[Q] Notification Screen Flash & Missing Smiles - Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note II

I have 2 very specific happenings with my Note 2.
1) At (seemingly) random intervals, my phone's screen will fade on and off displaying some sort of notification screen that I can't find anywhere. I must have hit this in some settings menu but don't know where. It has big white notifications for missed calls, emails, and texts, all of which are always 0 on the screen. Again, this screen fades in and out in under a second. I even tried a screenshot, but haven't been fast enough.
2) At one point I noticed the RETURN button from the keyboard was replaced with a smiley button. Now it's gone. How can I get it back or to stay?
Also... I love ellipses (three periods in a row). The stock keyboard auto punctuates after one period and puts a space in there which drives me crazy.
Any fixes or suggestions on any of the above things I've noticed?
Edit: Screen Just flashed at 9:30 - Maybe this happens on the half hour or quarter hours. I'll keep watch
Edit2: HAHAHAHAHA... It just did it one minute later. I've got no clue.

Ok, so I figured out how to activate it.
It's sensor related. I have my phone under a lamp. I move my hand over the sensors and I get this notification screen.
I don't mind it, just want to know where it is in the settings or if this is something you can/can't disable.
My guess is that its for when you take your phone out of a pocket the sensor can show you any missed notifications.
For the record, it's missed calls, missed texts, and battery level.

Found my answer in the General Section for the Note 2
The feature I'm describing is the "Quick Glance"
Now... onto figuring out how to get that smiley button back instead of the return! :laugh:

I know this is an old post but I am so glad I found this. It has been driving me nuts seeing that screen come on and go away. I tried everything to replicate it. It happened 5 times over the last 20 minutes while I was watching a movie so I googled it and found this. Anyways...thank you!


Any way to keep screen off all the time until top power button pressed?

More than half the time I take my phone out of it's case in my pocket to check texts or call somebody, it's always on and eating battery. Alot of the time I have the phone in vibrate or silent because I can't have it going off most of the day, and whenever I get any kind of notification the screen comes on (text, alarm, call, ect.), and then the screen ends up staying on because it's constantly being bumped and never has the time to shut itself down.
Is there any way I can make the screen stay off at ALL times (except on an incoming call), and ONLY come on when I press the unlock/power button on the top of the phone?
I have a TMobile TP2 and I'm running the Nov. 19th, Photon Energy ROM. Upgrading to the Nov. 27th version when it's done downloading but I don't think that will fix the problem as I've changed ROMs before. Thanks to any help.
you will find that when in the case it should be off, on taking the phone out of the case (i assume the HTC one that came with the phone?)
the magnet in the case triggers the keyboard sensor which turns the screen on.
otherwise, you can change the display time out in power options under settings.
That's interesting, I've heard about the case doing that but never thought about it. Would you recommend any cheap cases, or is there a specific magnet location I should be careful of? And do you know if there is a way to keep the screen off when I get a text message for example?
There is a way to fix this... it is to disable "Wake on Slide." I have done this and no more problems.
Here is a link to what to do:
Hope it helps you, as it did me.
Thanks for the reply and I appreciate the help, but I don't really have a problem with the wake on keyboard slide, it seems that if the phone is in my pocket locked, and I get a text message, the screen comes on to notify me that I have a text message. Then, it's usually being bumped around in my pocket and since the touch screen is usable with any object, it will stay on because something will tap it in my pocket. The phone then heats up over time and drains battery. I want to find a way to keep the screen off at all times unless, I either receive a call, or push the power button. Thanks.
illusion of progress said:
Thanks for the reply and I appreciate the help, but I don't really have a problem with the wake on keyboard slide, it seems that if the phone is in my pocket locked, and I get a text message, the screen comes on to notify me that I have a text message. Then, it's usually being bumped around in my pocket and since the touch screen is usable with any object, it will stay on because something will tap it in my pocket. The phone then heats up over time and drains battery. I want to find a way to keep the screen off at all times unless, I either receive a call, or push the power button. Thanks.
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go to HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL
change DisableSMSWakeUpEvent to 1 (0 will wake up the device)
On my Rhodium, it does not wake up by default. I hear the notification, but my screen remains dark
Or try this cab file ... soft reset after install
Thanks for the .cab, I'm restarting now to see if it fixes the problem. Kind of random, but I might as well ask here before starting a new thread. I started using Mobile Shell instead of TF3D and so far I love it, but when setting a wallpaper, the wallpapers that I would normally use in TF3D, (480x800), it makes me select or crop out part of the photo to use as a background in Mobile Shell. I can't tell if it actually gets blurry (I would think so, because it's stretching the picture), but does anyone know why it wants me to only use a certain portion of the background instead of just setting the entire picture? Thanks,
More than likely, the version of Mobile Shell you have is either not designed for WVGA or there is a setting somewhere in there that allows you to change it and you haven't found it yet.
Am not a expert on mobile Shell, but according to their website, the latest version (3.5) does support WVGA.
Another option is to, if you have Adobe Photo shop or something similar, scale down the entire picture to the size it reccomends.
Otherwise, if you have a version earlier then 3.5, maybe you could upgrade and see if it makes any difference.

