Tech-Ed and WM 5.0: no news yet....... - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 General

Hey guys,
Better start a new thread where people can write off their tension while they're waiting for MrHappy to return from the depths of Tech-Ed to bring us the gift of WM 5.0... I think there are a lot of people watching his thread, and everytime someone posts something like "man I can't wait to see this!", all the others go "wow, new message, MrHappy's back!!!".
So... if anyone has anything else to say while we're rooting for MrHappy to take his ROM dump... go ahaid. Let's hope he gets back quickly so there won't be a lot of answers.
MrHappy, upon your victorious return, please post in your original thread...
Hey man, let's all pray for this guy, it's not easy taking a dump in the middle of a convention with everybody watching... even a ROM dump! :lol:

In the hacking forum you will find the grab_it tool, was also posted further up this thread.
Once you have renamed the file on the sd card you can no longer put it into your own device as it will dump that rom with the same file name (thus ontop of the ver 5.0)
Please write protect the sd card and use a PC to upload.

Go to the stand during a lecture when it will be quiet!
Quick question, once he has this "dump" how is it converted into something that can be loaded onto our devices?

IMO, this thread is a good thread to vent until MrHappy comes back with the goods. Then the XDA Dev Gods can start a new thread dedicating it to the new gift.

****. That's a really good point MDAIIIUser. That's a big problem with the automatic one. Hopefully he's read your posts and knows this, or never got the grab_it.exe altogether. It would be SO terrible for him to have the rom in his posession and then overwrite it.

I cant wait I cant wait.
I know this is a useless post but there's nowhere else to rant except infront of my brother who's can't understand what the fuss is all about.
MrHappy please do it pweezzz hehe

So am I, and I don't even have a BA yet....!

Oh well that's too much. Anyway the lucky Blue Angel is out of reach now. I hope the guys find it or someone who has it will be generous enough to give us.


We screwed up!

It is a sad day for this community.
In a series of mishaps and mistakes, best characterized as the sysadmin equivalent of a perfect storm, we lost more than 3 weeks of our database.
It all started when we decided to move posts to a whole new system of forums. In that process we screwed up. But we had made a backup just before, so we decided to go back to that, dropping the screwed-up database. Then it turned out that the most recent backup we made was truncated bacause of a memory limit, so it was unuseable.
This dropped us back to an older backup, which in this case was Over three weeks old!!!
This means that we lost:
All forum postings since October 4th
All new member registrations since October 4th
Records of donations since October 4th (this is recoverable...)
All News items (recoverable too)
If you have any important postings still on disk, in browser cache, or anywhere else, we'd like you to repost them.
Re-working the forum structure will still hapen, sometime later today, and without any further dramatic losses.
I apologize for this event, and we'll work even harder to make sure something like this will never happen again.
index.php was renamed to index-f***.php ?
thus when i go to i see a directory structure ?
Unlucky for some
ahhh **** if lost all my previous post thing on the left hand side tooo
am i the only one who in the process lost all memory of what happend since oct 4 ?
That are really bad news.
I realized, that also the PM-Part have been gone. :-(
This was really a great bull****.
Also not nice to here, that you have so much work....
I think there are some more important things to do....
If I or anyone else could help you, just inform us....
Rudegar said:
am i the only one who in the process lost all memory of what happend since oct 4 ?
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If that's true, than i still have a girlfriend.... ;-)
What a wonderful day....
LumpiStefan said:
If I or anyone else could help you, just inform us....
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That's sweet of you. Right now if all of us just keep posting good stuff and being positive then like any strong community, we'll use this setback to become stronger and better than ever before.
Hard work ahead, expect more (and this time positive) changes.
Maybe the forgot to swap the spectrums tape over
Peter Poelman said:
That's sweet of you. Right now if all of us just keep posting good stuff and being positive then like any strong community, we'll use this setback to become stronger and better than ever before.
Hard work ahead, expect more (and this time positive) changes.
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Time to start a new slate
By chance, ...
...yesterday night I launched a full synchronization of the home page, with a 3-level links deep detail, to check the forum during a flight this morning.
Would that help? :roll:
More Power..... !!!
Sorry to hear that, I was really surprised when I was checking up the forum, all threads are old. I was looking for the screen rotation thread to install it in my xda.
Isn't there any way to recover the last 3 weeks data?
Let us know if we can do any thing, you have all our support.
You have all my support
It's sad... but we would go other this...
Let us know what we can do!
Good news
Some threads will be partially reappearing: itsme is working on a script that will use the Google-cache as our backup. Not all will be well, but stay tuned for news...
@ abc
Please restart SRS thread!!!
Arrrgh I've lost over 130 posts
Oh well, that's life I guess - chin up and all that!
Hi all ... i'm so sorry to hear this ... it's the live...
Anyway i just save a page "PDA2K Rom Update from clubimate_recovered" all msg rom first page ... i hope this will help a little 0.0001%
It's true ... :-( i was olso at 60 posts about ...
... now i'll repost a lot
Just noticed that if I attempt to access I get your message about data being lost and to try again later, however if I use the link to the front page which I have saved in favorites, I am able to access the board. Will this stop people accessing the board from a results list in Google or similar??
If I click on the link in this text I get this......
Oh ****....
We're having problems, and we may have lost some data. Please check back later.. :shock:

I want to help get this site back up to its fine standard

I am new to this community (this may even be one of my first posts, i cant remeber) but ive read alot of what is going on.
this is no matter what people say a good site....but recently its unbearably slow which is really killing the community sharing help etc, the ftp got wiped out, im sure alot of the members who put worki into that are extremely annoyed, and finally there are so many people on the forum posing the same old 'help i did this' stuff...which leads to the conclusion that the faqs need an update.
well i am unsure of who the admin(s) are but it looks like you guys are struggling or do not have the time to solve these issues on your own.... which i can appreciate.
so i for one would like to offer some help...and im sure the older more experienced members would lend a hand too.
my initial thoughts would be to get some of you veterans to update the faqs try to incorporate the whole upgrading and downgrading as simply as possible... far too many ppl are trying 2005. o and a nice clear sign about the mda3 unlocking.
the other thing i feel is a necessary step is to make the ftp readonly to normal users and have a set of superusers with write access...these would be the people that use it the most or are well respected members...if someone other than them have something worth uploading then they need to send it to a superuser to check and do... its a minor point but it would provide some security without hindering those superusers that need to upload regularly.
finally the slowness.. i dont know whats causing it but theres a solution to every problem...if the server has a low throughput im sure i read somewhere someones company was willing to donate a dedicated server to our cause...wouldnt evev need donations with that.
well theres my 2 pence what do you guys think? i want this community to keep going..the only way thats gonna happen is by putting some effort in!
I wholeheartedly agree.
In recent months there has been a real decline in the quality of this forum, and though it's not particularly anyone's fault, there is SO much repetition and laziness by so many people who post the same questions AGAIN and AGAIN without taking the time to search first. There's fresh examples of this within the past day!
I don't know how others feel, but as far as I'm concerned there are certain rules that should be followed if a forum is to keep it's usefulness and keep to a structured order. I used to run one many moons ago so I know what I'm talking about. Firstly, people seem to post wherever they want, regardless of content. I can't count the number of times I've seen "help crashed my XDA2 going up to WM2003SE" in General or Development/Hacking. 99 times out of 100 it will be the Country ID error, something I've read about so many times I could now fix in my sleep. I can understand people's panic when this happens as it happened to me as well, but what I did was calm down, get on here and search for Country ID errors. Low and behold, DCS and edSub to the rescue and within half an hour I was back on the road to Upgradeville.
Secondly, there's been a general increase in the rudeness of people posting; from new members and old. Some think that it's OK to post half their question in the Subject, then go "anyone got any ideas?". Then when there's no response within a few hours, the same poster is back saying "no one seen this?" or with some insult about people not helping. Even I've had an odd dig the odd time, so I know how easily it happens.
Thirdly, the WM2005 interest is hacking me off. I can appreciate it if it solves the problems of those using it over 2003SE, but (and I can't believe I'M saying this) just cos it's out there doesn't mean we have to have it - especially considering the risks of such a topic. I'm no legal expert on this but I know MS have been coming down HARD on ANYONE hosting or posting screenshots / divulging information about an alpha product (AFAIK). I wish the moderators would remove this, and then emphasise, as they have done on tekguru, that they will not comment / tolerate any hosting or screenshots etc. I don't want to see this site shut down, and I've posted about it before, only to find a few days later some idiot HAS uploaded the files to the FTP. I bet it hasn't helped the recent slowness, quite aside from its illegality!!
I agree Tim, I too would love to lend a hand where needed. I would be happy to help with constructing more up to date FAQs like on tekguru, and I completely agree that FTP needs to be readonly to all new users and most regular members also (prob inc me :shock: ). This site needs to get back on track, as it's still by far the most useful and helpsite resource for XDA/MDA/whatever and I would hate to see it go down the pan.
glad to see i'm not the only one willing to lend a hand
if we can get a few more people willing to help then it wont take very long at all to get this place going well again
I think Admins have abandoned XDA-Developers site time ago,but in some topics I read that they were busy with the Xanadux Project(Linux port),try to ask more to Peter Poelman e Lumpistefan about admins. 8)
So,I agree partially,there is no return from hold Win2k5,we need to keep it, we are a community,we will not share it in the FTP for security but need to know more about it,reverse it. You can't stop the knowoledge! Also Win2k3SE for XDA2,it is not officially announced,but you can read plenty of posts.
