[Q] Why is the Galaxy Nexus the red headed stepchild? - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

I saw one commercial around original launch time for the galaxy nexus, and honestly it pushed Google+ harder than the hardware itself. I have not seen any unlocked galaxy nexus commercials in the US. I like having the exclusive phone and all, but this seems a bit ridiculous. There is no reason the galaxy nexus couldn't have way outperformed the note in sales. I still get asked all the time when I pay with google wallet, "Is that an iPhone?". No. "Oh, is that a droid?" No! Its cute to know there are so many ignorant people out there at first. However, it tends to get irritating that google spends so much time and so many resources on ICS to make it the beautiful experience that it is and then just watches the nexus line flop hopelessly on the floor while the cumbersome touchwiz and bloated sense dominate the market.
Can someone please explain to me why Google and Samsung insist on wasting all this time and all these resources on building such a great product to only slide it into a bookshelf to collect dust as it were?

Samsung has bigger fish to fry (SGII and probably the SGIII) which due to crapware probably make more money from these phones, and Google advertises on their own sites but wouldn't make a lot of sense for them to push a phone that they probably only make little profit off of.
Enjoy the fact that you have a phone that will get JB before basically anyone else, that you have stock android, and that you have one of the greatest dev community's of all time. OF ALL TIME!
Also, go into a Verizon store, you wouldn't even think that they sold a GNexus where I live (Pittsburgh, PA), Multiple Motorola/HTC shrines while the GNexus sits right next to the Bionic in the corner of forgotten phones.

I honestly don't know and I can't tell you. There's two things Google sucks at terribly: marketing and support.
Microsoft is in a similar boat. It doesn't matter how much either company innovates, they are incapable of letting people know their products exist and they fall to the wayside.
I loved Windows Media Centre when it first came out. But version after version of it has come and gone and little features have been added. I eventually switched to XBMC. Why? Because no one knows what Windows Media Centre is. Microsoft isn't wasting time on it for the few guys with TV tuners.
Take the above example and substitute almost all Google products in there. Wave, Buzz, even Google Docs. I use it all the time and it's a great product, but people see it and have no clue it exists. For that matter I doubt they even know you can use Microsoft's web based Word with SkyDrive.
The tech companies seem to be in this funk where they compete against each other for features, but forget to inform the public that they're even offering the services they launch. It's no wonder that Apple is dominating, look at how much more they spend on campaigns. iPod ads plastered all over buildings... even seniors know the word iPod even if they don't know what it is.
All Google needs to do to take over the world is hire people from Apple's marketing team. Make something viral. The last time they had that was with the Google search engine itself and Gmail. G+ while it's nice, only boomed with the intake of new tech heads. Sign-ups died right after because no consumers know it exists and Google has failed to tell them why it's any better than Facebook.
Here in my city, the Galaxy Nexus is actually kind of popular, but that's only because Bell and Virgin put out big billboards for it's launch. I say kind of, because those billboards are gone now that the launch is over. Bet you there's still a huge iPhone 4s sign in all of those stores though.


WiredPirate said:
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Wow really? This isn't a phone tech question but rather a topic of discussion.

spencer88 said:
Wow really? This isn't a phone tech question but rather a topic of discussion.
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Not a question? lmao
[Q] Why is the Galaxy Nexus the red headed stepchild?
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By the tone of your post I think you are comparing your phone to a soulless bastard ginger.
I on the other hand I compare mine to that sleek sexy read head with an attitude and a desire to get dirty.

geez, how many more of these kinds of posts are we going to see?

Here... now everyone can feel better and we can go about our day.

WiredPirate said:
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It says "!!ALL QUESTIONS GO IN THE Q&A FORUM!!", that's pretty clear.

Was this same bull**** present for the Nexus S and Nexus One?
Because I didn't see much for advertisement with them either.
Not that I care-- I don't purchase or put value on my purchases by how much they are marketed or known.
That said, I don't flaunt my phone around to a bunch of looky-lous for attention either.

adrynalyne said:
Was this same bull**** present for the Nexus S and Nexus One?
Because I didn't see much for advertisement with them either.
Not that I care-- I don't purchase or put value on my purchases by how much they are marketed or known.
That said, I don't flaunt my phone around to a bunch of looky-lous for attention either.
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The Nexus One was considered a flop by the industry. I personally was fully behind Google selling fully unlocked phones. I think if they could have gotten the price a bit less inflated and marketed it properly, the Nexus line could be more than it is now. I just don't think Google is that interested in selling phones. It's about the money and that comes from the licencing they get from other manufacturers.

thequinox said:
The Nexus One was considered a flop by the industry. I personally was fully behind Google selling fully unlocked phones. I think if they could have gotten the price a bit less inflated and marketed it properly, the Nexus line could be more than it is now. I just don't think Google is that interested in selling phones. It's about the money and that comes from the licencing they get from other manufacturers.
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I wasn't aware that Google licensed Android to OEM's. Pretty sure it's free because it's under the GPL.

No it is not under the GPL. Most of it is Apache licensed, with a few things under GPL. There are also closed source portions. Some things do have to be licensed to OEMs. Otherwise, they would never legally be able to offer google apps on their devices ootb, be able to sync with Google Calendar, and several other things.

adrynalyne said:
No it is not under the GPL. Most of it is Apache licensed, with a few things under GPL. There are also closed source portions. Some things do have to be licensed to OEMs. Otherwise, they would never legally be able to offer google apps on their devices ootb, be able to sync with Google Calendar, and several other things.
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Ahh I forgot about the proprietary Google Apps. Makes sense.

thequinox said:
The Nexus One was considered a flop by the industry. I personally was fully behind Google selling fully unlocked phones. I think if they could have gotten the price a bit less inflated and marketed it properly, the Nexus line could be more than it is now. I just don't think Google is that interested in selling phones. It's about the money and that comes from the licencing they get from other manufacturers.
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It's a reference phone. That's all that is. This reference phone has two purposes:
1) Flagship device: "beta" test the next Android update with newer hardware.
2) Reference... its a prototype to suggest what the minimum hardware should be.
Nexus One set the standard for all future phones to have a 1GHz CPU.
I agree with adrynalyne. The Galaxy Nexus has a great developer community and support with great ROMs/kernels. I can really care less if the Galaxy Nexus isn't as popular as a iPhone or Galaxy S series. Just know that the Galaxy Nexus is a flagship device and will get Android 5.0 before any other phones get it (with the exception of the next "Nexus" flagship)


