[Q] How to access Xbox profile Through Android Phone - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey! Im new to posting on a forum, usually I can find what im looking for. I guess for this one I will have to ask. I have my Xbox Live profile saved on my micro SD card and it works great when i plug the micro SD in to a card reader and then in to the Xbox. But when i plug the sd into my phone and connect the phone to the xbox with a micro USB cable it doesnt show up at all. Any Ideas??? it would be convienent to be able to use my phone for the profile as i have a 32gb micro sd and i always have my phone!

Just download the app Xbox live statistics. You won't need your SD card for it.

I took a look at the app you suggested and correct me if I am wrong, but it looked like it was just to read up on your profile. I want to be able to take my gaming profile with me so I can sign in to my xbox live in more than one place ( obviously not simultaniously) without having to recover my gamertag to each xbox I go to... People do it with flash drives or hard drives.

BDawgTrap said:
I took a look at the app you suggested and correct me if I am wrong, but it looked like it was just to read up on your profile. I want to be able to take my gaming profile with me so I can sign in to my xbox live in more than one place ( obviously not simultaniously) without having to recover my gamertag to each xbox I go to... People do it with flash drives or hard drives.
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This may be a silly question, but when you plugged the phone into the Xbox via USB, did you remember to put the phone in "disk drive" mode?

A lot of times it is the silly things I forget
Ya i am mounting it in disk drive mode. its just really weird because it allows me to do it with a usb sd card reader with the same card. and the cable works with my phone on my computer....

BDawgTrap said:
Ya i am mounting it in disk drive mode. its just really weird because it allows me to do it with a usb sd card reader with the same card. and the cable works with my phone on my computer....
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Make sure you have your profile on the root of your SD card. If not that is why it is not reading it
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

ya it was on the root of the card. Xbox makes a sort of partition on the card, and android can see it but i dont know if that is the problem...

Sorry but this can't be done (after the last update). Ill tell you why; Xbox allows flash drive support and it has to wipe the drive and make it to a format that's only readable by xboxes (or computer software). I've tried this multiple times, plus you'd have to wipe your phone every single time. Also Xbox sees our phones as media devices and not for storage. If you can trick your Xbox to think your phone is a flash drive only and not be able to store stuff on your sdcard have fun. Best thing to do is buy a cheap thumb drive; Walmart sells a 2gb for 8 bucks. Android won't read the Xbox format which makes this kind of impossible lol
~ d3rk

Only thing you can do which i know is not android is either get an iphone or windows phone 7 phone. Thing is windows phone 7 is preloadded with everything microsoft includeing XBOX. Best thing to do GET A PS3!!

clark44 said:
Only thing you can do which i know is not android is either get an iphone or windows phone 7 phone. Thing is windows phone 7 is preloadded with everything microsoft includeing XBOX. Best thing to do GET A PS3!!
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2gb flash drive for $8. PS3's online community is horrible. Not to mention those hackers backing geohotz have been launching ddos attacks on PS3 servers to get back at Sony. Good luck with that.
~ d3rk

dirkyd3rk said:
2gb flash drive for $8. PS3's online community is horrible. Not to mention those hackers backing geohotz have been launching ddos attacks on PS3 servers to get back at Sony. Good luck with that.
~ d3rk
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Launching what? lol
There is nothing in the ps3 online community that you won't find on the xbox as well.

Batman58 said:
Launching what? lol
There is nothing in the ps3 online community that you won't find on the xbox as well.
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Not nearly as many people. I will admit that you guys have a more mature audience.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

Batman58 said:
Launching what? lol
There is nothing in the ps3 online community that you won't find on the xbox as well.
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Launching DDOS attacks Google it and see if you feel safe . There's tons of stories about this accros the web. These guys are really mad at Sony for suing Geohotz(iPhone, PS3 jailbreaker) so they are constantly hacking Sony's online network.
~ d3rk

dirkyd3rk said:
Launching DDOS attacks Google it and see if you feel safe . There's tons of stories about this accros the web. These guys are really mad at Sony for suing Geohotz(iPhone, PS3 jailbreaker) so they are constantly hacking Sony's online network.
~ d3rk
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I feel fine. So a group of Geo fans wanna shut down the PSN sporadically.. nothing really for me to "not feel safe".
I recently had surgery so I have been playing Black Ops virtually non-stop without any issues.
Sony is far from perfect, but I think they'll survive these "attacks".
I can google xbox hackers and find many scary articles as well. It's out there, regardless of the console.

