[Q] Downgrading HBoot 0.92 to 0.80 - Desire General

Hey, I'm new here, and just got a HTC Desire recently, I mistakenly updated to Froyo before I knew that I couldn't root and now I want to try downgrading my HBoot to 0.8 so that I can root.
I want to follow this:
But I need a RUU (No idea what it is really) to do that, so I'm looking at this list:
forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=695667 but I honestly have no idea how I can see which one I need to download, so can anyone help me out there? Where can I see it on my phone? I believe it's unbranded and all that.

You can't. You're stuffed until someone breaks the new HBoot, which may be never.

mate, i understand you're new, but please read forum rules.
hboot 0.92 is not downgradeable at the moment, as explained on some already opened threads...
unfortunately, you'll have 2 wait.

Well, it looks like someone succeeded in downgrading from 0.75 to 0.66 without doing any such breaking? I'd like to try it just to confirm, what harm can it do? Haven't seen anyone actually having tried that way?
I also did read forum rules, I'm not asking for a way to downgrade it, just asking for some information in how I choose what RUU I need? >.<

no, the rule was to search before posting a new topic.
there's another thread with discussions about this subject: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=741672

Aye mate, I did search before, I've been browsing around for most of the day, what I'm asking is how do I see what RUU I need to download for my phone, not how do I downgrade HBoot.

but mate, whichever RUU you get won't fit because you have updated your HBOOT to 0.92. that's what's being discussed in the thread I pointed you...
if you dare reading...

Yeah, I'm reading, and I saw that the method was tried, I'm still interested in what a RUU is
And sorry about that, I only read like around the latest pages, not the first 2, which was the one it was on >.<

jomik said:
But I need a RUU (No idea what it is really)that.
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RUU stands for ROM Upgrade Utility and it checks your HBoot version prior to installing any ROM.
Hope this helps! )

off topic off topic off topic off topic off topic

there's no point in having rules and manuals if people are lazy enough to bypass them every time they have a doubt.
anyway, feeling better now andrea? relieved maybe?
enjoy your week.

lol !
yes dmpwd, I was already feeling quite well, waiting for Paul's rom as many others...i came to delete my post because it was going to be taken negatively, but I like the kindness that comes between the lines of your answers....FYI I am now quite amused, thanks!

dmpwd said:
there's no point in having rules and manuals if people are lazy enough to bypass them every time they have a doubt.
anyway, feeling better now andrea? relieved maybe?
enjoy your week.
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Forums were designed as a community where likeminded people can SHARE knowledge, WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE IN HERE nOT GET? If someone asks for genuine help, help them with useful information not Nazi rule keeping or say nothing and move along. we dont need idiots.

OT. Sry.
rodzt37 said:
Forums were designed as a community where likeminded people can SHARE knowledge, WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE IN HERE nOT GET? If someone asks for genuine help, help them with useful information not Nazi rule keeping or say nothing and move along. we dont need idiots.
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Jup and as he just registered this would be the first thing he saw and agreed to...
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2.6 All members are expected to read and adhere to the XDA rules.
Rule #1 and Rule #2.6... end debate.

charon72 said:
OT. Sry.
Jup and as he just registered this would be the first thing he saw and agreed to...
Forum Rules
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Rule #1 and Rule #2.6... end debate.
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Is there not also a rule about flaming?

Would hardly call a copy paste of the rules for flaming..
But if you saw it as that, then i apologize.
Just getting tired of post after post asking the same things by newly registered users.
I wish that reading and searching had first priority, instead of spamming the board with countless new topics.

charon72 said:
Just getting tired of post after post asking the same things by newly registered users.
I wish that reading and searching had first priority, instead of spamming the board with countless new topics.
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The rules are there for a reason, let's not forget that! To be honest, these forums are starting to get less and less useful, because of the amount of redundant threads that are being started.
If we had more robust/regular moderation, this would be less of an issue, but it seems we don't have a Desire-owning mod!

charon72 said:
I wish that reading and searching had first priority, instead of spamming the board with countless new topics.
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this is my point of view and what I was trying to explain, but some people even called me a nazi/idiot for that. that's another rule-breaking activity, but anyway...
hope the OP is happy now.

