[Beta][Free][Android]Puzzle Game - Testing

Hi all
I am about to release my next app update with new features and need testers to help test this version before going live.
Its a puzzle board game and the new feature is Save current score so u don't loose your score when game over
Please posts feedbacks here. Thanks


[APP] Balanced - we need a few serious testers!

Hi, Im the dev of Balanced, an app for checking your mobile balance through *100# or *123# commands. It has been in beta for a while here:
And we really need a few testers to iron out bugs!
We are near releasing a pro version and would welcome some testing on the Galaxy S because several errors have been reported, but few ever send usable logs.
Also, we are looking for translations, so if you are interested you can let me know and i will send you the internal pro version for free or put a few bucks in a paypal email for beers.
Come on people, we really need a few serious testers!
Switching to *guinea pig* mod, it's been a while
How can I help ?
PS: I can translate if you need also PM me
Any troubles with the newest patch?

Flappy Birds Family working :)

heyy guys take a look over here and try to help out to get this app to work for all of android please since i know how awesome you guys are at doing dev type things
here i modded to make it work
page 3 post #27

[APP][BETA]MarkO needs Beta Testers

Hey everyone,
Meet MarkO in his second beta version. MarkO is your smart task buddy who will remind you to do your task the next time you pass near the place where you can finish it, by sending you a friendly reminder.
Have in mind that this version there may be still bugs inside. We want to measure the performance, the possible bugs, problems, efficiency etc.. in order to configure MarkO and improve it till the production version.
Any feedback from you appreciated. Send us comments, feedback, etc.
Message me for a registration link!
Thank you!
The MarkO Team

[BETA][WEB][ANDROID] A tool to collect, share and discover mobile apps. Need testers!

Last month we have gathered a lot of feedback and we have been working since to improve the app and the global experience. We had 700 new downloads. We have fixed a couple of things on the back-end and the app has been stable for few weeks.
For those who don't know Jungl, it is a place to share and discover mobile apps with your friends and people you can relate to. Everyone selects their favorite apps. You can browse other people's selections and see their discoveries. Like Tinder, Jungl is a swipe left or right and learns from your habits.
Link to Playstore
We are at the second round of feedback and already made massive improvement. We a few hundred users and I'd like feedback from XDA devs and readers.
We are working at putting out new updates as people find things the app needs, so please let me know of any feedback!
First post: I'm building a tool to have one single place to collect our favorite apps, make it easily viewable by anyone and discover other apps. At the moment I have an APK (beta) and a webapp (alfa) for testing.
I need testers and feedback to continue the development. If you want to test you can PM me and I'll send the version you wanna test. It is facebook connect and the test would work better if you get at least two of you facebook friends to do it with you.
I look forward to get some feedback !
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rmyb said:
I'm building a tool to have one single place to collect our favorite apps, make it easily viewable by anyone and discover other apps. At the moment I have an APK (beta) and a webapp (alfa) for testing.
I need testers and feedback to continue the development. If you want to test you can PM me and I'll send the version you wanna test. It is facebook connect and the test would work better if you get at least two of you facebook friends to do it with you.
I look forward to get some feedback !​
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Click to collapse
I can help u
Thanks to the few guys who contacted me and others we have a good user base and great feedback to improve the app. Still if more people want to test early versions, please PM me.
Count me in ...

[Q] [APP] PES 2015 Guide

I uploaded my first application a few days ago and even if you can cleary see that I just started learning, I am really happy about it!
So, the app is about the football (Soccer for y'all americans!) game Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 (PS4 Edition) ! A guide with 12 videos (attacking and defensive) I created to help the users understand what they read in actual gameplay.
I will make updates to it whenever time allows me to but, I need to learn how to make beautiful UIs (material style) before drastically change anything!
Do you think tutorial apps for games is worth the trouble? Your opinions here could mean a lot for me! Thank you in advance and have a great day!

