Tech help needed. WM5 Patched DLL failing to load - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro Software Upgrading

Hi guys n gals.
I need help. Here's where I am so far.
Am trying to add SDHC support to a vanilla WM5 rom.
I can get it running up to 4GB support with the genuine HTC update however, when I update with the patched DLLs that are used to for 4GB+ I lose the storage card completely.
Oddly enough I get the same thing with the patched DLL for the HTC Home Plugin.
And yet both run happily on WM6
Ah you can see the connection here can't you??
I am certain WM5 is checking the digital signature in the .dll, finding it invalid and chucking it out. I can resign the .dlls till the cows come home and its still happening.
Am thinking down this road:
If both work in WM6 then the Digital Signature checking must be not implemented or at least bypassed / told to ignore it by the os.
Question is: HOW???
Anyone know??

I haven't been playing with roms for over a year now, but have you tried ftp://xda:[email protected]/Universal/Tools_and_Programs/Default_Signed_DisableSecurity.CAB ? And would you please tell me which is the ROM you're using as base 'cuz I'm planning to build one WM5 ROM too, but use WM6's interface which I hopefully will manage to extract

Thanks for the reply. I am using this rom or at least a variant of it as I am currently developing it. I have security disabled by default and inbuilt into the rom at build time, so it's a bit beyond that. I do have a few more ideas that may work, but please, if you have any other suggestions to bounce about I'd love to hear from you.

What I meant by base rom was on which rom is your WM5 AKU3.3 rom based? Is the T-Mobile rom? And have you set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\0000101a from 0 to 1 ? I think it is done by the but still you can check it.

Yes that's the base rom, and that registry entry is set to 1 in my cooked rom.

After surfing a little I found out that the Hypercore Kitchen has a Security Signing tool in C:/Core/Tools/WM5Security after you install it. You can download it from:


02 XDAII Extended ROM - WM2003SE

I upgraded to WM2003SE a while back and at the time had an Orange SIM in my XDAII and my 02 SIM in my E200 Smartphone. The extended ROM I used was Orange specific and contained all the necessary GPRS Configs etc
Anyways, I've now got a C500 with my Orange SIM in it and so the 02 Sim is back in my XDAII and I'm looking for a good External Rom dump that contains the UK 02 GPRS/WAP/MMS Configs etc and is compatible with WM2003SE.
Can anyone point me in the direction of one, I have looked and tried one or two but none have the correct configs for 02's GPRS service (Pay monthly not PAYG).
Did you get anywhere with this, Darren? I'm just wondering whether to upgrade my O2 XDAII to WM2003SE but the lack of dedicated O2 Ext.rom files (as far as I can tell) is putting me off.
I didn't but don't let that stop you, the SE upgrade is well worth it. I just removed all the O2 specific rubbish from the Ext ROM and it's fine.
Thanks for the reply.
I'd love to upgrade but without the O2 auto-config software in the ExtROM I wouldn't have a clue where to start configuring all the network, SMS, MMS etc settings for O2 pay monthly. Do you know of a guide or something somewhere?
Secondly, I searched earlier to try and find out which was the best ROM to use for those of us in the UK, but there didn't seem to be a definitive answer. Would you mind telling me which ROM you used and where you got it from if you're happy with it? I need Bluetooth headset, BT GPS, BT ActiveSync, speakerphone to work perfectly to consider upgrading. Currently my XDAII works like a charm with ROM 1.72 but some people seem to have had trouble with the SE upgrade and Bluetooth.
Thanks a bunch in advance.
I use all those BT functions alos, I used the 2.02 ROM available at the beginning of this thread.
I've left the auto config files in the Ext ROM so there is no need to manually configure anything. I have had zero issues with it since the upgrade I'm happy to upload my Ext ROM to an FTP if you want it?
The only critical noe I found was to remove the 'TPDisable' entry in the Ext ROM when performing the upgrade as you receive a lot of 'This isn't designed for WM2003SE' messages and with TPDisable enbled you can't click OK!
griffog said:
I use all those BT functions alos, I used the 2.02 ROM available at the beginning of this thread.
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Forgive me if I'm being a bit fick, but I can't see where you mean. Have you a ROM available through your website? Or is there only one 2.02 ROM available and I can download it from this site's FTP? I thought the 2.02 ROM was the Chinese one.
griffog said:
I've left the auto config files in the Ext ROM so there is no need to manually configure anything. I have had zero issues with it since the upgrade I'm happy to upload my Ext ROM to an FTP if you want it?
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I didn't know it was possible to upgrade the OS ROM without touching the ExtROM. I'm not a noob with the XDAII, but I've found the myriad threads and discussions on the question of 2003SE upgrades very confusing! Since there seems to be no obvious single solution I haven't known where to start.
If you have a working ExtROM for the XDAII on O2 UK and you wouldn't mind uploading it somewhere (this site?) I'd be very grateful. If you wouldn't mind pointing me to the main OS ROM image that you used as well then that'd be groovy too.
griffog said:
The only critical noe I found was to remove the 'TPDisable' entry in the Ext ROM when performing the upgrade as you receive a lot of 'This isn't designed for WM2003SE' messages and with TPDisable enbled you can't click OK!
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I guess that's achieved by editing the config file in the ExtROM once it's all installed after an upgrade?
Sorry, I thought this was the original WM2003SE thread! The download I used is at the beginning of this thread.
It's a while since I upgraded mine, I had thought the Ext ROM remained intact but reading the thread instructions apparently not. Sorry I can't help more but as I say it's some months sisnce I did it!
Aaah. OK. Thanks again, but I think I'll leave it in that case. I don't yet feel brave enough to start messing about with home-cooked ExtROMs if you don't have yours handy. It was good of you to offer though.

