[G532G/DS] Custom ROM that have integrated multiuser support? - Samsung Galaxy J2 Questions & Answers

Hi. I'm currently working on an apps that need to support multiuser behaviour.
I've try this method but it doesnt work since the change not persistent after reboot.
So maybe someone can link custom ROM that have integrated multiuser support?
Edit 1
I use this method for editing build.prop and now multiuser feature available


[REFERENCE][DEVS] Rom Comparison List - users PLEASE do not post any reply

This thread is for ROM DEVELOPERS ONLY. Users please don't reply to this thread.
If users ACCIDENTALLY posted anything, be it question or any sort of reply, I request ADMINS to delete the post.​Hi Devs,
I want to start a new thread for user reference. Someone asked for a ROM Comparison List so they can have an over view of your custom ROM. Please do reply all information about your ROM.
Please do follow the format below:Basic Info:Base ROM:
indicate the version where your ROM is built from
indicate the PDA, PHONE, and CSC version
inlcude supported language
CSC Support
include supported CSC's
Basic Features:Root
indicate SU version
indicate BusyBox version
Bash Shell Support
indicate if it is auto zipalign
init.d Support
indicate if your ROM has custom kernel that supports init.d
EXT partition
indicate supported partitions
A2SD and Link2SD support
indicate if your ROM has full support for a2sd/l2sd
Ad Block Support​Basic Tweaks and MODS
14-toggle notification
Swipe to Remove Notifications
XLoud and Beats Audio
SRS TruMedia
Bravia Engine
LCD Density Changer
Basic UI info
Default Launcher
Default Dialer/Phone App
Default SMS/MMS App
Default Keyboard
Default Lock Screen
Default Theme (if UI is themed)
Default and additional fonts
Basic Apps Info:Default Market (Android Market or Google Play)
include version number
Default Google Apps installed
include if apps can be updated or needs to push apps to system to update
Removed Apps
include full list of apps removed
Third Party Apps installed
include full list of third party apps
Advanced features
Put everything here that ONLY YOUR ROM HAVE and WHAT MAKES IT UNIQUE from other ROMS.​Build.prop Tweaks and Scripts
Include all build.prop tweaks your rom have and the scripts as well. ​Performance Tweaks
You name it guys, we like to see fix and improvements here ​I hope you DEVS will take time to reply on this thread. We all know that our forum board DOES NOT SUPPORT TABLES, so tables will be created manually and will be uploaded as highly compressed high resolution image
PS. I need your replies within 24-48 hours or else . . . I'll create comparison table based on your ROM's thread which I find others confusing and not organized.
Hybrid rom
Thanks for opening informative thread for users.
Well General idea of all Custom ROM including mine had:
Now Additionaly i include
--BusyBox run-parts support
--Apps2SD Enable
--Nano Text Editor
--Bash Shell Support
--Updated APN list
well i think i have to write it properly so as i got time i will edit it and include proper details:

Multi User

Does anyone know why samsung doesn't include multiuser support in their roms?

[CLOSED] [Q] Disable multi-user support

Hi, does anybody know if there's a setting in CM10.1 which would disable multi-user support.
I don't need multi-user and want to get rid of regular exceptions E/KeyguardHostView: can't find user_selector in layout.
A: setprop fw.max_users 1 add to build.prop "fw.max_users=1", reboot - seems to work just fine: multi-user gone together with annoying "can't find user_selector in layout" exceptions on every phone lock.
Also see this research on the topic: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1999383

[Q] Enable init.d

Hi, i downloaded last cn rom b507, added root,... amd installed pure performances and graphics, the problem is that i think init.d is not really working.
Do i have to enable init.d in any way or is it enabled by default?

How to customize Quick Settings in Oxygen OS ?

I have tried Custom Quick Settings App
But it did't work.
I've tried it with CM14 and it worked
Does anybody know how to add Custom Quick Setting Tiles with modifying OOS system files?
Thanks in advance
EDIT: Gravitybox for xposed seems to support partially.

