Huge battery drain on Nougat 7.1.2/Resurrection Remic 5.8.5-20171119 final - OnePlus 3 Questions & Answers

I've been using Resurrection Remix ROM for quite a while now (almost 2 years), I installed version from the subject (Nougat 7.1.2/Resurrection Remic 5.8.5-20171119) in November 2017 and everything was working great (including amazing battery life - by the end of the day with regular phone usage I was still getting 60-70% left; I don't use phone much). Around February something happened and all of the sudden my battery life went to very crappy in the late afternoon I was hitting 25% mark without doing much on my phone (it basically was laying on the desk most of the time, as usual). I haven't installed anything new, and couldn't figure out what may be draining the battery using regular methods (system information, Gsam battery stats, wakelock detector, better battery stats, etc…).
I started to eliminate the applications (freeze in Titanium Backup, this should do the job - right?) at first one-by-one and then in groups (to speed up process) until I got into the apps updated in January (so before the weirdness started). I've disabled almost all applications and yet the problem still persists. Now the two majors offenders (besides system) are Play *Store* (not services) and Multimedia (so access to storage).
I'm really baffled what's going on and I don't have much left to disable. Here are the screenshots from the system battery widget and Gsam. It shows that *wakelock* and *alarm* are using a lot of time, but it shows *(0)* as the count so... what the heck?!
I haven't found anything in the catalogue (any errors popping up all the time) and there are two most popular entries:
* "setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Globa, returning read-only value" -- haven't found a source of this
* QCOM PowerHal- Failed to acquire lock ("not a bug" judging from the bugtrack)
The weird thing is - when I enable battery saving mode everything seems to go back to normal (virtually no battery drain/usage) and by the end of the day I still have 80-85% (and I'm on the verge of forcing constant power saver mode! but it's got rest every time I plug in my phone so it's not a solution neither).
Any suggestion what to check further? What could cause this?
(Yes, I've cleared the cache and Dalvik cache as well).

Try updating to oreo!?

How would that solve anything? Especially that the exact same setup was working without a hitch for a long time (more than half year). Also - Oreo flavoured Resurrection Remix still has it's own issues (for example lack of fast charing, which combined with draining battery would be terrible mix)…

Time to update Oreo.

No it's not. And the suggestions are on par on repairing windows by doing abysmal "format c:" which in 99% is sheer nonsense.
Bottomline - I'm looking for help in therms of analysing data and fixing the problem at hand, and no - Oreo is not the solution so kindly please stop suggesting it.