NOTIFICATION BAR scrolling down without touching it: Static Electr & Capacitive Scrns

NOTIFICATION BAR scrolling down without touching it: Static Electr & Capacitive Scrns
I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this at least once. I didn't post here as a thread til I got confirmation from one other DESIRE user that this has happened to him as well.
I don't know the exact triggers or even the exact scenarios, but this has happened several times to me already:
I am using the phone in horizontal mode and tapping menu items or inputting text, and my finger is nowhere even close to the Notification Bar at top of screen -- and yet suddenly the Notification Bar will auto-scroll down, interrupting what I was doing. Repeated times. It would happen again, with no accidental slippage of my finger or anything. My finger would be nowhere near the bar.
I am wondering if there is any kind of static electricity effect with capacitive screens that can set off a menu action.
So I am asking the experts here. Is that possible? Is it anything that was reported with the Nexus One?
RELATED (1): After this happened a few time in ONE SESSION using the phone -- it happened to be while uploading videos to YouTube, I wanted to test to see if I moved my finger close to the Notification Bar would this perhaps trigger this auto-scroll-down. So I moved my finger just slightly above the surface of the glass at the Notification Bar, and it didn't make it scroll down, but on this occasion, it set off a kind of jumpiness whereby the notification bar was rapidly shifting up and down a few pixels, as though it was receiving input. Has anyone seen this happen? I have not yet been able to get this to repeat from that session of using the phone a few days ago. I was lying down on my bed, and I'm pretty sure sheets produce a lot of static electricity, so this is my layman's question. Is there some causal effect here?
RELATED (2): A variation on this problem would be where I am actually trying to select a menu choice, and instead of my finger-press activating the menu item, instead the menu item jumps up slightly, and does not get selected.
This, again, happened when I was in ALBUM MODE, watched a video in horizontal display, then tapped-and-held the video to bring up the context menu that includes various SHARE options. One of those options is YouTube (the last item of the menu). I would try to select "YouTube" but the menu jumped upwards slightly, and wouldn't get selected.
I have been able to reproduce this one (Related 2) today, days later, in totally different environment .
So, a bunch of questions:
1. Is there such a thing as a static electricity effect that confuses the screen?
2. Are there other kinds of known screen-response problems that could be at play here?
3. Is this something that sounds like "it's defective so return it", or is this a somewhat common experience, sporadically?
the only time I've had that happen to me is when I use a cheap charger I've got and yeah the screen just skitses out. I am using a hero tho but this is the first time I've seen anyone else encounter this so I thought il'd churp in.
I had something similar only once.
The notification bar went mad. It was flicking up and down constantly without me touching the phone at all.
I had to pull the battery to fix the problem.
Hasn't happened since.
Happened to me also when loading a ROM in Nesoid.
So I'm not sensing any concerns re; any defect... but still wondering, since I don't know the physics of capacitive screens... Is static electricity the culprit? Never happened once on my GSM HERO... so something is at play here.. or is it an intermittent defect that rarely shows up?
quicksite said:
So I'm not sensing any concerns re; any defect... but still wondering, since I don't know the physics of capacitive screens... Is static electricity the culprit? Never happened once on my GSM HERO... so something is at play here.. or is it an intermittent defect that rarely shows up?
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The capacitive touch screens work by detecting a disturbance in the EM field on the glass surface. There's a few ways to do it, I think the way mobile phones are doing this is to put a field of their own over the glass and detect fingers on the surface based on what levels of the field they'd expect to see at different points around the screen, and doing some comparisons on what levels are actually detected.
Please someone correct me if I'm wrong BTW.
I've noticed this notification bar problem today and yesterday. Lucky I at least saw how I caused it. My finger was to close to the top right of the screen because of the way I was holding the handset. That combined with the lacklustre multi-touch support on this handset made the phone detect it as a finger swipe that rapidly moved downwards.
I've always had similar problems with capacitative and inductive touch technologies. I don't actually need to touch the desires screen to activate a touch. The worsted was the Zen Micro with the touch controls. I could activate that thing from about 10-15mm away. The touch on-off-dimming lamps too. I usually cycle those through all their light levels with a single touch. Where as my brother actually struggles to activate those, really has to press his hand down hard on them.
Brilliant, Alex... You got right inside my head and answered exactly what i was trying to ask.... the physics of the system.
I'm okay with little glitches here and there, and I am sure I will learn to avoid proximity issues that tend to trigger these mis-fires... just as I learned to adjust my tap-key behavior in typing on the on-screen keyboard on capacitive screen vs all the resistive screens I had used before on Windows Mobile, where fingernails could & would engage the resistive screen -- vs learning that the bottom surface of the finger has to make contact on the keys on capacitive screen... (sorry i am USA and we still resist the world's metric standard, so i don't know the equivalent distance in cm,)... but it's over a 1/4-inch of an upward shift in the position of one's fingers above the capacitive screen from the tip of the fingernail.
But once you train your senses to activate the keys sensors properly, the finger impact behaviors of resistive screens goes away after a while (at least for me)
(oh, btw, I ordered the new HTC capacitive stylus which is a couple of months old now, but is an official DESIRE accessory, so that will be an interesting experience... the thing i miss most about the resistive screen and stylus was being able to scribble notes really fast, way faster than i could ever type -- and draw pretty detailed images or maps and directuions for people. so it will be interesting to see the granularity of control the capacitive stylus will give)
