Most recent and stable ROM for the Gio GT-S5660 - Samsung Galaxy Gio GT-S5660

What is the most recent and stable ROM for the Gio GT-S5660M ?
Importantly it would be to have a ROM that is new enough to work with modern apps, which often require at least android 4 or 5. Also, I would prefer to avoid GApps and go with F-Droid and Aurora Store, and the latter seems to require android 5+.
I have a couple of these lying around and thought they might make good WiFi IP phones with a SIP client. With a modern ROM and a new replacement battery (remember those?!) they could have new life.
Is this workable? This phone is so cute and compact that I really don't want to get rid of it if it can be used for something.

It has an armv6 cpu wich is no longer supported on android the last supported version was kitkat 4.4.4, this is the latest rom available for the device:
It can still be used to listen to fm radio etc, although it no longer has browser support, so it won't work on all sites. I have one too and think it is a very nice tiny phone but I am affraid you are going to have to buy a newer phone for daily usage.

@J.V.B. Thank you for your reply!
Does that rom work well? There is some conflicting feedback in the thread. Which is the correct rom (msm vs msm7x27)?
How can the rom be flashed from the stock non-rooted state? There aren't instructions in that thread, though there is a post saying to use this CWM recovery (requires root?):
Good point, the browsers all seem to require android 5+.
Currently on stock (android 2.3.4) I am using CSipSimple and that's working reasonably well. A newer rom might give a bit more flexibility in settings (eg. I can't figure out how to enable wifi on boot and autostart CSipSimple on 2.3.4), and maybe just maybe a few apps through F-Droid.

Both versions work they are just different kernels, I forgot what the advantages over each other were, I think the 7x27 version was more buggy but I am not sure, I recommend checking out both.
That cwm is indeed the only correct version, newer or older ones can't install this rom. I think to install the cwm you just have to boot to recovery (home button + power button and keep the home button pressed in.) and apply update from sd card and select that cwm(wrong: see edit). After this you boot to recovery again and now you factory reset and flash the rom. You also need to flash the camera patch after you flash the rom, otherwise you won't be able to record using the camera. I am not responsible for anything that happens, custom roms are always a risk. Hope it works for you
edit: You need to be rooted and on android version 2.3.3 or higher to install cwm:

I also recommend using link2sd: .
For instructions, follow this guide but scroll all the way down to the for cwm only users method:
Link2sd will fully transfer apps to sd card instead of only the package. I changed the settings to make sure auto link is on and install location is set to sd. You can also transfer already installed apps to the sd and a lot more.
After this maybe post about how well the gio is running for documentation.
Some extra tips: the built in root is handy and if you enable developer options in the rom you will also get a performance menu in settings where you can make it run faster.

Thanks, I plan to try installing CWM and the CM11 rom soon. From searching it looks like "MSM7x27" refers to the Snapdragon S1 processor version:
List of Qualcomm Snapdragon systems on chips - Wikipedia
The Gio has a MSM7227 so maybe the MXM7x27 version is the correct one? I don't know if the plain "MSM" version rom is referring to a specific or generic designation.
Thanks for the tip about link2sd. It's nice to have that option since the very limited storage on this phone is maybe the biggest weakness. I'll see if I need it, since I don't plan to install many apps at all, rather I want to maximize battery life.
I got 1500 mAh batteries from Polarcell and in airplane mode with wifi and just CSipSimple running on the stock rom it lasts over 7 days in "standby". Let's see a modern phone do that!

I think this is the msm7x27:
and this is the msm:
The msm just adds overclocking but might be more unstable and it also breaks the backlights. I don't know which is the best one. I recommend if the msm7x27 doesn't work well enough to try the msm and see if that gives you better results.
Also just so you know I have not found any gapps that work yet.

Also when you before you reset your device and flash the rom. Right after the cwm install I recommend fully backing up your device to an sd card so you can just go back any time you want.

I tested csipsimple and it works. If you want better battery life, the power menu that gets enabled after you unlock dev mode might allow you to downclock the cpu to get even more battery.

HerroYou has a mxm7x27 repo too:
It would have been so helpful for them to leave a couple of notes about the difference. It seems like these terms might be common enough in the dev circles that they didn't think it needed explanation.
About gapps, I wasn't interested anyway, so I'll take its lack as a "feature". Not sure if microg is feasible. In any case, side-loading and F-Droid are ok for me on this device.
And yes, a backup after installing CWM but before the rom installation is essential. No intention to skip that.

oh I see the msm2x27 kernel is based on linux kernel 2.6.37 and the msm kernel is based on linux kernel 3.0

I have been reading up on things and see that most threads say you must be rooted and above version 2.3.3 to flash the cwm recovery:
I am sorry I forgot about it. It really has been a long time since I installed it

Nice catch. In that case it is tempting to try msm with the more recent kernel 3.0.
Is there no way to flash CWM without root?
If not, is this post on rooting still valid?

It is to root the stock rom so it should still work since the stock rom hasn't been updated in forever. I would also recommend reading the rest of the beginning of that thread to make sure you didn't miss anything because while mostly outdated, the things like rooting the stock rom and installing cwm is still the same.

I would also just to be sure use the cwm version in the thread: and then update it to the new version.