S4 Mini Battery life

Hi all fellow forum members! It was about time to retire my old Galaxy S2, and i decided to buy a S4 Mini. About the same size, better specs and everything. But i dont like the battery life at all. I dont think its normal for my battery to discharge 20% over 8 hours at night. Does anyone have the same problem? I have been trying different approaches. I installed Snapdragon BatteryGuru, put the phone on power saving mode all the time, even switched 3G off, although without 3G there seems to be an improvement, but I'll let you know how's that going. So my concern is that i might have a faulty device.. or software.. idk.. when i had crazy discharge syndrome on my S2 i just changed the kernel and/or the ROM. Any advice or opinions on the battery life of the S4 mini will be welcomed and appreciated!
I don't have too many battery problems, I guess. My phone has been off the charger for around 10 hours - and the battery has dropped to 85% - which I think it OK. I've sent some text messages, checked e-mails, used WhatsApp and had a few phone calls, not exceeding 10 minutes in total. Oh, and the GPS is on 24/7 for now, but I've just got the phone rooted, so this will not be the case any longer. The phone says it still have some 7½ hours left - which wouldn't be enough for an "all nighter" tonight.
I have disables many of the push notifications, which might be the reason why I think it's a fair battery life so far. I used to have the SGS2 as well, which lasted around the same as this phone I reckon. The biggest hog is the Google Services/Framework that takaroundes up 25% of the battery usage at the moment.
I have though of having getting an extra battery for this phone, as it's always nice to have one charged.
My I9195 uses about 3% during night (7 hours, 3G data and wifi off). Try to use an app to see wakelocks used on your device, e.g. Wakelock Detector or Better Battery Stats - they might provide you with some hints to apps that keep your mini from deep sleep, which can cause the battery drain.
Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
If it's an I9195, can you try to disable NFC and see if it improves?
My biggest drain is the screen. The device lasts about as long as my friend's S2 (we were playing a coop game together) and then surfed the net over 3G for a while.
We both scrambled to look for a nearby charging socket at almost the same time
Thanks for your replies guys! I will try those apps and report back. Wakelock already found one of my apps that has awaken the phone 1200 times.. shieeeeeeeet.. hopefully now that I have disabled it things will go better..
Hi all! I have found the source of my battery drain. It's Google location services. Turns out it's a common problem on android 4.2.2. I tutned off Google location an I my phone drained 2% over 8 hours. Sync, wifi and 3g were also turned on. There is a fix over at the nexus 4 forums, but it requires root and I don't know if it will work on our galaxies. If you have root, google nip wakelock fix, try it and report back.
I had battery problems on my s4. Turns out it was the SD card. Removed it and battery improved. In the end I had to change it for a new one.
Sparksltd said:
I had battery problems on my s4. Turns out it was the SD card. Removed it and battery improved. In the end I had to change it for a new one.
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Which one did you use? Sandisk 32GB?
I got an S4 mini for my gf with that card and it has terrible battery life.
The battery drained from 100% at 7 in the morning to 15% at 5 in the afternoon...
That's surely not normal...
I noticed that the "media" service took up almost as much cpu time and power as (active for 1,5 hours) as the mobile connection.
I suspect, that some corrupt media files or whatever kept the service alive, which tried to scan the DCIM folder over and over again.
I checked the SD Card which was full of almost 5GB of old pictures pictures which for some reason couldn't be deleted because of "unknown errors".
So I took the SD Card out and put it in a card reader, to back up the files. Then I deleted the files, put the card back and formated the card.
Then I copied only some of the new pictures back into the DCIM folder... I'll see tomorrow if that helped.
Battery Drain
Hi iconata,
Can you let me know how to "disable" Google location services, which you observed as the source of battery drain? I believe I have disabled it but the battery drain issue still persists.
And FYI - the following is the message I wrote to Samsung and am waiting for their test to validate the result of my S4 Mini. Based on what Samsung told me, the Safe Mode calls out same phone settings as Factory Default, but it seems the following test cases did reveal different resutls from what Samsung told me...
Message to Samsung
Thanks for advising to check battery under Safe Mode. The following is the 3 test cases I have done but I still have BIG battery drain issue with my S4 Mini.
All the test cases were performed under same conditions:
1. 3G on
2. Power Save Mode on
3. Standby for 8 hours overnight, from 12:00am ~ 8:00am
Test Case-1: All the extra apps installed
- Battery drain: 3% per hour (as I already reported)
Test Case-2: Safe Mode; long press volume-down key, with Safe Mode shown at lower-left corner on desktop
- Battery drain: 0.7% per hour
Test Case-3: Factory default settings; reset to Factory Default setting; all the data were deleted and no extra apps were installed; the phone was back to the original Factory default setting
- Battery drain: 2.9% per hour
Test Case-1 and Test Case-3 almost came with same battery drain issue at same drop rate, so those extra apps installed for Test Case-1 shouldn’t have contributed to this battery drain issue so significantly. However, looks like Safe Mode and Factory Default were very different, although you thought the conditions of the 2 should be same.
I still have battery drain issue even after rolling back to Factory Default Settings, and I cannot live with Safe Mode. Please help.
pudin said:
Hi iconata,
Can you let me know how to "disable" Google location services, which you observed as the source of battery drain? I believe I have disabled it but the battery drain issue still persists.