So thanks very much for giving me the exact level of detail I can process as a lay person.. and for assuring me, as the rest of you have as well, that this apparently comes with the territory of this phone -- and therefore should not be seen as a defect. Because i sure as hell didn't want to go shipping this phone back. I can live with an occasional spazzoid misread of intended impact spot on screen...
And, fnally, this was funny -- re the different degree of touch we all consider "normal" --
The touch on-off-dimming lamps too. I usually cycle those through all their light levels with a single touch. Where as my brother actually struggles to activate those, really has to press his hand down hard on them.
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Alex_w said:
The capacitive touch screens work by detecting a disturbance in the EM field on the glass surface. There's a few ways to do it, I think the way mobile phones are doing this is to put a field of their own over the glass and detect fingers on the surface based on what levels of the field they'd expect to see at different points around the screen, and doing some comparisons on what levels are actually detected.
Please someone correct me if I'm wrong BTW.
I've noticed this notification bar problem today and yesterday. Lucky I at least saw how I caused it. My finger was to close to the top right of the screen because of the way I was holding the handset. That combined with the lacklustre multi-touch support on this handset made the phone detect it as a finger swipe that rapidly moved downwards.
I've always had similar problems with capacitative and inductive touch technologies. I don't actually need to touch the desires screen to activate a touch. The worsted was the Zen Micro with the touch controls. I could activate that thing from about 10-15mm away. The touch on-off-dimming lamps too. I usually cycle those through all their light levels with a single touch. Where as my brother actually struggles to activate those, really has to press his hand down hard on them.
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I was thinking it is softwarerelated. The bar remains halfway the screen, is in the layer below the active app, and jumps to front upon touching the screen.
I have the Problem, too. And that since Monday. I went mad since yesterday evening so i tried to go back to stock, unroot and all.
But the problem is still there.
How can i fix it? Or is my Phone damaged?!
The Notification Bar scrolls down without touching the display and then freezes the phone. so i must lock the phone and relock it and then i can use the phone but after a short time the same problem came back!!
So I reckon you're an undertaker for a living?
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2
erklat said:
So I reckon you're an undertaker for a living?
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Sorry but i don't understand what you mean
The problem makes me crazy because i have now the stock rom because i thougt it was an issue due a custom rom or a kernel or something.
If you can help me please do that, this problem robs me to sleep
But i havent the Desire. I Have the HTC EVO 3D GSM
19Marc89 said:
Sorry but i don't understand what you mean
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lol digging up the dead
Sent from my HTC Desire
Sorry but I do not understand the background of your information which is in context with my problem of the notification bar.
@19Marc89 He meant that you responded to a an old (dead) post. Listen, I'm trying to recondition an old Motorola Milestone (Droid) with a crazy touchscreen problem, whose cause I believe I've narrowed down to static electricity - can you do me a favor and try stroking the glass side of the phone lengthwise in one direction down your sleeve, preferably if you have a wool sweater on? Call me crazy, but this works for me, at least temporarily. I posted more here:
install gravitybox. go to >statusbar tweaks>disable peek. click it. problem solved!
quicksite said:
I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this at least once. I didn't post here as a thread til I got confirmation from one other DESIRE user that this has happened to him as well.
I don't know the exact triggers or even the exact scenarios, but this has happened several times to me already:
I am using the phone in horizontal mode and tapping menu items or inputting text, and my finger is nowhere even close to the Notification Bar at top of screen -- and yet suddenly the Notification Bar will auto-scroll down, interrupting what I was doing. Repeated times. It would happen again, with no accidental slippage of my finger or anything. My finger would be nowhere near the bar.
I am wondering if there is any kind of static electricity effect with capacitive screens that can set off a menu action.
So I am asking the experts here. Is that possible? Is it anything that was reported with the Nexus One?
RELATED (1): After this happened a few time in ONE SESSION using the phone -- it happened to be while uploading videos to YouTube, I wanted to test to see if I moved my finger close to the Notification Bar would this perhaps trigger this auto-scroll-down. So I moved my finger just slightly above the surface of the glass at the Notification Bar, and it didn't make it scroll down, but on this occasion, it set off a kind of jumpiness whereby the notification bar was rapidly shifting up and down a few pixels, as though it was receiving input. Has anyone seen this happen? I have not yet been able to get this to repeat from that session of using the phone a few days ago. I was lying down on my bed, and I'm pretty sure sheets produce a lot of static electricity, so this is my layman's question. Is there some causal effect here?
RELATED (2): A variation on this problem would be where I am actually trying to select a menu choice, and instead of my finger-press activating the menu item, instead the menu item jumps up slightly, and does not get selected.
This, again, happened when I was in ALBUM MODE, watched a video in horizontal display, then tapped-and-held the video to bring up the context menu that includes various SHARE options. One of those options is YouTube (the last item of the menu). I would try to select "YouTube" but the menu jumped upwards slightly, and wouldn't get selected.
I have been able to reproduce this one (Related 2) today, days later, in totally different environment .
So, a bunch of questions:
1. Is there such a thing as a static electricity effect that confuses the screen?
2. Are there other kinds of known screen-response problems that could be at play here?
3. Is this something that sounds like "it's defective so return it", or is this a somewhat common experience, sporadically?
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install gravitybox. go to >statusbar tweaks>disable peek. click it. problem solved!
I know I am many years late but did you somehow manage to solve this problem?

