Undo password - P3300, MDA Compact III General

Today i set up my orbit to sync with my work email and calender. Everything worked brilliantly apart from my orbit forcing me to enter a password in the 'Lock' function in settings.
So every time i turn on my orbit i am prompted to enter my password, this realy annoyed me so i deleted my work email account hopeing to un-prompt the password every time i turn on the orbit.
In 'Settings' 'Lock' the prompt if unused box will not untick.
Any ideas apart from a hard reset?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.

Change the 'password type' to: Simple PIN.
This would allow you to untick the 'Prompt if device unused'

Thanks Kiwi, but ive already tried this and just tried again. When i select Simple Pin, it will not allow me to enter a simple pin password or uncheck 'Prompt if device unsued'.

I'm surprised to hear that your problem still persists.
Personally, I haven't synchronised my work e-mail and calendar. However, the suggestion that I made was exactly what I did when faced with a similar problem to yours and it worked for me.
Maybe it's got something to do with the synchronisation. What do you think? The Exchange Server at your place of work, perhaps.
I don't think that simply deleting your e-mail account on your device (as you did), would make much difference. Remember that you've already synchronised the device: e-mail account, password and all, with the Exchange Server.
Here's my suggestion:
1. Synchronise (again) with Exchange Server, re e-mail and calendar.
2. Now enter a 'Simple PIN' password (note: if the system would not allow you to use a Simple PIN password, enter a 'Strong alphanumeric' password).
3. Try to access your e-mail or calendar (you should be able to). This is just to test it.
4. Exit your e-mail or calendar
5. Now, de-synchronise
6. Finally, go into your device and change the password type to 'Simple PIN'
7. Then, untick the box next to 'Prompt if device unused'
I think that doing a hard-reset should be a last resort 'cos you need to know how to deal with this problem, for the future.
Let us know what's happening.

Thanks again kiwi, i would try your advice but have already hard reset device after a few days of frustration in entering password just to use device. Im not bothered anyway about using my own device for work email. I read this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=305859&highlight=undo+password and decided to hard reset.
I may (when i get around to it) try my exec with work email and calender and then follow your advice.

Glad you are sorted.
At least we were thinking on the same lines as the thread to which you referred.


