[Kernel][JellyBean] Devil3_1.7.5 [18/10/12] - i9000 and i9000B - Galaxy S I9000 Android Development

This kernel is based on teamhacksung's kernel for Jellybean
Many Thanks to:
TK Glitch
sztupy, for his great work, to get usb host mode driver
F4k for the idea to flash bigmem libs
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Working on this kernel is taking many hours almost every day. With a small donation, you show me, that my work is appreciated by you.
If you like this kernel, please donate to me
Download link and changelog can be found here:
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Kernels with VC in the name are coming with Voodoo Color

changelog 02.08.2012:
- bug fix to bln, to prevent kernel panic in some situations (thx to thalamus)
- switched from deep_idle 2 to idle2 (also thx to thalamus)
- updated kernel to linux 3.0.38
- dockaudio sysfs for captivate and fascinate
IDLE2 can be enabled with the following command:
echo 0 > /sys/module/cpuidle/parameters/idle2_disabled
IDLE2 can be disabled with the following command:
echo 1 > /sys/module/cpuidle/parameters/idle2_disabled
Stats can be obtained from the standard cpuidle interface, which, for
IDLE2 is located at:
where * = 1, 2, 3
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changelog 27.07.2012:
- hack mfc driver, to give all available mem to an application, if the requested mem is more than the max. available (maybe useful later, does not change anything right now (afaik))
- fix execution of boot-patch.sh, disabled twice execution of init.d, enabled tv-out server for all devices (i9000 already had this)
- battery: fix charging display for car dock
- increase read-ahead on moviNAND
changelog 25.07.2012 part2:
- fixed cwm backup and restore for kernels without /datadata partition
changelog 25.07.2012:
- updated recovery (no "sdcard format"-bug anymore, external sd card is named correctly)
- vibrant: hopefully fixed froyo ril
- jellybean: galaxy s settings working now
changelog 22.07.2012:
- updated kernal base to linux 3.0.36
- updated "block" to linux 3.3
- readded fiops io scheduler (kept cfq this time)
- updated cwm recovery to (please create a new nandroid, because of possible incompatibilities between old/new recovery)
- compiled with linaro toolchain (gcc 4.7.1) and O3 compiler flags
- made uksm scan less often (save cpu time and power)
- at first boot: only delte init.d scripts created by other kernels
- increased usb write performance
- lowered ram and display voltages a little bit
- fixed some bugs related to devil settings (they should stick now after reboot, if set by one of the devil apps)
- support for scripts in /system/etc/shutdown.d (thx to Efpophis)
all scripts placed at /data/local/shutdown.d or /system/etc/shutdown.d get executed at shutdown/reboot
you can use this, to play a shutdown sound for example.
by default 00shutdown gets created, which plays a music file, when it is placed at one of these folders/places
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- disabled some debugging options
- audio (and for fascinate: camera fixes) by Efpophis+
- patch for improving batterie life by CML
- nfts read/write driver built in (for use with usb host mode)
- reverted refreshrate_mod and gpu_oc mod, as both weren't working
changelog 18.06.2012:
- some changes to load balancing
- added ultra ksm (metioned by zach thx for this my friend)
- readded fiops io scheduler (still experimental and could cause instablilities)
- using snappy compression for zram now (2 times faster, but only 2% less compression)
- added the possibility to change zram size (at /data/local/devil/zram_size, with valid values: 50, 75, 100 and 150 (all in mb))
- fixed the applying of user_min/max freq after reboot
- vibrant: fixed gps
- fascinate: fixed nandroid in cwm recovery
what is ksm? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_SamePage_Merging_(KSM)
uksm is more optimized and also working for single core systems. using this should give much better ram usage, but at the cost of more cpu usage
############# most probably not working (yet)##############
i have added seperate gpu oc from jt1134's galaxy_tab (to switch between 200 and 250 mhz), but i did not get any improvements in antutu...further tests needed
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/pvr_oc/pvr_oc (for 250 mhz)
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/pvr_oc/pvr_oc (for 200 mhz), no reboot needed
and also have changend default screen refreshrate from 60 to 56, with the possibility to change it:
echo 1 > /sys/kernel/refreshrate/enable (60 hz)
echo 0 > /sys/kernel/refreshrate/enable (56 hz)
changelog 10.06.2012:
cwm recovery:
- fixed mounting of external sd card to pc
- picked two commits from linux 3.0.32 (avoid a possible memory leak, small fix to ext4 driver)
- fixed wrong mount points
changelog 09.06.2012:
- updated Zram and Zcache from linux 3.3
- updated android binder driver from linux 3.3
- fixed restoring of backups within TWRP recovery
- added virtual buttons to cwm recovery (Attention: they still don't work!)
- call vol hack from tk glitch (take a look at init.d folder and edit the script to make changes to call vol hack)
- bigmem values get applied at first boot after power on (if there is a value at /data/local/devil/bigmem, 1 for 391 mb and 2 for 403 mb (the last one breaks 720p)
- prevent phantom key presses (from tk glitch)
changelog 24.05.2012:
- Smooth_ui included to ondemand, conservative, smartass, lulzactive, lagfree and lazy governor (only one setting for activating/deactivating it in general)
- 3 cpu governor presets (smooth, normal, powersave) for ondemand, conservative, smartass, lulzactive, lagfree (only one setting for switching the mode in general)
- no need for activating/deactivating of selective live_oc anymore --> just change target low and target high
- BLX back in
- fixes to devil idle to be more stable while in call
- 1,5 mb more ram (thanks to mialwe)
- added aroma filemanager to cwm recovery
- added fully working TWRP recovery optional to cwm recovery (to use TWRP, just create a file named "twrp" at /cache)
- added option to select ram config in kernel --> no need for flashing an other kernel to get more ram (thanks to stratosk)
- switched to new initramfs from stratosk and mialwe ( now there will be cmw zip and odin tar file of every kernel version)
- added possibility to use Zram instead of Swap
- no need for flashing/using special scripts to make swap/zram working anymore
- added zcache
- added frontpage
- added cleancache
- added fudgeswap (thanks to ezterry and faux123)
changelog 01.05.2012:
- all changes from cm9 stock kernel (including mount points option)
- some fine tuning to deadline and sio
- Devil Idle: limiting bus/ram/gpu speed to 100 mhz for 100-800 mhz cpu freq, while screen off (automatic mode) or always (permanet), both modes automatically reduce the int voltages of the affected freq by 50 mV
- compiled with swap support
- added stratosk's smooth_ui to lulzactive governor (activated by default)
- rest oc_value to 100 while screen off, and back when screen turns on (combined with devil idle automatic, can't be turn on/off without devil idle)
- added posibility for different voltages while screen off (also bundled with devil_idle, with default settings, stock arm voltages are applied, because of live_oc set to 100)
- added the possibility to set freq limits while screen off (min and max freq)
- even better fix to selective live_oc (last one (in test kernel) generated some overhead)
- fixed sampling rate of ondemand and conservative (have ported mialwe's/stratosk's sleep multipliers)
- new tunables for ondemand and conservativ
sleep multiplier and tunables:
mialwe and stratosk had the great idea, to change the sampling rate of conservative and ondemand governor while display of. for this, he introduced the sleepmultiplier (in his case factor 3). this means, if you set sampling rate to 20000, it changes to 60000 while screen off, and back, when screen on.
for ondemand and conservative:
i have made this multipliers tunable. proper values are between 1 and 5, because one could want a higher multiplier while screen off, if sampling rate is very low while screen on (higher sampling rate means, less checking for work load --> better batterie, worse performance). with this tunables you get better batterie, without making the performance worse while screen on.
two other tunables: up_threshold_min_freq and responsiveness_freq
the first one is a very low threshold while on low freq (by default 40), to make the governor scale up faster, until the responsiveness_freq is reached.
the responsiveness_freq is set to 400000 (400 mhz) by default. while the freq is below this value, up_threshold is the same as up_threshold_min_freq, and freq jumps to responsiveness_freq, with skipping the freq between the actual one and the responsiveness_freq. (conservative governor does not jump up to this step)
responsiveness_freq can be set to values between 100000 and 1400000
up_threshold_min_freq can be set to the same values as the normal up_threshold.
not tunable: while screen off, up_threshold is set to 95, no matter your other settings, to save more batterie.
up_threshold_min_freq is disbaled by default for conservative governor
for lulzactive:
for this governor, i did similar things, but they are not tunable till now.
when screen off:
- inc_cpu_load is set to 90, and back to the original value, when screen turns on
- up_sample_time is set to 50000, and back to the original value, when screen turns on
- down_sample_time is set to 40000, and back to the original value, when screen turns on
other changes:
- fix to touchwake from ezekeel, and another fix from stratosk
- upstream fix to compass
- building for i9000B now, too (big thanks to F4k for the hints by pn )
- removed some typos from recovery
- removed some annoying "no's" and "yes" from recovery in misc menu
- fixed wifi mode switch (pm_fast is the one with better signal)
- new b versions (only stock ram) changend to 377 mb, VC version needs the 720p fix from my ftp server. cmc version already patched
- updated wifi driver
- added the possibility to switch between wifi PM_Fast and PM_Max mode (Pm_Fast = better signal, PM_Max = better batterie, default is PM_Max)
- user interface to disable fsync (this gives more performace, at the risk of data loss on a crash, taken from ezekeel, so it should be ok ), default is off, to be safe
- fixed voodoo color kernels (these have the VC in their names)
- added vibrator intensity control (by mialwe), presets can be changend in recovery
- stock ram version now available (348 mb ram), XL (390 mb), XL_bm (402 mb)
- removed 1080 mhz freq for now
- small correction to touchwake
- small correction to selective live_oc (now the low freq really are not live_oc'ed)
- fixed bug in selective live_oc, which caused the target high not taking affect to the highest freq, if highest freq equals target high
- fixed another bug in selective live_oc, which could lead to gpu crashes due to overclocking the ram, but not the cpu freq (for low steps)
- added a switch to change between "normal" and selective live_oc
by changing the live_oc mode while using it, live_oc value is set back to 100, to prevent strange things
- added possibility to set max. freq for boot (in recovery). This freq is set until init.d is executeted (it is automatically set to 1000 at this point, to make sure there are no conflicts with other cpu settings from users)
#Already in the last version, but i forgot about it:
- deep idle fixes from stratosk (many thanks)
- added possibility to underclock by using live_oc (limit is 90 now, which means lowering all freq and bus speed by 10%, to save more batterie when really needed)
For now there are three different RAM versions:
- stock mem kernel has 379 mb ram, everything working
- "slim ics" (XL) kernel comes with 390 mb, this is breaking playback of some high resolution videos
- XL_BM is coming with 402 mb ram, but breaking 720p
(while flashing the kernel, the modded rom files are also flashed, so you don't need to flash a new rom to get 379 or 390 mb)
-added new frequency: 1080 mhz (1100 does not like live_oc)
- fixed SmartassV2 for live_oc (after changing live_oc value, you have to change the smartass values, too, but then they automatically apply to the live_oc value (although you can only select 800 mhz in nstools (for example))
- touch recovery with custom devil menu (for some reason it takes a few seconds to load the first time, missing virtual keys is a warning, because there are no virtual keys yet)
-fast charge (thx to chad0989 for this), disabled by default.
you also can use the widget from chad (to place on homescreen) to toggle the fast_charge mode
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while fast charge is activated you cannot connect as usb device
- added datafix script to init.d (this script is deactivated by deafult. to make it work, you have to creat a file named datafix and placed in /data/local/)
- reworking and cleaning many parts to get more ram, speed, and stability
- updated sio i/o scheduler to latest version
- small updates to ondemand and conservative governor from linux 3.2
- bettter performance for CFS kernel due to tuning and patches
- tuning to deadline scheduler
- better i/o performance
- changed bootlogo (probably not the last time )
- finally working bln V9 (no need for LED2 anymore)
- fixed lockscreen freezes
- reverted memory tweaks, which could be the reason for lagging after using a day
- again wlan fixes from tk-glitch
- tweaked conservative and ondemand governor (conservative still is not too aggressive)
- added dm-cache again (who has removed this from my github? )
- improve usb signal quality
- xcaliburinhand's dock audio support (untested, do not have a dock)
- less debugging
- fixed kernel version not displayed under "about phone"
- Added newest Fiops scheduler (tuned for more performance)
- When Gpu is active, min CPU freq is set to second lowest step
- fixes to live_oc and custom voltage
- default mount parameter NOATIME and NODIRATIME (faster)
- updated Wifi drivers (thanks to tk-glitch)
- tuned intellidemand for better performance
- removed some stuff (zram, swap, tweaks to cpufreq untill I know what was causing the instabilities of last build)
- added Touchwake
- added BLX
- upgraded BLN from V8 to V9 (working for missed calls, blinking or static light, configurabel by using NSTools or BLN Pro App)
- added Intellidemand governor
- added mdnie settings to voodoo color version
- readded deep idle v2 again (I think it is the best/only working one, although
- version with CFS (instead of BFS) now also available (maybe better multitasking and batterie life, but slower)
- removed BFQ I/O Scheduler
- tons of smaller fixes and improvements
-revert: Voodoo Sound now to be set with DSP Manager
- Linux kernel 3.1.10
- Deep Idle from Eugene373 (always enabled, no stats)
- added BFQ v 3.1 I/O Scheduler
- Voodoo Sound now to be set with DSP Manager
- Zram (can be disabled by removing Zram file from init.d)
- Zcache and Cleancache (not working yet?)
- optimized rwsem algorithm
- USB Host V5
- init.d support (the folder is not created by the kernel. You have to do it for yourself)
- Deep Idle V2 back in
- new Cpu governors: MinMax, Lagfree, Lulzactiv
- LED V2 (you can set blinking by using nstools, also working for missed calls in most cases (sometimes it is not working for missed calls, don't know why at the moment))
- Backlight Dimmer (only LED version): used to turn led backlight of, while screen is on, after defined period of time. Deactivating it, makes your backlight stay on all the time
- I/O-less dirty throttling completely backported from kernel 3.2
- Ext4 with 3.2 patches
- Proportional Rate Reduction for TCP - by Google
- USB Host V 4
- Usb Host drivers integrated
- Cm9 Color adjustment
- Removed Deep Idle because of Bluetooth problems (hopefully it will come back, still testing)
- Updated Kernel basis to Linux 3.1.9
- fixed bug in cpu spy, caused by live_oc
- still using voodoo color for now, maybe two additional kernel versions tomorrow
Atention: kernels with i9000B in the name, are to flash only for i9000b devices!
files with .zip have to be flashed within recovery (twrp or cwm)
files with .tar can be flashed by using odin or heimdall (they are placed at the end of post 3)
http://rootaxbox.no-ip.org/divers/jellybean/ many thanks to Rootax
http://devil.haxer.org/ many thanks to SysTem-X (not updatet yet)

going to be filled soon

Great work as always
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk 2

i am sorry to tell you this, but cwm backups are not working, because i have forgotten to remove the /datadata partition from cwm, but this, of course, can't be mounted

Sorry, I'm confused...so the latest version 1.0.3 shouldn't work on your jb rom because it has /datadata?

Szighy said:
Sorry, I'm confused...so the latest version 1.0.3 shouldn't work on your jb rom because it has /datadata?
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only cwm backup does not work
edit: i should have read your post better....yes, it doesn't work on my rom. kernel for my rom can by found at my rom thread, where you already found it

DerTeufel1980 said:
only cwm backup does not work
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hm...not what i asked first i tried to flash a kernel from the link in this thread on your rom, and it wouldn't boot, then i found the ones with /datadata now it's working fine...

Fantastic work.Really good combo cm10 and this kernel.

Great work man.

Nice kernel, work with 0723, very smooth n fast...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app

I' ve problem to get the new kernel work on Slim JB V5 ?
the Devil 3.1.00 RC4 ist working good, but when i install the new kernel the i9000 ist always hangin on the devil boot screen!
when i flash back to 3.1 rc4 it works

alwo1303 said:
I' ve problem to get the new kernel work on Slim JB V5 ?
the Devil 3.1.00 RC4 ist working good, but when i install the new kernel the i9000 ist always hangin on the devil boot screen!
when i flash back to 3.1 rc4 it works
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i guess the rom is too old, and does not have the new hw composer to use "butter".

