Will you buy a WP 8? - Windows Phone 7 General

Just want to know how the situation is. Anyone still trust in Microsoft after abandoning Windows Mobile and now this with WP?

WP7.8 is pretty reasonable update, they should have just called it "WP8 for old phones" and everything would be fine... And I have a first-gen Samsung Omnia 7 and I'm going to buy a WP8 phone around christmas As well as Microsoft Surface, those seem to be pretty awesome tablets.

Yes, I'll probably upgrade to a WP8 device when my device is two years old, assuming there's a device with a good hardware keyboard. WP8 looks good and I prefer the WP experience.
Will probably be more cautious about recommending WP to others, however, especially in the period before new OS releases.

Well at the moment I'm really pissed how I spent my saved 350€ for a device (Lumia 800) that will be "outdated" OS vise after around a year. But I guess we will have to wait what the update brings. I don't need NFC as longs as Bluetooth can be used as a substitute (or maybe even WiFi). Also, I think the new Startscreen is somehow cluttered, but I guess I have to experience the look and feel. I surely hope that some software updates like the rumored notification system will come to current devices as well. Another thing is that my contract is due in 2013 so I have to stick around with this phone anyway. And as a poor student I cannot afford a new high-end phone every year. When the contract expires I will decide based on the existing choices and reevaluate the OS. I really like Windows Phone 7 but the whole update dilemma did not increase my thrust in neither Nokia nor Microsoft. I hope they keep their word that they are committed to bring future updates to existing devices. If not, I will move to another OS. It all depends how they handle Windows Phone 7 this and next year.

I switched to android last month from 1st gen wp because i knew they wouldn't update my wp.
I told myself i'll switch to wp8 if they do something android can't do. It doesn't look like that's the case.

I got my current WP7 device for nothing so I will get a WP8 phone when released if my carrier gives me a fair selection of devices.
I hope to have 7.8 soon so I can see if I like the feel of WP8. Infact I am going to install a dual boot with Windows 8 (the release) to see if I give it a chance...

Yess definitely, I will be buying.
People need to understand, in order to progress some will be left behind. Thats just how the world works.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2

So I´m stuck with an WP 7.5 that wont even get the 7.8 update and a new device is too expensive...

freddx said:
So I´m stuck with an WP 7.5 that wont even get the 7.8 update and a new device is too expensive...
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Let's just hope that 7.8 is not a huge update and it's something we can install right from here (XDA).
I wouldnt want to lose my custom rom right now.
As I have more thoughts here...
I guess the way MS planned it, if you were one of the first people to get WP7, you would be out of your 2 year by fall time (around release time). Sprint and Verizon (CDMA/LTE) customers would be ending their 2 year Spring/early Summer 2013 (I got mine with out a contract so I am good) due to late releases.
I think I am disapointed in the 18 month support only. I really think it should be 24 months, as most US carriers who have contracts are 2 years. Note: their exact quote was "18 months from the time the phone is released". Just because you get a new phone here in the US, that model could be out for over 3-4 months overseas. That could suck.
As for WP 7.8 all you will get is the new start menu that you can load up with more tiles. As a first gen user, I was kind of looking forward to upgrading my Trophy but, I guess I will be waiting till fall.
If you just picked up a new 2nd gen like a Lumia 900 or Titan 2, they are nice phones but, I would feel a little screwed.
After watching the entire conf today and the way they are talking C++ and direct hardware access, all I can say is this is the GAMING phone I have been waiting for. Everything WP7 should of been.
I enjoyed my WP7 device but, I can't wait for a WP8 device

vetvito said:
Yess definitely, I will be buying.
People need to understand, in order to progress some will be left behind. Thats just how the world works.
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Agreed! iOS has always left out a feature or 2 during every new major update. Android is even worse with some last generation phones not getting any updates at all. Yet when Microsoft does it, everybody complains!
I'm definitely getting a WP8 device! I can just imagine a Nokia Lumia 1000 with a 4.5" 720p ClearBlack display & dual core 1.5ghz processor!! I don't even care about the other stuff

crav4speed said:
Agreed! iOS has always left out a feature or 2 during every new major update. Android is even worse with some last generation phones not getting any updates at all. Yet when Microsoft does it, everybody complains!
I'm definitely getting a WP8 device! I can just imagine a Nokia Lumia 1000 with a 4.5" 720p screen & dual core 1.5ghz processor!! I don't even care about the other stuff
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Yeah, Apple does that. But Apple releases one phone per year. And you are secured that the next phone will receive 90% or more of the update.
My Lumia doesnt have 6 months of life and all it got was a new horrible start screen. Seriously, anybody liked the mini-tile? I dont think metro = square. At least, it was not. Just because that thing is a square form it's Metro UI. I wouldnt use, but its personal and I respect.
But hey, we are not receiving Skype, Multitasking, Turn-by-Turn, NT Kernel, and also, lets see if next year new apps will continue to be made thinking about WP 7 users. Or maybe 2014. Just like Android, 2.0 is already being forgotten.
If MS release at least Skype and Multitask, I will shut and smile.

Im pretty annoyed as well... I am also a student and cannot afford a new device every year. What kinda seems odd to me is that the current devices will not be upgradeable to the new nt core whilst microsoft and nokia and aims to sell low end devices (lower than current gen devices?) to compete with low end androids which presumably will be running on the nt core. Ultimately, as much as i love the looks of it, I will probably not be buying a windows 8 slate (unless they reach the sub £100 mark) so the integration features with windows phone 8 are not so important to me. The features that matter most to me would be updated bluetooth profiles (for bluetooth HID drivers), flash player (although there's no indication that WP8 does this either) and would like continued app support, better cloud/skydrive integration as well as a more complete office funtionality
---------- Post added at 11:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 PM ----------
In a positive note, if microsoft really does put in the effort to compete with the low end android devices, we may see wp8 devices for as low as £60....

mikeeam said:
Yeah, Apple does that. But Apple releases one phone per year. And you are secured that the next phone will receive 90% or more of the update.
My Lumia doesnt have 6 months of life and all it got was a new horrible start screen.
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First of all no matter when MSFT does a reboot someone is going to have only had their phone for 6 months. That's true of all OSes. Secondly you don't even know what the new features of Windows Phone 7.8 are going to be. So claiming it's just a start screen is just BS.

I'll probably wait 2-3 months into the next year to buy one. I'll see if app developers choose to accept WP8 as a serious platform and start making apps for Windows Phone too. If all goes well, and there's a phone release around that time that actually looks good, I'll buy it. Also somebody might port WP8 over to some of the old devices. If that happens, it will delay me buying a WP8 by a month or two.

^ developers will take it seriously, native coding means a lot!
The new kernel means a lot! The old one was dead from the beginning.
MS just put a tomb stone on RIM, and are now standing on it pointing at Google and Apple saying "You're Next".
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2

I have a HTC HD7S first gen that I bought May last year. WP7.8 will be nice to get but would be disappointed to loose my custom rom hope MS offers dev release soon. Can't wait to get a tablet.
Sent from my HD7S T9295 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

I bought a samsung focus, but I won't upgrade to WP8. From what they showed today it's just catching up to what is out there on the other platforms, I'll keep the old WP7 phone around and get something else and buy the Surface laptop instead.
Maybe WP9, if the come out with some killer features in the future.

So glad that I got rid of my Samsung Focus and now the proud owner of the HTC One X. I started doubting the whole WP debacle when support for my Dell Venue Pro was dropped and I started smelling a scam. However, I still held on to my Samsung Focus since I hope that they will change. Luckily I changed my mind 2 weeks ago and sold my Focus for a good price. After this, there will be a lot of frustrated users trying to dump their WP on ebay, it would be hard to sell it at a good price now.
I used to be the HD2 owner that watched every single MS news hoping that they will change their mind and provide us with the upgrade. Ah, how I wished that I learned my lesson and never give M$ another chance. Technically speaking, I was shafted not only once but twice.
I was thinking about buying a Lumia 800 to try it out but no more, MS will never AGAIN get my money. I hope they burn in hell and fail miserably for what they did to the users.
And if you are still blindly supporting M$ after this, stop for a moment and think about how you have been treated. M$ is even worse than Google. Don't ever trust them. **** you M$.

