nothing new for CES 2011 for WP7 ? - Windows Phone 7 General

Anyone hear anything besides CDMA coming in Q1 ? I've been following all day nothing so far on any new models or anything on brands.
I've seen a bunch of phones but, all that Anroid crap... (sorry fanboys, I'm not a fan)
Did anyone else see anything ?

Nothing really new.
When an MS rep was questioned, he did say something like (I'm paraphrasing), "We're saving some news for a later date. Only if there was an event coming up dedicated to mobile devices in Barcelona, Spain where we could talk about this..."
Making a not so thinly veiled reference to the Mobile World Congress starting on February 14th.

I honestly didn't think there was anything exciting at CES. Dual core is nothing without the apps to back it up. As a former Android user, I didn't find anything interesting. Maybe that is because T-Mobile didn't announce a superphone and I will not break my contract.
They will drop a couple devices in February. Maybe in Spain.
Than again, sometime in the Fall.

Yea, nothing good, it sucks to be honest with ya.... It's not over yet (later date ?) but, I guess we'll see.
We CDMA people have to wait till Feb before we hear anything about a CDMA WP7 ? I feel like one of those (you know who you are) Verizon iPhone people, just waiting and waiting....
I'll have to admit, some of those Android phones looked nice just only if they had WP7 on them, it would be great.

DavidinCT said:
Yea, nothing good, it sucks to be honest with ya.... It's not over yet (later date ?) but, I guess we'll see.
We CDMA people have to wait till Feb before we hear anything about a CDMA WP7 ? I feel like one of those (you know who you are) Verizon iPhone people, just waiting and waiting....
I'll have to admit, some of those Android phones looked nice just only if they had WP7 on them, it would be great.
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It is over on Sunday (I think) and there are still companies that need to present. I believe that Sprint has yet to present knowing that AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon already presented.
Someone said that the HTC Trophy is coming very soon. Just passed the FCC with Verizon's banding.
But all of the Android phones have skins. Oddly enough, only one of them had Gingerbread and it is not even on a US carrier anytime soon.

I am not sure if there is anything new - as in the case you haven't yet heard of - coming on MWC, MS has a single stand at the event.

i was really expecting some aha announcements from balmer and his team. just some rattling on about nothing really, ahem xbox this and that. he's really looking old and tired now.
really expecting to see some cool innovations. maybe those projector phones with 12 hour batteries and lte connectivity ? well, no.
of course there are android phones everywhere (ya i'm a big fan) but expected more there also. one dual core phone. well, ok. if i get my nexus one, g2, g1, and wifes g2 all together, i'll have 4 cores really close to each other. woooo-p.
tell the truth i'd get more excited if there was some shazam new battery tech announced that let a badass smartphone run for a week on a charge that i'd be if there was a quad core handset.
tablets, good lord tablets everywhere ! and honeycomb is really going to be tailored specifically for tablets. sweet. nice to see a company making a specific OS for tablets.
things that aren't selling me:
tablets (too big for phoning, too small for real computing)
front facing cameras
barely usable batteries
gee-wiz dual cores/quad cores
kick stands
anything that isn't a micro-usb (c'mon already, standards!)
things taht would get me hot to buy:
LTE (the upgrade to this g2 with 6-7Mbps is pretty smokin fast, i want more though)
led projector, HD quality
720p that rivaled the iphone's (their stuff is really, really , really good)
a week long battery
drop proof

canadariot2312 said:
Someone said that the HTC Trophy is coming very soon. Just passed the FCC with Verizon's banding.
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Where did you read "The Entry level WP7 device" AKA HTC The Trophy just passed FCC banding ??
If it just got passed, it could be a few months before anyone sees it... Not sure I want the Trophy anyway, it's the lowest end model out of all current WP7 phones...
I'd rather have the Pro 7 (yea, the one Sprint is getting), I was hoping for something else on Verizon than just the Trophy.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, after 1 billion planned and millions so far spent on adveristing for WP7, Verizon and Sprint will not come to market with just 1 device each.
ohgood said:
tell the truth i'd get more excited if there was some shazam new battery tech announced that let a badass smartphone run for a week on a charge that i'd be if there was a quad core handset.
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I want every year to hear some magical new battery that is taking over that will go from hours of use to 100's of hours of use but, nothing ever comes up. Yea, let me get a Quad core CPU on a phone that only gets 1.5 hours talk time, YEA !!!!!
Out of all the stuff they come up, they can't solve a simple battery problem ? WTF ???

DavidinCT said:
Where did you read "The Entry level WP7 device" AKA HTC The Trophy just passed FCC banding ??
If it just got passed, it could be a few months before anyone sees it... Not sure I want the Trophy anyway, it's the lowest end model out of all current WP7 phones...
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DavidinCT said:
Where did you read "The Entry level WP7 device" AKA HTC The Trophy just passed FCC banding ??
If it just got passed, it could be a few months before anyone sees it... Not sure I want the Trophy anyway, it's the lowest end model out of all current WP7 phones...
I'd rather have the Pro 7 (yea, the one Sprint is getting), I was hoping for something else on Verizon than just the Trophy.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, after 1 billion planned and millions so far spent on adveristing for WP7, Verizon and Sprint will not come to market with just 1 device each.
I want every year to hear some magical new battery that is taking over that will go from hours of use to 100's of hours of use but, nothing ever comes up. Yea, let me get a Quad core CPU on a phone that only gets 1.5 hours talk time, YEA !!!!!
Out of all the stuff they come up, they can't solve a simple battery problem ? WTF ???
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simple? if it was so simple why wouldn't you or anyone else for that matter do it? I guess its because im an engineer and i know science that i find this statement ridiculous. Lithium is the best element for energy storage and that is already being used. This is because lithum's desire to give elections away on it outer shell (hydrogen ist because it is hofbrincl). It is really going to be hard to find something else that can work better than this. Battery cell architecture enhancements are they best way to go with this route until some kind of reaction proves better, but that can only go so far. my point, it is hard, and a new approach to energy storage will have to be solved for it to really get better so i'd quit expecting something.
ok enough of the science lesson, I was also kind of disappointed in CES. Honestly I might of gone back to andriod if there was a LTE, dual core, sim card based, high res, 8 mp with FF VGA camera, 4.3 in phone that had excellent 4G coverage and 2.3 on it but noting announced met that criteria.
I was also hoping MS would drop the flash surprise or extended limited multitasking abilty but that also failed to happen. Basically what I heard from MS was exactly what everyone already knew. Some apis that allow certian types of services (streaming music apis, chat, etc) to preform in the backgroud would of been great.
i'm walking away from CES like eh, but eventually an LTE tablet might be in my future.

