Thank you to all. - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

To all participants in these forums:
I want convey a HUGE THANK-YOU to all of the contributers to these forums.
A couple of months ago I decided it was time to replace my IPAQ 4150 for something with a bit more functionality. As I was researching what my next device would be, I stumbled across and my decision was made. I decided on the i-mate pda2k specifically becuase all of the hard work done by the people here meant that I would no longer have to wait for the vendor to issue upgrades and I could customize my device to MY requirements!
After having read most of the Blue Angel Upgrading threads, and the wiki (about 20 times) I've managed to perform a number of upgrades and cook a half-decent extended rom. (naturally I screwed it up a couple of times, and had a brick for about a week but I managed to recover after having read many of the "help-me" threads)
A special thanks to MDAIIIUser, TheLastOne, HappyGoat and a few others (you know who you are) for contributing so much of their time hacking and converting roms, troubleshooting extended rom issues and also for being so incredibly patient and helpful when answering questions from newbie's like myself.
I look forward to being a contributer to this community and I hope that I can bring 1/10th of the value to the forum that many of you bring every day.
So, once again - Thank-you to all!

.... and you didn't have to ask one question????

Fortunately, the mistakes I made were similar to those made by many before me. Most of the information I needed to repair the brick I had created was available in the threads.
Now I see that i-mate has released the 1.40 rom so I hope all of my effort and frustration wasn't for nothing!

Canuk said:
Now I see that i-mate has released the 1.40 rom so I hope all of my effort and frustration wasn't for nothing!
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Can you point out where, or the link to, the 1.40 rom is???

I think I saw someone say they were uploading it to the ftp site.
Try here.
Please let me know how it works out. I'm curious to see what's in the extended rom.

you know, I am sorry to hijack the thread somewhat, but I need to say thanks also, I did ask one question, but "search" led me to may answers, I have given a few things back to this site, but I do plan to add more, so... Thanks everyone...

You are all very welcome...I do this as a hobby, and appreciate the positive feedback..!


Note to NOOBS. You're really annoying. READ!