I wish that reading and searching had first priority, as well as newbie help, instead of producing 2 full pages on newbie behavior, but anyway...

charon72 said:
OT. Sry.
Jup and as he just registered this would be the first thing he saw and agreed to...
Forum Rules
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Although the administrators and moderators of xda-developers will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of xda-developers, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.
By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
The owners of xda-developers reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.
I have read, and agree to abide by the xda-developers rules.
Forum & Marketplace Rules
1. Search before posting.
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.
2.6 All members are expected to read and adhere to the XDA rules.
Rule #1 and Rule #2.6... end debate.
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Yeah, and I did search before posting, I think people just got the question "How do I downgrade from 0.92" instead of my original question that asked what RUU I'd need to get for my phone, if it was possible. Lol.
And also, I wonder how the hell this topic got onto rules and stuff like that, so lets just leave it at this


LOOK HERE WM7 photon build for hermes

Im sure that got your attention...
There seems to be some recent issues with the massive amounts of new members that just learned how to type but dont know how to read or click the search button located in the upper right corner of your screen...
Now look, enough is enough, if your not going to read, or search, or post things in the proper threads then dont ***** when your being flamed... This forum has very simple rules and i used to think they werent hard to follow...
some of you will say, "The search button doesnt work, just brings up a bunch of junk and i have to sift through useless threads and cant find what i am looking for".... anyone wanna guess why?!? its because of the people that post without reading, its becoming a cluttered mess and a few noob's short of xda-developers.howardsforums.com
So some suggestions before you post:
Read the f*cking wiki
Make your posting it in the right thread
If you have to start a new topic then make sure you include very detailed information if you want help, otherwise you will be ignored
If you like a rom then dont waste thread space by telling the creator how much you like the rom, update your signature and proudly display what rom you are using, or donate some $ to XDA, or to the creator(s)
Be smart and the other members will play nice
Oh one other thing to the frequent senior members (or the ones that dont post useless ****)
Instead of flaming on the noob's(which i know is fun ) could we just ignore them instead? im shooting for a less hostile enviroment.
p.s. any useless replies to this topic could be subject to edit
my new hero
dude you are so my new hero
A heuristic noob post filter would be nice, automatically diverting such posts to the New Beginners Forum called /dev/null . . . or "Recycle Bin" for you Windows guys
Yes, lately there have been a huge number of new members, and yes, the noob questions are sometimes annoying.
But to
3) Flame the crap out of them
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is in my opinion not the right way to react.
Some more or less senior members have tried that in the last few weeks, and it didn't work - there are still as many noob posts as there were before.
But that approach definitely changed this place - from being a friendly and helpful forum to a hostile place full of foul language and an arrogance from some "senior" members who seem to think newcomers are inferior human beings. You know, there are areas where the Wiki has outdated or incomplete information, so "Read The F*ing Wiki" is not always the appropriate answer.
And even in cases where it is, insulting people like it has become standard here by a few "senior" members is extremely rude, and for me is not an acceptable way of communication.
Thanks for listening,
tadzio said:
But that approach definitely changed this place - from being a friendly and helpful forum to a hostile place full of foul language and an arrogance from some "senior" members who seem to think newcomers are inferior human beings. You know, there are areas where the Wiki has outdated or incomplete information, so "Read The F*ing Wiki" is not always the appropriate answer.
And even in cases where it is, insulting people like it has become standard here by a few "senior" members is extremely rude, and for me is not an acceptable way of communication.
Thanks for listening,
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I totally agree with you, moderators or seniors should never use such language, no matter hoe right they are.
Shogunmark and some other "seniors", you should be ashamed of yourself...
pietrucci said:
I totally agree with you, moderators or seniors should never use such language, no matter hoe right they are.
Shogunmark and some other "seniors", you should be ashamed of yourself...
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Just to clarify: my comment wasn't directed towards shogunmark. In the first post of this thread, he also asks senior members to stop flaming noobs.
that might not be in a proper place to say , i may sound noob .
but i have a suggestion , why don't you make a spam bot like some forums do .
that spam bot detects autimatically any posts by the same user if they are close in time of posting ,
example : user named Noob posted 4 threads with the same exact content in less than 10 minutes .
"hi i'm noob and i don't know **** in this forum and i'm having fun ."
so the spam bot detect this noob posts and informs the moderators of it .
i hope it might help .
shogunmark said:
some of you will say, "The search button doesnt work, just brings up a bunch of junk and i have to sift through useless threads and cant find what i am looking for".... anyone wanna guess why?!? its because of the people that post without reading, its becoming a cluttered mess and a few noob's short of xda-developers.howardsforums.com
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in point of fact, the search button is "useless" because it defaults to the "show thread" mode in displaying query results. the "show thread" search result display mode presents only the topic ("thread / thread starter") under which the relevant result was posted (and thus only the ability to click into the thread from the first post). the response to any given query is therefore a list of top-level post titles (topics) which may or may not have relevance to the more deeply-nestled posts that the search engine has deemed pertinent to the user's inputted keywords/constraints. this is exacerbated by the default forum settings, which yield in excess of 50 display pages for many threads-- a condition that becomes all the more likely when a thread generates a lot of traffic/discourse (i.e.; when a thread might likely contain a worthwhile and relevant search result).
