Need an application for determining object direction - Galaxy S II Themes and Apps

I need something that will allow me to determine the accurate azimuth to an object (presumably by sighting with the camera). Elevation would also be nice, but not as critical.
Is anyone familiar with such an app? (prefereably freeware)

You can't measure Azimuth from a 2 dimensional image. At minimum you would need to input an additional parameter which you can't find out without extra equipment. (Such as the FoV angle of the camera relative to the body of the phone and the edges of the image displayed on the screen)

It's basically a compass app, and I know those exist - the camera is just for pointing (actually, I found an app to measure azimuth, but I'm still looking for elevation)


[APP][ALPHA] G Force Logger for Vehicle Performance (no, not gPC)

Hi, my name is Eric. I've been working with WinCE for a long time (since WinCE 2.0 haha) and I've regained interest in PPC programming. Working with few things here and there, mostly experimenting.
In anycase, I've got an idea to record g forces on a vehicle while it's being tested to its limits (AutoX, drag race).
Now, I know there's already a piece of software out there, gPC, but it isn't completely refined (indepth calibration, angle corrections) or completely free (by donation).
The goal of the project is to create something similar to a device called gTech which goes upwards of $300 for the basic model.
Key features will include:
- a reset function + algorithms to compensate for device orientation
- graphs of resulting logged data
- logging of calibrated data and raw data
- Driving aids
- Flashing screen to indicate reaching of new peak G (separate indicators for forward and lateral)
- a screen showing realtime overlapping graphed data for all axis
- a 2d grid with a cursor indicating current forward and lateral g
- on the same 2d graph, a drawn boundary indicating limits of g achieved (this will eventually look like an egg after working the car hard)
- and finally, real time telemetry transmission via edge/3g to a receiving computer
The ultimate goal of this project is to provide reliable data for motor enthusiasts whether they would like to see if their shifting is smooth, or if they're braking, or powering on in the right places or if their car mods have had any effect (this last one is pretty useful to quantify). In addition, provide some rudimentary tools to assist in competitions and spirited driving in the form of g limit warnings (flashing screen, large indicators of current g). In the case of spirited driving on a mountain road, the device can warn when approaching loss of traction (after collecting limit data) to prevent going off a cliff.
Venues of use:
Auto Cross
Track Days
Drag Strip
Of course, I have to insert here, that this device can't save your bacon if you do something idiotic and by no means do I condone dangerous driving.
With that said, all the above is what I hope to achieve and any of your comments is well appreciated.
Current Release:
Alpha stage, rudimentary raw data output via numbers and a line (indicating X and Y recorded g) and a circle (indicating Z g). The numbers shown are the raw numbers recorded from the accelerometer and not converted to m/s^2. Although, you can probably do that math on your own if you're smart enough (simple scaling). What I've discovered is that each accelerometer is different, and even going from a negative axis (eg, device upside down) to positive axis (device right side up) will give different numbers. In addition, if you run the program, you'll notice a lot of jitteriness. I hope it doesn't affect the accuracy once I smooth them out with a segmented average.
Executable is packaged in a zip. It contains an EXE which can be straight run with Dot NET CF v2.0 (basically, all WM 6.1 devices)
Hi Canagan,
Great idea, I will certainly be testing this out.
I would like to ask, would it be possible to be able to include 1/4 mile time, and 0-60 etc so we can work out HP of the car. There is a similar app for the Iphone called Dynolicious
Whoooaaa sound a really good app ! Will test it this weekend ! Thanks
PooleyUK said:
I would like to ask, would it be possible to be able to include 1/4 mile time, and 0-60 etc so we can work out HP of the car. There is a similar app for the Iphone called Dynolicious
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, I can do that if there's more of a demand for it. Calculating horsepower is fairly simple, however, I may put 1/4 mile times and 0-60 towards the end of development as they require tieing into the GPS.
Great idea.. I will test it also
It seemt to be working on my Touch HD. But are the meaning of all these numbers??
CanaganD said:
Yes, I can do that if there's more of a demand for it. Calculating horsepower is fairly simple, however, I may put 1/4 mile times and 0-60 towards the end of development as they require tieing into the GPS.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cool, looking forward to seeing this develop.
So far the accelerator test seems to be working fine.
would be need ive i could see how many hp mycar has

