I can't disable screen wake for notifications. - Google Pixel XL Questions & Answers

No matter what I do the screen always turns on when I get a text or email. I have tried different texting apps and I have also disabled screen wake in those apps but the screen still turned on. I think that it must be some phone setting that I haven't found. How can I turn this setting off?

In settings - display there's a setting there, have you turned that off? Ambient Display it is

Thanks! I feel stupid...


Always-on not working?

Always-on is set to "on", so there should be a clock showing when it's dark, but there is not (no clock showing). Still activates when I touch it or press the button. Restarting, or power-off then on doesn't work. Changing watch faces doesn't work. I'm wondering if battery-saver is somehow stuck on, but can't figure out where to access that setting manually. Any ideas?? Thank you!
it's a bug. Let it go to under 15% battery and then turn it off.

Stop notifications from turning screen on??

I use Outlook and Textra. Each time I get an email or text, the screen comes on for a second then goes off. In Textra I have the option to turn screen on set to off. Still comes on. Same with email. Is there a system setting to disable this?

My phone screen will not timeout automatically

My LG G5 recently stopped automatically turning the screen off despite the time settings. I first noticed the phone would warm up in my pocket, so I investigated further. Even though I attempted to work-around the issue by disabling lockscreen notifications, the screen will turn itself on whenever I get a notification then never turns off (doesn't even dim itself). First of all, I do not want my screen turning on for notifications, but additionally, I want the screen to timeout on its own. Any suggestions?

diplay lightning

my phone display automatically lightens (i have auto brightness turned off) when there is a strong light source and colors turn ugly, do you know a way to turn this setting off?
matrix_05 said:
my phone display automatically lightens (i have auto brightness turned off) when there is a strong light source and colors turn ugly, do you know a way to turn this setting off?
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It happens also to me, looks like a screen extra-adaptation, not correlated with auto brightness. I noticed it gets triggered by Telegram, surely also by something else.
In previous OTAs sometimes the screen remained ugly and bright, since sometimes does not happen more.
No idea if there's a setting for it.

Tasker doesn't allays work with screen off, even without battery optimization

I would like to turn the torch on when the phone is shaken. This works, with event" motion left-right, action: toggle torch.
The problem is it does not always work when the screen is off. It sometimes works, which is really annoying. I've turned off battery optimization already for Tasker.

