[Q] One X contacts only sync one way with Exchange - HTC One X

Hi, I'm a few days into using my HTC One X (first time Android user having just switched from WM6.5) and have found a problem with syncing with Exchange Activesync (Office 365). I'm set up to sync mail, contacts, calendar and tasks with EAS. The problem is with my contacts in the stock "People" app.
I notice for new EAS contacts that I create from the phone (i.e. from an incoming call or SMS), the contact is synced up to OWA and Outlook. But when I make a change to the contact item from OWA or Outlook, the changes do not sync back to the phone. However, if I make another change to the same contact from the phone, it will sync up. It's only syncing one way i.e. from the phone.
This does not happen to the other contacts that were originally downloaded to the phone from Exchange. Meaning, changes to these other contacts will sync both ways - from OWA/Outlook to the phone and vice versa.
Does anyone else have this problem? Better yet, a solution?
Thanks in advance.
ps. If it's any help, I've also downloaded Touchdown to my phone to test. But note that the contacts in Touchdown are not copied/linked to the native phonebook (People app).

Hi UKC1,
What happens when you add a new contact from the Exchange end? Does it sync to your phone, if so do edits to that contact on the phone sync back?
I have Exchange so I will test this for you now, but on the surface it would sound like the contacts that you have added from receiving a call or an SMS are going to a different address book behind the scenes, one that is outside of the Exchange sync scope.
EDIT: I note that when I enter the 'People' app on my phone, and manually add a new contact, I am able to choose from four address books (SIM, Phone, Exchange, Google).
Whilst I haven't tested any further just yet, it could be the issue I mentioned above that you are not creating the contact on the phone inside the 'Exchange' address book, and therefore it will not sync with Exchange.

I was able to reproduce your issue. Create contact on phone in default address book (which is Exchange), contact syncs to Exchange OK. Make change on phone, change updated Exchange OK. Make change in Outlook, contact did not get updated = FAIL. I waited quite a while too (all other changes were instant).
However, maybe I have some good news for you, the contact DID get updated after I rebooted the phone.
Can you please confirm that works for you?

Yes, you have reproduced my exact problem. And I tested it again today - same thing. I guess I'm not the only one with this problem then. I elevated it to HTC but there's no response yet.
Anyway, so I rebooted as you suggested but no it didn't work - the outlook/exchange-amended changes DID NOT sync back to my phone. Only when I removed the EAS account and re-setup the account did everything sync. Then I tested it again by creating more contacts from the phone.
Funny thing is that now some of phone-created contacts are syncing both ways now. But others are still not.
I can keep testing but my actual EAS account has 3000+ contacts. There's no way I can keep track what is synced.
This people app is just looking unreliable. Any other ideas?

Nothing that I know of with EAS support. Could be because you have a large number of contacts. If I was to suggest anything it would be split them up into groups. Then again with 3000 contacts I would assume you have already done that! Perhaps try an AOSP ROM such as Trips CM9 and try the default ICS experience to see if you have the same issue. Could be the People app, could be the EAS support within ICS itself. Would be interested in your findings.