Some minor things to Upgrade,Improve in this site are:
-Create a CHAT in the site: Many users will benefit to this live communication,not only posts.
-NEW Profiles: add XDA3,Magician,etc..options
-Avatars disappeared, admin told it is for couple of weeks,some months ago.
-Improve the Search engine: Did you try to search something? it will return too many post,unrelated.
-Find and fix why XDA-Developers is so slow.
heh you just reminded me...the chat thing
i thought it would be nice to do an irc channel
and thanks for the info i will email peter... if the admins are busy with xanadux thats fine (im quite interested in the project) but we could do with someone to step in and keep this place running (peter?) and to organise a team to do what we all see as the issues.
as to the legality of win mob 2005...ive never cared about legal issues personally...but from the point of view of admin it must be removed off of xda dev...if someone hosts it somewhere and links it in a foum be it on their head... but xda dev cannot host it for their own safety
tim_programmer said:
as to the legality of win mob 2005...ive never cared about legal issues personally...but from the point of view of admin it must be removed off of xda dev...if someone hosts it somewhere and links it in a foum be it on their head... but xda dev cannot host it for their own safety
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Exactly, MS have shut down sites for simply having posted screenshots, or at least told them in no uncertain terms, to remove them. To find we have uploaded installation files to this site is a big concern to me and MUST be sorted.
Count me in!
Hi all,
I've been scrounging through these forums for a while now and have learnt a lot - cheers to all with the knowledge who are willing to share. I've managed to unlock XDA 1, 2 and 2s (ok, had to pay to sim unlock MDA3 - but found the link here! ;-) ) recently as mentioned we have a painfully slow site, a simple search provides 50 pages of mostly unrelated threads, 10 pages of which are all about the same thing! I'm more than happy to help sort out some proper FAQ pages; I've cocked up on ROM flashing due to country ID too! It's a panicky situation - none of us wants a 200-400 pound paperweight! In short - count me in for hands on help, I'd love to learn more but also help the others out a bit.
well i sent a pm to peter and no reply as yet (its only been a day so im not giving up yet) but i just read another post of someone tring to get in contact and he seemed to have very little luck... im running out of ideas here i want to help but if the main ppl are not around then we cant really do much... it looks like the admin team have gone completely awol ... im almost tempted to say we should find someon willing to do free hosting (someone mentioned it in one of th forums) and mirror the site...but that defeats the idea of having one nice place... id raher fix than replace....anyone got any ideas?
unapproachable2kx said:
try to ask more to Peter Poelman e Lumpistefan about admins. 8)
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I'm far away being an admin or anything else here. :roll: I'm just a normal user as you are...
But I've talked to a few of the xda-deveolpers team at the fair cebit in the middle of march. They have lot of work, so this maybe the point why they aren't so often in the forum. And i think for 99% the community just works well without any of those "admins"...
unapproachable2kx said:
-NEW Profiles: add XDA3,Magician,etc..options
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The profiles (XDA and XDA II) are a special patch for the phpBB-Software. Sadly this patch do not allow more than two profiles. This is the case why only those 2 profiles exists and why the forum is splitted in seperate sections (XDA, XDA II, MAgician, Blueangel, ...)
hey thanks for the info lumpistefan
tis a bit of a shame we cant get hold of someone able to solve the slowness and ftp issue!
with regards to the faq's im gonna try and make an introduction to the himalaya cover sim lock flashing and a few other important things in my spare time if anyone feels like working on the other hansets feel free.. my plan is to do it over next couple of weeks and post it for review make sure i cover everything.
Looks like the site is starting to get quicker again.
Well done to who ever fixed this.
Much more enjoyable browsing through the posts.
Keep up the good work.
Amphetamine dust on the cpu did the trick.
Thank you tim_programmer for starting this topic.
I am coming towards the end of a project that's been keeping me busy. Once finished, I would be happy to lend a hand also.
Whilst lumpistefan has a point about admins, I believe they are needed. Human nature dictates that while the cat's away the mice will play. Trouble is, some of the mice (the 1%) are turning into rats
As regards WM2005, although I don't agree in censorship in that we should be able to discuss it, etc., it is obvious that Microsoft are not going to tolerate very much and we (the site) are on very thin ice by allowing hosting of content and links, etc. Again, it is the admins duty to sort this out. We have pushed the envelope with stuff before, but that involved already released products.
Some of us reverse, some of us hack. We can still do that when WM2005 is released officially (in whatever language )
i agree server has got quicker...tis nice
with regards to wm2005 its only the hosting im concerned with everything else like discussing hacking reverse engineering go for it!
