Desire is a piece of crap - Desire General

I came to this conclusion 20 minutes ago, when my Desire went to hell again after 3 f*****g days from return from repair!!!
It froze during absolutely normal usage. After pulling out battery, it stuck in bootloop. Bootloader stopped working after connecting to laptop, fastboot failed to connect to laptop and bootloader won't start at all anymore. Hard reset didn't work.
As I said: Piece of crap.

Murphy's law: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong"
Well, i'm sorry for that, if i was u, I'd take the opportunity to take a new phone

Not sure if I can do that.

I quite like my Desire to be honest.
Although I must say I played with a Metro UI theme today, and I liked the UI a lot.
I also finally got round to adding a custom ROM last night. Tried a few, and now settled on one.
The limited memory issue isn't one if you know what you're doing.
And I was lucky enough to get an OLED screen.
I would cry though if I had to send it in and they returned one with a SLCD.
So I can feel your pain, a little.

Question: Is it normal that Desire gets warm below battery? Because, it gets seriously warm after few seconds. Perhaps an overheating issue?

Maybe you experienced the dreaded overheat problem...
After a few seconds..?
Even on idle..?
IMHO it's not normal...
Search for the Desire reboot / overheat thread...
See if you have the same symptoms...

ok I love a piece of crap...
I think you should send it to repair again

madmatsui said:
ok I love a piece of crap...
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A groundbreaking phone when it was released and gave Apple a shake-up they are still yet to recover from.
Sorry to hear your device is having issues, but to suggest this phone is a POS, based purely on one bad experience, is seriously missing the forest for the trees.
Best phone I ever owned and will have it for a long time to come. So glad I bought this and not anything else.

777ace said:
A groundbreaking phone when it was released and gave Apple a shake-up they are still yet to recover from.
Sorry to hear your device is having issues, but to suggest this phone is a POS, based purely on one bad experience, is seriously missing the forest for the trees.
Best phone I ever owned and will have it for a long time to come. So glad I bought this and not anything else.
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Completely agree with everything you stated.

Terepin said:
Question: Is it normal that Desire gets warm below battery? Because, it gets seriously warm after few seconds. Perhaps an overheating issue?
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It's either an overheating issue, or you are doing a lot of network intensive work. Because the radio is located below the battery. I also suspect that the processor is also located there.
Sent from my HTC Original Desire using Tapatalk

777ace said:
A groundbreaking phone when it was released and gave Apple a shake-up they are still yet to recover from.
Sorry to hear your device is having issues, but to suggest this phone is a POS, based purely on one bad experience, is seriously missing the forest for the trees.
Best phone I ever owned and will have it for a long time to come. So glad I bought this and not anything else.
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Totally agree with what you said. I have used my desire for a long time now and It's still one of the best phone I've ever encountered. So much that I've decided against getting sgs2 or even sensation. I will wait for quad core phones. LOL.
Sent from my HTC Original Desire using Tapatalk

So I requested pick up for repair. Fourth in three months....

In Germany you can request an new phone after 3 repair attempts ...
Dont know if its also in Slovakia but try it

I take I should ask new phone from HTC, right? Or from repair center?

Yes, you should definitely try that!

Not helping...

Terepin said:
Not helping...
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Seems logically to the repair center for me..ask they

This applies to Slovakia also:
If they do not manage to repair within 30 days, you can request your money back.
If your phone gets broken 3 times (not sure if it should be the same problem) you can get your money back.
So found it, sorry for posting in slovak language:
V prípade, že má vec súčasne najmenej tri rôzne odstrániteľné chyby, pričom každá z nich bráni v riadnom užívaní, má spotrebiteľ právo rozhodnúť sa, či uplatní právo na výmenu tovaru alebo na vrátenie peňazí. To isté právo má aj vtedy, ak sa rovnaká chyba, aká bola najmenej dvakrát opravovaná, vyskytne tretíkrát v záručnej dobe.
So it has to be the same fault.
Anyway I would still try to get my money back, or a replacement phone.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App

I had a few similar situations like yours. All of them happen when I was using a 3rd party battery. Maybe you want to ask the repair center to check the battery?

Is just a piece of hardware which will brake down.
Unfortunately you are unlucky and it happens often then to others (I'v send mine once for repair in 13 months).
If I was in your position, I would ask for new phone (as it broke so many times).
When you get a new one sell it on eBay, add couple hundreds $ and you have an upgrade .
Or if you really don't like it. Sell it and buy an iPhone ;-P


HTC Desire ROM

Has anyone got the Orange Branded ROM for the HTC Desire (UK) so that i can download please?
No why would anyone want this hehe
No why would anyone want this hehe
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To send the phone back because its insured by Orange? Lol
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
oops, what's up with it?
Nothing lol. But incase it does and needs to send it back they will void it? Unless I seriously damage it up like leave it in water for a good few hours so they can't check I changed.the Rom to generic?
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
My opinion on the matter is this.
If your phone develops a software fault, you can fix it by re-flashing your phone.
If you phone develops a hardware fault, the engineers should fix that.
Remember its covered by HTC for 2 years as well and they're even less likely to care that you chose the generic software. As long as the fault is not related to the fact you flashed your phone.
Of course this is my opinion but my main example of a hint of reality is that I had 5, yes 5 c905's from Orange, each had a different fault in the first couple of months.. I flashed each one using DaVinciTeam to the SE Generic firmware and returned the handsets to Orange as such. Never heard a complaint. The Orange engineers can easily re-flash their firmware onto a handset, I guess it just depends on whether they're a jobsworth little c**t if they report you pointlessly to Orange thus voiding your insurance/warranty.
Oh I also had to send my last c905 a year and a half later to SE for repair, it was debraded.. I got it back 2 weeks later fixed and happy.
I know I'm using my SE as an example, which is why this entire post is just theory and opinion. If you're in any doubt, you shouldn't flash you phone.
My opinion on the matter is this.
If your phone develops a software fault, you can fix it by re-flashing your phone.
If you phone develops a hardware fault, the engineers should fix that.
Remember its covered by HTC for 2 years as well and they're even less likely to care that you chose the generic software. As long as the fault is not related to the fact you flashed your phone.
Of course this is my opinion but my main example of a hint of reality is that I had 5, yes 5 c905's from Orange, each had a different fault in the first couple of months.. I flashed each one using DaVinciTeam to the SE Generic firmware and returned the handsets to Orange as such. Never heard a complaint. The Orange engineers can easily re-flash their firmware onto a handset, I guess it just depends on whether they're a jobsworth little c**t if they report you pointlessly to Orange thus voiding your insurance/warranty.
Oh I also had to send my last c905 a year and a half later to SE for repair, it was debraded.. I got it back 2 weeks later fixed and happy.
I know I'm using my SE as an example, which is why this entire post is just theory and opinion. If you're in any doubt, you shouldn't flash you phone.
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Well fair enough yeah I could do that. But with the insurance I could have a replacement in like the next day. But I would have to 100% immerse into water so they can't check that I changed the Rom. Besides I can't cancel my insurance for 4 months, so if my screen gets cracked I will just have to stick with that plan ^^^ lol
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
they'll bring the replacement and take your old phone, hence you will already have the replacement before they even look at ur old one to recondition it
you dont need to submerge it, stop thinking like that lol
HTC Desire Flash ?'s
Moved to another thread...