Tested, work with 0725.:thumbup:
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app

I've got a problem when I install the kernel.
I'm on your ROM V6, and when I flash the kernel it reboot but it's going back to the recovery and say "can't mount SDCARD installation aborted" and it's bootlooping.
I've flashed back the kernel 1.0.2 and it's ok.

kuribo67 said:
I've got a problem when I install the kernel.
I'm on your ROM V6, and when I flash the kernel it reboot but it's going back to the recovery and say "can't mount SDCARD installation aborted" and it's bootlooping.
I've flashed back the kernel 1.0.2 and it's ok.
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The op says, that this kernel is not for my rom. You find the link to the correct ones at the rom thread
Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk 2

installed on 25/07 build and didn't notice anything wrong so far :good:

This Kernel works with the mkalter V6 ROM???

thank u for Jb kernel thread :good:
i think this change need to be in kernel ?

yahyoh said:
thank u for Jb kernel thread :good:
i think this change need to be in kernel ?
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AFAIK, you can also add that line to init.aries.rc file in system root /


[kernel][JW4/5/6] mngb-0.5.7/12-06-18

The Midnight kernel (mngb) is a personal project aiming for "average", daily use and stability. Not benchmark performance. Nothing fancy. I really liked the Speedmod kernel while using Froyo but missed some features so 2011/07 I decided to work on this kernel which has now been completely rebuilt 2012/06 using latest Samsung sources.
Big thanks to Mahd for tenacious testing and beeing patient with me, all users, donators and developers and especially stratosk, hardcore, supercurio (Voodoo), koush (CWM), neldar (BLN) and everybody else developing Open Source software, helping or reporting.
- for Samsung JW4/5/6 based firmware, support for RFS and EXT4 partitions
- autoROOT, init.d support
- optional overclocking to 1.128Ghz, undervolting support
- Midnight SMOOVE CPU governor, SmartAssV2, SIO IO scheduler, 366Mb RAM \w full video capabilities
- backlightnotification (use BLN Control), VoodooSound10 (use VoodooControl)
- some tweaks, removed debug stuff
- for ADB users: adb shell remount
- extended CWM
--> reinstall/remove su/busybox/Superuser
--> backup/restore/delete Nandroid FULL/DATA-only/SYSTEM-only
--> extended cleanup options (sounds, bloatware and unneeded system-apps (profiles ~ 0.7-60Mb)
--> choose 800Mhz/1Ghz/1.128Ghz maxfreq
--> choose Smoove, Conservative, Ondemand, SmartAssV2 governor
--> toggle logger/tun/bthid modules, Noop, touchscreen sensitivity, shorter touchLED timeout, init.d
--> set screen gamma and RGB profile
Stock frequencies, SMOOVE, SIO, all options disabled.
Flash from sdcard using sgs-kernel flasher, flash extracted zImage using Heimdall or flash downloaded TAR archive with Odin
DOWNLOAD (changelog @ post #2)
[B]0.5.8 / 2012-06-18[/B]
- CWM: readded uv menu
[B]0.5.7 / 2012-06-17[/B]
- added SmartAssV2 CPU governor
- support for EXT4 partitions is back (thanks ZaneZam for reporting and testing)
- some internal [URL="https://github.com/mialwe/mngb/commits/master"]kernel patches/enhancements[/URL]
- CWM: MNGB menu for kernel options
- CWM: menus for CPU max frequency and governors
[B]0.5.6 / 2012-06-12[/B]
- lowered screen-off CPU sampling_rate
- removed old lower brightness adjustment formula
[B]0.5.5 / 2012-06-05[/B]
- bugfix: ROM->privacy->factory reset works for RFS now - thanks Mahd for the bug report
- sampling_rate 23000
- logcat toggle via CWM
- auto removal of MidnightControl.apk
[B]0.5.3 / 2012-06-02[/B]
- bugfix: Superuser/SU don't get replaced at every boot anymore
- bugfix: Odin TAR works now as intended
[B]0.5.1 / 2012-06-02[/B]
- added Midnight SMOOVE CPU governor
- added updated Ondemand governor (from MNICS)
- completely rebuilt kernel using Samsungs 2012/05 sources
- removed MidnightControl, Nexus display drivers
- included only the most important features
[B][COLOR="Red"]------- NEW NAME (mngb), NEW BASE SOURCES (Samsung 2012), JW4/5/6 ONLY ------[/COLOR][/B]
[B]0.9.0 / 2012-03-07[/B]
- bugfix: Ondemand governor should be faster again
- sampling rate 40000->20000 for Conservative governor
- updated SIO scheduler sources
[B]0.8.9 / 2012-02-28[/B]
- added 1.128Ghz step (arm/int.volt 1300/1100)
- added lowmemorykiller MODERATE (56Mb) preset
- added generic gamma adjustment (-30-0)to MidnightControl
- added LED timeout adjustment (100-2000ms) to MidnightControl
- changed gamma default (reducing oversaturation like in 0.8.8)
- changed 1.2Ghz arm/int.volt to 1350/1100
- ported Conservative governor from Midnight-ICS
- removed 800Mhz max. freq when screen-off
- back to JW1 proprietary initramfs modules (last "official" version)
[B]0.8.8 / 2012-02-07[/B]
- app: fix for users not having /system/bin/cat
- app: fixed Midnight kernel version display
- kernel: reverted some optimizations after instability reports -> 342Mb RAM
- kernel: raised 1.2Ghz arm.voltage 1310mV -> 1325mV
- initramfs: changed CFS values, testing...
[B]0.8.7 / 2012-01-31[/B]
- kernel: 343Mb RAM, front cam picture works \w JW1, probably not \w JVU)
- kernel: removed more debug stuff for slightly more performance, less overhead
- kernel: back to stock bootlogo
- kernel: Nexus tl2796, configurable lower brightness (5 levels)
- kernel: RGB multiplier support based on [URL="https://github.com/project-voodoo/linux_samsung/blob/nexus-s-voodoo/drivers/video/samsung/s3cfb_tl2796.c"]Supercurios great work[/URL]
- kernel: Conservative governor adjustments
- kernel: bthid compiled as module
- kernel: int.volt slightly raised (1100->1125mV) for 1.2Ghz (stability)
- CWM: removed a lot of potentially unneeded stuff
- CWM: added remove Email.apk, GMaps options
- CWM: added "block-MidnightControl-settings-next-boot" option
- initramfs: updated to JVU modules
- initramfs: SIO and 128Kb (yes) sdcard read_ahead_kb default
- initramfs: improved read_ahead_kb for /cache, /dbdata, /system
- initramfs: adjusted default LMK, starts working at 65Mb RAM now
- initramfs: HOME_APP_ADJ=1 again
- MidnightControl app
[B]0.8.4 / 2011-12-17[/B]
- Bugfix: Ondemand/deepsleep-patch (thanks Stratosk)
- Bugfix: Logcat incomplete when loaded as module
- CWM: 3 touch sensitivity options back
- Initramfs: shortend /proc/mem output in /data/user.log
- Initramfs: JW1-modules
- Initramfs: Pikachu01's latest CFS values
[B]0.8.3 / 2011-12-10[/B]
- Bugfix: Removed Ondemand/deep-sleep patch, somehow caused frequency to be 800Mhz > 40% time if connected to AC charger and sleeping.
- Disabled SAMPLING_DOWN_FACTOR again, testing
- 341Mb RAM, testing
[B]0.8.2-4 / 2011-12-08[/B]
- initramfs: JVZ-module, new CFS values (testing)
- kernel: Ondemand/[URL="http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commit;h=3f78a9f7fcee0e9b44a15f39ac382664e301fad5"]SAMPLING_DOWN_FACTOR[/URL] implemented
- cwm: /mnt/sdcard compatibility
- cwm: handles mount for /sbin/mount to prevent issues when mounting from update/CWM-ZIP
- cwm: support for /dbdata mounts, /datadata completely removed
[COLOR="Red"] CAUTION: create new backups, Midnight 0.8 Nandroid
backups (containing datadata)...tar won't be completely restored.[/COLOR]
[B]0.8.0 / 2011-12-03[/B]
- Big thanks to [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1112908"]stratosk[/URL] for letting me use his CWM3 initramfs as base initramfs
- Big thanks to [URL="https://github.com/project-voodoo/linux_samsung"]supercurio[/URL] for taking some time to confirm my assumptions about a nasty RFS bug and my bugfix ideas
- Big thanks to [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1225879"]madrooster[/URL] for a helping hand regarding my build environment when switching to CWM4.
- Big thanks to Mahd and Scheichuwe for testing ;)
- Thank you guys. A lot.
- CWM4
- CWM: Rearranged menus
- CWM: EXT4 and RFS support
- CWM: Backported CWM5 TAR Nandroid
- CWM: Supports FULL, DATA- and SYSTEM-only Nandroid
- CWM: Added "remove Nandroid backup" option
- CWM: Added more IPv4/6 security tweaks
- CWM: Manage TUN module/IPvX security tweak issue
- CWM: Added Advanced->Misc->Toggle NO-autoROOT
- CWM: Added Advanced->Misc->Toggle NO-MidnightTweaks
- CWM: Added Backup/Restore->SystemUI, framework-res
- CWM: Added Cleanup->Delete *a-lot-of-bloat* options
- CWM: Added 64/128/256Kb to READ_AHEAD menu
- CWM: Moved touchscreen sensitivity to Advanced options->misc
- CWM: Removed "delete S_volt_scheduler" as init.d can be disabled
- CWM: Removed "delete init.d" as init.d can be disabled
- CWM: Removed RFS/EXT4 conversion due to unresolved issues
- CWM: Added multiple bloatware/systemapp cleanup options (0.7-52Mb)
- Initramfs: JVU updated, completely rebuilt (multiple times :) )
- Initramfs: autoROOT (re-checked every boot)
- Initramfs: added remount script for adb users (adb shell remount)
- Initramfs: slightly adjusted some tweaks
- Initramfs: testing [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1296927"]pikachu01's[/URL] CFS values
- Kernel: Midnight bootlogo
- Kernel: Added [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1266051"]newmails[/URL] great Ondemand patch
--[COLOR="Red"]Be sure to reduce undervolting mV if you experience reboots[/COLOR]
- Kernel: Added SIO scheduler
- Kernel: Some minor tweaks (99% 0.7.6)
- Adjusted lowmemorykiller settings
- everything I forgot since 2011/10...
[B]0.7.6 / 2011-10-07[/B]
- bugfix: su/superuser not working
- slightly lowered conservative thresholds to 55/up)/35(down)
- some text changes in CWM cleanup menu
[B]0.7.5 / 2011-10-07[/B]
- raised 1.2Ghz voltage from 1300mV to 1310mV (stability)
- removed 1.3Ghz
- updated su/superuser to 3.0.2-efgh
- updated to proprietary JVT modules
[B]0.7.3 / 2011-10-02[/B]
- hybrid overclocking:
-- defaults to 100-200-400-800-1000Mhz, stock voltages
-- 1.2Ghz (1300mV) [B]or[/B] 1.3Ghz(1375mV) can be enabled via CWM
-- when overclocking 1Ghz freq. will remain enabled as additional freq. step
[B]0.7.2 / 2011-10-01[/B]
- removed 1.3Ghz again
[B]0.7.1 / 2011-09-30[/B]
- switched to 7 freq/5 step version (100/200/400/800/1000/1200/1300Mhz)
- slightly optimized conservative governor
-- up_threshold 60, down_threshold 45, code uses freq. lookup table
- CWM: Added "Unroot" option to cleanup menu
- CWM: load TUN module
- updated su/superuser to 3.0-efgh
[B] 0.6.7 / 2011-09-25[/B]
- adapted JVS initramfs
- should work with JVQ/JVR/JVS (wifi issues /w JVS expected, none reported...)
- CWM: added autobackup for all cleanup menu options
- CWM: added restore option for cleanup menu options
- CWM: added partition size/free space stats in ROOT and cleanup menus
- extended/cleaned up debug output in /data/user.log
[B] 0.6.5 / 2011-09-23[/B]
- bugfix: set read_ahead value to 512 as default again
- added debug output in /data/user.log
[B] 0.6.4 / 2011-09-22[/B]
- bugfix: fixed uv values not beeing applied
- bugfix: cpufreq-stats not beeing loaded, UV/OC-Apps should work again
[B] 0.6.3 / 2011-09-22[/B]
-bugfix: fixed bootloop if not using manual LMK slot 1 value (thanks Pfiffle for the hint)
[B] 0.6.2 / 2011-09-22[/B]
- bugfix: undervolting presets 10/11 working
- bugfix: voodoo sound FM should work now
- CWM: added manual undervolting mV setting (5mV steps)
- CWM: added manual lowmemorykiller setting (1Mb step)
- CWM: Toggle init.d support ([COLOR="Red"]default: disabled[/COLOR], enable it if needed)
- CWM: restructured, added IDs to larger tables (presets, uv, lmk, read_ahead)
- adjusted ondemand up_threshold (90->85%)
- color temperature set to 6900k
- play repeating samsung bootanimation if dalvik-cache cleared
- some minor tweak adjustments
- implemented [URL="https://github.com/kangsterizer/android_kernel_samsung/blob/android-samsung-2.6.35/drivers/input/keyboard/cypress-touchkey.c"]kangsterizers touckey backlight timeout procedures[/URL], lowered timeout to 0.5 sec.
[B] 0.6.1 / 2011-09-17[/B]
- CWM: bugfix, enabled option 11 in UV menu
- CWM: added [default] marker, added IDs to UV settings
[B] 0.6.0 / 2011-09-17[/B]
- Upgraded proprietary modules to JVR
- minor speed tweaks
- added VR IO scheduler
- adjusted some tweaks ([URL="https://github.com/mialwe/midnight-i9000-initramfs/blob/0c310e9f73ba69947bf94c9125e4a1a3565543d3/sbin/post-init.sh"]sources here[/URL])
- toggle CPU 1.0/1.2Ghz via sysfs + reloading cpufreq_stats module (thanks to stratosk for his great idea to switch the frequency via 2 functions in cpu-freq.c)
- lots of new CWM options:
-- shutdown from CWM
-- choose CPU max.freq 400/800/1000 [B]or[/B] 1200Mhz (=4 steps)
-- choose CPU governor (conservative, ondemand)
-- choose CPU undervolting preset (10 presets for now)
-- choose lowmemorykiller preset (7 presets for now, 4th value=process killer)
-- choose IO scheduler (noop, vr, deadline, cfq)
-- choose read_ahead (sdcards) 512/1024/2048/3064/4096kB
-- choose touchscreen sensitivity presets (stock + 3 presets for now, testing...)
-- moved filesystem conversion to seperate menu
-- option to delete local.prop, S_volt_scheduler and Midnight config files
[B] 0.1.5 - 0.5.4-test / 2011-08-27[/B]
- sources updated [URL="https://github.com/mialwe"]@github[/URL]
- interesting dev links updated @github
- recovery source uploaded @github
- slightly raised LMK values for slot 4/5/6, values are now 12288,13312,15360 (48/52/60Mb) (responisveness+, testing)
- compiled without OABI compatibility (speed+, found @talon, testing)
- removed "sysctl -w vm.oom_kill_allocating_task=1" (concurrs with LMK and [URL="http://www.imoseyon.com/2011/01/oom-and-android.html"][B]maybe[/B] doesn't even work[/URL]?)
- removed setprop pm.sleep_mode 1 (safety, not enough information)
- raised /proc/sys/vm settings a little bit:
-- echo "3000" > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs # flush after 30sec.
-- echo "3000" > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs # pages expire after 30sec.
-- echo "10" > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio # flush pages later (default 5% active mem)
-- echo "25" > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_ratio
- small fix: executing initscripts with filename starting with digits, too (e.g. "99SuperCharger")...
- toolchain 2010q1
- VoodooSound FM enabled
- tiny bugfix, disabled more debug stuff
- CWM option: toggle sdcard read_ahead 2048kB tweak
- disabled more debug stuff
- CONFIG_HZ 250hz
- lowmemorykiller values to 48/52Mb for slots 5/6
- moved HOME_APP to slot 0
- disabled touchscreen tweaks (stuttering issues for some users)
- reimplemented missing WARM/COLD mode setting in CWM (advanced options/optional features)
- implemented clean init.d via CWM
- implemented remove all custom bootanimations via CWM
- implemented remove boot/shutdown sounds (for space to root) via CWM
- bugfix: set conservative governor as default (again) instead of ondemand
- disabled powersave/performance governors
- stability: reverted/removed some tweaks set in initramfs
- stability: RAM back to 336 for testing
- merged Galaxy Tab mdnie module with Speedmod sharpness/color
- slightly tweaked color temperature (testing)
- pushed color saturation (testing)
- added some touch behaviour tweaks (testing)
- added some prop settings for battery and proximity sensor
- disabled iostats (less overhead)
- missing liblights lib installer for BLN implemented
- USB tethering *should* work now
- conservative governor tweaked for 1Ghz max (1.2Ghz still possible)
- reverted various speed/mem tweaks from 0.3.8 (have to test them more)
- merged Galaxy Tab _mdnie module (testing)
- merged simple Voodoo color settings for UI only (testing)
- set color temperature to 6700k (testing)
- working bootanimations (thanks stratosk)
- more tweaked CONSERVATIVE governor
- [B]max. Voltage for 1.2Ghz raised to 1300mV[/B] (because of stability issues with 1275mV)
- various mem/speed improvements for testing ([URL="https://github.com/mialwe/midnight-i9000-initramfs/blob/master/sbin/post-init.sh"]see Github[/URL])
- more tweaked CONSERVATIVE governor
- disabled non-working umounting options in recovery
- Speedmods' initramfs with CWM2.5 re-implemented as conversion EXT4/RFS now works. mount options in CWM -> mount & storage still don't work, tested Speedmod-T24 where they did not work, too.
- Module version in .config now empty (LOCALVERSION)
- reverted file moving of tvoutserver start in initramfs
- new samsung sources merged, still recovery3e only
- switched back to recovery3e due to umounting issues with Speedmod CWM2.5
- slightly tweaked CONSERVATIVE CPU governor default, switch back to ONDEMAND with e.g. setCPU or VoltageControl or similar apps
- testing: autom. su-installation, init.d-support via initramfs
- kernel features and patchfile unchanged to 0.1.9
- BLN support
- VoodooSound10
- 341Mb RAM (wasn't able to produce anything better than those values used by other kernels, too. 720p recording without sound on my external sdcard, *with* sound on internal...)
- readded debug.sf.hw=1 to default.prop for possible hardware ui acceleration (did no harm on my device)
- removed CFQ tweaks from initramfs as NOOP is used
- removed SLQB for now, felt weird on my device
- first XDA release
- removed debug.sf.hw=1 from default.prop again for testing
- [URL="https://github.com/existz/galaxys-i9000-OC-kernel-source-patches/blob/master/oc120v400-source.patch"]UV/OC[/URL] (1,2Ghz, 1300mV possible) (thanks exitz)
[B]0.0.1 - 0.1.4 / 2011-08 / (not published)[/B]
- first build experiments, added features step by step.
- struggled with initramfs, finally extracted JVQ initramfs
- ported Speedmods' recovery and scripts
Nice to see a new kernel dev for the i9000. Welcome!
Oh wow, something new to flash I'll just wait for some feedback, and give it a try
That was really nice of you to thank everyone that way. I can rarely see this on the forums..
Nice kernel, hope you will become big and probably a new ROM chef in the near future, who knows...
Wish you all the best.
I wish you all good! You don't need to be programmer or anyone else like that to make something big, just keep your mind open for new challenges and see what ppl says, do not give up and do not be discouraged by some of them
Here is a .tar image and a cwm .zip
Congratulation for your new kernel. more kernel choice for me.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Thank you for your kind "welcome", I'm glad to be able to give something back to XDA.
@Lukiqq: Jup, I'm not a full-time programmer but made some experiences with BASIC/Python/Bash/little bit of C/C++, even looked into Java about 10 Years ago and mainly PHP/MySQL/CSS (+ a little bit of MS SQL @work) since starting with BASIC/PASCAL almost 20 years ago (2086XT,black/yellow monitor ). I like code of all kinds but just don't have enought time to learn...
@pingpong: Thank you for the packages, just answered your PM.
thanks m8 will try this...keep up the good work.....cheeerz
No Bootanimation support??
As I'm using Speedmods' initramfs bootanimation should work as /system/media/bootanimation.zip. Never used it myself, though.
Prepared 0.1.8 with Voodoo10, 341Mb RAM and updated Patchfile (to work with -p1 ) but did a "make clean" before saving a zImage backup so this will be here tomorrow as I'm doing a recompile this night. Have made a copy using this which works on my device but I'm not sure about uploading this DD-zImage...
Edit: Recompiled and uploaded. Near midnight...
Thank you for your work @mialwe!
- 0.1.9 uploaded, includes BLN support (tested with bln pro app and Gmail).
- cleaning up first post a bit
- thinking of uploading my build script... maybe useful for someone...
mialwe keep the good work and thanks for this kernel i will stay tunned
Good to see new kernels coming up. All the best . Gonna give it a spin tonight.
Edit - Sorry didnt work out for me "Bootloops" went back to semaphore via odin.
Juwes 5.2
Good kernel, stable and fast. Looking at all day behaviour the next days.
Thanks for the good work.
Very good kernel fast stable. I love it
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
@all: Glad it works for most of you
I'm thinking of tweaking conservative governor to scale up a bit faster, should give better battery as conservative steps up frequency after frequency - ondemand uses highest frequency much faster.
@DonVito2020: If you flashed via CWM - the CWM script does not include any clear-cache or clear-dalvik-cache actions (and does not erase any init.d-script btw), maybe this would have been an option to try - reboot to recovery, clear caches from there, reboot again and check if you get bootloops.
Is the CWM 2.5 version you use compatible to 3.x CWM installpacks? Like Modems etc?