Ummm.... (I'm feeling like I might regret this...) it wouldn't be that hard to start an alternative website for these machines. Not that I wish to minimise the huge contribution made by to the understanding and improving of these HTC devices, but if the admins on this site don't have the time to moderate it and manage it and don't respond to offers of help or support then perhaps we should form an alternative?
I'm a web developer and have worked in the past with the Minerva forum/website package ( ) and it's very very good when you're looking for a website-in-a-box. It wouldn't be so hard to set it up and try to take some of the load off while acknowledging the work that's been done here so far.
Edit - as for the site getting quicker, well it isn't for me. Just took 5 minutes to submit this post...
I don't often look at this site these days because the speed is so bad. It'll be losing regulars already I'm sure.
wow. this hasn't been posted in in forever. Sorry to revive this but there is some good info here. I want to help get this site back on track as well. I have tons of free time to dedicate as well.
Yep, got to agree. The main problem is lazyness by posters. No one reads
There are so many infringements of 1,2,and 5.
But what can you do ? You can't just ban people, because its normally just done once or twice by somebody when they are desperate for a solution.
The problem here is, as was said higher up, the number of threads on the same subject almost makes the search useless because it is hard to find the one with the definitive answer. I try to help people but when you see a question that has been asked numerous times before you think "why should I bother, I'll have to search to point hime in the correct direction, so why can't he"
What I did suggest was that duplicated posts/repeated topics were moved to a repetition bin, and deleted after a week. But at the moment the amount of work for the mods each day would be huge.
I agree with everythig that has been said in this post, I have been browsing xda-developers for about 3 years now, altho i have only been registered about a year, as my contribution has been very little.
However i feel that my knowledge has increase greatly, mainly due to this site, and i would love to help with FAQ's, Admin, Reviews, and anything else you guys want help with. I dont have a lot of free time, but any that i do have i will gladly donate to xda-developers in the hope that we can make this site what it used to be.
I think it is obvious that something needs to be done, but at the moment we only have suggestions and unless someone steps forward with a solution that is all this post is going to be. (this sounds a bit harsh, sorry).
So here's to keeping the community alive.
kevino said:
Yep, got to agree. The main problem is lazyness by posters. No one reads
What I did suggest was that duplicated posts/repeated topics were moved to a repetition bin, and deleted after a week. But at the moment the amount of work for the mods each day would be huge.
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This would be a massive task, sure, but a site this big could do with more moderators to move and delete duplicate posts. There are a lot of people who have been a member of this site for quite some time who I am sure wouldn't mind chipping in to help if they were asked, I know I would like the chance to give more back to this site after the help, support and knowledge I have gained. How many moderators do we have at the moment? Just my thoughts, I love this forum and would love to help improve it.
domain expires this year!
kevino said:
Yep, got to agree. The main problem is lazyness by posters. No one reads
There are so many infringements of 1,2,and 5.
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Yes but that's your standard problem on all forums. The underlying problem is that the administrators have abandoned us. We need a few full time mods to make everything runs smoother. A LOT needs to be updated.
One of the biggest problems i noticed with the site immediately was it's speed. The one place we can improove the sites speed almost instantly is the search. There is NO search flood control in place. There is also no limit on the minimum size of a search string. So it's capturing at the at, or, it, to, etc. searches. Id needs to have wildcards enabled. and filter out two letter searches. (maybe even three, but with the phone names the filtering might just be a pain)
Also i don't know if anyone realizes but will expire on 12/12 of 2006. I have emailed the person that is registered under the domain name and haven't received a reply yet. If i don't soon I may just go to a third party and reserve the domain when it expires. Although there's also the problem of getting all the infinite information off this guys server which is probably sitting in his basement in the netherlands.
It would be ideal to get another server and mirror this site on it as .net or something. But i don't know if we currently have enough traffic to generate the kind of revenue needed to keep the thing paid for.
And as a side note. Does anyone know how i can download from the ftp? It just disconnects me instantly with flashfxp, firefox, or ie.
[edit] also the search needs to have more options and a "titles only" search would greatly help narrow things down. There needs to be a "README: How to search" sticky detailing boolean searches.