i find search results displayed in this fashion to be utterly useless. if i'm looking for an answer to question A, which was raised under topic X three weeks and 400 posts after the thread began, i'll never find it. i'd probably then start a new thread with just that already-answered question as it's topic-- certainly and evidently to the chagrin of moderators forum-wide, but within their power to remedy.
incidentally, what if any advantage is there to the default display method? i may be showing some naivete here, but i've never found it at all useful (quite the contrary); i use the forum's search engine only and precisely in those cases where my brain's proprietary search agency has failed-- that is, *because* no thread topic seems applicable to my question, i pose it to the engine, and on its default setting, it responds by reiterating the top-level subjects i've already discarded.
that is the very definition of uselessness in search results, the blame for which, i think, does not lay with new users as you claim, but with a (seemingly?) foolish server setting.
shogunmark said:
Instead of flaming on the noob's(which i know is fun ) could we just ignore them instead? im shooting for a less hostile enviroment.
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it's never the new users who are hostile, though, is it? in fact, they're usually overly obsequious, probably owing to the fact that every time in the past that they've asked a question of one of the hallowed mobile-device-forum moderators, they've been made to feel stupid for lacking experience enough to solve their own problem. systematic ignorance of any one sector of the mobile device community would conspicuously diminish the broad appeal and utility of xda-developers amazing wealth of techknowledge.
Simple. When people register - send them an email that explains some of the forum do's and don'ts and how to search for individual posts.
I never meant for this to spark such a debate,
the point i wanted to make was this is a "technical development forum" and should be treated as such
if the situation spirals into too much garbage then the people who actually contribute to this community might give up due to frustration that could have otherwise been avoided.
i much prefer to be a forum troll rather than a post count hungry noise creator.
But at the moment even being a reader not poster sucks
endipott said:
in point of fact, the search button is "useless" because it defaults to the "show thread" mode in displaying query results. the "show thread" search result display mode presents only the topic ("thread / thread starter") under which the relevant result was posted (and thus only the ability to click into the thread from the first post). the response to any given query is therefore a list of top-level post titles (topics) which may or may not have relevance to the more deeply-nestled posts that the search engine has deemed pertinent to the user's inputted keywords/constraints. this is exacerbated by the default forum settings, which yield in excess of 50 display pages for many threads-- a condition that becomes all the more likely when a thread generates a lot of traffic/discourse (i.e.; when a thread might likely contain a worthwhile and relevant search result).
i find search results displayed in this fashion to be utterly useless. if i'm looking for an answer to question A, which was raised under topic X three weeks and 400 posts after the thread began, i'll never find it. i'd probably then start a new thread with just that already-answered question as it's topic-- certainly and evidently to the chagrin of moderators forum-wide, but within their power to remedy.
Blah blah blah
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Have you never seen the link for "SEARCH THIS THREAD"? its not hard.
I want to know, mmm, which SPL to use, i get a myriad of search results, some CLEARLY from the headers useful.
However, i've searched something a little more ambigeuos, i find and open what i feel are relevant threads, then search them. The 5 mins it takes to do that search will 99.9% of the time result in an answer, and take them less time than waiting for someone to answer.
Currently there are a massive amoun tof new idiots on the forums. Im fairly new myself, but i read the Wiki, read most of the current threads and searched before i asked for something. Its not hard.
Personally i think the forum needs for stronger moderation, in that users are given a three strike rule. Post utter rubbish without searchinig three times, and they become banned.
Clearly anyone not capable of the simplest of forum ettiqette doesnt belong here and will never really contribute anything.
you dont have to be politically correct, you can name me as being a senior member who uses foul language. the fact of the matter is i dont give a crap!. i have to deal with hundreds of PM's per day asking the darn same thing and its getting frikken annoying.
i think from this point forward i will hold off on new builds of wm6 till this forum gets sorted.
One thing you have to realise, these noobs who ask the same darn thing over and over again are mostly (not all) here NOT to contribute to the vast pool of knowledge, they are here to frikken leach, then if something dont work for them they frikken complain, *****, winge, and post numerious threads and posts.
I am not ashamed of myself because i dont give a ****.... i think i got the right to use foul language when enough is enough.,
my ****en 2cents worth!
anybody doest like what i am saying can go **** themselves and use wm5! Welcome to the Land Down Under ****wits!
tadzio said:
Yes, lately there have been a huge number of new members, and yes, the noob questions are sometimes annoying.
But to
is in my opinion not the right way to react.
Some more or less senior members have tried that in the last few weeks, and it didn't work - there are still as many noob posts as there were before.
But that approach definitely changed this place - from being a friendly and helpful forum to a hostile place full of foul language and an arrogance from some "senior" members who seem to think newcomers are inferior human beings. You know, there are areas where the Wiki has outdated or incomplete information, so "Read The F*ing Wiki" is not always the appropriate answer.
And even in cases where it is, insulting people like it has become standard here by a few "senior" members is extremely rude, and for me is not an acceptable way of communication.
Thanks for listening,