The Gate Keeper said:
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The HTC Pro 7 the one thought, I could not find any actual proof of it going to Sprint, the only way we know the Trophy is going to Verizon because they offered it to MS Employees.
The Trophy just passed the FCC yesterday. The HTC Pro 7 (the other CDMA "7" phone) passed the FCC 10/25/2010 and is still not here.
If someone is counting on getting it very soon, I would be shocked.
jz9833 said:
simple? if it was so simple why wouldn't you or anyone else for that matter do it?
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Dude, calm down... I was kidding with that... We've only been with the same battery tech for 5-10+ years now ? I'm sure someone came up with something by now. I know it's not simple by any means, it just sucks that no one has solved it. Not even any proto-types or rumors, that dead on this subject.
Pretty soon, something is going to have to happen, phones get faster, need more power, phones get bigger for bigger batteries...Sounds like we are going backwards to me...

DavidinCT said:
The HTC Pro 7 the one thought, I could not find any actual proof of it going to Sprint, the only way we know the Trophy is going to Verizon because they offered it to MS Employees.
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Note: feel free to hit the thanks button
i'm in australia so i have the trophy already. it's decent. takes nice day photos, and good feel in the hands. would like to see the 7 Pro in australia though.

DavidinCT said:
The HTC Pro 7 the one thought, I could not find any actual proof of it going to Sprint, the only way we know the Trophy is going to Verizon because they offered it to MS Employees.
The Trophy just passed the FCC yesterday. The HTC Pro 7 (the other CDMA "7" phone) passed the FCC 10/25/2010 and is still not here.
If someone is counting on getting it very soon, I would be shocked.
Dude, calm down... I was kidding with that... We've only been with the same battery tech for 5-10+ years now ? I'm sure someone came up with something by now. I know it's not simple by any means, it just sucks that no one has solved it. Not even any proto-types or rumors, that dead on this subject.
Pretty soon, something is going to have to happen, phones get faster, need more power, phones get bigger for bigger batteries...Sounds like we are going backwards to me...
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from a simple stand point i can see your stance, but once you know the technology it makes since. Solar energy is actually the leading cause for the push in energy storage, but maybe cell phones will help push that.
What i honestly think is going to happen id the evolution of the power mat from Duracell. When the guy who invented it was still at MIT and proposing this tech he also stated in the future it would be possible to get rid of the mat and transmit power OTA. This would be a future with no batteries in cell phones thus making them the slimiest they could possibly be. However what happens when you are too far away from the tower emitting power.
This is all just FYI stuff, but if you are interested in the future of batteries this is the answer.

DavidinCT said:
Dude, calm down... I was kidding with that... We've only been with the same battery tech for 5-10+ years now ? I'm sure someone came up with something by now. I know it's not simple by any means, it just sucks that no one has solved it. Not even any proto-types or rumors, that dead on this subject.
Pretty soon, something is going to have to happen, phones get faster, need more power, phones get bigger for bigger batteries...Sounds like we are going backwards to me...
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Could be interesting...

Reflexx1 said:
Could be interesting...
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Yea, very interesting, if it ever comes out, I read about that like almost a year ago, as it could hold the power, the possable problems coming out (to the world) could be really bad.
As for wireless power, cool but, at what cost? As I think about this more, someone has to pay for the power and no one is going to give power away for free. So a power system off of a tower someplace ? Never will happen, there are too many companies making money off the grid and they would never let it happen, even for small devices.
It's a nice idea over all, to have a longer range "power mat" type of system, one in your home, one in your car, one in your office so you can limit your breaks of constant power (kind of like plugging it in when your in those locations) but, then you go back to the battery tech. Try recharging your battery 5-10 times a day or more (going between locations) how long do you think your battery would last (after discharge and recharge 100's of times more a month) ????
Anyway, for Verizon cusomers... a Press statement or "event" coming on Tuesday... Said, releases, so maybe WP7 along with the iPhoney.

ohgood said:
front facing cameras
gee-wiz dual cores/quad cores
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Thank god I am not alone with this. Front facing cameras are basically dead. Some old Windows Mobile devices had them, but I don't think anyone ever used them.
I am waiting for Microsoft to make dual core fully optimized for dual core, it might happen 2012 though. I could wait on that.
And for data speed, I would rather wait for HSPA+ (the one with a peak of 42 mpbs) on a WP7 devices, only because I have no plans of switching carriers (all carriers work here, so doesn't really matter which one I use). LTE is pretty cool and it is available in my area.