Windows Mobile 5.0
Brilliant source to find out about the up and coming mobile os. But my question is will we able to run this OS on the XDA IIs, Blue angel, SPV... well woteva u call them fingy ma jigs PDA fingies.
I say this because ive heard rumours that the OS makes use of more sophisticated hardware than that already available on the XDA IIs.
Oh baring in mind im reletively new to XDA development (looking to develop some groovy stuff for the lil monster using the good ol' trusty .net framework SDK)...
Erm, read the thread at the top of the page about WM2005 and the XDA2s.
Also, this chap is worth a read. It's my fave thread of all time!!
I have a buddy, with a WM2005 build on a blue Angel (Siemens Sx66), so Yes it will work. I have tried and tried to aquire this but he will not share this.... :-(
Raptor said:
I have a buddy, with a WM2005 build on a blue Angel (Siemens Sx66), so Yes it will work. I have tried and tried to aquire this but he will not share this.... :-(
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he is soooo not your friend, i say, get him sooo drunk, wait til he passes out, spike his drink if u must, then do a rom dump and draw on his face with a marker pen while you wait.
give us his address raptor and i guarentee well have the rom
Raptor, I think he's bullshitting you. If not, ask to see his phone for a second, and slip in and SD Card with the Invisible Rom dumper.
good ideas guys... he is serious though, I have seen it (with tight scrutiny)... he works for a wireless service provider that shall rename nameless. I used to work there as well so I know the consequenses he's facing ......
Still good ideas, still might have to try them.
Do it!! I'm sure he can afford to take one for the team
Are you sure he hasn't just got the generic PPC WM2005, 'cos we really need the BA specific WM2005 (if I understand correctly)?
Are you sure he hasn't just got the generic PPC WM2005
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Educate Me, what's the difference and how would I tell?
Don't worry about his question, Raptor, you already answered it correctly above. He just wasn't reading/paying attention.
Raptor, if you could get us a dump of this guy's rom, you would be forever famous, and we would all be very much in your debt.
Read here as to how:
Simply follow the instructions, and then insert the SD Card into his device, and BAM, rom dumped, secretly and invisibly. THen, take the SD Card back out, switch it to LOCKED, and then give us the .bin file it created, and we will all have WM2005 for our Blue Angels.
See if our good freind Raptor was some how able to obtain this lovely lil .bin file (the ROM), of the wonderful WM2005, hmm wouldnt that upset Mr.Gates in sum way? (Not that im really bothered or anything, cos im all for sharing, because remember, sharing is always caring ).
But cheers for the reassurance Mr.Raptor much appreciated, gna seek means of finding me self a copy (some nerd, some where must have a copy which he will surely borrow me, willingly or unwillingly... muhahahaha)
This reminds me of a thread with Mr happy which came to no avail
Well I do not want to get anyone's hopes of, the ideas to get him drunk and "borrow" his device were merely that, funny ideas. My message was mainly to inform all that contrary to what I have heard, it is working on the BA successfully. I will not be getting this build (unofficailly) from him as I respect his position @ the company and it would put him, his position, and the company @ legal risk.
Damn. Oh well. I would, just in retaliation for these companies not offering us updates just to steal more money from us, and then lying about it.
Honestly, I have no respect for companies that provide sub-standard support for their products.
unless there's carrier branding, they would never know where it came from.
if not do it for your country
he said it was the SX66, so who sells that?? Cingular!!
His profile says he uses Bell Mobility South.
that's the same company
I SO knew that .

