[Q] camera - Samsung Epic 4G Touch

I was wondering if anyone could help me out. It seems that whenever I take pictures with my e4gt they look fine on the phone, and then when i download them to my computer they look fine when i'm looking at them on the computer, but then when i try to print them the pictures come out really dark (even if i take the pictures with flash). I thought it was my printer but this doesn't happen when i take pictures with my cybershot so i don't think it's my printer. Does anyone have any suggestions to fix this?

Turn on out door visibility and see what happens
From the 2nd galaxy

Just tried that, the picture came out the same as before, maybe a little darker...

I have a few ideas.
Turning on "auto contrast" seemed to make mine a little brighter, even though that's not what that tool is supposed to do.
Also, if you go to white balance you can see settings for the environment where you are shooting. Daylight, cloudy, incandescent, and others. Also, you might be able to change exposure value, too.
Well, just try and screw around in the settings until it brightens, or just use something like Paint.NET or Photoshop to brighten them.

I've tried that and I still have no luck, Also sometimes when I go to take pictures i notice a weird buzzing noise coming from the phone, maybe the camera is broken? I need to take in my phone for service anyway because the aux jack is messed up (in the headphones arn't in a certain way you start to hear loud crackles) so maybe they can fix this too...If anyone has any other ideas that i can try out until i get a chance to take the phone in let me know I would definitely love to get at least the camera working, or maybe i just have to wait till sprint finally rolls out an ics update to get it fixed..i love this phone but the camera, aux and gps issues are killing me

Our camera software sucks!

It doesn't sound like anyone else is having this issue. You never told us what rom you're using for this. Some developers may make changes to the camera app in their roms. You may also want to try a stock rom to address this because photos print fine from my custom stock based rom. Have you had the opportunity to try a different printer btw? Take the photos to work and print a couple off there.

I'm currently running a el29 stock rooted, is there another rom i should try?


[Q] Line on all pics: broken lens?

