Auto adjust processor? - XPERIA X1 Themes and Apps

I'm looking at Dell AXIM X30 with WM 2003 SE.
In energy config, i have the processor tab! I can setup the processor to Performance, Economy or Automatic.
Performance = Max clock: 624 mhz
Automatic: Change the clock automatic! (This option save much more energy than auto backlight adjust).
Somebody know if this is available for other WM? Or if exist a cab to install this?
Sorry for english!


Working fine!

On the lowest setting i dont get any sms notification sound (its set to keep the screen off)

what is your lowest setting? you shouldn't go below 112 mhz.

Lowest the program offers of course, 19,20 but since i didnt get my notification sound i set it to 61,44
Why not below 112?

Yeah, I wonder how because I can't see that the ROM that I've used able to make Video Telephony.

nurps said:
Lowest the program offers of course, 19,20 but since i didnt get my notification sound i set it to 61,44
Why not below 112?
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because below 112 mhz stuff stops working and/or strange stuff starts to happen.
caliban2 said:
you got it right what it does. install the cab and then restart your phone. under settings -> system you'll find a new icon, "Processor".
- set "on battery profile" to "Power Savings"
- click "File" and go to "Configure Profiles"
- choose "Power Savings" (surprise...)
- activate all settings and leave voltages on "Auto".
- from top to bottom set these 4 speed-settings: 528, 384, 256 & 122.88 MHz.
- set "after system is idle for" to 10000 ms
- "ok", "save" and you're done.
these settings save power but don't cause any freezes or lagging. [...]
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So far nothing strange happening with slower speeds.

well, either wait for it or you're lucky. ^^
depends on what is going on = how much processor-power is needed. i just reinstalled and noticed that with 112 it takes some seconds to come out of standby. 245 and it's on instantly. but i'm running a rather heavy rom feature-wise, so slower values might work depending on your system. (rom and configuration)
for example, i remember 112 mhz to be the lowest setting where music-playback in standby was smooth, below it would stutter. also there were some people were sms-notification wouldn't play during standby with values too low.
play with it. the settings above are a guide-line.

Ok my phone doenst really have anything to do in standbay except get calls and sms. Notifications didnt work with 19mhz but work finde with 60. I also tried calling me to see if it works.
But now im afraid it wont always work and set speed at 120mhz

Try this for better battery economy:
Improve your X1's Battery Life!

huh? that's exactly what we've been talking about in the last 5 posts...

Yes, but is the original post! kkk

... not really, no. it's quoting mine. kkk?
not that it really matters anyway.

The profile exceptions dont work for me. I set some apps to Max Perfomance but the still work in the PowerSaving profile..
Any idea what i am missing?

Where you find "profile exceptions"?

"file" and the "edit loader" and set it to "max perfomance" or what ever you want..but doenst seem to work..


New to SetCPU!