And FYI - the following is the message I wrote to Samsung and am waiting for their test to validate the result of my S4 Mini. Based on what Samsung told me, the Safe Mode calls out same phone settings as Factory Default, but it seems the following test cases did reveal different resutls from what Samsung told me...
Message to Samsung
Thanks for advising to check battery under Safe Mode. The following is the 3 test cases I have done but I still have BIG battery drain issue with my S4 Mini.
All the test cases were performed under same conditions:
1. 3G on
2. Power Save Mode on
3. Standby for 8 hours overnight, from 12:00am ~ 8:00am
Test Case-1: All the extra apps installed
- Battery drain: 3% per hour (as I already reported)
Test Case-2: Safe Mode; long press volume-down key, with Safe Mode shown at lower-left corner on desktop
- Battery drain: 0.7% per hour
Test Case-3: Factory default settings; reset to Factory Default setting; all the data were deleted and no extra apps were installed; the phone was back to the original Factory default setting
- Battery drain: 2.9% per hour
Test Case-1 and Test Case-3 almost came with same battery drain issue at same drop rate, so those extra apps installed for Test Case-1 shouldn’t have contributed to this battery drain issue so significantly. However, looks like Safe Mode and Factory Default were very different, although you thought the conditions of the 2 should be same.
I still have battery drain issue even after rolling back to Factory Default Settings, and I cannot live with Safe Mode. Please help.
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Hi pudin! You can turn off Google location services from maps app. Go to settings->google location settings and uncheck allow Google to use your location. And to further improve that you can turn gps off, and turn it on when you need to. Yesterday I decided to root my phone because greenify was asking for root permission and everybody was putting the good word for that app. Turns out it's a total croc... you can hibernate downloaded apps, but you can't do the same with pre installed. 0 use. Further more I started to receive an annoying notification that my phone's security has been compromised and it needs to reboot. Got angry, downloaded an official firmware from sammobile, preinstalled, turned google location services off and got this pretty decent battery life. Screenies are below, feel free to post your thoughts. Please note that I keep BaterryGuru and PowerSave on at all time.
Battery drain
Thanks for prompt feedback iconata! Now I can confirm the Google location services have been disabled on my S4 Mini. Also, I don't enable GPS unless I need it so those battery consumption numbers were tested without GPS running in the background. I got the call from Ssmaung tonight telling me my phone consumes more power than what they tested, so I'll return it to Samsung for further diagnostic tomorrow. Will keep you posted if any update.
BTW, I'm not that kind of guy brave enough to root my phone like you guys...
im having 3% battery drain over night
using 2 sims.
wifi off
gps off
powersaving off
Network mode: sim1 GSM/WCDMA (auto), sim2 GSM
here are the screens Drain S4 mini
ill repeat the test today from 100% battery and see
battery drain during standby
Checked the image you posted and it looks like you were still doing something such as making calls and playing game over night. Your 3% power consumption per hour is similar to mine, but in my case Cell Standby and Device Idle are the 2 major items consuming the power the most over night, when the phone really enters the standby mode. Try to have your phone enter the standby mode without doing anything over night and check if the result is still the same.
strange thing... my battery was showing 16% left.. and went dead..
pudin said:
Checked the image you posted and it looks like you were still doing something such as making calls and playing game over night. Your 3% power consumption per hour is similar to mine, but in my case Cell Standby and Device Idle are the 2 major items consuming the power the most over night, when the phone really enters the standby mode. Try to have your phone enter the standby mode without doing anything over night and check if the result is still the same.
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that screen on over night wasn't me, today ill remove apps and try to get a clean start not from a day use
New FW update that improves battery drain
In coincidence I got notified of a FW update just yesterday night, one day before I sent my phone into Service, and it did improve battery drain significantly, from 3% to just 1% per hour over night after I checked the phone this morning. You guys may want to check the update as well, and I'll test my phone again tonight.
pudin said:
In coincidence I got notified of a FW update just yesterday night, one day before I sent my phone into Service, and it did improve battery drain significantly, from 3% to just 1% per hour over night after I checked the phone this morning. You guys may want to check the update as well, and I'll test my phone again tonight.
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Which firmware?
I flashed the pre-rooted MG4 (over the stock MG4) yesterday, wiped the phone and froze all the samsung bloatware stuff.
That thing is still draining about 4-6% per hour while just lying around untouched. The phone is in power saving mode.
new test factory reset, all bloatware removed, just whatsapp is installed
I still have 1.7% battery drain per hour I think is still bad
GMS arena seems to be the only site mentioning that issue:
Unfortunately the higher than average battery drain in stand-by mode prevented the Samsung Galaxy S4 mini from getting an impressive overall endurance rating. Even so it did more than well and if Samsung improves the stand-by time with future firmware updates, it might be one of the longest-lasting smartphones on the market.
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Battery/Lag issues since replacement & 6.0 update (AT&T)