Not impressed

I've just upgraded to a Desire coming from a Touch HD (Dutty Holy Grail) and have to say that first impressions are not great. Seriously thinking about returning it but interested to hear other people's experience.
So far moaning about the following problems - well more inconveniences:
- keyboard too jumpy
- can't call contact directly from email
- no hardware button to end call - pain when leave a voice message as need to turn phone on, unlock it and then end call.
- double syncs everything (on exchange server) so that appointment entries appear twice in calendar
- the home screen apps are kind of useless as you basically need to launch the full app to be able to do anything (ie email or sms)
- sms messaging doesn't tell you how many letters you have left
- no messaging in facebook
- headphone volume quiet (and that's with in ear headphones where on my HD I had the volume set to 1!)
- battery life atrocious in comparison. charged my phone last night and had a full charge before going to bed and when I woke up it was at 30%. no wifi or bluetooth on.
Will persevere another few days to make sure that I'm not just a grumpy old fart who hates change....
Take it back then. And my sms shows how many letter i have left.
I'll answer some of your points because a few are valid.
Could you elaborate on calling from emails? You mean the phone picking up that you have a number stored for a contact and allowing you to dial them? I've tried this and it works. You need to be using the HTC mail client, not the Gmail one.
"no hardware button to end call - pain when leave a voice message as need to turn phone on, unlock it and then end call."
I couldn't reproduce this use case at all. Your screen locks while you're in a call? A SHORT call too? Or are you just positing a use case you THINK could happen? The screen goes blank when you raise it to your ear and turns back on when you take it away...what you describe can't happen.
If you've got double syncing then there's a configuration error. Elaborate. How did you set it up? Are you syncing with your work email or a webmail account?
The home screen "apps" are not apps, they're widgets, and function like every other widget I've ever seen, they just give info and limited functions. You wanted to send email FROM a widget?!
"sms messaging doesn't tell you how many letters you have left"
Mostly because text limits have all but disappeared. Does your provider still cap you? You should get a new provider.
Your device is still new...you need a few charging cycles to get the battery at full potential.
The other issues are pretty spot on...the keyboard I'm used to now though. Trust the predictive text.
Maxwell Smart said:
- can't call contact directly from email
- no hardware button to end call - pain when leave a voice message as need to turn phone on, unlock it and then end call.
- sms messaging doesn't tell you how many letters you have left
- no messaging in facebook
- headphone volume quiet (and that's with in ear headphones where on my HD I had the volume set to 1!)
- battery life atrocious in comparison. charged my phone last night and had a full charge before going to bed and when I woke up it was at 30%. no wifi or bluetooth on.
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1. I have never seen that feature before. Would definitely be handy.
2. That annoys me too, but I guess it's just a matter of getting used to it.
3. Use a replacement SMS app. Handcent is my favorite.
4. Blame Facebook for that. They won't allow it, even in their official app which is stupid.
5. Strange, I have the impression that the headphone volume is quite loud.
6. You might have an application running in the background which is draining the battery and keeping the phone awake. See related threads in this forum for more info.
keyboard - Like all keyboards, it takes time to get used to. Trust the autocomplete feature and you'll be surprised. Best soft keyboard I've ever used.
Yes, you can call directly from email. Just tap the sender and their contact card will open which includes the option to call them.
No hardware call buttons - It's an inconvenience but you knew they weren't there before you bought it.
Exchange sync issue - Maybe something with your settings? I have it synced with Google's Exchange server with no problems.
Widgets - Yes, I share your opinion on many of the widgets. You might as well just launch the main application. They are pretty to look at though...
SMS - Perhaps download a 3rd party SMS application?
Facebook - no comment. I don't use it.
Headphone volume - I read here that some carriers limit the max volume on their devices. Perhaps they did that to yours? My device's max volume is pretty deafening.