Good read / Interview with a MS Exec about WP7

found this interesting because of the on going flop thread...
well he's saying that the manufacturers sold 1.5 million to the carriers, not actual people, so if people don't buy the phone it will just sit on the shelves.
They need people to go to the stores and buy these phones!
but this is great news for WP7, and I do think they have a good product, let's hope they force google to ramp up their product as well.
^ doubt it. Google and Apple aren't taking notice of WP7. The only people that care about wp7 is wp7 sites, and this small part of xda. Search around you wont see any Android vs WP7, or IOS vs WP7 threads anywhere. If you do, its very brief.
vetvito said:
^ doubt it. Google and Apple aren't taking notice of WP7. The only people that care about wp7 is wp7 sites, and this small part of xda. Search around you wont see any Android vs WP7, or IOS vs WP7 threads anywhere. If you do, its very brief.
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but I think that that will change real fast
vetvito said:
^ doubt it. Google and Apple aren't taking notice of WP7. The only people that care about wp7 is wp7 sites, and this small part of xda. Search around you wont see any Android vs WP7, or IOS vs WP7 threads anywhere. If you do, its very brief.
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How can you say that Google and Apple aren't taking notice?
Do you work for them or have insider knowledge or something?
Any sale of a competing device is something they don't want be it 1 or 100 units so it would be foolish of them to not take notice.
1.5 millions WP7 units bought by retailers means 1.5 million not Apple or Google phones not bought. Why would they not take notice?
And once again, here you are being negative in a WP7 thread. Why do you hang around here if you have so little faith in the OS?
I think Google and Apple are taking notice, MS is nothing to ignore, look what they did to apple in the computer OS world, now they're doing it again.
Take Apple's business model and UI and kang it to run more efficiently and universally, that's what they did with their computer OS and it looks like that's what they're doing with WP7.
Not to mention most stores have very low stock so most of the 1.5 million phones are most likely in the hands of consumers..
lekki said:
How can you say that Google and Apple aren't taking notice?
Do you work for them or have insider knowledge or something?
Any sale of a competing device is something they don't want be it 1 or 100 units so it would be foolish of them to not take notice.
1.5 millions WP7 units bought by retailers means 1.5 million not Apple or Google phones not bought. Why would they not take notice?
And once again, here you are being negative in a WP7 thread. Why do you hang around here if you have so little faith in the OS?
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Wasn't being negative, just posted something that you didn't like.
Apple and Google are more than likely looking at WP7 the same as WebOS.
The thing is you guys act as if the competition will just stay the same. You act as if they wont update.
Just a little piece of what's coming next year:
IPhone 5
Nexus 2(not s)
Ipad 2
HTC Knight(maybe the same as EVO 2)
Maybe even cdma iPhone
Galaxy S2
That's just a small part of the competition. I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes.
vetvito said:
Wasn't being negative, just posted something that you didn't like.
Apple and Google are more than likely looking at WP7 the same as WebOS.
The thing is you guys act as if the competition will just stay the same. You act as if they wont update.
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There's a slight difference between WebOS and MS - cash, and lots of it. Apple and Google knew that WebOS was a long shot, and that it had to succeed very, very quickly, because they knew Palm couldn't withstand losses for very long before they were in real trouble.
Safe to say MS doesn't have that problem. They can afford to take the long view, and they will. There's no possible way that MS won't have a significant presence in the mobile space.
And to be honest, Apple hasn't really updated - not in any sort of appreciable way, and they've paid the price. Steve's stubbornness is detrimental to their OS, and he'd better relent on some of his "True-isms", or they'll continue to pay a price.
froesei said:
There's a slight difference between WebOS and MS - cash, and lots of it. Apple and Google knew that WebOS was a long shot, and that it had to succeed very, very quickly, because they knew Palm couldn't withstand losses for very long before they were in real trouble.
Safe to say MS doesn't have that problem. They can afford to take the long view, and they will. There's no possible way that MS won't have a significant presence in the mobile space.
And to be honest, Apple hasn't really updated - not in any sort of appreciable way, and they've paid the price. Steve's stubbornness is detrimental to their OS, and he'd better relent on some of his "True-isms", or they'll continue to pay a price.
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You make some good points, but I'm thinking Microsoft is following the exact same road.
I highly doubt they will have a significant presence in the mobile market. I'm pretty sure they will share the same market as WebOS and Rim.
vetvito said:
You make some good points, but I'm thinking Microsoft is following the exact same road.
I highly doubt they will have a significant presence in the mobile market. I'm pretty sure they will share the same market as WebOS and Rim.
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It's possible, but I think it's too early to tell. I think what they're really aiming for is the 80% of the total cell phone market that still uses a feature phone. With those kinds of numbers, they don't need a piece of Google or Apple's pie (pardon the pun).
For what it's worth, a good friend, and longtime iPhone user switched to WP7 after he saw mine. And every other iPhone user I've showed it to has displayed elements of envy. Whether or not it's enough to cause them to switch, is another thing, and as of yet not known.
Regardless, it will be interesting to watch, especially if MS keeps updating and innovating the platform.
WP7 is already tons better than WebOS ever was. It has actual developers and an actual app store, supported on phones with big screens and fast processors etc.. not even comparable.
froesei said:
It's possible, but I think it's too early to tell. I think what they're really aiming for is the 80% of the total cell phone market that still uses a feature phone. With those kinds of numbers, they don't need a piece of Google or Apple's pie (pardon the pun).
For what it's worth, a good friend, and longtime iPhone user switched to WP7 after he saw mine. And every other iPhone user I've showed it to has displayed elements of envy. Whether or not it's enough to cause them to switch, is another thing, and as of yet not known.
Regardless, it will be interesting to watch, especially if MS keeps updating and innovating the platform.
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That's another good point. I didn't even look at it from that point of view.
However IOS has become too blah, and IOS 5 or maybe 6 will address this. You can't beat Apple by following the same road.
What's innovative in WP7? When they allow the unreal engine, things will be more interesting.
orangekid said:
WP7 is already tons better than WebOS ever was. It has actual developers and an actual app store, supported on phones with big screens and fast processors etc.. not even comparable.
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That's highly opinionated. However your other points are correct. The Pre2 was a nail in the coffin.
vetvito said:
You make some good points, but I'm thinking Microsoft is following the exact same road.
I highly doubt they will have a significant presence in the mobile market. I'm pretty sure they will share the same market as WebOS and Rim.
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doesn't rim own like 24% of the smartphone market?
vetvito said:
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That's just one quarter's worth of numbers. RIM still has the most smartphones in use in the US right now.
RIght now? Prove it.
I see what you mean, they were at 40%.
What you're missing is that the vast majority of the 1.5 million units _sold_ by manufacturers are actually also sold to end-users - as we all know a lot of stockists worldwide are on backorder at the moment.
I personally know several developers (myself being one) that did not get their hands on an actual device until after the six week mark due to low stock locally - this from people across three continents.
Worth mentioning is also that two weeks out of those six there was hardly any stock at all anywhere as manufacturers only part-delivered what was initially ordered from the carriers in Europe and Australia. It was only just before the US launch that they were able to even start meeting demand.
Looking at the raw figures though, compared to the iOS and Android launches, I would say these sales are on par. Of course that's not an entirely fair comparison as more people, overall, are buying smartphones today than they did back then but still.
vetvito said:
RIght now? Prove it.
I see what you mean, they were at 40%.
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I was about to get on you... Its a pretty well known fact that RIM holds the majority stake in the smartphone market. Been that way for awhile now. Don't know how much longer that will be but if WP7 got to that level I think itd be considered a great success.