I know there are quite a few threads on setCPU BUT this is my first time using and i was wondering for my rom, kernel, and phone usage what you guys think is best to save battery but still be snappy when the screen is on.
My phone setup:
2.2 Android Baseband
King CFS 10 kernel
Evervolv v0.2.1 rom
pri 1.77_003
PRL 60670
I have the phone on wifi about 90% of the time because some of my reading says it saves battery. I use my phone for browsing facebook and a few forums, send a few hundred texts a day, talk on the phone maybe 10 times a week ( im a college student), regularly on email. NOW with that said how would YOU set up the set cpu for battery life but no lag while operating.
You need to update your PRL ...
twigums said:
I know there are quite a few threads on setCPU BUT this is my first time using and i was wondering for my rom, kernel, and phone usage what you guys think is best to save battery but still be snappy when the screen is on.
My phone setup:
2.2 Android Baseband
King CFS 10 kernel
Evervolv v0.2.1 rom
pri 1.77_003
PRL 60670
I have the phone on wifi about 90% of the time because some of my reading says it saves battery. I use my phone for browsing facebook and a few forums, send a few hundred texts a day, talk on the phone maybe 10 times a week ( im a college student), regularly on email. NOW with that said how would YOU set up the set cpu for battery life but no lag while operating.
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I always leave my main profile at 245 mhz min and 998 mhz max (ondemand mode). Then, of course, you'll want a screen off profile, and as far as that goes, I've heard that 128 and 245 draw the same voltage, so I have mine set to 128 min, 245 max (powersave mode). Other than that I just have some low battery profiles and a temp one. I don't really get any lag with this setup, but I've heard some people do. If that's the case, and I'm only talking about lag when first turning on, just up the 245 to 384 or something and I'd make it ondemand.
do i need to check set on boot under the scaling option
twigums said:
do i need to check set on boot under the scaling option
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No. I would leave it unchecked. This has been known to cause some issues.
grouse130 said:
No. I would leave it unchecked. This has been known to cause some issues.
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what kind of issues are you talking about? i've only heard and practice leaving it off when experimenting with overclocking (since it can put you in a boot loop). once you find a stable overclock speed, you can check it to start on boot so that you don't have to open setcpu every time you reboot if you decide to run it at that speed.
on-demand is a little less laggy (barely noticeable to me) but may consume more juice than conservative.
most kernels will step down to 245 when the screen is off so creating a profile to do that is redundant. you can verify this with the app android system info under the system tab > cpu.
having said that, i don't use setcpu unless i'm benchmarking and want to overclock.
kings #6 bfs kernel is awesome for battery life (default is conservative governor). it's what i use. give it a go when you've gotten a good feel on how kings #10 cfs is working out for you.
Here's what I would hit up..
set it to conservative. Conservative starts your phone at your minimum clock speed and works its way up, as opposed to on demand which starts at the highest and works its way down.
then for advanced i have sampling rate at 50000
Up threshold at 95% <- that's saying that when the workload hits 98%, crank up the processing speed
Down threshold at 70% <- when the load hits 70% turn it down
That stuff right there is agressive as hell, and when I say agressive, i probably won't ever hit your max frequency unless you are seriously doing some heavy lifting. The settings there are what I use to save up battery, you can get through a day easy with everything on (GPS, Wifi, sync, 3g, the works) and with your current usage, since its similar to mine (except that i also run beejive, skype and twitter at refresh rate of 5min).
grouse130 said:
No. I would leave it unchecked. This has been known to cause some issues.
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Yeah I think you've probably just seen that on some custom kernel pages. They only say not to do that because if you're testing battery life with say...HAVS, it could interfere w/o you realizing it. Set on boot just means you don't have to turn setCPU on everytime you reboot your phone.
just go set a profile on minimal mhz and on powersave mode if kerenal allows if not just use ondemand
My problem with the "Set on Boot" option is if you accidentally fat finger the slider past your stable clock with it checked, you're looking at boot loops and possibly having to restore from a backup to sort it out. SetCPU really needs the "Set on Boot" option grayed out and a "Lock Settings" option that must be checked before "Set on Boot" becomes accessible (unchecking "Lock Settings" would also uncheck "Set on Boot").
Another option would be a user defined field for max stable clock in the advanced settings that would limit the slider on the main tab. Either one should eliminate accidental boot loops.

Save Battery

How? Please give me tips and correct me if im wrong
1. Autobrightness
2. change from 3g to 2g if you're just using the phone to recieve notifications or use a small data program like for example whatsapp
3. deactivate data if you aren't using internet and you don't have any notification system for any kind of app
4. underclock choosing the right governor (ondemand?) put min. to 300 and max. to 600 if you're not playing heavy games you won't notice the difference (cyanogenmod -> system)
The last point I know that is not the best way to save battery, could someone indicate me how to underclock my phone (when switched the screen off consume a very few amount for ex. + which is the best governor to choose) I know setvsel is used for that but I don't know the correct values (and stables ones!) could someone help me so I can put it in the first post of this thread? thank you
I'm assuming for all of this that you give a normal use for your phone, some gps.. surf the web and recieving notifications + whatsapp could someone give me the setvsel values to this type of use? (assuming the max is 600 'cause I think I don't need more) thank you!
1. yes 2. yes, unless you find you are getting no signal. 3 yeah 4. you dont need to limit the system to 600 mhz just use set vsel and limit the up threshold to 100% and as for undervolting settings, everyones are different but check out this forum here

