settings list - LineageOS Questions & Answers

Is there a command I can run in adb-shell or a terminal that will output a list of all the settings which aren't in the GUI menu but can still be manipulated with the "settings put" command? Like "captive_portal_detection_enabled" or "captive_portal_server" for example. Or is there a file somewhere in the rom that lists them all?
At the moment I'm most interested in disabling whatever network-connectivity check is happening for me on mobile data, with AFWall enabled I'm getting a little x on my mobile data icon.
The other thing I'm interested in looking for is a way to completely disable the safe volume warning and anything/everything to do with it.
And in general I would enjoy taking a look at what's available to mess up the rom with.
I managed to find these lists, only there's nothing about captive portals or volume listed in any of them that I can see. Not sure my little x on the mobile data is the same as captive portal detection for wifi though. Search box on these pages doesn't yield much either (because I don't know what I'm looking for most likely).
I *think* I've found the safe volume setting - "config_safe_media_volume_enabled" - out of the description of an old xposed module, which calls it a "system parameter" so I ran "settings put system config_safe_media_volume_enabled false" in adb shell. Headphone volume is still initially set to around 75% after reboots, but I've been blasting some loud Venetian Snares breakcore at 100% volume with GoneMad's preamp maxed out and I don't seem to have triggered the popup yet. Not sure though, the xposed module's description says it sets the parameter at boot and the one I set seemed to survive a reboot (it was "null" before I set it to false). Time will tell, I get that damn popup at least a few times a week.


Wifi profile timer?

I'm looking for an app that can enable & disable wifi at certain times of the day/days of the week etc.
Basically so that while I'm working, my wifi is switched off to preserve battery power, but when I'm out at lunch or home in the evening the wifi is on automatically.
I looked around the site at things like wifiprofiles app, and monsterwifi app etc but unless I missed something I don't think they allow shedules for when wifi automatically switches on & off do they?
Sorry if I'm being thick or missed another option!
you should check out phoneAlarm Pro -- I've been using this for years, it is a powerhouse of control for all sorts of things -- profiles (automatically switchable) include WiFi on/off as well as Data, Ringtones, Volume, Backlight, customizable alerts, etc. I could go on and on... this is my one and only "must have" app!
oh, and of course it's skinnable! you can find plenty of skins and support in the forums...
Thanks for that. Installed the demo version.
In theory it's spot on, but in practise I can't get the automatic (scheduled) profile switching to work.
I set a time for it to swap from 'Out of hours' to 'Work' and noticed my phone still shows as having the ringer on even though I set the Work profile to be silent etc.
What I don't understand is the relationship between the profiles in this software and the profiles that the phone uses normally.
Ie when installed, I can't see anything that illustrates what profile this software thinks it is currently using, just the usual volume/ringer icon at the top of the screen.
If I change the system volume with the hardware volume button for instance, does this directly influence what profile gets used on Phonealarm? Or should Phonealarm disable the system related profiles/volume control etc?
Me = a bit confused!
yeah, it can get a bit daunting at times cuz it does so much...
can I assume you're on WM 6.5 and Manila/Sense? back in the day, phoneAlarm ran as a Today screen app (still can) -- but now with 6.5/manila it can run as a 'background host' -- so you don't really see it unless you call it up. you can have an Icon 'stick' to the taskbar, but I keep mine hidden and have a key shortcut to bring up "paHost". now, depending on the skin used, you can see what profile is active as well as alarms, status, time, weather, etc...
basically, the profiles 'overtake' the WM settings -- they're still there, just set by phoneAlarm. for example, you can still change the volume as usual, but on the next profile change it will be reset per the profile's settings.
the profile schedules and the custom email/sms alarm are probably the most difficult to understand (or to get working as you'd expect) -- I would recommend downloading the 'user guide' -- it explains things far better than I could here.
lastly -- get familiar with the forum! the FAQ and Support threads cover just about everything, and "Penguin" (the developer/moderator) is really very responsive to everyone's questions and/or needs.
maybe an example would be helpful...
here's how I do it -- when I arrive at work, I plug my HD into a cradle at my desk and it (usually) stays there all day. the ActiveSync connection triggers the "work" profile, which sets volumes/tones, turns on bluetooth headset, etc. etc.
now once I unplug it -- it switches to "car" profile, as I'm (usually) now on my way home. note the "on end" setting in screenshot #2.
when I get home, I manually switch to "home" profile. this would be where you could get into location-based rules -- from gps, cell tower, etc. -- to automatically know you're home, but I don't have them set up at the moment.
then, it will switch to "night" mode at 10:00pm, turning off bluetooth, data, lowering volume & screen brightness, etc. etc.
when I get to work the next day we start all over again. (also note weekdays, as in you could do something different on the weekends)
I hope this helps you -- I think once you get the hang of it this is a truly awesome app. I'll be happy to answer any specific questions you have if I can. Good Luck!