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the wiki might be outdated with some information but not the basic! which is the answers to 90% of the questions asked! Im with Jaz in that they are here for one thing and thats to leech and leave, if there is a problem then ***** and whinge... i thought this was 'xda-developers' not 'xda-noobs', i have some patience for noobs for resonable questions but when they download a ROM and cannot be bothered to read the 'How To' and where to post sections enough is enough... its hard enough for us Cookers to keep track of real bugs and issues enough without sifting through useless threads about crap.
i came here for one thing to broaden my knowledge of PDA's and Windows Mobile and i have learnt so much from this site, because i read and read before posting.
I am not ashamed of the way i speak to ppl who dont take the time to read the pages that we write to help benefit the noobs in the first place.
my ****n two cents!
tadzio said:
Just to clarify: my comment wasn't directed towards shogunmark. In the first post of this thread, he also asks senior members to stop flaming noobs.
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This was so funny ...
Oops, sorry but I really couldn't help it.
Mr Tadzio just means well. You can see he does not want to offend anyone as you can see from his immediate note.
I'm also a newbie, as you can see from the amount of my posts, but I really really really try to search and read everything you guys post. It is a difficult task, though, to encourage everyone to read, read and read and then ask questions later but I guess nothing comes easy.
I also like the 'heuristic programming' to block noobs from posting. Hilarious. Like, you can create key phrases like 'how do you hard-reset' or 'where are the office applications' and just block them from posting. haha
jasjamming said:
Welcome to the Land Down Under ****wits!
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That must be from the live version of the Men At Work song...
junior my self
I agree with the senior members, Mods, as a junior I flashed my universal countless of times without asking too much questions on the board it just took time reading through the wiki and sometimes reading through the posts relating to topics you want your question to be answered.
Having bought my new MDA Vario II it took me one week reading through the wiki, forums almost everything topic relating to Upgrading my device and the risks involved, since my first flash i havent encounter any bad flash of sort.
I read through the posts every hour and sometimes, I get irritated of the questions been asked repeatedly, so in terms of the senior members, Rom Cookers devoting thier own time giving us thier great work to share and let our devices look and feel as if it couldnt be better the least we do is just read, think and just before posting just think ( Is this question been mentioned before?)
I think the Mods,senior members should introduce some sort of membership before registering to new or to make it fair even existing members as to lessen new members who just want to come and go when they find what they want and also this would incorporate fundings towards XDA DEVELOPERS,
where can I download photon....
.... seriously though... I used to have problems with the search function - hadnt taken the time to use the "show posts" option rather than the "show threads". Once I'd made the switch.. easy street...
mxlaser said:
Have you never seen the link for "SEARCH THIS THREAD"? its not hard.
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yes, we'll i spent about a year on the site thinking i couldn't use the search function at all because of the issue discussed above, only to recently discover the "search posts" option. you've just blown my mind with that "search thread." maybe now i'll be able to enable the internal gps on the hermes or successfully cook a simple damn ext_rom. ok, so i really missed the boat on the search functionality, but this illuminates the apparently widespread issue of search confusion, no? there is no treatment on queries in the wiki of any kind, aimed either at beginners or SQL engineers. i'm really rather technologically adept (notwithstanding present evidence to the contrary) and for whatever reason, i, too, managed to miss those functions. now, granted, in two years this is the first discussion i've been involved in, so obviously i worked silently through that very newbish failure to read the whole page without disturbing any other community members, but we can't expect all people who find themselves in the possession of a PPC to be able to immediately comprehend all that's needed in order for them to even begin to practically consider messing with the device.
unwired's point here is "simple," (as advertised) but really kind of elegant. i'd maybe extend it thus: perhaps someone (i clearly am not qualified, having missed that button which would have saved me many fruitless google domain searches) should draft a wiki treatment of the query interface. perhaps another could take up general forum ettiquette. mxlaser, maybe you could take up an introduction to SPL. make each section efficient and accurate, and call it the "new member welcome package." update the FAQ. do these things, and then you have a right to "flame" users who abrogate those then explicitly-posted regulations.
ultimately, the only way to ensure that threads stay on topic and avoid duplication is to heavily moderate. intrusive measures like probationary no-posting periods for new users run counter to the underlying concept of this type of web forum. i don't know how any system of regulations would or could work, but moderators should at least be deleting off-topic posts, and removing those other posts, too. you know the ones, where established users get all angry at a newbie for something or other and wax profane about how that newbie might better spend his time? yeah, well, those just waste more of everyone else's. if someone wants to give me privileges, i'd take on the challenge of cleaning up a little corner of the xda universe.
just as long as we're all on about the moderators, i think we should remember something my grandpa used to say: "everything in moderation, including moderation..."
oh also quickly:
mxlaser said:
Clearly anyone not capable of the simplest of forum ettiqette doesnt belong here and will never really contribute anything.
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in which canon of bulletin-board etiquette did you read that it was acceptable to intentionally misquote the person to whom you are responding? ["blah blah blah"] that seems to me to be a pretty simple, basic, fundamental requirement of discussion forums in general, i.e.: respect the written record... it looks as if you're behind in the count; you'd better protect the plate...
Can the board software be modded to set search posts as default?