Batman58 said:
I feel fine. So a group of Geo fans wanna shut down the PSN sporadically.. nothing really for me to "not feel safe".
I recently had surgery so I have been playing Black Ops virtually non-stop without any issues.
Sony is far from perfect, but I think they'll survive these "attacks".
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Its not a just "group" its well known activst group dude not fans who are notorious for hacking hardcore **** and stealing personal info etc.Its funny you say you think they'll be fine when a 18 year old kid hacked and bypassed their entire security to allow jailbreaking and read/write access (now suing him lol) Anyways, black ops has gotten very boring lately. Maybe its cause I've hit the final presige maxed out; call of duty games get old so fast.
~ d3rk

dirkyd3rk said:
Its not a just "group" its well known activst group dude not fans who are notorious for hacking hardcore **** and stealing personal info. Its funny you say you think they'll be fine when a 18 year old kid hacked and bypassed their entire security to allow jailbreaking and read/write access. Anyways, black open has gotten very boring lately. Maybe its cause I've hit the final presige maxed out; call of duty games get old so fast.
~ d3rk
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You say an 18 year old kid like that matters.. Geo is very good at what he does. There is a reason why people have tried and tried to hack the ps3 and failed until he done it.
That "activist group" has done nothing to the PSN aside from interrupting it momentarily. Sony has since hired some more serious people to defend against it, and it is obviously working. You can google that too =p
The xbox can be hacked as well, google it~
And yes Black Ops is getting kinda boring.. but new maps coming in May for you guys, June for us >=(. That is a feather in the hat of the xbox tho~
I use both, I notice little difference in them honestly.

Batman58 said:
You say an 18 year old kid like that matters.. Geo is very good at what he does. There is a reason why people have tried and tried to hack the ps3 and failed until he done it.
That group has done nothing to the PSN aside from interrupting it momentarily. Sony has since hired some more serious people to defend against it, and it is obviously working. You can google that too =p
The xbox can be hacked as well, google it~
And yes Black Ops is getting kinda boring.. but new maps coming in May for you guys, June for us >=(. That is a feather in the hat of the xbox tho~
I use both, I notice little difference in them honestly.
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Glad you went online and did some reading; but yeah new maps only extend play about another month. Cod just needs to quit being lazy and stop recycling the same engine over and over. Hey here's an idea lets use the same engine(for past 4 games) and give these idiots new maps and guns and milk it for what its worth. I'm not investing anymore money into that company screw maps. I'm ready for battlefield 3 and gears of war 3(something that always make Xbox better than ps3).
~ d3rk

dirkyd3rk said:
Glad you went online and did some reading; but yeah new maps only extend play about another month. Cod just needs to quit being lazy and stop recycling the same engine over and over. Hey here's an idea lets use the same engine(for past 4 games) and give these idiots new maps and guns and milk it for what its worth. I'm not investing anymore money into that company screw maps. I'm ready for battlefield 3 and gears of war 3(something that always make Xbox better than ps3).
~ d3rk
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I do agree to a point. I like the COD playstyle, but, I do want something fresh.
I tried all the supposed "cod killers" that keep coming out. They all just kinda.. suck =\
This is just my opinion, some may not agree, but.. CoD may not be the best possible, but it's the best we got. Hopefully they can get creative by the time MW3 hits in November. Not gonna hold my breath tho hah

Batman58 said:
I do agree to a point. I like the COD playstyle, but, I do want something fresh.
I tried all the supposed "cod killers" that keep coming out. They all just kinda.. suck =\
This is just my opinion, some may not agree, but.. CoD may not be the best possible, but it's the best we got. Hopefully they can get creative by the time MW3 hits in November. Not gonna hold my breath tho hah
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Definitely agree, cod has set the bar and all these cod killers just leave us to go back to cod. I'm a die hard cod fan but they have to get creative man. Every year a new game comes out it gets very old fast like Madden. I think this year battlefield 3 is honestly going to shut cod down. Im a huge gears fan so of course ill have that as well but that's 3rd person. If cod doesn't get its act together I feel like the name will vanish.
~ d3rk

dirkyd3rk said:
Definitely agree, cod has set the bar and all these cod killers just leave us to go back to cod. I'm a die hard cod fan but they have to get creative man. Every year a new game comes out it gets very old fast like Madden. I think this year battlefield 3 is honestly going to shut cod down. Im a huge gears fan so of course ill have that as well but that's 3rd person. If cod doesn't get its act together I feel like the name will vanish.
~ d3rk
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Possibly. Madden hasn't vanished tho.. which is sad. Although, one reason why Madden hasn't vanished is because it bought the NFL exclusive which is a crock of *bleep*. I was actually enjoying (NFL 2K5 I think?) before that happened.
So, it's possible that CoD could die off because they have no exclusive. They are still selling like crazy tho which really doesn't motivate them to change anything, and honestly.. it doesn't need a full makeover, just freshened up.
I think once they get to a point, there just really isn't much they can do. Like in Madden, what can they really do to make it different from what it is?
I kinda think these other companies need to really step it up and create some good FPS games so I can rotate them. That way when I want something different, I can just slap in another game that's equally as good but with a totally different playstyle.
Hopefully you're right about BF3, but I was seriously disappointed in Bad Company 2 so I may be scorned.