Thanks for the assistance mate.
I think I've got the hang of it now after your posts and looking at the manual (I should have learned by now!). There's a few bits I'm not 100% certain about but it's mainly doing what I want and looks promising.
The phone is guzzling battery power since I installed it but I think I have found why. I have found that the wifi logo is visible all the time but red instead of blue, and previously this was not the case. I notice in the settings it describes toggling 'wireless lan' on or off but not perhaps in the same way as going into comm manager and selecting Wifi on or off. Not sure how I can get round but I need to make it turn off properly as it's burning my battery like the clappers!!
I like it though apart from teething problems!

[GUIDE] Use NFC to unlock your phone, Galaxy S3 or other!

UPDATE!!! There's a new XPosed Framework module in town that makes this whole thread obsolete. Check out the new NFC Unlock module, forked from the NFC LockScreenOff Enabler module already used in this project. Way simpler, fewer moving parts to configure, and works well. Check it out. Otherwise, this has been a fun way to learn how to use Tasker! Thanks, all!
Original Post
This is a guide to show you how to set up your phone to be unlocked by an NFC tag. There are several other threads on the subject for various phones and carriers, but it took me several weeks worth of research and testing to come up with something that actually worked on my phone, and this tutorial is the culmination of that effort. In theory, it should work for a wide variety of ROMs (including Stock), phones and carriers, and even survive ROM updates (provided you maintain root), but I have only tested it on a Sprint Galaxy S3 (model d2spr) that is rooted and running CyanogenMod 10.1.
DISCLAIMER! I am NOT responsible for any damage to your phone, loss of data, use of your phone, or spontaneous sharknadoes that may occur if you try these steps! It worked for me, but I make no guarantees that it will work for you! Back up all your data and your ROM, and use this at your own risk!
An NFC capable phone, like your Sprint Samsung Galaxy S3 with Root Access enabled
An NFC tag, such as Samsung TecTiles
XPosed Framework
ONE of these XPosed Framework plugins:
MoDaCo Toolkit Plugin for the XPosed Framework (NFC Always On or On When Unlocked)
NFCLockscreenoffEnabler.apk for the XPosed Framework (lets you choose between Always On, On When Unlocked OR On At Lockscreen for better battery life)
NFC Task Launcher from the Play Store
Tasker from the play store
Secure Settings Plugin for Tasker
STEP 1: Install the software!
Install all of the software listed above.
Open XPosed Framework and enable the MoDaCo Toolkit OR the NFCLockscreenoffEnabler.apk in the Modules tab
STEP 2: Turn on NFC scanning all the time
Normally, Android only scans for NFC tags when the phone is unlocked. We need to scan for NFC tags when the phone is locked, and in our case, when the screen is off. Open the MoDaCo Toolkit app and check the box to Enable NFC when screen is off under Settings -> Wireless
WARNING!!! Turning on NFC scanning when the screen is off may adversely affect your battery life!
STEP 2 ALTERNATIVE: Turn on NFC scanning at Lockscreen
Open the NFCLockscreenoffEnabler.apk app and select Enable NFC when phone is locked, but the screen is on. This option should be a little easier on your battery. (Thanks to @nacron for finding this!)
STEP 3: Make Secure Settings a Device Administrator
Open Secure Settings and go to the Configuration Menu by tapping the wrench icon in the upper-right hand corner. Once there, check the box next to Device Administrator and select "Activate" on the confirmation screen.
STEP 4: Teach Tasker how to Lock and Unlock your phone
We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way.
Easy Way - Import the Tasks
Download and unzip and copy the enclosed XML files to your phone
Open Tasker and long-press the Tasks tab
Select Import and open the files that you just copied
There is no step 4.
Hard Way - Manually Enter the Tasks
If you don't trust the import function, or just want to learn more about creating tasks in Tasker, you can create the tasks manually.
Open Tasker and select the Tasks tab. Create a new Task by tapping the big "+" sign, name it "LOCK", and add the following actions:
Select Task -> If
Under Condition on the LEFT side of the condition, type TRUN (the variable for Tasks Running)
Tap the Condition Operator icon (the grey button in the middle) and select Doesn't Match, or !~
On the RIGHT side of the condition, type *Unlock*
Under the If statement, select Plugin -> Secure Settings then tap Edit.
Select Keyguard and set the following options:
Select radio button On
Select Plugin -> Secure Settings then tap Edit.