Sprint TP2 confirmed! Pictures included
all I can say is, WOW! Wish I had sprint right now
Roflcopterrr said:
all I can say is, WOW! Wish I had sprint right now
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not me. they, as expected, removed the front camera, and i dont really care for the new color/look of it. Im still getting an unlocked one.
Looks cool to me. The back cover looks funky! Shame about the front camera tho.
Lyian said:
not me. they, as expected, removed the front camera, and i dont really care for the new color/look of it. Im still getting an unlocked one.
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Does any US carrier leave the front camera on any of their devices?
I'm surprised there's still no word on it from at&t...
fone_fanatic said:
Does any US carrier leave the front camera on any of their devices?
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No, because none of them support video calling.
ajbopp said:
No, because none of them support video calling.
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Any of them can support it. The real reason they don't leave them in is because they don't want video calls lagging up their network. They don't have enough of a 3G foundation in place to feel secure with the concept. As long as the software is available (and it is), we could have it. I don't blame them, but it still pisses me off that I can't have it.
Poke_N_PDA said:
Any of them can support it. The real reason they don't leave them in is because they don't want video calls lagging up their network. They don't have enough of a 3G foundation in place to feel secure with the concept. As long as the software is available (and it is), we could have it. I don't blame them, but it still pisses me off that I can't have it.
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I wouldnt even use it over 3g, if i were to use it, id only be over wi-fi in hotspots. In all realness, i doubt id even use that camrea much, but i just hate it when i see one device, that has removed features for (what equates to) the same price.
The front camera isn't much of a big deal really. Don't let it stop you from getting the phone. It looks really cool. I won't mind having it but it doesn't support our 2100 3G networks. . I hardly use my fron camera on the HD. The novelty wears off really quicky. Also video calls cost a lot and you need to be on the same network to get cheaper calls. I only used it once to test it out and never used it again. Mainly because most of my friends won't take video calls cos it cost them money. LOL.
Damn, Mid June?? Thats right around the corner! Looks like Sprint is corning the market in June of 2009. Time to buy some Sprint stock.... weeeeeeeeee
Then sell it!!!
Well, with the 2 hottest QWERTY handsets out this June (Palm Pre and TP2), I am sure Sprint will be very popular this summer.
I am soooooooo happy about this. With this being a CDMA/GSM Hybrid I'll get to have my cake (Sprint) and eat it too (the world)!
Hehehhe! As far as video calling goes, do we really need it? No, I mean, who are we going to call that actually has video calling in the US? May be a handful of business users MIGHT have it on a hard line. Engadget is reporting on a June release for the TP2 but (hold your horses, bad news) this FCC doc clearly states a confidentiality release date of October 31st, 2009! Weird, huh? I mean, things change but I still think it'll be a Q4 release like originally anticipated (leaked for internal Sprint roadmap earlier)
I suspect that's business as usual, though I don't know for sure. But it would make sense to request that sort of thing for several months past the release date as a contingency for a last minute need for change of plans regarding rollout. I don't see this as in any way restricting a carrier or HTC from releasing the phone before the date stated.
sino8r said:
Hehehhe! As far as video calling goes, do we really need it? No, I mean, who are we going to call that actually has video calling in the US?
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for me, thats not so much the point as, i just dont like features, useful or not, being taken away from something with out it being replaced by something else.. and sorry, a sprint/t-mobile/att logo isn't an adequate replacement for a camera. Maybe i wont use it, but i always like it when something is there, and not use it, rather than if something wasn't their, and i needed it.
Does anyone else think the release date is suspect? I want some confirmation first from Sprint as it would make no sense to release 2 smartphones like the Pre and TP2 in the same release time frame, they would hurt each other's sales. Also, Palm has been known for business devices, so saying the Pre is consumer based and the TP2 is business focused would not sell it for me...I'm sure hoping this isn't like when people rumored the Pre as early as April and it got pushed back little by little...personally I can't stand my TP any more as I'm having major problems and would do anything to trade it in for a TP2 sooner instead of later (may have to resort to a Pre if the TP2 doesn't truly come in June).
fadywwf316 said:
Does anyone else think the release date is suspect? I want some confirmation first from Sprint as it would make no sense to release 2 smartphones like the Pre and TP2 in the same release time frame, they would hurt each other's sales. Also, Palm has been known for business devices, so saying the Pre is consumer based and the TP2 is business focused would not sell it for me...I'm sure hoping this isn't like when people rumored the Pre as early as April and it got pushed back little by little...personally I can't stand my TP any more as I'm having major problems and would do anything to trade it in for a TP2 sooner instead of later (may have to resort to a Pre if the TP2 doesn't truly come in June).
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It was confirmed by Sprint, in a roundabout way, when this was first announced. A Sprint employee said a high level Sprint sales rep demo'd the phone, and said the release date was June.
Sprint is apparently coming out with the Pre, Snap, and TP2 all within a few weeks of each other. This does make sense if you think about it, because they are all very different form factors and each is likely to appeal to different sorts of customers (I wouldn't touch the Pre or Snap with a 10 foot pole - Pre has an untried, little supported OS, and Snap has a keyboard design I personally can't stand - But I can't wait to get my hands on the TP2). It's unlikely, I think, that they will hurt each other's sales. If Sprint can generate some real mass enthusiasm across three different phone styles all at the same, it's probably going to be to Sprint's benefit to have all the buzz being around them instead of the other guys.
Marketing guys will tell you it will even be an advantage to have negative buzz ("love the Pre but they are sold out till August! Dammit!"). No such thing as bad publicity and all.
Sprint really needs to get people talking about them, and not Verizon and AT&T. I think this stands a good chance of being a brilliant strategy.
Valicore said:
I am soooooooo happy about this. With this being a CDMA/GSM Hybrid I'll get to have my cake (Sprint) and eat it too (the world)!
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And this is the thing that finally pushed me over the edge. I end up using CDMA locally and GSM on the road, and I have always kept two phones around: this will *finally* put an end to this. 'Cause honestly, it would be hard to justify the purchase absent that: the hardware underpinning the device is nearly the same as my Touch Pro.
goldenu said:
And this is the thing that finally pushed me over the edge. I end up using CDMA locally and GSM on the road, and I have always kept two phones around: this will *finally* put an end to this. 'Cause honestly, it would be hard to justify the purchase absent that: the hardware underpinning the device is nearly the same as my Touch Pro.
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unless you mean "on the road" as in foreign countries, I think the GSM radio will be disabled except outside of the US according to the fcc filing.
Free country
ckeegan said:
unless you mean "on the road" as in foreign countries, I think the GSM radio will be disabled except outside of the US according to the fcc filing.
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I so sure the fine folks of the hacking and unlocking communities wont let that go, we should have the best of both worlds in the same country -----ITS A FREE COUNTRY!! HOOK IT UP BARACK!!!!
from what i've learned by poking around the CDMA phones require a different firmware correct? among other small things?
i would assume this means less support since it seems like a majority of the genius's here use GSM phones.
right wrong? just being silly?

HTC is crap...

