[Q] telnet apps for hd mini - HD Mini Themes and Apps

hi everyone,
just wondering if anyone knows of any decent telnet apps for this phone? cant seem to find any which display ok on this screen.

I'm using pocket putty http://www.pocketputty.net/
(pocket version of putty)

Does it display ok on the mini?


WYSE WY-60 Emulator

Hi everyone,
Does everyone know of a decent Wyse 60 emulator that can be used on the XDAIIs or the PDA2k, I need to connect to IP addresses using telnet port 23 but I can't find a decent display with all the cheap nasty emulators out there.
Any pointers would be great guys

[Q] Screen Sharing

i recently set up remote desktop viewing on my tilt 2 (stock At&t rom), and i'm curious if anyone knows of a way to share my desktops screen to my tilt 2, with a decent framerate (anything above 15fps would be great)
i imagine it will have to be over lan.
(also, i've been searching and installing programs for the last 2 days, just so everyone knows i'm actually trying and not just lazily posting questions)
thanks so much for any help
i'd also be happy to help anyone who's trying to set up remote desktop for their tilt 2 :]
T2 Remote Touch
I use T2 Remote Touch.
I don't know what the frame rate is, but there's different modes to speed up transfer. It's done via wifi and you can remote control from anywhere!
You can find it here.
wow, thanks so much, this is actually a useful program, thanks alot!

[Q] Spotify out on Winmo :D

Spotify is finally out on Winmo! Unfortunately it isn't compatible with the HD Mini. Anyone know a way to make it work! Pleez..

[Q] windows live

Hi all
is there any change that anyone can send/upload the messenger app that galaxy has?
i've seen some vids and tv ads showing that this phone has it
hope you can help me
thanks a lot

[Q] Desktop laptop remote for presentation and media player (Anyone?)

Does anyone have desktop or laptop wireless remote app that works for HD MINI.. Hope someone could help.. Thanks
Hola, check out Wifi Remote Access. They hjave a free and a pro version. Both work very well on the mini ;-)
Thanks for the info.. i'll try it right away..