Reason for Processor Speed as 800 MHz

Hi Wavers,
From last few days, I have read many posts saying “This Firmware is not final as Processor speed is still set to 800 MHz by SAMSUNG”.
So, I contacted Samsung via “Bada Developers” and asked them why they have set Processor speed as 800 MHz (i.e. whether Latest Firmware are final or not).
I got reply for one of the Bada Developer saying “800MHz on IDLE! If you start a Application or Game it goes up to 1GHz... (The same is on a Wave 3)”
That means, they have set Processor speed as 800 MHz only for idle state (No Application running) and it will goes up to 1GHz if you start Application or Game. And same is implemented for Wave 3.
So, I think SAMSUNG is right at least at this Time and Reason looks pretty logical.
Note: - I haven’t verified whether this is correct or not, as I haven’t flashed my wave 2 with latest firmware. Mods can verify this and let us know whether I and Samsung are right or not ;-)
not totally true
i tried to check processor speed while game is running in the background and the highest number i got was 850 MHz only !!
Maybe Samsung missed something and limited speed to 850 only ?!
Best Regards
Tell that developer that he is dumbass. In idle mode ARM Clock goes to lowest possible frequency ~100MHz. But yeah, in many kernels I've been looking into it seems that they got upper limit of 800MHz.
Guys... i'm installing Zombie Infection via KIES right now and it shows 1000MHz. I didn't change anything in service menu. I have newest LA1 firmware. For me it usually shows 800MHz but it is enough to move upper beam and booom - it shows 950MHz right away. So i think the developer doesn't lie.
can you post which firmware version?
800MHz sounds reasonable on idle. Some droids (used to own an o2x, now I'm on a Wave 1) with go as low as 500 - 650 to up the powersaving. However, this causes the device to lag a bit when you wake it up. But that's very little inconvenience compared to the juice you're saving.
100MHz could be too slow when running background services such as radio, wifi, etc... I have no statistics though
kolo2x said:
100MHz could be too slow when running background services such as radio, wifi, etc... I have no statistics though
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100Mhz is still damn 100 millions of cycles per second, that is about 20 millions of elementar operations per second. For me it's enough to run radio, wifi, bluetooth, jump and sing. Especially if all of these are handled not by CPU but external chipsets.
If you look at WinComm logs at debuglevel high you will see everytime phone turns off screen clock goes 100~200MHz. When you wake it up - that depends, sometimes goes 400, when you move screen animation can go up to 800.
Rebellos said:
100Mhz is still damn 100 millions of cycles per second, that is about 20 millions of elementar operations per second. For me it's enough to run radio, wifi, bluetooth, jump and sing. Especially if all of these are handled not by CPU but external chipsets.
If you look at WinComm logs at debuglevel high you will see everytime phone turns off screen clock goes 100~200MHz. When you wake it up - that depends, sometimes goes 400, when you move screen animation can go up to 800.
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I've never used WinComm but it seems like a good tool. When you turn a phone off, you go in some "deep sleep" mode (yep it's not really off), which only runs the most basic of services. Services that poll your buttons or monitor certain interrupts that may cause your device to wake up such as some special alarms. Radio, wifi, and bluetooth are not among them. Embedded devices are required to drop their CPU frequencies drastically so you don't run out of battery.
Screen-off is another state that may just require disabling screen controllers, software renders, and the like. Some droids even turn off wifi on screen-off. I believe this is the idle state we're talking about.
From your observation, it seems the Wave's kernel is good at adjusting frequencies where needed. This could explain the good battery life this device has.
---------- Post added at 06:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:14 PM ----------
Rebellos said:
100Mhz is still damn 100 millions of cycles per second, that is about 20 millions of elementar operations per second. For me it's enough to run radio, wifi, bluetooth, jump and sing. Especially if all of these are handled not by CPU but external chipsets.
If you look at WinComm logs at debuglevel high you will see everytime phone turns off screen clock goes 100~200MHz. When you wake it up - that depends, sometimes goes 400, when you move screen animation can go up to 800.
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My bad. I believe I've read your reply incorrectly. If WinComm says we're at 100~200 MHz on screen-off then maybe this is all it needs to keep radio, wifi, etc.
Good stuff!

