Use LG g4 as media centre device? - G4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Has anyone tried turning an LG g4 into an android TV box?
It has HDMI output, wondering if it can passthrough DTS and is capable of framerate switching?
The Snapdragon 808 seems capable of HEVC decoding so in theory it should be powerful enough.


compared uhd video with friends g3

hi all!
I own h815 and i compared plyback of some ultra hd video i found on youtube with playback on friends lg g3.
under same (max) settings, g3 playback had A LOT more details, almost like my g4 screen has lower resolution.
Any ideas what happened? only difference was hes running 5.0 android

4k recording BITRATE......what is highest and what apps for Sprint LG G5?

I am a former LG G4 user and the video recording capabilities on the G4 (even completely stock)I found was excellent. Even while stock on the G4, I could use the free app freedcam and get 4k recording bitrates of 150Mbit to 200Mbit @30fps........on stock unrooted MM.
I am not sure high bitrate 4K is doable on the Sprint LG G5 though. I have tried to google to see anyone doing high bitrate (150MBit or higher) on the LG G5 but have found nothing. The G5 has the same camera sensor and a faster processor.
So does anyone here know of what I can accomplish with a G5 sprint in terms of highest 4k bitrate recording? If so, with what apps? Has anyone used apps like freedcam, cinema4k, etc with high bitrate on the LG G5 Spring variant?
Thanks in advance.

4K 60FPS?

Hi, I was wondering why lg didn't include 4K 60FPS Option in the camera? The phone is clearz enough powerful to do it and it has the hardware to do it. So why can't we record in 4K 60FPS?
You should ask to Lg...
They probably didn't perfect it, and left it out. Who knows...

Is there going to be EIS (steadycam) update for 4k 60fps on the G8?

I know that the SD855 is capable of doing EIS for 4k 60fps as I've noticed that other ones with the same chip are starting to come out with updates to enable this feature. I know that all SD855 phones already can do EIS for 4k 30fps but not 60fps (the option greys out or disappears). for example, the zenfone 6 recently had an update to enable this. i'm not sure which other phone can do this right now.
I'm not sure why there isn't more details when it comes to EIS as it is a very very attractive feature, as it almost replaces the need to have a gimbal. i 99% sure the G8 since the G7 also has been using gyro-based EIS meaning the stabilization algorithm is optimized by the data from the gyro. i hope that one day they also add OIS to the ultrawide cam as EIS crops in alot.
Are you talking about the SteadyCam option presence on LG G8/S/X devices?
As I heard of, for the moment only main lens and FHD 16:9 maximum but it may arrive soon. I'll ask my colleagues next week.

enable aptx hd on snapdragon s20?

Since snapdragon chips natively support aptx hd and Samsung scrapped this feature from snapdragon devices to bring them down to the same level as exynos devices, is there a mod or something to enable aptx hd on snapdragon s20 phones?
No hardware to process the codec in bt chipset.
Thoughtful, heh?
Took away the 3.5 jack and didn't allow the latest hd bt codecs to ever be usable even in the latest and very expensive flagship models.
The best HD bt codecs availible are LDAC and SSC.
Buds+ sound damn good using SSC/Poweramp & its EQ.
Otherwise some Sony and a few Panasonic can use LDAC.
Contact Sammy and let them feel the wuv...