I started downloading the resources needed for this project, but the link (actually the whole hosting site) is dead for the root gb hmm...
There are a few other files for rooting uploaded by random forum members:
Big thread For New Users (Rooting , Flashing,Firmwares,Mods,Tips, Tricks)
This thread is collection of all available data/tutorials about samsung galaxy gio,so it may save time for you guys. -------------------------------------------- For Simpilfication each post will contain single tutorial, Main post will only used...
Big thread For New Users (Rooting , Flashing,Firmwares,Mods,Tips, Tricks)
This thread is collection of all available data/tutorials about samsung galaxy gio,so it may save time for you guys. -------------------------------------------- For Simpilfication each post will contain single tutorial, Main post will only used...
A bit scary, but not sure there's another choice. It would be ideal if the recovery and rom could be flashed without root.

I found a rooting tutorial with a download on this post:
It is under the tutorials section.
Again I am not sure if you have to root to be able to install cwm but I wouldn't take any risks.
Also before you install anything is there anything you want me to confirm whether it's working or not on this rom?

I got youtube to work through newpipe and mx player although you have to download the videos because at low resolutions newpipe loses audio when sending to external video player.

Thanks, that's a nice resource thread. In the second page of the rooting thread someone has a modified version of the file for Bell S5660M variant, which is what I have, so I suppose I'll use that. I would prefer to go with CWM and CM11 without rooting, since I don't need or want root, but as you say it could be risky...
Oh, it would be great if you could verify on CM11 if 1) wifi can start automatically on (re)boot (eg. if it was on when powering off or rebooting, 2) if programs like CSipSimple can be autostarted on boot. That's all I really need right now to make it useful as an wifi IP phone.

I don't know how I would go about autostarting apps on boot. Is there a setting or a test for that? The wifi stays enabled after reboot.