HELP! I'm starting to cry!

Just got up, and didn't realise that My beloved Desire was on the floor, stood on it with my heel and it broke!! Literally just now!
It has a clockworkmod and it is rooted with NeoPhyTe 5.0.
Is there any way of unrooting without using the screen?!
When I turn it on it has lots of little green dots and sometimes lines... so is it possible?! please answer quick!!
Turn it on, wait for it to 'boot up' and then run the RUU your ROM came it Vodafone or WWE
If that doesn't work cause you can't select HTC Sync yu may have to try and find the official ZIP file for your handset and try running that...
!PANDA said:
Just got up, and didn't realise that My beloved Desire was on the floor, stood on it with my heel and it broke!! Literraly just now!
I has a clockworkmod and it is rooted with NeoPhyTe 5.0.
Is there any way of unrooting without using the screen?!
When I turn it on it has lots of little green dots and sometimes lnes... so is it possible?! please answer quick!!
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if your claiming on you're insurance your is not affected by the software as you are claiming for physical damage not a warranty issue
except It didn't have insurance, my sister just activated it back again and am waiting another 40 days to not make it suspicious, "It got stolen!" cheers guys!
but I am still gonna miss it during the waiting period! ;/
!PANDA said:
exept I didn't have insuyrance, my sis just activated it back again and am waiting another 40 days to not make it suspicious, It got stolen! cheers guys!
but I am still gonna miss it during the waiting period! ;/
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If you're going to claim its stolen to the insurance company, won't you need a crime number etc..
ok I recommend you remove the comment from the site, just in case
ductions said:
If you're going to claim its stolen to the insurance company, won't you need a crime number etc..
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nope, broke my nokia twice already and got 2 new devices instead of them fixing it, as they were both hacked and has a custom ROM (bricked them both, My first try at it!)
I know its nor really fair, but then again think of the goverment...
Hmm insurance fraud...
My thoughts exactly. You broke the phone by not taking care of it. Deal with it, buy a new one and put it under normal insurance for accidental damage.
psycop said:
Hmm insurance fraud...
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Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I'm as well not a fan of insurance fraud, and you could get in trouble, but well i shouldn't care, but i was wondering why the hell you would want to replace the firmware with the original then, as it makes no difference? So why the original question?
And so all our premiums go up.
al89nut said:
And so all our premiums go up.
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Indeed - it's this sort of thing that really annoys me.
Insurance "works" because most of the people who pay their premiums don't claim. When you get people like the OP, who take out insurance after the fact because they need to claim, it just makes it so much more expensive for those of us who aren't perpetrating insurance fraud!
Yes, I don't know what's thicker. Standing on your phone, claiming insurance within such a short period of taking it out (you'll be on a watchlist), or writing about it on here.
Take your pick, you're a **** whichever way you look at it.
Quarter to four pm in the uk? And you just got up? do you work nights?
But anyway, bad luck dude!
astromark said:
Yes, I don't know what's thicker. Standing on your phone, claiming insurance within such a short period of taking it out (you'll be on a watchlist), or writing about it on here.
Take your pick, you're a **** whichever way you look at it.
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Sent from my HTC Desire
Posting in a fail thread.