Is anyone else getting bored with their Evo?

Maybe its just me... but I'm becoming quite bored with my Evo. It doesn't matter what ROM I'm using, I am just getting over Android. Sure it boots fast... but my battery won't last even a full day with heavy usage and its tedious changing them all the time, the touchscreen is way too sensitive at times, and since FroYo, I've had way too many freezes and reboots to count.
I'm honestly ready to jump on the Torch or just go back to using my Bold 2... I could pound the hell out of my Bold 2 and it would still last a day and a half minimum, I rarely, if ever, had it freeze, and it did most things I needed it to.
Am I missing something here? Because Android is turning out to be pretty boring. I hate the fact that I can't have a full desktop replacement like I could on Windows Mobile, I rather dislike having to select one e-mail at a time to delete it, and the customization is just not there...
you had me until you said you'd go back to blackberry.
Boring? Bb may be the most boring thing ever
But yeah maybe android isn't for you if you think you can do most things on your bb.
I like mine still and gingerbread will make it more interesting.
That said it gets stale at times but so did iphone os and web os
All things do. Bb got stale 5 years ago
I said I'd go back to Blackberry for stability purposes... not because its not boring. Plus I wouldn't have to buy another phone... I already own a Curve 8330 I can use on Sprint and my 9700 is on ATT.
Its either that or back to the Mogul or Touch Pro 2... I'd rather shoot myself.
I guess for me it would be more useful if I had a hardware keyboard...
EDIT: I guess I was expecting more... You know full flash is great and all... but without proper 3D acceleration it runs like ****. Same goes for the games on the Evo. 43FPS on Antigen? Are you kidding me? The Evo should absolutely SPANK that game...
Dude, if you like stability, unroot your phone and use stock 2.2. Stock = Stability. Period. Also, how does one get "bored" with a phone? As far as I'm concerned it's a tool you use to make calls, browse web, send texts, etc. Do you ever get "bored" with your laptop or your tv because it does what it's supposed to do? Please.
I hear you and don't totally disagree
Android platform is still young
Maybe windows phone 7 can bring something new along but I doubt our as they are blatantly copying iphone os 3
Its tough to keep pace nowadays with users demands for new stuff. I include myself as one of those users
As far as bb I was questioning why you'd buy the torch but if you are saying just a phone you already have that's a different story
zeuzinn said:
Dude, if you like stability, unroot your phone and use stock 2.2. Stock = Stability. Period. Also, how does one get "bored" with a phone? As far as I'm concerned it's a tool you use to make calls, browse web, send texts, etc. Do you ever get "bored" with your laptop or your tv because it does what it's supposed to do? Please.
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I do get bored with my TV thanks and my laptop and my desktop can both be upgraded to extend its capabilities. I run multiple operating systems on both machines.
And stock isn't stable. I've seen people ***** about stock just as much, if not more, than rooted. FroYo is just trash.
Jsimon9633 said:
I hear you and don't totally disagree
Android platform is still young
Maybe windows phone 7 can bring something new along but I doubt our as they are blatantly copying iphone os 3
Its tough to keep pace nowadays with users demands for new stuff. I include myself as one of those users
As far as bb I was questioning why you'd buy the torch but if you are saying just a phone you already have that's a different story
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I don't have high expectations for WP7. I would love to be proven wrong but I don't even enjoy that particular interface on my Zune...
The Torch is something new and it fixes the main *****es that I had about BlackBerry - boot times and the web browser. Plus ATT offered it to me for 214 even though I only became a customer in January.
On the same token though I think its absolutely appalling that RIM is using the same 624MHz processor that my Bold 2 has and the Bold before it did as well so that would definitely factor into my decision to most likely not purchase the device.
EtherealRemnant said:
I do get bored with my TV thanks and my laptop and my desktop can both be upgraded to extend its capabilities. I run multiple operating systems on both machines.
And stock isn't stable. I've seen people ***** about stock just as much, if not more, than rooted. FroYo is just trash.
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Lol I do get ya man I also get bored with my gadgets
Just a nature of the beast
I tried iphone 4 and was bored after a week
Android is new completely to me so I'm still having fun with roms and kernels, oh my
But I'm sure I'll get bored at some point I just hope gingerbread is out by then
I've not had stability issues though barring some mistakes I made as I learned how to properly flash roms