[REF][GUIDE] The Noob Helper - basic info about your sgs3 and flashing

Basic concepts, how-to'sThis thread is a work in progress. If you would like to contribute information or have ideas for what should be added please PM me.
Disclaimer "just because i am trying to be helpful does not make me responsible for anything that you do to your phone. playing with any of this stuff could destroy your phone"
I am not a dev, but I have been flashing on Samsung phones since the international S2 came out. I also spend a ton of time reading the forums and researching what I don't know. I would like to give back to the community in some way and I hope that this post can help the noobs not brick their devices, as well as keep them from being overly annoying to the members and developers here by posting in the wrong places and asking dumb questions.
Some basic rules if you are a noob and don't want to turn your phone into a brick.
1. be patient. don't be the first or even the tenth person to flash anything. wait until you see others using whatever Rom or kernel with success.
2. If you have any doubts about what you are doing, read more. don't flash.
3. make sure you are in the forum for your device, not some similar or related device.
Some basic rules for these forums
1. If you have a question, the first thing to do is look it up yourself. that means searching the forums first, then searching Google.
2. If after searching you can't find an answer, then post in the q&a forum
3. don't report bugs unless you are using an intact version of whatever Rom, if you have changed kernels, installed a ton of apps etc it probably isn't a bug, it's a bad combo or its you.
4. don't report bugs unless you are 150% sure that no one has reported it yet.
5. if you report a bug, make sure you can duplicate it first, then get a logcat of the problem so you can help (see below for logcat info)
Why flash?
by flashing your device you can make your phone act differently, look different, and enable new or disabled options. you could ,for example:
enable native tethering
enable call recording
change the look of your phone
add custom toggle buttons
overclock or undervolt
increase battery life
Kernel vs Rom vs Recovery vs Modem
Kernel is the layer between the phone hardware and the rom. it controls things like Wi-Fi power, touch sensitivity, possible range of screen brightness, phone logging, and processor max and min speed. kernel must be designed not only for your device but also for the type of rom you are using (Sammy rom or Aosp) some kernels support all roms, others are specific.
Rom is the operating system of your phone. there are three main categories of roms.
roms that are based off of the Samsung stock rom (Sammy rom)
roms that are based off of Android open source project aka AOSP (AOSP, AOKP)
roms based off of the miui project (these used to be a branch of AOSP but recently they have also used Sammy base for miui)
recovery is a partition that you can access at boot by holding down a combination of keys. (volume up and home button in the case of our sgs3) every phone has recovery stock but it doesn't do much. you can replace stock with clockwork mod recovery which is extremely useful for flashing all kinds of things and making backups before you do. There are other alternative recoveries besides clockwork but that seems to be the most common. TWRP is also gaining popularity these days, especially on the sgs3. You can easily switch between recoveries and or upgrade your current recovery. All that needs to happen is for a new image to be flashed onto the recovery partition. See the rooting guide for more info on how to flash a custom recovery.
modem is a file that controls the cell radio of the phone. helps determine what frequencies to use and settings for a particular network. It is important when flashing a radio that you flash a radio that is for the AT&T sgs3 as flashing the radio from another carrier has been known to cause problems with the IMEI
Methods for flashing files - Odin vs mobile Odin vs. clockworkmod(cwm) vs adb
Odin is the internal Samsung tool for flashing. I believe it only exists on Windows platform. This tool is mostly used to initially flash an insecure kernel or rooted kernel, OR to return to completely stock rom. This tool can effect your flash counter (see below). Files for flashing in odin generally should end in .tar or .tar.md5 although sometimes they come zipped and the tar is inside the zip. Read more about Odin before using it as it can easily break your phone. !!!as a general rule make sure you never check the "partition" checkbox EVER!!!
Mobile Odin is a phone based version of Odin made by the very talented developer Chainfire. It can be installed on a rooted phone and used to flash the same .tar based files as the desktop version. Mobile odin has a few advantages. 1 you can use it from your phone. 2 it does NOT effect the flash counter on your phone, 3 it can auto root a stock rom (nice if you want to try out a brand new update that has not been rooted yet)
clockworkmod(cwm) is recovery based tool that can make backups of your entire phone, flash new roms, kernels etc.., and do many other useful tasks. Once you have this on your phone my guess is that most of your flashing will be done through this tool. The files for flashing through clockworkmod are .zip files. Clockworkmod will NOT effect your flash counter.
ADB is the android develpment bridge. It allows for command line interface with your phone through it's debugging options. ADB can do most anything as I understand it. In my several years of flashing I have only had to use it once, and i could have waited for someone to come up with another solution. In general as a noob i recommend you stay away from ADB.
open source vs Samsung based roms vs miui
Open Source Roms such as AOSP/AOKP are built using Google's open source android code as a base. The developers then add functionality specific to the device. The advantages of these builds are that they often have tons of options built in to the rom that change the behavior and look of the phone. They usually allow you to change the toggles in your notification pull down, change the battery display, make all kinds of adjustments to sounds, vibration etc... Some people also prefer the "vanilla" android look and feel. These roms often provide "bleeding edge" concepts, design, and modifications. The Disadvantages of these roms is that some of the hardware coding is done closed source by the phone manufacturers, which means that things like bluetooth, camera, video recording, and MHL video out often don't work or take much longer to get working by the developers. Basically anything that relies on the Samsung framework will not work in an open source build. This means Svoice, Snote, and the Samsung camera app will not work.
Samsung based roms are taken from the Samsung original phone software and modified by the developer. Usually, these roms are modified in order to be faster and to make changes to some of the features. Expect to see changes to the stock rom like: debloated (ATT and samsung software removed), de-odexed (explained later), enable tethering, unlimited sms recipients, added notification toggles, etc. Most of these changes are made to: make the phone faster, improve battery life, make the phone easier to theme. The advantage of these roms is that they still use the Samsung framework so all the proprietary stuff like camera, bluetooth, MHL still work, the disadvantage is that they will never be as customisable as open source roms.