Attention NOOBS. I'm becoming less patient with your posts that include whining and redundancy. This forum isn't here to provide you with all the comforts of your carrier. These roms and installing them is for people who are advanced users of WM. If you need your device for work and you're new to PocketPCs this isn't the place for you. These roms aren't for you so please stick to your carriers’ rom.
WM6 is new. SO NEW that Third-Party app developers haven't gotten all their fixes in. Our ROM chefs aren't responsible for those errors. Research and develop a fix, wait until someone develops a fix, or wait for the app developer...But before installing a rom you need to weigh whether or not it is worth it to loose some of your favorite apps. If you must have SPB plus and you read that people are having issues with it don't install the rom UNLESS you want to help find the fix. IF NOT...WAIT until the app developer upgrades their app. Don't install it and then post complaints and threads.
The chefs of these roms aren't here to help you setup your device and to solve all of your issues. If you have issues read, search and fix them. The research is part of the fun...finding fixes is part of the fun. Finding new ways to configure your device and setups is FUN. By asking first you're not participating in the best part of the forum.
As for fixing the "noob" issue...I think there is one pretty good solution.
I think the only way to fix such an issue is to either restrict new users from posting in the the WM6 forums for a period of time after joining. Hopefully you'll use that period of time to read. Because if you choose to install a rom and you know you can't ask a question you'll probably be more apt to read.
I'm not anti-noob. I was a noob once and I am still a noob in many ways. I also know that there are some good noobs in the forum. But I'm tired of taking the time to read the threads for critical information and coming across posts for how to install a new theme or where did the backlight on my keyboard go. That's where your user manual or the HTC website comes in. For Cingular people you have a great resource over @ the Cingular forums.
This is a community of like minded technical individuals. This is not HTC tech support or your carriers support. No one here owes you ANYTHING. You install a rom it's on you. If you can't take the responsibility then don't install the rom. It's pretty simple really.
I just had to get that off my chest. I'm sick and cranky but that only played a small role.
Again TIP YOUR CHEF!!!!! and donate to XDA. To all of you that make this a interactive vibrant technical-minded environment THANK YOU!
X (donning flame suit)
Helping is useless you just get bashed for it. Instead of putting useless programs that the "chef" uses they could spend that time using the carrier files located in the rom kitchen to help out users which takes all of what 3 minutes if that to recompile for a carrier. This would be much more productive then *****ing when someone tries to help by doing that. It's a joke suggesting someone help when they get nothing but grief and sarcasm when they do.
the time it takes to put "useless" apps in a rom is about 40 seconds.
99.9percent of the time is spent on optimizing the OS to ensure i runs efficiently and stable.
Carrier settings are a big no no as the ROMS being developed should be portable from one carrier to another. the perosn who installs the ROM should know what their carrier settings are etc.... not the ROM chefs.
EDIT: there is a fine line between "helping" (ie developing a fix and posting it in the official rom thread) as compared to re-releasing the hard work that went into optimizing wm6 etc and just adding one XML customization (what you did)
Also note, that recompiling a compressed ROM will cause issues to the people that have installed it. you must decompile the original OS.nb that hasnt been compressed.
jasjamming said:
the time it takes to put "useless" apps in a rom is about 40 seconds.
99.9percent of the time is spent on optimizing the OS to ensure i runs efficiently and stable.
Carrier settings are a big no no as the ROMS being developed should be portable from one carrier to another. the perosn who installs the ROM should know what their carrier settings are etc.... not the ROM chefs.
EDIT: there is a fine line between "helping" (ie developing a fix and posting it in the official rom thread) as compared to re-releasing the hard work that went into optimizing wm6 etc and just adding one XML customization (what you did)
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Yes, you have proved you dont give a **** seeing you post the files that dont work
tell WPbear that and the hundreds of people that got cingular working with that.
And just to remind you its not my job to ensure u set up your carrier. You found a fix, damn mate, post it in the thread.
Although this is an open source community in a way, it is still harmful to the developrs if their work is ripped off without courtesy. ASk first then post later, not post first and hope its ok!
this matter of discussion will stop right now. by the fact that your posts were deleted by mods is a clear sign that you push the boundaries of helping.
jasjamming said:
this matter of discussion will stop right now. by the fact that your posts were deleted by mods is a clear sign that you push the boundaries of helping.
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You must have missed the part where I could care less if they were or not? Who are you to say when this will or will not stop? I could care less if you have more pull here or not the forum is bullsit pulling favortism.
xultar said:
Attention NOOBS. I'm becoming less patient with your posts that include whining and redundancy. This forum isn't here to provide you with all the comforts of your carrier. These roms and installing them is for people who are advanced users of WM. If you need your device for work and you're new to PocketPCs this isn't the place for you. These roms aren't for you so please stick to your carriers’ rom.
Again TIP YOUR CHEF!!!!! and donate to XDA. To all of you that make this a interactive vibrant technical-minded environment THANK YOU!
X (donning flame suit)
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I agree with you that people shouldn't have complained too much on this and that regarding the ROMs cooked by our good fellows.
However I believe there is a better way pursuading people instead of yelling here, in this way you are not much different from those people.
Also you make sounds like it's a must to donate. Well I believe ROM chefs were doing this voluntarily without any intension to collect money. It would be nice for people to donate as a kind of support, but putting it this way may have make it sounds like there are financial motivations behind this ROM cooking thihg.
Anyway, well done CHEFs, keep it up.
AdamZhang said:
I agree with you that people shouldn't have complained too much on this and that regarding the ROMs cooked by our good fellows.
However I believe there is a better way pursuading people instead of yelling here, in this way you are not much different from those people.
Also you make sounds like it's a must to donate. Well I believe ROM chefs were doing this voluntarily without any intension to collect money. It would be nice for people to donate as a kind of support, but putting it this way may have make it sounds like there are financial motivations behind this ROM cooking thihg.
Anyway, well done CHEFs, keep it up.
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no its not a must to donate... but its nice to be appreciated especially when the 'CHEF' has spend hours upon hours of his time and experience to benefit the community... honestly where would we be without these guys??? we would have locked handsets and be stuck with crappy carrier ROM's...
The noobs who post the ridiculous questions that have been answered many times before are (by their very nature) highly unlikely to read or care about this thread.....