Proposal to Site Mgt. for Noob Questioning Behaviour Control

In response to unneeded new member questions causing siesure-like responses from developers et al I propose the following RATIONAl procedures:
1)Registration Process
a) form where applicants check the main points of searching and questioning.
b) a followup essay or q&a form is submitted reflecting an understanding of the policy.
Member must then be accepted for membership.
2)New Thread and Reply pop-up box responses
all junior members get a pop-up box every time they reply on a thread with a question or reminder of search/question policy
3) Infractions
if moderators deem a question breaks said policy, a brief (hour?) suspension is imposed in which member submits forms in'1' again.......
question is simply immediately 'closed' or removed by moderators with a stock response to search via forum policy.
A little work, yeah, but it certainly would go a long way in preserving the purity of the site as demanded by some chefs and supporters.
I prepose that a mod move this thread to off topic cause this is half the problem, put your new thread in the right sub forum,
PS: Some Good Ideas
Shaun33 said:
I prepose that a mod move this thread to off topic cause this is half the problem, put your new thread in the right sub forum,
PS: Some Good Ideas
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yes i agree great ideas not a great place for this thread as it has nothing to do with hermes or wm6
People who create accounts, are they immediately allowed to start a new thread? If so I think this is not good. Perhaps after a few days being a member and having activity and a few posts.
HA! Good one Rocky, posting in the wrong thread, you yourself would be subject to said suspension.. ahah! .. Remember, we were all n00bz at some point. I still am.
rockky said:
question is simply immediately 'closed' or removed by moderators with a stock response to search via forum policy.
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Skip right to this and we'll be in business.
Furthermore, may I be so bold as to assert that another purpose for moderators is to keep some folks from taking matters into their own hands and/or keeping those who do so inappropriately in step with the overall forum objectives.
hmmm a lot of these have already been covered here:
This doesnt belong here in the WM6 thread..