Man so I just saw a video review of Droid X over Android Central and the Moto X got 60fps out of the box without any hacks. But with HTC the devs gotta hack it. Yeah yeah I know some peeps would say we don't need 60fps, but hell for me even if I only get 40fps with nova hack, things seem so much smoother.
vboyz103 said:
Man so I just saw a video review of Droid X over Android Central and the Moto X got 60fps out of the box without any hacks. But with HTC the devs gotta hack it. Yeah yeah I know some peeps would say we don't need 60fps, but hell for me even if I only get 40fps with nova hack, things seem so much smoother.
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Yeah, I'm pissed off with my EVO! or I should say HTC!!! I've emailed them about 3 times now and still no reply in regards to the 30 frame rates per second cap. I'm going to wait until the 3rd of July and return my evo and wait for the sprint samsung galaxy version... i read there's going to be 2 versions, a pro with the qwerty and a keyboard less. Also i read the processor in it is identical to that of the iphone 4. This is bull HTC, i expected the best from the evo until the 2nd day i had my evo and saw my palm pre plays 3d games 10 times better than the evo.
I feel what you guys are saying, but how many of us would have known about this issue so early on had it not been for the members here bringing it to our attention, I would have probably caught it later on and not so soon. And yes it is very snappy with the hack.
Also I'm pretty sure sprint is only getting the QWERTY flavored Galaxy S. Samsung also doesn't have a very good track record with keeping up with their devices on a timely fashion. I left MOMENT due to that and went HTC, not like sprint has an variety of big named devices anyway. I'm pretty sure emailing HTC at this point is a waste of time seeing as they already stated they capped it for *their* reasons. This isn't a problem for me since the devs are working on fixes even tho it isn't their job. I'm not an average user so tweaking and twiddling with my phone is all good for me. But I can see how to an average user this would be an issue if they even decide to care.
I really don't know how any of you guys expect to by any smart phone or gadget for that matter and have it work flawlessly without fault. I still can't get over people getting bent about some light warpage that you only see in dark areas but hey thats just me.
Samsung has pledged to focus more on their Android devices so I would imagine that their past issues with not updating will be resolved...
I'm really wanting the Galaxy S Pro... It takes every other Android phone to task.
take the phone back jump to Verizon and move on SIMPLE !
vboyz103 said:
Man so I just saw a video review of Droid X over Android Central and the Moto X got 60fps out of the box without any hacks. But with HTC the devs gotta hack it.
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Because ONE "flaw" with ONE phone (which is, by the the way, the FIRST batch of the FIRST generation of this phone) obviously means the company as a whole is just garbage?
go4the1 said:
Because ONE "flaw" with ONE phone (which is, by the the way, the FIRST batch of the FIRST generation of this phone) obviously means the company as a whole is just garbage?
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One phone? Uhhh.......
EtherealRemnant said:
One phone? Uhhh.......
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yes, this is the EVO 4G forum. When I say one phone I think it's implied I'm talking about the model as a whole.
go4the1 said:
yes, this is the EVO 4G forum. When I say one phone I think it's implied I'm talking about the model as a whole.
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You emphasized one phone as if meaning to say that HTC hasn't ****ed up on just about every other phone they've ever put out as well...
IMO the grass is not greener at Samsung. I have had the i760 and the Moment and each time I swapped them for the HTC equivilent at the time.
Every device has issues, but at least HTC hacks are much easier to come by...the evidence is in the size of the XDA forums.
The only thing I like better about Samsung is that the hardware is less flimsey, but HTC has gotten better at it over the last year.
EtherealRemnant said:
You emphasized one phone as if meaning to say that HTC hasn't ****ed up on just about every other phone they've ever put out as well...
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I emphasized "one" phone because when you translate his post to English, the rant is:
The entire company "HTC" is crap as a whole because one of their phones has a 30fps cap on graphics.
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...which is obviously untrue.
Guys, we know that the cap is software imposed. It can be fixed. Sure, HTC screwed up by imposing a 30FPS cap, but nothing matches the QQing the iPhone 4 users are making right now. (Seriously, glass back and front? Antennae shorting?)
Basically, the cap will be broken completely soon. It is HTC's fault they imposed such a dumb cap in the first place, but calling the company crap because of that is kind of uncalled for.
Jykinturah said:
Guys, we know that the cap is software imposed. It can be fixed. Sure, HTC screwed up by imposing a 30FPS cap, but nothing matches the QQing the iPhone 4 users are making right now. (Seriously, glass back and front? Antennae shorting?)
Basically, the cap will be broken completely soon. It is HTC's fault they imposed such a dumb cap in the first place, but calling the company crap because of that is kind of uncalled for.
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+1 exactly my point.
OP, play with an evo for a few minutes and then try to say that the (temporary) 30fps cap really makes a difference to the overall experience of the device.
Just go buy the droid x and don't spend your precious time here to tell us how you hate HTC and the EVO because you have so much experience with the Droid X to says its so much better.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
You know, I bought this phone cash for 500 bucks... I'm a big gamer and would really like to play most of the 3d games gameloft has to offer and with the evo capped at 30 frp second, I'm **** out of luck! CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT, but i want my moneys worth and for the look HTC does not care to fix this issue. I just hope the galaxy s delivers where the evo failed to. And for the record, I bought ASPHAL 5 for my evo on the second day I owned it and IT PLAYS LIKE ****!!!! It did not have to come here to figure this out.
EtherealRemnant said:
Samsung has pledged to focus more on their Android devices so I would imagine that their past issues with not updating will be resolved...
I'm really wanting the Galaxy S Pro... It takes every other Android phone to task.
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I'm actually waiting to see how thick the S Pro is. If it is pretty thin I might check it out, even though I will probably never use the hardware keyboard. The GPU alone looks to be kicking all kinds of ass.
Kshawn said:
I feel what you guys are saying, but how many of us would have known about this issue so early on had it not been for the members here bringing it to our attention, I would have probably caught it later on and not so soon. And yes it is very snappy with the hack.
Also I'm pretty sure sprint is only getting the QWERTY flavored Galaxy S. Samsung also doesn't have a very good track record with keeping up with their devices on a timely fashion. I left MOMENT due to that and went HTC, not like sprint has an variety of big named devices anyway. I'm pretty sure emailing HTC at this point is a waste of time seeing as they already stated they capped it for *their* reasons. This isn't a problem for me since the devs are working on fixes even tho it isn't their job. I'm not an average user so tweaking and twiddling with my phone is all good for me. But I can see how to an average user this would be an issue if they even decide to care.
I really don't know how any of you guys expect to by any smart phone or gadget for that matter and have it work flawlessly without fault. I still can't get over people getting bent about some light warpage that you only see in dark areas but hey thats just me.
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You know, I bought this phone cash for 500 bucks... I'm a big gamer and would really like to play most of the 3d games gameloft has to offer and with the evo capped at 30 frp second, I'm **** out of luck! CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT, but i want my moneys worth and for the look HTC does not care to fix this issue. I just hope the galaxy s delivers where the evo failed to. And for the record, I bought ASPHAL 5 for my evo on the second day I owned it and IT PLAYS LIKE ****!!!! It did not have to come here to figure this out.
^Do you really need to post that twice?
I totally get that you want your monies worth, I mean who doesn't right? Also as stated we all would have figured it out sooner or later on our own about the caps one way or another. And yes I agree the cap is nonsense and we shouldn't just "make due" but if you bought the evo as a means for serious gaming I think you picked up the wrong device . But all In all I get everyone's point
adelaney said:
You're crap dude. Change your tampon.
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Oh snap! lol I'll be laughing about this remark til tomorrow.