OMG I need help upgrading

Ok well I stumbled upon this forum in search of a way to fix my 8525. My problem was that the media player on my phone wont recognize the memory card. I upgraded from the Cingular wireless operating system to the AT&T version. I see that you guys have a WM6 version and hopefully that would solve my problem along with the bugs in WM5.
I had no idea I would be so overwhelmed by technology. I really hope this means Im just out of the loop and not that Im getting old.
I downloaded the file from this thread
but I dont have a program to decompress it. So I downloaded winrar from and now windows still says it doesnt know what program it is and wont open it.
Can some one please give me a step by step on how to install WM6 for my Cingular 8525. Also, which version should I use? There seems to be many different versions up and they all have their own thread. As long as it will play my mp3s and have support for a 2 or 4gb micro sd
I swear Im really not retarded but I just dont have time to research all this myself.
Thank you so much for your help!
jimbo69ny said:
I really hope this means Im just out of the loop and not that Im getting old.
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How old are you
Mrvanx guides is what you want do a quick search and you'll find it.
yeah, we don't have time to SEARCH FOR IT FOR YOU either. Sometimes you have to sacrifice.. lol .. that's funny 'I dont have time .. ' lol .. well .. MAKE time or brick your phone.
if you don't have time to read up, then you shouldnt upgrade your phone. since you definately need to read up and do research, start with the wiki.
wpbear said:
How old are you
Mrvanx guides is what you want do a quick search and you'll find it.
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Thank you for your help. telling me what to search for was a huge help. I had no idea where to start. Im surprised how unhelpful people on this forum are to new guys trying to figure it out. They all say to search but dont give any direction.
By atleast telling me to search for Mrvanx guides I found them and I got it done. I now have Black Satin on my phone. Im not all that happy with the media player and the phone will randomly freeze up using Black Satin. Is there a better OS to use? I also really dont like that it doesnt have voice dial.
random freeze could be due to application you've installed has issues with WM6. just by wm6 black satin itself, does your phone freeze too?
The best place for you to start is the places below my signature. The WIKI first, since you've a lot a learning to do. Then Mr. Vanx Upgrade Guides; follow the directions carefully, don't take any shortcuts and you'll be flashing ROMs like an expert in no time. If you follow any of these forums for long you'll also see a great deal of frustration from folks who spend a great deal of time answering new threads on old questions that are already answered in the WIKI and just need to be searched (hence, your previous replies....)
Best wishes
Thank you for your help.
I used Mr Vanx upgrade guide to get Black Satin installed. I will read the Hermes WIKI and Wiktionary next time I have a few hours to kill.
The freezing seems to have stoped after a few soft resets but I am really not happy with the Media manager. My main motivation for doing all this was because I really wanted a stellar media player. On my WM5 version media player it stoped regonizing my memory card and the only way I could play music was to go through file explorer and play them each individually. Even the media player in WM6 wont recognize my card. Its a brand new card. grrrrr
I have gotten countless error messages. It will also just randomly stop playing. You name it!
"The titles associated with this playlist no longer exsist" - a new message I just got
its just so fustrating
jimbo69ny said:
Thank you for your help. telling me what to search for was a huge help. I had no idea where to start. Im surprised how unhelpful people on this forum are to new guys trying to figure it out. They all say to search but dont give any direction.
By atleast telling me to search for Mrvanx guides I found them and I got it done. I now have Black Satin on my phone. Im not all that happy with the media player and the phone will randomly freeze up using Black Satin. Is there a better OS to use? I also really dont like that it doesnt have voice dial.
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you know, labeling us unhelpful aint gonna motivate us.
flash schap's 3.54c.
.....I swear Im really not retarded but I just dont have time to research all this myself.....
uhhhmm am i still half asleep or am i really reading this right? want us to hold your hand while you search through the forums? i know i was in the same situation as you at least a month ago. but dont remember sounding demanding as you. your royal highness..
...Thank you for your help. telling me what to search for was a huge help. I had no idea where to start. Im surprised how unhelpful people on this forum are to new guys trying to figure it out. They all say to search but dont give any direction.
we will leave this for your MOM to do for you...
cant believe this.. dont think i feel good today..
hey steve! looks like youre in a roll today! last time i checked you had 76 posts now your at 100...
OP should be thankful for your kind help.......
asking how old OP is, is really a valid question...
bapski said:
.....I swear Im really not retarded but I just dont have time to research all this myself.....
uhhhmm am i still half asleep or am i really reading this right? want us to hold your hand while you search through the forums? i know i was in the same situation as you at least a month ago. but dont remember sounding demanding as you. your royal highness..