Back to Galaxy Note after 2 weeks of using HOX

Hey guys, this is not a QQ post like many others, just wanted to point out some things , 1 week ago i sent my galaxy note for repair and got HTC ONE X instead, the phone was running quite nice i have to say it was unbranded one even tho it was bought from Vodafone in Czech Republic, i received both OTAs immediately after the release. The phone itself have really beautifull design i have to say its probably the best looking phone right now but the issues it have thats just bollox, i had flickering when the brightness was on the lowest settings which i didnt use anyway but it was there, battery on this device is just i dont know, htc is boasting with Nvidia Tegra but come on, 20-30 minutes of playing and ur phone is dead, standby battery life is quite nice and it would last for 2-3 days but when u turn the screen on you can just see the battery goin down, which is quite disturbing i got to the point when i was really scared to even turn it on This morning i found a thread here about missing storage so i was like hey ill give it a go aswell, and boom 3gb missing, i know u can format ur card and stuff but seriously, if it would have microSD slot people would not complain that much but having to copy all data over and over again if u do the mistake and pull the device out without removing it safely its just lol. I know the device is new and there are always issues with it, but come on my note didnt have so many issues, and the ones htc is experiencing that are not just minor problems, its facing construction problems, overheating , battery drainage screen flickering,lagging tegra games and maybe even others. I was really sad to return the phone but come on, i spent around 600 euro on it and i would expect some kind of level. Im back to my note now, and tbh im just gonna wait for S3 to test it out and see, i know new phones always have issues but HTC should have waited with the release of ONE X to make it perfect phone, its beautifull designed, it has gorgeous display, nice camera but the issues are letting it down.
what i am not getting is....
You sent your Note for repair and got the HOX, was this a temporary solution? As you say you spent 600 euro on the HOX but now you have your Note back.............very confusing.
nemmie_cz said:
Hey guys, this is not a QQ post like many others, just wanted to point out some things , 1 week ago i sent my galaxy note for repair and got HTC ONE X instead, the phone was running quite nice i have to say it was unbranded one even tho it was bought from Vodafone in Czech Republic, i received both OTAs immediately after the release. The phone itself have really beautifull design i have to say its probably the best looking phone right now but the issues it have thats just bollox, i had flickering when the brightness was on the lowest settings which i didnt use anyway but it was there, battery on this device is just i dont know, htc is boasting with Nvidia Tegra but come on, 20-30 minutes of playing and ur phone is dead, standby battery life is quite nice and it would last for 2-3 days but when u turn the screen on you can just see the battery goin down, which is quite disturbing i got to the point when i was really scared to even turn it on This morning i found a thread here about missing storage so i was like hey ill give it a go aswell, and boom 3gb missing, i know u can format ur card and stuff but seriously, if it would have microSD slot people would not complain that much but having to copy all data over and over again if u do the mistake and pull the device out without removing it safely its just lol. I know the device is new and there are always issues with it, but come on my note didnt have so many issues, and the ones htc is experiencing that are not just minor problems, its facing construction problems, overheating , battery drainage screen flickering,lagging tegra games and maybe even others. I was really sad to return the phone but come on, i spent around 600 euro on it and i would expect some kind of level. Im back to my note now, and tbh im just gonna wait for S3 to test it out and see, i know new phones always have issues but HTC should have waited with the release of ONE X to make it perfect phone, its beautifull designed, it has gorgeous display, nice camera but the issues are letting it down.
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Bye, have fun!!
novak84 said:
what i am not getting is....
You sent your Note for repair and got the HOX, was this a temporary solution? As you say you spent 600 euro on the HOX but now you have your Note back.............very confusing.
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nope i wanted to sell Note when it got back from repair and keep the HOX but today when i got the call from the store that my note is repaired i changed my mind and returned hox, cause i dont really have time to sort issues htc should have sorted for us, just imagine people who dont read these forums and face issues hox have ? they are not gonna fix them by themselves, the phone should be in stage where you shouldnt really tweak the system and stuff to be able to use the phone normally, this forums right now is just filled with people who are assuring themselves they did the right choice of buying this phone, i see people saying they returned the phone 4-5 times, that doesnt feel right tbh
you sent note for repair, bought a HOX for 600 and now you are selling your HOX? I will give you twenty quid for it.
Seriously, you are moaning about the HOX but you havent had any issues but you are scared of what you read on here........
By the way, why was your Note in for "repair"?
My HOX has been fine, no issues whatsoever, i reckon you are one of these people that when you are ill with a simple cold, you type it in to google and end up worrying you have cancer.
The point is, I am not unlocked and of course still running on completely stock rom and never experience any issue mentioned here and there.
Dont get me wrong, I used to have Desire, Incredible S, Sensation, EVO 3D and I was first to apply S-OFF/unlock back in the days and did loads of mods to them, but H1X is just simply better, so flawless that I still have no intention to unlock.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
novak84 said:
you sent note for repair, bought a HOX for 600 and now you are selling your HOX? I will give you twenty quid for it.
Seriously, you are moaning about the HOX but you havent had any issues but you are scared of what you read on here........
By the way, why was your Note in for "repair"?
My HOX has been fine, no issues whatsoever, i reckon you are one of these people that when you are ill with a simple cold, you type it in to google and end up worrying you have cancer.
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I lost around 3gb of space on the phone memory, when i pressed the screen on edges you could just feel how the display goes down a little bit + it made the purple **** on the edges, battery was just horrible when u used the phone i cant even imagine ur traveling somewhere and play something for 30 mins that would just kill the battery, i lost around 40 percent of battery life just by downloading The Dark Meadow data with the screen on, which took around 10 minutes, thats not normal if u ask me, and no im not selling it i just returned it in the 2 weeks period, why u blame me i dont get i just pointed out some things i didnt like, but honestly im not gonna transfer all my data to pc format my card every single time i loose some space, theres few flawless devices out there if it would be the one i had i would keep it but with so many issues i rather gave up on it
to be perfectly honest, i don't blame you if you had the flex and screen issues, it drives you mad! the screen lamination issues are a total disgrace
HTC better sort this and quickly
funny some people are still in denial around here, would you like to suggest to someone in your family getting a HOX and struggling like the rest of us with defects?
The phone is amazing but we need to pressure HTC to sort this out quick and most important never box devices in such state! if you are fan of HTC you should care about this
never seen this much drama on the Desire HD forum during release, i'm sorry ask anyone with a DHD
hamdir said:
to be perfectly honest, i don't blame you if you had the flex and screen issues, it drives you mad!