MIUI is a rom that focuses on theming. Official MIUI (Chinese) gets updated weekly on Friday and then there are lots of miui developers who adapt it to other languanges and make some tweaks to it. MIUI can be built from AOSP source or Samsung source and depending will have different features. The first MIUI rom for our phone just appeared in these forums and it is based off of AOSP. MIUI has a unique look and is also highly customizable through theming. There are tons of themes available for download through the rom itself and you can mix and match any part of any theme you want. This includes icons, lockscreen style, etc.. Some people criticize while others praise MIUI for being very "iphone like". This is because the icons look more iphone like and there is no app drawer in the MIUI launcher. However, you can still use any launcher you like within MIUI.
odexed vs de-odexed
odexed is how the phone comes stock from Samsung. Odexed means that system files and apps are split into two pieces and kept in different places on the phone. This is done to speed things up a bit. However, it makes it harder to theme the phone because the apps are split up. Most custom roms choose to de-odex (basically regroup the files back into one) so that custom themers can make themes more easily for the phone.
download mode and recovery mode how to access
(Copied from mskip and his toolkit thread here:
How to get into Download Mode (For Odin)
1. Unplug the USB cable.
2. Shut down the phone.
3. Hold down the 'HOME' + 'VOLUME DOWN' buttons and press the 'POWER' button for about 2 seconds until a WARNING! Screen appears. Press the 'VOLUME UP' button to enter Download Mode.
How to get into Recovery Mode
1. Unplug the USB cable.
2. Shut down the phone.
3. Hold down the 'HOME' + 'VOLUME UP' buttons and press the 'POWER' button for about 5 seconds to enter Recovery Mode.
STEP BY STEP how to flash your phone for the first time
A. get root
first off, you need to gain access to the root of your phone. there are several ways to do this (thanks to all the talented devs).
I recommend using mrRobinson's method as it will not trip the flash counter on your phone.
1. you will need to have odin from here remember to hit the thanks button, download and install odin.​
2. Kies (on Windows, not on your phone), Samsung's sync program, can interfere with Odin. Either make sure Kies is closed and close it out of background processes using the task manager in windows...or better yet, uninstall it completely.​3. make sure you have the proper samsung drivers installed. you can get the USB drivers directly from Samsung here:​
4. you need to download the right image from mrRobinson's thread. to find out which one hit the menu key from your home screen, select system settings, select about phone at the bottom, and look for the build. it should be either UCALEM or UCALG1. Once you know, go to mrRobinson's thread here download the matching image, and dont forget to thank him.​
5. Extract the .tar file from the .7z file you just downloaded from the thread in step 4​6. Put your phone into download mode (see how above)​
7. Start Odin, connect your phone to your PC, you should see the box under ID:COM change color to show your device is connected. click on PDA and select the .tar file you just extracted. Hit the start button and wait for the file to flash to your phone. When done your phone will reboot automatically. One word of warning about Odin: DO NOT TOUCH THE CHECKBOXES!!! WHATEVER YOU DO>>DONT TOUCH THE RE-PARTITION CHECKBOX!!!!​B. installing clockworkmod
the next step is to get a working clockworkmod recovery on your phone instead of the default recovery. Again, there are many ways to do this and there are several different versions of CWM recovery available. I recommend using the one from Rom Manager as it seems to be compatible with most roms. Note that currently most versions of CWM can only see your internal SD card and not your external if you have one.
1. Go to the Google play store and download Rom Manager (​2. Open Rom Manager app, flash clockworkmod recovery (first option), choose the appropriate this case galaxy s3 att, grant it superuser privileges, it should say install successful. ​NOTE: some users have reported not seeing the S3 ATT in the list of devices in Rom Manager...this is a bug and hopefully will be fixed. It may be that you need the purchased version instead of the free version for it to work? Not sure why this is but if it gives you trouble there are other ways to flash a recovery image. The next easiest way once rooted is to use the tool in this thread: from there you can flash both cwm or twrp whichever you prefer. Alternatively you could also use goo manager to flash TWRP link to goo here:
C. Test out your new recovery and make a backup of your phone
1. turn your phone off, then turn it back on while holding the Volume UP and home key. (more detailed instructions above) You should see Clockworkmod Recovery at the top.​2. Use your volume keys to navigate to the backup option and select backup, then wait for it to complete. You now have a backup of your phone you can restore to at any time.​
D. downloading and flashing a new rom
now its time to decide what rom to flash. when choosing a rom read the first post of the thread (the OP) carefully and take time to read through most if not all of the thread. At the very least go read the last 10 pages of the thread so you are familiar with any current issues people may be having. Once you have picked a rom:
1. Download the rom you want to try​2. Make sure that the rom ends up on your internal SD card and that you know where it is​3. Get into CWM recovery​4. As a general rule it's a good idea to wipe data/ factory reset from CWM recovery (this will wipe all your data on the phone except any photos/videos you may have taken)​5. It is also good practice to wipe cache from CWM recovery​6. Lastly, from the advanced menu in CWM choose to wipe Dalvik cache​7. now go back out to the main recovery screen and choose "install .zip from SD Card" option and navigate to your rom, select it and confirm​note that a new rom may take longer to boot the first time.
Flashing "dirty" vs flashing "clean"
Doing a clean install of a rom means erasing or formatting all the data from the previous rom before you flash the new one. This is the prefered way to flash a rom to ensure that it will run smoothly. It is necessary if you are switching from one rom type to another (CM to Samsung base). In order to do a clean flash you need to boot into recovery and select the following options: wipe user data (this wipes all apps and personal data, but not your photos/videos), wipe cache, advanced>wipe dalvik cache, storage/mounts>format system. This will ensure that no trace of the former rom is left on the phone. Beware that at this point your phone will not boot until you install a new rom. I suggest using titanium backup to backup apps and smsbackup+ for texts to make getting your new rom configured easy.
Doing a dirty install means just flashing a new rom right over the top of the old one without wiping any data. The advantage to this is that you don't lose any apps or account info. The disadvantage is that you open up the possibility for problems. Generally you only want to flash this way if you are upgrading a rom (CM10 nightly to the next nightly, or from one samsung based rom to another). If you decide to flash over the top and have any issues, you should not report bugs, but try flashing clean first.
backing up IMEI
There have been some issues with people losing their imei number when flashing roms. *It appears to be limited to the old imei software version 2 but the evidence is not yet conclusive. *If you lose your imei, you will not be able to connect properly to the data network. *Luckily some devs have figured out how to re-inject an imei number into our phone and get it working again. *It is certainly a good idea to back up your imei info before flashing just to be on the safe side. *There seems to be two main threads dealing with backing up and restoring your imei. *you can check them out here:
huge thanks go out to these devs for figuring this out!! as always make sure you thank them.
I have yet to try either of these methods out myself so if one seems much easier or clearer please let me know.