Get Evo now, or wait for a WP7 device?

Hey everyone, need advice get an Evo now, I have a place to get one, or get a WP7 later and wait it out?
It's been tough seeing my sister with the Evo while I'm still running this old stuff but I'm waiting for WP7.
If you're like 90% of the people who have the evo, you'll be eligible for a full handset upgrade every year through sprint premier ($70/mnth+ on single line, or $100/mnth+ family line)
If I had a handset upgrade every year, I'd probably get the epic or evo. You can always arrange a trade with someone if you really want a WP7 before your next upgrade
I would just get the Evo, WP7 just shot itself in the foot lately. Instead of going forward their going backwards no tethering, no internet browser options. I could go on and on. Ill look around next month for a upgrade as well since my contract is up. I hate to leave windows mobile 6.5 but no more support for my i637 jack.
But then again, it might be about half a year befor sprint and verizon get WP7 as MS is currently looking to only support GSM first.
RustyGrom said:
It's been tough seeing my sister with the Evo while I'm still running this old stuff but I'm waiting for WP7.
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Honestly, when I put my Omnia II just running titanium up against the iphone and android...I don't really see it all that lacking. I think MS really misstepped by not releasing photon. I think an updated 6.5 version would have really stomped Android. I wonder how close they were to release.
gom99 said:
Honestly, when I put my Omnia II just running titanium up against the iphone and android...I don't really see it all that lacking. I think MS really misstepped by not releasing photon. I think an updated 6.5 version would have really stomped Android. I wonder how close they were to release.
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It might have. But WP7 is still light years ahead of that. Who cares if it's missing a few features at launch that only "power users" really care about? I am extremely glad they took the course that they did. Photon was evolutionary, WP7 is revolutionary in terms of UI and platform. Would we have seen Silverlight and XNA (including Xbox Live) on Photon? no way. We'd still be using WinForms, maybe just slightly updated with some new controls and styling and gesture support. Ever since the Zune HD launched, many people were hoping Microsoft would make a phone based on that philosophy and that's what WP7 is. Metro is the ****.
RustyGrom said:
Who cares if it's missing a few features at launch that only "power users" really care about?
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Uhhhh.........maybe the power users on this power users forum?
rr5678 said:
Uhhhh.........maybe the power users on this power users forum?
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That's where "jailbreaking" will probably come in.
Paperclips your starting to seem very apologetic for WP7, but I can understand why. People just don't want to like WP7, I think were part of the few.
But back on the subject at hand. Yes I'd say get the Evo 4g if your on sprint, because WP7 isn't coming to that carrier until mid 2011. IF your not on Sprint than try other carriers and them make your judgement off that.
How much of you folks truly do use tethering? And who just make another fuzz just because? I'm sure most of you fall into the latter category.
Anyone that needs mobile connectivity regularly would just get a 3G thumbstick anyway. They're cheap as ****, too.
Tom Servo said:
How much of you folks truly do use tethering?
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I can't say I use it often, but when I do, I really need it.
Tom Servo said:
Anyone that needs mobile connectivity regularly would just get a 3G thumbstick anyway. They're cheap as ****, too.
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That's not really a solution. I need a new SIM, a new contract, another device to carry with me at all times, I need to remember to pay for it, etc. If I used it daily I would maybe get it, but for occasional use it's just a hassle.
krjcook said:
Paperclips your starting to seem very apologetic for WP7, but I can understand why. People just don't want to like WP7, I think were part of the few.
But back on the subject at hand. Yes I'd say get the Evo 4g if your on sprint, because WP7 isn't coming to that carrier until mid 2011. IF your not on Sprint than try other carriers and them make your judgement off that.
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I wouldn't say apologetic. I'd say realistic. I just think that there is room for more than two operating systems as some people on this forum think. They view every consumer as a power user when it's far from true. Jailbreaking probably will happen but whenever I decide to buy a Windows Phone I'm not sure I will need to. I'm honestly waiting for one that has 4G for Verizon which probably won't come for the second half of next year. For the time being, I'm perfectly content with my Incredible.
I'd actually suggest that the OP buy the EVO if they're getting an upgrade next year anyway. By then there should be a great selection of 4G Windows phones if they so choose to go that way.
Tom Servo said:
How much of you folks truly do use tethering?
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I use it at least 20x a month.