After my original phone went into bootloops after the marshmallow update, I got a replacement within 1 day (thanks, AT&T, they really surprised me with customer service on this one). Unfortunately, my replacement has been full of issues. For starters, I used to get maybe 1% per hour max battery drain with idle and screen off with location and sync on (would be 97-99% in the morning if it was 100% before sleep), but now it is 5+% per hour, same battery as before, even switching it with my spare, no difference. I have Greenify installed and have a decent number of things greenified, but I don't want to have to also turn off location and sync just to get still worse battery life than I had before. A factory reset did not fix the issue. Google Play Services seems to inexplicably be taking more battery than phone idle now but it is not enough to be explaining this battery issue fully.
Also, I get lag in various applications, including pre-installed system applications. Most noticeably, Chrome and Chrome Beta have the same issue of freezing 3-10 seconds before the page is completely loaded which is an extreme nuisance. Reinstalling the apps and clearing the cache/data did not help. Various system applications run with lag too. I moved some applications to the SD card and the settings app was lagging so terribly it crashed a few times.
Any ideas to my phone woes?

[Q] Abnormally Fast Battery Drain

I'm not sure if it's more appropriate to post here
or on the custom ROM forum itself, but here's my battery issue:
Issue: Abnormally fast battery drain. My battery would
be fully charged, and almost immediately start draining until
it'd show 1% within 2 hrs. Screen would be off mostly (normal
Been on a custom ROM since January 2017 (crDroid) and have had no problems with it since,
except 3 days ago, when the problem first appeared.
Things that are ON: LTE data (or Wi-fi), Auto apps update on
Google Play Store (never been problematic before), Location,
Things that are OFF: Bluetooth, ScreenCast, Caffeine
When I check Battery in Settings, the numbers don't add up.
I'd have battery indicator at 70% for example, but Screen,
Android System, all other apps would add up to only 7%. So
that's a whopping 23% unaccounted for.
But here's the weird thing: it drains fast until 1%, then at 1%,
the phone is supposed to initiate automatic shutdown like it has before.
When this issue cropped up, the phone keeps going for about 6 hours
or so before shutdown is started. Checking Kernel Adiutor occasionally,
I'd see a much slower decrease in voltage which probably reflects
more accurately the power drawdown situation.
Things I've done:
-clear cache (both through File Explorer and TWRP Recovery)
-clear batterystats.bin
-calibrate battery after full charge/discharge (via Root Essentials,
which basically does the same thing as manually deleting batterystat.bin,
if I'm not mistaken)
-Resetting App Preferences via Setting/Battery
None of the above has worked. Any idea what might be wrong?
My device is a Zuk Z1, with a 4100mAh battery. It usually lasts me more
than a day on normal use, but as the attached pic shows, it's at 96%
yet without having used any apps yet, has only 2 hrs of juice left.
I've tried reflashing my ROM, wiping everything including formatting data
yet nothing has worked.
I'm a light user, as I don't play games or watch videos on my phone.
Neither do I use graphics-intensive apps. I haven't used processor-intensive apps
that require constant GPS (like Google Maps, Waze) since then.
OK, I've flashed 3 other ROMs: Citrus-CAF, NucleaROM and stock, and the problem persists.
By doing the above, I've crossed out the possibility of it being the ROM. Neither is it the battery
itself, because it would've shut down by itself at 1%, yet at 1% I can last 6 or 7 hours of light use.
Anyone out there have any idea?

