Music restarting - MTCB Android Head Units Q&A

Hi, I just got a px30 headunit running android 9
If I use a different music player Ap (power amp, pi player, pulsar) for example. When I turn the car off and back on they will Remeber the song that was playing but will be at the start of the song instead of where I left it.
Where as the stock music player (very basic). Will Remeber what song was playing and will resume where it left off too.
Is there any way of getting this to work with a different music player? Or am I stuck with the default.


Disabling the native media player on the Touch Pro 2

How do you disable the native media player on the Touch Pro 2 so that you can use your Bluetooth headphones controls to play another media player? Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!
I've never disabled the native HTC media player, I just installed another app (Nitrogen in this case), and I've had no trouble listening to that and controlling it through my BT stereo headphones
Thank you - will try Nitrogen & see it that does the trick.
Hey master, I was actually playing around with Nitrogen some more last night, and I discovered a few things. First....when I hit the "pause" button on my bluetooth headphones, it doesn't actually pause the player (like it does when I use windows media player on the phone), it just interrupts the audio stream going to the headset, the player actually keeps playing. And, for some reason, it also causes the HTC Media tab to pop up.
I'd never realized these behaviors until last night, but I thought they might influence your search for a media player. I know the BT controls on the headphones will directly control all functions in WMP just fine, but that's obviously not the best (and definitely not the "leanest") media player available and I'll be checking out other replacement options for it today too. I'll post back here when I confirm which one(s) work the way we want for the BT controls (aka "AVRCP" profile)
Sirphunkee, That's the issue I have with the HTC media player using Bluetooth. If I press ffwd or rew, the HTC player starts playing over the 3rd-party player (i.e. Core Player, Pocket Music, etc.). I would use the native player - if it had an equalizer (maybe I'm asking for too much, LOL) & WMP is "okay" at best in sound, but is a battery hog. Thanks again & now you know my pain,
Also, for some reason, my playlists don't show in Nitrogen.
Yeah, the reason I didn't realize at first that the HTC media player was kicking in is becasue I don't have any music in it's default folder, it's all on my SD card, so the HTC player pops up but just continuously shows "searching...", so it never started playing anything over the music I already had on.
But yeah, I'm sure there's registry keys somewhere that tell the phone what to do (i.e. calling up the HTC player) whenever AVRCP commands are received...if they can be routed to activate/control the HTC player, they should be able to be redirected to the player of choice.
Keep looking, I'm doing the same (well, whenever my boss isn't walking by lol)

[Q] Stock music player always start with the first song

I am using stock music player.
I normally stop the music by pulling out the headphone. It works all the time.
But a few days ago. The music still stop after I pull out the headphone. But when i press the play button again either on stock music player widget or inside the music app, it just play the very first song of the list instant of continue the last song just like it reset the player every time.
Anyone please help . Thanks

Muisc player starts playing after bluetooth call ends

Hello everyone, I have a completley stock samsung s2x on telus. Everytime I end a call on bluetooth in my 2012 honda civic the built in music player in my phone starts to play automatically, sometimes I am streaming music and the music player still comes on and I get two different songs playing at the same time. I finally erased all my music files on my phone, any ideas.
I can't help with the issue, but what I can tell you is that Samsung's bluetooth stack is totally messed up. There are a number of issues associated with it.
felepe said:
Hello everyone, I have a completley stock samsung s2x on telus. Everytime I end a call on bluetooth in my 2012 honda civic the built in music player in my phone starts to play automatically, sometimes I am streaming music and the music player still comes on and I get two different songs playing at the same time. I finally erased all my music files on my phone, any ideas.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My only suggestion would be to completely close the music apps, don't just hit pause and "home" back and just leave the application open. If hitting "back" doesnt close it, use the built in task manager to kill it.

Galaxy Nexus Desktop Dock Incoming call

Hi All
Does anyone else here use the desktop dock to listen to music? I do at work with a headphone amp - it works great.
There are a couple of annoying points though. Firstly if you lift the phone out of the dock whilst music is playing it doesn't pause the music it just plays it out loud from the phone speaker - not good in a quiet office.
Similarly if a call comes in when you have finished the call the music that was playing before you took the call starts playing when you hang up. What's even more annoying is that the play music app is not listed in the notification field to easily pause it, you need to re-launch it then get the now playign screen up and then pause it - all whilst your music is played out lous for the whole office to hear.
Any way round this? I hope they fix these bugs soon.
Use a better music player app?
Player Pro, N7Player, Winamp, etc... Any player that has lots of docking and bluetooth options. Just check the ones you want.
Example: i only have one play/pause button on my headphones, so i binded it that way:
1 click: Play/Pause
2 click: Next Song
3 click: Previous Song
ren2008 said:
Use a better music player app?
Player Pro, N7Player, Winamp, etc... Any player that has lots of docking and bluetooth options. Just check the ones you want.
Example: i only have one play/pause button on my headphones, so i binded it that way:
1 click: Play/Pause
2 click: Next Song
3 click: Previous Song
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is using the Google Music app so I can play my music from the cloud. I've not tried it with Spotify (the only other app I use for music) but I am pretty sure it'll do the same thing. I'll try it next time I'm in the office though.

Possible to make starting music programs like Spotify to switch the MCU to music?

Does anyone know if there is a way (running Malaysk ROM) to make starting music programs (e.g. I use Spotify, MS Groove, podcast players) to switch the MCU mixer to music?
For example - Currently when I am listening to radio and I want to listen to Spotify, Groove or a podcast player next I click the corresponding icon in the launcher but the radio remains on so I have to open the launcher a second time and click Music to turn off the radio/switch android feed to stereo. I would like clicking the Spotify, Groove, etc. icons to do that automatically.
I'd be interested in this as well. I thought that I could do this with Tasker, basically kill the radio app when spotify starts but I don't know what app to kill to make the radio stop.
Killing apps won't help with anything. We need something to switch the MCU audio.
I was operating under the impression that the radio audio stream was coming from an app. However the radio being a hardwired audio input seperate from the Android audio stream would explain why when I reboot the HU the radio keeps playing while it reboots.
I found my solution. I upgraded to a Dasaita MDCD PX5 (OctaCore) with Android 6 and it switches automatically - i.e. Hitting the play button on Spotify turns off the radio, pressing the radio button while Spotify is playing pauses Spotify and so on