Multiple Exchange servers

I'll be receiving my new toy next week and after being a HD2 user and growing tired of winmo I was hoping to have multiple exchange server support on the Desire.
According to android this is possible from 2.0.
However it seems HTC has disabled the function and only allows 1 exchange server to be entered.
My main reason for this setup would be to have my work e-mail and my google account ( mail/contact/calendar ) simultaniously on the phone.
Anybody got an idea how to get this working?
Perhaps a different app than the HTC mail application?
Any hints/tips would be appreciated
re: multiple Exchange server support
As far as I can see, there is no option for setting up more than one Exchange server in the Desire. As soon as you set up one Exchange account, when you try to add another account, "Exchange" is no longer in the list of options. However, you *can* have both Exchange and Gmail and numerous other mail accounts set up at the same time, which sounds like it would work for you. You normally would not access your Google account as an Exchange server, would you?
However the reason I want to sync my gmail with exchange is cause I also need my contacts and calendar from them..
the work e-mail would need to be exchange as it is the only way I can reach it .. ( no imap/pop access )
Would it be possilbe when disableing sense?
or use something else to sync contacts/calendar?
Your contacts and calendar will come over automatically from your Google account (when you set up the phone, you provide your Google account details). You don't need anything related to Exchange to make your Google stuff synch - that is built into Android. I have a setup just like you, my work email comes across via Exchange, and the Google stuff comes across as well (contacts/calendar/mail) via the Google account setup on the phone.
Syncing contacts with more than one source is always a bad idea. I tried this on WinMo with exchange and windows live and found a couple of issues which you are likely to run into with exchange/gmail sync. They are:
1) Exchange sees the entries from live as unique, different entries resulting in duplicate contacts.
2) If you delete an entry from one source, it gets 'revived' when next sync with the other source.
There may be fixes for these issues now but I gave up on it long ago and use my exchange contacts folder as the source of truth.
Im pretty sure you would have experienced these problems before... just adding my 2p
Edit: forgot to mention - without sense, I don't even think you can sync contacts?? Anyone confirm?
well i would only be syncing mail from one source and mail/contacts/calendar from another
I allready make a point of only keeping my contacts/calendar on one list so I dont get duplicates etc..
I hope this works If google mail/contacts/calendar syncs by default I indeed would be able to add work mail as my one exchange source..
Guess I wont be able to test untill friday
you can definately have both setup i.e. exchange / gmail as i have. I only have contacts in exchange though. I have also setup gmail so can see emails from there also.
OK guys i thought i would summarise my battle with the energy ROM and activesync/sense 2.5 for my hd2
Previous i had o2 Uk's stock rom, it was ok, but my main mod was to pull email, contacts and calendar off my exchange server and sync the calendar and contacts with my google account through activesync. I used the EnableNonLocalCrossPolination method (ENLCP)to do this.
When i install this ROM i had one problem, the registry key ENLCP was not there. So i entered it and attempted the same trick. However sense would not let me add another activesync account.
Firstly i wiped the phone, then i went in and pair my phone with activesync on my pc. This would enable the ENLCP reg key that i was looking for. I then disconnected the phone, checked the ENLCP reg key on the phone, set it to 1, and then deleted the PC active sync profile on the phone and pc.
After another soft reset i disable sense from the home screen. Another soft reset.
On the next boot i enter the options for googles exchange server (m.google.com) and only ticked the contacts. These sync'd ok. I think enter microsofts email client and enter the 2nd exchange server. Here i only set it to sync my email. I then tested both exchange servers in activesync. They worked!
So i enabled calendar and contacts on both exchange servers and only email on one of them. This again sync'd great. I re-enalbed sense and did another soft reset for good measure.
Sense picked up the email exchange server, but not the google one! Great! Now i add the googlemail email as an imap account through sense and i am done.
Hopefully this helps someone as i have initially struggled with this ROM.