Battery life - If you read reviews, you'll know that battery life is not impressive. But do give it several charge cycles and sync your data as conservatively as possible. You might find the battery life to be acceptable.
ephumuris said:
Take it back then. And my sms shows how many letter i have left.
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OUCH! Headshot! Be gentle it;s a new device ...
... Ok moving on ...
Actually don't worry been beaten ...
Like I said, the keyboard issue is just that you will need time to get used to it.
If you have a contact saved with a number and email and they send you mail, you will see their picture in the corner...tap it. You will get a speech bubble type box pop up that has the option to phone them, send them a message (text or email) or go to their contact card. Make sure you've merged your contacts. It won't work if you have a separate contact card for their phone details and then another for their email.
Again...is SMS length an issue still for people? I've not thought about those arbitrary 140 character limits since my first Motorola Wings flip phone.
Compared to my HD2 the Desire's keyboard is a DREAM to use - HD2 was skitty as hell and all over the shop. Desire's never misses a key and can type a LOT quicker on it personally...
Never bothered to know number of characters left in an SMS, doesn't bother me
Battery life, with all sync options on default, is about 48hrs give or take an hour...
Double sync IS annoying but I don't sync with Google anymore so got rid of that...
Facebook app, don't care about messaging as my phone is to keep up-to-date, PC is to contact...
Not bothered about hardware key for end call, call ends when you press the BIG red button at the end of a call (don't need to unlock or anything first)
Headphones - don't use them as phone isn't a music player to me, it's a phone
1. Get used to it, you will be fine. I moved from HTC Kaiser with hardware keyboard and I found the HTC Desire virtual keyboard is very good and responsive.
2. No idea, but as several posts above, you actually can do it.
3. You should know this already before purchase.
4. No idea
5. Widget is nice, this is unique to Android. You dont have to use it if you dont like. Then put app shortcut in the home screen, typical winmo thingy.
6. Use other messaging client like Hancent
7. Blame Facebook Or use Nimbuzz / Fring!
8. Check your settings, my battery life is amazing, on moderate usage it could last more than 48 hours (this include several hours (2-3) a day browsing on WiFi and gaming).
Maxwell Smart said:
I've just upgraded to a Desire coming from a Touch HD (Dutty Holy Grail) and have to say that first impressions are not great. Seriously thinking about returning it but interested to hear other people's experience.
So far moaning about the following problems - well more inconveniences:
- keyboard too jumpy
- can't call contact directly from email
- no hardware button to end call - pain when leave a voice message as need to turn phone on, unlock it and then end call.
- double syncs everything (on exchange server) so that appointment entries appear twice in calendar
- the home screen apps are kind of useless as you basically need to launch the full app to be able to do anything (ie email or sms)
- sms messaging doesn't tell you how many letters you have left
- no messaging in facebook
- headphone volume quiet (and that's with in ear headphones where on my HD I had the volume set to 1!)
- battery life atrocious in comparison. charged my phone last night and had a full charge before going to bed and when I woke up it was at 30%. no wifi or bluetooth on.
Will persevere another few days to make sure that I'm not just a grumpy old fart who hates change....
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RE: battery life
I charged mine to 100% last night, took it off charge at 1am, woke up at 8:20 am, checked my phone....98% !!
i use Juice Defender (one of my settings is to disable Apn/Wifi from midnight till 8am, works well
Thanks for the comments. Proves I'm a grumpy old fart! lol
Some good replies which I will investigate further.
Aitese - your comment about the screen going black and then turning back on when you remove it from your ear... is there a light sensor setting? as mine stays black until i tap power button unless i am talking to an actual person (rather than machine) and they hang up first.
Syncing is being done with a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. But I think I may have just solved issue as it appears to sync both with my laptop and the server without realising they are showing the same appointments. Just too used to MS ActiveSync which works it out.
The keyboard is still bugging me - have tried to train it using the calibrate option but still seems off. That is the top row of keys that I push match up but when i go to the second last row it always hits the last row which being space and punctuation tends to terminate the word.
