virtual joystick laggs - Samsung Galaxy J2 Questions & Answers

hello community ,i have a problem in galaxy j200h in term of gaming
for example in a on screen joystick games when i move the joystick and touch
another button the joystick move back to the centre and i have to restart the
game please if anyone can help i will be glad:good:


joystick for Artemis

is there any other way 2 play a game ?
the controls on an Artemis are far inconvenient
any joystick ?

HTC games

on the HTC blackstone were missing out on loads of games because we have no d-pad is the no way of creating a touch mini contoller at bottom half of screen?
I hope someone will do it soon, it would be wonderful
if you use the search function you should get results with people posting about about touch controllers that will sit at the bottom of the screen (since almost no game has a native resolution of 800x480). Which is also how you can run various emulators (like nes)
The problem with such a bottom-controller is that the screen is not capable to recognize more than one press, so you can just press one button at once.
Asphalt 4 is available for the HD now. it has a soft pad at the bootom to controll and it looks like gameloft will release more and more games with such an interface specialy for wvga devices.
but the graphic and the gameplay sucks. it's not fun at all. it's not worth a dollar.
Why not invest in a external game pad? It wouldn't be that big and you would only bring it when you know your going to be bored.

DooM II RPG WVGA is out and Kicks A$$

Do you remember an awesome game called DooM RPG??
I used to play it on my N73 and I loved that game.
I always wondered if it possible to play it on HD or port it or whatever.
So, there we go...DooM II RPG is out and works WVGA flawlessly
Not going to be any cop without physical buttons to control it and only a touchscreen though is it.
Well there is onscreen control and it is really have directional arrows and center action button + by swiping left or right you strafe...very simple yet nonproblematic I rly enjoy that game
Can you post a link for download ?
google is your friend my friend

Control GTA3 with a keyboard

I don't know if it was mentioned before, but I was messing with the game, and found out, that after connecting an USB keyboard with the OTG cable, you can actually play the game with it, like on PC
Direction buttons work great, you can walk around, with space you jump, hit enter to get in the car, c to change camera, a-s-d-w look around... unfortunately I couldn't find out a way to shoot, and sprint... but cars can be well driven with keyboard even handbrake works
I found in another topic that PC cheats also work, and I can confirm it, as the keyboard was connected, I could type in cheats with it, and they worked
I only tried GUNSGUNSGUNS for all weapons, and it worked, but I think all the cheats work
If someone finds a way to shoot and sprint, please post it
this is a lovely game... good release by rock star games... full on !!! my frnz couldn't believe that i m playing a PC game on my fone hehehehehe... way to go Rock STAR !!! hope to have more such game release from u... GTA IV...
Nice find
I think this might be the right topic so I will ask here.
I've got the game instaled&working on my SE Xperia Pro. As my phone has a built-in keyboard, all the cheats and the game-controls work just fine
The only problem I've got is that I can't change the keyboard controls (for the built-in keyboard, not for the on-screen controls).
Does anyone have a sugestion how to do it?
Try GTA 3 Cheats great
Link: GTA 3 Cheats Unlocker
For me, on the physical keyboard
sprint is 1 on the num row
shoot is 2 on the num row
jump is 3 on the num row
4 is to get in the car
6 & 8 is to cycle the weapons
aswd and arrow keys are to move the character on foot & in car
ijkl is to around in first person
c is to change camera mode
enter is to enter the menu in game
when in the menus arrow keys to scroll through and 1 to enter and 2 to go back

how to play mc4 with ipega controller?

Hello guys,i have tried tons of application such as tincore keymapper to be able to play mc4 but no luck. Both analog works fine natively, i have problem when aiming down sight. Upon button press it aims and unaims do i use ipega....i just need to be able to map the fire and ADS button to the shoulder buttons on the ipega. Thx!