[Q] any rumored windows phones, especially CES 2011

any rumored for tmobile?
I hear they may mention a tablet, or loosen up on their restrictions.
yeah, theres no middle tier phones right now.
i'd jump in a heartbeat if it had 16GB, multitasking, more apps, super AMOLED, 4.3 inch, kinda like an HD7 with super amoled and the obvious ones.
Oh yeah, and a Hummingbird or 2ndGen Snap!
There's a rumor that T-Mobile is gonna get a 4.1" amoled device with, of all things, some kind of oddball *portrait* slider keyboard, with options for 8 or 16 gigs of storage, sometime in Q1 2011.
T-Mobile is doubtful to get more WP7 devices, no rumours have surfaced so far and they seem firmly entrenched in the android camp.
@FL5. Woah, what is that?!
FL5 said:
There's a rumor that T-Mobile is gonna get a 4.1" amoled device with, of all things, some kind of oddball *portrait* slider keyboard, with options for 8 or 16 gigs of storage, sometime in Q1 2011.
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What is this elusive, dare I say, mythical device of which you speak!
Sent from my Nexus One
I'm hoping for something other than the Trophy on Verizon. If that's the only one, guess that's what I'm getting because I've been dying to switch out my Droid for a Windows Phone 7.
FL5 said:
There's a rumor that T-Mobile is gonna get a 4.1" amoled device with, of all things, some kind of oddball *portrait* slider keyboard, with options for 8 or 16 gigs of storage, sometime in Q1 2011.
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you forgot to mention its made by one of the worst hardware providers on earth
jz9833 said:
you forgot to mention its made by one of the worst hardware providers on earth
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Whoah! What's your source on that? Last I'd heard, HP was focusing solely on WebOS.
FL5 said:
Whoah! What's your source on that? Last I'd heard, HP was focusing solely on WebOS.
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clearly you missed the fact it isn't out because of quality control issues.
jz9833 said:
clearly you missed the fact it isn't out because of quality control issues.
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Nah, that's what post 4 was poking fun at. Since the argument got opened up to hardware manufacturers in general, though, figured I'd have some fun. Fact is that hardware failure happens to everybody. Yeah, it's pretty bad PR for Dell to have to admit that their product got gunked so bad as to push it into next year, but I've got a 6-year-old Dell laptop that's still chugging along, so it's gonna be hard to convince me that they're the worst out there. Honestly, if I was a T-mo customer, I'd be eagerly and rabidly waiting on the VP. That's me, though.
FL5 said:
Nah, that's what post 4 was poking fun at. Since the argument got opened up to hardware manufacturers in general, though, figured I'd have some fun. Fact is that hardware failure happens to everybody. Yeah, it's pretty bad PR for Dell to have to admit that their product got gunked so bad as to push it into next year, but I've got a 6-year-old Dell laptop that's still chugging along, so it's gonna be hard to convince me that they're the worst out there. Honestly, if I was a T-mo customer, I'd be eagerly and rabidly waiting on the VP. That's me, though.
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you must be one of the lucky ones.
my xps m12 has had about everything fail on it multiple time. I've needed new mother boards, sound cards, batteries, and ram. now the thing gets so hot i can't stand to have to on my lap. I eventually gave up on it and saw a netbook out preform a 1.5 year old $2200 laptop.
My brother laptop is pretty much the same and the desktop i bought before the laptop was also a really bad investment.
Back to topic though, I wouldnt expect to see new WP7 devices (other than the HTC Pro 7 and VP) until the summer at least
Rumor has it in august/september mango update for wp7 is going to make it to the platform, you might see new devices by then
Sent from my nero powered Vibrant
jeck77 said:
I'm hoping for something other than the Trophy on Verizon. If that's the only one, guess that's what I'm getting because I've been dying to switch out my Droid for a Windows Phone 7.
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i own a trophy, and to get honest, even though there is no stand out feature, i prefer it's look and feel over my sister's mozart. it just feels a lot nicer to hold, and looks better in the hand. though some like the unibody form.
sure, i wish i had a more stand out device like the omnia 7 or focus (if we could get it in australia), but i'm happy enough with my trophy and it will last me 2 years till windows phone 8.