If I can hold on til Gingerbread (provided the Evo has the horsepower to run it considering it has no dedicated graphics processor and Gingerbread recommends it) I might be fine... I guess one of the biggest annoyances for me is the difficulty in finding apps. The Market is a huge mess. On my berry, I search appworld for a term and it searches the description as well plus gives me options to organize by price, popularity, reviews, etc... Unless I am blind, there is no way I can do this with the Market...
EtherealRemnant said:
If I can hold on til Gingerbread (provided the Evo has the horsepower to run it considering it has no dedicated graphics processor and Gingerbread recommends it) I might be fine... I guess one of the biggest annoyances for me is the difficulty in finding apps. The Market is a huge mess. On my berry, I search appworld for a term and it searches the description as well plus gives me options to organize by price, popularity, reviews, etc... Unless I am blind, there is no way I can do this with the Market...
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The market definitely sucks
Have you tried app brain
It haas helped me find cool apps more than the market
App Brain?
No I haven't ever even heard of it.
I'm waiting for some real games to come to android too but I'm not that in need since I have my ipad for gaming not to mention my itouch
I do want facebook connected scrabble for android though and bejeweled blitz also with fb connect would alleviate these horrible games I see for android
EtherealRemnant said:
If I can hold on til Gingerbread (provided the Evo has the horsepower to run it considering it has no dedicated graphics processor and Gingerbread recommends it) I might be fine... I guess one of the biggest annoyances for me is the difficulty in finding apps. The Market is a huge mess. On my berry, I search appworld for a term and it searches the description as well plus gives me options to organize by price, popularity, reviews, etc... Unless I am blind, there is no way I can do this with the Market...
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The Evo does have a dedicated graphics processor. In fact, the adreno GPU is quite capable for a mobile device. Games just need to be re-written to support it (Nova is an example of this, it used to run like crap, now runs beautifully). Sure it's not as powerful as the SGX series, but it's certainly not that underpowered.
EtherealRemnant said:
App Brain?
No I haven't ever even heard of it.
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Find it in market and download it
Its an alternative app store same apps but more easier ways to find them
Jsimon9633 said:
Find it in market and download it
Its an alternative app store same apps but more easier ways to find them
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Thank you! THIS is what I was looking for! It uploaded my list of installed apps and recommended new apps to me based on that. FANTASTIC!
I wish they had rep here because I would totally give you rep for that!
EtherealRemnant said:
Thank you! THIS is what I was looking for! It uploaded my list of installed apps and recommended new apps to me based on that. FANTASTIC!
I wish they had rep here because I would totally give you rep for that!
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Your welcome and I'm glad to pass on the recommends I myself received when I first got my evo
Its not a flawless app but it beats the heck out of the stock market app
And yeah thee sync feature is sweet
Jsimon9633 said:
Your welcome and I'm glad to pass on the recommends I myself received when I first got my evo
Its not a flawless app but it beats the heck out of the stock market app
And yeah thee sync feature is sweet
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I just installed like 20 apps I didn't even know existed - like StumbleUpon, for example, which is apparently a brand new app (less than 50 downloads)
EtherealRemnant said:
I just installed like 20 apps I didn't even know existed - like StumbleUpon, for example, which is apparently a brand new app (less than 50 downloads)
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Hope this improves your android experience
The community around thee android platform had really impressed me
Especially on this board!
I honestly don't see how you could possibly get bored... You have roms and kernels to last you days of flashing...
Like gambling? You can play Live Poker.
Like racing? You can play Asphalt
Like reading quotes, books and newspapers? theres an app for that.
Like porn? well who doesn't? There is even an app for that.
Craving some super mario or final fantasy? You have emulators.
Like listening to music? You have pandora and a bunch of other radios...
WTF MORE COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT? Some people are just never satisfied.
like honestly...I just don't get it. If your having trouble finding a stable Rom try evios latest and use one of kings kernel. Im easily getting 15 hours on a single charge with moderate-heavy usage.
P.S the latest app thats been keeping me busy is Akinator. That sht is crazy!!! the first time I used it I literally dropped my phone.

