Help !! - OnePlus 3 Questions & Answers

]Hey everyone!!
I've got my op3 days ago , everything was amazing,till I found this spot under the sun light ( please take a look at the photo below) it appears when looking from a certain angle , it's not annoying at all because it's totally invisible in the normal conditions, but I'm afraid to get worse with time , can someone help me !!
And thanks
Edited,im a new member that's why I'm not allowed to post a link for the pic , I'll post it as a comment?
Just add HTTPS:// at the beginning
And .jpg at the end


Images and Video folders + streaming media

Good evening all of yours!
After many read threads, i make up my mind and start this new one cos i don t find find any good solution...
Is it possible via registry or an applicationto specify in the HTC launcher a particular folder for images and videos? I would like to open all the images and videos i record on storage card.
Then i found already things about the problem but no solutions really about the way to configure streaming media to open onlines videos like youtube and so on...
I had this configuration once after flashing rom and then i flashed again and i don t have it anymore!!
Thks for any answer!!!
WM6/Rom Faman 3.6Full/Radio 1.46/SFR/Wifi via Livebox Sagem Orange
saker777 said:
Good evening all of yours!
After many read threads, i make up my mind and start this new one cos i don t find find any good solution...
Is it possible via registry or an applicationto specify in the HTC launcher a particular folder for images and videos? I would like to open all the images and videos i record on storage card.
Then i found already things about the problem but no solutions really about the way to configure streaming media to open onlines videos like youtube and so on...
I had this configuration once after flashing rom and then i flashed again and i don t have it anymore!!
Thks for any answer!!!
WM6/Rom Faman 3.6Full/Radio 1.46/SFR/Wifi via Livebox Sagem Orange
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Does it mean that there s no interest or does nobody have an answer??????
a bit disapointed...
saker777 said:
Does it mean that there s no interest or does nobody have an answer??????
a bit disapointed...
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Firstly the second post from you is not a way to get attention, this is a forum and expecting an instant response is extremely arrogant.. please let people have a chance to see what your request is before coming back and wasting spacing on questioning why you were not answered. secondly i would hope that with your arrogance may come the miniscule amount of intelligence it takes to do a search.
So for the first part of your question
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services]
"FileSyncPath"="\\Storage Card\\My Documents"
now all your images and videos will save to the storage card and will by default open from there. From here you should be able to figure out where you need to go in registry to tweak the default file locations.
AS for streaming I have no idea but I am sure that the internet connection you obviously have will yield a result thru some search engine...just like the 30 seconds I took out of my life to get the above result which you should have been doing yourself.
Hi Davidf!
Does your member status give you a bigger a.s than the other ones? cause my arrogance don t even deserve a good evening from you!!!!
I replied to my own post about 5 hours after because i m looking for a solution to this little problem since a while, and yes, was impatient to have a solution!
Thank you for your answer to my first question but you see, my post is not so useless as you are not even able to find a solution to the second one!!!!
And what do you reply to the new ones who keeps asking about the stuck with the bootloader after 1% doawnloaded??? do you shoot them up like you did to me??!!!!
Honestly i don t know who is the most arrogant beetwen us!! So i hoppe that you wont be bothered yourself one day with a little or big problem because if everyone starts to answer like you did, you wille be stucked a long time...
By the way, have a good night and take care
***Sorry for all the other persons who will read this but i think that there is perhaps a more gentle way to answer even if my questions were stupid!!!!***

MySmartPanel English v0.1

Hey guys, was a bit bored yesterday travelling from Singapore to Malaysia. So I started making a translation of the Korean MySmartPanel.
This is v0.1 as I have only changed a few things. Will change relevant URLs as possible, and as much other stuff as possible when I get back to Sweden and can use my Data Transfering again to verify the work. As of now, since I do not have Korean character support, I have simply made educated guesses of what these titles link to. And as I am noob at DLL editing I don't know how to extend bit-strings, resulting in "Applications" being called "App" etc. If someone knows how to make bit strings longer without messing up internal references please let me know and I will correct it.
Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
Demo video:
YouTube, thanks turnstar
can you post a screenshot? thanks in advance!
screenshot plz
just download the small video - its looks nice - I'll try it out.
I uploaded the video to youtube so no one has to download it to see it.
MrRusch: Feel free to add this link to your first post. Also sorry if you didn't want me doing this, I can take it down if you want.
good work.thanks.
Thanks for this. Nice to have something new to play with.
Now... If someone could translate the 'create your own panel page'
It would seem that you can choose two background pictures for normal and portrait mode and pick different program sets from the drop down list.
Not sure about the other fields though.
there was an italian website that had a english section that let u make your own panel. google it and im sure it will come up.
i make lots of panels from it. all u needed was a text doc with the html code and 4 pictures, 2 portrait (one large and one small) and 2 landscape pics (also one large and one small). the pics are just what i see in the panel manager.

Ok need help with timeline application.

Ok so i have been looking google xda and i found nothing either fail searcher or nothing out there as i searched it;P. So what i am looking for is.... an application/program to let me fix my custom wallpaper from pictures i have taken, which will be live will be live u know...and also not only be live/moving but also change in a specific way through time so you know i got pictures of the same landscape through the day and i put them together in order to create an almost full timescape so i explained it the best i could... TO SUM UP want it to be constantly moving in a pattern obviously like all of them(like the one with the sea that galaxy has preinstalled)and with moving like 50 pictures through timescape i will have 50 different pictures for example of a landscape that i want them to change according to time...(for example again if its 9 am its like sunset and if its 6 pm its a picture i have taken of the sunrise)
Ok some help to understand what i mean at 1.35 exactly my example, but i don't want a fake motion instead i want my own personal this kind wallpaper made by my own pictures;p
If i cannot get that full mode as i say above help me as much as u can can i have my own for time wallpaper but the windmiles FOR EXAMPLE? anything u got or u know thanks in advance again

A Little Embarrassed But: Where is the colon? (Solved)

Haven't had the need and went looking for the colon : on the keyboard while in the browser and can't find it.
Can somebody help this blind guy find it?
Note - I know this request is ripe for jokes, but....
Edit - Googled and found it it's my bad eyes as it's staring straight at me, sort of if I squint with my glasses on) above the '/'.

[Q] Default Email THEME?

Hi there,
I've been a Note2 user since it first came out.
One thing that had been an ongoing annoyance is that there are no options to change the theme of EMAIL client - black background with white/blue/grey words on the email overview page. This default view is not very visible under day light use to be precise, i often have to cover my hand over the screen to make shadows so i can see it, and its not even a very bright day light.
Does anyone have any suggestions to improve this?
Any mods to make this better?
if your device is rooted, and you are used to edit files with root explorer or other just add this line to other.xml in system/CSC
Read this for more detail
hi dr thanks for reply! been reading alot of your useful post in the past year :good:
so i root explorered into system/cs/other.xml and edit save the following into the script:
but it didnt work... ><
any other takes?
aliguu said:
hi dr thanks for reply! been reading alot of your useful post in the past year :good:
so i root explorered into system/cs/other.xml and edit save the following into the script:
but it didnt work... ><
any other takes?
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Maybe restart after applying the line to the file?