Timeout-Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device

I have a couple of POP3 accounts on my O2 XDAIIs. I used to be able to download my email from ISP without problems.
Lately, when there is any email waiting, it will connect and try to download and pop up the following message "Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again."
The other POP3 accounts work fine, even with the same ISP, and this POP3 account used to work when I first got the unit. The POP3 account in question works fine from my Treo using the same SIM card (I have Cingular).
I searched all over the web and forums, I see many have the problem and some have not been able to resolve it. I tried:
1) Soft and Hard Reset
2) Deleting and reentering the account
3) Used the Sprite Mail cleanup utility (which basically cleans all emails and attachments)
4) Tried a registry key that had worked for some: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Inbox, create new DWORD ForceOffSSL and give it a value of 1.
5) Checked with my ISP – they could not see any problem with the account and works with anything else but my O2 XDA IIs.
6) I tried the Flemail 2006 program (formerly WebIS) and it worled for email. But the program is so buggy and slow that I had to delete it. This tells me the problem is with the native pocket outlook.
If there is NO email, it will connect, check and disconnect with no error.
There is a timeout somewhere. The other accounts can connect and download without problems.
Has anybody else had this problem and does anybody have any suggestions?
No one else has had this problem? Any suggestions?
I know it is device specific as it works on the same GSM account on a Treo.
PPC6700 with same problem
I just purchased the PPC 6700 and I love the device itself, but I have had many problems with it after owning it for only 4 days.
1. Sprint failed to let me know that my phone had to be updated. Thanks! I only found out about this update after 1 hour of phone tech support trying to find out why my phone randomly went into flight mode. What a pain in the ***.
2. I have my own servers and cannot download my mail from them or my home isp. Sprint by the way repeatedly told me this must be an issue with you server. I told him after being on the phone for 3 hours (I could tell he wasn't happy) "You must be right! Microsoft has always developed software much more then anything ever put out in the Unix world".
So the only help I guess I can offer to you is "Yes, I have the same problem with the native outlook that comes with WM5.0
likegadgets said:
No one else has had this problem? Any suggestions?
I know it is device specific as it works on the same GSM account on a Treo.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Whenever I see this (and I see it a alot) on mt XDA IIs, I just select Accounts|Clear <account>
If it doesnt work immediately then I restart the Outlook Inbox app and/or disconnect/reconnect.
Been through searching registry/deleting this & that database file / re/installing accounts. Havent had to do that for ages.
I access 5-6 pop accounts from various servers, several are my wife's. My bet is that it has something to do with whether the current status of the emails downloaded in your device matches the server etc - due to the function that you can delete the emails from the server by downloading, deleting and then deleting from the 'deleted items' folder and re-sycning
ME TOO! Any resolution??
I am having the SAME EXACT PROBLEM with my new 6700...did you ever find a resolution?
I am having the same problem on a Hermes / TyTN.
My first TyTN was fine. I have 3 email accounts. 1 uses SSL and the other 2 don't. There were no problems using either account.
Having replaced my 1st TyTN with a new one (due to poor wifi on first device) I now get the message 'Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again'.
The only solution is to use the ForceOffSSL setting for my 2 none-SSL POP3 accounts. Then I have to reboot the TyTN without the ForceOffSSL settings to use my SSL POP3 account.
Continually changing the ForceOffSSL setting and rebooting is annoying, so for the time being I'm using nPOP email client for my non-SSL accounts.
getting an email timed out on cingular 8525
I am getting the same message 'Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again'. I am having the same problem intermittently with Htc Tytn with a pop account yahoo. I seem to connect without a problem on the internet but i do get this error intermittently. any solution?
Same here ... cannot send mail via OptOnline Account
OK...I got a resolution to this last night on the Cingular forum.
Quick answer is that OOL's SMTP Server is locked down. I needed to change the outgoing server to Cingular's (CWMX.com).
Thanks to anyone who took the time to click-in on this thread.
Happy New Year, all!
Hi all, OK, this marks my first post on this board. I've been a lurker for a few months, and have settled into a Cingular 8525 as my first Pocket PC Phone.
I noticed a few days ago that I could not send mail via my OptOnline Account, unless I was using WiFi or the 8525 was tethered to my home PC via ActiveSync. I was thnking all along that it was probably due to some piece of third party software that I installed over the past few weeks (a hearty thanks to all on these forums who develop and/or market their wonderful wares, btw).
But today, for a lack of anything else to do, I hard reset and tried simply setting up that one account to try my machine out in its pure form. Lo and behold, I still get the same error, 'Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again.'
As a matter of fact, it seems this message itself is in error, since it happens when I try to SEND a message, not when I try to receive them. I have even received emails in this account at the same time this error message appears, but at any rate, messages in my outbox do not get sent.
As far as I can tell, all the settings are correct. I have played with them, and tried all the permutations I can think of, but this baby will not send mail via this account. My XpressMail and Hotmail accounts work fine, both sending and receiving, and I can browse the web fine via My ISP or WiFi.
I have spent a lot of time searching the web for an answer to this problem, but it seems it's been quite prevalent with WM5.0 devices for well over a year, and still does not have an answer.
So ... my first post ... which should have been a thank you all, and Happy New Year, has turned into a request for the talents of you folk who know so much more than I regarding these devices.
Can anyone please lend a hand? Also ... is it "legal" to cross-post this message onto other forums on this board?
Thanks so much to anyone who can provide a solution.
-Paul Slabowski (a.k.a. pvs)
I got it working
Like others in this thread I was getting the "unable to download messages to device" error when sending. My solution is:
Try leaving the 'domain' field blank.
It's on the Server Information page, and also on the Outgoing Settings if you 'Use separate settings' for your outgoing server.
Hope this helps you.
Domian Blank
My Domain is blank and frankly im just getting very agrivated by this. Does anybody eles have other advice to give towards this "cannot download message"?
I've got WM6, I've tried clearing and deleting the account, soft resetting the phone, making sure the domain field is empty, etc. It still gives this error for my POP account while my IMAP account is fine. Anyone find a solution?
Yes, deleting the domain really works in some cases (f.e. Gmail), but the same error occurs in my other account although I delete the domain. And funny thing is that it occurs only when there are some emails in outbox, receiving emails seems to work normnally :S
I'm still encountering this problem after trying everything on this post...
any other ideas?
Just had the same problem tonight. My mail server recently changed IP addresses, so I suspect DNS issues were the cause of my problem. I tried using the new IP address in place of the host name, but that didn't work for me. The account settings didn't seem fixable. Deleting the email account entirely and adding it back did the trick.