Select Lock Device and set the following options:
Box for Device Admin Enabled is checked
Select Task -> End If
Create a new Task named "Unlock", and add the following actions:
Select Task -> Stop And select the Lock Task that we created earlier.
Select Plugin -> Secure Settings then tap Edit.
Select Wake Device and set the following options:
Wake Type: Screen & Keyboard Lights On
Duration: 30 seconds
Select Task -> Wait and set duration to 100 MS
Select Plugin -> Secure Settings then tap Edit.
Select Keyguard and set the following options:
Select radio button On
Select Task -> Wait and set duration to 100 MS
Select Plugin -> Secure Settings then tap Edit.
Select Keyguard and set the following options:
Select radio button Off
Check box Run in background (No Notification)
If you run this Task now, you probably won't notice anything different right away. However, if you lock your phone and then unlock it, you'll notice that any security that you had set up is now bypassed. That's why we needed to teach Tasker how to lock your phone, as well.
STEP 5: Teach NFC Task Launcher to Unlock your phone
Open NFC Task Launcher and create a new task for NFC named "Unlock Phone".
Take your NFC tag and follow the instructions on the screen to write the tag for this task.
Add a new Task by tapping the big "+" icon in the upper right corner.
Select Category Tasker
Check "Tasker Task" and tap "Next"
Type "Unlock" in the field next to the magnifying glass icon under Tasker Task and tap "Add to Task"
Congratulations! You can now unlock your phone with your NFC tag! Of course, as we mentioned above, this leaves your phone without any passcode protection that you may have previously enable. Which leads us to our final step...
STEP 6: Teach Tasker to Lock your phone
Open Tasker and select the Profiles tab
Create a new Profile with the big "+" at the bottom of the screen and select Event
Select Display -> Display Off
Go back to the Profiles page by tapping the "< Event Edit" icon in the upper left corner.
Select the Lock Task that you made earlier
Now when the screen goes off, your phone is secure again.
That's it! My hope is that this tutorial is easy to follow so that anyone who wants to unlock their phone with an NFC tag can get it working. While there are a lot of steps, I tried to make them clear and specifically looked for a method that was flexible enough to allow me to update my phone or even use a different phone with this method, without having to track down a modified NFC.apk for my specific firmware every time I wanted to update.
In regards to how battery life is affected by having NFC turned on all the time, my personal experience shows no appreciable decrease in battery life. I went all day yesterday without charging (about 15 hours) with typical usage for me, which includes 2-3 hours of podcast playback over both wired and bluetooth headphones, occasional GMail and Facebook usage, Solitaire, and 45-60 minutes of phone calls, which is on par with what I was getting before the hack. As with all things, your mileage may vary. If battery life becomes an issue, try the new NFCLockscreenoffEnabler.apk plugin that @nacron found instead of the MoDaCo one which gives you the On At Lockscreen option in addition on Always On. It should save you a bit on battery life.
Many thanks to the authors of the software I used (XPosed Framework, MoDaCo Toolkit Plugin, NFCLockscreenoffEnabler.apk, NFC Task Launcher, Tasker, Secure Settings Plugin), as well as this thread and this web page for giving me the framework to construct this rather elaborate NFC hack.
I would love to hear from others if this works on other phones.
2013-09-05 - Add NFCLockscreenoffEnabler.apk option for NFC on at Lockscreen (thanks @nacron for this!)
2013-08-14 - Changes to the Tasker Tasks that make the lock and unlock functions run a bit more smoothly by avoiding collisions. (i.e., if you're unlocking the phone, it won't try to lock it until the unlock is done.) I've also added easy-to-import XML files for the Tasks, so you don't have to type them in manually anymore!
2013-08-09 - Initial release (can you "release" a process?)
Wow, thanks for the info.
New instructions and importable task files make getting this set up a whole lot easier! Updates in the OP!
I've attached a cheap NFC tag to my watch wristband, cleverly disguised by gold nail polish, and unlock by NFC is now my preferred unlock method.
I like this. Posting to keep track of it.
Well, as soon as root is found for the DROID MAXX, I will be using this.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
After trying this on a Samsung Galaxy S3 Stock 4.1.2 and Slim Bean (worked like a charm), I have found a glitch on the stock firmware. When making a call the screen would go off via the Proximity sensor so <b>Tasker</b> would lock the phone.
So I made a little addon to the following part and the problem stoped:
STEP 6: Teach Tasker to Lock your phone
Open Tasker and select the Profiles tab
Create a new Profile with the big "+" at the bottom of the screen and select Event
Select Display -> Display Off
Go back to the Profiles page by tapping the "< Event Edit" icon in the upper left corner.