Where are rules and all admins? (HTC General forum)

No really. What a messy forum there... 30% totally spam topics, and lot's of duplicated questions everywhere.
Where are clear FAQs, Sticky notes, Info and news in a beggining of HTC General forum?
No admins or moderators there?
Especially HTC Hero General.
shadow_fi said:
No really. What a messy forum there... 30% totally spam topics, and lot's of duplicated questions everywhere.
Where are clear FAQs, Sticky notes, Info and news in a beggining of HTC General forum?
No admins or moderators there?
Especially HTC Hero General.
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Good point but you can not blame the Mods or Admin they do a great job on this site and there are lots of members that do not Abide by the RULES do not bother reading back posts and just post a problem that has been posted before, every day i tell people to read back posts before they post a new problem but it falls on Deaf ears
lufc said:
Good point but you can not blame the Mods or Admin they do a great job on this site and there are lots of members that do not Abide by the RULES do not bother reading back posts and just post a problem that has been posted before, every day i tell people to read back posts before they post a new problem but it falls on Deaf ears
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You didnt get the idea. I didn't blame any admin. I think they have enough things to do. I am just wondering, where are warning, bans, etc.
Maybe we need some, 3 warning and ban for a week? If someone was helpfull, i could give him +1 point, if not -1. System like that.
And there is not enough FAQs, News, Notes in start of forums.
Also maybe there is not enough of admins?
shadow_fi said:
You didnt get the idea. I didn't blame any admin. I think they have enough things to do. I am just wondering, where are warning, bans, etc.
Maybe we need some, 3 warning and ban for a week? If someone was helpfull, i could give him +1 point, if not -1. System like that.
And there is not enough FAQs, News, Notes in start of forums.
Also maybe there is not enough of admins?
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Its a a vary hard system to Police when you go down the warning side of things and points i have seen it split up a forum before as the ban was not agreed with by the members and they boycotted the forum because of it not saying thats the same in every case.
And every body knows there is Rules they just choose to not comply like i said they don't even read what was written in the last hr so theres no hope for the rules.They have a device with a chosen ROM and stick to that thread but there is a lot more to XDA than that
shadow_fi said:
No really. What a messy forum there... 30% totally spam topics, and lot's of duplicated questions everywhere.
Where are clear FAQs, Sticky notes, Info and news in a beggining of HTC General forum?
No admins or moderators there?
Especially HTC Hero General.
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We're working on appointing forum-specific mods for each and every forum, as per the moderation system you may have read about. It's a big job, as you could imagine, but we're making good progress.
In the mean time, please feel free to PM me directly with any occurrence of spam, etc. =D
And of course, you're able to use the "report" button on a post to notify a moderator about spam or whatever you feel should be reported.
Sticky Notes
shadow_fi said:
No really. What a messy forum there... 30% totally spam topics, and lot's of duplicated questions everywhere.
Where are clear FAQs, Sticky notes, Info and news in a beggining of HTC General forum?
No admins or moderators there?
Especially HTC Hero General.
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Speaking of Sticky Notes...
Where the heck are these sticky notes I keep hearing the masses speak of?
I can't seem to find them ...
Speaking of Sticky Notes...
Where the heck are these sticky notes I keep hearing the masses speak of?
I can't seem to find them ...
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you do know you just bumped a 3 year old thread?
There only sticky threads.. If you hover over some options.. you can get brief details about it which you can call sticky notes I guess as it always pops up..
Nice near 3 year bump.
But with the question answered, thread closed.

Cannot post in Development threads?