[KERNEL][AT&T][AOSP/TW][4.1/4.2/4.3/4.4][07/11/2014] KT747 - ND8 - KTweaker

This thread is being consolidated! Please click on this link to go to the unified DevDB thread.
Previous information is retained below for reference only.
Ktoonsez presents:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
KT747 Jellybean kernel features
•Must have a AT&T, TMO, Bell, Rogers or Telus Samsung ROM to use the Sammy Kernel
•Must have a AT&T, TMO, Bell, Rogers or Telus AOSP ROM to use the AOSP Kernel
•Must have custom recovery installed: (Here is one suggestion: http://www.epiccm.org/2012/06/team-epics-root-from-recovery.html)
•Linux kernel 3.0.69 + 3.4.95
•Samsung open source
•Optimized kernel configuration
•Updated USB driver
•Updated wifi driver
•custom bootanimation
•unsecure root adb
•init.d support
•Voltage interface
•CPU Overclocking
•CPU Underclocking
•Boots on stock table (USE KTweaker app to enable OC steps all the way to 2106mhz)
•Fastcharging for USB/Car Charger (you must be unplugged before turn fast charge on or off, also Fast Charge DISABLES USB connection to your PC)
•KTweaker app for kernel control
•KTweaker Widget
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
******* END OF LIFE *******
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
***** IMPORTANT *****
If you are using my ktoonservative governor with the Touchwiz JELLYBEAN version, you should rename /system/bin/qosmgr to /system/bin/qosmgr.bak to prevent battery drain
Always do the following AFTER installing the kernel:
1. Clear cache
2. Clear dalvik
3. Fix Permissions
Ktoonsez Boot Animation zip file , thanks danesusername
BUG Reports
To get better help I need to know what ROM you are on (Name and whether it is Sammy or AOSP and Jellybean or ICS).
Post #2 will be reserved for change logs
Post #3 will be reserved for MY SETTINGS, Extras and FAQ's
Link to a list of previous builds
AOSP VERSION: Download CWM flashable zip kernel
Touchwiz Version: Download CWM flashable zip kernel
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
AOSP JELLYBEAN: Download CWM flashable zip kernel
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sources can be found here:
Change Log 07.03.2014
1. Linux 3.4.90
2. Linux 3.4.91
3. Linux 3.4.92
4. Linux 3.4.93
5. Linux 3.4.94
6. Linux 3.4.95
7. Ramdisk sync with CM from 7/3/2014
8. All caught up to CM latest commits (June 28th)
Change Log 06.01.2014
1. 100+ commits from CM
2. Ramdisk update
3. THIS VERSION IS ONLY MEANT FOR CM 11 DATED 06.02 OR NEWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are on any other ROM, it may not work until they have updated to latest.
Touchwiz - Change Log 05.12.2014
1. Merged in all the good KT stuff (should be 100%) into 4.4.2 for Touchwiz including:
2. OC/UC/UV, governors, schedulers, screen off stuff.....
3. Included my newest KTweaker from S4 and seems to be working just fine for the testers so I will keep it in there. If you have problems, remove it and reboot and then put the old one in its place from previous release from AOSP zip.
4. Updated GPU driver/governor code to my S4 standards so you should notice the GPU idle speed stay nice and low instead of Samsung code keeping it at 320 all the time.
5. Thats all I can think of.
AOSP - Change Log 05.12.2014
1. Upgrade GPU driver/governors to my S4 version
2. Included my newest KTweaker from the S4, people have said that it is running just fine and love the updated interface. You will have to start over on your settings so be aware of that before flashing.
3. 99% of the data is now stored in /internal sdcard/KTweaker/ now instead of /data/data..... So when you need to clear out KTweaker, you need to do the normal "Force Stop" and "Clear Data" plus deleting the /internal sdcard/KTweaker/ folder
Change Log 05.07.2014
1. Kernel sync with CM
2. Ramdisk sync with CM
3. Linux 3.4.86
4. Linux 3.4.87
5. Linux 3.4.88
6. Linux 3.4.89
Change Log 3.28.2014
1. Linux 3.4.83
2. Linux 3.4.84
3. CM sync
4. Ramdisk sync with CM
Change Log 03.09.2014
1. Update Ramdisk for CMs new framework file to fix phone FC
2. A bunch of interactive governor updates
3. A bunch of ondemand governor updates
4. Lots of zcache updates/patches
5. remove extraneous loop in apexq camera driver
Change Log 1.28.2014
1. CM commit sync
2. A couple Ramdisk updates
4. Compass patch for Canadian variant from lambgx02 :good:
Change Log 1.24.2014
1. CM sync
2. exFAT upgrade
3. CAF updates from codeaurora
4. Ramdisk updates
Change Log 01.18.2014
1. Linux 3.4.77
2. Linux 3.4.76
3. Linux 3.4.75
4. KTweaker: Point KTweaker Shop to S3 section now that @Perseus71 has kindly made some S3 versions of the Profiles
5. 103 merges from CM as of 10:25 PM west coast time 1/18.
6. Fast charge should be fixed for TW 4.3 for the few people it wasnt working for.
Change Log 01.15.2014
1. KTweaker: New feature to set a password to get into the UI (Under Extras - > UI Password). Feature is disabled by default leaving password blank.
2. KT Logo is back
3. Added BIC TCP Congestion control
4. Added HSTCP TCP Congestion control
5. Added HYBLA TCP Congestion control
6. Added HTCP TCP Congestion control
7. Added VEGAS TCP Congestion control
8. Added RENO TCP Congestion control
9. Added SCALABLE TCP Congestion control
10. Added LP TCP Congestion control
11. Added YEAH TCP Congestion control
12. Added ILLINOIS TCP Congestion control
Change Log 01.14.2014
1. bcmdhd: update to latest d2 source drop (i535's ML1)
2. Added BIC TCP Congestion control
3. Added HSTCP TCP Congestion control
4. Added HYBLA TCP Congestion control
5. Added HTCP TCP Congestion control
6. Added VEGAS TCP Congestion control
7. Added RENO TCP Congestion control
8. Added SCALABLE TCP Congestion control
9. Added LP TCP Congestion control
10. Added YEAH TCP Congestion control
11. Added ILLINOIS TCP Congestion control
12. Updated ramdisk
Change Log 12.20.2013
1. ramdisk: Added wpa/wifi supplicant fix
2. ramdisk: Update healthd binary (I.E. battery fix)
3. fsa9485: sync with 4.3 source drop
4. Enable Smartdock support
5. Update defconfig
Change Log 12.03.2013
1. Add westwood tcp congestion option
2. Add faux Simple GPU gov
3. Linux 3.4.70
4. Linux 3.4.71
5. 8 million updates from CM
Change Log 11.23.2013
1. Merge "Fix Framebuffer console Oops" into cm-11.0
2. memcg: add memory.pressure_level events
3. add extra free kbytes tunable
4. msm: vidc: Check validity of userspace address
5. Merge "msm: vidc: Check validity of userspace address" into cm-11.0
6. msm: vidc: Validate userspace buffer count before using it
7. msm: vidc: Validate userspace buffer count
8. fs: Add exFAT file system
Change Log 11.17.2013
1. Sync with CM 11
2. Updated ramdisk
Changelog 11.13.2013
1. Added Kitkat version
Change Log 10.27
1. CM Sync
2. apexq: move if to support logo on certain panel revs
3. Prima
4. msm: pil-riva: allow forcing of insecure mode"
5. KTweaker update for GPU voltage steps limited to 25mV instead of 5 which caused issues for some people
Change Log 10.20
1. 100% caught up with CM
2. LOTS of Linux and video/gpu updates
3. Too many to list, if u want full list, Go here and its page 1-6 (October 3- 19)
Change Log 8.31.2013
1. GPU Voltage Control - Stock voltages are 945 1050 1150 from LOW to HIGH. Be sure to go to Voltage screen for GPU and set them up and click Apply or Wipe data for KTweaker and set the voltages for GPU.
2. CM Catchup.
Change Log 8.23.2013
1. You must be running newest AOSP ROM for thisUpdated with CM latest
2. Fix KTweaker issue for setting Trinity Colors
Change Log 8.21
1. CM sync
2. Fix ramdisk issues for AOSP
3. Upgrade Linaro toolchain
4. Added exFat official Samsung support files!!!!!!!!!
Change Log 7.18.2013
1. Linux 3.4.49 thru 52
2. Catchup with CM
Change Log 6.8.2013
1. Linux 3.4.48
2. Bluetooth patch from CM for people that cant get bluetooth to work
3. Updated wifi driver to version 1.61.47 from the GT-9505 source
4. Changed Trinity Colors to use CM's interface witht the 5 options. Still need to cycle screen off then on to take effect.
5. KTweaker: Trinity colors 5 options
6. KTweaker: TCP Options under "Extras" screen to tweak wifi driver. Experiment on your own to find best results :good:
Change Log 5.17.2013
1. Couple little Linux patches
2. Fixed Bluetooth issue, where certain people could NOT connect to there device
3. Thats it..........
Change Log 5.14.2013
1. Merged in AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. from codeaurora.org
2. Merged in AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. from codeaurora.org
3. Merged in AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. from codeaurora.org
4. Merged in AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. from codeaurora.org
5. Merged in AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. from codeaurora.org
6. Merged in AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. from codeaurora.org
7. Linux 3.4.45
8. A few patches to get completely sync'd with CM
Change Log 5.9.2013
1. Merged in AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. from codeaurora.org
2. ARM: 7467/1: mutex: use generic xchg-based implementation for ARMv6
3. Revert "ASoC: msm: Support independent left-right channel volume cont
4. Revert "arm: mm: Add VM_ARM_EMPTY_MAPPING flag to mark the PMD gaps
5. Merged in AU_LINUX_ANDROID_JB_2. from codeaurora.org
6. Couple patches for schedulers main code
7. Raise MDP bandwidth requirements (this should get rid of the screen flicker that some were getting)
8. Compiled with latest Linaro
9. Linux 3.4.44
10. Completely sync'd with CM
Change Log 5.5.2013
1. JB_2. from codeaurora.org
2. Couple of USB patches
3. Couple of display driver updates
4. Totally sync'd with CM
Change Log 5/3/2013
1. Added GPS Scheduler and Governor option in "Extras" screen for TW USERS (used to automatically change sched and gov when GPS is IN USE
2. Patches from CM and google
3. Revert "msm_fb: display: allow backlight update after first update"
4. Linux 3.4.43
5. ARM: fault: assume no context when IRQs are disabled during data abort.
6. lowmemorykiller: make default lowmemorykiller debug message useful
7. Updated FAUX Sound
8. Renamed zip files a little to be shorter and easier to read
Change Log 4/30/2013
1. Added GPS Scheduler and Governor option in "Extras" screen
2. A few patches from CM from last night and today
3. A few patches from codeaurora
Change Log 4.29.2013
MD4 update that includes:
1. Camera
2. Display drivers for UI
3. Memory functions
4. Wireless
5. USB
6. Video drivers for video playback
7. mmc/block/ssd
8. Sound drivers
Change Log 4.27.2013
2. Linux 3.4.42
3. A few updates from CM so its up to date
4. Fixed issue with KTweaker not setting lower temps on KThermal screen
5. Fixed asswax thanks for implementation DecimalMan
6. Fixed smartassH3
7. Thats about it.........
Change Log 4.19.2013
1. Linux 3.4.40
2. Linux 3.4.41
3. ROW scheduler updates
4. Update to date with CM and code aurora
5. Lots of Linux patches for SMP and some optimizations
6. More but no time........
Change Log 4.11.2013
1. Optimizations for ROW scheduler
2. Optimizations for CFQ scheduler
3. Optimizations for DEADLINE scheduler
4. Some backgound scheduler optimizations and entropy stuff
5. Merge in codeaurora JB_2.
6. Fix composition issues when framework rebooted in suspend
7. REVERT regulator fix up that was causing high power drain and instability
8. Merge in codeaurora JB_2.
9. 100% synced with CM
Change Log 3.27.2013
1. ICS is NOW removed from build
2. Linux 3.4.37
4. Auto-hotplug from thalamus modded to work with KT747, you can check this box in "General" screen to enable hotplugging for governors that dont do it there own.
5. Fix up freq tables math errors from cobraboy85
6. New steps in lower range, they are now 81, 135, 189, 378 instead of 96, 144, 196, 384
7. Toggle for Trinity colors from Morfic. Its under "Extras", when you change the option, you must turn screen off and on once to take effect
8. Added restore Stock Voltage Table to "Voltage" screen
9. Many other patches and tweaks I cant remember, lol....
1. Go to the normal place to "Clear Data" and click "Force Stop" 1ST(usually on "Settings-> Apps")
2. Click "Clear Data"
3. Boot to recovery and flash
4. When u open KTweaker for the first time it should NOT ask you any questions, if it does, go back to step #1
Change Log 3.14.2013
1. Added sampling_rate_screen_off variable to ktoonservative to control sampling rate while screen is OFF. Im using 90,000 for this new tunable.
2. cpufreq: intellidemand: stop crash when changing sampling_rate
3. Sound Control: Sound control from Faux for all versions
4. Patches from faux on his Sound Control
5. Couple adreno (GPU) updates from CM
6. Added asswax governor: LOL
7. Linux 3.0.69
8. Battery level Mhz control: Added battery_ctrl_disable_chrg option to disable battery control while plugged in and charging
9. Remove some debug that is spamming dmesg
10. Ktoonservative: Add ability to disable hotplugging while connected to bluetooth (ONLY WORKING ON TW, HAVING ISSUES ON AOSP).
Change Log 3.6.2013
1. Touchwiz 4.1 ONLY update
2. Remove power button from boost buttons (all other buttons are still active)
3. Fix issue with setting "read_idle" in row scheduler
4. UKSM memory management (If you want to read up on it, check this out: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTEzMTI)
Change Log 3.5.2013
1. Linux 3.0.67
2. Linux 3.0.68
3. Updates from CM
4. Pulled in some MA6 updates from Sprint official JB 4.1.2
5. Added FIFO scheduler for all versions
6. ktoonservative: Ignore disable_hotpluging while screen is off
7. Fix bug in Battery level Mhz control when only low or only high is set
8. ktoonservative: Add boost_2nd_core_on_button that turns on 2nd core on power button, back button, home button and menu button
9. Hold 2nd core on for 1 second when boost 2nd options are being used
Change Log 2.19.2013
1. Linux 3.0.63
2. Linux 3.0.64
3. Linux 3.0.65
4. frandom added to JB versions
5. Trinity/morfic colors
6. Several Linux fixes/patches/updates
7. Added Screen OFF scheduler profile
8. New version of KTweaker (Version 2.4)
9. Added battery level MAX MHZ setting to ktoonservative
10. Updated ramdisk to 4.2.2 standards for AOSP
11. Added ASIX network support
Change Log 2.8.2013
1. WIFI TETHERING IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. acpuclock-8960: Change HFPLL_NOMINAL_VDD to 700 to allow more than 125mV UVage for steps higher than 1080 MHz
Change Log 2.7.2013
1. Linux 3.0.61
2. Linux 3.0.62
3. Updates to ROW scheduler
5. Sync with CM patches
6. Updates to ktoonservative. 3 new tunables.
7. ktoonservative: boost_turn_on_2nd_core: a 1 turns on 2nd core on touch, 0 does not
8. ktoonservative: no_2nd_cpu_screen_off: a 1 enusres 2nd core stays off while screen is off, 0 does not
9. ktoonservative: disable_hotpluging: a 1 keeps 2nd core on FULL time, 0 keeps hotplugging normal.
10. Add ASIX LAN Support
11. Couple of wireless: bcmdhd updates
12. Upgrade to Linaro 4.7-2013.01-1-2013
13. Update to old conservative gov.
Change Log 1.26.2013
1. Linux 3.0.58
2. Linux 3.0.59
3. Linux 3.0.60
4. Updates to ROW scheduler
5. Lots of updates from CM (with CM ROM updates lag should be gone after exiting games
6. Couple updates to ktoonservative to help battery and speed things up
Change Log 1.9
1. Built with newest Linaro compiler so its EVEN FASTER (about 25 billion times faster)
2. Added Row scheduler to all other versions
3. Added Zen scheduler to all other versions
4. CM patches for AOSP guys
5. Thats all I can remember
Change Log 1.8.2013
1. Added Yoyo mode to ktoonservative (mimics the test from 1/5) and is DISABLED by default
2. To enable yoyo mode, set "use_yoyo_cpuload" to a 1, I recommend setting "cpu_down_block_cycles" to a 22 or 44.
3. You can enable yoyo if you feel ktoonservative is lagy since moving to 4.2. It does jump around the Mhz range and hotplugs the 2nd cpu alot more than normal mode but is very responsive!.
Change Log 12.29
1. Fully synced with CM 10.1 code
2. Data is BACK on CM 10.1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Fix some issues with smartassV2
4. BFQ v5r1
5. Newest KTweaker 2.3 included
6. Video is working
7. Im sick as hell with the flu so thats the end...
Change Log 12.20
1. Linux 3.0.57
2. Improve modem stability across all D2 devices from CM
3. Couple of Linux updates
Change Log 12.11
1. Linux 3.0.52
2. Linux 3.0.53
3. Linux 3.0.54
4. Linux 3.0.55
5. Linux 3.0.56
6. Tweaks to lulzactive
7. Quite down the vibration driver which speeds up typing and capacitive buttons
8. Changes to Bluetooth Mhz setting logic (its nearly perfect now, only issue where it might revert is ending a call)
9. More TCP filter code from madmack
10. Merged in TMO and ATT official TW-JB code
11. Black screen code from the test kernel is in here to reduce black screen wake issue
