[Q] Stuck Pixel Desire HD - Desire HD Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

few weeks ago [3 may 2011] i bought a new desire HD
and today, i realized there's a stuck pixel at the top right panel near the clock, the panel gray and the stuck pixel just colour almost same, take time and focus to realize it.
i create a new thread because all other threads of the stuck pixel didn't give me any solution
and this stuck pixel not just stuck in 1 colour
when the screen is white, the pixel is red
when screen blue, its blue [dissapear]
when screen light purple, its light purple
when screen black, its black
when screen green, its blue
idk if the pixel really gone when its blue or purple, but my eyes are normal i guess..
JscreenFix tested, 1 hour, no work
tapping, scrubing, massage method, no work
is there any other method that you recommend?
i didn't root the phone yet because it still in Warranty, and i guess if i bring it to HTC Care, i won't get a new unit, but a new lcd, and the mechanic sure open the phone and broke the void sticker..
any suggestion?


[Q] Boot Up Colour Loading Problem?

Thought I would make a separate thread for this.
I have 2 HTC One X in my possession, one with a great display but has every glitch you could moan about, and my second one seemed perfect only it has a Yellow tinted screen. But today when I was Booting up the Yellow screen One X, I saw that the colours change and the screen goes more yellow after a second, once powered up. The screen is still yellowish to boot before that, but much whiter than when it does boot. Why on earth is this happening? Is it loading a bad colour profile? Are the lights behind the screen yellow? Can anyone else with a Yellow screen confirm this? Can you see a colour change when booting up?
I tested my glitchy One X, and it does the same flicker at boot, but doesn't change the colours. This phone is so bad... I'm sending them back for a refund now. This is really the last straw. Wish there was an app to change the lighting behind the screen of phones...
I have the same problem. My screen has a yellow tint, and when I boot it up it's not yellow the first 2 seconds but then ik flickers and i becomens yellow.
My screen is very warm (reddish hue), but the whites are clear without any yellowing.
Can you please check if the Mirror app makes you look very red/pink? I've been begging users on another thread to check but no one replied to me. Thanks.
Yes, I look quite red on the front facing camera too. In daylight it looks much better.,

[Q] Pixel always blue on Note 2

Hi everyone, about two weeks ago, I bought a Galaxy Note 2. I think it is a great phone, but since yesterday there is a single subpixel that is always blue. It only becomes dark when I lock the screen or when I shut down my note 2. Since a "stuck" pixel is only possible with LCD screens, and not with OLED screens, I was wondering whether I should contact samsung for a replacement or if there is another way to fix it. I know it's only one tiny pixel, but it is still very annoying when the screen is a bit dark (only when the screen is white, the blue pixel is invisible, but that is just because red, green and blue make white).
Does anyone have suggestions?

Should I return this FHD nexus 7?

I found 3 blue big stuck pixels, 1 tiny white stuck pixel, and minor light bleeds with a significant but little leakage at the back button spot. All of these were found under dark room when displaying black. Unfortunately I got no camera good enough to shoot under the dark condition.
The tiny white stuck pixel is nearly invisible. About 2 to 3 pixels big.
Light bleed bothers me a bit but it is almost unrecognizable in a normal usage.
Blue stuck pixels are the weird ones (they too are invisible in normal usage). Even though they are relatively big, they can be only seen when displaying black. Cannot be seen in any other colors. What would these be?
Also I bought my nexus7 in the eBay. This means that I have to pay for shipping back if I want a refund. Also there is no guarantee that I am not getting a worse one.
Should I ask for an exchange or keep it?

[Q] Dead/stuck pixel or what is this?

Hello, I have trouble with my Nexus 7 2013. I have got new device a few days ago and I found dead/stuck pixel at the bottom left corner of my screen. For me it looks like dead/stuck pixel, but after several tests I am not sure.
I can see it only at max brightness (at lowest or medium it is almost invisible) and ONLY at black color.
If I will turn a little bit my device it changes color for green, red (at least I think it looks like red or green) etc.
I did several tests with that app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.htc.chris.blackspotdetect
And I cannot see that pixel in any of those colors built-in app, except on black color (it is clearly visible on black background).
My question is: is it dead or stuck or anything yet pixel?
Thanks for any help,
best regards
vBB said:
Hello, I have trouble with my Nexus 7 2013. I have got new device a few days ago and I found dead/stuck pixel at the bottom left corner of my screen. For me it looks like dead/stuck pixel, but after several tests I am not sure.
I can see it only at max brightness (at lowest or medium it is almost invisible) and ONLY at black color.
If I will turn a little bit my device it changes color for green, red (at least I think it looks like red or green) etc.
I did several tests with that app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.htc.chris.blackspotdetect
And I cannot see that pixel in any of those colors built-in app, except on black color (it is clearly visible on black background).
My question is: is it dead or stuck or anything yet pixel?
Thanks for any help,
best regards
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
it could be a dead pixel, but my advice is to return and get it replaced while you can because later it may be half of your screen or worse!
And I will Thanks for pushing my mind forward, I was afraid of sending it for warranty, but I have no choice.
Isn't there a number of dead pixels there has to be before you can send it to warranty/exchange it?

Call Speaker Replacement

Hello, i have a white nexus 5 which broke its screen, however here in brasil i can only find screens with the black color(black speaker grill), can i replace my white one to the new screen?
You can mix and match colours. The only difference between red, black, and white is colour. Everything else is the same.
I have swapped many parts and screens between red, white, and black nexus 5 phones.