Select the Lock Task that you made earlier
STEP 6: Teach Tasker to Lock your phone
Open Tasker and select the Profiles tab
Create a new Profile with the big "+" at the bottom of the screen and select Event
Select Display -> Display Off
Go back to the Profiles page by tapping the "< Event Edit" icon in the upper left corner.
Select the Lock Task that you made earlier
[*] Select Display off (long-press) -> Add -> State -> Sensor -> Proximity sensor -> Check invert
That's it!
Now when you get a call and answer it Tasker will know that the proximity sensor is used and will not lock the phone
Hope it works for you too.
stealthdave said:
New instructions and importable task files make getting this set up a whole lot easier! Updates in the OP!
I've attached a cheap NFC tag to my watch wristband, cleverly disguised by gold nail polish, and unlock by NFC is now my preferred unlock method.
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Thats slick man. I may have to use that for myself lol :good:
This is great, thanks man but one problem. When I use my tag to unlock the phone, use the phone then hit the android home button to return to my default screen, it locks the phone instead. If I unlock it normally (Entering PIN) it doesn't display this behavior. What am I doing wrong.
LevanG said:
Hi, can I use this method to unlock my LG Lucid2?
I want to use it on GSM network...
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Wrong kind of "unlock", I'm afraid. This unlocks your screen so that you can bypass the lock screen; it doesn't do anything for carriers locking the phone to their network. Think of this as using an NFC tag as your password.
OK, sorry and thanks for your reply
lloydcabraham said:
This is great, thanks man but one problem. When I use my tag to unlock the phone, use the phone then hit the android home button to return to my default screen, it locks the phone instead. If I unlock it normally (Entering PIN) it doesn't display this behavior. What am I doing wrong.
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Try adding a 200ms delay to the beginning of the LOCK Task. This seemed to make things a bit more predictable on my phone.
stealthdave said:
Try adding a 200ms delay to the beginning of the LOCK Task. This seemed to make things a bit more predictable on my phone.
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Actually, already have added a delay at the beginning to the Lock task but it didn't do anything to correct the behavior to the Home button. I should probably add that I'm using this with an HTC One that already has a funky Home / Menu button configuration. Home button works fine when I unlock normally but seems to get remapped to go back to the lock screen when I unlock it using NFC.
lloydcabraham said:
Actually, already have added a delay at the beginning to the Lock task but it didn't do anything to correct the behavior to the Home button. I should probably add that I'm using this with an HTC One that already has a funky Home / Menu button configuration. Home button works fine when I unlock normally but seems to get remapped to go back to the lock screen when I unlock it using NFC.
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Likewise. I have the same problem as well. The physical Home button just takes me back to my pin lockscreen if I had unlocked via NFC. If I unlocked my phone manually by entering my pin then everything just works fine.
EDIT: Should also say that my phone is the S3.
@lloydcabraham and @bleAf! , what version(s) of Android are you running? I'm on 4.2.2 (CM 10.1.2), and my Home button is working as expected. I'm also using Nova Launcher as opposed to the stock Android launcher. Also, I presume that you haven't inadvertantly remapped the Home button, either by Tasker or some other setting or app? (Forgive me if some of this sounds like basic tech support stuff; just spitballing ideas since I can't reproduce.)
stealthdave said:
@lloydcabraham and @bleAf! , what version(s) of Android are you running? I'm on 4.2.2 (CM 10.1.2), and my Home button is working as expected. I'm also using Nova Launcher as opposed to the stock Android launcher. Also, I presume that you haven't inadvertantly remapped the Home button, either by Tasker or some other setting or app? (Forgive me if some of this sounds like basic tech support stuff; just spitballing ideas since I can't reproduce.)
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Not at all, I appreciate your help. I'm using ElementalX kernel that remaps the HTC logo as a menu button but leaves the back and home button alone. Maybe that's the issue? It's just funny that I only have the problem if I use my NFC to unlock the phone using the supplied scripts. Oh well, no biggie but if you can help me figure it out, it would be great. I can send you a cwm backup (wiped of course) if you'd like to try my setup?
lloydcabraham said:
Not at all, I appreciate your help. I'm using ElementalX kernel that remaps the HTC logo as a menu button but leaves the back and home button alone. Maybe that's the issue? It's just funny that I only have the problem if I use my NFC to unlock the phone using the supplied scripts. Oh well, no biggie but if you can help me figure it out, it would be great. I can send you a cwm backup (wiped of course) if you'd like to try my setup?
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Actually, it would probably be easier for you to just try a different kernel and see if it still works. Given the description of what it does, my guess is that might be the issue.