Blind was buying WP7 knowing that it was old. Knowing that it didn't support multi cores, knowing that it only supported one resolution. Thats blind.
Don't be mad for Microsoft catching up with the times.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2

vetvito said:
Blind was buying WP7 knowing that it was old. Knowing that it didn't support multi cores, knowing that it only supported one resolution. Thats blind.
Don't be mad for Microsoft catching up with the times.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
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Sorry dude, looks like no one here is blind, except you. I will be seeing you around at the WP9 announcement then, when your shiny 2-month old phone is cut off support that is.


Lumia 900 vs Skyrocket

Went through the article where they compared the new windows phone flagship to our phone's twin brother.
What's everyone's thoughts on WP?
I've always gotten Nokia phones, solid and reliable (Still have my E63, my reliable backup! Smartphone with 5 days battery ). But once symbian died and iOS+Android began dominating I switched to android. I wish Nokia had joined the Android train but they didn't...but I've played with and seen all the stuff about WP, and I think it could be a promising competitor if Nokia and Microsoft play their cards right.
But for now...the t989 and Skyrocket win in my book in terms of performance, utility, and apps. But having used FB and Twitter integration, and seeing how snappy it is with even a single core, and most importantly MS Office...I would have to say in those aspects WP definitely has a leg up on Android and iOS...
It will be interesting to see if in 2 years when my contract expires and it's time for an upgrade weather WP will have matured enough for me to defect...and if Nokia still builds rock-solid phones like it used to...it may not be an argument of if, but if I can even wait for my contract to expire .
Thoughts please, no flames!
Windows phones suck...period.
Thread closed!!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using XDA
By the way - it's Lumia 900 - the Lumina is a Chevy...
I've put some major thought into this, so I hope you truly consider my response. I've actually had the opportunity to hold and play with the Lumia 900 unlike mr. Windows phone sucks comment above me.
If you're going to go AT&T no matter what, you can ignore my first con.
Cons for the Lumia 900
1. AT&T!!!
2. As far as I know - Nokia drive is not included. (Not really sure - just from seeing review unit videos on other sites)
3. Zero google support on WP7. This is a huge downer for me - especially since I rely on Google voice for everything, but this also includes maps, google+, docs, etc. Although gmail and google calendar sync fine and there are third party alternatives to some.
4. I own a mac and wp7 phones tend to not play very nice sometimes - even with wp7 connector.
5. It's pretty heavy compared to my t989.
6. WP7 notifications bug me. So does the status bar.
7. Lack of apps (you already know this it seems)
8. Windows phone gets boring after about a month. The smooth animations and transitions only hold your attention for so long. I started with Android, switched to windows, went back to android, back to windows, back to Android to stay unless windows does something amazing.
9. Locked down. Including not being able to send files to a friend (besides pictures)
1. Sick looking phone. Sleek and gorgeous. Beautiful design.
2. $99
3. WP7.5 is a darn nice phone OS - sleek and smooth. Beautiful animations. Quick links to common tasks. They did a lot of good in this release - but it still has it's quirks.
4. Carl Zeiss 8MP cam. Should make for some beautiful shots.
5. Screen is gorgeous. Bright, vivid, clearblack. Best screen I've ever seen on a WP7 phone and a great size too.
6. Odd, but convenient power button placement
7. The Lumia 900 is what Windows phone should have started with. At the price point and the great hardware, this is a contender phone.
Take it for what it's worth. Had my hands on one about a week ago.
zigfreid5 said:
By the way - it's Lumia 900 - the Lumina is a Chevy...
I've put some major thought into this, so I hope you truly consider my response. I've actually had the opportunity to hold and play with the Lumia 900 unlike mr. Windows phone sucks comment above me.
If you're going to go AT&T no matter what, you can ignore my first con.
Cons for the Lumia 900
1. AT&T!!!
2. As far as I know - Nokia drive is not included. (Not really sure - just from seeing review unit videos on other sites)
3. Zero google support on WP7. This is a huge downer for me - especially since I rely on Google voice for everything, but this also includes maps, google+, docs, etc. Although gmail and google calendar sync fine and there are third party alternatives to some.
4. I own a mac and wp7 phones tend to not play very nice sometimes - even with wp7 connector.
5. It's pretty heavy compared to my t989.
6. WP7 notifications bug me. So does the status bar.
7. Lack of apps (you already know this it seems)
8. Windows phone gets boring after about a month. The smooth animations and transitions only hold your attention for so long. I started with Android, switched to windows, went back to android, back to windows, back to Android to stay unless windows does something amazing.
9. Locked down. Including not being able to send files to a friend (besides pictures)
1. Sick looking phone. Sleek and gorgeous. Beautiful design.
2. $99
3. WP7.5 is a darn nice phone OS - sleek and smooth. Beautiful animations. Quick links to common tasks. They did a lot of good in this release - but it still has it's quirks.
4. Carl Zeiss 8MP cam. Should make for some beautiful shots.
5. Screen is gorgeous. Bright, vivid, clearblack. Best screen I've ever seen on a WP7 phone and a great size too.
6. Odd, but convenient power button placement
7. The Lumia 900 is what Windows phone should have started with. At the price point and the great hardware, this is a contender phone.
Take it for what it's worth. Had my hands on one about a week ago.
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Lol I have said Lumina forever...guess its just my car-centric mind wanting it to be Lumina....whoops.
I'm not saying I would get a WP right now...maybe if the platform gets popular and matures, gets some better features and apps and gets all the kings worked out...I'm hoping it happens.
zander21510 said:
Went through the article where they compared the new windows phone flagship to our phone's twin brother.
What's everyone's thoughts on WP?
I've always gotten Nokia phones, solid and reliable (Still have my E63, my reliable backup! Smartphone with 5 days battery ). But once symbian died and iOS+Android began dominating I switched to android. I wish Nokia had joined the Android train but they didn't...but I've played with and seen all the stuff about WP, and I think it could be a promising competitor if Nokia and Microsoft play their cards right.
But for now...the t989 and Skyrocket win in my book in terms of performance, utility, and apps. But having used FB and Twitter integration, and seeing how snappy it is with even a single core, and most importantly MS Office...I would have to say in those aspects WP definitely has a leg up on Android and iOS...
It will be interesting to see if in 2 years when my contract expires and it's time for an upgrade weather WP will have matured enough for me to defect...and if Nokia still builds rock-solid phones like it used to...it may not be an argument of if, but if I can even wait for my contract to expire .
Thoughts please, no flames!
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I just bought a Dell Venue Pro since I been dying to try WP7 and my experiences is that the OS is REALLY GOOD! I haven't gotten a Single crash or Lag or the need to hack for overclocking or getting rid of a crappy skin everything is freaking smooth. I still miss alot of things of my GSII thats taking a break until official ICS update. Windows Phone overall is 80% there but those 20% leave you on a empty stomach wanting for more.
stick with android