Due for an upgrade, probably reluctantly switching to Android

I say reluctantly, because I want WP to be awesome. I want to stay with it, but I just can't do this 'basic' thing anymore. The colours are so dreadfully boring, there's no WP8 support for my device, Zune software sucks ass. I miss being able to just drag and drop into my music folder. Why complicate it needlessly with restrictive software? How many "new" colours will there be? 4? Android used to be laggy, but it's not anymore. Why is there no speed dial? (Yes there's an app for that, but I live in a border city, the only dialer app that displays my network is the native one, and I need to see it). There's no DLNA app (The LG one? Sorry, that's not a working app, that's just some user interface that pretends to be a DLNA app), and the battery. My freakin gosh the battery. I'd get better battery life out of a lemon and copper wire. 99% gives me 12 hours, that's if I close all apps and leave it alone for the day. I own three chargers (work, car, home), and mine is only a 3.5" screen! What if I had went with the HD7??
These alleged WP8 handsets that are coming out, will they be on par with even 2010 tech? Probably not. I'm so underwhelmed by just everything. My bro-in-law has the Note, and it's insane. Super AMOLED HD screen, xvid/h-264 support, HD out, etc. And it's already outdated almost. The Note 2 will be announced tomorrow, and then hopefully soon available here in Canada.
These are old talking points, I know. I've been reading/lurking this board since before WP came out. It's been hashed out time and again. And it doesn't even matter. What matters is what will please you/me the most. What do you care which platform I go with? I'm not bashing anything, just verbalizing my internal dialogue trying to decide. I was a pioneer with this platform, it pains me, I wanted it to be awesome, but it's just not fully functional. "But wait for the next update" worked a year ago, not this time. WP8 will be undercooked and a day late.
The desktop Windows 8 looks like a disaster of Titanic/watergate proportions. I don't want my device to in any way require that... thing of an OS. They missed the point. They may have started with simplicity in mind, but they're far from it now.
I'm due now for an upgrade, but it's not required, so I'm probably waiting until after Christmas to give time for all the iPhone5/Note2/WP8's of the world to be fully released and reviewed.
Anyone else feeling like this?
to my understanding, there's no/not too much heat on new android devices because almost every month(if not every week) there're some new android devices released to the market. You will always find better device if you hold just a little bit, just a little. but for the iPhone or the coming WP8, it'll be quite a long time before you will see a real update, the next release cycle, one year or something. So, before you see those, why jump now?
ctiger said:
to my understanding, there's no/not too much heat on new android devices because almost every month(if not every week) there're some new android devices released to the market. You will always find better device if you hold just a little bit, just a little. but for the iPhone or the coming WP8, it'll be quite a long time before you will see a real update, the next release cycle, one year or something. So, before you see those, why jump now?
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Yeah that's been the ongoing joke about the iPhone forever. And Android is definitely doing that lately.
There's certain features I really need to have in my next device. The Note has all of them. If the Note 2 dials some back, then I'll just go with the Note 1 and save some cash. If you can wait a couple months and get a little bit bigger screen, why not right?
Wait until Jan/Feb. Im expecting Microsoft to really step up with WP8 or Im gone also. I really dont like Android, but I might be out of options.
Loco5150 said:
Wait until Jan/Feb. Im expecting Microsoft to really step up with WP8 or Im gone also. I really dont like Android, but I might be out of options.
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I have a A500 running 4.0.3 I think, it works fine, but I ran into a lot crashes and problems too. I think I'm very open on which OS to use, the cheapest I think I got my Windows Phone Arrive for free, absolutely free, not even activation fee, so that's why I'm with WP7. But in fact, if I jump on the new release iPhone 5, but sell it, profits.
Another Option
This is not a flame but a genuine question. Why not wait and see what RIM come up with? I got my HTC Titan because I like the look and style of win 7 and realy do not like Iphone or Andriod and yes i have had an Andriod and my girlfriend has my Iphone 4. I too feel there is just too much missing from win7 and am due an upgrade about November so if RIM can manage to sort out there act i might give it a try.Remember how things were for apple a few years ago when they were talking about just selling the company
its just an idea
^ waiting on RIM, it'll be sometime next year before an actual device is released.
Side note:
I just sold a GS3. Damn beastly phone, the best I ever had. I didn't even mind Touch wiz. I had it for one full day before selling it, that home button just ruined the experience for me though.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
What vetvito said. Blackberry won't have BB10 out until like Q2 2013. As well as that, I'm just not interested in the last hurrah of a sinking company. It will probably be pretty limited. I'm just getting done with a 'new' platform, I'd like to be with something that's worked in.
Yes exactly my thoughts also on RIM. I dont want to switch to an OS that most likely will not be around anymore in few years. Before Nokia announced MS partnership I was expecting Meego to be the thing for me. I really hope hope WP8 is meeting my expectations and I wouldnt have to move to Android.
My suggestion would also be to simply wait what Microsoft's partners and Apple are bringing to the table next month. If you wait until december you should have all the options aside from RIM for whom I personally would not wait.
The Note is a nice phone in theory but the only one I know who owns one is telling me permanently about the newest strangeness it decides on doing (guess it's simply his device that's acting up - at least I hope so).
On the hardware front I'm not that concerned over WP8. The release handsets were announced to all feature Qualcomms Snapdragon S4 Plus chipsets which, even though being dual core instead of quad, offer better performance than the Tegra 3 and Samsungs own Quadcore-Chips due to the Krait-Architecture by Qualcomm. It's the same chip the LTE-Versions of the HTC One X and Galaxy S3 currently use. HD displays are also a go with WP8.
The biggest question will be WP8 features and it seems we will know whats coming there in one week.
I do see the point in waiting, but I just got myself a Focus S and its the dogs bollocks
I think what most users need to do is actually sit down and find out what they want from their phone.
apart from being able to install customs ROMs this phone does everything I want it to and it looks amazing so for me its ideal, waiting for a WP8 device may seem prudent just now but again, what do you actually want it to do, WP8 will bring new features but do you really NEED them or is it a case of "yeah that would be cool to have" if its the latter than you are buying it for the wrong reason.
theres too much focus on tech and not enough on actual usability. I can promise you that no android or Iphone will be better for my needs at the moment, not because I know every single device out there but because I know what I need my phone for, and the Focus S ticks all the boxes
So that's my advice, sit down, and write down what your phone MUST do, not what youd like it to do but MUST do, once you find a phone that does all of those things weigh up costs etc yes WP8 will be out soon, but do you NEED it, the answer may be no, but the flip side is that WP7 devices will drop in price so perhaps that's your best option.....anyhow, just food for thought
At the end of the day, it is just a phone. Doesn't matter what OS you buy into but this time around, don't buy a phone which "looks" good or "feels" good.
I would suggest trying out the phone and functions to your heart's content before parting with your money. Like everyone else, I am playing a waiting game before I invest my cash on any OS. This Christmas Santa will be pretty confused too!
dazza9075 said:
I do see the point in waiting, but I just got myself a Focus S and its the dogs bollocks
I think what most users need to do is actually sit down and find out what they want from their phone.
