Universal goes wiki - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro Software Upgrading

Universal goes wiki
A wiki page has been opened for the Universal
Please look here before asking questions on the forum.
All users can edit this page so you can all add information thus making it a better source of information.
It has the structure of the Blueangel wiki so you use that for templets

erm, afaik the universal allready had a wiki, and why do you call it the atom in your post?

Well that could be the case but it did not have a sticky. (you know Idea that you read the sticky first, go to wiki, use search and then post).
As to why it is called atom, well I rekon cut and paste does not have a content checker. I will correct it.

Boot Options Menu
never mind ...

While connecting to the link I get fatal error.

Need the WM6 for my Universal. English or German is fine. Which link is it on the Wiki?

how to change the housing?


Vodafone Rom

Is there a UK vodafone ROM for the BA. My provider is vodafone and it would nice to have the correct settingd for my BA, instead of usinf the T-Mobile rom.
Someone (not me) dumped the ROM here: ftp://ftp.xda-developers.com/Uploads/Blueangel/Vodafone_VPx_1.22.nb1
Read the wiki http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Blueangel for details of how to use this file.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for that, but i don't seem to have permissions to get into that directory.
i got the rom, the extension is different to what i expected, do i have to use a different loader for this, as changing the extension from nb1 to nbf did not work.
Look at this first..
Hi Lordeo..
Do youself a favour.. Look at this..
After, have a quick look at this..
As you can see, there's no direct UK Vodafone ROM available however, you can look at upgrading your Rom to the highest here..
Then applying the UK Vodafone MMS, GPRS and SMS settings from a post I authored a while ago by clicking here..
Ok, the downside here is that you'll have what is essentally a T-Mobile branded phone..
Lastly, there's always the option of upgrading to WM5.. See here..
If you do decide to go ahead with this, please read part of a post I authored a couple of days ago.. It states..
General Tips to you (and others)..
If you do want to update or upgrade then make sure you read everything through first.. Make sure you're happy in doing it.. Perhaps use the search function to read through others comments.. I would also recommend reading others comments about trying to downgrade from WM5 to WM2003SE to see what others have encountered
You will not believe the amount of people who end up posting questions when they've not followed the instructions from Wiki that I've pasted for you here..
Finally, if you are stuck, use the search command and describe your problem in the Keywords section, select Blue Angel from the Category and read through the posts relating to it before posting questions..
I think that's everything..?
Restoring ROM dump
Take a look at this thread: http://en.pdamobiz.com/en/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=151&PN=1 at the end of the first posting there is a brief section entitled How to Restore. Copy the .nb1 file onto an SD card and follow the instructions in the post to restore. Good luck!
thanks for all the info.
for some reason the rom backup file would not automatically install from the SD. oh well. i went to wm5 very nice but i can not get my gps to pair correctly with bluetooth, back to the t-mobile rom at least tom tom works with 2003 correctly

Clear_notify.exe : Please Post this EXE

I tried searching this software on this site, I cant find a download for it.
This software is loaded into the startup folder and clears any duplicates of notifications. Ensures alarms work in PPC.
I think scarybear software developed it, and they have removed the link.
PLEASE post a version here for downloading.
PLEASE state version number if you can
PLEASE state your device OS ( ie WM5, WM2003, etc).
Thanks in advance.
I found this :
I think its the same thing.
Wrong forum for this sort of question....
Your kidding, question about custom software on development forum. Mate cut back on the beers !
Err.... questions about *software* in the *Accessories* forum? There are better forums on this website for your kinda question. That's all.
This Accessories forum tends to be about hardware: cases, car kits, holders, GPS etc. The general 'Universal' forum might be more appropriate.
Here you go...

ROM and Software subforums

As a new user, I am already finding many people looking for software and ROMs.
If a new subforum could be created to contain all the ROMs that people have cooked and (perhaps in another subforum) software/tools that would be useful, this change may allow users to find information much easily and reduce duplicate threads.
A lot of what you are asking can be found in wiki. (roms, How to)
As for sofware if you are looking for something I have found handango a good place to start.
I was thinking more along the lines of unofficial ROMs that people have already cooked. I generally frequent the Wizard upgrading forum and see threads with custom roms on many of the pages. Only roms I found on the wiki were retail/official roms. Also, I noticed that a search using the word "rom" does not turn up any results.
In regards to software, it would be freeware and tools such as lokiwiz, total commander etc. On second thought though, the software subforum may be unnecessary or can just be consolidated into one thread as a sticky.
The search for 3 letter words does not work, there is a post about that in about (thus "new rom" returns nothing.
Roms end up in wiki as users post them to ftp and link then to wiki.
(mods move then to a safe place on ftp and fix the link (if they know about it).
If you are finding no cooked roms in wiki its due to the fact that the cooker did not post them or if he did nobody linked them.
If you feel like adding a good/great/useful software section open a page on wiki, it free for all and that would solve your problem and maybe a few others as well. (in my link there is wiki developement and there you will find a smaple page which will give you a few ideas about how to set up a page).
This forum is more about roms and hacks around roms than software. Software does pop up in general as in "I am looking for a free ftp client".
Not sure if you will ever find a stick for it as threads get long and people will just enter "resco explore" on every other page (as an example).
which side[QUOTE=Tsuioku;1041009]As a new user, I am already finding many people looking for software and ROMs.
If a new subforum could be created to contain all the ROMs that people have cooked and (perhaps in another subforum) software/tools that would be useful, this change may allow users to find information much easily and reduce duplicate threads.[/QUOTE]
Which Side??
Well there are many based on the device
Wiki must have tools
Wiki BA roms
Check wiki for more