Delay in receiving a call

So when my phone screen is off, and I receive a call, the ringtone plays for about 3-4 seconds and then half way through the ringing, the screen turns on. I'm running ktoonsez kernel version 6/10
Do I need to increase a setting or something?
Have your off screen MHz too low I bet.
stevessvt said:
Have your off screen MHz too low I bet.
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This is the first thing I thoguht of too.
Try setting it to 384 and see if it improves.
Skipjacks said:
This is the first thing I thoguht of too.
Try setting it to 384 and see if it improves.
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stevessvt said:
Have your off screen MHz too low I bet.
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My settings are :
MIN/MAX : 189 Mhz and 1890 Mhz
Screen Off Profile Mhz: 486 Mhz
Disable Screen Off Mhz Call: Enabled
Screen Off Profile Sched: noop
Screen Off GPU Max Mhz: 200
Which one's do i increase? and 384 isn't an option for me, it's either 378 or 189 (those are the lowest)
Change your min/max to 384(378?)/1890 and your screen off to 5XX, dont remember what that number is...
kevinrubio1 said:
My settings are :
MIN/MAX : 189 Mhz and 1890 Mhz
Screen Off Profile Mhz: 486 Mhz
Disable Screen Off Mhz Call: Enabled
Screen Off Profile Sched: noop
Screen Off GPU Max Mhz: 200
Which one's do i increase? and 384 isn't an option for me, it's either 378 or 189 (those are the lowest)
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I meant 378.
But looking at your settings, first change the 486 max screen off to "No Change". Having that limiter on there could easily be what's causing your problem because the phoen is suddenly trying to perform 3 tasks at once. It's trying to notify you of the incoming call, turn the screen on, and change its' max processor speed to 1890. The change in processor speed is coming from the Kernel app, which has the lowest priority over the other 2 processes. So it's trying to turn the screen on and notify you of the incoming call while it's stuck at 486 Mhz. Only after it handles those tasks is the speed limit raised.
If you didn't have that speed limit then the phone would work at 1890 Mhz to turn the screen on and notify you of the call, and it would take about a half a second to complete.
I promise you it doesn't make much of a difference in battery if the screen off CPU speed is limited. If something runs with the screen off at 486 it just takes longer than it does at 1890. So the CPU is still going to run.
stevessvt said:
Change your min/max to 384(378?)/1890 and your screen off to 5XX, dont remember what that number is...
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Okay I increased it to 378 Mhz and my screen off to 594 Mhz! I'll leave my phone to the side for a couple of minutes and see if it has the delay or not!
Skipjacks said:
I meant 378.
But looking at your settings, first change the 486 max screen off to "No Change". Having that limiter on there could easily be what's causing your problem because the phoen is suddenly trying to perform 3 tasks at once. It's trying to notify you of the incoming call, turn the screen on, and change its' max processor speed to 1890. The change in processor speed is coming from the Kernel app, which has the lowest priority over the other 2 processes. So it's trying to turn the screen on and notify you of the incoming call while it's stuck at 486 Mhz. Only after it handles those tasks is the speed limit raised.
If you didn't have that speed limit then the phone would work at 1890 Mhz to turn the screen on and notify you of the call, and it would take about a half a second to complete.
I promise you it doesn't make much of a difference in battery if the screen off CPU speed is limited. If something runs with the screen off at 486 it just takes longer than it does at 1890. So the CPU is still going to run.
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Thanks, that makes perfect sense! I just set it to " Selected Scaling Max" because I couldn't find "No change" , is that the same?
kevinrubio1 said:
Thanks, that makes perfect sense! I just set it to " Selected Scaling Max" because I couldn't find "No change" , is that the same?
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Yes. Same thing.
Skipjacks said:
Yes. Same thing.
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It worked! Thanks skip
Sent from my SGH-M919 using xda app-developers app
Skipjacks said:
I meant 378.
But looking at your settings, first change the 486 max screen off to "No Change". Having that limiter on there could easily be what's causing your problem because the phoen is suddenly trying to perform 3 tasks at once. It's trying to notify you of the incoming call, turn the screen on, and change its' max processor speed to 1890. The change in processor speed is coming from the Kernel app, which has the lowest priority over the other 2 processes. So it's trying to turn the screen on and notify you of the incoming call while it's stuck at 486 Mhz. Only after it handles those tasks is the speed limit raised.
If you didn't have that speed limit then the phone would work at 1890 Mhz to turn the screen on and notify you of the call, and it would take about a half a second to complete.
I promise you it doesn't make much of a difference in battery if the screen off CPU speed is limited. If something runs with the screen off at 486 it just takes longer than it does at 1890. So the CPU is still going to run.
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Great info! But partly incorrect.
Ktweaker is not like your other CPU tweaking apps. The app is not doing the screen on change. The kernel itself is doing that. If you look at the last_kmsg you will see the lines outputting the change. It also contains no screen on receiver which is needed for listening for screen events. Ktoonsez has kernel powers, they are better than APIs But yes, the max screen off CPU will cause lag when receiving a phone call for the reasons you state. It needs power to do its processes but is limited to the max CPU setting until the screen awakes.
But also increasing the min CPU levels helps too. I also think depending on which governor is used, that only one CPU is allowed to go on when the screen is off. Which is a great battery saver.
elesbb said:
Great info! But partly incorrect.
Ktweaker is not like your other CPU tweaking apps. The app is not doing the screen on change. The kernel itself is doing that. If you look at the last_kmsg you will see the lines outputting the change. It also contains no screen on receiver which is needed for listening for screen events. Ktoonsez has kernel powers, they are better than APIs But yes, the max screen off CPU will cause lag when receiving a phone call for the reasons you state. It needs power to do its processes but is limited to the max CPU setting until the screen awakes.
But also increasing the min CPU levels helps too. I also think depending on which governor is used, that only one CPU is allowed to go on when the screen is off. Which is a great battery saver.
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wait so if I set the screen off mhz to 702, I would be fine and I would be saving battery?
kevinrubio1 said:
wait so if I set the screen off mhz to 702, I would be fine and I would be saving battery?
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Yes you would save battery. And that should be high enough to let the processes carry out.
Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk 2
where is the screen setting menu??
i have the same problem how do i find the setting?