Whilst I agree with some of the underlying points (read the wiki and the threads, use the search function etc) surely the more people who get interested in these devices, the wider they will be available and the better support etc from the carriers and htc will be available, meaning people here can spend more time developing rather than fixing bugs? The initial post just reads as if basically if you are not an experienced developer then you can just **** off. Not sure if (a) that is how it was meant or (b) that is the majority view.
Me thinks that xultar and custel need to grow up! Although you both evidently came into this as experts(sic), some others did not have your apparent vast wealth of experience to fall back on. To insult senior members, mods, and our chefs is unacceptable behavior! I, and I am sure others, are hoping to see you go!
The search functions can be a bit of a challenge....LOL, but insults and criticism are not needed.....Do us all a favor and just leave!
Okay.....there's my 4 cents worth..........
NOOBS are ok i guess, but I like like BOOBS much more! We need more BOOBS around here! ;-)
cruiserman said:
NOOBS are ok i guess, but I like like BOOBS much more! We need more BOOBS around here! ;-)
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Even better NOOBS with BOOBS,
ElGato65 said:
Even better NOOBS with BOOBS,
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... or boobs with noobs
Same song, different forums. Yes, the noobs need to read the wiki and learn more, but we've all been there and need to remember what it was like getting yelled at in the forums. Yes, some of the "experts" think they're on a pedestal and can be huge jerks, but they've seen the same 10 questions about 1000 times and they help create noob resources like the wiki and the cool roms. Most of us are sitting in the middle just watching both sides screaming and thinking, "it's just a forum, wtf?"
I realize that the real issue began because of all the noobs bricking their phones trying to do things they don't fully understand and the animosity that comes from the ROM archive being removed as an indirect result. In case no one has noticed, this is not exactly an underground site and has become pretty popular with the increasing popularity of HTC products and the fine work that many of the contributors here have done. (Not to mention all the ppc sites that have linked to this one.)
The original post had some good points and I think was well-intended, however, Custel and Jasjamming decided to bring their personal beef with each other into it. If you two would like to argue with each other, feel free to use the private message function. Neither of you are helping this topic and only furthering the idea that a low post count means you're flame bait and a high post count means that you're allowed to tell people what they can and cannot post openly in the threads despite not being a mod. The moral here? We're all part of the same community here, so stop pissing on the neighbor's flowers and just tell him calmly that you're allergic while keeping in mind the other neighbors might like them.
As for the noobs destroying their phones with software they didn't understand and asking really simple over-asked questions, maybe we should make a quiz of basic information that pertains to each model and the information needed to do basic mods to them that all members have to answer with a certain percentage of success before allowing posts or access to download links (exluding a few basic forums). Each group that's active enough could make up their own pop quiz (Hermes, Trinity, etc...). All questions sourced from the wiki of course. Just a thought, since the only other suggestion seems to be to scream at the new guys and tell them to read (and search, which btw, really sucks on most forums since you have to know exactly what you're searching for to find anything useful in many cases).
having successfully upgraded several different models of HTC device to WinMo6 I know that there's very little risk from the process and a hell of a lot to gain.
Nobody here with a new-ish handset that's considering the upgrade is destitute and penniless, considering what the devices cost I'm beginning to wonder why donations to either the chefs or XDA devs isn't the norm...
Seriously, there are a lot of tight bastards around here, more than there are 'new' users who can't be arsed to use the search before opening the 30th thread asking for help on the exact same issue.
Post from a NOOB
Let me give you a viewpoint from a NOOB. I would not call myself technically challenged nor lazy, but definitely new to this wonderful forum where some people who are way more cooler than me have found ways to help me make better use of my handheld than what I had stock.
Yes, I read the Hermes wiki checked through all (or the threads I thought were relevant) to make sure that this was something I wanted to (and could) do without bricking my expensive device. Even though I thought I read quite a lot, and did everything the wiki said, after I did something I could not verify whether what I did worked or not (like the time I SuperCID-ed my phone and did not know what the steps where to confirm it happened). So I ask. Some times people answer my questions, sometime they dont.
Yes, noobs need to know not to quote large message chunks, they need to read before they ask. I agree to all that. But some people say things like if you are not technical dont even bother to be here, that's insulting.
Though I read and re-read Xultar's initial post and I did not see anything there that really insulted me. I think he had a valid point that if you think you are faint of heart, please stick to your carrier's forum. These forums and this great site is for those adventurers (it just gives me an ego boost to think that way ;-)) who like to go where no man has gone before.
I have been here probably 2 weeks, and I feel like I found a place where I can belong. I just wish I were cool enough to really cook some ROMS. But I think I can get started in small ways.
Jasjamming, I understand your frustration when people take what you have taken great pains in doing and then repackage it, especially without your permission. No excuses for that. But it does not behoove for someone of your stature in this community to bad mouth people. I (and am sure more noobs like me) look up to people like you, kyphur and LVSW who can do things that most of us can just dream about. Just let go or I am sure that the moderators of this forum can remove those posts without much problem.
Sorry for the long rant, but I like this place. And felt I had to weigh in on this conversation.
CUSTEL said:
You must have missed the part where I could care less if they were or not? Who are you to say when this will or will not stop? I could care less if you have more pull here or not the forum is bullsit pulling favortism.
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its not about pulling favoritism, its about respect... if you want to use someone else's work for your own then ask permission from the creator and give credit where credits due... the chefs work hard on what they do, kyphur, jasjamming, etc.. all of them.. spend countless hours developing cooked roms for everyone, donations or not.. If you dont like the rules of the community then there are other boards you can point your browser to. Most of the times when you ask permission then the chef will be more than happy to lend you a hand...
Now everyone play nice or find a different board.
shogunmark said:
its not about pulling favoritism, its about respect... if you want to use someone else's work for your own then ask permission from the creator and give credit where credits due... the chefs work hard on what they do, kyphur, jasjamming, etc.. all of them.. spend countless hours developing cooked roms for everyone, donations or not.. If you dont like the rules of the community then there are other boards you can point your browser to. Most of the times when you ask permission then the chef will be more than happy to lend you a hand...
Now everyone play nice or find a different board.
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Please delete this thread. I'll send a PM to a Mod as well.