12. Thats all I can think of and ENJOY!.... :good:
Change Log 11.13
1. Linux 3.0.50
2. Linux 3.0.51
3. Ktoonservative tweaks and added tunable "down_threshold_hotplug" for more control.
4. Screen OFF profile for Mhz will be ignored while on the phone now, since it was causing some lag when triggering prox sensor
5. Sync with CM10 display code updates
6. Sync with CM ramdisk changes
7. Tethering is back but kept some LJ7 stuff plus block some TCP multicast crap to save battery
8. Fix issue with Bluetooth Minimum Mhz profile while screen was off (should be working now)
9. Fixed issues with governor applying when not needed during screen ON/OFF
Change Log 10.31
1. Linux 3.0.49
2. Intellidemand Governor
3. SLP Governor
4. Many fixes for KTweaker
5. Updated wifi driver to LJ7 for AOSP JB kernel
6. Some other stuff I cant remember, got a plane to catch early tomorrow...
Changelog 10.28
1. Linux 3.0.47
2. Linux 3.0.48
3. Fixed screen off profile issue
4. Added Screen OFF Profile governor selection
5. Added Bluetooth Profile Connection Minimum Mhz
6. Modified Swipe2wake to be 3 selections (OFF, On always, On when plugged in). KT-Widget will show S2WP with a check mark when Plugged in option is selected.
7. Something else I cant remember
8. The Touchwiz jellybean version here is the same as the one I released yesterday.
Change Log 10.14 thru 10.22
1. Linux 3.0.45
2. Linux 3.0.46
3. New Wheatley Governor
4. New Sleepy Governor
5. Swipe2Wake (this option DOES hold a wakelock so I would only use it while plugged in, it eats about 3-4% per hour on battery)
6. Added Swipe2Wake checkbox on KT-Widget
7. -O3 and other compiler optimization flags from the super crazy fast editions
8. Made from real panther, so u know its good :good: :cyclops:
9. Super optimized SQL driver (300% faster on database access, you will see bit speed gains in MMS and Settings apps)
10. Some other stuff I can remember
Change Log 10.9
1. Linux 3.0.44
2. Linux 3.0.45
3. Some usb patches
4. UHS SD3.0 patches
5. Compiled with Linaro 4.7 September
6. More error checking in KTweaker and KT-Widget
Change Log 10.3
1. CM10 sync
2. Added KTweaker option to name your backup and restore with a list of ones you created
3. Added KTweaker Widget (Widgets name is KTweakerW in you widget list)
4. Added KTweaker option to disable Toast messages
5. Updated wifi driver, increases speed and may help the people that were having connectivity issues
6. Added KTweaker option to adjust Scheduler Options
Change Log 9.23
1. Synced up with all CM10 commits
2. Added way to disable Touch Booster (its under First Touch Booster to disable both) (Doesnt work for ondemand for AOSP version since CM has there own version of Touch Booster)
3. Added Yes/No question to Backup option
4. Several Linux Commits and reverts to help stability
5. A few patches that seem to have fixed the flash AOSP and my kernel together in the same recovery session. Give it a try
6. Changed Screen off Mhz to match rest of the app without extra Zeros
It is recommended to wipe app data for KTweaker before flashing this kernel since a few options got resized and text is different in Sccreen Off
Change log 9.18
1. Added CM10/AOKP CRT patch
2. Linux 3.0.43
3. Lots of patches for speed and battery
4. Updated KTweaker (trying to make it ask the Min/Max question less)
5. Many, many more..........
Change Log 9.13
1. Added vibration interface, its under Extras in KTweaker
3. A ton of Linux patches
4. Some more CM patches
5. There is a lot of improvement in speed and stability here.....
Change Log 9/10
1. Added "Fast Charge" (It has been recommend to only use it for DC charging and not for USB but can be used for USB but in VERY rare cases can cause damage to your USB port)
2. Brand new code to try and keep OCing locked and not revert
3. Updates to ondemand and pegasusq gov
4. Lots of CM10 commits
5. Linux patches.....
Change Log 9-5
1. Reverted some memory management stuff to see if I can kill the super lag
2. KTweaker, changed boot option to lots of choices for delaying the set on boot (If you have issues with the update to the app, clear data, I tried my best to update the settings based on old data)
3. CM10 sync for AOSP-JB guys
4. A few other I dont remember
Change Log 8-31
1. CM10 pathces for AOSP kernels
2. Added +-25 and +-5 volts in Voltage Screen in KTweaker (press menu button to use them)
3. Tweaks to ktoonservative governor
4. Memory management fixes
5. MSM patches
6. A whole bunch of stuff ....... :good:
Change Log 8-30
1. Reverted compiler and changed opto flags
2. Updated KTweaker, Screen off Profile Mhz setting is working now.
3. Updated KTweaker, boot setting should apply now, added 5 second delay.
4. CM update for the Jellybean kernel
5. Ktoonservative Governor
6. Many, many more.....
Change Log 8-27
1. Jellybean only update
2. Compiled with newer version of Linaro so it is 100,000,000,000,000 times faster
3. Updated KTweaker, added Screen off Profile Mhz setting, backup settings to sdcard, restore setting from sdcard, Governor Adjustments Screen.
4. Lots of audio patches from the CM guys
5. etc...........
Change Log 8.24
1. Boot on stock table
2. KTweaker app included in flash
3. Overclock to 2106mhz
4. Underclock to 96mhz
5. 8,000,000 changes, too long to list
Change Log 8.15
1. Updated to latest patches from CM team
2. Linux 3.0.41
3. Lots of tweaks to the Normal and OC'd mhz ranges
4. Upped bus frequencys on a few steps for better performance
5. Lowered minimum voltage to 700
6. Upped maximum voltage to 1400
7. Added govs: abyssplug, badass, lagfree, scary, superbad
8. Removed GPU OC since it was slowing down the phone
9. So much other underwear..........
Change Log 8.11
1. Linux 3.0.40
2. GPU overclock interface
3. arm/crypto: Add optimized AES and SHA1 routines
4. block/deadline: tweaked for better performance on android
5. sched: task_times() explosion avoidance for tasks with > 2^32 acrued
6. Various msm: iommu patches
7. arm: Don't disable interrupts during WFE fixup
8. etc............
Change Log 8.10
1. Fix camera issue from lockscreen
2. Re-enabled DVFS
3. patch camera to stop reboots
Change Log 8.9
1. All CM10 code merged in including
2. msm:video upgrades
3. gpu: ion
4. usb tweaks
5. Tweaked pegasusq gov from Gokhan
6. and a million more......
Change Log 8.3
1. Major update merging in LG8 code from CM
2. bcmdhd 1.15.15
3. arm: show present cpu instead of online cpu in /proc/cpuinfo
Change Log 8-1
1. Linux 3.0.39
2. sched/nohz cleanup
4. Video: msm tweaks (video should be much smoother)
5. USB: gadget: Fix crash in ci13xxx_udc.c
6. Fixes for capacitive buttons lights
7. Many many more......
Change Log 7-28
1. Fixed gyro sensor
2. msm: rotator: Add secure session flag to rotator start data
3. Added kexec support
4. d2att: Move ramconsole to lower memory
5. dhd wakelock helper
6. Fixed charge while phone powered down
7. Compiler opto's
Change Log 7-25
1. Added BFQ v3r4 scheduler
2. Added more wake_lock debug
3. Opto's for wake_lock routine
4. optimize checksum routines
5. net: wireless: bcmdhd: Reduce priority for dhd_dpc and watchdog
6. Battery and speed improvements
7. Countless others..........
Change Log 7-22
1. Made a change to see if Foreign phones will show 192mhz
2. Linux 3.0.38
3. Reduced logging from chatty drivers
4. Lots of iosched treaks
5. 50,000 lines of code merge in from my other kernels...
Change Log 7-21
1. Started from scratch rebasing from Jellybean source for both ICS & JB versions
2. Put voltages back to stock'ish, so people can undervolt on there own (to get back to what my older kernels were, remove 75mhz from all steps except 192mhz and the 4 OC steps.)
3. Added init.d script to get try to get those stuborn phone to set 1512 as default max.
4. JB version now has all my good stuff in it from previous versions
FYI: CM10 does not want to cooperate with the max Mhz settings from my scripts, since it is a beta ROM, so you will have to set it manually with "Voltage Control" or run the script I put in "/system/etc/init.d/00post-init"
Change Log for 7/19c
•more tweaks to the the voltage interface
•added more stuff for cpufreq to try and keep the max freq to 1512
Change Log for 7/19b
•Added missing govs/scheds to AOSP version
•Made change for adb remount on Sammy version
•Change volt table to support SetCPU
Change Log for 7/19
•The long awaited Voltage Interface
•Underclock step at 192mhz
•Pegasusq tweeks
•smartass2:tweaking for responsiveness and battery life
•deadline-iosched.c: tweak deadline for flash devices
•arm: Allow CPU-supported unaligned accesses
•mm.h: increase readahead value from 128kb to 1024kb
•compiler optimizations
•sched: clock wrap bug in 2.6.35-stable kills scheduling
•sched/fair: Improve the ->group_imb logic
•mm, oom: fix potential killing of thread that is disabled from oom killing
•fifo: Do not restart open() if it already found a partner
•block: fix infinite loop in __getblk_slow
•cpufreq: Import latest cpufreq_interactive driver from Google
•wakelock: (tungstwenty's implementation) plus lots of other additions
•bcmdhd: Change packet filter settings to block multicast
Change Log for 7/18
•Linux 3.0.37
•Lots of other patches from CM/AOKP
Change Log for 7/10/2012b
1. Set 1512mhz as default (you will 6-10 seconds of it in CPUSpy, this is only at pre-boot before init's set it back to 1512)
2. Couple more tweaks to UV
Change Log for 7/9/2012
•OC is back in and is default (1.9ghz) - Use SetCPU or Voltage Control to set back to 1512mhz as max if you dont want the OC
•Used setting from roman for some UV
•TOUCH_BOOSTER adjustments (this should save some battery on any governor except performance since it is static)
•other cpufreq mods
Change Log for 7/8/2012
•modified initramfs to get rid of battery drainer
•Rebased cpufreq
•Removed OC until I can get it set to stock on boot
Change Log for 7/7/2012b
•ondemand tweaks
•Added 3 steps for OC'ing (still some issues getting to actually reach the steps)
Change Log for 7/7/2012
•Made ondemand and noop defaults
•Some tweaks to ondemand for smoothing
•New Schedulers (CFQ, BFQ, VR)
•ADB remount support
My settings
General Screen
governor = ktoonservative
scheduler = row
Voltage Screen
UV'd 25mv across the board (use menu button for hidden menu option to globally add/subtract)
Extras Screen
Screen OFF Profile Mhz = 486
Disable Screen Off Mhz Call = Checked
Screen OFF Profile Sched = noop
General -> Governor Adjustments Screen
boost_cpu = 1134
sampling_rate_screen_off = 90000
ktoonservative Governor
This governor is based on conservative, but added some tunable vars and made it a hotplugging governor unlike conservative. With the settings I included stock it is probably the most responsive gov and is pretty good at saving battery as well. Especially with my screen off option to limit the CPU top Mhz. Hope that answers all ur questions.
Governors and schedulers explained:
Here is a link for people having issues with 64GB sd card. Follow the link below:
Stock___________________Undervolt startoff point___________________jerrygooch
Mhz - mV___________________Mhz - mV___________________________Mhz - mV
1890 - 1300___________________1890 - 1300____________________________1890 - 1200
1809 - 1275___________________1809 - 1250____________________________1809 - 1150
1728 - 1250___________________1728 - 1200____________________________1728 - 1100
1674 - 1200___________________1674 - 1175 ____________________________1674 - 1075
1512 - 1200___________________1512 - 1200 ____________________________1512 - 1075
1458 - 1187___________________1458 - 1187 ____________________________1458 - 1050
1404 - 1187___________________1404 - 1187 ____________________________1404 - 1050
1350 - 1175___________________1350 - 1175 ____________________________1350 - 1025
1296 - 1175___________________1296 - 1175 ____________________________1296 - 1025
1242 - 1150___________________1242 - 1150 ____________________________1242 - 1000
1188 - 1150___________________1188 - 1150 ____________________________1188 - 1000
1134 - 1125___________________1134 - 1125 ____________________________1134 - 975
1080 - 1125___________________1080 - 1125 ____________________________1080 - 975
1026 - 1075___________________1026 - 1075 ____________________________1026 - 925
972 - 1075____________________972 - 1075 _____________________________972 - 925
918 - 1050____________________918 - 1050 _____________________________918 - 900
864 - 1050____________________864 - 1050 _____________________________864 - 900
810 - 1025____________________810 - 1025 _____________________________810 - 875
756 - 1025____________________756 - 1025 _____________________________756 - 875
702 - 975_____________________702 - 925 ______________________________702 - 825
648 - 975_____________________648 - 925 ______________________________648 - 825
594 - 950_____________________594 - 850 ______________________________594 - 800
540 - 950_____________________540 - 850 ______________________________540 - 800
486 - 925_____________________486 - 850 ______________________________486 - 800
384 - 925_____________________384 - 825 ______________________________384 - 800
192 - 900_____________________192 - 825 ______________________________192 - 800
Link to discuss your settings for KTweaker (really any app to set parameters)
KTweaker New User Guide & Settings (Thanks Perseus71)
That didn't take long!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
smartguy044 said:
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schwalbach said:
That didn't take long!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
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Enjoy guys, it is definetely noticably faster than stock
Wow.... amazing. Can't wait to install ktoonez. Straight from your kernel on my s2 to your kernel on the s3. How you like your s3 so far?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
Does this kernel output call audio to the aux port of a Samsung car dock?
I'm using an infuse car dock.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
Holy snap!!! Thank you!!! I lived for your s2 development and here you are on the s3
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
cuhrazy said:
Wow.... amazing. Can't wait to install ktoonez. Straight from your kernel on my s2 to your kernel on the s3. How you like your s3 so far?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
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Lovin it, be much happier once I get AOKP going on it
Awesome, thanks for this!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
sblees said:
Does this kernel output call audio to the aux port of a Samsung car dock?
I'm using an infuse car dock.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
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This is based on a modified verison of official I747 kernel source, so if it does it on stock, it will do it on this one.
Skyler2Dope said:
Holy snap!!! Thank you!!! I lived for your s2 development and here you are on the s3
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
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Same here. You and task are amazing devs! I appreciate your guys hard work. Ill be giving beer money soon.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
cuhrazy said:
Same here. You and task are amazing devs! I appreciate your guys hard work. Ill be giving beer money soon.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
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Task is missing out on all the fun, he's out camping for the weekend and it is killing him, LOL.
Does this have OC capabilities yet?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
This is way faster real usage...not in benchmarks which I personally don't care about. I am using powersave lowest clock to 1000mhz and is have no lag...stock kernel with same settings was unusable. Thanks a ton for your quick work!!!!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2
fmllc said:
Does this have OC capabilities yet?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda premium
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Everything is listed in the OP. So not yet, only had the phone for 10 hours
"All this knowledge is giving me a raging brainer!"
ktoonsez said:
Ktoonsez presents:
Download CWM flashable zip kernel
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ktoonsez, is back YAAAAAY its like breaking up with a ROM/kern dev and then, post breakup doage. haha glad to see you're back, NOW WHERE THE F IS FLUXI kernel S3 Edition haha
ktoonsez said:
Task is missing out on all the fun, he's out camping for the weekend and it is killing him, LOL.
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Did task finally decide to pick the phone up?