Anyhow will persevere. Appreciate everyone indulging a grumpy old codger...
great tip thanks - will look for that app.
Maxwell Smart said:
Aitese - your comment about the screen going black and then turning back on when you remove it from your ear... is there a light sensor setting? as mine stays black until i tap power button unless i am talking to an actual person (rather than machine) and they hang up first.
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If you hold the phone under a bright light you'll see the sensors in the top left corner of the black bezel. To test it, make a call and then move your thumb over the top left corner and then away again...the screen should turn off when your thumb gets near and turn back on shortly after you move away. Call your voicemail box or customer service
For sms use handcent its brill and it gives you letter count.For facebook i use babbler as it gives you notification for inbox.
Maxwell Smart said:
The keyboard is still bugging me - have tried to train it using the calibrate option but still seems off. That is the top row of keys that I push match up but when i go to the second last row it always hits the last row which being space and punctuation tends to terminate the word.
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BetterKeyboard plus the accompanying DarkGray theme is by far the best Android keyboard out there. HTC_IME (i.e. the HTC keyboard you're hating on) seems to be well thought of in the community but I personally hate it and think BetterKeyboard wipes the floor with it.
A few thoughts
- I just want to add a few thing giving that I also came from an HD. Compared to the HD which only had a light sensor, the Desire also comes with a proximity sensor that monitors if you have your ear close to the phone regardless of light (on the HD the screen only turned off if it was day and it could actually sense a difference in light).
If you make a call and put your phone to your ear it turns the screen off WITHOUT locking it, and when you want to terminate a call by taking it from your ear it will turn on again but not locked.
The phone locks itself only it you don't activate the proximity sensor (like when you are using a bluetooth headset and you don't take to phone to your ear). When that happenes the screen turns off after 15 seconds and yes, if you turn it on then it will be locked.
- Why do you want a hardware button for call and end? The capacitive screen with the combination of the proximity sensor makes them useless?
-Another thing i can chip in is related to the sms thing. The default SMS app shows you the number of characters left and the number of messages already typed when you are nearing the end of a message.
It shows that above the send button. If you have less the 10 characters available in that message it'll show 10/1 above the send button, and it will decrease and then turn into 145/2 saying that you have 145 characters left untill reaching 2 messages. After that it'll stay on and counting without dissapearing, until you send the message.
I find this to be a goog feature because it only warns me if i exceed one SMS.
I have used it for 2 days, and I am out of space installing apps on the HTC desire. WTF.. it can't use the 16 gig memory card to install apps and games?
There is no way I'm going to Win MO again.. but seriously.. WTF.
Maxwell Smart said:
- can't call contact directly from email
no issue here
- no hardware button to end call - pain when leave a voice message as need to turn phone on, unlock it and then end call.
as soon as you remove handset from ear it unlocks itself and turns on monitor. whats the prob here?
- double syncs everything (on exchange server) so that appointment entries appear twice in calendar
nope, no prob here
- the home screen apps are kind of useless as you basically need to launch the full app to be able to do anything (ie email or sms)
disable them if you dont like them. i find them handy
- battery life atrocious in comparison. charged my phone last night and had a full charge before going to bed and when I woke up it was at 30%. no wifi or bluetooth on.
read forum - thats you device not the desire in general
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Click to collapse
see comments above.
none of these probs appear to be desire probs but rather strange layer 8 probs
Yeah the keyboard issue is due to the resistive v capacitive screens. The resistive screens need a good push, the capacitive ones need a slight touch. You get used to it.
for facebook, a new version is downloadable which give access to your INBOX.. which is what i assume was meant?