Plz Help

there are 5 kinds of WM6 do i know which one suites my hermes or at least which one is the best?
mine is still WM5,still new at this
i'm new to this as well. i chose the LVSW one.
bteljuice2 said:
there are 5 kinds of WM6 do i know which one suites my hermes or at least which one is the best?
mine is still WM5,still new at this
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The answer for this question have the same as for this other one "How do i know wath car is the best for me?"
Really you must read (lot of read) and then, if you are sure wath you are doing and wath you are looking for, take a test on every ROM....
Of course, Wiki must be your starting point.
bteljuice2 said:
there are 5 kinds of WM6 do i know which one suites my hermes or at least which one is the best?
mine is still WM5,still new at this
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jcespi2005 is right - you need to do a lot of reading. This will give you a feel for how stable a rom is and how muck tinkering you need to do to get what you want.
I'd recommend Black 2.0 - it's great and stable. Also the LSVW roms are great, but there were some reports on a White Screen problem for some people. I haven't tried Dutty's rom yet, and I'm eagerly waiting for Kyphurs WMXL0.3 which I also think will be very good.
I'd also recommend flashing Olipros HardSPL 1.40 before you begin because it will help you if you have any problems later.
I will reiterate what ach2 has said.
Read... a lot. Wiki, forums, etc.
Also, I would recommend Black, although others have their favorites.
WTF is with that title. did u read the rles on posting? did u search at all? did u read anything that has been posted? have u followed any thread at all?
this has been asked, answered, discussed, compered, contrasted and debated.
pick a phone, pick a rom. dont like the rom change it.
make up ur own... mind if u have one.
most importantly RTFW do the research. do ur home work. put some effort in.
change the heading on the forum.
Wind your neck in mate - your post just makes you sound like you're some jumped up moron with an attitude problem.
There are much nicer ways to tell people that they've asked a stupid question and this is something that has been discussed on this particular length. Your post adds nothing to the thread apart from unnecessary vitriol and repeats what several other people posted before you - except that they were much nicer about it (and used things like capital letters and punctuation
Either drop the attitude and try and be a little more helpful or ignore posts like this and STFU.
Lordsmiff said:
Either drop the attitude and try and be a little more helpful or ignore posts like this and STFU.
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Cheers! Reason!
Anyway. It is a matter of trying them out and seeing what you like. Personally I started with WMXL 0.20 and am still on it. So I haven't found out what the other are like. I'll try Black 2.0, or 2.5 if its out by then , when WMXL 0.30 comes out. And if some required functionality isnt there, i'll go on to WMXL 0.30.
Basically. Read until your eyes just about fall out on HOW to upgrade. Then just pick whatever rom seems like a good idea at the time. The more important bit is making sure you do it right, then you can flash to a different one later (plenty of good info in the forums and on the wiki).
With too much to say about anything and everything
the famous mr poleman posted this in 2003 and has represented the guiding light and rule on posting rules since that date.
Perhaps maybe somebody could make reference to it WHEN CREATING POSTING TITLES at least.
i express my deepest and most sincerest apologies to all those that i may have offended... i am simply just a little frustrated seeing these posts with nothing but useless headings like pls help or error and like.
so... if the be all and end all of postings could be followed since 2003 and applied to all since that date maybe i would be more helpful and less frusrated.... so for those that didnt know or didnt read perhaps a revisit
lordsmiff i bow to your righteousness and will do as u ask when people start following the guidelines and rules that have applied since long b4 u or i ever got here but seemed to be disregarded.
btw i was nice just wait ill i am really upset. at the moment i have been on this forum for 2hrs after working 14hrs and i see topic headings like this. pls forgive me my grumpiness and intolerance. i am usually more helpful and just lost my patience.
We're all grumpy sometimes dude, me included - and I got told the same thing not too long ago ;-)
So not exactly righteous, more of spread-the-love thang ;-)
Join the light side - take the path of righteousness - spread the love!
Oh, and to be a little more on topic, I've tried them all with no particular favourite, though I do like the LVSW one with the green skinned comm manager