WM5 on the CDMA Harrier

I along with a ton of other Harrier owners can't wait to get WM5!!!
In light of the "NO GSM" error people are getting I'm assuming there is something in the BA ROM that checks the Radio on boot.
Has anyone actually opened up the latest 2003SE Harrier ROM and the latest 2003SE BA ROM and actually looked for what the difference is? I'm hoping someone can do that and maybe modify the WM5 BA ROM thereby compatible with the Harrier.
I've tried opening both my 2003SE ROM using the "er2003edit" but it keeps saying the password is wrong. Also it won't open the WM5 BA ROM.
Any thoughts???
Hi, I have the harrier XV6600 and I have a bit knowledge related to the ROMS and stuff, I'll be trying to figure out what the difference is, i'm assuming it's the whole Kernel it self, but not sure, anyways, can you provide me with as much information about ur device... carrier, rom etc... also where u able to boot up WM2005 at all on your device? I get to the screen with the four colors then get to the menu, and ones I hit the envelope it just gives me a white screen and it stays there for ever until i reset and then i'm back to step one..
I would like to know if it atleast is capable of booting up the OS before I decide to spend sometime trying to make it compatible with the CDMA network.. thanks
No Harrier owners as of yet have gotten it to boot. We all simply get the NO GSM error after install and after the screen you mentioned you got to.
I've cooked my ExtROM onto my SD Card and resized my memory so I'm ready for it atleast. I also have the correct installer for the Harrier as all of the Harrier specific tools for unhiding, unlocking, and resizing the ExtROM. Also I have all of the 2.04 ROM version files of all the .exe's that all the BA guys said WM5 was missing and had posted from their 2003SE ROM's. Of course we don't have the WiFi file. I also have the patched WM5 ROM nbf without the file error that mamaich made.
It's the kernel thats different, 2003 and 2005 are using the same bootloader. Looking at the 2003 gsm rom, the kernel is very similiar to the 2005 rom. Getting the cdma radio layer running would be easy enough, but, we have to get the kernel to boot the OS. Not sure if the 2003 kernel will do it, i'll give it a shot though. May even be able to throw one together in PB
Sweet, I'll be waiting for the results of your attempt!
"dll rilcdma.dll"
This is what is preventing the boot-up, I believe.
Any HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn that are unable to load will cause the phone not to boot up.
I am sure this says "dll rilgsm.dll" on the BA. We need to change this to "rilcdma.dll" and copy over the .dll from the 2.04 ROM.
Then dump the ROM and load it on the Harrier, this should hopefully get it booting, if there are not any other bad device drivers.
We also need to make sure this is based off the new patched ROM that mamaich made...
Well here is the rilcdma.dll from my 2.04 ROM:
Wow, you guys rock. It sounds like after some work that it will be possible. I just wish I knew how to help... I do have several devices to test on but I have no rom building experience...
Can't we just hex edit the information of WM2005 dump file? using a hexeditor, but then we would need to copy the file, I'm actually thinking that the rilcdma.dll file might be included already, I remember ones flashing my device with a 2003Se rom, and finding the rilgsm.dll file and my phone was working properly? maybe it's generic to include both the files?
either way we would need to get someone with a gsm phone to do those changes, and copy that file, dump the file, and then we'd need to try them on our devices?
ANY GSM users outhere wanna help?
Glad to here people that know what they're doing are working on this.
Hopefully the thread topic won't scare off EVERY GSM user.
Course... they're all too busy playing with the new OS to notice us
I think it will be a while, if at all, that there will be a CDMA version.
Most of the developers are using the GSM version and thus have no way of testing the CDMA one. Additionally the GSM version is not working perfectly yet, so this will add to the time that it takes. I think we will see a CDMA universal before we see WM5 for the Harrier
The 6700 is out through Sprint! Maybe we'll be able to rip the necessary CDMA files from it?
Holy crap! Somone "check" one out in a store and grab the ROM with an sd card...
They're only available through business channels right now and should ship next week according to those that have ordered. They were also told that consumer channels should be able to order next week sometime, but no word on when they might start popping up in the stores. Remember, this ROM won't directly copy to our devices, but we might be able to get the necessary files off of it to get WM5 working on our Harriers. It's another step in the right direction at least.
Bump again, lol....
Apache ROM:
Well, I'm no expert, and I have no equipment, no software, and no skills, lol. So I can't help much here. But I do applaud the effort and wish there were some way I could contribute.
Anyway, I would imagine that if you take the ROM from an Apache (Sprint PPC-6700) and compare it to the ROM of a Wizard, whatever the differences are is probably exactly what the differences between the Harrier and Blue Angel ROMS need to be (for WM5 to be functional on both).
Just a thought...
all you people out there waiting for this to happen should probably check out this thread... looks like good news

