Modify Android Wear Layout file LinearLayout to work with round watches - Xposed Framework Development

I am currently writing an Xposed Module (first one ever) to manipulate Polar Flow so that it will work on a Huwaei Watch 2 as I don't like my M600 as a device style wise! I am trying to modify the layout files which are all using LinearLayout to use the newer BoxInsetLayout instead to resolve issues with the round screen. Has anybody done similar or have any ideas on how to do this as all my attempts have failed!
Looking at the Xposed documentation it looks like this is doable, I have managed to get a test harness up on the Watch and working and have manipulated my system serial number succesfully to match my M600 serial number which has got the app syncronising to Polar Flow's web site now (step data etc...) so the Xposed module is working but I am not 100% sure on how to change this element which makes the software quite unusable on a round screen.
Any help would be greatly appreciated for an Xposed noob!


Digital signature with MDA?

New idea, new problem: I´ld like to use the MDA to save signatures. Do someone of you knows al library which can handle the touchscreen so that I can display moves (the signature) and safe them as file (jpg?) on memory?
Greetings again,
Andreas )
PS: I´ld like to seize the chance top thank you all for your help in the past time. You´ve helped me a lot. If someone of you´ld like to get some of my results (code snippets for SMS at this time): send me an email )
Digital signature
There is a .NET Compact Framework example from Microsoft that captures the signature on the device and allows you to display it on a Desktop computer.
It is easy enough to change it to get an image on the Pocket PC.
The sample is here:
It just captures the mouse down and mouse move commands but works well enough. I started looking at something I found through google about being able to get the movement from the touchscreen instead of the windows message to get better resolution but I gave up as I did not have enough time to fix all the problems I was having.
Thank you )
Do you`ve the MSI-File at home? At Microsoft I get a 404-Error if I try to download the installationfile. (whould nice to test)
Thanks and Greetings,
Andreas )
404 Error
I see what you mean about the link.
Try this one
It is working at 15:46 on 18th August
Thank you!
Another idea I had: Is there also a chance to make a simple screenshot of the mdascreen and put a "drawing-pad" on the screen? (I think it's more simple to use because of the pictures must be combinatet with other digital documents)
I have completed an application to capture signatures. It's not very hard. Just follow the cursor and build up a list of coordinates. If you keep this as a list of coordinates then each signature is only about 100 bytes.
Alternativelly, these gues have done this for you as an OCX or ActiveX:
tnx ;o)

Orange Homescreen on non orange phone? (customization)

