Bluetooth play/pause allways toggles screen - Touch HD Themes and Apps

Hello folks,
I was searching for a fix for the following problem but couldn´t find any.
THe following is bothering when listening to music on my HTC Touch HD:
When I use the Power toggle while playing music (to switch off the screen) and then use the START/PAUSE buttons on my Bluetooth remote the screen allways comes back on.
This is very bothering, since this greatly reduces the battery life and unwanted button presses are pre-programmed.
The problem is not inside the Manila player, I have tried Pocketplayer 3.71 with automatic screen deaktivation with the same result.
Can anyone tell me what regkeys need to be edited to get the screen not to toggle when the play/pause key is pressed, or if there´s no such key, weather there is a program that doas the trick?
Best regards


Volume buttons to change music track?

Not sure if this is something at all possible BUT I have a mount in my car for my HD and connect my phone to the stereo. Now, if I am driving and the screen goes to 'Sleep' mode, it can be kind of cumbersome to turn the screen back on just to change a track.
I was wondering if it was at all possible to put a code in place for the buttons that WHEN the screen goes to sleep and IF Windows Media Player is playing for example, that the volume keys can change tracks up or down instead of the volume?
I know someone will say 'well just turn sleep mode off' but this is not something I want to do.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, you could use AE Button Plus to map the Volume Rocker to up/down arrows, then slide to the music tab in TF3D, play the muisc and set screen display off.
To play next/prev song, just press the rocker key once.

6.5 volume problem

ok, so i upgraded my HTC dash to 6.5 and every time i want to listen to music the volume is really low. is there a way to fix it?
turn of your joggr bar and make sure your system volume is all the way up, common mistake
Tried it but the volume is still really low
i would check the volume in WMP (assuming that's what you are using). when you are in the player screen, check the volume % in the lower right hand side. you can use the JOGGR bar or the up and down navigation keys to adjust it.

Two hacks wanted

Is it possible to wake the device with trackpad or any other button than the power button? I know it is achievable through custom lock screens etc, but there has to be a cleaner way to do it. Cyanogenmod has this option under settings...
Is there a hack to double press the mic button (play) button on the headphones to skip songs? I am using Apple headphones (play-stop button works).
I found a solution for headphones control. bTunes and Meridian can be used just like on iPhone. YAY
Just need to find how to wake my Desire without reaching for power button...
Download "No lock" from the market, which does what you want but disables the lock screen.
Thanks, I did find that and will use it if i don't find anything better...

Volume buttons music control

Hi guys and gals,
When I wanna seek for music while screen is off, I can use the volume buttons for that, but.. it also changes the media volume and the screen becomes on. I use cm7 and PowerAMP, any ideas ? thanks..
Is there any way how-to disable volume buttons while screen is off, and let them only enable by long pressing.. and screen should stay off as well
okay.. now solved by myself after editing system kb, anyway thanks

How you can change the function of the hard keys with locked screen?

Does anyone know how to enable some key (eg the camera) to pause / resume playback of audio / podcast when you have the screen locked?
Or leaving the volume keys pressed 2 seconds pass song.
I had a ipod touch and set up and I think is quite useful.