Opinions on the default HTC TYTN WM 6.0 ROM

For the last 2 weeks, I've been reading the forum and waiting delivery on a unlocked/unbranded HTC TYTN with WM 5.0.
It appears the disadvantage of the AT&T release ROMs are speed and bloatware. I haven't seen any comments on the advantages or disadvantages of the official HTC WM 6.0 ROMs versus the cooked 6.0/6.1 ROMs.
Can anyone provide any comments on the official HTC ROMs? Sorry, if I missed it, but, I've been trying to cram as much knowledge as possible about this device and trying to make a decision on a cooked ROM or the official HTC one.
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 1
NEW THREAD on​ Opinions on the default HTC TYTN WM 6.0 ROM
I bet you didn't read anything on the open forums and you just asked your humble question...
GUIDE: on this website there is something called WIKI which has all answers to all Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
I kindly ask the moderators to do 2 important things for our forum to keep it updated:
1- open a new thread and give it the name "SPAQ" (Seldom and Personal Asked Questions) to avoid openning new threads for questions like this one.
2- we have now 258 threads opened for Hermes and that makes searching for a solution never easy unless we delete the dead and inactive threads which exceed the 150 threads... unbelievable, isn't it?
PS sorry mate, I have nothing against you personally
Wow, it took all of 18 posts to obtain that attitude? I have bookmarked and read over 50 threads. I read the wiki, I read the AT&T HTC forums, I read the Howardforums, Aximsite/MobilitySite, this site and even joined HTC Club.
Many threads, tell you how fast a cooked ROM is or what apps are in the ROM, I don't see anyone saying anything about the performance of the default HTC ROMs besides AT&T ROMs stink. I haven't seen any threads on why some people actually prefer the default to cooked ROMs or vice versa.
Nothing against you, but if searching for a solution is never easy for a savvy veteran like yourself, what makes you think every visitor or new member will find exactly what they are looking for? Even in this thread, you mentioned sticking to the default HTC ROM, you didn't go into details? If you would have just given the reasons why you picked the default ROM, that would have been extremely helpful, instead you assume I'm lazy and went on your soapbox.
I hope you gain some tolerance by your 25th post.
I've been running the default 6.0 since November. I've been thinking of going to a cooked 6.0 or 6.1 ROM but have not taken the plunge. I have yet to see one thread regarding any that did not have several "It HR every XXXX days/hrs/min etc.. "
As of now I've had my share of lockups but nothing that a soft reset did not fix. While the AT&T 6.0 may be full of bloat it is the most reliable as I have not seen anyone complain that it Hard Resets.
Hope that helps.
HeyKrop, thanks for the feedback. ExactlyThat was my concern and wondering if the default HTC ROM would be better than AT&T, but not equal to a cooked version.
Right now, I'm leading to HTC's ROM and was hoping to find a definitive difference between that version and any cooked ROM. I'll continue "searching the threads" before making my final decision.
Thanks for taking time out to help a newbie.
(sigh) yes another thread on noob flashing.. guess it's my turn!
i've been flashin my hermes for a year now and my advice would be.:
JUMP IN! the water is great my friend.
if your into flashin roms and learning from (experience). This is a good place to be.
There is wonderful talent here in xda, and the share their findings for us to learn and try out.
Don't be scared man! Just flash away!!
I recommend start with stock rom.. the move up to cooked wm6, theeeennn to 6.1's.. by then you should know the in's and outs
of your phone.
check some of the older schaaps roms. also search for my personal fav blackdragon.. he did a masterful job on a wm6 rom.
then graduate to 6.1..
-peace and happy flashing!
If i remember correctly if you do flash the official ATT rom, you can soft reset the device right before the Carrier specific customization begins and interrupt all the att bloat.
I repeat again my dear friend/brother/... I really have nothing against you personally, and I am myself not that expert to answer all questions from everybody. I have a device and I'm trying almost everything on it because I know I'm dealing with software issues and I can reset whenever I want... so no risk at all in "jumping into the water" (thanks Joshkoss) as long as you read the necessary step-by-step guides.
I'm sorry for my intolerance, I surely didn't mean it to be.
PS I'm not counting my posts
Come to think of it, When i got my phone, I didn't read one wiki before I started flashing... It's that safe!! Just make sure you have HARD SPL!!
joshkoss said:
Come to think of it, When i got my phone, I didn't read one wiki before I started flashing... It's that safe!! Just make sure you have HARD SPL!!
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I remember that I unlocked my phone before having the hard SPL installed and after that I began to read the WIKIs
all htc rom
htc tytn i want htc tytn 200
update rom plz help
farres said:
I remember that I unlocked my phone before having the hard SPL installed and after that I began to read the WIKIs
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he he he he , same here. i also did the same and after i installed hard spl. bcoz i wasn't aware of hardspl and i didn't read the deatils available in wiki section of hermes at that time.
also i agree with josh koss quote "jump in, water is great". i really do agree with him. but in my opinion there are alway some sort of bugs available in cooked roms and they are not perfect but the official roms are perfect and there is rare chance that there will be any bug in it. i've tried many cooked roms of 6.0, 6.1 and 6.5, but rite now i am using official HTC rom from last 3 weeks and i haven't face any problem yet.
but the decision is yours, so cheers