Battery Drain Advice

Hi All
Disclaimer: I'm new to the forum so apologies if this is in the wrong discussion area etc!
I got my Galaxy S9 on Friday 9th, prior to that I had an LG G5 which is now gone. In the last few months of using my LG G5 the battery life was questionable - the phone would get hot (sometimes without even using it a lot) and the battery would drain by 30% an hour. I noticed, but didn't test fully, that Google Play Music seemed to really cane the battery and phone - i.e. was getting hot and draining quickly. As an example, I'd leave home at 7am taking it off charge at the last minute (100%) and get to my office at 9am and it'll be at 50% and very warm. Prior to that (can't exactly pinpoint when the drain started to really kick in) it would only drop to 85% - much more acceptable.
The G5 has a replaceable battery - 2800 if I recall . So I threw down £50 on an official LG site for a new slab of Lithium - slight improvement, but still terrible and warm. 55% instead of 50%.
"Right - time for a new phone" as I assumed that 2 years of app updates meant the CPU was lagging. Bagged a Galaxy S9 - today was my first commute into the office. Started on 100%, arrived at 55% with a 3000 battery! And it got super warm like the G5.
Most of that time I used Google Play Music, which according to AccuBattery the discharge speed was "33% per hour". Second was Google Chrome at 30% per hour (though I didn't use it much at all on the journey).
My question is - what logs can I check, or apps I can use, or something to find out what's going on? I need to test a few things of course to pinpoint the issue. If it helps - I restored from my G5 when I setup my S9.
seems like you might have have some options enabled in Google Play Music / chrome - that is keeping the phone awake
generally when you switch phones they apps and their settings get transferred automatically now - worth maybe uninstalling them for a day and see if you're still experiencing this issue
other than that it could be that your commute involves travelling thru areas of no signal where the phone keeps trying to find a signal - that can drain battery a lot
tim2london said:
seems like you might have have some options enabled in Google Play Music / chrome - that is keeping the phone awake
generally when you switch phones they apps and their settings get transferred automatically now - worth maybe uninstalling them for a day and see if you're still experiencing this issue
other than that it could be that your commute involves travelling thru areas of no signal where the phone keeps trying to find a signal - that can drain battery a lot
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Thanks - I'll try that next time. Might also try a factory reset but not restore from the LG G5 backup to see what happens then.
how bright is your display? do you leave it on all your commute?
Got your wifi enabled which hunts for a signal even though you aren't using wifi? try turning it off. Same with location setting.
And how strong a signal do you have on your commute. Streaming lots of data on a really weak signal will kill battery, too.
Go into settings and see whats draining your battery.
Battery Drain Issue of S9 - Resolved
:laugh:Hi All,
I could resolve the Battery drain issue but not touching any other setting of the new phone by just disabling the backend data usage of all application expect few like Edge screen, Gmail, Flipboard etc... Now the android system power usage is back to 4-5%. Previously it was 21%-25%. So issue resolved. Need to find out the way to inform this to Samsung so they can identify which app is consuming full battery power.
dondit said:
:laugh:Hi All,
I could resolve the Battery drain issue but not touching any other setting of the new phone by just disabling the backend data usage of all application expect few like Edge screen, Gmail, Flipboard etc... Now the android system power usage is back to 4-5%. Previously it was 21%-25%. So issue resolved. Need to find out the way to inform this to Samsung so they can identify which app is consuming full battery power.
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Hi, i'm facing ridiculous drains too and factory resetting hasn't seemed to help. I'm trying your resolution, but I don't entirely understand you. Could you kindly guide step by step? also, if you mean going to optimise battery usage, when i go there and select the 'apps not optimized' all the apps there are greyed out therefore not allowing me to select them.

System shows rapid Battery-Drain & only 1% but Battery still lasts for several hours?

System shows rapid Battery-Drain & only 1% but Battery still lasts for several hours?
Dear Community,
I'm pretty much at the end of my knowledge and thus I'd like to ask the experts here for any clue.
After having researched (on Google, XDA, etc...) for the past 2 months, what could possibly have caused my battery issue, I need to ask the question here...
From one day to another my battery started to JUST "VISIBLY" drain from 100% to 1% in less than 2 hours! :crying:
But the battery is NOT "REALLY" drained and empty afterwards - I can still use my phone for a lot more hours even if the indicator shows 1% only...?!?
Please also find a recent screenshot here to see the actual behavior.
I already tried:
Flashing the same (Havoc-OS) Custom-Rom (dirty and also clean) again
Flashing a different (Pixel-Experience) Custom-Rom (of course clean)
Flashing some other Kernels and playing with their companion app
Flashing the original Stock-Rom (9.0.6) directly via EDL (all times in between and in the end)
Leaving the phone for some days to "settle" the battery (so the system could have time to analyze correctly)
Trying all available battery-cycle / recalibration methods I stumbled upon (even though they seem to be nonsense)
Trying with and without any modifications (like Magisk/TWRP/etc...)
Trying available battery inspection apps (like BBS, Greenify, GSam, Servicely)
--> So my conclusion would be, that there is "no" app or service and so on, which really drains the battery (as the behavior is also just with Stock-Rom without any 3rd party apps)
--> There seems to be something (apart from all the flashable content ?), which misleadingly tells the system, that the battery would only have e.g. 400mAh (instead of ~4.000mAh)
--> Is there any "place" I could modify/adjust my real battery-capacity "hard-coded" to help the system illustrating my real battery-percentage?