Gizmodo on Windows Phone 7

Gizmodo has just posted an article on WP7 (early Mango build) and they really seem to like it. Apparently the choice this fall is between iPhone and WP7 (unless there's a "killer Nokia" or a radical "Android redesign"). Not bad
Edit: Windows Phone Sauce has compiled a list of previews which you can see here - they all seem generally positive.
So far been pretty good reviews out there, really like how Gizmodo shows off the features in the video.
keyboardP said:
Gizmodo has just posted an article on WP7 (early Mango build) and they really seem to like it. Apparently the choice this fall is between iPhone and WP7 (unless there's a "killer Nokia" or a radical "Android redesign"). Not bad
Edit: Windows Phone Sauce has compiled a list of previews which you can see here - they all seem generally positive.
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It's very nice they like it. But this "unless there's a a radical "Android redesign" is equally silly and shows they're not really serious.
Reading such positive reviews is great, normally Gizmodo has been very critical of the OS.
Doesn't matter how good the reviews are or how good mango is. As soon as you go into a best buy or an AT&T store the sales rep will tell you not to buy a windows phone. I really hate the bias against microsoft.
Didn't gizmodo originally like WP7? I remember a billboard here in the UK with the Gizmodo quote "This changes everything"... Then after launch they proceeded to slag it off at any opportunity.
Everything looks good except for the multi-tasking feature...
It looks like iOS... it'll be nicer if its vert-scrolling like the main screen.
ryude said:
Doesn't matter how good the reviews are or how good mango is. As soon as you go into a best buy or an AT&T store the sales rep will tell you not to buy a windows phone. I really hate the bias against microsoft.
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If you go into a grocery store and they try to get you to buy a nice dole banana or some generic rotten trash, is that being bias? No that's reccommending the correct item. Same premise.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
xsteven77x said:
If you go into a grocery store and they try to get you to buy a nice dole banana or some generic rotten trash, is that being bias? No that's reccommending the correct item. Same premise.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
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So by recommending Android basically they are saying no other phone is worth buying? I find that to be biased, since I have used and even developed for Android in the past. I happen to like WP7 more now, I would have never figured that out by asking sales reps I had to learn that myself.
keyboardP said:
Gizmodo has just posted an article on WP7 (early Mango build) and they really seem to like it. Apparently the choice this fall is between iPhone and WP7 (unless there's a "killer Nokia" or a radical "Android redesign"). Not bad
Edit: Windows Phone Sauce has compiled a list of previews which you can see here - they all seem generally positive.
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500,000 android devices activated daily worldwide, increasing 4% each month.
apparently people are choosing something... a whole lot.
positive is positive.
ohgood said:
500,000 android devices activated daily worldwide, increasing 4% each month.
apparently people are choosing something... a whole lot.
positive is positive.
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I didn't say it's not, I was just showing that the press are becoming more positive towards Windows Phone. Engadget, who are notoriously anti-MS, even had good things to say about Mango (as doministry linked). Lets not forget the fact that Android doesn't suffer from the same retail bias, so it's nice to see some objective balance being brought in.
xsteven77x said:
If you go into a grocery store and they try to get you to buy a nice dole banana or some generic rotten trash, is that being bias? No that's reccommending the correct item. Same premise.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
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I have seen some pretty piss poor analogies but this one takes the cake. The correlation makes absolutely no sense, and assigning a "brand" to bananas is crazy. But congrats Dole, people believe a sticker make your product better than Chiquita, or any other "generic" banana (what exactly is a generic banana?) which could have very well been picked off the same tree (since they also import bananas as well).
By the way, you walk in Best Buy and they are pushing Playbooks at you. That means they are the best option available?
There are more than a handful of customer associates that recommend what is in their best interests.
keyboardP said:
I didn't say it's not, I was just showing that the press are becoming more positive towards Windows Phone. Engadget, who are notoriously anti-MS, even had good things to say about Mango (as doministry linked). Lets not forget the fact that Android doesn't suffer from the same retail bias, so it's nice to see some objective balance being brought in.
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excellent response ! yes, the biased reviews are nice filtering mechanisms for folks (like you) that can see through them, and find better sources.
I'm still waiting for hard numbers of wp7 device sales. id imagine developers would flock to it -if- there was proof it was a viable 3rd place in handset sales. obviousely there is money in developing ios, some in android, but without numbers, are devs supposed to believe marketers ?
htc just stated they sold 1 out of 2 new wp7 devices, unfortunately, that's still not much to go with.
seeing reviews that show the hardwares weak points along with the softwares' is really nice. the bias makes it meh.
ohgood said:
excellent response ! yes, the biased reviews are nice filtering mechanisms for folks (like you) that can see through them, and find better sources.
I'm still waiting for hard numbers of wp7 device sales. id imagine developers would flock to it -if- there was proof it was a viable 3rd place in handset sales. obviousely there is money in developing ios, some in android, but without numbers, are devs supposed to believe marketers ?
htc just stated they sold 1 out of 2 new wp7 devices, unfortunately, that's still not much to go with.
seeing reviews that show the hardwares weak points along with the softwares' is really nice. the bias makes it meh.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming that WP7 should be praised and others condemned. Every platform has its pros and cons (and it would be nice to not have any obvious bias in articles), but there's been, IMO, some unjust biased against WP7 in many mainstream articles simply because it has the MS tag on it.
I agree about the hard numbers as it's what's keeping a lot of developers away. There are some big names coming through though (Amazon, Angry Birds, PopCap etc..), so there may be something. I think a lot of devs, including myself, are getting some apps out there for now, hoping that Mango really delivers.
iPhone certainly has a market, but with a Mac required to develop for it, it seems a bit too much of a barrier for me. Android is okay to develop for, and I loved the openness of pretty much being able to do what you wanted. However, despite the market share of Android, there's still not much evidence that developers can make any real money either. There are too many free apps which do the same as paid apps and when users are conditioned to believe everything should be free on your platform, that's not great for devs. I thought it was interesting that Angry Birds went for a free, ad-based model rather than a paid model considering they had already had a following. Any new IPs trying to do something similar probably won't have the same large following, thus making the ad revenue pretty low.
ohgood said:
I'm still waiting for hard numbers of wp7 device sales. id imagine developers would flock to it -if- there was proof it was a viable 3rd place in handset sales. obviousely there is money in developing ios, some in android, but without numbers, are devs supposed to believe marketers ?
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Isn't the Windows Marketplace growing at an unprecedented rate? Fact or fiction? So why do poor sales matter to you? It seems like it is only for bragging rights since Windows Phone has had no shortage of app development or software updates.
I understand all the good reasons why strong sales are desireous. But at this point in time it does not matter to you if your neighbour did not buy a Windows Phone. The phone is still progressing at a positive rate.
Currently 24,447 apps in the window phone marketplace. That's huge considering it's only been out since October/November of last year? We could see 50,000 apps by the end of this year. With Mango's 1500 new API's and better live tile support/multi-tasking I see apps only becoming better and better.
xsteven77x said:
If you go into a grocery store and they try to get you to buy a nice dole banana or some generic rotten trash, is that being bias? No that's reccommending the correct item. Same premise.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
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I have seen some pretty stupid things posted in this forum, but this has to be the dumbest. You're basically saying that Android is the "nice Dole banana" and WP is the "trash," and therefore, all sales reps are just doing their job by offering Android only and pushing you away from WP? Some of you people man... If you don't like the platform, just shut up... Touching on the actual topic, not only have I seen good reviews, but extensive ones, which I prefer much more... Whether the opinion is good or bad, I appreciate them taking a great deal of time outlining the platform...