...Thank you for your help. telling me what to search for was a huge help. I had no idea where to start. Im surprised how unhelpful people on this forum are to new guys trying to figure it out. They all say to search but dont give any direction.
we will leave this for your MOM to do for you...
cant believe this.. dont think i feel good today..
hey steve! looks like youre in a roll today! last time i checked you had 76 posts now your at 100...
OP should be thankful for your kind help.......
asking how old OP is, is really a valid question...
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Wow Thats awesome.
Your right I really dont have time to be messing with all this. Not that I need to validate myself to you but I have a full time job that occupies most of my time but when Im not there Im at my property management company overseeing my employees and making sure their working.
Unfortunetly this turned out to be way more complex than I originally thought. But as they say, if you want it done right.....
wpbear helped by telling me to do a search for Mr vanx guides. How would I have otherwise know wno the hell Mr Vanx was and why would I have known he had guides. So thank you wpbear ps Im 25
Thank you nstefanelli for telling me to look up Wiki and thank you stevebonning for the links.
And bapski, Hows this for demanding......... I demand for you to eat my ass!
Oh and another error message I keep getting is
"Memory critically low"
"You must select one task to close"
Audio Manager
Active Sync
These are the only two programs I have open and I have plenty of memory
You dont have to answer me. Ill do the research. I just thought Id post what I saw.
You must flash HARD SPL v7 and flash new rom.
read this topic:
Oszi said:
You must flash HARD SPL v7 and flash new rom.
read this topic:
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Ok Ill try that later on.
Was killing some time here at the hospital. My colleagues were really getting me frustrated, so I thought i'd spend some time here at the forum.....don't know it that was a wise decision........
I will say however, that I spent the first several weeks on this forum just reading threads and the WIKI. I was terrified to post, fearful of a flame. What I did learn during that time of observation and reading is that not too many people do it, and I saw how many of the mods got (and continue to get) frustrated at the lack of willingness of new members to take the info that is here in the forum and help themselves. I've just passed 100 posts but I don't think any of them was a request for help. Don't need much help as long as I can read....
Where are you loading your programs too? The mem card or the device itself? I have Satin and no lock up issues but I think the low memory is what is locking your device up. Also you can check Black sating website and he has a file cab with Cybertron Voice dial and also for Cybertron Voice command.
One thing for sure is that you will need a good deal of time when it comes to upgrading, flashing, etc. Not just the learning process, but the inevitable bugs and stumbles along the way. Especially at the beginning you need to make sure everything is done right (The Upgrade Guides help here as well as having Hard SpL installed). But this process does take time and if you don't have the time to spend, you're risking making your phone a brick. Once you get going it's a lot of fun. I'm flashing more often now than that homeless guy on the corner!
jimbo69ny said:
Wow Thats awesome.
Your right I really dont have time to be messing with all this. Not that I need to validate myself to you but I have a full time job that occupies most of my time but when Im not there Im at my property management company overseeing my employees and making sure their working.
Unfortunetly this turned out to be way more complex than I originally thought. But as they say, if you want it done right.....
wpbear helped by telling me to do a search for Mr vanx guides. How would I have otherwise know wno the hell Mr Vanx was and why would I have known he had guides. So thank you wpbear ps Im 25
Thank you nstefanelli for telling me to look up Wiki and thank you stevebonning for the links.
And bapski, Hows this for demanding......... I demand for you to eat my ass!
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all if not most of us here have full time jobs. so that again is a lame excuse.
sure like does not behave a 25 year old.. and you with employees? yeah right.. good luck to your company...
good riddance to your errors mate.. everything's in the wiki...
stevebonning said:
I will say however, that I spent the first several weeks on this forum just reading threads and the WIKI. I was terrified to post, fearful of a flame. What I did learn during that time of observation and reading is that not too many people do it, and I saw how many of the mods got (and continue to get) frustrated at the lack of willingness of new members to take the info that is here in the forum and help themselves.
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Ditto to that
ericc191 said:
Ditto to that
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same here.. too bad not to many new people do that. and its a shame how the same people come out to be the arrogant and cocky ones when they are reminded to also help themselves first by doing a simple research. heck its just like doing your homework. if you've done a homework in your lifetime i think youd be able to figure out doing a search and their will be less useless time and space in here...