Exchange 2010 = no calendar sync

I've had my 2 Desires for about 3 weeks now. When I first received them we were using MS Exchange 2003, and Mail/Contacts/Calendar all synced perfectly.
Since then, we have upgraded our Exchange Server to Exchange 2010, which is lovely, BUT it turns out that the Desire Calendar will not sync with Exchange 2010. It would seem to be a Desire/HTC issue, as our iPhones/iPod Touches still sync Calendar fine with Exchange 2010.
I also note that a colleague is syncing the Desire Calendar with Exchange 2007 without problems.
So it is the combination of Desire Calendar and Exchange 2010 which fails. If I go to Settings/Accounts & Sync/Exchange Activesync and enable Calendar Sync I can see error messages saying "Syncronization is experiencing problems". If I leave Calenday sync enabled, it causes Mail and Contacts to sync poorly too, but if I disable Calendar sync, Mail and Contacts sync fine.
Has anyone else got Calendar sync working with Exchange 2010?
Desire Exchange 2010 Calendar
I recieved my Desire yesterday after reading quite a bit about it. Yes it can Sync with Exchange and all is what i read.
I set it up to Sync with the Exchange 2010 server and to my surprise it didn't sync the existing calendar items. Contacts and Mail is no problem.
If i add e new Calendar item on the Desire it does show in Outlook on my pc so Exchange does have a sort of sync with the Calendar. Adding a new item in Outlook never shows on the Desire. It seems like a one way sync or something. The Desire can sync to Exchange but it seems Exchange cannot sync to the Desire
I have a test account on one of our clients Managed Exchange 2007 servers. Setting up ActiveSync to the Exchange 2007 server works like a charm. Full sync both ways.
Just modify all your calendar items, for example by adding an additonal category by change your view to "list" or "list all active" and selecting all your appointments. Add a category, remove the category and switch back your view. Now you can happy sync your calendar with E2k10
Whoa! Steady there.
Can you give me some background to this before I apply it to my 12 year calendar history? How did you discover this, and have you actually successfully done this?
It worked and now not anymore
Strangest thing. My girlfriend planned a few appointments in here Calendar and invited me. So I accepted those invites on my Desire and all of a sudden the 2way sync worked. I could add items on my Desire and they popped up in the Exchange/Outlook Calendar and vice versa.
But that was unitil I rooted my device this morning...meaning new flash and standard factory reset. Now it will not sync the Calendar anymore. Tried sending new invites from a different account without any luck.
So...the calendar sync does work eventually...dont know why or how I did it.
Other thing you could do is, is install HTC Sync and manually do an Outlook sync of only the Calendar items (all items). I did this and they all showed up on my Desire. I did a one time sync.
Trying to figure out how to get the sync working again.
XDAgeek said:
Whoa! Steady there.
Can you give me some background to this before I apply it to my 12 year calendar history? How did you discover this, and have you actually successfully done this?
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Not really any background information, sorry. I've done some research on it but did not find anything, including analysing the extended sync protocols, everything looks ok, but there's no sync.
I've got this solution from a swiss-forum "android.pocketpc.ch" (sorry I can't post links since no moderator removed the restrictions yet) and it worked like a charm. I've tried it since I'm the Exchange-Admin myself and I now I've a functional backup;-)
Same problem here. Cannot get calendar to Sync with Exchange 2010.
If I add a new meeting to the Desire it appears in Outlook.
If I modify this meeting in Outlook then it appears as 2 separate meetings on the Desire.
If I delete an appointment on the Desire then it comes back once the sync runs.
All in all very disappointing for a State of the art phone.
Anyone got a real fix for the Exchange 2010 calendar problem?
A huge thanks to dab_ch for posting above the workaround to get the Calendar syncing to Exchange 2010. This is now working perfect to two Desires here.
If you have this problem, follow the advice in the post above. It worked for me, twice.
dab_ch fix is only working in part for me.
Some of the Exchange calendar items still do not appear on the Phone.
If I modify an appointment on Exchange the change is not reflected on the next sync from Exchange
Also, While Exchange Contacts are appearing on the phone. If I add a new contact to the Phone this does not appear in exchange.
The Sync Process still reports "Synchronization is experiencing problems."
A Further update.
I setup a new account on Exchange2010 and then transferred the Calendar using export and import.
Now my Calendar Synch in both directions is working fine.
It looks like my problem was related to a problem with my account on Exchange or some appointment in it.
Contact Sync problems
While the calendar is working 100%.
I still have a problem, that if I create a contact on the phone it does not sync to Exchange 2010.
There are no errors from the ActiveSync process.
Is anybody else having this issue?
Please note that if your Desktop Outlook client is using 'Cached Mailbox', then after adding the temporary category to each item, you MUST wait for the local Outlook database to sync completely back to the Exchange before you then remove the temporary category and then again wait for the completion of the sync back to exchange from Outlook.
Failure to comply with this will leave you with only a partially synced database - the part which did manage to sync back to Exchange.
You can tell when it is still syncing by watching the satus bar at the bottom of Outlook - it will say 'Updating Calendar', then after a few minutes return to 'All folders are up to date'.
Note the sync doesnt start immediately, so you wil see the 'All folders are up to date' message for perhaps 15 seconds before the sync starts. Wait for the 'Updating...' message etc.
Contact sync does seem slow, but it does work here eventually. It ought to be fast tho, so something is not right. I even tried the temporary category trick, but it didnt speed it up.
XDAgeek you are right.
I tried a number of different accounts to reproduce the problem with the Calendar and it seems Cache mode was my issue.
The Calendar sync is now working 100%.
On the Contact Sync from Phone issue, this still seems to be not working. I added a contact to one of my test Desire phones two days ago and it is still not in exchange.
For me it was not the cache mode.
I did an export-mailbox on the Exchange 2010 server.
Deleted my mailbox...recreated it so it was blank....no synch issue of course (So it is definitely not an Exchange 2010 issue)
I created 1 item in the Calendar in Outlook 2007 and that popped up nicely on the Desire. Great...so I thought.
Did an import-mailbox with the backed up pst...and Sync had problems again.
Started filtering out where the problem came from.
Turns out I had some Items (birthdays and such) with recurrence that the ActiveSync in Android is not happy about (Same Items sync fine with a WinMo 6.1 device). So I deleted all the recurrence itmes and copying them back 1 by 1. Syncing was still going fine until a certain item. So I edited that item by removing the recurrence pattern and reapplying it making sure it was an All Day event (that is a Birthday usually ). And Presto...everthing is syncing fine now.
Better logging is needed?
Has anyone else got Calendar sync working with Exchange 2010?
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Mine is working fine syncing calendar with Exchange 2010, has been since i got my desire back in March.
Very strange that so many people are having the same issue.
after a few beers
sorry this post is under the influence but...
there is a subtle problem with my synching. overall the calender syncs fine. with one exception: any diary entry i type directly into outlook, (with receipients also), does not synch. if i am sent and then accept an entry, or if i make the entry on my phone it syncs. direct outlook entry does not work. pants.
tuntang said:
sorry this post is under the influence but...
there is a subtle problem with my synching. overall the calender syncs fine. with one exception: any diary entry i type directly into outlook, (with receipients also), does not synch. if i am sent and then accept an entry, or if i make the entry on my phone it syncs. direct outlook entry does not work. pants.
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I have exactly the same problem. If a collegue invites me, my calendar syncs fine, but if I add items myself, the sync is almost random (some items dissappear) and the new item does not show/sync.
I really do not want to delete all recurring items, but maybe i'll give it a try. Google Calendar Sync does not seem to be a great solution either.
HTC answered me (i have a Legend) that Exchange 2010 is currently NOT supported.
Thanks all, I follow the "category" method and it works like charm now!!! )))
Category.. No category... SYNC!
Also for me the assign category then undo worked.
Now my whole calendar is synced and I'm ready to go!