It also might be an issue with the XPosed Framework or MoDaCo plugin on the HTC One specifically. (It does have its own special installation procedure.)
- Dave
stealthdave said:
@lloydcabraham and @bleAf! , what version(s) of Android are you running? I'm on 4.2.2 (CM 10.1.2), and my Home button is working as expected. I'm also using Nova Launcher as opposed to the stock Android launcher. Also, I presume that you haven't inadvertantly remapped the Home button, either by Tasker or some other setting or app? (Forgive me if some of this sounds like basic tech support stuff; just spitballing ideas since I can't reproduce.)
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I'm on 4.1.2 (Samsung based rom with stock kernel). I'm also using Nova launcher and I just tried stock Touchwiz launcher but same result.
I'm thinking it may be just something to do with Samsung Touchwiz or HTC Sense based rom (If lloydcabraham is also running HTC based rom or stock).
Thanks for your help stealthdave.
For some reason I can't get my phone to recognize the NFC tag when the screen is off or even in the lock screen. Only when I'm past the lock screen will the NFC tag recognize. The xposed framework was part of the ROM i'm using (M.O.A.R.) and I just installed the MoDaCo mod via the link. I checked off NFC on always and restarted several times but it still won't recognize when the screen is off.
Got it to work using this xposed module instead of the MoDaCo one for always on NFC.
Also having issues of lock coming back on after doing any action post unlock via NFC. I think it's a hack Samsung put together for the latest firmware upgrade after the whole problem with the bypassing the lockscreen by going through the emergency screen. The op wouldn't have this issue as he's not using a TW rom. I wonder if there is a way to have it input the key instead of bypassing the key.
[EDIT 2]
Overcame this issue by using the secure settings to reset the pin to nothing when unlocking via NFC and enable the pin when the screen goes off. This method even prevents the phone from locking during a call. I have a new issue of the swipe screen coming back right after NFC unlock. I'll post my findings a little later. It's not the most elegant of fixes but it prevents the lock screen from coming up when pressing the home button. I also removed all the waits and made lights and keyboard on for 5 seconds, makes unlocking faster.
The action for password/pin reset in Secure Settings is in All Actions > Dev Admin Actions > Password/Pin. You just select disabled when unlocking and it removes your existing pin and when you select enabled for lock, it prompts you to enter your pin twice in the settings. Not sure how secure this is or where it stores your password/pin. The only problem with this method is that you'll have to change the password/pin in secure settings if you decide to change your password/pin in the android settings or you'll end up with 2 different passwords/pins
Not sure if this works if you have pattern unlock. Haven't had time to test that.
So this is how my unlock task looks like:
1. Stop task lock
2. Secure Settings > configuration > Screen and keyboard lights on for 5 seconds
3. Secure Settings > configuration > clear password
4. Secure Settings > configuration > Keyguard disabled
and my lock is simply
1. Secure Settings > sonfiguration > Set Pin
and my profile is
Display Off > Lock
Figured out why it was presenting the swipe lock screen when doing a quick NFC unlock removal . I'm using the hacked version of AnyTAG NFC Launcher, instead of the NFC Tag Task Launcher, that detects NFC Tag removal as well as placement. Thought this app would be more extensible in the future. The only problem with this is that it will keep insisting on launching on NFC Tag removal if you don't set something so I just set the task to do nothing and that was locking the swipe screen again. I just set it to the same task as unlock and it doesn't pull up the swipe screen anymore.
Also, the battery replacements from Sprint suck. It's a generic sprint branded battery that DOES NOT have an NFC antenna in it. Picked up the replacement along with tectiles yesterday and couldn't figure out for the longest time why this unlock thing wasn't working. Their battery part number is BSML71021L. Gotta call them up to see if they can give me back my old battery or give me a real samsung replacement.
[EDIT 4]
After trying to get this to work consistently, I've disabled it. I can get tasker to remove/reenable the pin consistently but only sometimes will it clear the lockscreen automatically.
nacron said:
For some reason I can't get my phone to recognize the NFC tag when the screen is off or even in the lock screen. Only when I'm past the lock screen will the NFC tag recognize. The xposed framework was part of the ROM i'm using (M.O.A.R.) and I just installed the MoDaCo mod via the link. I checked off NFC on always and restarted several times but it still won't recognize when the screen is off.
Got it to work using this xposed module instead of the MoDaCo one for always on NFC.
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Thanks for this find! I've added it to the OP for others. It's worked pretty consistently for me with this new module for the 30 minutes I've had it installed, and hopefully it will lead to better battery life. (Battery life wasn't too bad, but I was starting to notice a difference with NFC always on.)
nacron said:
[EDIT 4]
After trying to get this to work consistently, I've disabled it. I can get tasker to remove/reenable the pin consistently but only sometimes will it clear the lockscreen automatically.