WM6 and Adding IMAP Gmail

I have installed CRC WM6 ROM and everything is fine except one problem - when I try to setup a Gmail account in Outlook, it automatically detects settings for Gmail (there is no option to turn this off from what I can tell). However, the settings it detects are pop and I want imap settings. I used to have it configured with imap settings so I know it works and my gmail account is configured for that.
I try to manually edit the options after it automatically configures, but it doesn't let me change the important details such as account type (POP or IMAP) and things of that nature (grayed out, cannot edit them).
Does anyone know how to get this set up where I can have gmail as imap? I do not mind manually typing in the connection info, but it automatically detects it without providing any other options. I am not sure if this is ROM specific or a WM6 issue in outlook. The same goes for AOL (and any other automatically detected settings in Outlook).
EDIT: I found a way around it I believe. On the first step of creating a new account, I just lied about the domain name (ie: I put gmai.com instead of gmail.com). It then did not automatically detect settings, asked if I wanted to try and automatically get settings from internet, I said no, then I just filled in the information manually. It was then working and could download them via imap - I then went back and edited the setup and fixed the email account domain (although I'm not sure what this is actually used for as it's not the name that shows up in the outlook list, nor is it used to connect to the server with...)
When you are creating your account, try not using the correct username and password (either username or password must be wrong)
After some steps you will be notified that the account could not be verified. Now, try to modify your account settings and you will be able to set your IMAP.
This might be more of a solution than you need but it should fix your problem.
Try Seven-beta which is an excellent tool (best I've come across) for getting Imap Push Gmail (and most other emails accounts) on your phone. It works instantly and is very simple to set up. You can get it from their site or get it where I uploaded to here.
kwangchin You Rock!
Thanks for the simple solution kwangchin. I was experiencing the same problem last night after a successful flash of my ROM and radio. Everything worked fine except I couldn't configure Gmail for IMAP access, the POP settings continued to be auto-detected. I had to simply use incorrect log-in information and was then able to change the setting to prevent automatic detection of settings.
Hey guys... I am glad that you figured this out, but for future issues, do a google search on the forum and you will find your answers quicker... I am not bashing, but trying to show you an easier way to search....
from google, use the advanced search function... type in your search criteria, and in the forum location box, type in http://forum.xda-developers.com and it will search XDA for your information...

Exchange server problem/fix

Last night I went to check email (outlook ms exchange) and noticed the headers to all my messages in my inbox were there but no bodies.
I selected "send/recieve" to see if any new mail would arrive and my old mail replaced but active sync gave me a connection error. It kept asking me for my user name, password and domain but gave me a "could not connect error." The screen kept flashing back to the sign in page untill I selected "back" then "cancel".
Mystified I was ready to reflash thinking something was messed up but instead called my servers help desk for the heck of it.
Here are the steps that got it working.
1-go to Start-Programs-ActiveSync
2-go to Menu and Options
3-With Exchange Server highlighted press the "Delete" button - you will be warned about the deletions, ignore them.
4-Once finished go to Menu-Configure Server. When following "next" options enter the following:
server name
Once you finish it should sync. I posted this just in case anyone else runs into this problem and is tempted to reflash blaming the ROM.
If you have problems with an exchange account, it may be best to delete and add back the profile on the device. You will lose any email on the device but it will retain contacts and tasks. The email will re-sync when done.

Exchange ActiveSync questions

I have just got my Desire and whilst it is great, there are some issues that I would love some help with.
I am syncing with my work Exchange server and it is running quite well. however, I cannot find a way to sync subfolders or indeed any folder other than the Inbox. It seems to render the conversation view in the Mail app useless really (which is a shame).
Also, the security policy at work is that I have to have a password set which is fine except that now everytime I unlock my phone, I have to enter the password. Does anyone know if there is a workaround for this or an app that can help?
Search for "LockPicker" on market place or have a look here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=6032322
That is great thanks. Now only the subfolders to fix.
If you want to use the lock pattern (Gesture) instead then you can do the following:
1. Delete your exchange Setup on the phone.
2. Go into Security and setup a lock pattern.
3. Once that is done and tested readd your exchange account.
4. Download the app called LockPicker from Market place.
5. Go into the program and enable the Override.
6. Enjoy the new way of unlocking your phone.
Looks like this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1HsLRBGvdw
Just did it on my Desire and it rocks

Bloatware Mail app issue

This is my 2nd XZ2 Compact and I'm generally very satisfied with this device. However I've encountered an issue with the preinstalled Mail app. Last week it stopped syncing and I was unable to find out why, as it worked fine on my Z4 Tablet. It just kept saying that it couldn't connect to the server. After several attempts to enter the incoming mailserver name, password etc to make sure that this was not causing the problem, I decided to just remove the account and then re-enter the account details.
Now here's the problem as it keeps telling me that the account that I'm trying to enter is already there?? And if I do long-press on the icon it shows the account but when i select it, it shows the guide to enter a new account??
What to do? I've cleared cache but I'm not able to delete user data (greyed out).
I'd like to avoid resetting the phone, but if that's my last chance, then...