Android Issues

I have never put much weight behind peoples comments about the Android fragmentation but the Nexus just frustrates me. I have owned everything from an Iphone, WP7 and Android phones and while all have their good and bad points I am starting to see many more bad for Android. I have moved from a GSII to the Nexus mainly because of the new OS and because my provider offered it to me for free on my plan. The three main apps I used on my GSII do not work with the Nexus. One doesnt even show up in the Market and if sideloaded just crashes the other two while they install from the Market they just crash constantly. The removal of features like facebook integration all just make me wonder what Google is thinking. This is just the OS not to mention other flaws with the phone like the volume being so low you have to install an app to hear it ring and the battery life being poor.
I know there will be a lot of people who say that I should root or mod or install this or that but it just proves my point. Apple and Wp7 just wor fork the most part and despite their limitations usually work well. The Lumia series of WP7 handsets get released in a few weeks in Australia and I think I will be going back to WP7 the three apps I use daily are now available for it, it has awesome facebook integration and it looks sexy too. Everything I need or want in a phone right now.
Sorry Google but you have lost me for the time being. I may be back but for the time being I think I will be happier elsewhere.
The Nexus-series devices are geared towards developers, hackers, and other enthusiasts who not only don't mind mucking about with adb but actually prefer it. Not wanting to "root or mod or install this or that" doesn't prove your point - it proves that you bought the wrong device.
The GSII is marketed towards normal consumers. Google stripped out Facebook sync on the Nexus device - that's because of a beef between Google and Facebook. Samsung (I believe) leaves it in on the GSII. Because they are less concerned about being "pure Android" and more concerned with selling a solid product that consumers will like to use.
It's not Android's fault that some developers haven't updated their apps to be compatible with the latest version of Android and the latest hardware specs. Contact the developers of those apps that you can't live without and see what it would take for them to make the app compatible. If they don't know there's a demand for it, they may not bother updating it.
If that's not good enough, I'm sorry. Maybe Android isn't the right fit for you. *shrug* It sure is for me.
codesplice said:
The Nexus-series devices are geared towards developers, hackers, and other enthusiasts who not only don't mind mucking about with adb but actually prefer it. Not wanting to "root or mod or install this or that" doesn't prove your point - it proves that you bought the wrong device.
The GSII is marketed towards normal consumers. Google stripped out Facebook sync on the Nexus device - that's because of a beef between Google and Facebook. Samsung (I believe) leaves it in on the GSII. Because they are less concerned about being "pure Android" and more concerned with selling a solid product that consumers will like to use.
It's not Android's fault that some developers haven't updated their apps to be compatible with the latest version of Android and the latest hardware specs. Contact the developers of those apps that you can't live without and see what it would take for them to make the app compatible. If they don't know there's a demand for it, they may not bother updating it.
If that's not good enough, I'm sorry. Maybe Android isn't the right fit for you. *shrug* It sure is for me.
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Very well put.
I have yet to run into one of my apps that doesn't work in ICS.
It really sounds like the OP bought the wrong phone for themselves. See if you can return it.
The Nexus I got from my phone provider to be used as my primary phone. It wasnt sold as a developers device or for hacking. Its a consumer device sold to the consumer market. You may buy it for the sole purpose of modding or hacking it but that not what Google sells or markets it as.
Why do I have to have a pretty common feature removed because of a beef between two companies. This was googles descision (probably to boost their google+ service) and it only hurts the end user. Your right no other phones have had it removed.
And your last comment is exacty what I was saying. People who bought an app on an Iphone 3 can still use the app on a 4S and so far the same with WP7. Its a pain that every time an update comes out for Android that it may "break" an app I use.
I absolutely love my Galaxy Nexus. I just loaded on AOSP Kang Milestone 3 and it has literally every feature I had wanted since I bought the phone. I get great battery life, and the UI is so efficient. I wish there was a better camera, and I could go for a 3300mAh battery like the Droid Maxx, but it's still ****ing AMAZING the way it is.
bnathan said:
The removal of features like facebook integration all just make me wonder what Google is thinking. This is just the OS not to mention other flaws with the phone like the volume being so low you have to install an app to hear it ring and the battery life being poor.
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I wouldn't want any facebook integration on my device so cheers to Google for getting rid of them.
bnathan said:
And your last comment is exacty what I was saying. People who bought an app on an Iphone 3 can still use the app on a 4S and so far the same with WP7. Its a pain that every time an update comes out for Android that it may "break" an app I use.
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So, you think that when Apple releases updates for iOS that it doesn't break stuff? The only difference is that developers sometimes get a longer period with the SDK for the new OS to try and fix issues compared to Android, but you really are naive if you think iOS or WP7 won't have broken apps when a new version is released.
Never have I had an app not work after an update with IOS. If thats due to the SDK being out longer then Apple is doing something right that Android isnt. I am not saying that Android isnt without merrit or that it isnt good for everyone but you must adit to the flaws. Look at the number of posts about app compatibility.
bnathan said:
Never have I had an app not work after an update with IOS. If thats due to the SDK being out longer then Apple is doing something right that Android isnt. I am not saying that Android isnt without merrit or that it isnt good for everyone but you must adit to the flaws. Look at the number of posts about app compatibility.
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And who is to blame for app incompatibility? Is Google supposed to stop developing the operating system why every **** and Jane with an application updates their apps to work? It's not Google's fault that developers and companies don't update their applications. You are also looking at probably one of the biggest changes in the Android OS since it started with Honeycomb/ICS, so some things have to be completely re-written which takes time.
There may be flaws with the platform, but there are flaws with everthing. At least with Android, then end user can fix them if they want to, good luck doing that on BB, WP7, or iOS. Also, just because you haven't had an issue with iOS doesn't mean there aren't problems with apps. Then again, I guess it doesn't take much to get your phone to play a fart sound...
bnathan said:
The Nexus I got from my phone provider to be used as my primary phone. It wasnt sold as a developers device or for hacking. Its a consumer device sold to the consumer market. You may buy it for the sole purpose of modding or hacking it but that not what Google sells or markets it as
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Yes, and it is a very good consumer level device. What more can you ask for?
bnathan said:
Why do I have to have a pretty common feature removed because of a beef between two companies. This was googles descision (probably to boost their google+ service) and it only hurts the end user. Your right no other phones have had it removed.
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Welcome to the real world.
bnathan said:
And your last comment is exacty what I was saying. People who bought an app on an Iphone 3 can still use the app on a 4S and so far the same with WP7. Its a pain that every time an update comes out for Android that it may "break" an app I use.
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This has been covered multiple times.