HTC better sort this and quickly
funny some people are still in denial around here, would you like to suggest to someone in your family getting a HOX and struggling like the rest of us with defects?
The phone is amazing but we need to pressure HTC to sort this out quick and most important never box devices in such state! if you are fan of HTC you should care about this
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To be honest i was really sad to return it back, my intention was to keep the phone, but right now untill they sort their mess i would not recommend it, i dont say all units are faulty, but most of them is, i was having Desire HD for 1 year and it was perfect device, apart from battery The HOX is really gorgeous i had a white one, the camera was pleasure to use, got some nice pics from it, display i wont even compare it to my note, its totally different league, but the issues i was haivng with it just drove me crazy, not to mention camera lens getting scratches really easy, and yes i was using the case and i wasnt even wearing it in jeans or anything, im really carefull when it gets to phones, i might actually buy it again when they sort these issues, but right now it was a no for me
no denail here, phone is perfect and if you have one of the issues then that is unfortunate, but the OP seems to be making mountain out of a molehill and all this while his Note was broken.
novak84 said:
no denail here, phone is perfect and if you have one of the issues then that is unfortunate, but the OP seems to be making mountain out of a molehill and all this while his Note was broken.
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note was having issues with s-pen only and camera software, while hox is having issues overall, and its not just minor software issues mate, if u have flawless device then ye im jealous, but theres ****loads of faulty ones, you can see many people returning and replacing the device multiple times, havent seen that before
nemmie_cz said:
note was having issues with s-pen only and camera software, while hox is having issues overall, and its not just minor software issues mate, if u have flawless device then ye im jealous, but theres ****loads of faulty ones, you can see many people returning and replacing the device multiple times, havent seen that before
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yes im gagging for a flawless grey, if someone has it and so sure its easy to get another please by all means PM me i will buy immediately
i really don't care if we scare new comers, HTC needs to learn a lesson here
you simply don't ship a highly praised 600$ flagship device in this state
if it was apple we would have already buried them by now
everyone was so excited and you get that box with the bloody cursed "im the one" sticker and surprise!
hamdir said:
yes im gagging for a flawless grey, if someone has it and so sure its easy to get another please by all means PM me i will buy immediately
i really don't care if we scare new comers, HTC needs to learn a lesson here
you simply don't ship a highly praised 600$ flagship device in this state
if it was apple we would have already buried them by now
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Thats what i mean i already said the phone itself is great, and i can imagine there has been alot of people fired in HTC for this, cause this didnt make a good name for their flagship
nemmie_cz said:
This morning i found a thread here about missing storage so i was like hey ill give it a go aswell, and boom 3gb missing, i know u can format ur card and stuff but seriously, if it would have microSD slot people would not complain that much but having to copy all data over and over again if u do the mistake and pull the device out without removing it safely its just lol.
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First, learn to use paragraphs to separate your thoughts. Streams of consciousness are difficult to comprehend.
Second, do you believe everything you read? I posted some comments in the SD card thread before the Chinese tree monkeys spun it out of control. The 3GB isn't missing; it's in protected space that CHKDSK can't read. It's because HTC's using a different method of managing storage. It's why the One X shows up as "mass storage" device and not "MTP" like other ICS devices. The XL has only 16GB of memory. Don't you think the people on their forum are smart enough to notice if 2/3 was missing the way people are claiming here?
If I get a SGS3 it'll be to get away from posts like this and the random and pointless crisis posts on this forum.
nemmie_cz said:
note was having issues with s-pen only and camera software, while hox is having issues overall, and its not just minor software issues mate, if u have flawless device then ye im jealous, but theres ****loads of faulty ones, you can see many people returning and replacing the device multiple times, havent seen that before
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But all i can gather is your HOX had 3gb missing (which it isnt) and when you leave the battery on playing games it drains the battery. Everything else you have only read about it.
nemmie_cz said:
Hey guys, this is not a QQ post like many others, just wanted to point out some things , 1 week ago i sent my galaxy note for repair and got HTC ONE X instead, the phone was running quite nice i have to say it was unbranded one even tho it was bought from Vodafone in Czech Republic, i received both OTAs immediately after the release. The phone itself have really beautifull design i have to say its probably the best looking phone right now but the issues it have thats just bollox, i had flickering when the brightness was on the lowest settings which i didnt use anyway but it was there, battery on this device is just i dont know, htc is boasting with Nvidia Tegra but come on, 20-30 minutes of playing and ur phone is dead, standby battery life is quite nice and it would last for 2-3 days but when u turn the screen on you can just see the battery goin down, which is quite disturbing i got to the point when i was really scared to even turn it on This morning i found a thread here about missing storage so i was like hey ill give it a go aswell, and boom 3gb missing, i know u can format ur card and stuff but seriously, if it would have microSD slot people would not complain that much but having to copy all data over and over again if u do the mistake and pull the device out without removing it safely its just lol. I know the device is new and there are always issues with it, but come on my note didnt have so many issues, and the ones htc is experiencing that are not just minor problems, its facing construction problems, overheating , battery drainage screen flickering,lagging tegra games and maybe even others. I was really sad to return the phone but come on, i spent around 600 euro on it and i would expect some kind of level. Im back to my note now, and tbh im just gonna wait for S3 to test it out and see, i know new phones always have issues but HTC should have waited with the release of ONE X to make it perfect phone, its beautifull designed, it has gorgeous display, nice camera but the issues are letting it down.
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Ta raaa pet.
twistedh said:
Ta raaa pet.
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Ehh, Dansih languike?
Vallhall said:
Ehh, Dansih languike?
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lol, mancunian i believe or geordie...
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
I'm loving my HOXL so far, battery is better than my iPhone and any other android device I've ever owned.. That in itself is astounding considering the screen / resolution.
hamdir said:
yes im gagging for a flawless grey, if someone has it and so sure its easy to get another please by all means PM me i will buy immediately
i really don't care if we scare new comers, HTC needs to learn a lesson here
you simply don't ship a highly praised 600$ flagship device in this state
if it was apple we would have already buried them by now
everyone was so excited and you get that box with the bloody cursed "im the one" sticker and surprise!
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you can have my one then if you are willing to pay top dollar get me the s3 and you can have my gorgeous working HOX..No problems no gaps no nothing. Perfect customer and love it