Question How to disable High-End-Mode on Red Magic 8 Pro?

I used Skyline to try out Switch emulation performance. In the otions i switched on "force max GPU Frequency", so the GPU always runs on full power. I was able to play Burnout Paradise in 1080p @ solit 60FPS. However, after about 15min the Phone gets hot like hell and starts throtteling the SoC. The Notificationbar shows a "G"-Icon witch says, High-End-Mode enabled, this will drain the battery faster and generates more Heat.
The thing is, i unchecket that option in Skyline but Android still goes High-End-Mode everytime i start up Skyline, no matter what I do. In the Nubia Gamelouncher I set CPU and GPU to ballanced but it didnt change. I uninstalled Skyline and reinstalled it, but still Android goes in High-End-Mode when I start the App. I know that there is a 4. Performance Setting on this Phone but its hidden like Dev Mode. I searched the whole Web but not even Google found something useful.
So, is there anyone here who knows how to get to this hidden performance setting?
This information would be verry useful, thx!
TheGroove69 said:
I used Skyline to try out Switch emulation performance. In the otions i switched on "force max GPU Frequency", so the GPU always runs on full power. I was able to play Burnout Paradise in 1080p @ solit 60FPS. However, after about 15min the Phone gets hot like hell and starts throtteling the SoC. The Notificationbar shows a "G"-Icon witch says, High-End-Mode enabled, this will drain the battery faster and generates more Heat.
The thing is, i unchecket that option in Skyline but Android still goes High-End-Mode everytime i start up Skyline, no matter what I do. In the Nubia Gamelouncher I set CPU and GPU to ballanced but it didnt change. I uninstalled Skyline and reinstalled it, but still Android goes in High-End-Mode when I start the App. I know that there is a 4. Performance Setting on this Phone but its hidden like Dev Mode. I searched the whole Web but not even Google found something useful.
So, is there anyone here who knows how to get to this hidden performance setting?
This information would be verry useful, thx!
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Try *#62742654# in the phone app, where you can make a call. This give you a possibility to enable and disable the ludicrous mode. In my opinion the phone should not throttle the performance with maximum cpu and gpu Performance enabled.
Damn, the code didn't work but seriously appreciate it, since I like to save battery in some or other way