bnathan said:
The Nexus I got from my phone provider to be used as my primary phone. It wasnt sold as a developers device or for hacking. Its a consumer device sold to the consumer market. You may buy it for the sole purpose of modding or hacking it but that not what Google sells or markets it as.
Why do I have to have a pretty common feature removed because of a beef between two companies. This was googles descision (probably to boost their google+ service) and it only hurts the end user. Your right no other phones have had it removed.
And your last comment is exacty what I was saying. People who bought an app on an Iphone 3 can still use the app on a 4S and so far the same with WP7. Its a pain that every time an update comes out for Android that it may "break" an app I use.
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1. The Nexus is a developer tool.
2.Why would Google not want to boost their own products such as Google+? I'm sure if I had a beef with a certain person or company I wouldn't support their product either. Would you?
3. You're right about the iPhone apps. As long as the developer updates to optimize performance with the new iOS. That's a lot of the problems with the apps I used on my Captivate vs. using on my GNex.
If I recall correctly, the reasons Google gave for dropping Facebook support were more about Google's fundamental philosophy regarding the open and free exchange of information. Google lets your bring your information to their service, and you can then take your information away and put it elsewhere. Google was fine with you sharing information from your Google account to your Facebook account. Facebook is more one way - you can bring your information and contacts in, but you can't take that information anywhere else. You could import your information from Google into Facebook, but Facebook will not allow you to export Facebook information to Google. This is the reason Google stopped supporting facebook sync.
its amazing how defensive people get when you give opinion or coment about fault with something they own.
Fact remains (no matter what the reason) Google removed the facebook feature which only hurts the end user. If Apple or anyone else did this you would be all up in arms saying how much better Android is for being so open. HAHA
No matter how you look at it there is compatiblity issues between versions of Android which there arent any (apparently) to IOS or WP7 users. Example... Plants Vs Zombies. I have owned it on al three platforms and on IOS or WP7 I have never had an issue with it working as it should. On my Android phones its breaks between versions. On my Incredible S the zombies would walk off the screen on centain versions. It doesnt run at all on my Galaxy Nexus.
I accept that the average XDA user can fix his or her own issues with ANdroid but the users here are a VERY VERY small percentage of users and for the average user Android isnt as user friendly or stable as the other two.
Since you chose the ignore the same thing on iOS, and also the fact wp7 hasnt seen a major version update.
Go back to those devices, bye
Erm... thanks for your opinion, we're all entitled to one. Stick with your iPhone or WP7 device then mate.
Morale of the story here is that providers will try to sell you what they 'think' you need without asking you.
They don't always listen when they do ask and they certainly don't get it right 100% of the time.
Xda Premium on GSM Galaxy Nexus
I agree with pretty much all the comments made here about android.
This is the biggest change android has made to its OS since its birth so certain 3rd party apps will be broken until the developer of the app pulls his finger out and makes it comaptible again. This isnt googles fault.
I dont agree with the statement of the nexus being a developer phone however.
If it was a developer phone and google wanted you to root it and flash custom roms it wouldnt break your warrenty would it.
I had a galaxy s before my galaxy nexus and i flashed literally hundreds of roms onto that phone and OC it and all the rest... Thats not because thats what samsung wanted me to do.
Google have reinvented android and tried to make it consumer friendly.
There isnt a label on the galaxy nexus for the average user that says dont buy this phone unless you plan on flashing custom kernels and roms onto it.
The galaxy nexus is an amazing phone and i personally plan on leaving it stock as long as i can because i really dont think theres too much that needs doing to it that warrants voiding my warranty and risking bricks etc.
Back to the point... Yes if you dont like the phone then dont cry about it, just sell it and buy a windows phone. Why come here complaining? What do you hope to gain?
Maybe you should have tested the phone and done some research before you upgraded.
The Facebook problem is entirely Facebook's fault.
Android provides an API to synchronize contacts. 3rd party apps can add metadata to those contacts (picture, phone number, email, status updates, etc...). These metadata are then available on your phone.
But Facebook thinks they own your data so instead of using the proper API, they do it in a way to prevent you from exporting that data. For example they don't want you to be able to have a list of your friend's emails or phone numbers through Facebook.
Remember the first time you used Facebook? There were options to find friends using a contact list (CSV, email provider, MSN, GMail contacts, etc...). This is exactly what Facebook wants to block from the competition and one of that platform is Android.
There's a reason the Facebook app on the market has 3.5 stars only. It's rarely updated, slow and full of bugs. And they don't seem to listen to users. All they do is copy others because they are paranoid about ending up like MySpace. Their latest copycat is "Facebook Messenger" which puts an icon right next to Google+ messenger with the name "Messenger" as well.
So instead of blaming Google who removed the "backdoor" Facebook used (adding fields to the contacts database directly and causing a mess if you removed the Facebook app then) write a complaint to Facebook. They'll happily ignore you because they don't care about what their users wants.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
bnathan said:
Sorry Google but you have lost me for the time being. I may be back but for the time being I think I will be happier elsewhere.
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Bye. I guess we'll survive without you. Or did I miss your groundbreaking contribution to the community?!
Every second somewhere, someone changes their phone. I hope not that many think they need to share their decision here. Have fun with your new phone.
zolah said:
I dont agree with the statement of the nexus being a developer phone however.
If it was a developer phone and google wanted you to root it and flash custom roms it wouldnt break your warrenty would it.
I had a galaxy s before my galaxy nexus and i flashed literally hundreds of roms onto that phone and OC it and all the rest... Thats not because thats what samsung wanted me to do.
Google have reinvented android and tried to make it consumer friendly.
There isnt a label on the galaxy nexus for the average user that says dont buy this phone unless you plan on flashing custom kernels and roms onto it.
The galaxy nexus is an amazing phone and i personally plan on leaving it stock as long as i can because i really dont think theres too much that needs doing to it that warrants voiding my warranty and risking bricks etc.
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Google shouldn't be responsible for your screw ups regardless. If they did warranty hard bricks and other software errors, they'd be out of a lot of money. As you still see today, there are several people on here that brick their phone(or at least think they did) because they can't read ahead of time. Now why should Google be liable for that?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Jmurph3 said:
Google shouldn't be responsible for your screw ups regardless. If they did warranty hard bricks and other software errors, they'd be out of a lot of money. As you still see today, there are several people on here that brick their phone(or at least think they did) because they can't read ahead of time. Now why should Google be liable for that?
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
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They wont do it because thats not what the phone is for and they wont help you if you mess it up. It is NOT a development tool.
P.S... I have never screwed up a phone yet touch wood and ive flashed lots of my friends phones for them as well as my own...