Though Windows Phone OS is very nice and smooth, the utter lack of apps and even greater lack of customization will wear on you quickly. If you're on XDA that tells me that having options matters to you, and with Windows Phone, there are very little options.
The comparison is funny, every spec is better.. why r u asking?
PJcastaldo said:
The comparison is funny, every spec is better.. why r u asking?
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Well thats the point, of course right now the skyrocket/989 and many other phones are obviously better...but I'm thinking in a couple of years WP might be a viable player if they play their cards right and the OS matures to support cutting edge hardware and has app development.
PJcastaldo said:
The comparison is funny, every spec is better.. why r u asking?
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Specs can be better but we all know higher specs don't mean anything in the android world. Lets not even mention lack of support! I can bet money that Nokia will keep updating the Nokia 900 for year or Two while AT&T,Samsung and Google might not even support the skyrocket for more than a year. Don't get me wrong I love having high ends specs, but is like a prostitute that tells you she loves you and in two months she stole your money and left you out in the streets that how I feel about android and all this carriers.
josemedina1983 said:
Specs can be better but we all know higher specs don't mean anything in the android world. Lets not even mention lack of support! I can bet money that Nokia will keep updating the Nokia 900 for year and Two while AT&T,Samsung and Google might not even support the skyrocket for more than a year. Don't get me wrong I love having high ends specs, but is like a prostitute that tells you she loves and in two months she stole your money and left you out in the streets that how I feel about android and all this carriers.
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LOL. Awesome comparison
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josemedina1983 said:
Specs can be better but we all know higher specs don't mean anything in the android world. Lets not even mention lack of support! I can bet money that Nokia will keep updating the Nokia 900 for year or Two while AT&T,Samsung and Google might not even support the skyrocket for more than a year. Don't get me wrong I love having high ends specs, but is like a prostitute that tells you she loves you and in two months she stole your money and left you out in the streets that how I feel about android and all this carriers.
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This phone might be the exception, rather than the rule, since this is the THE PHONE that Nokia plans on cracking the U.S. market with, so it's probably higher on their priority list. But in my experience, do not expect magical support from Nokia. I just recently (as of February) defected from a Nokia N8 to Android and for the year I owned it, this was their software release schedule:
1) Announce software update
2) Wait 3 months
3) Announce release date
4) Push release date back 3 months
5) Start shipping YOUR EXACT PHONE MODEL with the software update out of the box
6) Wait 1 month
7) Start rolling out software update to customers who already bought the phone in Turkey(insert other relatively small European country here)
8) Wait 3 months
9) Push software update to U.S.
Now I've learned that Samsung isn't much better, I'm just saying that the grass is always greener on the other side. The other OS always seems to get their updates faster
**Side note: all Lumias definitely come with Nokia Maps. Which I miss, since Navigation has routed me through some weird routes before and I've rarely had a bad experience with Nokia Maps.
Raul69.atl said:
Windows phones suck...period.
Thread closed!!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using XDA
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My 7 year old sister could formulate a more thought out comment.
How can an OS suck? I know so many people that have them and really like the simplicity and easy use of windows phones. Don't be a fanboy.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
yoft1 said:
This phone might be the exception, rather than the rule, since this is the THE PHONE that Nokia plans on cracking the U.S. market with, so it's probably higher on their priority list. But in my experience, do not expect magical support from Nokia. I just recently (as of February) defected from a Nokia N8 to Android and for the year I owned it, this was their software release schedule:
1) Announce software update
2) Wait 3 months
3) Announce release date
4) Push release date back 3 months
5) Start shipping YOUR EXACT PHONE MODEL with the software update out of the box
6) Wait 1 month
7) Start rolling out software update to customers who already bought the phone in Turkey(insert other relatively small European country here)
8) Wait 3 months
9) Push software update to U.S.
Now I've learned that Samsung isn't much better, I'm just saying that the grass is always greener on the other side. The other OS always seems to get their updates faster
**Side note: all Lumias definitely come with Nokia Maps. Which I miss, since Navigation has routed me through some weird routes before and I've rarely had a bad experience with Nokia Maps.
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I get what your saying, Nokia doesn't have the best update reputation with Symbian as a owner of tons of symbian Nokia devices. But lately I can say that nokia has clean up their act especially with windows phone. The skyrocket might be the better spec phone but going down the memory lane Google and Samsung have failed to please their consumers that own a Nexus S/4g,Behold 2,The Original Galaxy S owners the list goes on. The choice goes down to you want a 2011/2012 high end phone or do you want 2 years of updates and support?
Stop comparing windows phones to android and especially our phone. Our only true rival is apple ios. Plain and simple
diamantericos said:
Stop comparing windows phones to android and especially our phone. Our only true rival is apple ios. Plain and simple
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Its a discussion...on weather the platform can mature into something competitive. Nobody doubts that our phones are better in many many ways.
Long ago (well...more like 4 or 5 years ago) Symbian and Blackberry were the big dogs, people said the iPhone was just a rich person's phone that would die out because it was so expensive. And Android was a nerd's phone...
Look at where we are now...times change.
diamantericos said:
Stop comparing windows phones to android and especially our phone. Our only true rival is apple ios. Plain and simple
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LOL Rival? I think you taking this a little too serious. Both devices are Smartphones they both are being sold in stores so I think is safe to compare the two devices. Consumers always compare cars,clothes,computers thats just the way it is.
Windows is great OS for me. For both PC and Phone. I used to own hd2 and quiet impressed with windows 6.5. Being honest i have never use 7+ of windows . I really want to try this phone.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
WP7 looks nice. And might appeal to windows users. But from my experience the development for it is horrible. I attend many Microsoft conferences and they're always begging for developers and giving away phones. And when asked if future updates will contain USB support or modem and wifi. Information. They ask "why would anyone.need that?" The average user doesn't care if he's using Linux based software or windows. But what the average user does know is "my friend bought a windows phone,it sucks. It was always freezing and a lack of apps " I actually heard this in a discussion o was having with a girlfriend who was considering a windows phone. I thought the Nokia was an awesome phone and don't believe the freezing part. But if you're looking toward the future... move away from Microsoft. Windows is the OS of the past and they know it
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium

