected in RT and we are unable to edit the watermark permanently ?
If I write a snip to add powershell run-as admin would you add it to your Tool™
coldbloc said:
That sounds like you have to do it every reboot. Are the mui files protected in RT and we are unable to edit the watermark permanently ?
If I write a snip to add powershell run-as admin would you add it to your Tool™
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not at every boot once its done its done but i added it as it was more for when i do fresh installs, im adding it in now
edit one
i was able to get the admin cmd to work without the need of the extra files so those have been removed. i will be uploading it in a few min
edit two
new ver is uploaded, i added a ver number to it to help me keep track of it. you will have to run the uninstall part in the old one first before running the install on this as i have removed some unneeded stuff
pbanj said:
not at every boot once its done its done but i added it as it was more for when i do fresh installs, im adding it in now
edit one
i was able to get the admin cmd to work without the need of the extra files so those have been removed. i will be uploading it in a few min
edit two
new ver is uploaded, i added a ver number to it to help me keep track of it. you will have to run the uninstall part in the old one first before running the install on this as i have removed some unneeded stuff
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That's a different way of doing it. Lately for elevation most people are using APPCOMPATFLAGS or an inline elevator script. Had never seen an example using just "ExplorerCommandHandler" and "ImpliedSelectionModel" settings before.
Does that only work on newer builds, I searched my W7x64 registry for that canonical GUID (the powershell one) didn't come up with anything. Where did you find it.
coldbloc said:
That's a different way of doing it. Lately for elevation most people are using APPCOMPATFLAGS or an inline elevator script. Had never seen an example using just "ExplorerCommandHandler" and "ImpliedSelectionModel" settings before.
Does that only work on newer builds, I searched my W7x64 registry for that canonical GUID (the powershell one) didn't come up with anything. Where did you find it.
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i found it in a program that adds items to the context menu but when it added powershell it would crash explorer so i used it as a base and started messing with it until it worked without crashing explorer(fun times). im not sure if it works in windows 7 as im on 8.1
Understood, not available in W7, likely only 8.0 and up. I find it here in W8.1.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Open Powershell as Admin Command"
Maybe can even use the GUID list of control panel items the same way.
@="Admin Pshell Here"
and I remembered how to do the divider line trick.
Think you can get rid of the Restart_Explorer.bat with this.
"MUIVerb"="Restart Explorer"
@="taskkill /f /im explorer.exe && start explorer.exe"
and this could toggle file extensions, without the .vbs
"MUIVerb"="Files Extensions"
@="start /wait /b powershell -command \"$check = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt').HideFileExt;if ($check -eq 0){Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt' -Value 1} else {Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt' -Value 0}\""
coldbloc said:
Think you can get rid of the Restart_Explorer.bat with this.
"MUIVerb"="Restart Explorer"
@="taskkill /f /im explorer.exe && start explorer.exe"
and this could toggle file extensions, without the .vbs
"MUIVerb"="Files Extensions"
@="start /wait /b powershell -command \"$check = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt').HideFileExt;if ($check -eq 0){Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt' -Value 1} else {Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt' -Value 0}\""
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tried both of those with no luck, the restart explorer one made a cmd window pop up real fast, all i could see was it said invalid something. the file extension one didnt do anything
i would love to be able to get rid of the scripts
pbanj said:
tried both of those with no luck, the restart explorer one made a cmd window pop up real fast, all i could see was it said invalid something. the file extension one didnt do anything
i would love to be able to get rid of the scripts
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On the file extension, I forget the refresh. Here is the snip, it goes somewhere near the end. FYI, I need rewrite it registry > cmd > powershell escape character safe.
I want to be sure it's just the refresh causing the problem and that the registry still got toggled, proving the powershell did run in the background and was not stopped by execution policy. Will you confirm by running the old script and manually hitting refresh.
coldbloc said:
On the file extension, I forget the refresh. Here is the snip, I need rewrite it registry > cmd > powershell escape character safe (triple double quotes nesting issues mostly).
I want to be sure it's just the refresh causing the problem and the registry still got toggled, meaning the powershell did run in the background. Will you confirm by running the old script and manually hitting refresh to verify.
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i thought it might not have been refreshing so i tried that and it still didnt change
pbanj said:
i thought it might not have been refreshing so i tried that and it still didnt change
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So you are on 8.1 RT, with powershell policy enabled and it still doesn't work.
Been bing'ing around for RT Powershell Limitations and it seems Microsoft might be the reason it doesn't work. Don't have RT hardware to test, cannot find a VM emulator either.
coldbloc said:
So you are on 8.1 RT, with powershell policy enabled and it still doesn't work.
Been bing'ing around for RT Powershell Limitations and it seems Microsoft might be the reason it doesn't work. Don't have RT hardware to test, cannot find a VM emulator either.
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im on normal 8.1 pro with media center
pbanj said:
im on normal 8.1 pro with media center
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OK, is my bad then. Found the issue with Restart Explorer. Working on 2012-R2
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"MUIVerb"="Restart Explorer"
@="\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe\" /c \"taskkill /f /im explorer.exe & start explorer.exe\""
coldbloc said:
OK, is my bad then. Found the issue with Restart Explorer. Working on 2012-R2
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"MUIVerb"="Restart Explorer"
@="\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe\" /c \"taskkill /f /im explorer.exe & start explorer.exe\""
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that one works like a charm, i added it to the regfiles and added a mention to u in the changelog
updated it again, i added power options to the context menu it only shows on the desktop and i did not give it the option to have its position changed
Fixed the toggle file extensions added restart explorer kludge
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"MUIVerb"="Files Extensions"
@="cmd /c start /wait /b powershell -command \"$check = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt').HideFileExt;if ($check -eq 0){Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt' -Value 1} else {Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt' -Value 0};taskkill /f /im explorer.exe;explorer.exe\""
coldbloc said:
Fixed the toggle file extensions added restart explorer kludge
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"MUIVerb"="Files Extensions"
@="cmd /c start /wait /b powershell -command \"$check = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt').HideFileExt;if ($check -eq 0){Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt' -Value 1} else {Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt' -Value 0};taskkill /f /im explorer.exe;explorer.exe\""
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
if it didnt restart explorer it would be better then it is now.
pbanj said:
if it didnt restart explorer it would be better then it is now.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Fixed the toggle file extensions sans restart explorer kludge
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"MUIVerb"="Files Extensions"
@="cmd /c start /wait /b powershell -command \"$check = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt').HideFileExt;if ($check -eq 0){Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt' -Value 1} else {Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt' -Value 0}\""
coldbloc said:
Fixed the toggle file extensions sans restart explorer kludge
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"MUIVerb"="Files Extensions"
@="cmd /c start /wait /b powershell -command \"$check = (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt').HideFileExt;if ($check -eq 0){Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt' -Value 1} else {Set-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Advanced' -Name 'HideFileExt' -Value 0}\""
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
im looking but finding it but maybe u know it, is there a way to have it send the f5 key with powershell?

Windows RT EditionID

Would someone with Windows 8.0 RT (or 8.1) run this powershell command and post back the EditionID string.
(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' -Name 'EditionID').EditionID
C:\Users\Nathan>reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /f EditionID
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
EditionID REG_SZ CoreARM
End of search: 1 match(es) found.