tethering (for stock Samsung based rom)
you can use a mod to enable wifi tethering from your phone to up to ten other devices and share your data connection. If you are running a custom rom you probably already have this enabled and don't need it. It is already included in any AOSP roms also.
Make sure that you use the version of the mod that is for your software version number (UCLEM or UCLG1 see beginning of rooting guide to figure out which one you are on).
The original mod for UCLEM is here:
The mod for UCLG1 is here:
The Flash Counter
The flash counter is an internal counter that ticks every time you install a non-samsung firmware through Odin. This allows Samsung or AT&T to see if the phone has been flashed with custom roms. custom recoveries such as Clockworkmod and TWRP as well as the mobile version of Odin DO NOT change the counter. Only flashing non-Samsung files through the desktop version of Odin does. You can see your flash counter when you enter download mode on your phone. Luckily, Chainfire has developed an app that allows this counter to be reset, so there is really little concern anymore about having the counter trip. If you do need to send your phone in for repairs, you will want to reset the counter and then flash an unmodified stock rom through odin to get your phone back to factory state.
Link to Chainfire's app through this post here:
Logcat is a way to access the android system log for everything that is going on behind the scenes. This tool is used to help developers pinpoint problems in a rom. If you want to actually be helpful to a dev when reporting a bug, you should really learn to use this tool. I am no expert on logcat but you can find some good information in this post:
APN settings
This is the apn that comes on stock at&t phone. It allows you to connect to LTE as well as hspa+
APN: pta
MMS Proxy:
MMS port: 80
MCC: 310
MNC: 410
Auth: none
APN type: default,mms,supl,hipri
NOTES BELOW ARE COMING SECTIONS. Feel free to pm me questions you would like to see answered or suggestions for other info:
unlocking sim
returning to stock
What info is stored in each area: system, data, cache etc...
Looks good.
I now know more about Android OS! Thanks for the info.
Good thread! In your step by step guide I suggest you add installing adb and adb basics. IMO, this is essential for anyone flashing, has bailed me out of trouble on more than one occasion.
Sent from my SGH-I747M using XDA Premium HD app
MORE ! MORE ! Very nice work thanks, this is shedding some lights on the terms we see floating around
excellent information, much appreciated, so what is de-odexed and odexed? thanks again!!
I got my s3 when it first shipped, and soft bricked it a month later. Even if you do everything right, it can still mess up. So waiting for a USB jig to come in the mail since my homebrew jig didnt work or I hard bricked my phone... Be warned...
Very helpful thread, thanks a lot!
Thanks for this guide!! Very helpful. Coming from a very different phone, everything about the S3 is foreign to me! Could you maybe talk about backing up nv stuff and imei?? I know there's another thread that explains it, but, this being the noob helper, I think it'd be good for anyone new to this phone.
Thank you for making this! I'm sure this will help a lot of people out. I've flashed quite a few times and having a guide like this is definitely helpful.
I sure hope I had this guide when I flashed for the first time a few days ago, but at the time you only had part 1 done and the guide had not been completed yet. Glad to see it finished and it'll definitely help out others.
Thanks for all the invaluable info on flashing ROMs. I've been a BB user for years so Android is still new to me. I'm looking into rooting and trying out some custom roms, but I had a question. When it comes to Mods can you just add those individually?
I want to use Team Sonic's FreeGS3 Rom mainly due to it's Sony Bravia engine Mod and the Awesome Beats Mod (or at least when they get it working on apps other than Google Music). However, they don't have a fully supported Rom for AT&T just yet.
Trying to have the best of both worlds....I may just need to try out something else and wait for the full ATT version.
This is a great thread you've created OP. However, I'm a tad confused. You mention in the guide that Kies interferes with Odin and you say to close and close it out of the backround, but you also mention "better yet, uninstall it completely." One of the reasons I'm rooting my new phone is to be able to delete this bloatware. Are you implying this is possible without first rooting the phone?
Thanks a lot in advance, this is very helpful.
jroyjohnson said:
Thanks for all the invaluable info on flashing ROMs. I've been a BB user for years so Android is still new to me. I'm looking into rooting and trying out some custom roms, but I had a question. When it comes to Mods can you just add those individually?
I want to use Team Sonic's FreeGS3 Rom mainly due to it's Sony Bravia engine Mod and the Awesome Beats Mod (or at least when they get it working on apps other than Google Music). However, they don't have a fully supported Rom for AT&T just yet.
Trying to have the best of both worlds....I may just need to try out something else and wait for the full ATT version.
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I would wait to flash any ROM that isn't specifically for your device. However you may be able to flash the mods you want like the bravia mod on top of an att ROM. You need to find the original post for the mods you want, and do some research to see what they require and if anyone has used them successfully. Be extra careful of mods written for the international version of the phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
omi__ said:
This is a great thread you've created OP. However, I'm a tad confused. You mention in the guide that Kies interferes with Odin and you say to close and close it out of the backround, but you also mention "better yet, uninstall it completely." One of the reasons I'm rooting my new phone is to be able to delete this bloatware. Are you implying this is possible without first rooting the phone?
Thanks a lot in advance, this is very helpful.
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I can see why you are confused. I am referring to kies on your windows PC. (If you installed it at some point) Not the version that runs on the phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
OP, are you sure you can install CWM through ROM Manager after rooting? I remember trying to do this on my SGS2 last year and my phone soft bricked. Tried it twice, and still soft bricked.
Why not just use Robinson's method?
ComradeNF said:
OP, are you sure you can install CWM through ROM Manager after rooting? I remember trying to do this on my SGS2 last year and my phone soft bricked. Tried it twice, and still soft bricked.
Why not just use Robinson's method?
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I tested it out myself and it works fine. I figured this was the easiest way to get it done and not have to get adb up and running. Also, the official cwm is supported by all the new roms like cm10 and some other recoveries have had issues flashing those roms.
Thanks for putting this together! Very Helpful!
One question, you say flash CWM , first in list choose Galaxy S3 ATT, when i open Rom Manager and choose Flash i don't have the S3 for a choice ?I have Galaxy Note, Skyrocket and T-Mobile Galaxy S2, no S3....
Cholerabob said:
One question, you say flash CWM , first in list choose Galaxy S3 ATT, when i open Rom Manager and choose Flash i don't have the S3 for a choice ?I have Galaxy Note, Skyrocket and T-Mobile Galaxy S2, no S3....
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Try scrolling down the list
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2

