i want to run exe on htc 10? - HTC 10 Questions & Answers

hi i want to know is there a way to run exe files on android, i have a htc 10 oreo

exe is a Windows format, in general it will not work anywhere else natively. There are ways of making it work within Linux by using Wine and so on (i don't know about Macs) but on Android? No idea. There may be an app that allows you to run virtual machines, but beyond that, no.

An.exe file is indeed a windows based file, like .apk is for android, my guess is that it will never work. Not even sure what you want to run as an exe to make it work with android ?

like any emulator or anything? i want to run otohits and wine is currently not running on it. and even i dont know if it will i tried wine 3.0,, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 non of them work

ScummVM or Limbo from PlayStore? what exe you want to run?

i want to run otohits autosurfer app

Just use the Android app instead: https://www.otohits.net/home/mobile
If you really must use the Windows version, you could try Wine for Android (https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/android/), but be aware: Emulation is far from perfect.
You can think of an Emulator like a live translator for two languages, but the difficulty is that each word from the Windows language needs to be translated to 100-1000 words in the Android/Linux language and on top of that every time the Android system must return something to the Windows app, this doesn't mean that it only has to translate 1/1000th of the words, but it needs to translate another 1000 words in that direction as well. The real problem is that the translator might not be perfectly fluent in both languages and that some figuratives from each language cannot be translated to the other at all.

I tried limbo and many mkre wine too. But no luck, i have the android version but i dosent have many important features.
It cant autosurf.


>net compact framework compatibility

Hello All,
I've been looking over various board (and Google) but found no answer to this particular question. I hope you can help.
I have an employee who has just got himself an XDA orbit. This has come with MS .Net Compact Framework version 2 on it. We use some device software that has been written for version 1. Now; version 2 is supposed to be completely backward compatible but it turns out that is not the case.
What I would like to ask is:
It appears that you can have multiple versions of the .net compact framework installed yet the MS installer will not install because it detects the newer version. I am not familiar enough with .net on these devices to know any way around this. Is it possible to retrofit version 1 at all? You advice would be much appreciated.
I would really like to help this guy out.
I guess this is because Microsoft thought they would be compatible. I would try to get another installer for CF1. If there is nothing newer than the one you have, try editing the installer. The cab-Installations are defined by xml files and are quite easy to read and edit. It shouldn't be a problem to remove the check of the newer version.
Tell us if it worked :-D
I have the newest installer for .net CF V1 SP3. That's the latest one I can find on the MS site - without going to Version 2. I've unpacked it and I am now sitting looking at a folder full of CAB files.
I guess one of the questions I need to ask is whether it is possible versions of >net CF on the Artemis? If it is, are there any caveats?
And how do I know which CAB file to use?
I should explain that I am new to field of XDA modding so I don't really know all that much about how the OS works. This is a little project that will help a friend out (he is techincally incompetent) and give me a bit of extra knowledge (right now I feel technically incompetent...).
I'd try it that way: run the installer with the ppc disconnected. Then look into the "program files\Microsoft Activesync" folder which cab you can find there. Maybe it's more than one depending on your CPU. Extract the cab and edit the xml file.
CF1 SP3 is built into the ROM of WM5 so installing it again is just wasting your precious storage memory. CF2 SP1 can be installed to your storage card. CF2 is backwards compatible and can run CF1 applications, but since all WM5 devices have CF1 built in when you run a CF1 app it actually runs under CF1. You can force it to run under CF2 by placing a config file in the applications directory.
Read more here:
The config file is explained here:
@indiekiduk: without having read your links; are you sure about CF1 is installed on the device?
I tried the version checker of the hitchhiker website ( http://www.kasuei.com/hitchhiker/ ) and it says ".NET Compact Framework Unknown (2.0.5238.0)" seems to me like version 2.*.
I have not installed any other CF onto my orbit.
correct me if i'm wrong please.
indiekiduk said:
CF1 SP3 is built into the ROM of WM5 so installing it again is just wasting your precious storage memory. CF2 SP1 can be installed to your storage card. CF2 is backwards compatible and can run CF1 applications, but since all WM5 devices have CF1 built in when you run a CF1 app it actually runs under CF1. You can force it to run under CF2 by placing a config file in the applications directory.
Read more here:
The config file is explained here:
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This is simply not true. The Orbit comes with SP2 installed and has never had SP1 installed - not in the ROM on the XDA I've seen.
The Orbit comes pre-installed with CF2 - I have seen this with my own eyes. It is also NOT completely backward compatible. Even the CF .net team admit this - there are always caveats when microsoft say something is "backward compatible".
I don't want to force it to run under SP2 - because it IS running under SP2 already.
Can anyone tell me which CAB file I can use to install another version of .net CF? And if it's even possible to retrofit CF v1 on the Orbit?
You could try changing the value under HKLM\software\microsoft\.NETCompactframework - to try and fool said program to believe you have CF1, CF2 programs may not work but worth a shot.