VS2008 and QVGA

Firstly, if this is in the wrong place then my apologies.
Anyway, I'm trying to develop and few apps for windows mobile at the same time as bringing myself up-to-date with I have almost finished my first one but am having problems with getting it to display properly on QVGA screens.
When I run the app on the emulator it displays properly
When I run the app on an HTC Touch HD, it runs ok, if a little small
When I run the app on an HTC Kaiser, it only displays a small portion of the web browser.
The only thing I can think of is the app is designed to run on a WVGA screen and above, only I can't think of a way to change this. Any ideas would be appreciated.
BTW, any apps I do finish will be posted for testing and then released for everyone to enjoy for free
Use the ClientSize property of the form in the OnPaint() event to get the actual size of the client area available. You may have to move stuff around and resize screen objects to get them to fit. The form's OnPaint() event is triggered before those of its child objects so set 'em up how want them here.
ClientSize is a Size object.
In VB use me.ClientSize.Width and me.ClientSize.Height to get those values for the clientarea.
Alternatively me.ClientRectangle returns a Rectangle object with the Top, Left, Bottom and Right values of the area.
Cheers, I'll try that
RE VS 2008 and QVGA
Ok, since my last post I've worked out that it's only the web-browser control on the form that is not scaling properly. Even if I try to restrict the width/height, it crops the page instead of resizing.
Your help is much appreciated.

Panono: Panoramic Ball Camera

Hi there,
Some of you might have already noticed our project, a ball shaped camera you can throw into the air to capture a fully spherical panorama. We are currently running an Indiegogo crowd funding campaign to raise the funds needed. We see that many campaigns nowadays launch with apps, usually only iOS and most of them don't really put much effort into their apps. We want to go a different way as I am a long member of xda-devs and include the community into the app development. As the camera is supposed to be used with a smart phone or tablet, the app is essential for the Panono.
So what does our app actually do? Well, you can re-experience the situation captured with the Panono camera by navigating the 360x360 panoramas by moving your phone/tablet like a window into the captured moment. If my English failed to make it understandable, please have a look at the video starting from 1:22.
We are facing a problem with our app which is caused by the different implementation of the gyroscope sensor reading in different phone models. Unlike on iOS, only few Android phones have a correct algorithm to calculate the current device orientation. The result is a shaky experience in our app. We are trying our best in optimizing our app to work with all devices. To address this issue, we are also having a talk at droidcon in Stockholm right now.
So what help are we seeking right now?
We need people who have a android phone with built-in gyro test the app. The following feedback would be interesting:
Device model: (e.g. Samsung S4)
Shakyness: (e.g. image is jumping around but the orientation is correct)
Lag: (e.g. it takes a while until the correct orientation is displayed)
Jumps: (e.g. the orientation jumps into some random direction for a few frames and returns to the right direction afterwards)
You can get the app here:
If you have any question about the Panono as the next-gen accessory for your android device, you can also post here, of course.

zero point shift of spirit level or water level

a) download any spirit level tool app from Play Store.
b) put your 5X on its left side down on a table. You need to be sure that table is horizontal with a physical spirit level or something else.
c) open the spirit level tool app you just download, that shows, in my case, about -2 degree. That table is flat and horizontal.
Is that a common case or it just me?
P.S. I've not test the gyroscope for I don't have a real compass.

Is this possible using NFC tags?

Hi all,
I'm new to this forum. I registered here because I'm looking into NFC tags to try and create a certain project... So I would like to pick your brains to see if what I 'm looking to do is possible and if so what it would take...
I'm basically looking if I can use NFC tags in a mentalist effect as I'm into magic as a form of entertainment.
I would like to apply NFC tags to a bunch of small items that are displayed in front of me, all within range of my phone (or if need be another NFC reader). Then, while I am not looking, I would like one of my spectators to pick up any object they choose so the rest of the audience can also clearly see what object has been chosen. Yet by doing that, the chosen object would go out of range for the NFC reader. Obviously the spectator would then place the object back where it was. he or she would also be allowed to slightly move all other objects so it wouldn't be obvious which one was picked, as only one object is not in the exact same spot it started in...
I was hoping that there is a way for an NFC reader to scan multiple NFC tags in a reasonable amount of time and then also detect which tag isn't there anymore when the spectator shows the chosen object to the audience. Because that would then give me the chosen object. (the way I see it with my very limited knowledge by scanning all NFC tags within range and comparing that to a database that holds all tags that should be there. This should result in one that's missing)
So, is the above possible? Can NFC technology be used to scan a known library of tags and then identify the single tag that is missing?
If so: what are the limits? How many tags can be scanned let's say within 30 seconds? (like 5, or 50 or 100?) I truly have no idea.
What reader and tags would I need? How would I be able to have the NFC app tell me what tag is missing? Can this be an audio message I can receive through an earpiece?
What would be the maximum area all remaining objects should be in for the reader to be able to pick all of them up?
Is there a minimum distance needed between the tags to be able to read all individual tags or can they be very close together?
Any other constraints I missed?
Thanks a lot for letting me know,
Kind regards,