[Q] Some questions on rooting and flashing a new rom

OK, so my AT&T Note 2 is almost here (FedEx tried to deliver it ye3sterday when I was at work) so I want to make sure I am ready when it gets here. So some questions:
1 I downloaded Odin and understand how to root the phone but where do I get the file to use with Odin to do the rooting?
2 After rooting, what program do I use to flash a new rom?
3 Is there a sticky thread somewhere with this information that I could read?
4 Is there a good program to import all of my contacts from my old Windows phone? I'm not sure what format they are stored in so that is why I mention that it is a Windows phone.
5 (opinion) What is the best rom for an AT&T Note 2? I plan on adding lots of applications later and I really don't like re-installing things often so I'll probably stick with whichever rom I choose for quite a while.
rogerbacon50 said:
OK, so my AT&T Note 2 is almost here (FedEx tried to deliver it ye3sterday when I was at work) so I want to make sure I am ready when it gets here. So some questions:
1 I downloaded Odin and understand how to root the phone but where do I get the file to use with Odin to do the rooting?
2 After rooting, what program do I use to flash a new rom?
3 Is there a sticky thread somewhere with this information that I could read?
4 Is there a good program to import all of my contacts from my old Windows phone? I'm not sure what format they are stored in so that is why I mention that it is a Windows phone.
5 (opinion) What is the best rom for an AT&T Note 2? I plan on adding lots of applications later and I really don't like re-installing things often so I'll probably stick with whichever rom I choose for quite a while.
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1: - Does not require Odin to root. Just save to your phone, make sure Unknown Sources is checked in your phone's settings, run the file to install, run the app, make sure the exploit boxes underneath the "root" section are unchecked, then select root.
2: Download GooManager from the Play Store and run it. In menu, select Install OpenRecoveryScript. Follow the prompts, and it will download and install TWRP (custom recovery) for you. It will ask to reboot.
3: Simply do a search at the top of the forum.
4: Try Samsung Kies first. It should transfer all your contacts from most devices. Do this before installing a new ROM. Then make sure the contacts are saved to GMail's contacts.
5: It depends on preference. Each one have their own features and functionality, and varies on the version of Android it's using. I would research each one and see what entices you if I were you. Some ROMs may even have features of certain apps that you like built-in, enhancing the phone's performance due to the fact that it doesn't require an extra app to do what you want it to do. Most ROMs won't require you to "reinstall" things with each update of the ROM if you're just doing an update.
BlackPhantomX said:
1: - Does not require Odin to root. Just save to your phone, make sure Unknown Sources is checked in your phone's settings, run the file to install, run the app, make sure the exploit boxes underneath the "root" section are unchecked, then select root.
2: Download GooManager from the Play Store and run it. In menu, select Install OpenRecoveryScript. Follow the prompts, and it will download and install TWRP (custom recovery) for you. It will ask to reboot.
3: Simply do a search at the top of the forum.
4: Try Samsung Kies first. It should transfer all your contacts from most devices. Do this before installing a new ROM. Then make sure the contacts are saved to GMail's contacts.
5: It depends on preference. Each one have their own features and functionality, and varies on the version of Android it's using. I would research each one and see what entices you if I were you. Some ROMs may even have features of certain apps that you like built-in, enhancing the phone's performance due to the fact that it doesn't require an extra app to do what you want it to do. Most ROMs won't require you to "reinstall" things with each update of the ROM if you're just doing an update.
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Maybe I'm making this harder than it needs to be. Looking at some of the roms I notice that some of them say "rooted". If I plan to flash a rooted rom do I have to root first? I assume no, but I thought I should ask.
But to install TWRP I think it has to be rooted and if I use TWRP to flash roms then I guess I'd have to be rooted first even if the rom being flashed is rooted. Now I've confused myself again. I really don't want to turn my $700 phone into a brick by screwing up.
rogerbacon50 said:
Maybe I'm making this harder than it needs to be. Looking at some of the roms I notice that some of them say "rooted". If I plan to flash a rooted rom do I have to root first? I assume no, but I thought I should ask.
But to install TWRP I think it has to be rooted and if I use TWRP to flash roms then I guess I'd have to be rooted first even if the rom being flashed is rooted. Now I've confused myself again. I really don't want to turn my $700 phone into a brick by screwing up.
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Custom ROMs always require root because it relies on a custom recovery such as TWRP and CWM. So, in short, unless you want to stay stock, you need to root.
This post should help to greatly simplify things for you. (4th post in the thread) Instructions are referring to the jedi rom but they will work for almost any other rom. I am on clean rom and have tried several others. Everything works great on clean rom. My advice would be to download all the ones you want to try, flash them and try each one for a day or two until you figure out which you like the best, then get your phone set up how you want on that rom. Once you get the one you like perfect, make a nandroid backup and then you can always flash any new roms you want to try and if they don't work for you, you can flash your backup and not have to worry about setting everything up on your phone all over again.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda app-developers app
Trust me, the phone is absolutely worth the wait and the money! Also like he said earlier, every ROM is different and my favorite won't necessarily be your favorite, but if you like the look of Stock, I use Jedix8 which has great battery life and performance and some cool extra features. CleanRom also has a great reputation and I'll probably give it a go soon just to see what it's like. PM me if you have other questions or anything at all
BlackPhantomX said:
Custom ROMs always require root because it relies on a custom recovery such as TWRP and CWM. So, in short, unless you want to stay stock, you need to root.
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topshelf95 said:
This post should help to greatly simplify things for you. (4th post in the thread) Instructions are referring to the jedi rom but they will work for almost any other rom. I am on clean rom and have tried several others.
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badler6545 said:
I use Jedix8 which has great battery life and performance and some cool extra features. CleanRom also has a great reputation and I'll probably give it a go soon just to see what it's like. PM me if you have other questions or anything at all
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Thanks all. I think I have it all figured out (and thanks to FedEx's stupid delivery policies I've had 3 extra days to think about it).
I have downloaded Odin and a rooted img file from
It will root and install CWM (although I think I would prefer TWRP from what I've rad.
I've doanloaded both the CleanRom for AT&T and the Jedi roms and will try those out. I think once I get the phone rooted and with hte custom recovery on it the actual flashing of new roms will be comparatively easy.
Well, I got my phone last night and charged it. Today I was able to root it, install TWRP, and flass CleanRom all in under an hour. Thanks to all those who offered help. The only issue I had/have is a lack of internet wit hdefault WAP settings:
I've gotten around it using the Cingular settings but download speed is only 1.9MB. That's OK for now as I consider my options: live with it or talk to AT&T and see is something can be done without losing my unlimited plan.
Overall , this was an easy process thanks to the large databse of information here and friendly helpful people. I would encourage anyone who is thinking of doing this to proceed. It is easy once you start.