Best AUK3.5 Rom which1 HELMI / IVAN ? & CROSSBOW

hey all universal lovers
which 1 is best right now......
HELMI AUK3.5 v1.3
IVAN AUK3.5 Test2
wll i hav seen one universal with crossbow loaded is it out ....if yes can guide me to it
thanks guys..
I think Helmi's has a few extra added tools, and Ivan's is vanilla.
As for crossbow, yes, some people have it as the Universal was the reference model, but it's only supposed to be Microsoft partners that have it, and they would get into trouble for letting other people have it.
I'm sure once it's out publically on new devices, it will be available on the Universal also.
this new roms causes my universal to power-off with no reason.
And it just came to life again if I take out the battery, put it on again and press the power button...
strange... :\
Words_vs_Pain said:
this new roms causes my universal to power-off with no reason.
And it just came to life again if I take out the battery, put it on again and press the power button...
strange... :\
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I believe you man,
I got the same problem
so I went back to AKU2 till officiall Rom come
The problem i've had with Helmi's ROM is that when i turn the unit off, it closes applications and any documents i was working on at the time but hadn't saved would be lost.
I just tried to move to Ivan's to see if i get the same problem with his, but have other issues... (not related to the ROM see "not even stuck in bootloader" thread.
Generally though, i thought that the benefits of Helmi's ROM outweighed the problems.
How different is AKU3.5 to Crossbow WM6 Anyway? What are the headline items?
i wanted to install Helmi's 1.3.1 ROM, but it is only about 23 MB.
It also gives me an error message when I try to unzip it with Winrar (it says that the file is corrupt...)
Thanks for your help...
The small HELMI size rom was in the process of being uploaded to the ftp if you look at the size now its larger and finished. The upload the reason why you got the corrupt rar error was because you downloaded what was their before the finished upload. So you only got part of the file. Has anyone looked into the settings/remove/programs I have been installing software and its empty so I don't know how to remove some programs with the HELMI AUK3.5 release. Other then that this is my only problem with it I love it.
Xeon_IV said:
The small HELMI size rom was in the process of being uploaded to the ftp if you look at the size now its larger and finished. The upload the reason why you got the corrupt rar error was because you downloaded what was their before the finished upload. So you only got part of the file. Has anyone looked into the settings/remove/programs I have been installing software and its empty so I don't know how to remove some programs with the HELMI AUK3.5 release. Other then that this is my only problem with it I love it.
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be patient
as per the xda-portal,
the crossbow has been leaked & quite a few including Helmi have it
for legal reasons they cannot post the link here
i'm sure in a week or 2 v will b able to download it
its supposed to b faster & more stable