The beta test is over I guess. I'm buying an iPhone.

I've been with you from the start Microsoft. I owned an early Windows Mobile 2003se device, and I loved it. The software was finicky, it crashed often but it was consistent and it was eons ahead of Palm. I was happy. I held on for as long as I could. But after the introduction of the iPhone, I couldn't hold on any longer. The software was going nowhere, and hardware was inferior and I had to move on. I always my fondness for the platform. Then Windows Phone 7 was introduced. It was new, it was clean, it was beautiful. But I had to hold off. Poor battery life, poor specs, high prices. This all changed with the Lumia 900. It was sleek, beautiful, had an amazing display, and it was right for me. So when my 5 year old iPhone died, I went out and bought one. I was happy. I did everything I asked it to and more. Then I heard the Apollo rumors. I was ecstatic! All WP7.5 devices would get WP8. All kinds of new features and worthwhile apps! I couldn't wait. Then this. Just when I was feeling comfortable with Windows Phone again, this new land that was different that iOS and Android that went against the grain, I found out it was much, much worse. I'm selling my Lumia 900 and buying an iPhone 4S. I'm not the first and I wont be the last. You let us believe everything. The little leaks and hints had our hopes up. I feel cheated, wronged, and above all, i'm leaving the platform for the last time. You've made it so i cant even look at my phone anymore without anger. GOOD JOB SH**SOFT, YOU DONE GOOFED UP THIS TIME.
You go get your Iphone 4S .............
I for one will keep my lumia 900.. simply because it does what it does best, and regardless of what microsoft does, nokia is keen to support its phone...
Apps coming from nokia
BETTER TRANSPORT with 2.1 update for the app
and lots of others,, list goes on and on
tfn said:
You go get your Iphone 4S .............
I for one will keep my lumia 900.. simply because it does what it does best, and regardless of what microsoft does, nokia is keen to support its phone...
Apps coming from nokia
BETTER TRANSPORT with 2.1 update for the app
and lots of others,, list goes on and on
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I'd hate to burst your bubble, that's all WP8. 7.8 is JUST the homescreen.
I have to agree with Johnson on this one. I have been with windows mobile OS's since before they were phones and to tell me my two month old device is unsupported is a slap in the face.
I too plan to look elsewhere. They waited just long enough for the rush to be over on the lumia/HTC and samsungs and no early adopters can't return their device ?!
Thanks for nothing A$$hats.
Damn, I was looking at getting a Lumia 900...guess not :/ But I wouldn't suggest getting a 4S, the new iPhone will be coming out in a few months and you would be kicking yourself for getting a 4S now and then the new one coming out.
Well Microsoft will support device up to 2 years, as I know. So if you don't looking for dual-core CPU, NFC and other some features, than there isn't problem to stay with Nokia Lumia 900 or other first gen devices. So what is point to buy iPhone 4s if new iPhone come out in fall (WP8 devices as well).
hx4700 Killer said:
and to tell me my two month old device is unsupported is a slap in the face.
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True! Worst part is that they had to know when releasing the 900 that there would be no upgrade. That, to me is deliberate lies. I would have still bought a WP device I would have simply waited a little longer or maybe I would have bought the 900 anyways ...knowing in advance would've been the right thing to do. I now expect Nokia to make this up to us 900 owners.
Honestly, how can one expect Nokia to do anything. They were poorly managed for too many years, then latched on to WP. At launch of their flagship 900 on a flagship carrier (ATT), the device was defective. The $100 rebate was welcomed by early adopters, but they burned through even more cash. In the background, MS is drumming up the app count. Nokia is hanging on for their lives -- firing another 10,000 last week. Stock is down to $2.50 a share. Nokia's major announcement on 6/18? A symbian device.
As for the token of appreciation -- a windows 8 start screen??? You gotta be kidding me. No mention of integrating Skype into the OS? No background operation of skype?
The lumia 900 is a beautiful device. Like others, have been with wm since the pocket loox 600... just windows mobile. MS is putting together a competitive and compelling package, but threw early supporters of WP7 under the bus of MS progress and Nokia survival.
Short of a fully functioning skype client, IE10, camera fix, and restoration of the network settings app, i too will be shopping for new hardware at the end of this year and for the first time, it may not be running on windows.
aquanaut88 said:
Short of a fully functioning skype client, IE10, camera fix, and restoration of the network settings app, i too will be shopping for new hardware at the end of this year and for the first time, it may not be running on windows.
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I'm with you bud... I've been using Microsoft's phone's since the first "Red E" development phone that ran Windows Smartphone 2002 and everything in between till now...
This is un-acceptable. I'm pissed...
I know developers who are pissed too, they've spent forever on some really cool "BIG" projects, 50% on the way to having finished products... And now they have no idea where they sit as far as development goes, etc...
Zhariak said:
I know developers who are pissed too, they've spent forever on some really cool "BIG" projects, 50% on the way to having finished products... And now they have no idea where they sit as far as development goes, etc...
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They have already said the apps will go forward, just not backwards...... Still sucks nonetheless. =/
well, I'll just look at the bright side,,, there are some good apps coming for the Lumia on Friday, is a beautiful device, so I will keep it until WP8 devices come into market,,, there's always craigslist, so I will probably get around $180.00 for it by that time, minus let say $500.00 on a craigslist WP8 device I will end up paying $320.00 which is not bad for being out of contract... But selling the Lumia now to get an iPhone is ridiculousness.
Im pretty sure WP7 apps running on WP8 will be more of a compatibility sort of thing... And with the changes who knows when they might dump that ability and require an entire re write...
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
I think Zhariak may have been talking about software houses like sbsh, spb, WebIS, and others who built out a stable of useful, innovative applications for windows mobile and got left behind with WP7.
gbjohnson said:
I'd hate to burst your bubble, that's all WP8. 7.8 is JUST the homescreen.
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I believe its for 7.5 actually in the next coming weeks according to Nokia's Official Blog.
Still, it still feels like lies with how the timing is. Any class action suits? (guess if there is Nokia couldn't pay it, thus putting them out, thus killing any updates for the Lumias, lol).
SDreamer said:
I believe its for 7.5 actually in the next coming weeks according to Nokia's Official Blog.
Still, it still feels like lies with how the timing is. Any class action suits? (guess if there is Nokia couldn't pay it, thus putting them out, thus killing any updates for the Lumias, lol).
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The home screen update still TBD according to @NokiaUS
Since I basically got the Lumia for free, after rebate, the only downer is that I will have to buy my Win 8 device at full retail, at about the same time that I'll be getting a Win 8 Tablet. Can you say hole in the wallet
It's like when I got my iPhone 4 loved it to death, then two months later iPhone 4S came out; better processor, Siri, etc.
Now I got my Nokia Lumia 900 not 2 days ago, fell in love with this phone, and I see this "No upgrade to Windows Phone 8" for this ****ing phone?
What the hell?!! I don't want on ****ty skin + extra glitter 7.8
xxxrichievxxx said:
It's like when I got my iPhone 4 loved it to death, then two months later iPhone 4S came out; better processor, Siri, etc.
Now I got my Nokia Lumia 900 not 2 days ago, fell in love with this phone, and I see this "No upgrade to Windows Phone 8" for this ****ing phone?
What the hell?!! I don't want on ****ty skin + extra glitter 7.8
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If you got it 2 days ago you should still be able to return it and go back to your 4s
hvbelton said:
If you got it 2 days ago you should still be able to return it and go back to your 4s
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Providers may offer that in the US. But it's not like that around the world...
No WP8, I too find it irratating, it makes me mad... considered even crying about it.. still thinking about it, I might have some time after 2:30 today. Would it make me switch to another platform?????? Why? Do you really think Apple is any different? Which phones does Siri work on? Across the board on all iPhones... um no.. is it some hardware issue?? Mic on a iPhone 3G not strong enough? Whatever the reason is. If you need a personal relationship with a computer and not people... buy only the latest iPhone (Then be ok with the idea The O/S is gonna change for the upcoming iPhone 5 and some new features will be iPhone 5 exclusive). I can't tell you how many Andriod phones out there DID NOT RECIEVE ICE CREAM SANDWICH... way too many, but the vast majority of people out there don't have a clue.
It sucks, it's wrong.. but lets not pretend Microsoft is some greedy software giant and Apple is some poor underdog that just takes such great care of their customers..... those days are gone!!! long gone, Apple is the company that was litterally sitting on a pile of money that they did not know what to do with. That is not an opinion, it's a fact... look it up, made headline news. Don't even get me started on Google, that company is like a data minning crack whore with a needle jammed in her track filled arm wipping her mouth from the last customer and asking for a kiss. Yeah I have an Andriod tablet and I find myself using it so little since I bought the lumia.
After writting this I realize, no need to cry... I am dissapointed in Microsoft, but it is what it is. As far others and my HD2... Who is anyone fooling????? Anyone on XDA could have made a mint on that baby. I ran WM, Andriod and WP7... sold it with WP7 for almost what I paid for it. Who knows maybe the Lumia will go the same way maybe not... I only paid $380 for it. If I get $200 for it when I sell it I got my Money's worth

Is Lumia 900 getting WP7.8 update in a few weeks?