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banner by jonas2295​
Based on HTC Source: 3.14.401.27​
-) YOU need to provide me the following information, otherwise I´m not able to help:
-) On wich ROM you are
-) Wich Kernel and wich modules did you flash
-) ALWAYS provide a last_kmsg AND a logcat (you dont know how to do that ? Use google or search here in this forum, its posted nearly everywhere)
-) posts like "XYZ feature on ROM XYZ does not work" will be ignored (what should i do with that information ???)
-initial release
-attempt to fix sound and bluetooth
- fixed audio
-fixed hotplugging (all governors should work now, all CPUS came online @ bench)
-added VOLUME WAKE (be sure to enable it in ROM too)
-fixed multitouch
-fixed cpu governor change issue
-all cpus use now the same governoDONT FLASH ON SENSEr
-added USB fastcharge
-added Voltage control
-GPU now @ 520 MHZ (please test), Also 484MHz and stock is added in code so i can compile in no time (plan to provide 3 versions)
-some compiler cleanups (only important for me, user aren´t affected from this)
- fixed GPU scaling, sorry guys now it scales up to 520 :) just tested
- raised gpu low freq to 250MHz
- enjoy a new level of UI smoothness :)
- added bfq I/O sched
- set bfq to default sched
- added cfq I/O sched
- added deadline I/O sched
- tweaked deadline
- fixed setting ondemand and bfq on boot
- patchset to fix light sensor issues on AOSP (thx Thömy)
- integrated s2w -> finally :p
- fixed starting apps and not booting issue
- enabled KSM
- AUDIO FM FIX from tbladen
- tweaked deadline more
- tweaked lowmemory killer
- fix button backlight lag (thx tbalden)
- UMS read-only mode fixed to Read-Write (Usb mass storage works correctly now, also here -> thx tbalden
- disabled interactive on early suspend (solves the issue that 2 different govs are used on resume)
- added n3ocold governor (peqasusq port)
-solved reboot issue when switching to n30c0ld governor (thx max for teaching :) ) -> Attention: its still buggy, it stays on the freq thats online when switching (no up down scaling) [B]DONT SWITCH TO IT, ITS ONLY FOR ME AND MAX FOR DEBUGGING
-added smartmax governor from maxwen :)[/B]
- fix to get cpu out of g mode in LP mode (thx for pm max)
- sound cleanups
- replaced nv hotplugging with mpdecision (thx, showp-1984, maxwen)
- Disable OS check for the mass storage gadget, thx at thömy :)
- MERGE a pull request by LorD ClockaN:
- tegra_pcm -> supports audio up to 32 bit
- Spirit FM fix (untested)
- added smartdimmer (Tripnraver)
- updated graphics driver (Tripnraver)
- set core to 0,95V on LP1 (Tripnraver)
- added a GPU OC Interface (you are now able to choose ur GPU speed on your own)
- standard GPU clock is still 520 MHz (info how to change will be available in 3rd Post of this Thread)
[B]ncx_314_v20c_AOSP AND SENSE[/B]
-added SIO IO sched
-added ROW IO sched and set default (great perfromance)
-updated maxwens smartmax-gov to latest version
-UV´ed core_vdd (GPU,EMC,AVP, LP) -50mV by default as I did in old base
[B]ncx_314_v21_AOSP AND SENSE[/B]
- Added and enabled JRCU
- latest interactive governor from XMISTER (3.4 baseline + optimizations from XMISTER -> great Job, awesome dude :) )
- set smartmax a bit more aggressive (but still the best for battery)
- no more replug of fastcharge needed (thx maxwen)
- battery life should improove with this version while containing power also
- SENSE Ramdisk from latest RENOVATE ROM, AOSP RAMDISK from latest CM10.1 (every AOSP build use this atm)
[B]ncx_314_v21b_AOSP AND SENSE[/B]
- hopefully freezes and bootloops are gone
[B]ncx_314_v22_AOSP AND SENSE[/B]
- added CPU HARDCAP (seting freq with every app works now), thx to maxwen, xmister, nik3r, kozmikkick, showp-1948, faux, TripnRaver
- added ZRAM
- removed buggy governors perfromance and powersave
- switch from KSM to UKSM
- slow button backlight notification patch from tbalden and thoemy out of gerrit :)
[B]ncx_314_v23_AOSP AND SENSE[/B]
-set bootup freq to 1300 MHZ (best for smoothness and power)
-switched to CPUQUIET hotplugging
-enabled SWAP and ZRAM (double checked both now)
- be sure to run this script for working SWAP and ZRAM (thx again Kozmikkick): [url]http://d-h.st/tIH[/url] place it in etc/init.d folder or run it manually
[B]ncx_314_v24b_AOSP AND SENSE[/B]
-updated wifi drivers to 03.SP3 (thx TI :p, and kozmickkick for finding out )
-added touchdemand governor
-added intellidemand governor
-gave a bit more responsivness to intellidemand
-added sysfs interface for changin min audio freq while screen on (for the stutter guys) (thx maxwen)
-cpuquiet: added LP hysteresis and logging (thx maxwen)
-cpuquiet: LP hysteresis update (thx maxwen)
- fixed missing I/O Scheds
- added batterymax governor (smartmax governor with xtreme battery settings)
- dont excpect huge perfromance from batterymax its only for battery
- patched to 3.18 source (still need feedback about WIFI on sense)
special thanks here to maxwen... OneX wouldnt be that way without this guy !
[B]ncx_314_v26_AOSP and SENSE[/B]
- updated video drivers from Tegra Reference (thx for commits xmister and maxwen), should fix video on SENSE
- entropy tweaks :D
- some stability fixes
- try to fix the very rare spinlock bug
[B]n3okernel_v29_AOSP and SENSE[/B]
- audio bt freq boost to 204 MHz
- audio 2 bt sysfs interface (ported from maxwen bcm chip)
- more responsivenes for batterymax
- reduced Qos freq from 910 to 500
- reduced balance level from 60 to 55 (needs testing)
- more aggressive tresholds for EMC (MEM controller) and AVP (Audio Video Processor)
- added early suspend driver to ondemand governor (original implementation by showp-1984)
- fixed min audio sysfs interface for SENSE users
- revert to older wifi drivers for SENSE users (AOSP still has newer :p)
- removed pegasusq governor until debugged
- add and use gmode force (cpuquiet)
- balance play arounds as Tun reported audio lags to me
- renamed kernel to n3okernel instead of ncx_314
- page writback: patch disables the writeback function on screen is on, back when the screen is off to flush all the dirty pages.
- added sysfs interface to choose max LP core freq
- bunch of cleanups, cleanups and even more cleanups
[B]n3okernel_v31d_AOSP and SENSE[/B]
- set readahead to 128kb (better performance)
- button backlight sysfs interface from XMISTER (thx man)
- smartmax updates
- touchdemand updates
- builded with linaro toolchain and its optimizations
- performance and smoothness updates (thx xmister for the reworked dvfs tables, they work better on lower freqs we feel)
- BLN fix
[B]n3okernel_v33_AOSP and SENSE[/B]
- backlight: enable hidden sysfs for color enhance
- Set BLN max value to obey button brightness value
- led: limit BLN brightness to button brightness
- leds:add custom option if slow blink brightness should be limited to button brightness - default is true
- making touchpoke working :) thx maxwen
- smartmax updates
[B]n3okernel_v34_AOSP and SENSE[/B]
- updated smartmax to latest version and all its features :) thx maxwen
- Sense has new Wifi drivers now (report back, if its not working again i revert)
- updates to staging / android
[B]n3okernel_v35_AOSP and SENSE[/B]
- updated bfq sched to v6
- new hashtable from maxwen
- SENSE: BLN should be fixed now, please report back
[B]n3okernel_v36_AOSP and SENSE[/B]
-reverted some spinlock stuff
-proper fastcharge fix (maxwen)
[B]n3okernel_v37_AOSP and SENSE[/B]
- fastcharge fixed (thx maxwen)
- SENSE: reverted multitouch fix, so no more incoming call freeze
-use xmisters synaptics_3200.c with sysfs control from maxwen, thanks buddys :)
[B]ncx_314_v38_AOSP AND SENSE[/B]
- added Double TAP to wake (double tap screen anywhere 2 times to wake device, works only on screen off... lol)
- unfortunatley AOSP only . I hope i get it working on SENSE the next days
[B]ncx_314_v39_AOSP AND SENSE[/B]
-fixup s2w
-revert JRCU (shoud fix deadlocks)
ncx_314_v40_AOSP AND SENSE
-leds: fix currents interface
-block: BFQ update to v6r1
-leds: added lux interface and cleanup
-tegra: baseband: added missing mutex_unlock for error cases
-lowmemorykiller: use version from grouper
-touchpad: remove psensor usage if not needed (this probably fixes sense call freeze issues)
-AUTO-BLN should be fixed now... really
ncx_314_v41_AOSP AND SENSE
-fixed f*** wifi
ncx_314_v42_AOSP AND SENSE
-reverted psensor patch
-AOSP ramdisk updated
ncx_314_v44_AOSP AND SENSE
-import of franciscofrancos hotplug control with some small adjustments
Known issues:
nothing reported
Download Kernel & Modules
n3okernel_v44 BOOT.IMG
n3okernel_v44: MODULES
DONT repack kernel, u will loose stuff necessary for DT2W to work The RAMDISK should boot on every AOSP based ROM in our section
n3okernel_v44_FIX BOOT.IMG
n3okernel_v44: MODULES
Repack needed ?
I always recommend to repack Kernel to the ROM you are using. Dont know how to repack ? There is an online repacker in ONE X Android Development Section!
Or (even is easier) go to TheDroidfanatic´s ncx repack Thread (Big THX) : LINK
Howto install:
-) boot into bootloader
-) fastboot erase cache
-) fastboot flash boot boot.img
-) fastboot erase cache
-) boot into recovery
-) wipe cache, dalvik and battery stats
-) flash modules from .zip
-) reboot into system[/SIZE][/FONT]
To be FULLY on the safe side now, full GPL and XDA compliance
clicking is way easier then deleting a few chars out of the url bar.. isnt it ??
Toolchain used: arm-a9-eabi, self made (maxwen)
Defconfig to use: ap33_android_cpuquiet_defconfig
branch: master
-) I am not responsible for bricked devices
-) you do this on your own will
-) If you flash this, your warranty will be void
[B]maxwen [/B]for changing governor solution, sound fix, s2w port, fast charge and great support (awesome buddy)
[B]nik3r [/B]for s2w port
[B]tripnraver [/B]for volume fix
[B]faux123 [/B]for voltage control
[B]Xmister [/B]for pointing me in right direction for hotplug solution, s2w commit
[B]whole ICJ Team[/B] which support me where they can, you guys rock
[B]pabx [/B]from AOSP ROM, [B]tbalden [/B]from CM10.1 ROM (great guys, help where they can)
[B]showp-1984[/B] for great support, s2w and getting me started on Github
[B]franciscofranco [/B]for GPU OC interface of old base
[B]TUN_SD[/B] for providing our awesome Server
[B]Everyone [/B]whos helping in an other way (contributors, Thread residents)
DONT flash kernel, before reading stuff mentioned below:
-) THIS is not chic IPHONE stuff, you should have some basic knowledge on how to do some things on ANDROID.
-) You encounter an error ? Ok, i will look into it, but you have to follow the rules:
-) ALWAYS tell me following stuff: wich ROM ?, wich KERNEL, UNDERVOLTED ? , wich GOVERNOR used ?
-) You should also provide following stuff so i can look into the issue further:
-) last_kmsg, logcat (you dont know how to get thos files or dont even know what this is ? Ok i will tell you:
-) last_kmsg: connect phone with usb, open up a shell in linux or a CMD in windows, cd to your adb directory and write this: cat /proc/last_ksmg > /sdcard/last_ksmg.log
-) grab the file from your sdcard and provide it to me
-) logcat: This is easier for lazy people, download alogcat app from playstore, fire it up, and extract out the log. Also provide this to me.
-) repack kernel for your ROM with the following online repacker: www.nibble.cc/repack
-) posts like "I had a reboot" or "phone crashed" without proper information will be ignored
Frequently asked questions, answered here:
Q: My music slows down on AOSP builds with ncx Kernel, what can i do ?
A: Switch to interactive governor, known issue on AOSP JB and ICS builds
Q: My freqs reseted back after screen off, I´m on a JB build, what can I do ?
A: Delete the following file out of your ROM: system/lib/hw/power.endeavoru.so. Then reboot ! Done -> they will not go back
Q: Where is sweep2wake ? Is it integrated ? Is it planned ?
A: I think about it, when i did all other stuff thats more important to me !
Q: My phone freezes, what should I do ?
A: Dont undervolt that much. To be sure, provide me last_kmsg and logcat
Q: I had a random hot reboot on JB builds, why this ?
A: All JB builds suffer from it with every Kernel ! Wait until JB is stable, flash ICS or Sense, or buy an Iphone and be a subuser on your own system
Q: When I set freq to 51MHz it jumps back to 102 ? WTH ?
A: Set it to 51MHz in SETCPU, it will jump back to 102MHz -> Thats right, it will use 51MHz when Screen OFF, I want it that way !
Q: WICH app for udnervolting ? WICH app for setting CPU freqs ?
A: Undervolting: SYS TUNER ; CPU Freq setting: SETCPU
Be advised, if you ignore the FAQ, you ignore me, and this will result in ignoring you
so please always provide me necessary information if you want to get your
problem fixed
echo 520 520 520 520 484 400 304 247 > sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/gpu_oc (this is default in my kernel)
replace the 520 520 520 520 AND the 484 for example with 416 (if u ar a non gamer). so it would go like this:
echo 416 416 416 416 416 400 304 247 > sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/gpu_oc
ATTENTION: the 5th freq is 484 so this has to be changed also into 416 (as it would be higher than max freq set to 416
More examples:
echo 484 484 484 484 484 400 304 247 > sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/gpu_oc (this changes it to max 484Mhz)
echo 416 416 416 416 416 400 304 247 > sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/gpu_oc (this changes it to max 416Mhz)
The desired max freq MUST be written 4 times, dont ask why.
Or if u want to change the lowest freq:
echo 416 416 416 416 416 400 304 247 > sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/gpu_oc
echo 416 416 416 416 416 400 304 304 > sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/gpu_oc
this will make the UI probalbly smoother as u set the lowest freq to 304 instead of 247
- default it´s disabled
- enable: echo "1" > /sys/devices/tegradc.0/smartdimmer/enable
- disable: echo "0" > /sys/devices/tegradc.0/smartdimmer/enable
- changing aggressiveness: echo "#" > /sys/devices/tegradc.0/smartdimmer/aggressiveness
(maxwen told me yesterday, many thanks to my austrian friend )
If u want to limit your cores to lets say for example 1200 MHZ u can do the following
echo "1200000" > /sys/module/cpu_tegra/parameters/cpu_user_cap
or edit the file manually (root explorer or similar) I tested that and it works. maxwen wants to tell me today more on
this because there is an other way also. All i can say now is that governor settings will always be overwritten
and thats the reason why the freqs wont stick. With that way freqs stick
After installing ICJ 2.3_test with your kernel 77, I got spirit fm working by choosing OneX phone type in spirit fm settings. Also unchecked the power restart mediaserver option under its debug settings as there is no need now.
The option is one x/x+ intl, and just to be clear. And it's under settings, method.
I quote maxwen here:
echo "640000" > /sys/module/cpu_tegra/parameters/suspend_cap_freq
Attention: this will disable "automatic" LP lock during screen off
so think if you really need it
-configurable min audio frequency limit if you have problems with default 102Mhz
echo 204000 > /sys/module/snd_soc_tlv320aic3008/parameters/audio_min_freq
Re: [PREVIEW_KERNEL]ncx_3.14_JB Kernel_3.1.10 for AOSP & SENSE
Can't wait to see what you dev up
Re: [PREVIEW_KERNEL]ncx_3.14_JB Kernel_3.1.10 for AOSP & SENSE
So nice
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Re: [PREVIEW_KERNEL]ncx_3.14_JB Kernel_3.1.10 for AOSP & SENSE
Waiting for the release
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
Re: [PREVIEW_KERNEL]ncx_3.14_JB Kernel_3.1.10 for AOSP & SENSE
You don't waste no time !
I'm looking forward to this next stage on the one x development
Sent from a Blunt smoker
Let the games begin:victory: and let the freaking testing begin to....now i am actually glad i am not working so i can test i know stupid but this makes up for it
Re: [PREVIEW_KERNEL]ncx_3.14_JB Kernel_3.1.10 for AOSP & SENSE
Goku80 said:
Let the games begin:victory: and let the freaking testing begin to....now i am actually glad i am not working so i can test i know stupid but this makes up for it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sent from my One X
Goku80 said:
Let the games begin:victory: and let the freaking testing begin to....now i am actually glad i am not working so i can test i know stupid but this makes up for it
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
as said... dont expect anything... I try to provide a testversion on evening but it wont have any features...or maybe... 1 or 2... dont know what my time allows
n3ocort3x said:
as said... dont expect anything... I try to provide a testversion on evening but it wont have any features...or maybe... 1 or 2... dont know what my time allows
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Neo mate..Take your time....no rush my friend..anyways gtalk is on my sig add me again cause it looks like my gtalk got messed up...
Run Forrest RUN !!!
Let the fun begin
You can't expect the wonders, If you don't dream about them
Re: [PREVIEW_KERNEL]ncx_3.14_JB Kernel_3.1.10 for AOSP & SENSE
Can't wait for this, very exciting
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
tomascus said:
Can't wait for this, very exciting
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i know more testing for me and i can try all the different kernels now for my thread as well....let see if this will beat stock
Cooool!It's time to talk about schedule. What will you do first? OC/UV/governor/GCC 4.7?Can't wait to s..t on my 1x!
JohnYang1997 said:
Cooool!It's time to talk about schedule. What will you do first? OC/UV/governor/GCC 4.7?Can't wait to s..t on my 1x!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I talk when i want to ...What i do first: see if it compiles without errors...I have no shed
Mr_S said:
You don't waste no time !
I'm looking forward to this next stage on the one x development
Sent from a Blunt smoker
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
but what we gonna do (with our lives) once we have a perfect phone :laugh:
Take your time,dude. You cool,always!
Re: [PREVIEW_KERNEL]ncx_3.14_JB Kernel_3.1.10 for AOSP & SENSE
Ready ta test here an all mate
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Now that the kernel source has been released for the latest base, I can't wait for my HOX to return from the repair center. <3