ClubMz's Extreme Cell Phone Spy Gear 2010 Platinum???

Ok, so my wife claims to have installed ClubMz's Extreme Cell Phone Spy Gear 2010 Platinum on her laptop and cell. She claims to have been watching me for the last 5 months. I know I havent done anything wrong but find this creepy. I'd rather save the fight and not get upset or call her a crazy %$^ch. Is this legit? And how can I block her from spying on me? lol
looking at their website i would say it's not going to be very reliable software.
i've always found that if they need flashy graphics and they SCREAM at you what they do, it's probably crap.
here's a better question. if your wife is saying she has it on her laptop...why not look at her laptop and see what it does/doesn't do?
Use your own laptop and phone?
EDIT: So wait, how does this even work? Do both devices need Bluetooth enabled to get the data or what? And it doesn't look like you put it on your computer, so I'm not sure what she means by that. Looks to me like you'll have to have Bluetooth enabled on your phone and be close enough to hers for it to get the data. I wonder if just turning it off on your end will hinder her efforts.
Max_Pain said:
looking at their website i would say it's not going to be very reliable software.
i've always found that if they need flashy graphics and they SCREAM at you what they do, it's probably crap.
here's a better question. if your wife is saying she has it on her laptop...why not look at her laptop and see what it does/doesn't do?
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Im not the type that likes to snoop around. She said she would show me what she has. I would rather just avoid all that and block her from any future "snooping"
orris said:
Use your own laptop and phone?
EDIT: So wait, how does this even work? Do both devices need Bluetooth enabled to get the data or what? And it doesn't look like you put it on your computer, so I'm not sure what she means by that. Looks to me like you'll have to have Bluetooth enabled on your phone and be close enough to hers for it to get the data. I wonder if just turning it off on your end will hinder her efforts.
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I think you're right. It may only install on the laptop then you transfer it somehow to your phone. From what I read, it does require bt. But mine is always off. Did it only require bt to be enabled to install some hidden spyware on my phone? Maybe she turned bt on my phone while I was sleeping to get what she needed? I have no clue.
Bro...the real issue here is your relationship. F*ck...lol.
KB112 said:
Bro...the real issue here is your relationship. F*ck...lol.
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Wow that's worse than parents eavesdropping on their children.
Seriously bro. Time to assert your pimp hand.
Sent from the void...
Sounds like some lame scare tactic to get you all paranoid. Damn, they have a platinum version? I only got the bronze package. Oh wells.
KB112 said:
Bro...the real issue here is your relationship. F*ck...lol.
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+1 agreed. She's always paranoid since I travel a lot for business. Insecurity can crush a marriage.
Get ready to sign those papers.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I hope you realize that by her installing that software on your phone without your knowledge constitutes a federal wiretapping felony. Also if your employer gets wind that wifey is snooping via your phone (this software uses weak encryption) that you can lose your job, and be liable for any private corporate information that could get leaked. Also get sued for disclosure...
I'll tell you this much is my wifey put **** like that on any of my stuff he ass would be out to the curb in a heartbeat, and talking to a lawyer.
I say f**k that ho ho ho (Xmas spirit right there) backup ur important stuff and restore to factory
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

I wanna be a dj

hey guys what's the best DJ app
looking for helping for my baby HTC Evo /:
What do you mean by dj app?
Swyped from my cyanogenized and gingerbreaded EVO
like one of those where there is mix tables and stuff
looking for helping for my baby HTC Evo /:
Try this...all with a google search.
Did you finally fix your screen evouser?
We're comin from a pure power source.
do you mean a mixing app for your phone? That's not exactly going to make you a dj, probably just get you laughed at, lol
If you find one it'll be more of a toy if anything. If you can't afford a real turntable/mixer setup then you should at least look at PC solutions, not phone ones....
no not yet
metalfan78 said:
Did you finally fix your screen evouser?
We're comin from a pure power source.
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looking for helping for my baby HTC Evo /:
I was just kidding I just wanted a mixer app chill I hate people like you
deathsled said:
do you mean a mixing app for your phone? That's not exactly going to make you a dj, probably just get you laughed at, lol
If you find one it'll be more of a toy if anything. If you can't afford a real turntable/mixer setup then you should at least look at PC solutions, not phone ones....
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looking for helping for my baby HTC Evo /:
Theres nothing good out.
Best off getting some mk5s. What genre of music are you interested in?
I'm a trance/house/breaks guy
Swyped from my cyanogenized and gingerbreaded EVO
evouser22 said:
I was just kidding I just wanted a mixer app chill I hate people like you
looking for helping for my baby HTC Evo /:
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I think you took that post out of context. I don't think he was trying to be a ****.
I have tried a quite a few of them, none that work very good though. Droid DJ has the most potential, but it has problems running on the Evo (songs playing on one deck skip intermittently while a song is loading on the other deck). The developer has been trying to fix the problem, but he doesn't have an Evo to develop on, so it is going kind of slow. It doesn't do it as bad if you use a class 10 sd card, but it still does it.
Actually, regarding the comment above about getting laughed at, I disagree. My interest in it stems from a problem I had djing at a local club. One of the club clientele fell and hit the mixer rack that my dj equipment is on and knocked my laptop on the floor, breaking it up into about five pieces. Luckily, I had my turntables and cd decks to fall back on and was able to finish out the gig without anyone knowing the difference. I was also able to use my phone to mix some new stuff off of my sd card in to the mix with the cd's and lp's I had brought with me. Like most modern dj's, all of my newest music is on computer now days (turntables are just used with the computer with time code albums), so it would be handy to have a copy of my playlist on my phones sd card as a backup (which I do). And one of the few things I don't have a backup for in my dj rack is the mixer, if it died I would be stuck playing one song at a time. So, if I had a decent mixing app, and something like this happened again, I could mix right from my phone and it could save the day in a pinch.
Sounds like you need to play in better clubs lol. I've never spun somewhere where I had to bring my own equipment and they didn't have everything I could ask for set up in a way that someone won't knock it over....
deathsled said:
Sounds like you need to play in better clubs lol. I've never spun somewhere where I had to bring my own equipment and they didn't have everything I could ask for set up in a way that someone won't knock it over....
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True, but if you saw this clubs equipment you would probably bring your own too. LOL
Actually, my operation is kind of a niche thing. The reason we get jobs is because of my equipment. When we do our show we supply everything from the sound system to the diesel generator to run it. All we use at the venue is floor space, we even have our own stage, but in this club their wasn't enough room for it. Actually, most of our venues are either outside or in large warehouses, doing clubs is pretty rare for us.

