Pls help - About

i wan to log into e FTP so that i can download e oringal radio and flash back my current radio 1.05.. How to do it? Pls help....



When 1 tride to install Xda_IIs_LaunchROM_v1.12.162_178 i have ERROR 150
When i install PDA2k_WWE_12200_162_10600_SHIP is instaling properly but i have problems with WI FI. I have to resrt PDA to connect to WI FI network. So how can i install orginal Xda_IIs_LaunchROM_v1.12.162_178??
Any sugestion?
I have blue angel
i think there is no one can install thr Lauch rom, but if u want the Original xda iis rom i can provide u with the link to download
Plese do so
please send me a link to [email protected]

BA post upgrading problem.

Hi, im newbe so, please be patient.
4 days ago i've upgraded mi qtek 9090 frow win 2003 se to win mobile 6 but i have some problem
the phone module is not working anymore ( it's no possible to turn phone on)
the pda do not save the gps settings after it discover by blutooh ( every time i turn off the gps reciver and turn on again i have to set again the serial port, the passkey etc ).
i've tryed to upgrade the radio but i'm not able do download file from ftp at the following link because ftp doesn't work:
ftp://xda:[email protected]_11500.exe
at the moment my configuration is:
rom vers 5.60.00.wwe
rom date 03/02/05
radio verison 1.13.00
protocol version 1.337.42
ext rom version none
at the time im writing it seems that phone module is working again( ghosts in my pda ? )....anyway
can someone help me suggesting something or can someone send my the file i need to upgrade my radio or blutooh version (if this can help ) by email?([email protected])
thank you in advance and sorry 4 my english.
hi, i've upgraded the blutooth version ( now i have 2 blutooth icons in my connection task ) but i'm not able to upgrade the radio version.
i have used 2 method [ Quick/EasyTYPE II and Second Methord Type I ] but it return an error that says that the upgrade is not compatible with my device.
i'have tryed to search for a shipped rom but i was not able to find one compatible with my pda.
could someone indicate me a correct shipped rom that can i use for the radio upgrade?
at the moment i'm using
rom vers 5.60.00.wwe
rom date 03/02/05
radio verison 1.13.00
protocol version 1.337.42
ext rom version none
sorry guys but is very difficult for me to find the right rom for my VODAFONE 1620.
my getdevicedata says: P H 2 0 B 2W W E5.60.00NONE4%4
please can someone suggest me a rom that is more useful ( stable/best ) than the actual
i'm not able to understand witch one should i use.
thx in advance.
pls, help...


when doing hard spl errors comes 262
when doin rom update directly it gives error 260
plz help
using jasjam
come on plz elp me
Did you install hard-spl? did you READ the wiki information before you updated the ROM. if not that will be a good start to help identify your problem.

heeeeeeeeelp jasjam dosent accept new rom & stop working

my ppc stop working & when i try to soft reset it it may have hard reset or dosent accept it till i hard reset it ... i cant flash a hard spl or a new rom on any pc ... plz he;p urgently
rom version : m2d_light
rom date : 01/19/09
radio version :
protocol version :32.53.7020.01H
extrom vesion : by josh
put your device in bootloader mode...
tell me what you see in IPL and SPL versions...
tell me what you didnt or didnt... like not flash HSPL first
hay bro
first u've to install hard spl i.e olipro 2.10 is best one. let me know have u install it before ?????????

flash problam from wm5 to upgrade

hello everyone please helllpppp! my p3300 was flashed to espnyol wm5 rom(telefonica) and now very time i try to flash to a defrent rom its stuck on the 3% and then its stoped and on the computer its apirs "image corrupted" and i 100% sure that the image is good,please help me,i try to do hard reset it doesnt work,please help me save my p3300 and upgrade it!waiting to your help,ira.
you need to do Uspl - 1.11.cmon
click link supplied above to find out how to do it..
click link bellow for ''p3300 free apps'' and Uspl-1.11cmon is there..