I've noticed this week that I've got a line showing on all my new pictures. I've attached an example.
I remember my phone had fallen on thick carpet a few weeks ago and it may be linked to that fall.
So I'm wondering if the lens is broken.
What is weird is that when I do the focus for my picture the image is perfect, no line at all. And when the picture is taken this line appears. Are the image showed while you prepare the picture and the picture taken by 2 different lenses?
I've wiped the glass that's in front of the lens and checked whether I saw some kind of breakage but I don't see any (which doesn't mean it's not broken).
I've also tried taking a picture with another application and it also shows that line.
Do you think my lens is broken? And why does the line appear only once the picture has been taken?
It could be that a line of the CCD is not functioning correctly, you might not be able to see it when focusing your phone because the image is higher resolution than the screen itself. I'm by no means an expert though, so I could easily be wrong.
Does the line always appear in the same place? It could be a CCD issue like mentioned above. Also, look through your gallery and see what date the line started, and try to correlate it to a specific event (you mentioned the fall). Something else you can try, though I don't know if it will help much, but backup your SD card to your computer and reformat it. It could be an issue with saving. Does the line appear when you look at it through Gallery or only when you blow it up on the PC? Or do you see the line in Gallery when you zoom in on the pic?
Do you have a video recorder on your phone? If you do, record a clip and see if the line appears. Try to view it on the phone and the computer
Other than that, I don't know of anything else other than a warranty replacement. Looking at the line I'm leaning more towards hardware damage, but I can be incorrect.
Thanks guys!
IVI4V3R1CK said:
Does the line always appear in the same place? It could be a CCD issue like mentioned above. Also, look through your gallery and see what date the line started, and try to correlate it to a specific event (you mentioned the fall). Something else you can try, though I don't know if it will help much, but backup your SD card to your computer and reformat it. It could be an issue with saving. Does the line appear when you look at it through Gallery or only when you blow it up on the PC? Or do you see the line in Gallery when you zoom in on the pic?
Do you have a video recorder on your phone? If you do, record a clip and see if the line appears. Try to view it on the phone and the computer
Other than that, I don't know of anything else other than a warranty replacement. Looking at the line I'm leaning more towards hardware damage, but I can be incorrect.
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Yes the line always appear at the same place. I had already checked the date the line first appeared. The problem is I don't take pictures very often so I just know it appeared between mid-January and last week and that in between my phone fell on the carpet
I can see the line both in the Gallery (with or without zooming) and on the PC.
Interesting: I have recorded a video as you suggested and I can see no line. What's the difference between the way the camera and the video recorder work?
I will try formatting the SD card in a few days if I don't find any solution but like you I have the feeling this is a problem with hardware.
Definitely a dead row of pixels in the CCD. This ought to be a warranty issue, if your phone is still new enough.
It may not show up in videos, or in downscaled photos (i.e. if you set your camera to smaller resolutions) because of the way the image is processed, combining information from multiple rows of pixels essentially 'blurring out' the bad information. I presume you will only notice this when recording the highest camera resolution.
Sorry for the bad news. I think there is no cure except replacement.
5thave174 said:
Definitely a dead row of pixels in the CCD. This ought to be a warranty issue, if your phone is still new enough.
It may not show up in videos, or in downscaled photos (i.e. if you set your camera to smaller resolutions) because of the way the image is processed, combining information from multiple rows of pixels essentially 'blurring out' the bad information. I presume you will only notice this when recording the highest camera resolution.
Sorry for the bad news. I think there is no cure except replacement.
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BUt if there was a dead row of Pixed, then wouldnt it appear while focusing or constantly when the phone is running a game or something?
Diamond_dawg said:
BUt if there was a dead row of Pixed, then wouldnt it appear while focusing or constantly when the phone is running a game or something?
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Negative. The CCD would only be used for the digital imaging, not for the display of the actual phone. Which is why it only affects captured images. A way to test it, download "ShootMe" from the market and take a screen shot. No lines.
missparker76 said:
Interesting: I have recorded a video as you suggested and I can see no line. What's the difference between the way the camera and the video recorder work?
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The line is probably still there, but because of the recording quality it may not be rendering in the captured video. I'm sure if you recorded 720p you may be able to see a faint detection of the line, since it doesn't look too major in the still shots.
5thave174 said:
Sorry for the bad news. I think there is no cure except replacement.
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I'm leaning with this guy. Just forget to mention the whole "oops I dropped it" mess. And make sure that you keep it stock (I know your signature says that you're running stock, but how often do we update signatures anymore). Other than that it should be covered under warranty replacement, seeing how it hasn't been out for over a year yet (wasn't the DZ released like 1 Nov 2010?).
Thanks everyone!
I've justed tested video recording in 720p and I don't see the line.
I'm not rooted yet as I'm with 1.72 version and I would have to downgrade etc. so it won't be any problem to bring my phone back But this means I can't install Shootme and make the test either.
I am going to contact HTC to see how I can have my phone repaired or replaced. Hope there's a way to fix the problem easily and rapidly as I can't imagine having to go back to my HD2 for several weeks
missparker76 said:
Thanks everyone!
I've justed tested video recording in 720p and I don't see the line.
I'm not rooted yet as I'm with 1.72 version and I would have to downgrade etc. so it won't be any problem to bring my phone back But this means I can't install Shootme and make the test either.
I am going to contact HTC to see how I can have my phone repaired or replaced. Hope there's a way to fix the problem easily and rapidly as I can't imagine having to go back to my HD2 for several weeks
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Did you try a hard reset?
No, I haven't tried. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't fix the issue and as I wouldn't have the time for restoring everything (I can't use Titanium Backup) I prefer not doing a factory reset.
I've asked HTC how I can have my phone repaired: I would have to send my phone to a repair center which isn't a solution that fits me.
They also suggested to try starting in safe mode. I've followed their instructions (Check that the phone is turned off. Then turn it on. When you see the HTC logo press Volume Down button until phone vibrates.). But all I have is the bootloader and it doesn't propose safe mode
I've googled and searched on the forum to find a way to launch that safe mode but haven't found the solution for the moment ...

Wave Photocamera Problem..