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I'm sorry to hear that it's not working for you. Hopefully Google will eventually enable this functionality in Android proper. The Moto X certainly shows that it's not only possible, but practical.
- Dave

[Guide] A simple list of easy Quality-of-Life changes for your XZ1C!

Hey everyone! I just got an XZ1C myself a few days ago, and I'd like to share a few of the little quality of life changes I personally use to make the everyday experience with this phone more to how I like it. I figured maybe everyone could contribute a few ideas here and there to help other users deal with things they might be frustrated with, but not know a solution for.
A couple of notes - I gave up the root life a while ago, so all of these solutions are non-root! Also, some of these apps are paid apps (though they might have lite or free versions). Sorry! But as a software developer myself, I have the obligation to pay it forward when I find a nice app.
So here goes!
Making the volume keys default to Media Volume:
Having owned a Samsung phone before, this is one of the things I miss most in almost any other Android phone. But, as they say, there's an app for that! There's a very simple app called Media Volume Only (, which binds your volume keys to Media by default. It asks for Call permissions to see if you're in a call, where it will then bind the volume keys to call volume. Otherwise, it will always be Media, which is great!
However, that means there isn't a super easy way to changing your ring volume, unless you first press the volume key to bring up the sliders and hitting the down arrow to show the rest of the sliders....which brought me to:
Re-adding the missing Ring/Vibrate Mode switch to quick switches:
I am using Central Europe .374 + US oem file to get Fingerprint+VoLTE on T-mobile; I'm not sure if it's because of the CE1 region or whatever else, but I couldn't find any button in the quick settings that would just toggle the phone to ring mode, vibrate mode or silent.
To remedy this, I use Shortcutter ( This allows you to enable a ton of different switches in the quick settings dropdown, though some of them may not work properly without root and only with other phones. After installing Shortcutter, swipe over to the "Pull-Down" tab, then hit "System Setting Tiles". In this list, scroll down and you'll find "Ring Mode". Turning this switch on will put the Ring Mode icon into the box of icons you can edit your quick settings with. Finally, pull down your quick settings, click the pencil icon to modify the quick settings and scroll down to find Ring Mode.
This way, it's easy to switch the phone to silent before going into a movie, or a meeting at work.
Fixing the crazy stock backlight control:
The stock backlight is a little crazy right now. It jumps around when the room is dark and it does not transition smoothly. A great app for controlling backlight is Lux ( It even allows you to keep different profiles and define exactly how bright you want the screen to be in any lighting situation, and it will keep a map of your selections for you! You can control all sorts of variables, like how quickly it will transition, if it should only transition given what % of lighting change, so on and so forth. It's really very powerful and useful. I haven't had any trouble with the XZ1C display since installing Lux, which I've used on previous phones as well. Highly recommend this one! There's a free version called Lux Lite (, but I've never tried it so YMMV.
Alternative for No Double Tap to Wake (or not having Ambient Display):
This is another one I have almost always used on phones that aren't Nexii/Pixel or Motorola. Gravity Screen ( gives you a ton of different ways to automatically wake up the phone to the lockscreen. I find that using ONLY the Proximity Sensor setting to turn ON the screen (and turning everything else off) has negligible effect on the battery, and maintains extreme usefulness. With just that setting, when my phone is on the desk I can poke the phone where the proximity sensor is (as if I one-tap it) and it will wake up. If I take the phone out of my pocket, the phone turns on and is already waiting for me by the time I look at it. Super convenient!
UPDATE: Another user (quack3d) mentioned the app WaveUp( which does exactly how I have Gravity Screen set up. If you want just that, this seems to be a great and simpler alternative! Thanks!
If you want more options, it has all sorts of other things like turn on by motion, etc. etc....I personally don't use those though, so I can't vouch for how well they work.
Double Tap to Sleep
I'm pretty sure you have to pay for this one, but Nova Launcher Prime ( is an incredible launcher, and it allows you to specify custom gestures on the desktop. The gestures can trigger all sorts of things, one of which is Screen Lock. If you select the Time-Out method of locking the screen, it will work with fingerprint unlocking.
Custom Auto-Rotation Switching:
Normally, I don't like auto-rotation. I use my phone a lot in bed (lying sideways), but I still want to use it in portrait. So, I prefer to have my phone default to NO auto-rotation. That being said, it's annoying when you pull up a funny gif or the photo album or youtube and you want to just flip your phone over to watch a video. Sure, you can drag down the quicksettings and flip that switch, but there's a better way! That's where Automate ( comes in! Automate allows you to program your phone to do just about anything (especially if you have root) based on custom triggers.