Moderator Plz Make A Thread For Cabs!

look we all want (most of us)aclean version
of the new roms
now we all look for all kind of cabs(x-batton,video dialer etc....)
can you open new thread with all the cabs
so if we download a new clean rom we can find very fast the cabs that we
Check this thread my post has links: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=309169
Wouldn't it be better to use the WIKI for this?
bubu23 said:
look we all want (most of us)aclean version
of the new roms
now we all look for all kind of cabs(x-batton,video dialer etc....)
can you open new thread with all the cabs
so if we download a new clean rom we can find very fast the cabs that we
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** Cough ** Make a WIKI entry/page linked off the main Hermes page ** Cough **
I mean this would make more sense as it will be easier to maintain and users wouldn't have to scroll through pages of unrelated posts to get to what they want or are looking for.
Just a suggestion.
Hermes Wiki & Search method stickies belong on top af ALL Hermes pages.
On the MAIN Hermes page, MDAIIIUser placed this info & it's a sticky. Excellent.
Hermes Wiki LINK: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Hermes
The other fantastic sticky by mikechannon on the Hermes main page is detailed info on Search methods to use on this website!
Thanks Zzan for your comment. (Licorice is a good natural remedy for coughing, haha.)

[Idea] RUU Errors

a simple idea came across my mind....
since a large number of posts spread through all the forum are about RUU errors i was thinking if some of you guys out there will be kind and provide link to the wiki ruu errors page in your signature...it would greatly decrease number of pointless and useless posts like "what does error [260] mean"...
there is a link in my signature...just copy it....
additionally if you want we can discuss the form of the link itself so all of us have the same look so people get familiar with it....eg the size,color,additional characters,the text itself
i added a RUU Errors page in the FAQ of the main wiki section..
link: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=RUU Errors
sounds nice, could you pm me your code for it? Or post it here, after all it ain't a secret
no code...click my signature and copy the address from browser window
but i will add it to the first post
I meant the color & sizing codes, for similar looks.
see my sig.
sorry sorry
this form isn't the final one i was thinking of people talking about it so we get one nice...
but now let's stick to this one
size 3
color red
text >> Ruu Errors <<
if anyone has a complain or wants to change ti...let's talk about it
Thanks great idea just added to my sig
That was wrong with this wiki page ?
it is that wiki page i just made it in the main wiki section because if you go to wiki,pres ctrl+f and type ruu...you will get this thread....
otherwise you would use google which is a pain in the ass because there are a lot of ruu errors mentioned in threads like what is ruu error [270] and a lot of people don't know for google advanced search (like "site:" option)
or you'd have to know that there is one in HD section...which is less likely the case for most of the users...
if anyone thinks that it is useless and repeated...please remove it...we do not want our wiki to look like all hell
This is the thread I created : http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=RUU_Errors
This is the one you made : http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=RUU Errors
And here is the results of the search for RUU on the wiki : http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?auto_redirect=1&pagename=TitleSearch&s=Ruu
P.S. I know a couple of the HD mods were updating the RUU_Errors page with the most recent fixes.
no problem mate...i will check the hd page and update the wiki page...or should we redirect people to the main page one
farukb said:
no problem mate...i will check the hd page and update the wiki page...or should we redirect people to the main page one
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If you don't mind, can you copy all the usefull hints that are missing from the RUU_Errors page into the "RUU Errors" page (or vice versa if it's easier). Let me know which one has the all the info and I'll change the other to re-direct to it so we only have one page again .
so...the page in the main section is exactly as in the hd section.....i redirected the hd to the main...hope you don't mind
thanks for moving the link from the faq to the flashing part
farukb said:
so...the page in the main section is exactly as in the hd section.....i redirected the hd to the main...hope you don't mind
thanks for moving the link from the faq to the flashing part
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Nice one. Thanks mate.
I've made it so RUU_Errors page will automatically re-direct to the RUU Errors page. So now there's only one to look after.
i edited the hd and artemis link...you're the main
farukb said:
i edited the hd and artemis link...you're the main
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With page re-directs you don't need to edit the links to it
Click here : RUU_Errors
Note the text below the page title.
yeah i got that one....but it is kind of stupid to revert those 2 links to RUU_Errors...i did it when i posted that the pages are same
Great initiative!
Any plans to add troubleshooting steps and distinguish between the "official" VS "modified" rom updater utility?
For example, I had an error 260 with the "modified" Raphael rom update utility while preparing a rom in my kitchen. The issue turned out to be a problem with a malformed XIP. It would go through the flash process (100%) but throw an error at device reset and the rom update utility would display errror 260.
Another scenario, is an error code from the HardSPL updater. Although the code may be the same, the resolution steps may be different.
well this isn't my work i so have no idea
and for the hard spl....it depends on hard spl itself and it depends from device to device...
they all would probably have the same error codes if they were created by the same developer....