HTC Desire - Issue with contacts

I recently took delivery of my new HTC desire and am well pleased. However, yesterday I noticed something strange which has annoyed me a little
I generally store all my contacts on the exchange server. I synced the desire with the exchange server and it did download all mail, contacts and calendar. I noticed I could set the conacts widget to display contacts within a certain group, so I created a group called Favorites and edited frequent contacts so they appear in that group. I did this in outlook. Also around the same time, the desire linked them up with facebook and got the photos etc. So far, pretty cool
Now the annoying bit, checking my contacts in outlook again, I was horrified to see the entire Favorites group missing I checked my phone and the contacts were there. It is not in my google contact list. I can imagine that it has linked it to facebook or something. My question is how do I know the source for the contact now? I know I added a new contact yesterday and there was an option to specify if the contact should belong to my exchange account or the gmail one and as usual I always add it to my exchange account. Now when I view the new contact in outlook, it has a cateory of 'HTC Favorite' instead of just Favorite, even though the category in the desire says 'Favorite'
Sorry if this is a confusing post, but it has confused the crap out of me. I love the desire but if it is going to move my contacts about it will annoy the living daylights out of me
Anyone has any clues regarding this?
I installed the HTC synch manager, thinking that it would resynch the missing contacts back to my outlook. But to my horror, it has duplicated all the outlook contacts back to the phone. So now I have 2 of each contact. And the required contacts are still missing
I can't delete them all and resynch because I have missing contacts in my outlook and not even sure if it will delete the contacts from the exchange server
Why can't they make it just work, this used to work great with windows mobile, never faced any issues. Anyone know how I can get the source for the contact? and possibly how I can get it back to the exchange server?
Help, please