My Story - HTC One X Repairs

I thought that I would share my story about my HTC One X needing repair. Hopefully this might shed some positive light about the company (HTC) and good stuff like that.
I recently read articles indicating that HTC now recognizes issues with the WiFi dropping out with the international HTC One X (mine happens to be from Malaysia [x.xx.707.x]). I contacted HTC via email first and they recommended trying different WiFi Hotspots and doing a factory reset.
I first tried a factory reset (on 1.19.707.1 - shipped firmware) which did not fix the issue. I also updated to 1.29.707.11, but still have the problem. I then tried WiFi Hotspots at McDonalds, Starbucks, Work and a number of other houses (friends and family) and the dropout still occurred, even within 5 feet of the routers.
I just got off the phone with HTC Repairs (US?) and they said the next step is to send the phone in, which I will. They will diagnose and repair the phone that is still under warranty (Locked and Stock), but may need to send the phone to a Global Warranty shop due to being a non-US phone (for parts??, at a cost of $20).
All together, I hope to have this problem fixed and in the shortest timeframe, but the timeframe they gave me was about 2 weeks :crying:.
Hope this helps !!
I have the exact same revision as you (.707) and, although I do not think my phone suffers from the loose wifi issue, I'm curious to what you have to do. How far away do you have to ship your phone?
I bought mine in Thailand on vacation at full price...and I'm wondering if it ever has an issue what I can do about it.
Just email them. They will tell you several places for warranty.
HTC is awesome from manufacturing, design, and support.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
2 Weeks without a new toy would drive me insane!
seightch said:
2 Weeks without a new toy would drive me insane!
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yes, especially i dont have a backup other then a feature phone with slider qwerty (a samsung something) for the time being. Although, I am thinking about buying my wife a HTC One V and using her HTC Explorer, we have other things to spend our money on right now :crying:
Update!!! 9/6/12
After a long procrastination because I didn't want to be without my beloved phone for to long, I finally sent my phone in. And let me tell you, this has been the WORST experience I have ever had.
The story begins on August 10th when I Fedex scanned my parcel as being shipped. At this time, I was using my Dads old iPhone 3g because it was the only smartphone in the entirety of my family that wasn't being used. Sure its old and it's defiantly not Android... but it has tethering over Bluetooth and I have my Nexus 7, so it wasn't all bad. My One X arrived in Texas, USA at the HTC repair center on August 17th. HTC's computers say that it was actually received on August 16th, but thats just splitting hairs. From there I waited a few days and as of August 22nd, the HTC "Track My Orders" page said that my phone was 'In Repairs'. GREAT SO FAR!!! But it doesn't say that way.
It was about August 29th when I first called HTC about the repair because the tracker still claimed my phone was in repairs. According to the HTC rep I spoke to, Malaysia is a country we don't do business easily with but that it normally takes about a week to get the parts. After that it would be a few more days. Ok I said.
After being without my phone for almost a month, September 4th (this past Tuesday), I called HTC again to inquire what was going on. The HTC rep said that they were waiting for materials and that it might be a few more days to get them. I pushed to try to get another answer, one that might give a bit more hope as to when I might get my phone back, but the best I got was a long drawn out explanation about the process that they go threw in getting materials. After insisting to have a timeframe, I was put on hold for about 10 minutes... and this is where the real trouble starts.
My repair was "escalated to a Tier Two" group that would try to find out more info about timeframes and would be calling me back later that morning. I never received a phone call. I went to bed, because I work nights, and when I woke up I decided to find out more information about the WiFi problems with the Tegra3 versions of the phone. Guess what I found.... Not only how to test the problem, but how to fix it yourself!!! Armed with this info, I called HTC again that same day to request my repair order be canceled and my phone be sent back to me. But That can't happen.
Once your repair gets escalated to Tier Two, it is held until they get around to it. It's a first come first serve deal. After 30 minutes on the phone with HTC... Again, because the Tier Two was closed by this point... A note was left on my repair to send the device back. As I was happy with that, and that I would be getting a call "soon" to talk about the order, I left ended the conversation nicely.
I have yet to hear from the Tier Two, and there is no word on my phone.
I have attached photos of my Fedex Tracking and HTC Repair Tracker so I am more credible and not just a customer out for revenge.
This has been my experience, and yours may differ. But my advice is fix it yourself... if you can.
sorry to hear it's been such a bad experience for you.
unfortunately this isn't that uncommon. at least from my experience anyway, which was similar.
I can promise you (from my experience) that you won't ever get a call back from the tier two, to be honest it's like they don't exist! I'm technically still awaiting 3 or more callbacks from them...
I had to send it to them 3 times to get it repaired. First 2 times they sent it back after reflashing the software (even though the problems were blatantly hardware and a child could have realised that - the pic is just one of the problems i had)
FINALLY i have it sorted, 4 months done the line (bought the phone on launch and been trying to get it sorted ever since)
If i were you, I know it's hard and sure is a pain in the ass, but keep persisting with them every day, even several times a day, until you get what you need, being either a repair, or just returned to you. (even though they'll probably send it unrepaired anyways lol)
I would go for them repairing it. They should replace the mainboard, and add in the poly carbonate parts to strengthen the casing to stop it happening again. Problem with the 'fix it yourself' methods, is that the problem will likely come back after time, and there has been some speculation on whether these fixes may cause further damage to the antenna.
Also - IF you repair yourself, and even if they repair it, don't try testing it with the squeeze test. This squeezing, is what causes the problem in the first place (ironic huh?)
As final thoughts, though I will post a 'Final Outcome", my HTC ONE X has been lost. No one in Tier 1, Tier 2 or RNA can tell me where my phone is. Be best they can do is tell me that "its ready to be packaged" - but not if its in the bay to be packaged, in line to be packaged, packaged but waiting for Fedex... and according to the guy I just got off the phone with, it could be any one of them, or none of them. As proof as they dont have any info on my device, I have attached an updated Order Tracking screenshot... This might amuse some people because it looks like HTC has wiped my device from their system... There is no record of it according to this screen
This guy also said that if I don't get a Fedex tracking number in 24 hours, it will be another 24 to find out why - as the shipping process takes 3 days and 72 hours have expired since Thursday (and they dont work weekends) - and it takes them 24 hours to physically find things in their warehouse.
I also found out the HTC Repair Center in Tx, USA doesn't have a phone. All communications are done via email and there is a dedicated lackey to sit and watch for new emails.