[KERNEL][F2FS/EXT4][GEE(HRC)][LOLLIPOP/STOCK] jolla-kernel_AIO_Gen2-v2.5_Up8 13/03/15

* Your warranty is now void.
* This kernel is build my ruddnr951 (Kim Kyeongwook) at Korea android Forum.
* If you wanna contact with me, e-mail to [email protected]
* Me and Jollaman999 are not responsible for bricked devices.
Kernel Info
Builder : jollaman999
Intro : Added some features from other kernel sources based on CM kernel. And added some I/O schedulers, Governers, Overclock and Battery optimization.
- Dynamic Thermal Control: This function automatically adjust throttling settings when CPU clock changed.
- Stock: Optimus G TDMB support for Korea
- Use Android device as USB keyboard/mouse support (Required app included) (Please refer to the youtube links at the bottom.)
- Buzzing sound FIX!!
- Lollipop multirom support!!
- Power fixed based on Gproj!! (Battery standby time greatly improved!!)
- Configurable DoubleTap2Wake's touch counts!!
- Random hot reboot fixed.
- f2fs: Latest Linux patches applied.
- random: Latest Linux patches applied.
- Stock's LED driver ported.
- Used a kernel value which is optimized to battery life and performance balance. So you can use without specific settings.
- Built with latest Linaro 4.9.3-2015.02
- Used a Linux 3.4.106 kernel
- Used a XZ kernel extraction to decrease kernel loading time.
- F2FS file system support.
- Kexec Hardboot multi-boot support.
- Knock On available
- Gamma control feature
- Fast Charge available
- Intelli-Plug hotplug applied for battery life
- Dynamic FSYNC used.
- Advance sound control available.
- Voltage Controls
- CPU Downclock & Overclock (Supported clock : 270~1728MHz)
- GPU Overclock (Supported clock : 533/450/400/320/200/128MHz)
- Default Minimum/Maximum CPU clock : 270MHz / 1134MHz for battery life
- 'Smartmax' CPU Governer used as default for battery life
- 'Simple' GPU governer used as a default
- Westwood TCP Congestion used as a default
- Available TCP Congestion : westwood, reno, bic, cubic, highspeed, hybla, htcp, vegas, veno, scalable, lp. yeah, illinois
- Available CPU Governer : dancedance, lazy, wheatly, asswax, intellidemand, interactive, conservative, ondemand, smartmax, smartassV2, abyssplugv2, lionheart, lulzactive, uberdemand, slim, pegasusq, performance
- Available I/O Scheduler : row, cfq, fiops, sio, fifo, vr, zen
====Changelog (Gen2-v2.5_Update8)====
- Stock: sound: msm: Stock KK ported (Also fixed voice recording issue (Q Voice, Video recording, Headset mic etc...))
- Stock: Optimus G TDMB support for Korea
- Stock: gee_defconfig: Enable MOBICORE driver (Related with DRM)
- Stock: tdmb: fc8050: Disable mess debug messages
- Stock: tdmb: fc8050: Fix Korean typo in sources
- All: f2fs updated
- jolla-twrp: Update kernel
==AIO Updates==
- f2fs: Update vold binary (Fix can't boot when f2fs partion exist.)
-All: Revert LGE headphone detect issue with noise fix, Fix min/max cpu voltage range
- Stock_KK: Fix compatibility issue for Kitkat
- jolla-twrp Update kernel
- Stock_KK: Gen2-v2.5 ported succesfully to Stock_KK kernel!!
- gpu: Stock KK porting
- mdp/fb: Stock KK porting
- led: Stock KK porting
- sound: Stock KK porting
- vibrator: Stock KK porting
- backlight: Adjust for Stock KK
- Complied with latest Linaro toolchain (2015.02)
- Lollipop: Re-complied with latest Linaro toolchain (2015.02)
- jolla-twrp: kernel: Re-complied with latest Linaro toolchain (2015.02)
==AIO Updates==
- ota: Fix FC issue when data is wiped
- unpack-ramdisk.sh: Fix init.d not working issue in some of roms
==AIO Updates==
- Lollipop - f2fs: Allow use of either f2fs or ext4 for system, data and cache
- Lollipop - rc-L: Remove useless cpu online lines
- ota: Restore sysinit SELinux permission by ota service script
- f2fs: Update to latest f2fs linux-3.4 branch's sources
- random: Update to latest Linux 4.0-rc1 sources
- hw_random: Update to latest Linux 4.0-rc1 sources
- jolla-twrp: jolla-kernel_Gen2-v2.5 applied
- Updates applied to Stock_KK kernels
====Dynamic Thermal Control====
- This function automatically adjust throttling settings when CPU clock changed.
So when you want to change thermal settings directly, you should turn off this function.
You can turn off this function by patching 'Dynamic_thermal_Off' in my server folder. (Not recommended.)
====USB Keyboard/Mouse Working Video====
====Configurable Knock On Touch Counts====
0 : Off
1~9 : Wake by n+1 taps. (n = Your setting)
0 : Doubletap2wake will not working.
1 : Wake by double taps.
2 : Wake by triple taps.
9 : Wake by 10 taps.
Recognizing Time : 100ms * 'touch counts'
(So when you set to 9, you can wake your device by 10 taps in 1 second. )
Known Issues
- When 'Nightmare' governer is selected, cpu cloks are not showing properly.
- USB Keyboard/Mouse driver is not loaded with Stock Kernel
- sched: Various optimizations and updates applied from faux123's mako kk_mr2
- lowmemorykiller: Some of optimizations applied from faux123's mako kk_mr2
- zram: Some of optimizations applied for Android from faux123's mako kk_mr2
- gee_defconfig: Disable unneeded mpdecision
- jolla-twrp: jolla-kernel_Gen2-v2.4 applied
- Updates applied to Stock_KK kernels
- OTA Updater included
- 2015/18/Feb Added - lge_touch_core: Fix bug of hardware keys not working when dt2w is disabled
- intelli_plug: Turn off wcd9310 debug messages
- msm_thermal: Do not working when screen turned off
- msm_thermal: Make temperature check logic simpler (Improve battery life)
- ipv4: try to cache dst_entries which would cause a redirect (CM update)
- intelli_plug/wcd9310: Force intelli_plug working when playing music while screen off
- dt2w: Fix doubletap2wake not working sometimes
- smartmax: Handle sampling_rate_screen_off by early suspend
- dynamic_thermal_control: Remove hardcoded cpufreq table and get it from current table
- jolla-twrp: jolla-kernel_Gen2-v2.3 applied
- Stock_KK kernels updated
- f2fs: Re-work with f2fs sources for Linux 3.4.x (Now working perfectly with no errors!!)
(/data, /cache re-format recommended if you using f2fs already.)
- jolla-twrp: TWRP v2.8.4 version up, jolla-kernel_Gen2-v2.2 applied, Lollipop multirom support
- multirom: v30 version up, Lollipop compatible
- Change logs only applied for CM/AOSP kernels
- Removed CM/AOSP KK kernels.
- Linux 3.4.106
- Compiled with latest Linaro_4.9.3-2015.01-build
- smartmax: sampling_rate_screen_off: Do not call usecs_to_jiffies function twice.
- wlan: prima updated to v3.2.3.197
- zram Support
- arm-crypto: sha-1, aes, sha256, sha512, arc4 optimization for ARM neon
- KEYS: close race between key lookup and freeing
- Low-memory-killer: Logic optimization from Motorola
- int_sqrt: Improve 3x faster integer sqrt
- readahead: make context readahead more conservative
- sound: Enable 320kbps audio recording
- arm: Perf update from Cyanogen Mod kernel_msm
- acpuclock-8064: Remove not working high level clocks (1782~1890MHz)
- gpu: Remove not working 607.5MHz and re-added 450MHz
- clocks: Remove unsafe lower cpu freqs (81~162MHz)
- smartmax: Fix default values
- fs: Always set noatime no diratime on all partitions! I/O Boost!
- board-mako: add missing updates from CAF
- board-mako: Enable Krait Retention
- msm: mdm2: Decrease leakage before QSC power-up
- smartassV2: Fix default values
- gee_defconfig: Compile smartassV2 cpu governor
- mako-sound: Noise fix ported from Stock KK
- mako-regulator: Add missed pm8xxx-adc regulator while ported Gproj power
- sound: Revert Nuplayer fix
- sound: wcd9310: Increase default gain (Increase volume for call speaker/mic and headphone/speaker)
- board-mako: Increase DC voltage level for G (Stock KK)
- mako: Add missed some of related with tabla for G
- cpufreq: Remove uncomfortable governors (nightmare, interactiveX)
- wcd9xxx: Fix headphone detect issue in 3.3V low batt (Stock KK)
- intelli_plug: Set screen off max to 702MHz
- sound: Buzzing sound FIX!! (intelli_plug,wcd9310: Force set 2cpus working when playing music while screen off)
- LP/KK: smartmax: Added sampling_rate_screen_off parameter - Thanks to gu5t3r
(When screen on, smartmax will increase clock based on sampling_rate.
And when screen off, smartmax will increase clock slowly based on sampling_rate_screen_off.)
- LP: mm: Set VM_MAX_READAHEAD to 512
- LP: msm: vidc: Get the current performance level
- LP: Fix some of sources for compatibility with cm12 build. (Kernels's functions are not changed.)
- aroma-installer: Fix logic of LP kernel and KK kernel installation.
- aroma-installer: Fix logic of LP kernel modules installation.
- aroma-installer: Fix logic of finding init.d support - Thanks to gu5t3r.
This patch only applied for AOSP based Kikat & Lollipop kernel.
====Changelog (Gen2-v1.1)====
- dynamic_thermal_control: Prevent dynamic_thermal call when device is hot and go to ideal state
(When device is hot and go to ideal state 'dynamic_thermal' called and change the msm_thermal settings.
So the original max frequency get lower clock step by step when device is hot.
This patch fix this bug.)
This patch only applied for AOSP based Kikat & Lollipop kernel.
====Changelog (Gen2-v1.0)====
- No more update for Kitkat and Stock.
- Restart with Clean Code!!
(Rebuild with Google mako source. Applied latest Linux patches with some of fixes for joll-kernel directly. So all of sources and kernel performance are stable.)
- Applied patches from Linux 3.4.1 to 3.4.105 one by one. (So sources and performance are stable.)
- Dynamic Thermal Control: Automatically adjust throttling settings when CPU clock changed. (Own making!!)
(Solve the existing problem coming back to 1134Mhz despite you change the CPU clock!!)
- Greatly improved battery life due to the source stabilization. (Light user can be used up to a day or more to use.)
- gpu: Fixed to use minimum gpu frequency when sleep. (Improved battery life) (Own making!!)
- Added jolla-kernel logo
- random: Applied all of latest Linux patches
- f2fs: Applied all of latest Linux patches
- Faux Sound: Applied faux123's latest sources
- Faux Gamma Control: Applied faux123's latest sources
- Intelli-plug: Applied faux123's latest sources
- GPU simple governor: Applied faux123's latest sources
- MTP: Applied Google latest sources
- TCP Congestion: Added cubic, highspeed, hybla, htcp, vegas, veno, scalable, lp. yeah, illinois.
- io-scheduler: Added fifo, vr, zen.
- cpufreq: smartmax: Fix some of default values of smartmax governor. (Improved battery life)
- LZ4 compression format support.
- And applied more patches.
[v17_Final - Only for AOSP based Kitkat kernel]
- Dynamic Thermal Control: Automatically adjust throttling settings when CPU clock changed. (Own making!!)
(Solve the existing problem coming back to 1134Mhz despite you change the CPU clock!!)
- gpu: Fixed to use minimum gpu frequency when sleep. (Improved battery life) (Own making!!)
- Added jolla-kernel logo
- io-scheduler: Added fifo, vr, zen.
- cpufreq: smartmax: Fix some of default values of smartmax governor. (Improved battery life)
- MTP: Applied Google latest sources
- futex optimization
- Applied some of cpufreq patches