Someone can supply the P535 English ROM?

It's have been released already the P535 english version... even sold on Ebay.... there's some good soul that would supply image of this ROM? so i can finally install in my chinese version?!!? thanks!
It seems ASUS has just posted it at their website...
but I'm not sure is it an English ROM as no instruction yet. Pls try it with precaution!
Besides, you may need other tools to switch the location lock, but I don't know where to get it.
WWE == world wide english
Its about time!!!!!
Guys this is my first time installing a new ROM, can anyone please give me a full installation instructions??? Thanks!!
A_C u are the best!!!
Thanks A_C! Really on time!
Also, quite curious! they released also one version:
P535_V4315_WWE_TH00.rar and V4315_WWE_MS00.rar in same folder! I will check what's difference! Thanks!
Sorry that finally figure out the MS00 is only for Malaysia while TH00 is only for Thailand... hope no one gets hurt.
Asus PDA Phone P535's latest firmware for Malaysia
Additional features and improvements:
1. Improve communication stability of phone and GPRS.
2. Improve noise during camera preview.
3. Improve stability in idle mode.
4. Improve stability in A2DP connection.
5. Improve keypad reaction time.
6. Improve volumn stability during communication in earphone, headset or Bluetooth headset.
7. Improve WiFi WPA-PSK connection stability.
8. Change partitial system message description.
9. Improve security for My Secret Folder.
10. Improve driver will fail to connect to a WPA AP when the process of reconnect failed.
1. Do not upgrade to different language or regional version onto your PDA Phone.
2. Please also install phone module firmware V4.3.0 or above.
3. After the installation, previous data will not be found.
Please backup by using bundled backup software before installation.
4. After the installation, please go to "Start"=>"Programs" and restore back to default.
Do you think that they will release also a HK version?
or is it possible to edit this one to work also on HK version?
Hey guys,
I've just picked up a french P535 while on holiday here in France. Has anyone tried flashing the WWE ROM to a non-English phone? I'm afeared of bricking my device, but my English is much better than my française, and it would be nice to have the device in English.
I've decided to just grab my cajones and go for it.
I've installed the 4.3.0 worldwide boot ROM firmware and that was happy, then downloaded the P525 cooked ROMs to get the ASUS language unlock utility, and ran that. It reported my country code as 420c (France) and proceded to unlock the device, so all should be well. I'm downloading the Malaysian WWE 4.3.15 firmware now, and will report back with how it goes once it's on the phone.
Wish me luck!
(for some reason I'm only getting 5kb/s off ASUS' ftp server, so could be 30 mins or so...)
Ok, update...
The WWE firmware won't apply using the ASUS autoupdater. I'm able to get into the bootloader flasher by holding Power-Record-Camera and hitting reset, but it complains about not finding ROMGalaxyII.nb0.
I understand that this is the decrypted version of the ROM update, but I don't know how to get that from the WWE firmware I have. Is anyone able to help me work this out?
Thanks in advance.
couldnt you use the p525romtool -d command as explained in the p525 rom cooking thread
JJ15k said:
couldnt you use the p525romtool -d command as explained in the p525 rom cooking thread
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No as apparently the ROM structure, however I've just found out you can flash the 535 roms using the 525 patched Autorun.exe, see for details if anyone is interested in upgrading their 535.
Did you try falshing with this patched autorun?
That's what I mean yeah, I have a P535 I bought in France, I've now got a WWE ROM on it after using the patched autorun. All it does is hand the ROM to the BIOS's bootloader flash program, bypassing the region check the official one does.
Allright I will try too.
I live in france but I have all my IT in english, plus I use qwerty KB.
Thanks for the heads up, I ll report soon.
Well, I did try the update and it worked. I don t think I would have found the trick of putting a galaxy.cap with the hacked autorun the bypass the langage check without you/pntzamaras.
Now I have the qwerty kb and consistent language on my device!
I hope they release a french ROM someday so I could sell it to fund my next purchase
JJ15k said:
Well, I did try the update and it worked. I don t think I would have found the trick of putting a galaxy.cap with the hacked autorun the bypass the langage check without you/pntzamaras.
Now I have the qwerty kb and consistent language on my device!
I hope they release a french ROM someday so I could sell it to fund my next purchase
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Sorry but could you explain all the steps you followed to reach this successful upgrade?
1) Download the sorg p525 cooked rom in the forum thread.
2)Download the p535 ROM.
3)Extract the p535 ROM and the p525 archive
4)Replace in the 535 ROM the autorun.exe by the one in the p525 archive.
5)Put the unlocklangID.exe utility in the same dir as the autorun you just overwrited.
6)Rename GalaxyII.cap to Galaxy.cap and put another copy of galaxyII.cap in the same folder (ie: instead of having just GalaxyII.cap you have the same file twice, named GALAXY.cap and GalaxyII.cap)
7)Put the 535 rom where you replaced the autorun on the SD card.
At this point you should have on your SD card the 2577 folder with autorun and unlocklangid.exe, and in the root, GalaxyII.cap and GALAXY.cap.
8)Insert Card and run the unlocklangdID utility.
9)Run the autorun, it should say the update is ok for your device, click file-update.
10)After you reset the flash utility appears and the device begins flashing, it takes around 5 min.
Thanks you so much !!
hi, thanks so much for posting the solution.
on a side note, how long does it usually take for the P535 to connect to a WPA-PSK AES encrypted network?
it used to be fast before i changed to the WWE interface as per the instructions, but now the phone seems to be stuck in the authentication stage and will not be assigned an IP address by the router.
although when i turned off the wireless security, i was still able to connect to my unsecured network quickly.