NokiaUSA is saying YES!
they said that we can get wp8 updating a few weeks ago
They also said "To clarify the post is about internet sharing..." and some other **** I give a **** about" NOT 7.8
This is too funny.... there's a video posted on the usual wp websites from just after this morning's WP8 seminar. It showed a preliminary version of the 7.8 version on an ATT lumia 900. When asked, 'can you flick it to the left so we can see the apps list?'... the MS or Nokia rep replied: "it'll crash the phone". He then explained it's just a crude test version.
Release anytime soon... not likely.
They also said they'd have a fix for the purple screen a LONG time ago, and we are still waiting for it (only AT&T got the fix)...
Zhariak said:
They also said they'd have a fix for the purple screen a LONG time ago, and we are still waiting for it (only AT&T got the fix)...
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xsever said:
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Actually... You know what, I don't even care anymore...
With the fact that my new device is already obsolete, I'll be looking for a new mobile device provider soon who's product have longer supported lifespans (and not to mention better support).
Zhariak said:
Actually... You know what, I don't even care anymore...
With the fact that my new device is already obsolete, I'll be looking for a new mobile device provider soon who's product have longer supported lifespans (and not to mention better support).
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Try iPhone. You can install the new iOS on an old phone. You won't get Siri and true GPS to work due to hardware issues but you CAN install the OS. At least they arent so weak as to use the "Hardware incompatibility" excuse.
hx4700 Killer said:
Try iPhone. You can install the new iOS on an old phone. You won't get Siri and true GPS to work due to hardware issues but you CAN install the OS. At least they arent so weak as to use the "Hardware incompatibility" excuse.
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Lumia doesn't have NFC, so yes, hardware incompatibility. derp.
bcrisp82 said:
Lumia doesn't have NFC, so yes, hardware incompatibility. derp.
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Whoa, wait a second... I don't give a **** about the Wallet or NFC...
I want the OS and the majority of the capabilities... WP 7.8 is just bringing adjustments to the start screen: "Hi, we know you just blew 600 bucks on this phone which is obsolete a few days later, but hey, here's a free key chain" kinda thing...
As far as I'm concerned, I've heard that WP8 on latest gen older devices is capable..
Zhariak said:
Whoa, wait a second... I don't give a **** about the Wallet or NFC...
I want the OS and the majority of the capabilities... WP 7.8 is just bringing adjustments to the start screen: "Hi, we know you just blew 600 bucks on this phone which is obsolete a few days later, but hey, here's a free key chain" kinda thing...
As far as I'm concerned, I've heard that WP8 on latest gen older devices is capable..
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Yeah...but don't you do that with everything else?? Your new car?? A new laptop, PC or Tablet? At least you got a key chain....
But ...the big question really is.....From where did you hear that about WP8 on latest Gen older devices?? I work very close with friends from Microsoft on Windows Phone. Never, never ever never, have they ever hinted, to me, that WP8 was going to be a broad update, or even work on old devices.
So, if you have some Steve Balmer, Terry Myerson insight...please share....
Zhariak said:
"Hi, we know you just blew 600 bucks on this phone which is obsolete a few days later, but hey, here's a free key chain" kinda thing...
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Words of wisdom and people please stop mentioning Apple's methodology. The lumia 900 is way newer compared to the 3GS when the 4G came out.
3GS did not get all the iOS4 feature but it was already old in the market unlike the 900!
Take a Deep Breath
If you are like me, you bought the Lumia 900 hoping that, since it is a high end phone, it would be upgraded to WP8. You didn't know that for a fact, you either guessed, relied on others guesses or hoped. You rolled the dice based on a feeling that MS and Nokia would do the right thing, based upon your desires. Well, they did the right thing based upon their needs. I love my Nokia 900 on WP7.5, I'll love WP7.8 even more. It will take me a long time to grow out of WP7.8. At that time, I will upgrade my phone to WP8.x. Like most of you, I am not at all happy about this. The highest of the high end WP7 phones, just released, and not upgradeable to WP8. Sure I am mad, but mostly at myself for taking such a chance with no facts to backup a future upgrade to WP8.
JamesAllen said:
If you are like me, you bought the Lumia 900 hoping that, since it is a high end phone, it would be upgraded to WP8. You didn't know that for a fact, you either guessed, relied on others guesses or hoped. You rolled the dice based on a feeling that MS and Nokia would do the right thing, based upon your desires. Well, they did the right thing based upon their needs. I love my Nokia 900 on WP7.5, I'll love WP7.8 even more. It will take me a long time to grow out of WP7.8. At that time, I will upgrade my phone to WP8.x. Like most of you, I am not at all happy about this. The highest of the high end WP7 phones, just released, and not upgradeable to WP8. Sure I am mad, but mostly at myself for taking such a chance with no facts to backup a future upgrade to WP8.
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Agreed, pretty much sums it up for me. I took a risk, banked on MS to not depricate a "flagship" device like they HAVE NOT done so often in the past and took it in the a$$. Like I said, fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.
JamesAllen said:
If you are like me, you bought the Lumia 900 hoping that, since it is a high end phone, it would be upgraded to WP8.
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Call it what you want. The phone was FREE here in the US. It was cheaper than some feature phones. I had no expectations. I got a nice very capable smartphone for free. My expectations were met.
sitizenx said:
Call it what you want. The phone was FREE here in the US. It was cheaper than some feature phones. I had no expectations. I got a nice very capable smartphone for free. My expectations were met.
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I'm locked down on contracts for the next 7+ years since every time I get a phone from my provider it breaks, so I extend to get another one discounted...
I bought the Lumia 900 outright for $600... And It's not physically busted, but now is obsolete
There's just no winning...
Zhariak said:
I'm locked down on contracts for the next 7+ years since every time I get a phone from my provider it breaks, so I extend to get another one discounted...
There's just no winning...
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That's somewhat your fault mate! Why would you do that?!
MS messed up for sure, but let's not blame it for all our problems.
xsever said:
That's somewhat your fault mate! Why would you do that?!
MS messed up for sure, but let's not blame it for all our problems.
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I'm so mad at the whole WP8 thing, I think I am going to blame them for all my problems... And my cell provider (which is another story I'm not even going to get in to), heh
I don't want to disrespect anyone, but how could any Lumia owner not feel screwed.
Don't forget poeple that every device, comparable to Lumia 800 or 900, with different OS can run Skype, viber and other VOIP apps in the background... It seems Lumia 800 and 900 will never be able to do so.
How could you just accept that.
$135 androids have VOIP while we ($500/$600 Lumia owners) don't?!?!?!? and you're ok with it?!?!?!?!
Now I know that most Lumia owners are MS or Nokia loyals... I am one... And when others critisized the lack of apps and the inability to run Skype, I always defended both saying that apps will come and skype will be updated... "just a matter of time"... Do I feel stupid now!
I'm not saying I'm chaging to other OS... I'll probably get a new WP8 device and a surface tablet... But i can not NOT feel screwed.
BTW, I got my Lumia 800 in January... was so happy with it that I ordered the 900 about 2 weeks ago... (both factory unlocked cause we don't have contracts where I'm from)
i just got my phone less then 2 weeks ago, i'm piss... but what else can i say, i like the design, and the support from nokia seems good enough. Don't get me wrong, i'm not a WP or Nokia fanboy. Just like what JamesAllen says, i put my bet and i lose it... nothing more, nothing less, but i still like the phone, i'm gonna keep it until i feel a need to change to another