In Automate, if first select "More flows..." and search for a script called "Auto Enable Rotation" by the author Anthony Beaumont. Once you download this script and run it, it will present you with 2 options, either to "start" the script service, or to "modify" the list of apps. You'll want to "modify" the list of apps and start a new one. To this, you can add apps such as Album, Youtube, Twitch and whatever else you want to watch in landscape mode. Finally, once that's done, stop the script and start it again, but this time select "start". (You can also select in the 3 dot menu to have this script run at start-up. Highly recommended!) Now, when you open Album/Youtube/Twitch etc. the phone should automatically flip to auto-rotation.
Enter all your app and website passwords automatically with fingerprint:
For better or for worse, I keep all of my online passwords saved in Lastpass. It turns out that once you have an account and saved passwords, Lastpass has an incredible app ( that can pop up over Chrome and just about any other app on your phone that can fill in the username/password fields for you using your fingerprint! It doesn't work for all the different browsers out there (I just use Chrome), and there may have been a pay wall for the in-app password filling, I forgot (sorry!). That said, it's super convenient to head to any site and just tap the fingerprint to log in.
Additionally, if you're a Lastpass user already, they also have a Lastpass Authenticator ( that works in place of the Google Authenticator (you can add Google Authenticator 2factor sites to the LastPass one), which is IMHO superior because the keys are linked to your account rather than to the physical phone. Also, if you have LP Authenticator + the Chrome addon on your PC/Mac, on some sites you don't even have to enter the Authenticator number, you can just press "approve" on your phone to get into the website on your PC. Awesome!
Send links from your PC to phone or phone to PC
Ever read something on your PC and wish you could link it to your phone super quickly and not have to go through emailing it to yourself? I use Pushbullet (Android: PC:, which allows you to directly link webpages from PC to phone and vice versa. Additionally, if you give it the permissions, it can hook up your phone's notifications to your Windows notifications (not sure about mac), including allowing you to read and send SMS from your PC. I believe it also has file transfer capabilities, but I don't use it.
I think that's it for now...I'll add more when I think of them. These are just a few of the mods I run which makes using the phone more effortless and enjoyable; please, feel free to add more and I'll add them to the list if there's something you want to share! Hope this helps someone out there!:highfive:
maidguitar said:
Re-adding the missing Ring/Vibrate Mode switch to quick switches:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Alternative implementation that I use: Add a toggle on the home screen to quickly switch between Ring/Vibrate/Silent modes
First install Media-Mute [free & ad-free]. What this app does is automatically mute the media volume whenever the ringer volume is also muted, which applies to both Vibrate mode and Silent mode.
For some reason, since Android 4.x Google has decided that Silent mode should only apply to the ringer, instead of silencing everything that can make sounds out of the speaker. Media-Mute fixes that.
Next, install Silent Mode Toggle [free & ad-free], then add the widget on the home screen. Switching modes is now super easy, just tap on the toggle.
What I really appreciate about this app is that it allows customization to the toggle order. For example, I never use the vibrate mode, so I can set it to toggle between Ringer > Silent only.
As a bonus, it also lets you use your own custom icons for the toggle, super cool and makes it possible to perfectly complement your home screen layout.
Hide the annoying "running in the background" notification that comes with Android 8.0
With Android 8.0 Oreo, Google thought it would be a great idea to permanently remind you of any background processing currently running in the form of an impossible to dismiss notification.
While the intention was well meaning, the execution leaves a lot to be desired.
Thankfully, there's an app for that! Just install this cleverly named app Hide "running in the background" Notification [free & ad-free], problem solved!
Vibrate phone when call connects, ends
Yet another app to the rescue! VibCall [free & ad-free] brings this useful feature found on some OEM phones to any compatible Android device.
Basically, your phone will vibrate once to let you know that a call has connected, and twice when a call has ended. It's something that once you've used, you wonder why it's not baked into the Android system as a default option.
Add a fingerprint (Smart Lock) compatible screen lock toggle on the home screen
So Sony has unilaterally decided to remove double tap to sleep feature with no sign of bring it back. But I still want to turn off the screen and lock the device by tapping on the screen instead of waiting for the system to hibernate or hitting the power button.
The OP listed a paid solution which brings back double tap to sleep, but for those looking for a free alternative, this is the solution I'm currently using - Smart Screen Lock Pro [free & ad-free].
It's not a double tap anywhere convenience, but a toggle that is better than nothing, and most importantly it's compatible with fingerprint unlock. I've tried numerous screen off apps in the Play store, and this is the only one that I was satisfied with.