Diamond ROM Dev - Soooo Confusing

Sorry to waste a thread but I guess I have a point here:
Coming from Hermes and then Kasier communities (and flashing hundreds of SPL/Radio/Rom on my Hermes & Kaiser for many months) I thought that at least I am able to upgrade HardSpl or Radio or Rom on any PDA.
Now I've got my Diamond and entering the Diamond Rom dev I feel as if I've entered a new website.
What's going on here ? Chefs and developers have teamed up together and are divided into various groups competing with each other. Diamond rom dev is not having the cooperative feeling of Kaisr community at all.
There's no unified (bipartisan) thread for HardSpl. Each group is saying that our HardSpl is the best.
I understand that different ROM developers make different roms. But what about HardSpl and Radio ?
ROM threads are turned to Stickys???
Isn't it something new to this community?
Even HardSPl threads (directly or indirectly) direct us to certain ROM dev teams.
Am I the only person confused here ?
What happened to the bipartisan Moderators ABOVE rom chefs ?
In fact, as far as I can see, Chefs have become Mods and this weakens the unified and bipartisan feel we used to see in Hermes or Kaiser ...etc. communities and throughout the entire xda forum.
Is it only me ? Are there any other confused members noticing that Diamond ROM Dev is taking an unusual direction?
I don't know how it was before, but i agree with you. Rom teams are popping like mushrooms and the threads keep getting bigger and bigger. For a newbie like mee i needed a couple of days just to read in to everything because of the lack of clearnes.
If the Rom Chefs just worked together and share idea's than this would be just great. Then it's also easier to make different languages. Now it salmost all the time WWE en nothing more because if someone wants to do that, they loose the competition of the fastest release.
Also the topic starts can be clearer. Enormous pictures, lettersize 18, etc.... does not help. I think there are some moderators needed here that restore order and are not Rom Chefs
you are right
i am "just" a junior member, but if you check my account you can see i am here for a "longer" time.
i came here from ARTEMIS threads and i feel the same as you but i did not want to mention it as a "junior member"
Old, well known, clever and cool guys went mad here in this section..
i am not sure why.
it "threatens me" a little bit, makes a pressure on me (sorry for poor english, i hope you can understand me.) i feel a little bit unconfortable. something like that.
This is why i made an own ROM based on STOCKs (thanks for HardSPL, for everybody who dumped the ROMs, etc..) and useing tweakapps.
(i don't want to use names....):
As i can see the guys who are makeing the tweaking apps are ok, but some of the guys who are cooking the ROMs has changed in this section.
anyway: ALL RESPECT for those who make DIAMOND better!!!!
wontcachme said:
I don't know how it was before, but i agree with you. Rom teams are popping like mushrooms and the threads keep getting bigger and bigger. For a newbie like mee i needed a couple of days just to read in to everything because of the lack of clearnes.
If the Rom Chefs just worked together and share idea's than this would be just great. Then it's also easier to make different languages. Now it salmost all the time WWE en nothing more because if someone wants to do that, they loose the competition of the fastest release.
Also the topic starts can be clearer. Enormous pictures, lettersize 18, etc.... does not help. I think there are some moderators needed here that restore order and are not Rom Chefs
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I'm afraid my point was not about lack of multilanguage roms ...etc.
I do NOT even want chefs to work together and make a brilliant rom for ME. The beauty of any Free Society is in its competition , diversity and plurality.
My point was something else - well I guess i mentioned it in my post
Yea I agree . I have been on these forums a while and this is a bit messy and I guess very daunting if you are a newbie.
1) Please Sticky the ROM Threads
2) Please sticky the RADIO Threads
3) Please Sticky the SPL Threads
Oh and please, please, please, lets start pulling our resources together . I love to try out all the ROMS and if we share our knowledge aren't we in a better position to get what we al want . The Pefect ROM !!
I know I'll probably get shot down in flames for this and my software dev knowledge you can right on a postage stamp but I do know about winning teams.
Bardia Garsha said:
Is it only me ? Are there any other confused members noticing that Diamond ROM Dev is taking an unusual direction?
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You are not alone.
I Agree...
absolutely agree.
personally i'd like to see one thread of hard-spls instead of 4 haha.. its quite cluttered..
Hear die well
You got another yes behind your remarks- Said but true.
I started with XDA Trion - Moved to TytnII and was pretty happy with the set directions- Mod support -bashing of newbies (myself included).
The Diamond ROM forum is "different":
- Not enough Mod's to have a closer look on garbage posted (Oliver- do have my PM's )
- A lot of Newcomer's on the Diamond- a lot of reduntant threads.
- INDEED, confusing HardSPL - ROM signed vs. non signed messages. Pointed out the (smallest) finger to the Chefs already - But hey, we need them! So let's not complain - Competition is not bad bewtween them.
I called it already the "War of the Chefs" in a thread , so let us benefit of it though....---> TOO MANY Roms with mostly spin-off's of one build
I saw a message on BePe's thread from a guy asking for less ROM's but Final ones with bug's sorted out. For sure, no one is forced to Flash anyway, but it just fill's the thread's with 100.000.000 time WOW -Downloading now ! etc.
I believe that it is our duty as older dweilers to support the chefs in terms of newcomers direction set-up. They cook, we taste, we give feedback - advice and we don't ask for too much, cause it is free.
Anyway, again, I follow your reasoning and do hope first of all to see better Mod support on the Diamond forum. I know the guys are under-manned, so they should maybe look into a few new mod's (my time zone is very favorable to clean dirt between Australia and Birmingham - tip)
I do believe that we are only at the beginning of a Forum which will grow a LOT seeing the possibilites the Diamond can offer.
Bardia Garsha said:
Is it only me ? Are there any other confused members noticing that Diamond ROM Dev is taking an unusual direction?
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agreed. i started with Artemis, then TYTNII, now Diamond... and i have to say the Diamond part of the forums is a whole new beast
too many roms, so little time, are people forgetting that they purchased their devices so they can be used... its turning out that they are just being flashed constantly on a daily basis.
back in the hermes days, when roms were developed, updated roms would generally be released on a monthly basis after feedback was collected from peoples experiences with the current rom.
i still peek over here now and then to see whats up and it is a bit of a mess.
well, if the diamond forum is a mess, the touch pro will even be worse once wm7 beta is avail for it.
btw. im waiting for the touch pro and will be developing roms for it, but not wm6.1 roms as the kernel and OS itself is a pos.
I think the problem is the lack of structure. It's hard to tell which rom is new from which dev group. Everything is mixed up. A couple of rom devs started to put the date in front of a post with a new rom. I think that's the first step in the good direction.
where are the mods
we need someone to tidy the forum up
ceevee369 said:
You got another yes behind your remarks- Said but true.
- INDEED, confusing HardSPL - ROM signed vs. non signed messages. Pointed out the (smallest) finger to the Chefs already
I believe that it is our duty as older dweilers to support the chefs in terms of newcomers direction set-up. They cook, we taste, we give feedback -
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haven't we been doing this in Kaiser & other communities ? just look how attentively we (as a little bit more senior members) try to reply and solve brand-new n00bs in other threads.
this thread is different. how can i help a n00b when i myself am too confused what HardSpl to flash ?
this seems to be the beginnig of a commercial rom movement. it's not mentioned directly anywhere, but throught the whole thread I can hear this loud & clear :
We left things complicated , jumbled and unclear so that if you want to know what the whole thing is about , you pay for it.
I tried to seach "How to Hard Reset Diamond" for an hour. couldn't find anything. it's my personal feeling : it's beginning to get commercial.
racerx_ said:
personally i'd like to see one thread of hard-spls instead of 4 haha.. its quite cluttered..
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everybody like to see that. But don't you think there's a reason behind this confusion?
Unlike all the other threads, there's an apparent lack of Authoritative Voice in diamond thread.
i coul'dnt agree more, this forum so so messed up.
Even DEV-teams has split an releasing roms as team members of that dev-team, and another member of that team is filling that thread with content...WHUUUTT, i cant explain it properly so hard is it to understand.
I think we need mods to take control and tidy things up a bit.
My vision of the ideal Diamond forum
- SPL's(soft, hard), just one, not a dev and a signed.(al spl's work great so why have many of them)
- Radio's(thread starter sums them up in order of release date and build number)
- Rulez of engagement for everyone who want to post here
- For each rom dev team(or single person) one thread with rom info and downloads and the thread title started with a date.
- For questions and such, search first and then ask(NOOBS)
Ill inform some mods here.
If you've ever been in Kaiser's forum then you'll know what's the diff between many versions of SPL. I dont' see why it has to be one SPL only if others make some differences. JockyW2001 knows better. He's been cracking and modifying SPL versions for Kaisers' users. It doesn't mean that Oli is not a good developer. He's the one who started it. Only that now we have our options. It's not their fault if noobs get into trouble trying to understand all of the purposes.Do you know why? Laziness is not tolerable. Lazy to read...Lazy to search...bla..bla..bla...
Yeah! I like this forum clean but not to the extend of " You should not develope any alternative for us! We already have one here!" Now, go to Kaiser Forum and read. Go to Hermes forum and read. Go to other forums and read. This is XDA-Developers Site
Sorry, I said what I want to say.
liamhere said:
where are the mods
we need someone to tidy the forum up
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No-one has reported that it is needed.
I am willing to do the job, but I do not have a Diamond and will need some input as to what should be deleted, kept, stickied or whatever the case may be.
P1Tater said:
No-one has reported that it is needed.
I am willing to do the job, but I do not have a Diamond and will need some input as to what should be deleted, kept, stickied or whatever the case may be.
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Maybe a good topic to discuss "downstairs" first..
Isn't there a dedicated mod for the diamond-forums?
Or aren't there dedicated mods for the forums?