[Q] Can't Quite Pull Down to Mute/Unmute

This has been an ongoing issue for me since the previous update (not the most recent one from the past couple of days.)
Most of the time, when I go to swipe down to mute or unmute notifications, there is no response until I'm almost half way down the screen.
When I reach the bottom, it just isn't enough to trigger mute/unmute. I have to wildly swipe and after a minute or so I will finally get it to catch.
Normal touch inputs are fine, no matter where I touch the screen. Just this one action seems to be my issue.
Is anyone else having this problem? Any thoughts or ideas?
I've tried factory resetting a few times but that hasn't solved it.
Thank you.

SMS notifications

HI everyone...
Got a bit of an odd one here, hoping someone can help.
For some reason, when the screen on my Sprint S6 is off, any SMS notifications get cut off (or I don't get them at all). I am expecting both an audio and/or vibration notification. If I turn my screen on, I will get the full notification as expected.
I thought maybe this was a problem with the DOZE settings, but I disabled YAATA from Battery Optimization, and it didn't fix anything.
Then I thought maybe it was a YAATA problem, so I went back to the standard built-in SMS app. Same results... either a cut-off, or no, notification when the screen is off, and a full notification when the screen is on.
Anyone have any suggestions on something else I could look at?
(For the record, I'm running stock, non-rooted Sprint S6...)
Much appreciated!
OK, after this has bothered me for MONTHS... I post here, and then figure it out.
I also have Glimpse Notifications installed on my phone. I just opened the app, and saw the following:
"Android Marshmallow sometimes cuts off notification sounds when the display turns on. In this case select Delay Screen On in the Extras menu."
... which, oddly enough fixed it.
I'll leave this here rather than delete it in case it helps others in the future.