Kids is a week I try to solve all the way! We expose the problem.
Basically, the wave in question was purchased with the firmware already installed and KA1 them since there were no problems whatsoever. I decided to put the JID and I noticed that the pictures were very blurry. So I decide to go through official KA1 JH3 JI1 full and lite and then I put the KA1 Kies.
Everything ok, phone ready. Retry the camera and know the kind of fault of blurry photos. I go through the secret menu to control the camera's firmware in the phone and see that there is a new version of firmware is installed but the old one. To update the firmware of the camera and everything goes well. I open the camera and this time the photos are good but appeared two other problems:
- When I select "macro" in the right toolbar, the focus does not change and I have to do it manually focus the camera key. I can also do macros, but I have to do to focus myself with the key. Before hand, had a sort of "pre-fire" just select the macro function.
- If I flash pictures during the focus light is as strong as ever, but it has just shot a light intensity as low as if at the time of the shooting received little voltage to light.
Afflicted with these two problems by Multiloader try again in vain to call JID. Did not change anything and so I went KA1 Journal. I tried to follow the recovery process with the camera driver that is driving in relief (fix error camera) but just gave me the opening "camera error" and therefore ripristinai backups of my driver.
I do not know what to do, give me a hand. I know they are problems to be nothing, but after spending 300 euro stayed there this lily if I can not fix probably sell it.

Camera buzz?

My camera makes an odd buzzing sound. This happens on several roms, currently on ics blend 1.4. I'm pretty sure the rom isn't the problem as it seems to have gotten progressively worse. I'm going to check if it's happening on EL29 tonight before I update to 1.6. If it's still doing it I might hit up the repair center on Monday. It seemed like there were some other people with the same issue. I'd love to help get to the bottom of this, but I have no knowledge. I am totally willing to test, though. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA!
As far as I can tell, it appears to be a focusing issue. when you tap to focus, the buzz goes away, depending on where I tap the screen? Also, I can get the buzz to go away, move my hand closer and further from the sensor and it comes back. Take a couple shots and it also comes back. Happens with every camera app I've tried.

[Q] Has anyone peraonally replaced G-Nex camera themselves?

I've searched up & down the forums but haven't found any luck in regards to my problem. Long story short, my Camera front, back & LED light has completely stopped working. The camera app force closes as soon as I open the app. I've tried all the conventional remedies from resetting to default, flashing different Roms, different batteries, clearing the data from the gallery/camera app.. Everything! I have a feeling the camera may be fine, but something may have become disconnected somehow, because its obviously not getting power.
I can't seem to find a relatively easy teardown of the Nexus in order to replace it or at least get a look inside. This brings me to my question: Has anyone ever experienced a dead camera? Is it simple to replace? Is the front & back camera a one piece module? This has been lurking me for so long and this forum is my last resort before I toss it out the window. As crappy as the camera is, I need it for Google hangouts for conferencing for work. Help!
I almost forgot, has anyone had any experiences with sending their device to be fixed by Samsung? That's my true true last resort, but I'm a little hesitant.. I had a bad experience before.
So here is a teardown by ifixit. I have disassembled my Galaxy Nexus to replace the screen, and it is a bit of a pain to get into. If you are feeling brave, it is doable, but it certainly shouldnt be the first phone to tear into.
Linky to teardown
Thanks for the reply.. Now check this out, I just installed an alternative camera app (LGcamera) from the play store & it worked well for the most part, however it won't detect a front camera. I also noticed I have to ready phone after 40 minutes to get the camera app working again.
This is sooo odd. Like I mentioned before, whenever I open the original camera app, all I get is a force close - So maybe it is a software problem? Can you recommend any special way of re-installing gallery/camera app or someway to tweak the software to see if that's the problem?
The easiest thing I would say to narrow down the problem is (if you have cwm installed) make a nandroid backup, wipe everything, and install a different rom than the one you are using. Then you can have a completely fresh start, unrelated to any of your current software, and test the camera then. If it works, it was a software problem, if it doesn't work, it is most likely hardware.