Latest Official English HTC rom?

Hi Guys,
Anyone have a link to the latest official HTC Diamond rom?
yes, nice 1st post, learn to read
Ever tried the official HTC Website?
wonderiuy said:
yes, nice 1st post, learn to read
Ever tried the official HTC Website?
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What a really nice guy - your parents must be proud.
The official HTC website cannot be used to upgrade diamonds from other providers, like mine is an 02 Ignito.
I asked a simple question, after searching around here the list of official roms seems to be way out of date.
Is it too hard for anyone to supply a simple friendly answer round here?
I've seen a few links in other posts of this forum to the latest version. I think you can find them with Search - don't remember exactly where they were.
Here is all the new roms
I read two site back and find this, u must remember that if you need something and you dont find it in the FIRST page look at the next page. The answer can be there..
just a tip
That being the case, it's not really the *official* version that you want. You want the latest release to update your ignito branded unit. Precise communications make things so much easier, eh?
Simple friendly answers are common, as long as evidence indicates that you searched first. If you don't understand why people are touchy about this, please read any of the notes about posting to forums. They will explain. Briefly, the 1% of people that provide most of the help are exhausted from repeating themselves. They'd like to move on to new things. Hence the search features of forums. Yes, it takes a while to find exactly what you need. We've all been through it. Others are expected to do the same.
This is not a slam towards you, this is a simple, friendly answer. If you find it abrasive, you weren't listening.
paulrgod said:
What a really nice guy - your parents must be proud.
The official HTC website cannot be used to upgrade diamonds from other providers, like mine is an 02 Ignito.
I asked a simple question, after searching around here the list of official roms seems to be way out of date.
Is it too hard for anyone to supply a simple friendly answer round here?
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paulrgod said:
What a really nice guy - your parents must be proud.
The official HTC website cannot be used to upgrade diamonds from other providers, like mine is an 02 Ignito.
I asked a simple question, after searching around here the list of official roms seems to be way out of date.
Is it too hard for anyone to supply a simple friendly answer round here?
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NOT when what you're searching for is in the STICKIES!!
adwinp said:
NOT when what you're searching for is in the STICKIES!!
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Thanks for all your incredibly helpful replies.
In fact what i was looking for was not in the stickies - if you call the thread that was last updated in August what im looking for your very mistaken (but yes that thread was stickied, but it in no way shape or form contains the latest English ROM).
And to DrewVS - your presuming i wanted the 02 branded crap on my phone? No that is not what i asked for therefore that detail wasn't required.
Thanks a lot guys, really helpful freindly community you got here.
You all need to step off your pedestals and realise that not everyone knows what
RUU_Diamond_HTC_WWE-ME_1.93.456.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.29.25.12_1.0 0.25.05_Ship means.
The strings of numbers mean nothing to me, nothings clear around here and when someone asks for a little help, hey its my first post even to pounce and give all this bull****.
It's almost like you losers get off on preaching about the search and your precious out of date stickies.
Well - thanks again for the help and goodbye.
paulrgod said:
Thanks for all your incredibly helpful replies.
In fact what i was looking for was not in the stickies - if you call the thread that was last updated in August what im looking for your very mistaken (but yes that thread was stickied, but it in no way shape or form contains the latest English ROM).
And to DrewVS - your presuming i wanted the 02 branded crap on my phone? No that is not what i asked for therefore that detail wasn't required.
Thanks a lot guys, really helpful freindly community you got here.
You all need to step off your pedestals and realise that not everyone knows what
RUU_Diamond_HTC_WWE-ME_1.93.456.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.29.25.12_1.0 0.25.05_Ship means.
The strings of numbers mean nothing to me, nothings clear around here and when someone asks for a little help, hey its my first post even to pounce and give all this bull****.
It's almost like you losers get off on preaching about the search and your precious out of date stickies.
Well - thanks again for the help and goodbye.
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Sorry I have not got an answer for you but your right, its funny how the people who contribute nothing feel they have to make up for it by acting self important.
Personaly I think that simply not replying to your post if it offended them so much would have been more polite but obviosly good manners are not well known here.
I suppose that it gives them some sort of meaning, I would not worry about it though, just log in to download files like I do and let the blow hards do the "big I am" routine and stroke there own ego's.
THe good manners aire FIRSTLY to follow the rules... so hitting the SEARCH button be4 asking whatever question.
And SECONDLY, if he cannot recognize that RUU_Diamond_HTC_WWE-ME_1.93.456.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.29.25.12_1.0 0.25.05_Ship is the ROM he is looking for, how can we all encourage him to perform a ROM upgrade? What if he upgrade and BROCK the Diamond.
THIRD: does he knows he need HARD SPL?
wonderiuy said:
THe good manners aire FIRSTLY to follow the rules... so hitting the SEARCH button be4 asking whatever question.
And SECONDLY, if he cannot recognize that RUU_Diamond_HTC_WWE-ME_1.93.456.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.29.25.12_1.0 0.25.05_Ship is the ROM he is looking for, how can we all encourage him to perform a ROM upgrade? What if he upgrade and BROCK the Diamond.
THIRD: does he knows he need HARD SPL?