hello to all
I installed Orange Homescreen on my WM5 blue-angel.
It it by far the cleanest plug-in I've ever used! Two problems though:
1. The URLs seem to be hard coded - anyway of changing that?
2. On the contacts "tab" there is an option for speed dial, but it generates an error when I try to use it - is there some other CAB I need to install?
Thank you!
Hi AdmiralAK,
I love the Orange today plugin too, but have had a lot of trouble installing it on the other Rom's for my Universal. Can you tell which files you used to install it :?:
As for the problems your having:
1. The URL's can be changed by editing the Full_one.xml file.
But your still limited to four.
2. In the Orange Rom, some of the files have a lower case t prefix.
Try changing renaming your speed dial executable. It might work :wink:
I downloaded the homescreen cab from somewhere on this board (this was a few days ago so I am not completely sure). I found two versions. One was in the Extended ROM/
(this one I did not install because I had the otherone already installed)
(ok after a little looking I found it)
I am actually using the Orange Homescreen from the Orange SPV M3100 (hermes device) - this is the one that is installed on my Blue angel and it works without a problem. --> I am attaching it.
(I apologize to the forum for postnig the same file again - I cannot find the link to it)
As for the speed dialer - I don't think I have the application installed on my blue angel (I am using the 1.3beta rom from HELMI and I don't seem to be able to find it) in my device - any idea where to get it?
Also, is the XML file that I need to edit in the windows/ directory?
google tells me that the full_one.xml file is in my windows directory...but I dont see it :-/
The CAB from the Orange Ext ROM is just the reg settings, its no good without the files from the Orange ROM.
I'll try the file you posted this weekend [if I get the chance] :?
Yes, the XML file is in the Windows folder.
It works inconjuction with the HomeScreen.dll, with some icons stored in contactsico.dll.
I've added these files and the prefixed t files from the Windows folder of my Universal, I hope they're useful.
Have you tried the file ?
Hmm.. performing back up now.. and going to try it out. Hope it is easy to uninstall.
Ok, tested out the plugin. It is a nice plugin. Make your phone more like a phone than a PDA. It gives you one hand operation by using the direction buttons, making calls and stuff. However, since it will disable all other plugins, I won't recommend others whom uses Today calendar plugins such as Pocket Breeze, TodayAgenda, TodayPlus, etc.. to use this orange plugin. Uninstall is easy.
Screen shot of it here
under the section `INSIDE`. It is the same for smart phone and pda phone. You will see all the options available. And the 'Today' option actually sends you to the (built in) Calendar day view.
Hi, have you used the cab file and zip file above ?
Ok, I tried the plugin posted here by AdmiralAK, on my Universal.
First thing I noticed was it actually ran on the O2 ROM.
Second thing was how small the icons are compared to the plguin built into the Orange Universal ROM.
But I guess that makes sence as the screens are very different sizes. More importantly must of the plugin works fine.
I'm sure a little editing would probably have it all working.
What I did notice is its totally different to the Universal plugin, none of the files i've edited to get the universal version working the way I want it to, exist in this version. Hence the Full_one.xml, t* and .bmh files are not in the Windows folder.
I've gone back to the Orange ROM, as I have it running the way I want and the bigger icons are easier to use on the Universal. But i'll be keeping this version as I may get a TyTn next year.
Cool program. But too bad, limited customizable.
Hi people,
Great software, I was looking to try this on my MDA Vario. Too bad of it's limitations. Good to try out and see how it works.
Though I was thinking of visually designing a kind of similar application and find some great developers on this site to help me create it. Of course if anyone is interested in this kind of functionality.
Anyone already interested? let me know. i hope to have some draft ideas on here in the form of screenshots as soon as possible. but now it's diner time see ya.
I have tried editing the 'full_one.xml' file, then soft reset....however it hasn't changed anything...
did i miss something?
Hi guy,
I've tried to resize the icon of plug-in and it's ok in portrait but no in landscape, I think it's a registry problem for landscape.
I'd like to use the plug-in on no orange rom.
I'll find the way to get more than 4 custom option but i get without icon.
The file full_one.xml is linked with other file of the orange rom so I think that's one problem.
I'd be interested in a plugin like this, that has a few more options [see below] and works on all ROM's.
I have no programing skills or abilities, but i'd help out where I can. :wink:
The Full_one.xml file only lets you edit the Labels and the URL's in the plugin.
I'd like to use the plug-in on a none Orange ROM too.
Then I wouldn't have to kepp hiding my Universal from the IT guys at work. :lol:
The 3 things I'd like to change on the plugin are:
1. Have more than 5 URL's in the Web section.
2. Have more than 4 programs in the Launch section.
3. Have all seven sections appear on the screen [at least in portrate mode][/i]
I'm a littlebit busy but I want resolve this match.
Stay tuned
Concept Orange Homescreen Pimped Beta 0.1
Hi people,
I told ya that I was interested in making the Orange Homescreen even better than it is at the moment.
Image number 1 shows the use of today plugin as we know them. It's just to give an example. All the other screens speak for themselves.
If anyone has his/her own ideas please share them in this thread. I would also like to draw the attention of developers who might be interested in creating this for real, and not just some photoshop images, please let me know.
Hi Shah,
Thats way more complex, than I was looking for. :shock:
But, If this was to be built as a new plugin, hopefully it could be scalable, using a .ini or .xml file. Like the real Orange plugin does. 8)
The only I don't really like, is the other plugins showing as in pic.1.
I have other plugins switched on while i'm at work, and the Orange one at night. I find the empty desktop more relaxing. :wink:
ZaForD said:
Hi Shah,
Thats way more complex, than I was looking for. :shock:
But, If this was to be built as a new plugin, hopefully it could be scalable, using a .ini or .xml file. Like the real Orange plugin does. 8)
The only I don't really like, is the other plugins showing as in pic.1.
I have other plugins switched on while i'm at work, and the Orange one at night. I find the empty desktop more relaxing. :wink:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi ZaForD
The complexity is actually quite limited. Because if you use the plugin most of the options are the same. Most of the items are just additions to the rest of the plugin.
And for the pic 1. I can image it's not that nice. But with input we can work on making it more general so that people will like it.
Personally I would like to have the standaard Today screen plugins visible because they are still usefull.
It's also a possibility that all the items are configerable to meet users needs. For example standaard options like the original homescreen for users that want the basic functionalities, and advanced options for users who want more options. so that every page is user configerable.
Anything is possible in Photoshop haha. but seriously if there are any developers who are interested please leave a note.
I stopped using the plugin - no matter how much I liked it - because it did not show me tasks tat need to be done.
I would be interested in something more complex than it is now (at least show me my tasks) but maybe not as complex as the mockups. scalability would be cool
What do you think he is trying to do?
Any updates on this?
I have a Prophet and tested the plugin, however there are some things that I can't edit (cause I don't have an Orange ROM)...