Any Idea why??
myonlyst4r, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Please Read: New members (those with fewer than 10 posts) are not permitted to post to development-related forums. The developer forums are intended for experienced users and developers to discuss ways to improve technical aspects related to ROMs and Software. While you may be an expert, we ask ALL users to avoid posting questions about using or installing ROMs and software in the Development Forums. To encourage this new Users can read but not post in these forums.
To ask Questions about developing your device, installing ROMs, software and themes you must go to the Q&A or General Forum.
Remember, your question has very likely been asked already, so please search before posting.
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
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You have few posts.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
Loll u need 10 posts!!!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
myonlyst4r said:
Any Idea why??
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A little reading goes a long way, especially in the dev section. You quoted the answer to your question in the OP
aeakin said:
A little reading goes a long way, especially in the dev section. You quoted the answer to your question in the OP
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Hence the reason for the restrictions ....lol
I already have > 10 posts....
how am i supposed to post 10 posts? it will just be spam then..
i mean all i wanted to post was a thank u for my rom developer (krarvind, slim bean rocks) and ask about new features etc
zeddicus0 said:
how am i supposed to post 10 posts? it will just be spam then..
i mean all i wanted to post was a thank u for my rom developer (krarvind, slim bean rocks) and ask about new features etc
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Spamming ten posts isn't a great idea. Try and post something meaningful and maybe try and help some others in the Q&A threads.
Rom development threads aren't really the place to post a thank you, that's why there is a thanks button. Also feature requests probably would be better suited in the Q&A thread for that rom. If it doesn't have one already maybe one can be started.
Same problem.
I am also having a problem posting on development related threads. I am having a problem and cannot let anyone know. I already have 11 posts, why am I still getting the same message that I cannot post? Any help?
I agree that the ten posts thing is ridiculous. I have been pulling my hair out trying to solve a problem, and I found a thread which discussed a possible solution to that problem, but was having some difficulty with it working, and wanted to post the specifics of my problem and how they related to the solution presented to see if it was reasonable to think the solution might work. Instead, I am treated to a condescending message telling me, in effect to take a hike (to put it politely). I don't have time to come up with ten meaningful contributions before I get help solving the problem I am having - heck, I wasn't even sure from the message where I was even supposed to post such messages, since it said I can't post to "development-related forums" - what else is there on a site called xda-developers, anyway? I only found this thread using google to search for this whole ten posts nonsense.
And then, some of the responses by certain moderators seemed down-right rude, for instance one post complaining about how they wanted to thank the author for a post and report some minor issues was countered by a moderator who apparently didn't even read that part and closed the thread, declaring that their post had proved the need for the rule, as the person obviously hadn't learned "how to search" which doesn't even make sense consider the original poster already implied they HAD since otherwise how would you thank someone for something they found helpful and contribute findings on it?
Anyway, the best I could do was to send a private message to the most recent poster who appeared to be knowledgeable about the topic and hope for a reply. They were not the original poster, nor were they one of several other people knowledgable who had previously posted; this is thus a sub-optimal solution. Furthermore, any replies directly to me won't be shared with the world, meaning it won't help anyone with the same problem as me.
And you expect me to contribute in the future after treating me this way?
Thread closed
The ten post rule is to fight spammers and people who don't search cluttering up development threads with support questions. It's not hard to get ten meaningful posts. I understand frustrations when you're trying to figure out a problem, you've done the best which is ask someone knowledgeable for help, but the rule is in place for a reason.

Why the author can't delete a thread if it is closed?