WM 6.1 Treo 700wx HELP! My rom acts like it's read-only...

I have a wm6.1 rom for the treo 700wx. I have ported the XIP and the OEM from wm6. The SYS folder has been ported from another device. The rom boots, however I seems like the whole file system is read only or write once from certain applications. For instance, I can create new folders using file explorer, but I can't move or delete them. However, totalcommander can. Notes can create, edit and delete files, but file explorer cannot move or delete them.
I have checked the XIP, OEM, and SYS folders. Everthing seems to be correct. I even tried changing the device security policies, and device encryption through provxml. Nothing seems to work. One other thing to note is I cannot disable encryption on the storage card. I uncheck it, exit the encryption control panel, and when I reenter its checked again.
I saw one other post that had similar issues, but there were no replies. Can some one please point me in the right direction for a fix?
When I get these issues fixed, a clean wm6.1 rom for 700wx will be posted for everyone. (No stupid, "BETA - Build your own rom". I promise...)
OK. I dumped wm6 from the 750 from the at&t update, and used that sys folder with my rebuilt wm6 OEM from the verizon 700wx 6.0 rom. After build and flashing I have the same issues on wm6. So I'm beginning to think it's my xip that is the problem. So, I am going to port the 750 wm6 xip from the 750 and try that in my windows mobile 6.0 rom. We'll see if that works. Could still use help from anyone who has seen this issue before. I know there are others who have had this problem...
Still know responses? Am I really the only one who has ever run into this problem. There was another posting, but no fix.
I guess nobody wants a 6.1 rom on their 700wx...
I desperately want 6.1 on Sprint 700wx
I hope you have made progress with th 6.1 ROM for the Sprint 700wx. I really like that form factor (giving up on my mogul). Please let me know. thanks.
Found the problem. The verizon 6.0 rom is screwed up. I started with the alltel 5.0 rom, and upgraded to 6.0, and then to 6.1. I am testing the rom now. A release will be coming soon.
Thanks for staying on top of this! We really do appreciate the work you're doing.