It has been over a month since I sent my phone to HTC, and 51 days since I initiated the repair ticket. Why did I wait so long to send in my phone? I was affraid that this would happen... A month would go by and I wouldn't have my phone back, which is exactly what has happend.
At this point, if I get my device back I will have a HTC One X to sell because I'm going out and getting a GS3 (Yay LTE, SD slot and potentially Jellybean by months end.... Oh, and Kies for Mac OSX which is a syncing program, another thing HTC couldn't do).
My advice, fix the thing yourself or sell it if you have problems... because HTC CANT FIX THE PROBLEM inside one months time!
toonhead85 said:
As final thoughts, though I will post a 'Final Outcome", my HTC ONE X has been lost. No one in Tier 1, Tier 2 or RNA can tell me where my phone is. Be best they can do is tell me that "its ready to be packaged" - but not if its in the bay to be packaged, in line to be packaged, packaged but waiting for Fedex... and according to the guy I just got off the phone with, it could be any one of them, or none of them. As proof as they dont have any info on my device, I have attached an updated Order Tracking screenshot... This might amuse some people because it looks like HTC has wiped my device from their system... There is no record of it according to this screen
This guy also said that if I don't get a Fedex tracking number in 24 hours, it will be another 24 to find out why - as the shipping process takes 3 days and 72 hours have expired since Thursday (and they dont work weekends) - and it takes them 24 hours to physically find things in their warehouse.
I also found out the HTC Repair Center in Tx, USA doesn't have a phone. All communications are done via email and there is a dedicated lackey to sit and watch for new emails.
It has been over a month since I sent my phone to HTC, and 51 days since I initiated the repair ticket. Why did I wait so long to send in my phone? I was affraid that this would happen... A month would go by and I wouldn't have my phone back, which is exactly what has happend.
At this point, if I get my device back I will have a HTC One X to sell because I'm going out and getting a GS3 (Yay LTE, SD slot and potentially Jellybean by months end.... Oh, and Kies for Mac OSX which is a syncing program, another thing HTC couldn't do).
My advice, fix the thing yourself or sell it if you have problems... because HTC CANT FIX THE PROBLEM inside one months time!
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useless ****ing idiots. its this sort of service that gives them an even worser name.
toonhead85 said:
My advice, fix the thing yourself or sell it if you have problems... because HTC CANT FIX THE PROBLEM inside one months time!
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If mine comes back not fixed properly (or rejected due to unlocked bootloader), I will do the fixing myself.
My HTC One X developed a charging fault around the start of August I contacted HTC who collected it and returned it to me 15 days later with a different fault.I again contacted HTC who arranged a second repair and I received the phone back 6 days later all seemed good.After 2 days a yellow spot appeared on my screen and this time HTC have agreed to replace the handset with a new mobile this has been collected today. I have been advised this should be with me in 3-5 days.Continually contact HTC for updates is the only way to get the repairs speeded up.
How dare you all complain about HTC !!! HTC is the BEST!!! Much better than Samsung and Apple or anything else ok ! They are the best !!
Just being sarcastic. (Hope I dont get a ban for not being critical of Apple instead). Good luck for all of you who have a faulty handset. Stories like this made me steer clear from the HOX and not recommend it for anyone.
louis.b said:
How dare you all complain about HTC !!! HTC is the BEST!!! Much better than Samsung and Apple or anything else ok ! They are the best !!
Just being sarcastic. (Hope I dont get a ban for not being critical of Apple instead). Good luck for all of you who have a faulty handset. Stories like this made me steer clear from the HOX and not recommend it for anyone.
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Nice trolling...u know what...nobody cares ..hox rulz everywhere...and all trolls are welcome here, in our forum,so u can learn about modding, kernel, stuff that u don't have in ur forum...that's why ur are trolling here.
It s funny to see girlz crying in our forum...we just keep pushing hox forum...and no matter s the best phone in earth.
Enviado desde mi HTC One X usando Tapatalk 2
dragonesdenano said:
Nice trolling...u know what...nobody cares ..hox rulz everywhere...and all trolls are welcome here, in our forum,so u can learn about modding, kernel, stuff that u don't have in ur forum...that's why ur are trolling here.
It s funny to see girlz crying in our forum...we just keep pushing hox forum...and no matter s the best phone in earth.
Enviado desde mi HTC One X usando Tapatalk 2
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Well I followed the HOX when it was just announced at MWC and this phone is the one I've been dying to get since then and could have got it instead of the SXS. But months following this forum and see how the issues emerged and evolved just lost my confidence in this product and HTC. Why am I still here? Cuz I still care and Im still a fan of HTC and still want them to do better. But that doesnt mean I need to be a sheep and insult everyone for complaining about the legit issues.
louis.b said:
Well I followed the HOX when it was just announced at MWC and this phone is the one I've been dying to get since then and could have got it instead of the SXS. But months following this forum and see how the issues emerged and evolved just lost my confidence in this product and HTC. Why am I still here? Cuz I still care and Im still a fan of HTC and still want them to do better. But that doesnt mean I need to be a sheep and insult everyone for complaining about the legit issues.
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That s nice, i m not a fan. And u dont need to say that u r not a sheep when everybody here know that u r a cheap plastic sheep. U can keep trolling everywhere in our forum... But we now u r a c h e a p p l a s t i c s h e e p.
Enviado desde mi HTC One X usando Tapatalk 2
I just sent my Evo LTE in for issues with dropped calls, and they kept my phone for a month! Once they slowly figured out what the problem was, they had to order a part which took a week. And now that a month has passed they ship it FedEx Ground which takes another week! So a total of 5 weeks without the brand new phone. Not a good showing at all.
ronnienyc said:
I just sent my Evo LTE in for issues with dropped calls, and they kept my phone for a month! Once they slowly figured out what the problem was, they had to order a part which took a week. And now that a month has passed they ship it FedEx Ground which takes another week! So a total of 5 weeks without the brand new phone. Not a good showing at all.
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I faced the same with a Motorola atrix, 35 days without the phone, then they gave a new one. But is carrier fault.
Enviado desde mi HTC One X usando Tapatalk 2
The funny thing is that, my HTC One X has been bought one week after the release date and till now, there wasn't any problems with it, no flickering, no WiFi issues, nothing at all. It's either I'm lucky to have a flawless One X or that others have glitches.
I have posted previously on here about my faulty One X but last night my wifes phone another One X has begun to play up.The numeric keyboard(dialer)all the top numbers 1 2 3 none of them are responding,phone is stock unrooted tried factory reset but no joy,so another One X going back for repair.
How many phone manufactures in the world can guarantee that if they manufacturer a million phones all of them would be fault free or not develop any faults within the first 6 months?
Some comments posted here a baseless and lack any meaning or essence.