Dark Meadow - Does anyone have a save file I can borrow?

Does anyone happen to have a save file that they can upload? I was on level 10 and then had to restore my device to stock/unroot/relock to return it. I did back the files and system data up using Titanium Backup but, when I restored my apps on my new N7, the save data wasn't there as I had thought it would be. Now I'm really dreading having to catch up to where I was. If you've played the game, you know how frustrating (but extremely entertaining at the same time) it can be to level up and move along in the story. Ten levels is a ton (or seemed to be a ton) in the game. So if anyone is around that point in the game and can upload a save file here, I'd really appreciate it. I don't know where else I could have posted this, so if the devs would like to move it somewhere, I wouldn't mind.
I had the game, I was over lvl 10, Already going for the boss, then a huge enemy kille dme in 3 hits, u bought new health kits and the app crashed so I had to start from the elevator again which is very hard, I don't know if you got to that part and I got so frustratec that i uninstalled the app.
Seems like you have to buy a whole bunch of items to have a decent game play or you will be doing more diying than anything else after you defeat the "white witch"
Rafase282 said:
I had the game, I was over lvl 10, Already going for the boss, then a huge enemy kille dme in 3 hits, u bought new health kits and the app crashed so I had to start from the elevator again which is very hard, I don't know if you got to that part and I got so frustratec that i uninstalled the app.
Seems like you have to buy a whole bunch of items to have a decent game play or you will be doing more diying than anything else after you defeat the "white witch"
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Apparently there's some cheats that give you a ton of money, so there are options out there. Personally, seeing as the game was free, I'm not going to complain about IAPs. I still find them annoying and would rather pay a set price for the game, but as long as it's free I'm not complaining. But I was just about the face the white witch with enough experience to possibly beat her. And now I might have to start over again. It sucks.
jtc276 said:
Apparently there's some cheats that give you a ton of money, so there are options out there. Personally, seeing as the game was free, I'm not going to complain about IAPs. I still find them annoying and would rather pay a set price for the game, but as long as it's free I'm not complaining. But I was just about the face the white witch with enough experience to possibly beat her. And now I might have to start over again. It sucks.
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That is true, but the way I see it, you can pay about 7 bucks for a premium membership which gives your a bunch of coins, money, and other stuff that as you go further in the game you will notice you will need.
The game is designed to incited you to spend money on it, I spent like 2 bucks to buy medic kits but the game was just bugging too much in the pause menu and store menu and the further you go the harder the enemies to the point where it is almost impossible for not saying impossible to go from one level to the boss without using a bunch of bombs, or medic kits or very expensive accessories.
The game is good, the story line and graphs but I personally might not play it again unless I can get video out and use a controller which I doubt will even happend.

Any good RPG's?