Apple files injunction against Samsung to ban SGN in US..

Link to Android Central article
Apple has once again called Samsung into court. This time it's about the Galaxy Nexus and four patents that Apple says it infringes. The patents in question are:
U.S. Patent No. 5,946,647: a patent for data being used as a hyperlink
U.S. Patent No. 8,086,604: a unified search patent
U.S. Patent No. 8,046,721: a slide-to-unlock patent
U.S. Patent No. 8,074,172: a word completion patent*
Apple is requesting that the Samsung Galaxy Nexus be blocked from sale in the United States because it violates these patents. *Should the court find in favor of Apple, a ban against the Galaxy Nexus would be put in effect until the final court decision. *
Could it happen? Certainly. But if it does, it won't go into effect any time soon, it would only affect stores inside the U.S. selling these products, and no jack-booted thugs from Cupertino will come pry your Nexus from your hands. We can't be sure how the courts will act, but all of these are pretty shaky patents, and once again Apple is not going after Google directly -- even though the Galaxy Nexus has a pure vanilla version of Android. *The only certainty here is that the patent system is broken and only serves the company willing to spend the most in the courts.
It's time for Google to step in and put a stop to this bull****. The first patent in question is the same one that was upheld against HTC in a move that shocked the tech community at large, essentially giving Apple the rights to the hyperlink -- something invented over 20 years ago by numerous companies that aren't Apple.
The other three are just as laughable, or would be if not for the fact that Apple was allowed to secure the patents at all.*Every single one of them has existed as prior art long before Apple became relevant, yet a patent was granted each and every time. This is the core of the problem. You can't blame Apple for trying, it's cheaper to litigate away your competition than it is to out-innovate them. *And make no mistake -- that's exactly what's going on here. *Apple wants Android to go away, and a look at any chart that shows market share will tell you why. *It's a ****ty way to get ahead, but it's too easy not to try. It's going to take a tech giant to change the way this all works, and we know nobody can count on Apple or Microsoft to do it, because this is their system, created the way they like it, and making them rich. If Apple is afraid to go after Google, Google needs to go after Apple instead of sitting on their laurels waiting to ride in and save the day at the last minute.
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Watch this video!
"Great artist steal! We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas." -Steve Jobs
Not trying to flame but you guys really should search better. This has been posted several times. Please search!!"
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
just yesterday
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
americans, you have over 200 parties, not only republicants and the democrats... so vote for Pirate Party and stop this patent bull****
to be honest, US patent system is hilarious
lrs421 said:
Not trying to flame but you guys really should search better. This has been posted several times. Please search!!"
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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I did search first. I turned up results for the "Android General" forum but not the SGN forum. Do you have an opinion on the topic?
lrs421 said:
just yesterday
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
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I would have def posted there if I had seen it, I searched using dif key words. However that is irrelevant now. The thread you linked got no attention at all, except for one guy who confused it for the old story that did NOT pertain to the US. Once again I would like to ask, do you have an opinion? Or does your lack or critical thinking always result in a "don't post this" attitude? I would like to discuss and get other peoples opinions please.
asheg said:
to be honest, US patent system is hilarious
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agreed!! Or rather what Apple does to it is. Did you watch the vid?
It's OK to steal as long as Apple is doing the stealing
Apple's new Slogan.
Apple is quite obviously scared of the SGN. Justifiably so. Unbelievable that they would go after Samsung though since the software is all Google....
DIECAST61 said:
Apple's new Slogan.
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This has always been their slogan, it's not just a new thing.
WiredPirate said:
agreed!! Or rather what Apple does to it is. Did you watch the vid?
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nope) what vid?)
asheg said:
nope) what vid?)
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The YouTube video in OP at the bottom, the Steve Jobs one..
Here is the link again, not sure how to embed it here...
eh..without watching the full video that clip is taken pretty out of context.
What are the chances of this blowing over and getting solved? Why I ask is that I want this phone but I need to put some money together to buy it since I have to buy it at full price if I want it and I'd hate to see this phone no longer being able to be sold because of stupid ****ing Apple.
foxehkins said:
eh..without watching the full video that clip is taken pretty out of context.
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In what context is stealing others work and claiming it as your own okay?
Edit: what about the patent Apple filed recently for a "facial recognition unlock" on their products!? It seams to me Apple is holding up the progress of technology by acquiring their products in court and not in the lab or whatever. They just throw around their weight and money and bully other companies to steal. Jesus Steve Jobs said it himself and you are still trying to defend them.
trparky said:
What are the chances of this blowing over and getting solved? Why I ask is that I want this phone but I need to put some money together to buy it since I have to buy it at full price if I want it and I'd hate to see this phone no longer being able to be sold because of stupid ****ing Apple.
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Well it was shot down over seas, but here in the US who knows. I would say you will hear about the progress and if it seams you need to buy one quickly you can. And there is always importing in case of a worst case scenario.
What I am most confused about is why is Google not patenting their own work!? I don't get it, they see what Apple is doing yet they seam unwilling to protect their own asses? Are they being wreckless or stupid or..?
Here, from AndroidCentral.. There are links for detailed info about those four patents :
So, let's discuss those patents. Do you think Apple has a big chance?
Note that the first patent has won them against HTC.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
gogol said:
Here, from AndroidCentral.. There are links for detailed info about those four patents :
So, let's discuss those patents. Do you think Apple has a big chance?
Note that the first patent has won them against HTC.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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That is the link/ body of text from the OP?. I don't fully understand patents and law but am very interested. The best I can do is state my personal opinions, which I think I have made clear already. I personally think it is a toss up whether Apple has a chance and this is just a way for them to cash in, slow Google and others progress and a way to bully others and steal once again. I think any of the four patents being infringed on should not belong to a apple or any other company either. Let's make progress not slow progress by bickering in court who owns the right to hyperlinks. Amirite?
WiredPirate said:
... It seams to me Apple is holding up the progress of technology by acquiring their products in court and not in the lab or whatever....
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Apple hasn't come up with much new since the iPhone 2g, they came out with a bang and stopped dead in their tracks. All they're doing now is putting speed bumps in front of all of those whizzing by them.
opensourcefan said:
Apple hasn't come up with much new since the iPhone 2g, they came out with a bang and stopped dead in their tracks. All they're doing now is putting speed bumps in front of all of those whizzing by them.
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100% agree with that statement and i say it to my brother who has an iphone 4s all the time.
My brother has owned every iphone since they were launched and will defend apple to the end of time.
Apple came out with a great phone to begin with, but have since not really come out with anything completely innovative which has completely changed ios.
Still the same old launcher of icons after icons... same lock screen blah blah blah.
If you look at an origional iphone and then look at an iphone 4s theres not really anything other than the speed improvements that makes you think wow apple has come a long way with the software... ( other than the notifacation bar they added... wonder where they got that idea from ).
Apple need to man up and stop throwing law suits around and come up with some new ideas.
All this does is slow down progress for everybody.
Oh btw... Where do iphones get most of there parts from? Oh thats right... SAMSUNG!!!!
Apple can't sue software, they can only sue the hardware manufacturer. That is why they sued Samsung instead of Google.