Due for an upgrade, probably reluctantly switching to Android

I say reluctantly, because I want WP to be awesome. I want to stay with it, but I just can't do this 'basic' thing anymore. The colours are so dreadfully boring, there's no WP8 support for my device, Zune software sucks ass. I miss being able to just drag and drop into my music folder. Why complicate it needlessly with restrictive software? How many "new" colours will there be? 4? Android used to be laggy, but it's not anymore. Why is there no speed dial? (Yes there's an app for that, but I live in a border city, the only dialer app that displays my network is the native one, and I need to see it). There's no DLNA app (The LG one? Sorry, that's not a working app, that's just some user interface that pretends to be a DLNA app), and the battery. My freakin gosh the battery. I'd get better battery life out of a lemon and copper wire. 99% gives me 12 hours, that's if I close all apps and leave it alone for the day. I own three chargers (work, car, home), and mine is only a 3.5" screen! What if I had went with the HD7??
These alleged WP8 handsets that are coming out, will they be on par with even 2010 tech? Probably not. I'm so underwhelmed by just everything. My bro-in-law has the Note, and it's insane. Super AMOLED HD screen, xvid/h-264 support, HD out, etc. And it's already outdated almost. The Note 2 will be announced tomorrow, and then hopefully soon available here in Canada.
These are old talking points, I know. I've been reading/lurking this board since before WP came out. It's been hashed out time and again. And it doesn't even matter. What matters is what will please you/me the most. What do you care which platform I go with? I'm not bashing anything, just verbalizing my internal dialogue trying to decide. I was a pioneer with this platform, it pains me, I wanted it to be awesome, but it's just not fully functional. "But wait for the next update" worked a year ago, not this time. WP8 will be undercooked and a day late.
The desktop Windows 8 looks like a disaster of Titanic/watergate proportions. I don't want my device to in any way require that... thing of an OS. They missed the point. They may have started with simplicity in mind, but they're far from it now.
I'm due now for an upgrade, but it's not required, so I'm probably waiting until after Christmas to give time for all the iPhone5/Note2/WP8's of the world to be fully released and reviewed.
Anyone else feeling like this?
to my understanding, there's no/not too much heat on new android devices because almost every month(if not every week) there're some new android devices released to the market. You will always find better device if you hold just a little bit, just a little. but for the iPhone or the coming WP8, it'll be quite a long time before you will see a real update, the next release cycle, one year or something. So, before you see those, why jump now?
ctiger said:
to my understanding, there's no/not too much heat on new android devices because almost every month(if not every week) there're some new android devices released to the market. You will always find better device if you hold just a little bit, just a little. but for the iPhone or the coming WP8, it'll be quite a long time before you will see a real update, the next release cycle, one year or something. So, before you see those, why jump now?
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Yeah that's been the ongoing joke about the iPhone forever. And Android is definitely doing that lately.
There's certain features I really need to have in my next device. The Note has all of them. If the Note 2 dials some back, then I'll just go with the Note 1 and save some cash. If you can wait a couple months and get a little bit bigger screen, why not right?
Wait until Jan/Feb. Im expecting Microsoft to really step up with WP8 or Im gone also. I really dont like Android, but I might be out of options.
Loco5150 said:
Wait until Jan/Feb. Im expecting Microsoft to really step up with WP8 or Im gone also. I really dont like Android, but I might be out of options.
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I have a A500 running 4.0.3 I think, it works fine, but I ran into a lot crashes and problems too. I think I'm very open on which OS to use, the cheapest I think I got my Windows Phone Arrive for free, absolutely free, not even activation fee, so that's why I'm with WP7. But in fact, if I jump on the new release iPhone 5, but sell it, profits.
Another Option
This is not a flame but a genuine question. Why not wait and see what RIM come up with? I got my HTC Titan because I like the look and style of win 7 and realy do not like Iphone or Andriod and yes i have had an Andriod and my girlfriend has my Iphone 4. I too feel there is just too much missing from win7 and am due an upgrade about November so if RIM can manage to sort out there act i might give it a try.Remember how things were for apple a few years ago when they were talking about just selling the company
its just an idea
^ waiting on RIM, it'll be sometime next year before an actual device is released.
Side note:
I just sold a GS3. Damn beastly phone, the best I ever had. I didn't even mind Touch wiz. I had it for one full day before selling it, that home button just ruined the experience for me though.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
What vetvito said. Blackberry won't have BB10 out until like Q2 2013. As well as that, I'm just not interested in the last hurrah of a sinking company. It will probably be pretty limited. I'm just getting done with a 'new' platform, I'd like to be with something that's worked in.
Yes exactly my thoughts also on RIM. I dont want to switch to an OS that most likely will not be around anymore in few years. Before Nokia announced MS partnership I was expecting Meego to be the thing for me. I really hope hope WP8 is meeting my expectations and I wouldnt have to move to Android.
My suggestion would also be to simply wait what Microsoft's partners and Apple are bringing to the table next month. If you wait until december you should have all the options aside from RIM for whom I personally would not wait.
The Note is a nice phone in theory but the only one I know who owns one is telling me permanently about the newest strangeness it decides on doing (guess it's simply his device that's acting up - at least I hope so).
On the hardware front I'm not that concerned over WP8. The release handsets were announced to all feature Qualcomms Snapdragon S4 Plus chipsets which, even though being dual core instead of quad, offer better performance than the Tegra 3 and Samsungs own Quadcore-Chips due to the Krait-Architecture by Qualcomm. It's the same chip the LTE-Versions of the HTC One X and Galaxy S3 currently use. HD displays are also a go with WP8.
The biggest question will be WP8 features and it seems we will know whats coming there in one week.
I do see the point in waiting, but I just got myself a Focus S and its the dogs bollocks
I think what most users need to do is actually sit down and find out what they want from their phone.
apart from being able to install customs ROMs this phone does everything I want it to and it looks amazing so for me its ideal, waiting for a WP8 device may seem prudent just now but again, what do you actually want it to do, WP8 will bring new features but do you really NEED them or is it a case of "yeah that would be cool to have" if its the latter than you are buying it for the wrong reason.
theres too much focus on tech and not enough on actual usability. I can promise you that no android or Iphone will be better for my needs at the moment, not because I know every single device out there but because I know what I need my phone for, and the Focus S ticks all the boxes
So that's my advice, sit down, and write down what your phone MUST do, not what youd like it to do but MUST do, once you find a phone that does all of those things weigh up costs etc yes WP8 will be out soon, but do you NEED it, the answer may be no, but the flip side is that WP7 devices will drop in price so perhaps that's your best option.....anyhow, just food for thought
At the end of the day, it is just a phone. Doesn't matter what OS you buy into but this time around, don't buy a phone which "looks" good or "feels" good.
I would suggest trying out the phone and functions to your heart's content before parting with your money. Like everyone else, I am playing a waiting game before I invest my cash on any OS. This Christmas Santa will be pretty confused too!
dazza9075 said:
I do see the point in waiting, but I just got myself a Focus S and its the dogs bollocks
I think what most users need to do is actually sit down and find out what they want from their phone.