[Q] Incredible 2 camera death issues

This is a last-ditch effort to get some input before I go blow some money on a new phone. Hoping someone can help! It's possible that I haven't found an answer yet because what I'm doing is futile but I'll go through the story just in case...
Looks like quite a few internet people are having trouble with their HTC Incredible 2 cameras, and over Christmas I joined the fray. Upon launching camera or camcorder, I only see a black screen. The only thing I can think that could have prompted a camera failure was a short (<2ft) drop, but there’s no damage otherwise.
At first I tried but had no success with:
Restarting the phone
Clearing cache, clearing data, and/or force stop in Applications/Manage Applications/All/Camera/ (it’s running v3.00.000.120826.605 if that matters at all)
Restarting the phone in safe mode
Performing a factory reset
Unmounting SD card
Using diagnostic apps (some combination of doms diagnostic tools, androsensor, and msherlock) I’ve confirmed that although both front and rear cameras are recognized by the phone, accessing them for diagnosis freezes the diagnostic app. Strangely, the flash diagnostic tool freezes also, although the flashlight app works fine. Since I don’t think my drop could have busted both cameras and the flash at once, I guess there are two options: it DID wiggle loose a wire that does all the camera-related stuff, or it’s a software problem.
Since my warranty is a few months expired I figured I’d root the phone today, just to be double-dog sure it’s not something easily fixable. I followed http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1931096, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1687590, used Android Commander to look at system files. On recommendation from http://androidforums.com/incredible-2-all-things-root/433350-camera-problem.html#post3361181, I tried to delete the current system/apps/HTCCamera.apk and replace with a different one; both one from http://www.teambamf.net/topic/1737-romgb-skyraider-zeus-13-inc2-update-11222011/ and also a standalone MiuiCamera.apk download were tried, but to no success.
I (attempt to) work with fortran77 during my day job so I can’t say I’m super happy to have blown a Saturday on yet more programming work. Unfortunately I’m a complete noob at this, and am not really sure how to further mess around with anything camera-related. It seems like the only thing I haven’t tried is to install a different ROM, but would it even be useful to do so? Have I missed anything? The Verizon agent I spoke to told me just to replace my phone, but since everything else works okay I wanted to be completely sure there wasn’t anything else I could do to fix the camera function. Does seem like I’m toast, though…
Thanks so much!
Excellent first post.
I have no idea how to help you. I would, However flash a ROM just to be sure. Tsm sense or andybonestock come to mind. It wouldn't hurt, you know?
Sent from my Incredible 2 using xda app-developers app
If that doesn't work try a aosp ROM like dkstunnas cm9 for a last ditch effort. I believe it interacts a Lil different with the camera then sense roms. Maybe
The camera is a replaceable part, so if you cant get it working a new one is less than $20.
Thanks for your suggestions!
I've learned a lot this week (like SMS Backup + should have been installed before the Verizon guy factory reset my phone...whoops, bye texts) and also tried to download "an app that uses the camera but not as a camera" as per http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=36239149&postcount=2 but that didn't work.
Looking at videos that take apart Dinc2's (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk91u3aqGAQ) I think replacing the camera would be quite outside my comfort zone...also, since both cameras and the flash refuse to work, that seems like a bigger job than I could handle. Unless they're like xmas lights where one goes out and they all go out, but still. I've only soldered maybe once in my life...
On to ROM switching, then. I used this tutorial to guide me through: http://www.incredibleforum.com/forum/htc-incredible-hacks/5514-flashing-roms-tutorial.html#post49612.
I've seen some threads about asop camera weirdness so I figured I'd try the strange one (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1932573) first. But, after a few different tries, I couldn’t get it to work…just got stuck on the white htc screen. After 25 minutes of waiting, I pulled out the battery and did the power-voldown thing to get to a menu. Then did a clockworkmod restore and tried andybonestock (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1392516) instead, which was successful in booting but not successful in starting my camera (BOO, but who is surprised). Went back to the asop a few more times (aeroevan kernel v14 and v15) as I’m thinking it has the best shot at a camera back door, but I just couldn’t get it to flash. White screen every time. I thought about doing ViperINC (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1953899) just for some variety but it uses more things I’m not familiar with (twrp? aroma? boot.img?) and I’m feeling done with this for the day. In any case it was a long shot, and if one ROM flash and a bunch of data clearing didn’t help, probably nothing will.
Looking like I may use this phone as a backup VOIP in the apartment (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=34335798&postcount=20). Off to probably get an Incredible 4G LTE. Maybe all of the steps outlined in this thread will help someone with a less-severe camera issue…