Windows Mobile 6 SDK

Has anyone tried the Windows Mobile 6 SDK
Have yet to download it myself, but I believed with this and the KITL mode we could compile a new crossbow rom? Maybe we could then use this core in the XDA-Live version?
Maybe anyone who knows about this stuff can give his reaction, I'm just thinking out loud.
man, d/l speed is slow.
I think you will find that the SDK is only for developing applications that run within the OS, not for creating images of the OS. This was the case for the mobile 5 sdk it allows developers to use the new cf.net framework. The 6 SDK includes the new namespaces including the updated system namespace and the new xbox namespace, as well as the new emulators.

Is there an emulator to run Window Mobile 6 roms?

I have got a HTC Wizard and I am looking for an emulator which allows me to possibly running beta roms before I flash it on my phone.
Had a look on google but couldn't find anything.
Any input would be greatful.
you mean for the pc?
No such thing. It's bad enough (for M$ and OEMs) that we can run other-then-original ROMs on the devices, last thing they want to do is release an emulator that can decode and run any ROM.
Though the new WM 6 and 5 emulators actually run ARM code and use a compiled ROM image for the OS, this image is in a special bin format, different from what is used on the devices.
Yeah I thought about that with M$. It would be nice to try and simulate what your rom would like on your device on your PC. Cheers for the replies though
I don't think it's impossible.

Java Development on Touch HD

I've been studying Java with the Open University and would like to put into practice some of my newfound knowledge on the mobile side of things.
Can anybody help me get started by telling me which configuration I should be using with regard to CLDC/CDC-MIDP, are there any JDK's for the Touch HD etc?
I have tried searching but to no avail so far so would appreciated your help.
Also, is there a decent Java compiler that operates under WM6. As that would be novel to play around with too! I currently use NetBeans on my pc.
Java on a mobile device = J2ME
There are plenty of Java VM for Pocket PC (check this thread). I think JBed (found in most blackstone ROM's including stock ones) is the best. It has severe limits but it is the best you can get on blackstone. For developement you can use your PC with Sun WTK 2.5.2 (it is supported by Netbeans).
There are no decent java compilers that run directly on PocketPC.
As your first app can you create a D-Pad in java to run skymobile????
garyainsworth said:
Can anybody help me get started by telling me which configuration I should be using with regard to CLDC/CDC-MIDP, are there any JDK's for the Touch HD etc?
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Java ME : JBed or JBlend, choose one of them, both work great.
Java SE (Yes Desktop-class Java): MySaifu - http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~dat/java/project/jvm/index_en.html
As for the JDK part (I mean the javac compiler and other tools), I do not know such a package yet. However, you can make javac work with MySaifu with a tools.jar file copied from standard JDK (1.3 or older probably).
Hope this helps
Java development with JVM for CDC
Thanks for your help guys.
I've managed to ge set up and have managed to create my first Midlet and run it on my Blackstone via JBed. I've used NetBeans 6.7
However, that is CLDC/MIDP, but when I try and install CDC creations JBed will not install it because a Midlet name is missing. Is this because the stock JBed does not support CDC. I have tried to find out but it is not perfectly clear and I will have to pay for a JVM to test my theory out if nobody can advise!
Thanks for help
Moved to Themes, Applications and Software forum (?) as not related to rom development
I'd seriously look at JavaFX, sun released a beta of it the other day.
I really like it, it works well on the HD from my limited testing
One slight flaw with the current version is that it wants to get network address even when try to search for local jar/jad on storage.
but setting it as default file association gets around that one..
Downloading as I write....
Thanks for your advice I appreciate it. As you may know, as a newcomer to development of JME it is so complicated to get started due to all the configurations so any pointers at this stage are very much appreciated.
OK, I have JavaFX installed on my HD and it works and I particularly like the calculator example app included with it. However, I still cannot get my CDC app to install. It says "Cannot install application because critical information is missing from the application file (.jad). I thought CDC used xml files and not JAD for descriptions. Am I wrong or is something to do with my platform/deployment configuration?
I cant see a jad file in the deploy folder either. Is this an error.
Nope, you still need the JAD descriptor file.
It's plain text file, just find some on the internet, open it with text editor and alter some of the properties in there, it's really easy.
Don't forget to change the path to your JAR archive - the best way is to put there just simple JAR name and copy the JAD to the same directory as JAR.
Thanks Pepcza,
I'll try that, just a thought though, if you still need a descriptor file (in this case .jad) why does'nt the Netbeans deployment process create it along with everything else? It does when creating CLDC platform apps!
I think we should concentrate on this one. Youtube videos are working in bolt browser using Javafx. If only it would be a bit faster, It'll throw Jbed out of the window.

ANSI C complier ON windows mobile

Hi, do you know if is there any version of gcc ported of windows mobile?
My idea is to develop apps directly on the phone. do you know if is there any package, sdk, etc, to develop ON the phone? (like m-shell for Symbian device, if you know it)
Thank you very much
gygabyte017 said:
Hi, do you know if is there any version of gcc ported of windows mobile?
My idea is to develop apps directly on the phone. do you know if is there any package, sdk, etc, to develop ON the phone? (like m-shell for Symbian device, if you know it)
Thank you very much
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As mentioned on the WIKI page, there is Pocket GCC at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pocketgcc/files/
The project has been inactive for a long time, but I have used it on an older Pocket PC and was able to compile some programs.
Also see info here: http://mamaich.uni.cc/. Click on "Old Site" and then "Pocket PC".