[Q] Contacts - Exchange, Windows live, Facebook and Linkedin

I don't have a Windows phone, yet, but I am trying to prepere my contact lists for my new phone.
This is how I started:
I have an private exchange account with about 200 contacts.
I have made my exchange account a Windows Live, because i use mye exchange account with MSN Messenger (about 80 of 200 contacts)
In Windows Live, I have connected Facebook and Linkedin to sync contacts from this services.
How will this exampel contact look on Windows Phone ?
Exchange: Don Johnsen, [email protected], company phone: 1122334455
Windows Live: Don Johnsen, [email protected]
Facebook: Don Johnsen, [email protected], privat phone: 5544332211, Works for Company1, Private adresse: Privatelane 123
Linkedin: Don Johnsen, [email protected], Works for Company1, Company1 adresse, Company fax nr: 55555555
How will the calender look on Windows Phone ?
Will I get facebook events in the calender ?
You don't get Facebook events in the calendar by default. I don't know if there's a way to get them to show there.
Your LinkedIn contact info will show as Live. You can link multiple sources to one contact card, it works fairly well.
Someone with an example of a contactcard with multiple contact info ?
What profile pictures will it use, or can I change from facebook, Linkedin or MSN ?
Will I be able to choose mailadress to send to ?
By default it uses the picture from Facebook, but you can change that and use a photo from a different contact source or from your phone.
Yes, you can choose email addresses.
It's difficult to show a contact card because there's no way to make a screenshot. There are pictures on the internet, a quick Google search will help you.
basically what happens is that you can "link" contact cards together, so that way you can see all the different information from the different places in 1 card. the disadvantage is that you will get double ups (so if you had the same email address for the person across 3 places, you'd see it 3 times in their contact card with it saying where each came from).
as for editting details, i'm not sure but from what i'm aware, you edit for 1 type. so for example, you had 1 contact with 3 different locations for data (your exchange, windows live, facebook), you cannot edit facebook of course, so what would happen is you would be given the option to edit which one you want (your exchange or windows live). so if you wanted the data to sync, you would have to edit twice, one for your windows live and one for your exchange. somewhat sucks, but that's the way it works. there might be third party applications (desktop) that can sync exchange with windows live regularly so you don't have to worry, but i'm not familiar enough with it.
I am having an issue with syncing new contacts. I connected LinkedIn to my Windows Live account. It updated some of my contacts that I already had and added others that were only in LinkedIn and not in the Live account.
They are showing up correctly in my Live account but the new contacts and updated info that LinkedIn merged are not syncing/showing on my phone.
Any ideas how to fix this?
I have several question regarding contacts, cause it seems little bit chaotic.
1. I set up my Live account, connected it with my gmail, facebook, linked in etc. and then syncd with phone - zero contacts in my phone. SO I realized, that you can sync live with gmail, but it will not import phone contacts... and if you set gmail account on your phone (not in live) it will download the contacts from the account, but will not sync them with live. It sucks. You can import contacts in live from gmail directly in browser (there is an import gmail option). Buit anyway, it sucks, because I thought, that my live account will be able to sync different contacts so they will be updated all the time - I will change something in gmail and it will be updated in WP7, I will change WP7 and it will sync with gmail. NO WAY THIS IS HAPPENING. SAD.
2. LinkedIn - my LinkedIn contacts are showing OK in Live.com, with pictures etc. But, they are not showing with pictures on the phone and they are not even showing all information from linkedin. Is there a way how to change it (I want pictures from these contacts to some of my phone conracts after i link them?
3. Facebook - I thought, that when I connect facebook in live.com, that it will be connected automatically in the phone as well. It isnt. It does show updates in people hub, but it will not show contacts in contact list, if you want them to show, again, you will have to add facebook account to your phone. BUt these will not be synced with your live, so when you link facebook contact with linked in conbtact and gmail contact and then you hard reset the phone and sync it with live, you will not have ONE contact, you will have three different unlinked contacts, becuase link is done just in phone. WHICH SUCKS.
4. Oh, and I just realized, that when I imported my contacts from gmail to live and then synced them to WP7, the contacts on my phone do not show phone numbers! My live contacts show the phone numbers, but they are not synced to the phone! WTF? Aarrrgh... So I will have to sync my gmail contacts with numbers with my phone as a separate account to be able to call those contacts...
Any advices how to avoiud these problems, or am i wrong?
chumaj001 said:
I have several question regarding contacts, cause it seems little bit chaotic.
1. I set up my Live account, connected it with my gmail, facebook, linked in etc. and then syncd with phone - zero contacts in my phone. SO I realized, that you can sync live with gmail, but it will not import phone contacts... and if you set gmail account on your phone (not in live) it will download the contacts from the account, but will not sync them with live. It sucks. You can import contacts in live from gmail directly in browser (there is an import gmail option). Buit anyway, it sucks, because I thought, that my live account will be able to sync different contacts so they will be updated all the time - I will change something in gmail and it will be updated in WP7, I will change WP7 and it will sync with gmail. NO WAY THIS IS HAPPENING. SAD.