apart from being able to install customs ROMs this phone does everything I want it to and it looks amazing so for me its ideal, waiting for a WP8 device may seem prudent just now but again, what do you actually want it to do, WP8 will bring new features but do you really NEED them or is it a case of "yeah that would be cool to have" if its the latter than you are buying it for the wrong reason.
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MY WORDS! WP8 has some new features, but 80% of the world does not use NFC. look at Europe or Asia, have somebody seen some NFC around? the same thing, even worse is with east Europe. ok the better screen and the developer could make apps for WP8 in c++ but that not that big deal for the mayor of us. the problem is Other operating systems like Android made the WP7 users to WISH better specs. that's the problem, like an virus thats now in the heads of a few WP7 users. my WP7 does everything what i need to have from a phone right now, and for the next one, two years! like you stated people think of WP8 "yeah that and that feature would be cool to have" but i will never use it. i say lets wait until 7.8 and the new start screen, it looks and feels like the WP8. ok we dont get wallet and such thing, but wallet i dont need, i have a real wallet made out from leather the only thing whats not so good for wp7 is that voip agent can not run in background like the GSM service. so that would be an WP8 feature why i would switch, but not right now, maybe next year when the devices would be around 300-400€ in Germany.
Dinchy87 said:
ok the better screen and the developer could make apps for WP8 in c++ but that not that big deal for the mayor of us.
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I disagree on some of these points. Higher screen resolutions and native code are very important features. Native code enables easier porting of apps from iOS and Android (not to mention more similarity between WP8 and Windows RT) and should make these apps faster / more responsive. Having a choice of a retina display would also be nice
It would also be nice to have some bug fixes, which is more likely to happen on WP8. Tango seemed to break podcast management for some of us, in addition to a few other niggles (e.g. why can't I edit the original email after pressing reply / forward?, volume normalisation issues etc). The overall experience is good - however, there seem to be several rough edges in WP7.
dazza9075 said:
I do see the point in waiting, but I just got myself a Focus S and its the dogs bollocks
I think what most users need to do is actually sit down and find out what they want from their phone.
apart from being able to install customs ROMs this phone does everything I want it to and it looks amazing so for me its ideal, waiting for a WP8 device may seem prudent just now but again, what do you actually want it to do, WP8 will bring new features but do you really NEED them or is it a case of "yeah that would be cool to have" if its the latter than you are buying it for the wrong reason.
theres too much focus on tech and not enough on actual usability. I can promise you that no android or Iphone will be better for my needs at the moment, not because I know every single device out there but because I know what I need my phone for, and the Focus S ticks all the boxes
So that's my advice, sit down, and write down what your phone MUST do, not what youd like it to do but MUST do, once you find a phone that does all of those things weigh up costs etc yes WP8 will be out soon, but do you NEED it, the answer may be no, but the flip side is that WP7 devices will drop in price so perhaps that's your best option.....anyhow, just food for thought
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Hmm good thoughts, but I disagree.
With things as luxurious as cell phones, the wants are what's most important. Cause if you go by "needs", then I'll be getting a simple feature phone, or a low end Android. Because I don't care who you are, no one needs resolution even as high as 800x480. What I "need" are email and text capabilities. I think the RAZR circa 2004 had that.
What I want is not what WP can provide right now. I know HD screens are approved, but welcome to 2011, as we head into 2013. They'll always be a step behind. Will WP8 have HDMI out? x264 support? Working DLNA? wifi hotspot? Doing away with software and just allowing drag and drop? Motion (press screen and move your hand around)?
I've been to the threads and looked at the features we've seen so far and it's just what should have been included in October 2010. The saying "wait for the next update", has been given as an excuse for every single update.
Just waiting now for news of the Note 2. Berlin is like 5 hours ahead of EST isn't it? I would've thought it'd be revealed by now.
Ah, it's 1pm for the reveal. Leaked pictures look pretty sick.
Loco5150 said:
Yes exactly my thoughts also on RIM. I dont want to switch to an OS that most likely will not be around anymore in few years. Before Nokia announced MS partnership I was expecting Meego to be the thing for me. I really hope hope WP8 is meeting my expectations and I wouldnt have to move to Android.
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Seriously, it would be nice to be with a solid performer.
Meego looked cool, and Bada looked promising as well. C'est la vie I guess.
Android really has come a long way
Personally I didn't really like stock Android without sense till ics. It changed everything. Battery is meh compared to I phone, but with a custom kernel I can get ~12 hours with 1-2 hours screen on if I stick with lte. With jb its really smooth too I'd recommend a Nexus if you want os support. I have an HTC Rezound and htc is really poor with updates. If you are willing to root a toro/maguro will be supported for years. If not, you should at least get a year more of updates since the phone came out last November.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
^ it'll get more than a year of support. Nexus S, two years old still getting love.
sure haven't said:
Seriously, it would be nice to be with a solid performer.
Meego looked cool, and Bada looked promising as well. C'est la vie I guess.
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The N9 meego was awesome. Samsung killed Bada due to poor sales, but it sold more than WP7.
I'm wanting to see what the Jolla guys do later this year.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk 2
sure haven't said:
Hmm good thoughts, but I disagree.
With things as luxurious as cell phones, the wants are what's most important. Cause if you go by "needs", then I'll be getting a simple feature phone, or a low end Android. Because I don't care who you are, no one needs resolution even as high as 800x480. What I "need" are email and text capabilities. I think the RAZR circa 2004 had that.
What I want is not what WP can provide right now. I know HD screens are approved, but welcome to 2011, as we head into 2013. They'll always be a step behind. Will WP8 have HDMI out? x264 support? Working DLNA? wifi hotspot? Doing away with software and just allowing drag and drop? Motion (press screen and move your hand around)?
I've been to the threads and looked at the features we've seen so far and it's just what should have been included in October 2010. The saying "wait for the next update", has been given as an excuse for every single update.
Just waiting now for news of the Note 2. Berlin is like 5 hours ahead of EST isn't it? I would've thought it'd be revealed by now.
Ah, it's 1pm for the reveal. Leaked pictures look pretty sick.
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Ah but usability is the main point here, HDMI, x264, DLNA, NFC are all features that are completely meaningless for many of us, you are absolutely right that a feature phone from 2004 would have done all that I need, but my phone does it better, quicker and a lot more efficiently! but that is my point if you NEED HDMI then that becomes a tick box that must be met, if it is a "oh that's a cool feature" then it shouldn't be a main tick box otherwise you'll be a mug for marketing and end up spending more on stuff you don't NEED.
All those folk out there with quad core phones are a prime example, slapping a quad core in my phone will make absolutely no difference at all in the slightest and I question anyone that doesn't play games or encode video on there phone to tell me that it does make a difference, its a great marketing tool though, its QUAD core guys, its X4 better than a single core, you MUST have this, and people lap it up, hook line and sinker
dazza9075 said:
HDMI, x264, DLNA, NFC are all features that are completely meaningless for many of us
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I am completely satisfied with my HD7 and NextGen 3.3 ROM, two things I miss in everyday life: Teamviewer and how to KILL SMS toast notification...