[Q] Fried eMMC chip Desire Z

Hi everybody,
After having tried to sort this mess out myself for days now, I feel that I am all out of options. I hate to have to bother you with this problem, because I'm sure I'm not the first one that has a fried Desire Z, but I really hope somebody can help me out. It seems that none of the solutions I have seen to revive this phone work for me.
Okay, so after having made that apology for wasting your time beforehand, let's see if somebody has any idea how to make my phones heart beating again.
The phone in question is the HTC Desire Z. It's not rooted and it's S-On. Honestly, before my phone died I did not even know what H-boot, fastboot, rooting or S-On meant. I had never heard of a bootloader before, but I've tried to educate myself on the matter as good as I could.
Anyway, it died after I tried to install a bunch of Market updates. Google taught me that that is how the phone dies for most people.
During the Market updates the phone froze, and I pulled the battery. After inserting the battery again, the phone got stuck in a boot loop. Pulling the battery yet again fixed that issue, and the phone booted fine.
And that's when I got stupid and decided to run the Market updates again. Long story short: Phone froze again, I pulled the battery, and now the phone is stuck displaying the HTC logo (without the "'Quietly Brilliant" slogan underneath) on a white background.
First thing I did was calling HTC support, just to find out the phone is not under warranty anymore. So I'll have to mess with it myself, hopefully with you guys trying to hold my hand during the process...
The phone will still boot in H-boot.
If I select FASTBOOT I can still communicate with the darn thing when it's hooked up to my computer's USB-port. So at least that part still works. I installed the Android SDK on my computer so I have fastboot on it.
Selecting RECOVERY will make the phone reboot. After displaying the HTC-logo for about 5-10 seconds it will display a fancy looking icon of a phone with a green arrow for a couple of seconds (I can try and make a photo of it if anyone wants to see it?), and after that the screen goes dark. Then it will vibrate 7 times, and that's it.
Selecting FACTORY RESET just instantly freezes the phone in H-boot.
I did find a couple of topics on this forum that looked helpful, but I just cannot figure out how to make it all work.
Here is one that looked very promising:
"[GUIDE] Booting an Android System when only Recovery is at your disposal"
However, my problem is that Recovery is not at my disposal.
And that is where I got stuck. What is also not very helpful is that my phone is not rooted and it's S-on, and I can't find out how to root a unresponsive phone with which I only have FASTBOOT access. I don't even know if that is possible at all.
So yeah, again:
A completely stock Desire S with a fried eMMC chip and no working recovery in H-boot...Any ideas, or am I just really, really screwed? With my own research I've come to conclude the latter, but I so sincerely hope someone can prove me wrong...
For what it's worth, here is the H-boot information
Apr 11 2011, 23:36:27
Yeah probably screwed... sorry
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2
Hey, thanks for the reply. You are kinda confirming what I had already found out.
Guess all that is left to do is to take a hammer to my Desire Z brick, and to start to learn how to live life without a cell-phone and internet everywhere you go. Well, I guess we all did that 10 years ago.
Did you try the ruu... unlikely but last hope
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for your reply, demkantor.
No, I have not tried the RUU. And I'm sorry for having to ask this, because I'm sure you have answered this question a million times already, but can you explain to me what you mean by that?
I did run the "fastboot oem check_emmc_mid" command, and my chip showed up as the Samsung. So that doesn't look good.
It stands for ROM utility update or something like that, its what HTC uses for a full update to their phones when not done through an ota.
the thread I linked you too has a heading like stuck in boot loop not rooted
There I suggest trying to boot in same mode, factory reset or flashing latest ruu, unfortunately with a stock phone there isn't much else to do. But if all fails it more or less insures you have the bad chip and it has lost the ability to read and write to it.
Instruction to flash the ruu or in the HTC website, link in that post to it, just simple fastboot commands
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
demkantor said:
It stands for ROM utility update or something like that, its what HTC uses for a full update to their phones when not done through an ota.
the thread I linked you too has a heading like stuck in boot loop not rooted
There I suggest trying to boot in same mode, factory reset or flashing latest ruu, unfortunately with a stock phone there isn't much else to do. But if all fails it more or less insures you have the bad chip and it has lost the ability to read and write to it.
Instruction to flash the ruu or in the HTC website, link in that post to it, just simple fastboot commands
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Thanks again for replying so quickly, demkantor.
I will look at that thread, and try flashing the latest ruu, and report back here. Although I guess we both kinda know my phone is completely dead already, at least I want to have tried every possible solution for a stock phone.
I'm just kinda upset with this whole business. This was not a cheap phone when I bought it, and all HTC has to say is: Sorry, your warranty ran out in August. There was a 16 month warranty on this phone, but of course the darn thing decided to die right after that.
I can still send it in for repairs, but I'll be looking at 250 dollars to have it fixed. That's money I don't have.
Any other comparable phone I can get on ebay will run about 150-200 dollars, and that's also something I was not expecting to have to shell out, especially with Christmas coming up.
And because I don't have a back-up cellphone, and no land-line, it just means that I'm pretty much completely cut off. I mean, on one hand it's really peaceful not to get any phone calls, but it's mostly just outright frustrating.
I can't believe there is not an extended warranty or something on these phones, because I'm sure that HTC is very well aware of this problem by now. Although the lady from HTC-support told me that I was the first person ever she talked to that had this problem.
Oh well, I'm just venting right now, so I'll stop typing, start flashing the ruu, and report back here in a little bit.
And thanks again demkantor, for your willingness to reply to questions that have been asked a million times already...
May I suggest buying a cheap g1 to have as a backup incase another similar thing happens, they are quite inexpensive now and are probably one of the best made smart phones, not to mention still somewhat developed on. Also consider finding another g2 or mytouch 4g slide if you want a qwerty, or for more money the samsung relay 4g seems promising.
For me personaly, although my opinion on htc has dropped tremedously over the past year or two, the g1 and g2 are just amazing phones for their time and to this day I can not find a better phone to suit my needs then the g2/dz regardless the price.
If you are in desperate need I used to buy and refurbish to sell both g1s and g2s (along with other phones) but have stopped selling for a few months due to school and getting married and all sorts of personal things keeping my side buissness moving (also fix and repair cars, motercycles etc) but if you can't find or need a reputable seller feel free to pm me as this is the last week of finals ill probably do some more of this soon