The Google and Apple battle gets uglier

Before I give my opinion, I must admit that my opinions may not hold true legally. I know little more than DMV laws. Nor am I a tech expert, insider or historian. I will be wrong on some facts, but I believe that my overall analysis will stand true.
Apple isn't really hitting Google as hard as some may think.
Google and apple are 2 forces that have an inverse success relationship. This we all know. They compete over the same market. This was from day 1, heck, even before then (depending on how you judge when day 1 was).
This is a fact that hasn't gone unseen to them both. They choose 2 tactics to deal with that issue. Apple chose to gain fame and sales through marketing, and got patents on all that's under the sun. A tactic that may look ugly, but money doesn't care.
Google, on the other hand, doesn't look perfect either. They gave ALL the freedom to developers, and opened the platform up. This protects them from apple, to a degree, because they aren't accountable for the actions of others. This gave their platform an advantage over the legal system and the rights of others.
I dislike apple, and like google, but that's not worth a thing. Google's tactics are healthier towards the market. Apple kills development... Outside apple itself.
The thing is, apple can continue to harm the android platform, and never kill it, ever. This is because android is open, and devs and manufacturers will always adjust.
Google, on the other hand, only needs one hit on ios, One injunction, and apple is dead in the water. Apple has, in many senses, only one device (the iphone and ipad are not that different). If they can stop the iphone OR the ipad, they don't need to settle, they can keep devices off the market for weeks, months or even permanently (if it's a hardware issue).
Keep in mind that most apple devices are produced BEFORE THE FIRST PIECE IS SOLD. So once google stops a device, apple's sales stop for a year (or so). apple can throw all what it made in the sea, or ship them overseas.
Also keep in mind, that most development and it's financial backing (as in app sales), is within US borders. This means IOS will effectively die.
What's hard to believe, is that both parties needed the existence of each other. In this case, each of them needed a competitor (though they each wanted the bigger piece of the pie). Economics says that competition creates demand, and in some cases vice versa. Ex: look at Pepsi and coke. They gained by competing, through keeping the other soda manufacturers out. The war between these two tech giants helped them sell devices.
Part of the reason that the current situation got so ugly, is that the market has a new competitor, a crappy one too (apple and Google's wet dream). Microsoft has taken apple's closed stance. This allows for the existence of google, not apple, as it is a more direct competition with the latter. Microsoft also gains if it remains in the market with Android, even as a weaker party, because it gets so much money off most android manufacturers (through licensing settlements) .
This whole situation is a move to drive apple out of the market. Apple's is clawing everyone cause it knows that it's being choked. Apple will not hold back any card that will keep it alive, even suing a search engine for searching for stuff.
Am I right?
Sent from my banned Galaxy Nexus
If Google gets that patent for the notification center then apple will be surely in the cesspool.
It's all been dramatized to elicit blog clicks. Nothing will be the end or death or ruin of either of them, they'll just posture enough and setup a convincing enough legal threat by building precedent with these little cases until they're forced into some sort of cross licensing deal. It's business, not politics, or religion. Don't believe the hype.
Well patent for notification center will be an exact stop point for Apple because they have only few devices that uses same OS. It's not the same as Android where one condition applies to a minority of devices.
Apple is destined to die anyway. Their biggest innovation in the last few years was providing more density to their devices as I've said in another thread.
Djabolic said:
Apple is destined to die anyway. Their biggest innovation in the last few years was providing more density to their devices as I've said in another thread.
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Apple's not going anywhere. Part of their genius is convincing their idiot users that the Apple logo is all the innovation they need to look for.
1cewolf said:
Apple's not going anywhere. Part of their genius is convincing their idiot users that the Apple logo is all the innovation they need to look for.
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And that is the core of apple. Misleading when they use the full shiny apple when in reality it should be a picture of a rotten core.
butter and jelly please...
Google just being quite. thats all. They wanted all the crApple and its user just use their Google product only. If only they dont have that, Apple would be long gone. Most technology used in Apple, are from Google(i think so...). and if Samsung, HTC and others join forces and stating each of their patent used by Apple, its done. the thing is, other companies actually wanted a healthy competition, which is totally different than how Apple see it, cuz they are out of ideas and forgot how to innovate!
I have yet to understand why Google hasn't sued apple back. For example, one of apples newest features is from android. The feature in which when you receive a call you can reply back with a text stating "i am driving" for instance. Meanwhile, the apple notification Center was biggest steal ever. Finally, they sued amazon for calling their store the App store. App store is just to generic they honestly can't have a patent on that....
It is as if i sued a grocery store because i have a patent on the word grocery store so they can't call themselves grocery store.
Samsung Galaxy s2 Nuclear Rocket - Embryo 3.2 [UCLE2 BASE]
iPhone 4S - Gave it away, not cool enough
iPhone 3GS - Went for a Swim
Dog - Custom Rom [Golden Retriever] [BEAR2 BASE]
LuffyPSP said:
Google just being quite. thats all. They wanted all the crApple and its user just use their Google product only. If only they dont have that, Apple would be long gone. Most technology used in Apple, are from Google(i think so...). and if Samsung, HTC and others join forces and stating each of their patent used by Apple, its done. the thing is, other companies actually wanted a healthy competition, which is totally different than how Apple see it, cuz they are out of ideas and forgot how to innovate!