2. LinkedIn - my LinkedIn contacts are showing OK in Live.com, with pictures etc. But, they are not showing with pictures on the phone and they are not even showing all information from linkedin. Is there a way how to change it (I want pictures from these contacts to some of my phone conracts after i link them?
3. Facebook - I thought, that when I connect facebook in live.com, that it will be connected automatically in the phone as well. It isnt. It does show updates in people hub, but it will not show contacts in contact list, if you want them to show, again, you will have to add facebook account to your phone. BUt these will not be synced with your live, so when you link facebook contact with linked in conbtact and gmail contact and then you hard reset the phone and sync it with live, you will not have ONE contact, you will have three different unlinked contacts, becuase link is done just in phone. WHICH SUCKS.
Any advices how to avoiud these problems, or am i wrong?
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My problem is the same as your number 2 problem. If anyone knows how to sync all the data it would be greatly appreciated.
I tried to google it and realized, that I am not the only one in the world with the same problem. There are lot of people with that problem and it seems, that it may appear during time, first everything is synced right from live, and then it stops working, phone numbers and pictures dissapear etc. Also, there is no answer to that problem from MS.
So, I tried following:
1. Deleted all my contacts from live
2. Diconected all the social networks in live.
3. Synced my phone with live, so there were no contacts on my phone as well
4. Deleted all account on my phone (facebook)
5. Restarted the phone
5. Imported contacts from gmail to live again
6. Connected live with facebook and linkedin again
7. Synced my phone with live
At first, it seemed to work, my gmail contacts appeared with numbers again.
There were no pictures at gmail contatcs that should have them (even that during my first sync, they were imported)
And the worst thing is, that when I started syncing my liveID to my phone it went to same weird loop. I have 350 contacts in live, but the syncing doesnt seem to stop, right now it says it is syncing contact 10000 (!) and continues to sync (also reported by many other users on MS answers forum).
So, the whole thing seems to be totally screwed.
Any advices?
I wonder if a hard reset then resyncing with my Live account would work. I'm not sure if since I added the LinkedIn relationship after the initial transfer that is the problem.
So, I hardreseted and the problem remains. It is probably caused by some incompatible data from gmail (i gues it could be HTC Sense notes about my facebook links on android). Most bizzare thing is, that it doesnt happen when you sync the same contacts directly with gmail. Hotmail is definitelly ****ed up and nobody at support is trying to solve this. There is couple of really desperate guys at MS forums.
chumaj001 said:
I have several question regarding contacts, cause it seems little bit chaotic.
1. I set up my Live account, connected it with my gmail, facebook, linked in etc. and then syncd with phone - zero contacts in my phone. SO I realized, that you can sync live with gmail, but it will not import phone contacts... and if you set gmail account on your phone (not in live) it will download the contacts from the account, but will not sync them with live. It sucks. You can import contacts in live from gmail directly in browser (there is an import gmail option). Buit anyway, it sucks, because I thought, that my live account will be able to sync different contacts so they will be updated all the time - I will change something in gmail and it will be updated in WP7, I will change WP7 and it will sync with gmail. NO WAY THIS IS HAPPENING. SAD.
2. LinkedIn - my LinkedIn contacts are showing OK in Live.com, with pictures etc. But, they are not showing with pictures on the phone and they are not even showing all information from linkedin. Is there a way how to change it (I want pictures from these contacts to some of my phone conracts after i link them?
3. Facebook - I thought, that when I connect facebook in live.com, that it will be connected automatically in the phone as well. It isnt. It does show updates in people hub, but it will not show contacts in contact list, if you want them to show, again, you will have to add facebook account to your phone. BUt these will not be synced with your live, so when you link facebook contact with linked in conbtact and gmail contact and then you hard reset the phone and sync it with live, you will not have ONE contact, you will have three different unlinked contacts, becuase link is done just in phone. WHICH SUCKS.
4. Oh, and I just realized, that when I imported my contacts from gmail to live and then synced them to WP7, the contacts on my phone do not show phone numbers! My live contacts show the phone numbers, but they are not synced to the phone! WTF? Aarrrgh... So I will have to sync my gmail contacts with numbers with my phone as a separate account to be able to call those contacts...
Any advices how to avoid these problems, or am i wrong?
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All I did was to setup my Contacts in Windows Live uploading them from Outlook in the first place. Then I cleaned them up and finally I added my Facebook account.
The phone automatically matched more then half of my contacts and linked their accounts. I needed to manually link some of them because of accents in their names, but that was not a problem.