Looking for help with Tilt 2 w/broken mic.

My first Tilt 2 got some water damage and no longer has microphone ability. Can anyone cook me up a rom with no phone stuff? A tilt tablet so to speak. It does everything else perfectly even bluetooth works and will handle calls. But as you all can see this streak is my main device. I would like to outfit it with tts and other augmentive communications for my Autistic boy. A mini computer so to speak. It is already running roms as I am no stranger here. Maybe ondra can give this a whirl. My axim is mint but aging in the view of froyo on my Streak. It is not suited for the task of mini pc. A nice Rom with no phone apps and no drivers pointing to the radio.... No radio... What have you. You guys would know better than me.
Any help would be appreciated. Funds are tight. But just ask anyone, I'm not shy with donations.
Thanks for reading.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
why not just take the sim card out? everything will still work except the phone and texting. the internet will still work if u have a wifi connection.
Why of course What a Simple Solution!....
You obviously miss the entire scope of WHY ROM building exists my friend. With the ability to have a cooked Rom on a smaller footprint within the device. Smaller Roms can free up pagepool memory with the right kitchen and cook. Apps can be installed into ROMS. Heck even tweaked to be more "embedded" into the OS or the GUI etc etc... do I really have to get into all of it with you...? I mean come on, why are you here if you don't know "why" XDA exists?
Anyone can workaround this idea..... I want to streamline the ROM as I have done with the Axim X51v in the past. Heck I'm even putting a new Rom on that Axim AS, I type this.... and my other Fully working Tilt later today....
Where do you think my SIM card was and is, when I started my thread from my STREAK?
Uh, Hello! Thanks for your reply though!
Honestly what's with the attitude? You could have just said that instead of going off on one just because he/she suggested something!
OK you want a ROM without all the phones stuffs to free more ROM/RAM but was there any need for your attitude in your reply??
I mean come on, why are you here...
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Why are you here if you can't be more civilized against another members reply, whether it is not what you're looking for or not... You could have quite easily said his/hers reply was of no help to you
The perceived attitude comes from the evident lack of Internet Etiquette.... Civilized.... Read on Man You 2 aren't even following simple forum rules and common sense.
To answer your question directly..."You could have just said that instead of going off"
THAT "WAS" STATED in the first post! My Goodness another one!
Had the individual bothered to exercise simple courtesy through reading - they would have read this excerpt.... from the first post. and NOT asked it in his reply.
I wrote... "as you all can see, this streak is my main device"
This indicates that the SIM CARD IS indeed in my streak and not inside the damaged Tilt 2. The existence of the text itself conveys my desire to have this information KNOWN to the reader.
I end with this... Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
This also confirms that I am on the STREAK writing the post from the device containing the SIM Card.
Do you get that.... ? They ignore the REASON XDA EXISTS... and the SECTION HEADER ENTITLED MOBILE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT. He ignores the CONTENT of the thread and DISCARDS the FACTS of the MATTER within my post.
HE then asks me a question that was and would have been answered for him... already had he exercised simple internet etiquette.
And then look at you... you come on and Say.. WHy didn't you just say that.... You ask me to REPEAT MYSELF!
Well, I did by referencing the first post instead of hand holding and typing it all again!!!! Mind you friend, YOU SKIPPED OVER IT TOO. Now that's 2 of you.. off topic and asking for hand-holding.
So do me the favor and stop ignoring common sense, forum and internet etiquette, the topic and category section titles... and then ask someone to hold your hand and explain it... When it WAS ALREADY EXPLAINED.... Do you see the problem here?
I asked for ROM development help at XDA in Windows Mobile Development...
His question and post would not have existed if he and YOU bothered to note. WHERE we are, Where I posted... and What the Facts of the case were.
Simple... I'm not being rude, nor do I have an attitude... These thing cannot be inferred or gleaned through TEXT. I'm just pointing out the truth. How you handle said truth is not my affair.
Although I appreciate you chiming in... Please if you cannot help me with my REQUEST that I have posted in the appropriate place... I'd like to reserve the commentary to those who wish to help out and talk about COOKING up a STREAMLINED ROM for my AUTISTIC BOY to get more out of the device in it's current state. I do not wish to be called to view every reply that is as out of touch as the two of these are.
If anyone wishes to mull over the particulars of the START of the thread and haggle about it in such a way as depicted in the previous posts that are in reply... please start your own thread and I will link to it. This way everyone else who chooses to "NOT" read the THREAD STARTING POST and UNDERSTAND my request will have a place that they can all be confused together and ignore each other in peace.
I did not post... Hey what can I do with my Tilt 2 in the general forums, now did I?
I'll say one thing:
you are looking to have a ROM for your TILT 2?
Why not post in here:
Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile ROM Development
And since you want a ROM DEVELOPED for you, try posting it in the correct forum?
I don't want to go to your level of Incompetence but it seems I had to....
This is not development, it's a request. Does not belong here. If you were making a ROM and had something to share, then perhaps, though a device forum would be better to use.