- Use Android device as USB keyboard/mouse support (Required app included)
- L-kernel: Applied latest Cyanogenmod patches with 'seccomp'
- f2fs: Latest linux kernel tree patches applied
(Until Dec 9, 2014 f2fs: avoid to ra unneeded blocks in recover flow)
- f2fs: New 'inline_dentry' mount option applied
- L-kernel: makocam kernel added
- Support Stock camera diriver selection mode for L-kernel
- Support mod/nonmod kernel selection for L-kernel
- Recovery-twrp: Update kernel to jolla-kernel_v16
- Recovery-philz: Update kernel to jolla-kernel_v16
- Only provided with my cm-12.0 UNOFFICIAL roms.
- Linux 3.4.105 applied.
- Latest mako's lollipop kernel patches applied.
- Makefile Optimization
- L-kernel related fixes.
- Power: Applied gproj based power sources. (Battery standby time greatly improved!!)
- doubletap2wake: Fixed 3 taps issue when phone is suspended!!
- doubletap2wake: You can wake your device by 10 taps in a second!!: eek: (Configurable tap counts!!)
0 : Off
1~9 : Wake by n+1 taps. (n = Your setting)
0 : Doubletap2wake will not working.
1 : Wake by double taps.
2 : Wake by triple taps.
9 : Wake by 10 taps.
Recognizing Time : 100ms * 'touch counts'
(So when you set to 9, you can wake your device by 10 taps in 1 second. )
- doubletap2wake: Adjusted recognizing time.
- io-sched: Remove bfq io-scheduler that eat more batery. Back to fiops as default io-scheduler.
- Remove TDMB driver that not compatible with jolla-kernel.
- f2fs: Applied latest updates until Linux 3.17.4
- random: Applied latest updates until Linux 3.17.4
- CM, L : Latest kgsl driver updated based on Lollipop kernel
- CM, L : Wifi updated based on Lollipop kernel
- L : cm-12.0 Ready (Know issue: Random screen flicking)
- GEEB camera fixed
- Stock: GEEB sdcard ramdisk lines added
- block: bfq io-scheduler added and set to default
- cpufreq: dancedance, smartassV2 new governors added
- leds: re-ported based on Stock KK only for duty cycles
- codel net-scheduler applied
- tcp: Some of optimized and TCP Small Queues applied
- ext4 optimized based on new random driver and FIDTRIM support
- zlib: clean up some dead code
- sound: Some of fixed with pop noise fix
- TDMB driver added (only for GEE and not tested)
- Some of mako to GEE related fixes based on Stock KK
- And more..
- Stock Wifi driver ported (Version -> (Speed up)
- Stock LED driver ported (LED duration fixed)
- Android L Kernel support
- GUI AROMA INSTALLER Applied and multirom supported. (AIO)
- Built with Linaro 2014.09 gcc 4.9.2 latest toolchain.
- CM : Installation method changed to zlmage installation from boot.img installation. (increase compatibility.)
- CM : Built with latest CM source.
- CM : OTG function added. (experimental, now for test.)
- SPARSEMEM kernel option modified.
- Coretex-A15 memcopy optimization.
- memutils: memcpy, memmove, copy_page optimization.
- lge_touch_core: i2c error fixed when you upgrade your firmware.
- ext4: WB_SYNC_ALL pass called from sync(2) Speed up.
- Latest CM kernel patch applied.
- Stock : Kerenel logo driver modified and jolla-kernel logo added.
- Linux 3.4.104 kernel applied.
- Modified to show jolla-kernel version. (On settings - About phone)
- Faux Sound updated to v3.6
- Stock : OTG Function added (USB can be recognized but not works.)
- GEEB : SDCard supported.
- WQ_POWER_EFFICIENT_DEFAULT power save patch applied.
- Kernel MOD NEON supported.
- msdos, ntfs filesystem is compatible.
- Stock : Backlight level kernel log deactivated.
- Ported Stock Features : GPU, Video, Wifi, LED, Vibrator, IOMMU, Stock Camera
- Random hotreboot optimized.
- Only ext4 filesystem supported currently.
- Another Changelogs are same with CM/AOSP based jolla-kernel.
- Stock Camera ported.
- Random Hotreboot optimization (When we reboot phone first when flash the rom and kernel or when using, there was random hot reboot. So we found the error at the binder which is the linking system between Android and Kernel. So we compare with Gproj kernel source and fixed it. Now you can use ART runtime as well.)
- Minimum clock increased. (81MHz -> 270MHz
- Throttling temperature limit decreased and fixed bug you can't set again to 1134MHz. (We think the last version's temperature limit is to high, so decreased and When you process Throttling, it has locked into 1134MHz. So we fixed.)
- 384MHZ L2 Cache voltage optimized.
- Android Logging (logcat) optimization and deactivated. (Don't use it commonly.)
- F2FS : Linux 3.16.2 version update proceeded.
- Few kernel settings have errors. Fixed.
- Extra minor patch proceeded.
- OMNI Kernel supported. (OMNI ROM)
- Kernel stablize : Applied Linux 3.4.103 patch and fix the bugs and errors on the source.
- mod/normal kernel both supported.
- User can personalize throttling option (You can personalize temperature and clock per level at the TricksterMod application.)
(※ You can use temperature limit option at the TricksterMod application, 'Temperature control'.)
Checked Compatible ROMs
Mod : CM12 (GEEHRC Unofficial), CM11 (GEE Unofficial), AxxionKat, Carbon
Normal (non-mod) : Dirty Unicorns, DayDream (This is Korean ROM ), Liquidsmooth
Stock : ARTMOD, Sling, Miui (you have to flash stock_miui)
G3 : GEE3
We always hearing your feedbacks. If there is a problem with specific ROMs, Error report into this thread.
---About Multi ROM---
jolla-TWRP is GEEHRC based recovery.
So when you going to flash Gproj based ROM or Stock based ROM, it can occur status 7 error.
In this case, extract the ROM file, and delete 'assert' sentence structure at
'META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script' and re-extract the ROM file. Then flash!
After you flash MultiROM zip, you can see 'MultiROM Fail' error message.
In this case, Go to 'Advanced - Multirom - ListROM - Your second rom - Flash zip'
and flash compatible kernel for your secondary ROM.
Download Link
Mirror: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/9eemnevifta2z/jolla-kernel_AIO-gee - Thank you for gu5t3r -
If you wanna use F2FS partition, wipe /data, /cache as f2fs file system with TWRP recovery.
Flashing guide
- Follow the instructions of aroma-installer!
Don't be afraid when you flash F2FS kernel! F2FS has more longer first boot time than EXT4 Filesystem!!!
Battery Life : 10~12 hours in my phone
Jolla-kernel's all features only fully-working at TricksterMod application. There could be some features which are not working at other kernel controll apps.
We are trying to make better kernel everytime. Please understand us effort. :laugh:
jolla-kernel is released with a lots of test in other testphones.
But if you have a bug, Report plz.
[jolla-kernel source]
[Referenced sources]
The Linux Kernel Archives : [url]https://www.kernel.org/[/url]
cm-11.0 : [url]https://github.com/CyanogenMod[/url]
Loller79 Solid_Kernel-Cyano : [url]https://github.com/Loller79/Solid_Kernel-Cyano[/url]
faust93 f93_kernel : [url]https://github.com/faust93/f93_kernel[/url]
Docker-J Sail_GPROJ : [url]https://github.com/Docker-J/Sail_GPROJ[/url]
faux123 mako : [url]https://github.com/faux123/mako[/url]
MikeEx kernel_msm : [url]https://github.com/MikeEx/kernel_msm[/url]
flar2 ElementalX-m7-4.0 : [url]https://github.com/flar2/ElementalX-m7-4.0[/url]
justin0406 AK-xGenesis : [url]https://github.com/justin0406/AK-xGenesis[/url]
Porting kexec hardboot : [url]https://github.com/Tasssadar/multirom/wiki/Porting-kexec-hardboot[/url]
544MHz GPU Overclock : [url]http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2307086[/url]
jaeguek's F2FS filesystem : [url]https://kernel.googlesource.com/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/jaegeuk/f2fs-tools/[/url]
Donation link has been closed​
Download link doesn't work
Nicee, thank you!
I've just fixed. If you are downloading with your phone, try Chrome. Chrome supports FTP client
Downloading right now, will report about the stability and performance after trying it a while. A stock kernel with kexec hard boot would be really helpful. (I would build myself but sadly do not have time these days)
Oh... I think my friend will read every replies in this Thread and fix it daily and release more stable kernel.
Sent from my LG-E975 using XDA Free mobile app
ruddnr951 said:
Oh... I think my friend will read every replies in this Thread and fix it daily and release more stable kernel.
Sent from my LG-E975 using XDA Free mobile app
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Somehow this didn't work on my Carbon gee ROM. I mean, it works, but no matter what governor, voltages, etc in trickstermod, cpu always stays on 81mhz to around 150mhz, bringing the phone to a crawl. Maybe it's because I didn't wipe dalvik, I don't know.
Hmmm... I checked that this kernel is working at Axxionkat, Carbon, GEE Cyanogenmod Roms which are compaitable with MOD kernel.... how about wipe cache, dalvik cache or Flashing rom again...? I think that's not kernel problem
Sent from my LG-E975 using XDA Free mobile app
I try use this kernel on CyanogenMod 11 Nightly, and doesn't work. I installed zip and wipe cache and dalvik, but when I reboot the phone, have a blackscreen.
This kernel is for GEE ROMs. Official CM (E975) is for Gproj. Gproj ROMs are not compaitable with this kernel.
Sent from my LG-E975 using XDA Free mobile app
ruddnr951 said:
This kernel is for GEE ROMs. Official CM (E975) is for Gproj. Gproj ROMs are not compaitable with this kernel.
Sent from my LG-E975 using XDA Free mobile app
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Ups, fail! Thanks! I installed Carbon KK (based on Gee ROM) and kernel working... Thaaaaaaanks!
I'm really appriciated to you because you choose jolla-kernel :good:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
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Is anybody else getting this when trying to visit the link? I read above it was fixed, but this is what I'm getting
iamterence said:
Is anybody else getting this when trying to visit the link? I read above it was fixed, but this is what I'm getting
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
use google chrome.
And I found a new XDA Relink error.
the download URL is ftp://ras.jollaman999.com:8221 but when we automatically redirected by XDA, It is relinking to ftp//ras.jollaman999.com:8221. There's no ':'
I fixed link http:// instead of ftp://
Sent from my LG-E975 using XDA Free mobile app
I like this kernel, except...bootanimation =.=". Flash in AxxionKAT and it replace my bootanimation by original CyanogenMOD bootanimation :laugh:
Is the kernel supposed to be 22mbs? I only asked because normally kernels are between 5 and 8mbs
iamterence said:
Is the kernel supposed to be 22mbs? I only asked because normally kernels are between 5 and 8mbs
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because this kernel added bootanimation.zip, and it's 17MB
the title is a little confusing here. I mean E975 CM is gproj. Some may think that there's a kind of paradox in the tilte. gee and CM. We shouldn't try this kernel on E975 (geehrc) CM based ROMs like pacman, mokee, and...