[Q] CWRM / TWRP Charging?

I've read through the Everything thread on Development, as well as searched using the xda search and google site search, but come up with nothing.
The Everything thread mentions that the current version of CWRM won't charge when the phone is off or in recovery, but I can't find anything about which version is the 'latest' (,, nor if this also affects the TWRP recoveries (2.6.3, 2.4.1)? For that matter, I can't find anything that even mentions the charging problems at all aside from the Everything thread!
If there is a charging problem with all of the third party ROMs, is there a method to go back to the stock recovery after flashing in a ROM and backing up /efs/? I'm basically shooting for a fully functional phone and I don't plan on changing ROMs all over the place, just root and ICS.
TooG435 said:
I've read through the Everything thread on Development, as well as searched using the xda search and google site search, but come up with nothing.
The Everything thread mentions that the current version of CWRM won't charge when the phone is off or in recovery, but I can't find anything about which version is the 'latest' (,, nor if this also affects the TWRP recoveries (2.6.3, 2.4.1)? For that matter, I can't find anything that even mentions the charging problems at all aside from the Everything thread!
If there is a charging problem with all of the third party ROMs, is there a method to go back to the stock recovery after flashing in a ROM and backing up /efs/? I'm basically shooting for a fully functional phone and I don't plan on changing ROMs all over the place, just root and ICS.
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I think something like 6.0.4 the latest CWMR. ( you can build with , Existing Device option doesnt work)
It charges in latest TWRP, you can see "+" char when on charge next to the battery level.
Stock uses recovery for official upgrade, and factory reset. We have only offline charge issue, but recovery has no effect on it. Offline charger works with a limitation. I wouldnt bother you with the explanation, since you said you would like to use stock ICS.
You can backup efs in rooted rom without recovery. You can always flash recovery with odin phone in download mode.
I guess I had assumed the comment was referring to the builds in the Development forum, not the overall CWMR project! Is there a currently recommended recovery, or is it a toss up to personal preference? I'm not so much tied to ICS as tied to a completely working ROM - especially as I see all the bluetooth and skype issues with the JB ROMs, which (as far as I can tell) are still unresolved / unknown?
TooG435 said:
I guess I had assumed the comment was referring to the builds in the Development forum, not the overall CWMR project! Is there a currently recommended recovery, or is it a toss up to personal preference? I'm not so much tied to ICS as tied to a completely working ROM - especially as I see all the bluetooth and skype issues with the JB ROMs, which (as far as I can tell) are still unresolved / unknown?
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I make TWRP for i927, we dont have other up to date, but you can build yourself.
Dont you have issue with stock ICS? I made up to date issue list in me CM 10.2, you could decide it suit for you or not, you may know stock limitation already.
I hope voip issue would be resolved soon.
bubor said:
I make TWRP for i927, we dont have other up to date, but you can build yourself.
Dont you have issue with stock ICS? I made up to date issue list in me CM 10.2, you could decide it suit for you or not, you may know stock limitation already.
I hope voip issue would be resolved soon.
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My only real requirement in a phone is that it be reliable - I don't want to have to pop out batteries or have no audio on calls if I get stranded in the middle of nowhere. At this point, my phone is still in the mail - got a used one from a friend, but it hasn't arrived, so I haven't had much ability to experiment yet.
My Android experience is exclusively with a Transformer TF101, which had 4.0.4 ICS stock and is currently running Katkiss JB 4.2.2_226 (Katkiss 4.3 isn't stable enough for me yet, was getting daily crashes last time I tried). All of the phone components are new to me - and the Glide seems to have a more fragmented recovery scene than the TF101, which is pretty much TWRP or nothin'
Thanks again for your help!