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Ooooh i can tell the rage is burning here, look at the angry response with all the BIG ANGRY CAPITALS and spelling errors, cool your beans my friend!
FIRSTLY - I did search but alas, could not find what i looked for so asked a simple, polite question.
SECONDLY - Apologies, i dont know how to speak Robot, if you think that RUU_Diamond_HTC_WWE-ME_1.93.456.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.29.25.12_1.0 0.25.05_Ship is clear version numbering - your simply a fool... oh and i think you meant 'I could BRICK my diamond' not too sure what BROCK means...
THIRDLY - I do know how to do firmware upgrade (thanks to a really helpful Sticky!! ...OMG ). Im currently on dutty's latest but dont like it, there are some annoying bugs - so again you assume i dont know that i need HARDSPL? You're wrong again you elitist loser....why not just look at the facts before Assuming things eh?
And..because im in a good mood; i'm gonna add a FOURTHLY - Piss off out of people's threads if you can't contribute anything constructive or helpful, whats the point, it just winds people up.
I realise there are some really hard working people here and a lot of you do deserve the donations, but why do you treat new people, asking general, polite questions like something you've scraped off your boot??? It's disgusting...
Ta Ta
And Thanks Jammy Dodger, i have looked through lots of threads here, and i'm not the only one they've pounced on and likely discouraged from taking part in the community - take care buddy!
The poor guy just isn't really into forums (both reading and posting, in that order ) and ROM upgrading...
What we can only hope for is that he either:
- learns from all of this, starts reading about reading forums, posting in forums and ROM upgrading (including HardSPL/SoftSPL) and succesfully flashes a new ROM, gets the hang of it, starts cooking his own ROMs and contributes to the xda-developer community (maybe even telling some newbies how to use the forum)
- he reads all comments, decides he doesn't like us and forgets aboud flashing and even about xda-developers
I definetely prefer the first option!
Come on guys, don't take it too serious!
paulrgod said:
Ooooh i can tell the rage is burning here, look at the angry response with all the BIG ANGRY CAPITALS and spelling errors, cool your beans my friend!
FIRSTLY - I did search but alas, could not find what i looked for so asked a simple, polite question.
SECONDLY - Apologies, i dont know how to speak Robot, if you think that RUU_Diamond_HTC_WWE-ME_1.93.456.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.29.25.12_1.0 0.25.05_Ship is clear version numbering - your simply a fool... oh and i think you meant 'I could BRICK my diamond' not too sure what BROCK means...
THIRDLY - I do know how to do firmware upgrade (thanks to a really helpful Sticky!! ...OMG ). Im currently on dutty's latest but dont like it, there are some annoying bugs - so again you assume i dont know that i need HARDSPL? You're wrong again you elitist loser....why not just look at the facts before Assuming things eh?
And..because im in a good mood; i'm gonna add a FOURTHLY - Piss off out of people's threads if you can't contribute anything constructive or helpful, whats the point, it just winds people up.
I realise there are some really hard working people here and a lot of you do deserve the donations, but why do you treat new people, asking general, polite questions like something you've scraped off your boot??? It's disgusting...
Ta Ta
And Thanks Jammy Dodger, i have looked through lots of threads here, and i'm not the only one they've pounced on and likely discouraged from taking part in the community - take care buddy!
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The frustration!
Ahaha he wrote 2 lines cuz i write Brock instead of Brick.
U r without arguments man
Maybe u can edit your signature so every1 here know u are already on a cooked ROM.
Omg I write ROM un uppercase... this is angry behaviour from my side. Sorry.
So u r able to GRAB
And u r able to ASK
Y don't u think about contribute? Or donating? Just a lil'... be4 asking.
I'm off, this discusison don't deserve anymore time
omar 1958 said:
RUU_Diamond_HTC_WWE-ME_1.93.456.2_Radio_Signed_Diamond_52.29.25.12_1.0 0.25.05_Ship, I hope the following will help:
• RUU_Diamond_HTC: This is an official rom by the manufacture (Hence HTC) for the Diamond aka Ignito amongst other names.
• WWE: Worldwide English.
• ME: Middle East, This is the region part in this case Middle East. In this example, the rom supports WWE and Middle Eastern setting, things like language support, radio type which relates to the network provider specs. From my humble experience, the ME and AR(the later stands for Arabic) specs are the same as European specs.
• 1.93.456.2: (1.93) rom version, latest in this case. (456) region, in this case Middle East. (2), latest patch,, the higher the better.
• Singned_Diamond: The rom will only mount on a Diamond singed with HTC’s own certificate. In other words, the rom will not work on branded Diamonds, like T mobile MDA or O2 XDA, hence the need for hard spl to flash an HTC rom on branded telephone.
• Radio version. Most Important factor in reception, GPS and battery life amongs other things.
Hope the above has helped.
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Thanks a lot Omar - thats very useful information.
@ paul:
first, did you noticed the phrase "developers" in the URL? Perhaps you did expect the wrong community...
But nevertheless we could/should help each other, so try this thread if you didn't found it already:
I guess you get what you are looking for with this linked upload:
RUU_Diamond_HTC_WWE_2.03.405.2_Radio_Signed_Diamon d_52.51.25.26_1.09.25.23_Ship
When I joined this forum, just like you (OP) I never really got any help from anyone here. I did all the searching I need but end up still needing to ask few questions here and there but no one would help me. Now I learned my lesson... you just need to read through the hundreds of pages of information here. It took me five days to understand on my own how to flash the radio. But its just me. I guess I'm slowww. But NO I'm not. I'm just a newbie and newbies are always told to "SEARCH". Your on your own buddy.
Still, XDA Forum rocks.