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2
demkantor said:
May I suggest buying a cheap g1 to have as a backup incase another similar thing happens, they are quite inexpensive now and are probably one of the best made smart phones, not to mention still somewhat developed on. Also consider finding another g2 or mytouch 4g slide if you want a qwerty, or for more money the samsung relay 4g seems promising.
For me personaly, although my opinion on htc has dropped tremedously over the past year or two, the g1 and g2 are just amazing phones for their time and to this day I can not find a better phone to suit my needs then the g2/dz regardless the price.
If you are in desperate need I used to buy and refurbish to sell both g1s and g2s (along with other phones) but have stopped selling for a few months due to school and getting married and all sorts of personal things keeping my side buissness moving (also fix and repair cars, motercycles etc) but if you can't find or need a reputable seller feel free to pm me as this is the last week of finals ill probably do some more of this soon
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2
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Hi demkantor. Well, to be honest, after this fiasco of a phone I'm done with HTC. Needless to say I will never want to buy another Desire Z, because who's to say that one is not just gonna die soon? Also, my previous phone was a TytnII (also made by HTC, running Windows Mobile 6.1), and that thing was incredibly slow out of the box, and gradually got worse and worse over time. Apparently the Tytn II has a graphics chip that HTC never bothered to make a driver for, hence the screen is incredibly slow when doing things like scrolling through a menu or webpage.
HTC has now proven twice to me that they don't give a crap about their products, so neither am I going to.
That being said, I did try to flash the RUU with the link you provided, but it doesn't work. The updater tries to reboot the boot-loader and that makes my phone freeze up.
So I guess that's totally it then? Phone is dead, and that's that.
Yeah that's too bad, phone is shot. The g2/dz had two different chips, one great and one prone to failure. I have been liking the build quality of Samsung a little more as of late, but the older HTC's do seem better. The g1 suggestion is just to have a cheap sturdy backup, but you will probably want a more advanced phone for daily use.
There are always one of the various nexus models, but none come with a hardware keyboard. So if you need one and want to stay away from HTC consider the relay 4g by Samsung.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
demkantor said:
Yeah that's too bad, phone is shot. The g2/dz had two different chips, one great and one prone to failure. I have been liking the build quality of Samsung a little more as of late, but the older HTC's do seem better. The g1 suggestion is just to have a cheap sturdy backup, but you will probably want a more advanced phone for daily use.
There are always one of the various nexus models, but none come with a hardware keyboard. So if you need one and want to stay away from HTC consider the relay 4g by Samsung.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Hi demkantor, Right, that's what I thought. Phone is shot. I'm gonna smack the hell out of it with a hammer now, just to get some frustration out of my system. Thinking about uploading that to Youtube, just to see how many kids out there will reply with a: "why did you kill a perfectly good phone?..."
If only this one would have come with the Sandisk chip. Who would have guessed it was possible for the eMMC to die this quickly? Little over a year and a half old, and always babied the darn thing. Not a scratch on it, never dropped...
Thank you for the G1 suggestion, but I'd rather save up a little longer and then buy a phone I do like. Guess I might have to do without the qwerty-keyboard in the future, because there are not a lot of phone out there with that option anymore.
I'll take a look at the relay 4g by Samsung. In the meantime, I did send you another PM...:good:
Yeah, the 4G looks like a nice phone, but is:
1) Way out of my budget
2) It's a T-mobile phone. I have an AT&T simcard...
Well, I can't believe there's no way out with HTC?!?!?!?
My backup phone is a brand new htc desire Z. ( I guy from my cell pohone provider get rid of it since they are ''old'').
Played some months with it, take it when my daily desirez had some trouble with custom roms...
So my unused back up desire z with stock rom (no-rotted), just get what you described!! Tried everything, looks like fried emmc.
Got the 7 times vibrate, htc logo, freeze on ruu restore...
what a waste...
Hi oVeRdOsE. Yeah, it's just outright ridiculous, how quick these phones with the bad eMMC's die. And HTC just doesn't care.
RUU option from fastboot is your best chance of *trying* to save it !!
Else you could try and replace/repair the eMMC yourself !!
the Desire Z is still better then others in the market ! try ur best to save it !
mohnish.killer said:
RUU option from fastboot is your best chance of *trying* to save it !!
Else you could try and replace/repair the eMMC yourself !!
the Desire Z is still better then others in the market ! try ur best to save it !
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I understantd, but still, my dz is almost new...
RUU is just running for ever, do nothing.
with a fried chip your emmc can not read/write to some or all partitions making an ruu not an option. The only thing to do is boot from sd if you were rooted, if not time to get another phone, it sucks but yeah...
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2
demkantor said:
with a fried chip your emmc can not read/write to some or all partitions making an ruu not an option. The only thing to do is boot from sd if you were rooted, if not time to get another phone, it sucks but yeah...
Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk 2
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Is eMMC replaceable?
If you own a factory machine to solder a new one in, if you were super good at it, soldering by hand would be extreamly difficult and getting a new chip to solder in would be hard as well. Then you would need to JTAG the new firmware onto the new chip... I'd just buy a new phone or buy a new motherboard
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
demkantor said:
If you own a factory machine to solder a new one in, if you were super good at it, soldering by hand would be extreamly difficult and getting a new chip to solder in would be hard as well. Then you would need to JTAG the new firmware onto the new chip... I'd just buy a new phone or buy a new motherboard
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Asking cuz i saw someone in forum have replaced it for like a 15 euros.I wouldn't try cuz i'm to nervous and will send it to the wall as a result If it was bigger...well i could make it. I know a guy who can do it. Actually he root my phone, cuz i didn't do it right after i bought it and didn't want to lose everything on phone. He has this little toolbox, that attaching to sim port and root in a 5 minutes or less
Yes, you could replace the eMMC chip, but to do BGA soldering you need special equipment and you need to be pretty skilled. Because of the known problem with the HTC Desire phones, the Chinese jumped on the bandwagon and are offering eMMC chips that come pre-installed.
This basically means that you don't need JTAG to put new firmware on the chip. After soldering it'll boot straight up.
You can buy one of these chips here, for example:
Another fun fact is that the replacement chip is 8GB. But, as others said before: You need skill and the right equipment. I have a soldering iron and some basic skill, but I'm not even going to attempt to do this.