Simliest Diary

Hi PPC mages, I've got a small problem. I've tried to search a very easy program which resembles the classic paper diary.
Idea of this soft.. Screen which has seven parts (basically days). Every Day should have a date and maybe names (because of name days). Into these "tabs" I need only to write. Not ringing, no pop-ups, no vibrations, nothing, just type on keyboard. Don't know if I'm able to write about my idea in english so imagine one list of the simplest diary and you'll got sense of my idea.
My question is simple.. Does this soft (or very similar) exist? Or can it be programmed by any good man/woman? I think it would't be so hard and I will be very grateful for that.
Remember I don't want any calendar - am owner of Calendar touch and it isn't the way of annotation I want.
Thanks for reading and especially for answers!
Hmm... Excel?
Great idea but not as elegant as simple software..
I'm not sure exactly what you want, but have a look at Phatnotes:
This is very customizable and will let you have a blank page per day with buttons for seven days and weeks.
Perhaps this works for you ?
If you were Japanase I would strongly recommand this one :
Reading the translated doc, I could configure it easily, and even if there are some display bugs due to japanase font replaced by squares, the result is quite usable and simple.
I dream that someone makes the same in english, french.
Thanks for tips, now I'm going to try the first one (hope it wouldnt be hard to cutomize it). The second one doesn't seem to be just diary, it is very similar to normal calendar. I'm surprised that the sipliest normal diary doesn't exist, but maybe someone will find anything.
Thans again!
Unluckily it wasn't what I need, but thanks..
I've made a very simple picture to explain my idea when my english isn't so good .
This is a basic idea of appearance. And functions?
1) Slide to right/left - go to next/previous week (princip of book)
2) Type into the lines (maybe with possibility to set up the font - color?/bold/italic)
3) Possibility to change names in any system file (depend on country) - it makes easy future translations
4) Next features - changing colors based on days etc.
I'm completely amateur so I don't know anything about software making but I still think this software wouldn't be so hard to develop, am I right?
Thanks for reflections!
Hmm it seems that similar program doesn't exist but would it be really hard to develop it?

Hello! Device Contacts problems and Minor helps

hello to everyone here in xda
I just got my sprint tp2 three weeks ago because i needed a winmo cellphone to install chinese dictionary/1,500mah battery/hardware keyboard/ and something different than samsung, (last phone was samsung innov8)
I've modded my phone little by little by lurking, but there's some annoying issues that i've been trying to solve by searching the internet and xda forums but couldn't find it, like:
(using today's screen)
-making the contacts remember the setting "filter by Device Contacts",
it always display "all contacts" <--- Big headache...
-that same contact's menu uses big fonts, i've changed the fonts to small text, but still couldn't make it smaller (attached file)
-adding and removing things on windows today screen(attached file)
-any good converter to change money, mass, temperature....
I've changed rom, but the same problem were still on the original sprint 6.5 rom, software information are:
OS version: 5.2.21889 (21889.5.0.87)
Manilla: 2.5.2010121225.0
ROM : Mr.X ROM 2.5
Rom date 04/10/10
Radio version 2.32.00WF
thanks !
lurkerzz said:
-any good converter to change money, mass, temperature....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I can't really help with the other issues, but I can easily recommend uConvert as the best measurement converter available for the TP2. There's a basic version available for free (cab is attached below), but for $.99 you can purchase the full version which just unlocks some more types of measurements and units.
More details:
thanks.. ! i wonder if... nobody have this problem on their sprint tp2 or they just use sim contacts???
thanks !, now the other minor today screen customization to be happy with the phone !

Needed help with an interesting Problem.

So, where should i start. I needed someone who's really into android to help me with a certain problem. I'm a tattoo artist, using a german made Tattoo Touch power supply. This is basically a power box with an android tablet as a control unit, they are connected via bluetooth. I attach a photo of it. The control tablet is a cheap kt712a device, with a really low resolution of 1024x600. I extracted the Tattoo touch apk, installed on my 7x to see if i can use that also as a contol unit. I can, it works, but the user interface maybe because the different resolutions, is completely messed up. The buttons are all over, etc. Everything works tho. My question is, would it be possible to somehow adjust the dpi, resolution or whatever to get the perfect interface on my 7x too? I hope i could explain my problem properly. Thanks for any help in advance!