IMPORTANT: Take the time to carefully read and follow setup instructions, it's necessary for it to work properly due to OS restrictions. Once it's setup correctly, simply add a shortcut on the home screen and tap it to lock.
It's worth mentioning that it's not a true "instant" screen off and lock, but without root this is probably the best solution we'll get.
Non-root ad blocking
Ads are a necessary evil for the current economics of the Internet, but aside from the annoyance factor, they eat up precious mobile data, plus there's also very real security risks with ad networks, potentially hogging your phone's resources and draining the battery.
Whatever the argument, if you do decide to block ads, there are quite a lot of ad blockers to choose from.
Personally, I use dns66 [free & ad-free]. In my experience, it's very lightweight, and I haven't seen any ads in my browser or apps.
It does have its quirks though, sometimes downloads fail, such as OTA update or file in browser, for one reason or another (the author says it's a bug with the Android OS itself, see linked post).
But it's easy to workaround, just temporarily disable dns66 by tapping pause on the notification, and download again. After download has completed, tap the notification again to resume.
By the way, this is also the main reason I installed the hide background notification app.

App to monitor what [permissions?] other apps are executing?

I'm looking for an app that monitors and logs what happens, in real time; live; like the running services and processes in the application manager, on a behind the scenes level... kind of like a wakelock detector, but deeper and more sophisticated...
For example, my phone is always showing a notification randomly, "Finding Location" and "Location Found" and the notification remains stuck until I manually clear it, and it happens with no apps visibly running, and it will pop up again and again randomly. And on my girlfriends phone, with NO apps running, And the phone sitting on the table not being touched for hours, lockscreen STILL locked; her phone will start playing audio of sorts, like an Ad is playing or a youtube video, but when you unlock the phone there are NO visible apps running, no tabs are even open when you open the browser, nothing on the notification bar, this audio that plays is 100% completely invisible and hidden, and cannot be shut off without pulling the battery and rebooting the phone. This occurance has happened in a few occasions now.
So I am looking for an app that monitors what "hidden" actions are being executed and where they are coming from. It has to be from apps that are obviously running or waking in the background and using the parent apps "permissions" to trigger and allow access to my location via GPS. And on my girlfriends phone, something similar, somehow a background app that's hidden; is at minimal; using a "permission" to access my audio/speaker, and We'd like to track down the source of where this obscure audio is originating from so we can further investigate.
Is there some type of app that does this? Or is there a way to acomplish What I am trying to do? These are just two major examples to try to help illustrate what I mean.
Try on Settings/Developer Options, scroll until the bottom and you should have something like "Inactive apps", there you should be able to see all active (and inactive) apps installed on the phone. Except the system apps...
There you can also switch from active to inactive, but if you open the app, or if the app becomes active by itself somehow, the status change.
But in those crazy situations like add-aware, probably you should try "Clean Master". The publicity is annoying but use to be effective. After the problem be solved you uninstall it.

Buttons Backlight control

Hi everybody. I'm a newbie with digging deeper into my device. I'm looking for a solution to control buttons backlight. Since P600 doesn't have led for notifications, I'm interested in using hardware buttons for this purpose. Especially I would like to have backlight while I'm connecting the device to the charger. I hate the screen lighten up (especially at night time) when I plug it in, so I disabled this feature, but it disabled hw buttons backlight as well. It happened to me few times that I plugged in the device and I thought it is charging, but I was wrong and I ended up with discharged tablet at the morning ? I have searched through the Internet and found some clues, but nothing worked for me. I tried some apps and even played with Tasker, but since I'm a beginner, I wasn't able to succeed... So I would appreciate any help My device operates on LineageOS 14.1 and is rooted by Magisk
It seems that I figured it out by myself ? I digged bit more into Tasker app, I watched some tutorials and read about running shell commands. Overall it's a quite complicated subject, but for basic purposes it's comprehensible even for me It's all come down to locating proper "brightness" file which is responsible for lighten up capacitive buttons. In case of this device I found it in a different location than in most other devices. Then using Tasker (you need to be familiar with basic operations at least and you need to have root) I set some simple commands to trigger buttons backlight when I plug the device in (I attached a screenshot). I haven't tested other applications of this feature yet, but I belive it could be used in a similar way for other purposes as well.
I described my experiences because maybe somebody would be willing to take advantage of this ?
EDIT: Something went wrong with loading the image so I'm writing commands to run with Tasker:
1. Run shell
Command echo 1 > /sys/devices/virtual/sec/sec_touchkey/brightness
2. Wait
2 seconds
3. Run shell
Command: echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/sec/sec_touchkey/brightness
And you have to check "Use root"

