Amazon Fire Phone Upgrade To Lollipop .. - Amazon Fire Phone

As we all know Amazon has abondoned us and are not working to upgrade to lollipop,but one of our genious member @pipataki has worked on it and finally made an update to lollipop Thnks man for your work and your great contribution..
Here is the link of that

That ROM is not lollipop, it is simply KitKat with lollipop features mixed in. Ggow even said it himself in the Lineage thread.

The discussion can continue here , original thread
thread closed
Dan - forum moderator


[Q] Where/How do i start?

Dear all,
I just bought myself a Galaxy S. It is locked to Bouygues in France and with Android 2.2.
I am totally new to these devices and i would like to unlock it and also to get Android 2.3 on it.
How should i start? (first unlock, then update the ROM, or get a ROM from xda - I used to do that with a Qtek...)
Please advise.
Welcome to the SGS forums, I would recommend you read the stickies at the top of this forum first.
If you look in the Apps section I think there is an app that will let you unlock for free (think it's on the android market too).
May I also say welcome, but would also like to point out that this question should be in q & &, please read the forum rules and FAQ's then you will be better equipped to proceed, I hope all goes well
Insanity cm 012/glitch
Welcome? I am on this forum for years now !!!
Thanks guys.
.....and never read the rules?!
Insanity cm 012/glitch

Custom ROMs for N7105

please if anyone knows about a custom ROM for N7105 please post it here. I already tried to convinced Indie to port his Omega ROM to this model but he doesnt have time now
I realy hope there will XDA support for this model.
First of all, tjey wont be posted her, they will be posted in the android development section
You can keep updated woth Android Development forum to see of there is any such ROM available there arent even hald a dozen posts to skim through

[closed] /Discountinued or non-updated Roms/ Why ??

Its very sad to see that a lot of roms (like 3 or 4) that were realy good roms(thanks to their devs) , now beeing discountinued or non upadated when currently the same roms are updated regularly in the Galaxy S+ section ! also the some of the devs don't say why ? although some say that they are busy , how can they update the sgs+ roms ?
i didn't write this to be mean or something ! just to bring the attention of the much thanked developers to be back on our section !
Thanks anyways for your efforts !
MOD-EDIT: Title changed to [closed]
jotha - forum moderator
Thread closed
I closed this thread.
It is very unpolite to question the reasons why other people decide to not update their work. They will have their good reasons for that and are not obliged to explain their motifs.
So, if you feel like having a rom always updated to your taste, just sit down and make your own.
jotha - forum moderator

marvel cyanogenmod 10.1 for htc wildfire s

hello, guys
I'm not a developer!!
I'm trying to do a port of a working cm10.1
the results are not satisfactory, because remains on cyanogenmod boot logo,why?
soon ...
First, thank you to all of you developers and members who have been trying to help the OP in bringing this ROM to a working state.
Unfortunately we can't leave the thread up as we don't yet have a working ROM. If we were to leave it up things would quickly get out of hand and we'd run into issues with those who don't read the OP and aren't developers who know what they are doing.
If you are interested in helping the OP get this working please send them a PM and offer your services.
As soon as we have a working and downloadable ROM I will gladly reopen the thread.
Until that time the thread is cleaned and closed.

Any chance of a taste of Nougat ?

Are there any developers left for this device?
Is a Nougat ROM a possibility?
@Mustaavalkosta seemed to be the most active for this device recently with his CM13 Rom, although that thread seems to have gone quiet, as has the HTC Desire HD Forum.
Sad news: Mustaavalkosta has no plans for Nougat development
The journey for this wonderfully reliable device has finally come to an end . . . R.I.P.
Maybe a faint glimmer of hope ?
A comment by Mustaavalkosta in Post #400 of his thread :
....Kylon has made some pushes towards 14.0 ....
Fingers Crossed :fingers-crossed:

