Hide Navigation Bar with Physical Keyboard Attached? - Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 Questions & Answers

Hello! As per the title, I'm looking for a way to hide the navigation bar while I'm typing with the physical keyboard. I'm currently in immersive mode, but everytime I tap any sort of text entry field with the keyboard attached, the navigation bar pops right up. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


[Q] How to remove the Edit Toggle Notification Bar?

Does anyone know how to hide the square top right corner toggle to edit the notification toggles? It's very annoying, everytime I swipe down to bring down the menu and my finger is near the right side it will bring down the toggles to edit. Any way to remove this? I thought wanam would have this feature but no where to be found. Any suggestions?

Hide the Nav Bar while Split Screen Multitasking

Is there any way to hide the nav bar while in split screen mode? I have my nav bar auto hide all of the time but when using two apps side by side, it reappears and there is no longer an option to hide it.
Am I missing the logic behind this? Surely when using two apps on the one screen, that extra space is even more important?
After the Android Oreo update, the gesture options allow you to get rid of the navigation bar and use swipe gestures to perform functions such as "back" "background windows" and "home". However entering split screen mode from this stage is my concern.

Enable navigation bar on home screen?

Anyone knows how to enable navigation bar only on homescreen when you are using the navigation gestures?
Coz i really miss the functionality of navigation bar button. Like accessing google assistant, double tap for turning off screen etc.

Enable navigation bar on home screen?

Anyone knows how to enable navigation bar only on homescreen when you are using the navigation gestures?
Coz i really miss the functionality of navigation bar button. Like accessing google assistant, double tap for turning off screen etc.

Navigation Gesture - "switch keyboard" button missing ~

Hi All,
When I use Navigation Gesture instead of Nav Bar, the "switch Keyboard" Button is also gone,.
I use Gboard and another third party input, butnow find it very hard to switch around, have to go all the way to setting --languages--
just wondering is there a shortcut / Gesture for switch keyboard?
Thanks in advance
Hi @sd1577956,
I came up against the same issue with my 6T when using Navigation gestures as opposed to either the Android 8 (Oreo) or 9 (Pie) Navigation Bar.
I found that when I tap into an an area that I can enter text and the keyboard appears, a new notification also appears that if I tap it, allows me to switch between keyboards.
Some keyboards (like the native Gboard), also allow you to switch keyboards by long pressing the space bar (but this is not supported universally by third party keyboards in my experience).
I hope that helps,