How is everybody doing? Are we abandoning our current gen Windows Phone?

I haven't posted anything for awhile but i am still stay up-to-date with currents news for Windows Phone community. I was just thinking today about the future of our dear friend for-a-while (2nd Gen Windows Phone aka Mango devices).
I just recently made up my mind that i am gonna sell my HTC Titan ( a sweet device, used to make storms over XDA until somebody finally unbox the damn thing). But that also lead to the question: "Will you guys gonna keep the current Windows Phone gen device and then move on to WP8 later or gonna get WP8 and then keep both device? "
Because i am seeing a lot of people putting their device up for sale on Ebay and Amazon right now right before the launch of Windows Phone 8, and i am wondering if you guys are doing the same.
Regarding Windows Phone 8, i have heard from some sources teasing that HTC is doing work on a device probably with the name "Titan 3" after success with Titan (Eternity) and Titan II (Radiant) , the first wave of WP8 doesn't impress me that much even HTC Rio and Accord (8S and 8X) , Nokia just pretty much reuse the design of the Lumia 900 for the new waves of phone, make it less interesting. ( It is nothing like what we saw with the 1st Wave of Windows Phone 7 back in the day, damn the HTC HD7/Schubert back then was HOT.
I have a titan an am planning on going to the 8S as I have 12 months left of my contract and cant afford a bigger upgrade. I'm only going to jump ship however if there is a way to side load my homebrew apps without having to pay for a dev account.
meandu229 said:
I have a titan an am planning on going to the 8S as I have 12 months left of my contract and cant afford a bigger upgrade. I'm only going to jump ship however if there is a way to side load my homebrew apps without having to pay for a dev account.
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So basically are you renewing your plan right now or you gonna wait another 12 months and then get an 8S?
Because 1 years is a long time, lol, who know what will happen... I hold the Schubert for One year before i switched to Titan. I am thinking about holding 7.8 device for another year before getting 8, want to see what we can get from 2nd Wave of WP8... :laugh:
Because i am kind of bias over HTC when buying phones, and to be honest, the Rio and Accord doesn't get much of my attention ... ( even tho, i am their trainee anyway, lol)
Nokia... eh... No offense but maybe i don't like them that much like i did before... Beside, HTC always has history of easiness in hacking Bootloader and stuffs (HSPL...) , so ... yeah
Strike_Eagle said:
I haven't posted anything for awhile but i am still stay up-to-date with currents news for Windows Phone community. I was just thinking today about the future of our dear friend for-a-while (2nd Gen Windows Phone aka Mango devices).
I just recently made up my mind that i am gonna sell my HTC Titan ( a sweet device, used to make storms over XDA until somebody finally unbox the damn thing). But that also lead to the question: "Will you guys gonna keep the current Windows Phone gen device and then move on to WP8 later or gonna get WP8 and then keep both device? "
Because i am seeing a lot of people putting their device up for sale on Ebay and Amazon right now right before the launch of Windows Phone 8, and i am wondering if you guys are doing the same.
Regarding Windows Phone 8, i have heard from some sources teasing that HTC is doing work on a device probably with the name "Titan 3" after success with Titan (Eternity) and Titan II (Radiant) , the first wave of WP8 doesn't impress me that much even HTC Rio and Accord (8S and 8X) , Nokia just pretty much reuse the design of the Lumia 900 for the new waves of phone, make it less interesting. ( It is nothing like what we saw with the 1st Wave of Windows Phone 7 back in the day, damn the HTC HD7/Schubert back then was HOT.
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I am not gonna buy WP8, reasons
Never going to get custom roms!
Looks uglier than wp7.8 (details)
Love my Titan better than any (announced plastic) WP8 phone.
sianto1997 said:
I am not gonna buy WP8, reasons
Never going to get custom roms!
Looks uglier than wp7.8 (details)
Love my Titan better than any (announced plastic) WP8 phone.
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Well, that is what i am thinking right now, The 1st Wave of WP8 doesn't have the unique design like what we had with HD7 at 1st Wave and Titan at 2nd Wave of WP7 devices.
About Custom ROM, i have heard about the secured boot, but hope is not vanished yet until i heard that officially from DFT or Cotulla himself . Maybe this time, DFT team will have to go BIG, lol.
Strike_Eagle said:
So basically are you renewing your plan right now or you gonna wait another 12 months and then get an 8S?
Because 1 years is a long time, lol, who know what will happen... I hold the Schubert for One year before i switched to Titan. I am thinking about holding 7.8 device for another year before getting 8, want to see what we can get from 2nd Wave of WP8... :laugh:
Because i am kind of bias over HTC when buying phones, and to be honest, the Rio and Accord doesn't get much of my attention ... ( even tho, i am their trainee anyway, lol)
Nokia... eh... No offense but maybe i don't like them that much like i did before... Beside, HTC always has history of easiness in hacking Bootloader and stuffs (HSPL...) , so ... yeah
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No im selling titan, hoping £140 ~ and buying a 8S off contract, for £224 ~ and will keep my current contract for the next year as im bound to it for that long and I cant afford to buy a 920 or 8X out right but the £80 difference between titan and 8S is doable. And this will also allow me to get a 2nd gen one next october when up for renewal.
sianto1997 said:
I am not gonna buy WP8, reasons
Never going to get custom roms!
Looks uglier than wp7.8 (details)
Love my Titan better than any (announced plastic) WP8 phone.
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How does it look ANY different than 7.8? I thought only stuff they mutually shared between WP8 and WP7.8 was how they look. Don't see how WP8 is uglier than WP7.8!
We don't know yet about custom ROMs! Plus metal and ceramic aren't exactly plastic
meandu229 said:
No im selling titan, hoping £140 ~ and buying a 8S off contract, for £224 ~ and will keep my current contract for the next year as im bound to it for that long and I cant afford to buy a 920 or 8X out right but the £80 difference between titan and 8S is doable. And this will also allow me to get a 2nd gen one next october when up for renewal.
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Where are you getting 8S for £224 from?
I might get one instead of my Titan to start with and then some!
I still have 4-5 months to make up my mind, then my contract will be over and I'll be in for an upgrade. I really NEED to see the 920 in action and notice if the little things that bug me have been improved (half assed multitasking, weak notifications). If that's the case I'll get a 920, it's a behemoth but I'll get used to it somehow. Otherwise I'll go to the dark side and pick an i5. Really like the size/weight/build of the thing, plus with jailbreak I'll basically get most of the functionality of Android without all of the root/mod/hack bs that I'm sick of.
Sent from my Lumia 800 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Nope, my Trophy does everything I need it to do via custom ROM. Maybe when custom ROMs become avilabe for WP8, I'll switch over.
sinister1 said:
Nope, my Trophy does everything I need it to do via custom ROM. Maybe when custom ROMs become avilabe for WP8, I'll switch over.
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Me too. I'll only shift when wp8 will have custom roms and a good flagship device.
My Focus s is the dogs bollocks, would be even better if I could dump the ROM but that a side story, what am I going to do? well, my Focus S does everything I want it to right now, I am in no hurry what so ever to jump to WP8.
I will wait for WP8 to mature a bit, and more importantly wait until its possible to side load stuff, im not fussed about custom ROMs,. I just want it to work, and allow me to install what I want and not what someone tells me I can. IF / When that day comes then ill do my research and sell my focus S, if that day doesn't come and the OS remains locked down tighter than a ducks arse then im more than happy with what my Focus S does for the time being.
So look like a lot of people have the same line thinking like me, Windows Phone 8 is great but i would rather wait for it to perform and then reviewed by other expert before i make a move also.
There are a lot of thing that i want to buy so i have no choice except being smart, lol.
I mean, custom ROM is not a total big deal to me after all, back in the day when i still have my HD7, i still choose the way to use Official ROM instead of getting custom one. But i just don't like the way they lock the device with the OS so strict that Advanced Users can't tweaks the device in the way they want. I mean Registry Editor, Flies Explorer and all the kind of stuffs. Windows Mobile 6.5 was saved (almost all by this XDA Community) because of that.
MS this year drive away to regular based users market rather than advanced users... (Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8)...
Strike_Eagle said:
MS this year drive away to regular based users market rather than advanced users... (Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8)...
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That's because (as iOS and Android has proven extremely well) theres more money to be made when targeting nupties, power users are a limited few in a sea of average users who couldn't tell the difference between the different OSs in the first place.
I have a horrible feeling that WP8 is going to be even harder to crack open so im not going to hold my breath, bare in mind that technically WP7 hasn't been cracked open either, im sure WP8 will make it even harder still
Definitely going to jump to Windows Phone 8 as soon as I can, but probably gonna keep my Titan and Lumia 800.
drupad2drupad said:
How does it look ANY different than 7.8? I thought only stuff they mutually shared between WP8 and WP7.8 was how they look. Don't see how WP8 is uglier than WP7.8!
We don't know yet about custom ROMs! Plus metal and ceramic aren't exactly plastic
Where are you getting 8S for £224 from?
I might get one instead of my Titan to start with and then some!
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or http://www.handtec.co.uk/product.php/7835/htc-8s-windows-8--sim-free-unlocked--red-
or http://www.clove.co.uk/htc-8s
drupad2drupad said:
How does it look ANY different than 7.8? I thought only stuff they mutually shared between WP8 and WP7.8 was how they look. Don't see how WP8 is uglier than WP7.8!
We don't know yet about custom ROMs! Plus metal and ceramic aren't exactly plastic
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Well, first of all the accent is more intergrated! (It annoys me big time) Ceramic? Which phone?
sianto1997 said:
Well, first of all the accent is more intergrated! (It annoys me big time) Ceramic? Which phone?
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But isn't those accent colours just based on leaks so far? (Early July leak?)
If they are to be present in WP7.8 there is a huge chance they will be implemented identically as WP8, no?
Lumia 920 has polycarbonate unibody with ceramic buttons or so did I read!
Well, the design of Lumia is not bad at all, but i don't really like how they just make it a little bit bigger and reuse the design pretty much.
I just saw another Lumia 8xx something for T-Mobile US and that thing look a little bit more interesting than Lumia 920.
And BTW i am not looking forward to pay like $800 for an unlocked version of that anyway.
They also predict the 8X to be around $500-$600 for unlocked version
Strike_Eagle said:
Well, the design of Lumia is not bad at all, but i don't really like how they just make it a little bit bigger and reuse the design pretty much.
I just saw another Lumia 8xx something for T-Mobile US and that thing look a little bit more interesting than Lumia 920.
And BTW i am not looking forward to pay like $800 for an unlocked version of that anyway.
They also predict the 8X to be around $500-$600 for unlocked version
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I think they made it bigger basically because of the camera features they wanted to implement, it shouldn't be hard to make it thinner without it, at least 820 thin. Honestly I take like no more than 3 pictures every year with my phone so I couldn't care less...maybe a sharper profile, somewhat like the new nano (but bigger, heh) would have been better for me. If Microsoft ever releases something more squarish and thin with a full metal body, like a crossover between an iPhone and a Surface I'm 100% sold.
Sent from my Lumia 800 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
vnvman said:
I think they made it bigger basically because of the camera features they wanted to implement, it shouldn't be hard to make it thinner without it, at least 820 thin. Honestly I take like no more than 3 pictures every year with my phone so I couldn't care less...maybe a sharper profile, somewhat like the new nano (but bigger, heh) would have been better for me. If Microsoft ever releases something more squarish and thin with a full metal body, like a crossover between an iPhone and a Surface I'm 100% sold.
Sent from my Lumia 800 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
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Yeah, I've been fancying my chances of owning a squarish device. Not exactly like an Experia but something as classy as surface design. I would love to own vaporised magnesium squarish handset running WP9!