Sorry, I'm not so sure if I should post here or the Q/A section.
From the Q&A (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=916775), only the moderators can delete threads. But since my thread hasn't been followed by anyone, I think I deserve the right to modify or delete it. Especially the article isn't finished yet and I'm not satisfied with that article.
Now that the moderator clearly refused to delete that post, I'm kind of disappointed.
XDA is a top-notch technology forum, and at the same time I hope a moderator should be educated more than a tech student. XDA should pay attention to author's right, especially not to do something against author's will. I'm not asking for deleting all my posts, which may cause troubles for the forum, I'm asking deleting ONE article.
Anyone can help me or support this issue?
Did you actually ask the moderator to delete the thread after it was closed OR are you just assuming that it won't be deleted?
A little context would help here.
Regarding deletion of posts/threads, we only generally delete them if it's spam (either commercial or a member spamming rubbish posts in order to get posting access to a development thread). The only other possible exception would be if the post/thread served no purpose whatsoever. That isn't the case with your thread though.
A member may be browsing through that forum at some point and stumble across your thread. Although your post isn't completed, they may still have some thoughts on something you've written and may choose to discuss it with others in the relevant thread (the one which was linked to in the closing message).
If you wish for other members to see your completed post, I'd suggest posting it in the relevant thread so that even if a member finds your current closed thread, they'll be able to click the link and find your full post there anyway.
You're, of course, free to ask that moderator if they'll reconsider deleting your post but I doubt it due to the reasoning above.
I hope this helps
I asked the moderator for real. His answer is like yours. But I don't think you answered anything.
You missed the point. I prefer to discuss this issue from aspects apart from what you (moderators) will do.
The point is: if your method (what you're doing) is proper or legitimate?
You should consider to open the deleting privilege for all users limitedly. Or to inform all users that 'we moderator' have the right to deprive your right of editing your articles, and then get their agreement. Please have a serious conversation with whom ever really runs this forum and the users in this forum.
At least now, I can't find a dedicated rule, so you should 'always' allow people to delete their articles.
It's odd for me that I have to ask moderator's permission for deleting my own work. especially it is not going to effect the running of the forum.
KidCarter93 said:
Did you actually ask the moderator to delete the thread after it was closed OR are you just assuming that it won't be deleted?
A little context would help here.
Regarding deletion of posts/threads, we only generally delete them if it's spam (either commercial or a member spamming rubbish posts in order to get posting access to a development thread). The only other possible exception would be if the post/thread served no purpose whatsoever. That isn't the case with your thread though.
A member may be browsing through that forum at some point and stumble across your thread. Although your post isn't completed, they may still have some thoughts on something you've written and may choose to discuss it with others in the relevant thread (the one which was linked to in the closing message).
If you wish for other members to see your completed post, I'd suggest posting it in the relevant thread so that even if a member finds your current closed thread, they'll be able to click the link and find your full post there anyway.
You're, of course, free to ask that moderator if they'll reconsider deleting your post but I doubt it due to the reasoning above.
I hope this helps
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You may not think I answered anything but I did the best I could given the information you provided in the first post.
You stated that a moderator wouldn't delete your post and then said that you'd like to be able to do so by yourself.
I then explained why we hardly ever delete posts and gave examples of when we do delete posts and a possible exception to deletions.
Post deletion is moderation, therefore only moderators are able to do so.
There's probably quite a few reasons (which I can't think of, off the top of my head) as to why members can't simply delete their own posts.
One main reason I can think of has already been mentioned by yourself. "I'm not asking for deleting all my posts, which may cause troubles for the forum..."
If the admins were to change the permissions to allow anyone to delete their own posts, it could very easily cause trouble for the forum, not to mention a huge nonsensical mess.
I know you did your best. If it sounds any rude to you I got to say sorry. I didn' t mean it. I was trying to point out that we have to discuss reasonably. You have to think further.
If your main reason is 'very easily cause trouble for the forum', then I have to say some sites do support post deletion, and it doesn't cause trouble at all. Any as I said, I recommend enable this function limitedly, at least allowing people to delete their article if that article isn't followed. Besides, the moderators are not robots, you can tell if the deletion is dangerous. If it is not, you moderators shouldn't refuse to do so, because it is against author's right. In other words, it is wrong you moderators refuse such requests if you moderators have no good reason.
You see, I refute your argument. That is discussion I'm talking about.
KidCarter93 said:
You may not think I answered anything but I did the best I could given the information you provided in the first post.
You stated that a moderator wouldn't delete your post and then said that you'd like to be able to do so by yourself.
I then explained why we hardly ever delete posts and gave examples of when we do delete posts and a possible exception to deletions.
Post deletion is moderation, therefore only moderators are able to do so.
There's probably quite a few reasons (which I can't think of, off the top of my head) as to why members can't simply delete their own posts.
One main reason I can think of has already been mentioned by yourself. "I'm not asking for deleting all my posts, which may cause troubles for the forum..."
If the admins were to change the permissions to allow anyone to delete their own posts, it could very easily cause trouble for the forum, not to mention a huge nonsensical mess.
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abnoob said:
I know you did your best. If it sounds any rude to you I got to say sorry. I didn' t mean it. I was trying to point out that we have to discuss reasonably. You have to think further.
If your main reason is 'very easily cause trouble for the forum', then I have to say some sites do support post deletion, and it doesn't cause trouble at all. Any as I said, I recommend enable this function limitedly, at least allowing people to delete their article if that article isn't followed. Besides, the moderators are not robots, you can tell if the deletion is dangerous. If it is not, you moderators shouldn't refuse to do so, because it is against author's right. In other words, it is wrong you moderators refuse such requests if you moderators have no good reason.
You see, I refute your argument. That is discussion I'm talking about.
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I am not sure what rights you are talking about as you are posting thing on a privately owned forum. What is posted here us at the moderators discretion. If it is not harmful then we close it and let it be. You can edit your post after it is closed and say remove any links in said post if I remember right. Or you can ask a mod to do it for you. Users will not be allowed any deletion powers at all. This is for many reasons including keeping issues down with post count requirements and thanks meters.