[Kernel][STOCK/PORT][N910P] [08-25-17] DtuxKernel W07F - 710N - DR4G0N v2.8 (EOL)

MM SPRINT DTUX KERNEL W07F v1.7 / 710N v2.6RE / DR4G0N v2.8 (EOL)
*** Disclaimer***
You are the solely responsible if something goes wrong. It's Recommended to be on MM PK1 BASEBAND. AND READ CAREFULLY FOR THE INSTALL AND DETAILS.
This is the beginning, DTUX KERNEL, there will be 3 tiers:
-Wolf Tier: Stock alike, no fanciness but with some security patches and Enhancement in the performance and battery department.
-Lion tier: A good volume of tweaks will be available beside what the Wolf tier offers.
Dragon tier AKA 3DDYB022 3D1T10N! : Emotion alike, all the bells and whistles a la Dtux
Install instructions
-Just Flash
-Magisk v13.3 will also be installed
-Get Magisk Manager 5.1.1 HERE if you are using this root method for the first time
-Settings will be reset to default for Kernel Adiutor to prevent boot issues.
-W07F 3D1T10N Has been configured to work with a profiles system with Spectrum Kernel App -(DOWNLOAD HERE)
-710N & DR4G0N 3D1T10N Comes with Dtux Adiutor!!!
Steps for proper Gain Changes with Faux Sound
1-Turn OFF the gain locks if its on (default is OFF)
2-Change the gains to your liking
3-Turn back ON the gain locks to ensure they won't be changed by any other app and to survive reboots if the sound tab applies on boot.
ON 2ND POST FOR W07F, 3RD FOR 710N, 4TH FOR DR4G0N aka 3DDY_B002 3D1T10N
@Ram121 (Thanks for the help and commits!)
@Freeza (Thanks for the source and great advices!)
@Pafcholini (Thanks for the commits!!)
@kevintm78 (Thanks for the Head start on this bumpy road, Kudos!)
XDA:DevDB Information
DtuxKernel, Kernel for the Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note 4
Kernel Special Features:
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: v2.6
Stable Release Date: 2017-08-14
Current Beta Version: v2.8
Beta Release Date: 2017-08-25
Created 2017-07-14
Last Updated 2017-08-30
DtuxKernel W07F 3D1T10N​
Initial Changelog for W07F 3D1T10N V1.1.
-Based on PK1 Kernel Sources
-Built using the Reliable arm-eabi-4.9 Toolchain
-Fixed DirtyCow vulnerability
-Added to the interactive Governor (default) the commit cf0fad49d17cb8273ce555dd5b7afab67d7923bf for increased performance and battery
-Added PM / sleep: Fix memory leak in pm_vt_switch_unregister(). For better ram management.
-Kernel Switches Permissive/Enforcing (making it compatible with Android Auto / SELinuxToggler and more!)
-tcp: tweak for speed
-power: quickwakeup: initial driver
-USB: android: Fix memory leak in mass_storage_function_init()
-ZeroLemon Commit added!
v1.2 W07F 3D1T10N Changelog
dm-crypt: run in a WQ_HIGHPRI workqueue
dm-verity: run in a WQ_HIGHPRI workqueue
arch: sec_bsp: silence annoying messages
binfmt_elf.c: use get_random_int() to fix entropy depleting (Jeff Liu )
android: binder: use GPF_HIGHUSER flag since binder is designed for userspace
Optimize copy_page for modern ARM platforms
arm/kernel/irq.c: remove irq affinity warnings
ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Add FLAC in compress offload path
kgsl_pwrscale: fix simple_ondemand GPU Governor Crash
asoc: wcd9xxx: Improve headset detection
tick: don't update idle time if cpu offline
qdsp6v2: Stereo Call Recording Support
Expose the option to user - CRC Checking (if disabled performance could increase up to 30%)
A couple of ramdisk tweaks.
v1.3 W07F 3D1T10N Changelog
Native init.d support
Spectrum Kernel App support (GET APP HERE!)
The 4 profiles have been configured to comply with Dtux Standards, please test them and report your observations/suggestions
v1.4 W07F 3D1T10N Changelog
Sysfs interface for Gentle_Fair_Sleepers [neobuddy89]
thermal-core: Fix to send correct trip type to get trip temperature
arm: smp: Update the topology masks before calling CPU_STARTING notif
fs: sync: Asynchronous Fsync from HTC
Further tweaking Kernel profiles, specially the Battery Saving one.
Reworked the ramdisk again.
v1.5 W07F 3D1T10N Changelog
Updated Magisk to 13.3 (link to the NEW Magisk Manager updated too, go get it!)
Added Busybox-YDS 1.26.2 to kernel ramdisk
Added a temperature reducer commit
Misc tweaks
v1.6 W07F 3D1T10N Changelog
Added Busybox-YDS 1.27.1 to kernel ramdisk
msm_hsic_host wakelock adjustable (recommended between 50% - 20%)
rmnet usb fix
bcmdhd reduced rx wakelock
bcmdhd reduced ctrl wakelock
bluesleep - reduce wakelock timeout the dtux way
SensorHub, Proximity and Humidity wakelocks in check!
Significant motion sensors wakelock in check! (Experimental)
Bluetooth: Fix L2CAP deadlock
Added many TCP protocols
Improved Extended battery support (better Calculations)
msm_serial_hs: release dma wakelock properly
Decrease BT/FM TX timeouts to improve deep sleep ratio.
bluetooth: bluesleep: Remove IRQF_DISABLED noop flag
Added User Configurable Spectrum Profiles (via Spectrum folder, for advanced users)
v1.7 W07F 3D1T10N Changelog
Added ZL4 compression support to kernel including the following commits:
PM / sleep: Fix memory leak in pm_vt_switch_unregister()
decompressor: add LZ4 decompressor module
lib: add support for LZ4-compressed kernel
lib: add lz4 compressor module
lib/lz4: correct the LZ4 license
lz4: fix compression/decompression signedness mismatch
Apply CFLAGS, -Os to decompress.o to improve decompress performance
lz4: ensure length does not wrap
lz4: fix another possible overrun
lz4: add overrun checks to lz4_uncompress_unknownoutputsize()
arm: add support for LZ4-compressed kernel
DtuxKernel-W07F_3D1T10N_v1.7-Unified_Build SAFETYNET COMPLIANT VERSION!
Older Snapshots
DtuxKernel-W07F_3D1T10N_v1.6-Unified_Build SAFETYNET COMPLIANT VERSION!
DtuxKernel-W07F_3D1T10N_v1.5-Unified_Build SAFETYNET COMPLIANT VERSION!
DtuxKernel-W07F_3D1T10N_v1.4-Unified_Build SAFETYNET COMPLIANT VERSION!
DtuxKernel 710N 3D1T10N​
Initial Changelog for 710N 3D1T10N V1.8
-Based on DtuxKernel W07F ED1T10N v1.7
***Prevent on interactive governor changes to IO_IS_BUSY
ramdisk: limit boot speed to 2.27ghz (for a cooler reboot!)
drivers: Add state notifier driver
msm: Add Intelli Hotplug Driver
msm: Add MSM Hotplug driver
msm: add Alucard Hotplug Driver
msm: Add Bricked Hotplug
msm: Add Mako Hotplug
sound/soc/codecs: Faux Sound control for WCD9330 TomTom codec driver (PARTIALLY WORKING)
intelli_thermal v1 by Faux123 added
IntelliThermal finally
CPU OVERCLOCK-UNDERCLOCK ENABLED removed in R2 for the moment
GPU OVERCLOCK-UNDERCLOCK ENABLED removed in R2 for the moment
Voltage Control: generic voltage control for DTS based kernels
Add Led control [Twistedumbrella & Ktoonsez]
Added LED Control & Fading Control
Added Display Kcal Controls
Added Adreno Idler GPU Hotplug
Added the following I/O Schedulers:
Added the following CPU Governors:
zzmoove 1.0 Beta7
V1.9 Changelog
clock-krait-8974: fix cpu voltage table
Revert faux Sound (I personally found some volume inconsistencies )
Fixed two critical bugs on Alucard Hotplug
Force Fast Charge v1.2 added
added usb-gadget: support USB keyboard (use this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=remote.hid.keyboard.client)
Added Spectrum data cleaning script (Spectrum is still necessary to configure a profile for wakelock control)
Reverted ramdisk: limit boot speed to 2.27ghz
V2.0 Changelog
FULL Faux Sound Engine Implemented v3.6
cpufreq: boot a little slower, don't accept a target freq of 0
Decrease time to enter sleep
Increase io performance
Added Governors: Bluactive, Bioshock, Hyper and Nightmare
V2.1 Changelog
ASoC: wcd9xxx-mbhc: fix codec power leakage during suspend
ASoC: wcd9330: Update EAR power down sequence
Updated Alucard Hotplug
Added Msm_Sleeper and AutoSMP Hotplugs (Msm_Sleeper only visible on Kernel Adiutor MOD)
Intellithermal Minor fix (Still v1)
Reverted wakelock experiment on sig motion back to version v1.9
Added Powersuspend Lcd/Hybrid/Auto and Userspace modes (preparing for an efficient Wake Gestures )
Forced User Cpu Freq via Commit (cpu freq change will stick better now!)
Added Adreno low screen off freq suspend state (preparing for an efficient Wake Gestures )
Updated ZZmoove Gov to v1.0 b8 + Zzmoove hotplug enabled!!!!! (must turn off all hotplugs and set a zzmoove profile!)
Add GPU underclock/overclock (166 Mhz-800 MHz) (also preparing for an efficient Wake Gestures ) OVERCLOCK RESPONSABILITY IS ON YOUR OWN!!!
Minor fixes here and there
V2.2 Changelog
V2.3 Changelog
Updated powersuspend from v1.7 to v2 and added multiple hooks and code cleaned up! - it probably wasnt working properly
Minor fix on Smartass2 governor (better battery)
added experimental toggle to disable ssp sensors wakelock on screen off state (THIS IS TOP SECRET LOL)
Eliminated sig motion wakelock EXPERIMENT
V2.4 Changelog
V2.5 Changelog
V2.6 Changelog
Downgraded powersuspend from v2.0 (unofficial) to v1.7 (Official) + fixes
cpufreq: cpu-boost: Multiple optimizations
arm: make return_address available for ARM_UNWIND
minor fix to Adreno driver
Cleanup interactiveX governor code
add UMS function to kernel (External Memory Mass Storage Mount) DOWNLOAD THE APP HERE!!!
Added Cafactive, LionFish and Yankactive governors
Added Maple I/O Scheduler. Yeeeeee Haaaaaaa!!!
Now you can control the custom AC and USB Charge levels!
Added toggle to bypass Samsung Screen On Charging limits!
minor fixes on DtuxAdiutor
Screen Mirrorring fix included on the ramdisk
enabled adb via ramdisk
enabled kernel logging for debbuging purposes (LOG located in /proc/last_kmsg <-- upload this if you get a reboot or any other type of problem that YOU understand is kernel related).
V2.6 RELOADED Changelog
Downgraded Alucard Hotplug in hopes to stop reboots on it
Fixed LOG TAB!!!!
Fixed CRC and Logs Switch
Fixed Custom fast charge values!!!
Older Snapshots
DtuxKernel DR4GON a.k.a 3DDY_B022 3D1T10N​
V2.8 Changelog
Based on 710N v2.6RE
Removed Intellithermal
ADDED DTUX THERMAL ENGINE!! (Based on the excellent work by Francisco Franco!)
Negative Gains added to Faux Sound Engine!!!
Enabled NetHunter (For Wireless Auditoring)
Added Blu_Plug Hotplug Driver
Added Wireless Fast Charging custom controls support
Upgraded Alucard governor from v2.1 to v3.0
Downgraded Alucard Hotplug in hopes to stop reboots on it
 @bigbabo , this is for you bro
Preliminar Guide for Kernel usage
Thanks to @Saber and other relevant posts i'm going to give you a quick resume of what i understood and my personal findings. i'm open to any changes on this.
Take a moment to thank Saber for the wonderful research he has done.
The I/O Schedulers are ranked and categorized as it follows:
zen (tied #1 BALANCED) (#2 GAMING)
tripndroid (tied #1 BALANCED)
row (#2 BALANCED)
deadline (#1 GAMING)
noop (#1 BATTERY)
fiops (#2 BATTERY)
sioplus (Under Evaluation)
sio (Under Evaluation)
fifo (Under Evaluation)
vr (Under Evaluation)
Recommended I/O Read Ahead: 768kb to 1024kb Internal
: 384kb to 512kb External
The newly added CPU Schedulers are ranked and categorized as it follows:
Performance: ***** (5)
Battery: *** (3)
Compact/stability: ***** (5)
ALUCARD (Overall = 11)
Performance: *** (3)
Battery: ***** (5)
Compact/stability: *** (3)
BARRY_ALLEN (Overall = 11)
Performance: ***** (5)
Battery: *** (3)
Compact/stability: *** (3)
IMPULSE (Overall = 13)
Performance: ***** (5)
Battery: **** (4)
Compact/stability: **** (4)
INTERACTIVEX (Overall = 13)
Performance: ***** (5)
Battery: *** (3)
Compact/stability: *** (5)
LIONHEART (Overall = 10)
Performance: **** (4)
Battery: *** (3)
Compact/stability: *** (3)
PEGASUSQ (Overall = 12)
Performance: **** (4)
Battery: **** (4)
Compact/stability: **** (4)
SMARTASSV2 (Overall = 10)
Performance: **** (4)
Battery: *** (3)
Compact/stability: *** (3)
ZZMOOVE 1.0 BETA7 (Overall = 11)
Performance: **** (4)
Battery: *** (3)
Compact/stability: **** (4)
CONCLUSION: The default Interactive, Impulse and Pegasusq are hard to beat overall, Alucard is the best on Battery without losing noticeable performance and of course Zzmoove which could become the best if fine tuned.
Recommended Hotplug for Balanced/Battery: Alucard then Intelliplug
Recommended Hotplug for Balanced/Performance: MSM Hotplug then MPDecision
Most Stable: MPDecision
Recommended GPU Drivers: msm-adreno-tz with Adreno Idler.
So there you have it!!! Post your recommendations and conclusion too!!!!
Any chance of a ZL version as well?
wineguy said:
Any chance of a ZL version as well?
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Definitely. In all ears for what features you guys want
carlosggb said:
Definitely. In all ears for what features you guys want
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Im not sure if its kernel related probably is on un7 rom after charging to 100% and unplugging i used to go 4-5 hpurs before it drops 1% can something like that be intergrated to this kernel "if" its the part of the kernel , battery life really is all important specially to those with stock battery
bigbabo said:
Im not sure if its kernel related probably is on un7 rom after charging to 100% and unplugging i used to go 4-5 hpurs before it drops 1% can something like that be intergrated to this kernel "if" its the part of the kernel , battery life really is all important specially to those with stock battery
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Adding ZL to the kernel helps stock batteries that sre starting to give trouble but not too much, this is unfortunately a battery problem.
We the note 4 users need to find a battery of another device that fits, like cameras other mainstream phones, etc, to have a fresher battery with us.
Whoever finds one that fit, please share it with us:good:
Wow, Making New Kernels!! Awesome Bro! Keep up the Great Work!!
OP - Will this work with the Ultimate Note 7 ROM?
I'm running the Ultimate Note 7 ROM on a PK1 base flash.
Does_It_Matter said:
OP - Will this work with the Ultimate Note 7 ROM?
I'm running the Ultimate Note 7 ROM on a PK1 base flash.
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Please try it, it should, download the stock kernel from the un7 thread just in case you get into trouble
carlosggb said:
Please try it, it should, download the stock kernel from the un7 thread just in case you get into trouble
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Click to collapse
Yeah, I re-read the first post about testing on UN7
Unfortunately it did not work.
I flashed the new kernel, wiped cache/dalvik - rebooted, waited, waited some more, took a break, came back - still nothing - sat at the Darth Vader boot screen.
Pulled the battery, re-flashed the Beastmode Zerolemon r61 kernel, wiped cache/dalvik, rebooted, and then after a few it came back up with Android is Starting / optimizing.
Looks like a no-go for this on UN7 (and running the PK1 stock pre-flashed before installing UN7)
Does_It_Matter said:
Yeah, I re-read the first post about testing on UN7
Unfortunately it did not work.
I flashed the new kernel, wiped cache/dalvik - rebooted, waited, waited some more, took a break, came back - still nothing - sat at the Darth Vader boot screen.
Pulled the battery, re-flashed the Beastmode Zerolemon r61 kernel, wiped cache/dalvik, rebooted, and then after a few it came back up with Android is Starting / optimizing.
Looks like a no-go for this on UN7 (and running the PK1 stock pre-flashed before installing UN7)
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Thanks for reporting, i will look for the commit missing and add it to it. Stay tuned.
-tcp: tweak for speed
-power: quickwakeup: initial driver
-USB: android: Fix memory leak in mass_storage_function_init()
V1.1, is a snapshot kernel but stable, help me guys to improve it!
OK - Flashed the 1.1 fix and UN7 booted up fine!
Here are a couple of screenshots.
One thing of interest, when I booted up with this after flashing from Recovery, it stated SELinux is not enforcing.
Doesn't matter to me but just wondering as first post said it is SELinux Enforcing by default? (Whoops - shows Enforcing in screenshots - ignore!)
Also, my reported battery shows 3220 mah, but it is an 8000mah battery, but it also reported this for Beastmode r61 kernel as well.
carlosggb said:
Definitely. In all ears for what features you guys want
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Voltage control, Sound option like Beastmode kernel, Hotplug options (mp decision, intelliplug...) for starters...lol
v1.2 Changelog
dm-crypt: run in a WQ_HIGHPRI workqueue
dm-verity: run in a WQ_HIGHPRI workqueue
arch: sec_bsp: silence annoying messages
binfmt_elf.c: use get_random_int() to fix entropy depleting (Jeff Liu )
android: binder: use GPF_HIGHUSER flag since binder is designed for userspace
Optimize copy_page for modern ARM platforms
arm/kernel/irq.c: remove irq affinity warnings
ASoC: msm: qdsp6v2: Add FLAC in compress offload path
kgsl_pwrscale: fix simple_ondemand GPU Governor Crash
asoc: wcd9xxx: Improve headset detection
tick: don't update idle time if cpu offline
qdsp6v2: Stereo Call Recording Support
Expose the option to user - CRC Checking (if disabled performance could increase up to 30%)
A couple of ramdisk tweaks
Booted right up UN7. Quick question...all 4 cores stay online all the time, is that supposed to be that way? Last kernel I was running the cores would go offline/online depending on "usage"
It shouldn't, clear cache of kernel Adiutor, im adding support to a better app for this kernel. Will upload later.
Please let me know if the cpu cores goes back to nornal