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the idea of joining forces may seem childish to some, but a quick look at the Rockstar Consortium should change their minds. The problem with that idea is that apple is not their #1 competitor, other android manufacturers are. Google is the only party that can lead a case against apple (on software at least), and Google has been holding back since the start.
My guess is that, that's about to change
1cewolf said:
Apple's not going anywhere. Part of their genius is convincing their idiot users that the Apple logo is all the innovation they need to look for.
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I still have some hope left in me about the next generations will be smarter than the current zombie-like society.
Djabolic said:
I still have some hope left in me about the next generations will be smarter than the current zombie-like society.
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I don't. A co-worker of mine has a college aged daughter who went to an orientation where they were doing some kind of ice breaker game. Anyway, the student gathered around in a circle and they would ask these student something and depending on the answer they would step in the circle. So they asked "whoever didn't have an iPhone step in the circle" and she was the only one to step inside. She felt so bad she's going to buy an iPhone just to be like everyone else. Peer pressure at it's finest
Geo411m said:
I don't. A co-worker of mine has a college aged daughter who went to an orientation where they were doing some kind of ice breaker game. Anyway, the student gathered around in a circle and they would ask these student something and depending on the answer they would step in the circle. So they asked "whoever didn't have an iPhone step in the circle" and she was the only one to step inside. She felt so bad she's going to buy an iPhone just to be like everyone else. Peer pressure at it's finest
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Bet she comes back to the light.
butter and jelly please...
Djabolic said:
If Google gets that patent for the notification center then apple will be surely in the cesspool.
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At this rate apple will file for it and get it
Sent from my JellyBelly Gnex
Geo411m said:
I don't. A co-worker of mine has a college aged daughter who went to an orientation where they were doing some kind of ice breaker game. Anyway, the student gathered around in a circle and they would ask these student something and depending on the answer they would step in the circle. So they asked "whoever didn't have an iPhone step in the circle" and she was the only one to step inside. She felt so bad she's going to buy an iPhone just to be like everyone else. Peer pressure at it's finest
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Yeah two of my gf's ladies friends only bought iPhones because "everyone has one" I lol'ed and said well more people have android. Then the most painful thing I have done with a phone and that's including rooting. I had to set a mp3 as ringtone for one of her friends iphone.....dear god I didn't think I was going to be able to do it
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2
BrianDigital said:
Yeah two of my gf's ladies friends only bought iPhones because "everyone has one" I lol'ed and said well more people have android. Then the most painful thing I have done with a phone and that's including rooting. I had to set a mp3 as ringtone for one of her friends iphone.....dear god I didn't think I was going to be able to do it
Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk 2
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Yes adding media outside of iTunes sucks. And god forbid you have to use a different computer than the one the iPhone was originally synced on.
i agree with many points. but in my opinion google isn´t so much interested in producing and selling mobile phones. it´s more to keep people related to google itself. the search, email, chat, google+ etc... and i think there´s much more. the accounts and usage of them are important for google itself. the hardware developers samsung htc etc... they sell phones to make money with hardware, google with android and google products. i think android would be enough for supply and demand, because that´s the competition of the hardware-manufacturers (samsung, htc, etc...). i think the mainreasons is the market to keep android alive. as u see with nexus7, google isn´t interested in selling hardware, just to get their software sold. 200$ isn´t much for the hardware. google wants to sell the hardware a) to get as many people to google b) to ace apple out of the market. google makes money with selling software over their market. and with the new market, tv, movies and more. on the other hand, if more people get android, less will stay with apple.
may be, google will become monopolist on the market. dunno, dislike apple and me as customer, i profit from google products. as in op, the policy is more friendly of google than apple.
(sry for may bad english in some cases )
Anthonok said:
At this rate apple will file for it and get it
Sent from my JellyBelly Gnex
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One would hope our patent system isn't so broken that Apple could file now and get it before Google who filed for it years ago.
adrynalyne said:
One would hope our patent system isn't so broken that Apple could file now and get it before Google who filed for it years ago.
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Money goes a long way.
Sent from my JellyBelly Gnex
Anthonok said:
Money goes a long way.
Sent from my JellyBelly Gnex
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That may be, but that sort of blatant corruption would be very visible.
adrynalyne said:
That may be, but that sort of blatant corruption would be very visible.
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They just got the patent for water damage detection and the shape of the macbook air... aka just a thin "wedge" shape... and something extremely similar to Google glass.
Sent from my JellyBelly Gnex

