Is there any RSS feed to receive the info about Nokia OTA updates? - Nokia 8.1 Questions & Answers

Can you guys share if there are any such RSS feed or JSON api?



Is there the possibility of having RSS so as to be constantly updated on posts and topics? Thank you!!
RSS has been enabled for a long time. If you're using Firefox to brows the site... look in the address bar and you'll see the link for the RSS feed.
Any chance of giving us the address of the RSS feed? For those of us who do not use Firefox because of restrictions placed on our PC's?
As posted about 5 threads down from this one:
I am using SPB Insight as my news feed reader and have sucessfully subscribed to just the ones i need using varations on the following:
All i did was change the number on the end to reflect the sub forum i wanted. 312 being the Trinity Upgrade Thread.

Offline Informations

i am looking for tools for offline - informations. I dont have any data-contract. The only possibility is to go online at home via WLAN. From there i would like to feed my Touch HD with video-Podcasts and RSS automaticly, maybe also with other informations / applications which i dont know yet.
I would prefer something like itunes where i download video podcasts and sync automaticly to iphone. Is there any tool like this.
If not - can someone give me a good page for downloadable Videoposts or mobile friendly rss feed with full informations, not only half a sentence and attachend link which need to visited...
OK, i have installed RSS Hub so far. Looks great, but i need to find out how to setup in a way that it also downloads pictures. At the moment, there are no pics.
Also i need to find good rss with full text, not only a introducion and a link.
Another thing - is there any possibility to read twitter offline? Same as rss - download past messages and read them offline.
You can try pRSS.
I allready choosed RSS Hub.
Is there anything helpful tip for offline twitter?
expatriate said:
Is there anything helpful tip for offline twitter?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can read twitter status updates via RSS.
For downloading youtube and the likes:
I used a program on my WM2003 (a long while back) where you could download webpages. You could program the depth of the links as well. It was different from RSS as you could see the entire webpage, rather than a summary. It then showed a sumary on your homescreen. Anyone know the program I'm talking about?

How to use twitpic and twitter api to post pictures

Hi all,
I am a student developer and finally on vacation so I started working a really simple app to try out visual studio and the wp7 dev environment. So far its been pretty great and I have most of the app working. However I'd like the ability to have the user tweet a photo to twitter. I know I can easily share links using the built in share api provided by Microsoft which lets users tweet using their built in accounts without me resorting to using twitter Oauth apis etc however with photos I would need a link.
Any ideas or guides on how to integrate twitpic or yfrog or similar photo service into wp7? I am looking around the web but most stuff I find is either outdated or overly complicated. I dont need to read tweets, mentions or any of the hard core stuff. Just have a user tweet a pic. Perhaps I can use an api to send the image up to twitpic and they return a url which i can then have the user share using their built in social networks....
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

XDA RSS Feeds Broken

For the last couple of years I've been getting updates from my favorite XDA forums in my RSS reader. The URI for a feed was of the form:
where 4168 is the forum ID .
Starting yesterday, the RSS feed URIs started failing with a 403 forbidden error. I suspect something is misconfigured on the XDA side. Anyone know who I should contact to try and get the feeds fixed? TIA.
Indeed! Only main articles RSS feeds work.
This saddens me.
$ curl ""
<head><title>403 Forbidden</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>403 Forbidden</h1></center>
Click to expand...
Click to collapse

Working RSS feed of forum in 2019?

Lots of posts about RSS feeds in the past, but all of those links are broken. Is RSS deliberately disabled for this site? Is it to push us to use a special unique XDA feed reader app?
Ideally, I'd like to get RSS feeds for:
Anyone know of a solution for this?