I've been playing GBA RPGs for a while on this phone and am looking for some good Android-native RPGs. I was looking at the Final Fantasy ones but I am not paying $7-16 for games I already have on my DS. Any suggestions? Free preferable. I already have Battleheart.
The Zenioa series might be a good one for you
google (play) is your best friend
FrameCityJackal said:
The Zenioa series might be a good one for you
google (play) is your best friend
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Lol, I know how to search RPG on Google Play. I obviously want people's opinions on what they like to play. Why does EVERYTHING on this forum have to be Google it or search the play store.
gpgorbosjr said:
Lol, I know how to search RPG on Google Play. I obviously want people's opinions on what they like to play. Why does EVERYTHING on this forum have to be Google it or search the play store.
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LOL I know! Seems like its everyone deems someone that asks a noob or lazy...
I've been looking for this too! Tried Zenonia, its kool but the 3rd and 4th are pay to play, in game unlockable for cash :/ why is it becoming a tendency?
One thing I've been searching is for a good tactical RPG like Ogre Battle or Final Fantasy Tactics, the closest thing I've found is Spectral Souls and it's $14.99 Reason I haven't bought it yet, thanks to the new 15min limit rebate, I won't know if it's really that good to keep or if I don't run into problems during the download of the extra 1.5GB of data
A good hack/slash RPG is Caligo Chaser, it's $2.99 but worth it. Good controls and decent continuous story line, played it non stop for days.
Another one is Across Age DX, it's a free trial and unlock once you finish the intro phase. The developers compare it to Zelda, but for me it's more like Wild Arms 1 gameplay. They are very similar, tools and co-op with party members. The story seems good so far and the dialog is well put together too. Haven't unlocked it yet, but I will once I clear out some minor debt...
How's Battleheart working for you? Just saw the vid and it seems really good, somewhat a rip off the old FF jobs though :/ Noticed what seemed like Paladin, monk, white mage, dark mage, etc -___-
Edit - I haven't installed any EMUs yet due to onscreen controls being uncomfortable for me, huge hands... I'm considering getting the PS3 control adapter for the phone and use that. forgot what it was and didn't bookmark the site *facepalm*
Kemco makes several that are pretty cheap ($3~4 last I checked). Eve of Genesis and Symphony of Eternity just to name two of them. Gamevil makes one or two. I have Illusia from them. Also downloaded Inotia3 (which is free) a couple of days ago, but I really haven't touched any of them with the exception of Symphony of Eternity.
Like you I've eyed the Final Fantasy games, but I'm not paying that much. Spectral Souls has been on my list too, but again... Not paying $15 for it.
Problem with the free ones is that they're free to play, but to get anything worth getting you have to pay for it... as you know from Zenonia.
dragon_rckr said:
LOL I know! Seems like its everyone deems someone that asks a noob or lazy...
I've been looking for this too! Tried Zenonia, its kool but the 3rd and 4th are pay to play, in game unlockable for cash :/ why is it becoming a tendency?
One thing I've been searching is for a good tactical RPG like Ogre Battle or Final Fantasy Tactics, the closest thing I've found is Spectral Souls and it's $14.99 Reason I haven't bought it yet, thanks to the new 15min limit rebate, I won't know if it's really that good to keep or if I don't run into problems during the download of the extra 1.5GB of data
A good hack/slash RPG is Caligo Chaser, it's $2.99 but worth it. Good controls and decent continuous story line, played it non stop for days.
Another one is Across Age DX, it's a free trial and unlock once you finish the intro phase. The developers compare it to Zelda, but for me it's more like Wild Arms 1 gameplay. They are very similar, tools and co-op with party members. The story seems good so far and the dialog is well put together too. Haven't unlocked it yet, but I will once I clear out some minor debt...
How's Battleheart working for you? Just saw the vid and it seems really good, somewhat a rip off the old FF jobs though :/ Noticed what seemed like Paladin, monk, white mage, dark mage, etc -___-
Edit - I haven't installed any EMUs yet due to onscreen controls being uncomfortable for me, huge hands... I'm considering getting the PS3 control adapter for the phone and use that. forgot what it was and didn't bookmark the site *facepalm*
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The problem with the 15 min is you can't really judge an RPG in 15 min!!! It takes way longer, especially if they have intros/tutorials.
I haven't played Battleheart in a while but I like it......didn't really have a story though. Maybe I did and missed it.
As far as EMUs I haven't been able to gague my phone's battery life at all because I spend almost an hour a day playing Pokemon LeafGreen lmao. My coworkers think I'm nuts now. I paid the $4.99 for VGBA and I have to say it was worth every dime. Especially since I figured out how to transfer my files to the PC and trade with other EMU saves......after I finish up with Pokemon I'm probably going to play Golden Sun which I never got around to but heard is great.
gpgorbosjr said:
The problem with the 15 min is you can't really judge an RPG in 15 min!!! It takes way longer, especially if they have intros/tutorials.
I haven't played Battleheart in a while but I like it......didn't really have a story though. Maybe I did and missed it.
As far as EMUs I haven't been able to gague my phone's battery life at all because I spend almost an hour a day playing Pokemon LeafGreen lmao. My coworkers think I'm nuts now. I paid the $4.99 for VGBA and I have to say it was worth every dime. Especially since I figured out how to transfer my files to the PC and trade with other EMU saves......after I finish up with Pokemon I'm probably going to play Golden Sun which I never got around to but heard is great.
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That's why I've stayed away from buying a few...
Never was into Pokemon... Now Golden Sun for GBA, that I played (during my breaks from my old job lol) and still have both cartridges Golden Sun and Golden Sun Lost Age. The game has an awesome storyline and plot, the battle system is good and the Dijnns (summons) are a nice.
gpgorbosjr said:
Lol, I know how to search RPG on Google Play. I obviously want people's opinions on what they like to play. Why does EVERYTHING on this forum have to be Google it or search the play store.