Need Testers! (UPDATED 1-11-2017)

Note: This should go without saying since this is a very early beta build, but I'm not responsible for any direct, or indirect damage done to any phone or accessories from flashing/ using this rom.
Also please read the entire op before installing/posting.
Welcome to:
About the Rom:
I started this whole project when I had a G5, and development was still slow. I met someone who was kind enough to get me started, and give me the basic info I needed to start my journey in development. I had always wondered if I could, but never really knew where to start.
Seeing the lack of development for such a great device. I decided to take matters into my own hands (however inexperienced they may be). So far I've created basic tweaked stock roms for the G5 & G Stylo. I never released them however because I didn't make it too far. Because the devices ended up being damged (which is unusual for me).
Anyway that brings us to here & now. This rom is also very basic (for now). I plan however to add as many features as possible & plausible. While keeping it fast, smooth, and reliable. Rest assured I test every build for at least a couple of days before posting them here. Anyway onto the good stuff.
Source: Pulled from stock MM 6.0 30d
Boot img: Pulled from stock MM 6.0 30d (changed to insecured).
Android ver: MM 6.0 30D
Rooted (Sytem install)
Wifi, data, bluetooth etc. all working
Dpi set to 560
Debloated (More apps removed in future updates)
All app multiwindow support enabled by default
Quick power on
Auto rotate in homescreen (tested with Nova Launcher)
Faster video streaming
Increased wifi scan interval
No ring delay
Enabled Adoptable storage
Jpeg quality 100% plus other media enhancements
Disabled error reporting
And some more I can't think of....
Planned features (feel free to suggest some):
4 way reboot
Volume button orientation mod
Possibly aroma installer
That's all I can think of off the top of my head but there is more.
I also plan to make a few color ui themes as well.
For example
Red & Black
Blue & Black
Green & black
Etc. Etc.
Feel free to request different colors as well (doesn't mean it will neccesarily happen, but you can ask
Install instructions:
*Make sure the version of TWRP you are using supports updater-scripts! This is very important! If it doesn't the rom will not flash! I'm using the latest version of multirom TWRP, and can confirm the rom flashes just fine.
1. Make a TWRP backup (optional, but heavily suggested)
2. Download and place zip on sd card
3. Do a full wipe
4. Install zip
Note: updates are disabled two minutes after booting the rom. No user action is required. The old method I had tried didn't actually work. Got the ota again a week later. However it is 100% fixed now.
New DL link:
I don't know if this would work since I have not really put much research in to it, but could you make the folder where the update is downloaded to read-only?
BoredKender said:
I don't know if this would work since I have not really put much research in to it, but could you make the folder where the update is downloaded to read-only?
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Probably not a good idea. Folder also has a few log files too. If all else fails then I'll give it a shot. I also had a thought that perhaps it isn't named anything like lgdmsclient.
After some sleep I've got a couple days off work so I'm gonna try to get multi rom working. (Haven't used it since kk early android L. That way I can just go down the list remove lg services apk's one by one and hope that either multirom or twrp could save me from a brick if anything goes wrong. Right now I have been using the delete To keep the zip off my phone. Only problem is it takes a while for the system to realize an update is available after that. So It would be easier to remove an apk, build, flash, repeat until I find the culprit. MR will really help though as it'll save a lot of time between flashes. I really do appreciate the help/input though.
Also I've randomly found myself booted into twrp and the update try to install itself. Just luckily had zip verification on so it didn't flash.
Removed build.
The Rom now has it's own thread in Tmo Android development located here:
Moderater if you will please, close this thread. Thanks.
Thread Closed.

Need help with a custom rom

Hi all I'm needing some help, I've been reading through both original and android development sections and looking for the best rom for the Samsung T705. Currently I have rooted my device from Stock using CF-Auto-Root-klimtlte-klimtltexx-smt705.
Although this allows my device to have full root access, it keeps the device as stock as possible. However I have noticed that the battery usage is terrible on this device and that's even with power saving mode enabled. Also switching between apps sometimes lags and is full of Samsung bloatware.
I'm looking for a reliable custom rom that is designed to improve battery consumption and remove all the Samsung bloatware. Their are many roms to choose on this site but don't know which is the overall most favourite or most reliable.
Finally, if I go ahead with a chosen rom when it comes to installing, it is recommended to backup the current rom and install using a recovery tool installed to the tablet. With me using CF-Auto-Root-klimtlte-klimtltexx-smt705 rom no recovery rom has been installed to my tablet as I installed this rom using origin via PC. How can I install a recovery rom on my tablet before installing a custom rom/kernel?
Manny Thanks
No one is gonna give you the answer you want. It boils down to trying all and stick to what favours you most
And as for How to install custom recovery and custom ROM,i think you should befriend Google and YouTube,coz you apparently need to learn alot of basics.
Thanks for your response and I don't rely on YouTube for this type of support as a lot of it is false. I use this website as its more accurate and no bull****. But would be nice to get some help for a novice instead of shooting him down. After all it is a help and troubleshoot section of this forum, we all have to start somewhere.
morgiee said:
Thanks for your response and I don't rely on YouTube for this type of support as a lot of it is false. I use this website as its more accurate and no bull****. But would be nice to get some help for a novice instead of shooting him down. After all it is a help and troubleshoot section of this forum, we all have to start somewhere.
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I as well am looking for a custom or even a stock rom for my SM-T705W. I have not been able to update bootloader or modem to MM. At present it is running Lollipop and I would so much like to run MM or Nougat rom.
I have literally tried to flash almost everything in the Tab S areas that are made for the T705. I wish I could assist you. Someone will help you out with some guidance I am sure, this is a great place.
One thing I have noticed on my device, when I try and wipe or backup using TWRP, I always get a 'Failed to mount /hidden ' error and I am not sure what that partition is or if all the Tabs have one. Perhaps that is why I can not flash a newer bootloader and modem and also a MM or custom rom. Anyways, sorry to hijack thread...good luck.