apart from being able to install customs ROMs this phone does everything I want it to and it looks amazing so for me its ideal, waiting for a WP8 device may seem prudent just now but again, what do you actually want it to do, WP8 will bring new features but do you really NEED them or is it a case of "yeah that would be cool to have" if its the latter than you are buying it for the wrong reason.
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MY WORDS! WP8 has some new features, but 80% of the world does not use NFC. look at Europe or Asia, have somebody seen some NFC around? the same thing, even worse is with east Europe. ok the better screen and the developer could make apps for WP8 in c++ but that not that big deal for the mayor of us. the problem is Other operating systems like Android made the WP7 users to WISH better specs. that's the problem, like an virus thats now in the heads of a few WP7 users. my WP7 does everything what i need to have from a phone right now, and for the next one, two years! like you stated people think of WP8 "yeah that and that feature would be cool to have" but i will never use it. i say lets wait until 7.8 and the new start screen, it looks and feels like the WP8. ok we dont get wallet and such thing, but wallet i dont need, i have a real wallet made out from leather the only thing whats not so good for wp7 is that voip agent can not run in background like the GSM service. so that would be an WP8 feature why i would switch, but not right now, maybe next year when the devices would be around 300-400€ in Germany.
Dinchy87 said:
ok the better screen and the developer could make apps for WP8 in c++ but that not that big deal for the mayor of us.
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I disagree on some of these points. Higher screen resolutions and native code are very important features. Native code enables easier porting of apps from iOS and Android (not to mention more similarity between WP8 and Windows RT) and should make these apps faster / more responsive. Having a choice of a retina display would also be nice
It would also be nice to have some bug fixes, which is more likely to happen on WP8. Tango seemed to break podcast management for some of us, in addition to a few other niggles (e.g. why can't I edit the original email after pressing reply / forward?, volume normalisation issues etc). The overall experience is good - however, there seem to be several rough edges in WP7.
dazza9075 said:
I do see the point in waiting, but I just got myself a Focus S and its the dogs bollocks
I think what most users need to do is actually sit down and find out what they want from their phone.
apart from being able to install customs ROMs this phone does everything I want it to and it looks amazing so for me its ideal, waiting for a WP8 device may seem prudent just now but again, what do you actually want it to do, WP8 will bring new features but do you really NEED them or is it a case of "yeah that would be cool to have" if its the latter than you are buying it for the wrong reason.
theres too much focus on tech and not enough on actual usability. I can promise you that no android or Iphone will be better for my needs at the moment, not because I know every single device out there but because I know what I need my phone for, and the Focus S ticks all the boxes
So that's my advice, sit down, and write down what your phone MUST do, not what youd like it to do but MUST do, once you find a phone that does all of those things weigh up costs etc yes WP8 will be out soon, but do you NEED it, the answer may be no, but the flip side is that WP7 devices will drop in price so perhaps that's your best option.....anyhow, just food for thought
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Hmm good thoughts, but I disagree.
With things as luxurious as cell phones, the wants are what's most important. Cause if you go by "needs", then I'll be getting a simple feature phone, or a low end Android. Because I don't care who you are, no one needs resolution even as high as 800x480. What I "need" are email and text capabilities. I think the RAZR circa 2004 had that.
What I want is not what WP can provide right now. I know HD screens are approved, but welcome to 2011, as we head into 2013. They'll always be a step behind. Will WP8 have HDMI out? x264 support? Working DLNA? wifi hotspot? Doing away with software and just allowing drag and drop? Motion (press screen and move your hand around)?
I've been to the threads and looked at the features we've seen so far and it's just what should have been included in October 2010. The saying "wait for the next update", has been given as an excuse for every single update.
Just waiting now for news of the Note 2. Berlin is like 5 hours ahead of EST isn't it? I would've thought it'd be revealed by now.
Ah, it's 1pm for the reveal. Leaked pictures look pretty sick.
Loco5150 said:
Yes exactly my thoughts also on RIM. I dont want to switch to an OS that most likely will not be around anymore in few years. Before Nokia announced MS partnership I was expecting Meego to be the thing for me. I really hope hope WP8 is meeting my expectations and I wouldnt have to move to Android.
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Seriously, it would be nice to be with a solid performer.
Meego looked cool, and Bada looked promising as well. C'est la vie I guess.
Android really has come a long way
Personally I didn't really like stock Android without sense till ics. It changed everything. Battery is meh compared to I phone, but with a custom kernel I can get ~12 hours with 1-2 hours screen on if I stick with lte. With jb its really smooth too I'd recommend a Nexus if you want os support. I have an HTC Rezound and htc is really poor with updates. If you are willing to root a toro/maguro will be supported for years. If not, you should at least get a year more of updates since the phone came out last November.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
^ it'll get more than a year of support. Nexus S, two years old still getting love.
sure haven't said:
Seriously, it would be nice to be with a solid performer.
Meego looked cool, and Bada looked promising as well. C'est la vie I guess.
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The N9 meego was awesome. Samsung killed Bada due to poor sales, but it sold more than WP7.
I'm wanting to see what the Jolla guys do later this year.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
sure haven't said:
Hmm good thoughts, but I disagree.
With things as luxurious as cell phones, the wants are what's most important. Cause if you go by "needs", then I'll be getting a simple feature phone, or a low end Android. Because I don't care who you are, no one needs resolution even as high as 800x480. What I "need" are email and text capabilities. I think the RAZR circa 2004 had that.
What I want is not what WP can provide right now. I know HD screens are approved, but welcome to 2011, as we head into 2013. They'll always be a step behind. Will WP8 have HDMI out? x264 support? Working DLNA? wifi hotspot? Doing away with software and just allowing drag and drop? Motion (press screen and move your hand around)?
I've been to the threads and looked at the features we've seen so far and it's just what should have been included in October 2010. The saying "wait for the next update", has been given as an excuse for every single update.
Just waiting now for news of the Note 2. Berlin is like 5 hours ahead of EST isn't it? I would've thought it'd be revealed by now.
Ah, it's 1pm for the reveal. Leaked pictures look pretty sick.
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Ah but usability is the main point here, HDMI, x264, DLNA, NFC are all features that are completely meaningless for many of us, you are absolutely right that a feature phone from 2004 would have done all that I need, but my phone does it better, quicker and a lot more efficiently! but that is my point if you NEED HDMI then that becomes a tick box that must be met, if it is a "oh that's a cool feature" then it shouldn't be a main tick box otherwise you'll be a mug for marketing and end up spending more on stuff you don't NEED.
All those folk out there with quad core phones are a prime example, slapping a quad core in my phone will make absolutely no difference at all in the slightest and I question anyone that doesn't play games or encode video on there phone to tell me that it does make a difference, its a great marketing tool though, its QUAD core guys, its X4 better than a single core, you MUST have this, and people lap it up, hook line and sinker
dazza9075 said:
HDMI, x264, DLNA, NFC are all features that are completely meaningless for many of us
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I am completely satisfied with my HD7 and NextGen 3.3 ROM, two things I miss in everyday life: Teamviewer and how to KILL SMS toast notification...