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Lol it's not like that. I looked for you seen all these rpgs that may look cool but they were up there in price
Spectral Souls is a good one though
Dungeon Hunter 3
dragon_rckr said:
That's why I've stayed away from buying a few...
Never was into Pokemon... Now Golden Sun for GBA, that I played (during my breaks from my old job lol) and still have both cartridges Golden Sun and Golden Sun Lost Age. The game has an awesome storyline and plot, the battle system is good and the Dijnns (summons) are a nice.
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Just found my DS lol. Had lost it for a while. Hopefully can save some battery on my phone now, at least when it comes to the GBA stuff.
gpgorbosjr said:
Just found my DS lol. Had lost it for a while. Hopefully can save some battery on my phone now, at least when it comes to the GBA stuff.
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Kool! Need to see if my old GBA SP is still at my mom's... all I need is to get charger for it. Still those Golden Sun and Metroid Fusion cartriges haha Though I'm thinking of getting a used PSP, hacking it and puting in the GBA emu
Have you found any other good RPGs for Android?
dragon_rckr said:
Kool! Need to see if my old GBA SP is still at my mom's... all I need is to get charger for it. Still those Golden Sun and Metroid Fusion cartriges haha Though I'm thinking of getting a used PSP, hacking it and puting in the GBA emu
Have you found any other good RPGs for Android?
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I'm just going to get a flash cart for my DS. Is only $20. I was thinking about buying a PSP too but I'm stick with my DS. If you can pick up a DS Lite for cheap (40-60) and a flash cart for $20 that might be a good investment......
Also, I haven't checked out any of the games suggested but am going to do that this weekend.
gpgorbosjr said:
I'm just going to get a flash cart for my DS. Is only $20. I was thinking about buying a PSP too but I'm stick with my DS. If you can pick up a DS Lite for cheap (40-60) and a flash cart for $20 that might be a good investment......
Also, I haven't checked out any of the games suggested but am going to do that this weekend.
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I've been considering the DS and flash cart, it's dead cheap. But my better half is most likely going to get the 3DS and it can use the flash card too, but not for 3D games, yet that is.
Was goin for the psp cause of some of the RPGs and FF tactics, though there's the DS one... Idk, now you got me undecided lmao
Check out http://buy.thegameklip.com it an adapter that attaches your PS3 controler to the phone.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
dragon_rckr said:
I've been considering the DS and flash cart, it's dead cheap. But my better half is most likely going to get the 3DS and it can use the flash card too, but not for 3D games, yet that is.
Was goin for the psp cause of some of the RPGs and FF tactics, though there's the DS one... Idk, now you got me undecided lmao
Check out http://buy.thegameklip.com it an adapter that attaches your PS3 controler to the phone.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
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I'd get the SuperCard DSTWO for the 3DS. It's like $40 depending on where you get it from. There are cheaper ones but from what I know this is the only one that is constantly working as the 3DS firmware upgrades come in.
AND get the PSP lol. The PSP is worth it just for being able to play Final Fantasy 7-9 in my opinion.
gpgorbosjr said:
I'd get the SuperCard DSTWO for the 3DS. It's like $40 depending on where you get it from. There are cheaper ones but from what I know this is the only one that is constantly working as the 3DS firmware upgrades come in.
AND get the PSP lol. The PSP is worth it just for being able to play Final Fantasy 7-9 in my opinion.
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Thanks, I'll have that in mind for when they get the 3DS.
As for me, spoke with a friend and he might be able to build a PSP from parts he has lying around, he repair them on the side. I settled on the psp
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dragon_rckr said:
Thanks, I'll have that in mind for when they get the 3DS.
As for me, spoke with a friend and he might be able to build a PSP from parts he has lying around, he repair them on the side. I settled on the psp
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Lucky you. I had a PSP a while ago that I had modded but I wound up selling it because I didn't really use it at the time. I wish I had kept it. From looking on EBay/Craigslist I think people are wayyyy overpricing their 3000's.
you don't really need an adapter to use ps3 or wii controllers. They both use Bluetooth and their are neat apps for connecting them, remapping buttons ect....
gpgorbosjr said:
Lucky you. I had a PSP a while ago that I had modded but I wound up selling it because I didn't really use it at the time. I wish I had kept it. From looking on EBay/Craigslist I think people are wayyyy overpricing their 3000's.
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Have you tried gamestop? They sometimes have refurbished available and prices vary by model.
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---------- Post added at 09:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 AM ----------
18th.abn said:
you don't really need an adapter to use ps3 or wii controllers. They both use Bluetooth and their are neat apps for connecting them, remapping buttons ect....
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Yes I know that The adater is clip that attached the ps3 to he phone, making it like a handheld console, the controller still has to connect with app via bt.
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Paper fu***king Mario lol idk y but I really like it on n64 just take me back to when I was 5 a d I begged my parents to get me it hahaha
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Good one! Haven't played the wii version yet, need to finish a RPG first.
This kinda derailed a bit lol originally the op was looking for Android games...
@gpgorbosjr how has your search come along, were you able to try out the suggestions?
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ETERNITY WARRIORS 2!!! it's the best damn game. It's a little unstable and has some lag but it's awesome... multiplayer menu lag is horrible. It just me who has fps drop randomly for a sec and have unresponsive game buttons in menus?
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