i think i may hit some these problem when i install windows phone 7 (currently running android). im looking at sorting out my calenders and contacts and need some advice. here is my setup:
i have 7 email accounts i want to sync with my phone:
2x windows live (1 main one and 1 work one)
2x google mail (1 main one and 2 work ones)
1x yahoo 1
1x ISP (virgin media)
1x work
currently i use outlook 2010 to send/recieve mail from all of them, and manage my contacts that i use. the contacts are managed as follows:
main gmail: phonebook contacts (i.e. everyone i have a phone number for)
work gmail: no contacts
yahoo: online addressbook with outdated contacts (not managed through outlook)
ISP: no contacts
work: no contacts
work windows live: work contacts (email only)
main windows live: a mix of everything, some outdated contacts
on top of this, my facebook and linked in accounts are linked to my main windows live account.
for calenders, i currently run 2, 1 from outlook, and 1 from windows live. the outlook calender is automatically synced with the main gmail calender through the google calender sync app on the pc.
my questions are:
1. what is the best account to have the 'phonebook' contacts in
2. does windows phone 7 merge all addressbooks into 1 big address book
3. if i wanted to kep my contacts/calenders synced between all my email accounts and my wp7 device, how could i go about this?
4. if i had the same address book in each mail account, would i end up with multiple contacts/multiple details in my address book on my phone?
the reason i have so many email addresses is a do freelance work on the side of my studying, and i have a seperate email account for each client i do work for. i also use things like yahoo groups and the google services.
i suppose an additional question would be:
5. can i merge all the email account into 1 account, and seperate the emails into groups (this would need to be done on the pc and on the phone). this would probably cut down my email accounts 4!
1) You can use your personal Windows Live account as the default. It works great for having your main contacts (phonebook) and calendar synced.
2) No, you get one separate Tile for each account so you can pin it to the start screen and see the number of unread emails per account.
3) I would try to cut them down to two at the most. One for Windows Live and one for Gmail. Having too many would be a PITA and bothersome to keep tabs on.
4) The phone will automatically match contacts and their details from different account. If you find that some are not linked, you can always do it manually. This feature works great, either automatically or manual adding.
5) You can configure you main Windows Live account to retrieve mails from other account and have them separated by folders. You can even send mail using those accounts.
You can also have your two WL account merged and have one Gmail account retrieve mail from the other and keep. This way, you will end up with just two separate account, one for WL and one for Gmail.
Hope this helps.
ajua said:
1) You can use your personal Windows Live account as the default. It works great for having your main contacts (phonebook) and calendar synced.
2) No, you get one separate Tile for each account so you can pin it to the start screen and see the number of unread emails per account.
3) I would try to cut them down to two at the most. One for Windows Live and one for Gmail. Having too many would be a PITA and bothersome to keep tabs on.
4) The phone will automatically match contacts and their details from different account. If you find that some are not linked, you can always do it manually. This feature works great, either automatically or manual adding.
5) You can configure you main Windows Live account to retrieve mails from other account and have them separated by folders. You can even send mail using those accounts.
You can also have your two WL account merged and have one Gmail account retrieve mail from the other and keep. This way, you will end up with just two separate account, one for WL and one for Gmail.
Hope this helps.
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i think it does. i suppose one of my other concerns is that i dont want all of my windows live contacts in my phonebook, as they are email only. is there a way of only listing contacts with phone numbers? i think what i am going to do it set up mail forwarding, and then have the mail sorted into folders in my windows live account. i have aquired a lot of contacts over the years and im sure i dont need/use about 75% of them any more!

[Q] Exchange contact sync works only partially

Hey there,
I am having trouble syncing my contacts (using the native android app) with my hosted exchange account.
New contacts added to the phone are synced to exchange, changes and new contacts addes via outlook and owa are synced to the phone BUT: changes that I make to existing contacts on the phone are not synced to exchange.
Calendar and email sync works without any problems. I have been using various ROMs, deleted and re-added the account, erased cache,... the problem remains.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. (I have tried touchdown and others, I don't like them)
No ideas? Well.... I don't blame you. I am speechless as well.
Oddly enough, I am having the exact same problem. There are ballpark 2,000 contacts in my local Outlook, but only 600-700 are sync'ing to my Galaxy S5. Another weird thing is that the Google Search feature on the phone no longer finds the contacts that DO show. I do the search for a contact I know is in the phone's database, scroll over to the phone results tab to be sure, and it says "no results found on your phone".
This is bizarre as both were working perfectly at one point. Something got gummed somewhere, and I have no clue??

