[DISCUSSION][KERNEL]Making your own kernel... - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note II

This is a discussion and Q&A thread for the HOWTO posted here:
Please don't reply to that other thread. Post here instead. If you post in that other thread, not only will your post be ignored and deleted, but the moderators will probably send you nasty PM's as well. (They hate when I spam them to delete posts.)



page 2 added to the HOWTO

Thank you very much for this. My build enviroment is practically setup. Iv been compiling cm10..ect for my other device. I was able to do that by following guides like the one you're creating. :thumbup:
Kernel building here I come!!!
I've leaned alot from folks like you and I plan to keep learning:beer:
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2

This is awesome Gary.
I've always been an Android Tweaker; I've enjoyed messing around with on my I9000m and playing around with kernels. I'm a fourth year computer engineering student and I really wanted to bridge the gap between being a power-user and being a developer.
When I was thinking about getting a new phone I decided whatever that phone was I wanted to develop on it.
So it's great that you're doing this, and I really appreciate the effort you've put into this project. Thanks a bunch and all the best in this endeavour!

Random thoughts (as related to this HOWTO)...
It might interest people to know that I don't type those posts online. I actually spend hours typing them offline in a plain ASCII editor (notepad if I'm on a Win7 machine), try to proofread them for making sense, and try to ensure that they'll make sense to most people who are technically inclined enough to want to do this type of thing. (Let's face it - non-geeks really have no interest in compiling their own kernel.)
These posts literally take hours for me to do. The first post took about 6 hours, and the second took about 4. I'm hoping as I move away from "communication" things and more into "technical" things, I'll be able to do those posts more quickly. However, the simple fact of life is that I'm NOT a teacher, so explaining things to other people is hard for me. Very hard. (That's probably why I get so irritated when people ignore instructions and/or explanations that I've taken pains to write; and then ask stupid questions.)
I also don't have a full "plan" together. While I'm typing one post, I usually have a good idea of what the following post will be discussing, but I really don't have a good "plan" beyond a very high level concept of the overall thing. I know (or think I know) what I'll need to eventually discuss, but as I'm typing one thing, I might suddenly realize that I'm going to have to back up and cover a topic I hadn't considered.
That usually opens another can of worms for me, as I long ago stopped thinking about some of these things... they just are there in my head, but when I stop to try and explain them, I realize I've forgotten how they got in my head to begin with. We all know that "4 plus 4 equals 8." However, when was the last time you asked yourself WHY 4+4=8. We know it to be true, but try to explain WHY it's true to someone who doesn't already know it. It's not as easy as it sounds (and I have young children to prove it.)
The next post I'm writing is on git and github. It will have the steps for setting up a github account, forking an existing kernel project, accessing github from a build machine, and getting the source from github to that build machine. It's not as easy to do this as I first thought it would be. The first question is "what is github?" The next question is "why?"
I think an important sidebar for that would be something reinforcing the whole "open" aspect of the linux kernel. That's a really important concept for this HOWTO... without open aspect, none of this would be possible. We wouldn't have the kernel source to compile, and we wouldn't have the wisdom and knowledge of so many people who've contributed to work from. It's also something I feel strongly about (which is amusing when you consider that I feed my family by working on closed source code.)
Perhaps I should post these random comments over the weeks it'll likely take for me to do this entire "HOWTO." Writing the HOWTO is forcing me to think about communicating development. Writing these random thoughts is making me think about how I think.
I'll end this post with a challenge: We know the sky is blue. Imagine trying to explain and document that to someone... who is colorblind.
Take care

posts 3 and 4 added to the main HOWTO thread. #3 is me preaching about open source and #4 gets you started with github/git and has you forking/cloning a copy of the kernel source.
By the way, while I appreciate those who want to press my "thanks" button, you might consider NOT pressing it for a post containing only the text of "reserved."
When I edit that "reserved" post to fill it in with something, you might not appreciate that your name is below the post thanking it.
In other words, if your name is JohnDoe and you "thank" a "reserved" post, and then I edit that post to contain the text "JohnDoe is an iDiot", you'll appear to have thanked me for calling you an idiot.

Hey gary, quick question for ya if you dont mind. In the second post of your how to thread, when we download the pre-builts you have us type this command
" cd
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilt"
Im just a tad bit confused by the cd part. Are we supposed to be changing directories into something? Or can we do this from the home folder?
Edit: went ahead and followed my gut instinct. Made a folder called n2k. Cd to that folder and then got pre builts. Hope I was correct on that lol.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2

cdshepherd said:
Im just a tad bit confused by the cd part. Are we supposed to be changing directories into something? Or can we do this from the home folder?
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The "cd" command without any parameters changes directory into your "home" directory on the linux machine.
Then, running the git clone command would have created a subdirectory in your home directory called "prebuilt."
Later, we'll need to reference that directory to tell the "make" program where the toolchain is.
cdshepherd said:
Edit: went ahead and followed my gut instinct. Made a folder called n2k. Cd to that folder and then got pre builts. Hope I was correct on that lol.
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It wasn't correct, but its certainly not the end of the world. You can either undo that step and do it again so that your system matches what the HOWTO will describe, or you can adjust the instructions in the HOWTO to match what you've done.
If you choose the former, the following steps should undo what you've done by completely wiping out that "n2k" folder:
rm -rf n2k
At that point, you can redo the two commands for getting the prebuilt.
If you choose the latter option (to adjust the instructions), you'll want to look out for any strings in my HOWTO that start with $HOME/prebuilt and change them to "$HOME/n2k/prebuilt".
Take care

I've added the following test to the beginning of post #2:
A short note: There might be some confusion about the use of the "cd" command without any parameters found in a few places. These are intentional, and have the effect of "change to the user home directory." I often use these before creating a new directory to ensure I'm creating it in a "known" location.
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That should help with any confusion about "cd".

Awesome. I just did the rm -rf n2k and started over. It didnt take very long. Thanks again:thumbup:
Im all caught up now:beer: excellent guide gary
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2

I haven't seen any complaints about it, but I had a typo about 2/3rds of the way down in post #4. When pulling the kernel code from github to your PC, I mistakenly provided the command as
..when it should have been
git clone https://github.com/yourUserName/linux_kernel_sgh-i317.git
(I didn't have the "git clone" in the command.) That's been corrected. Oddly, I didn't have that error in notepad or I'd have noticed it when I walked through the steps myself. I guess it was a cut/paste error.
Yes, I do walk through the steps myself. I've even created an extra github account JUST to have a clean working space to ensure things work properly. (I hope the github folks don't mind.)
The next post should be coming up shortly and will actually compile the kernel for the first time.... for what it's worth.

garyd9 said:
I haven't seen any complaints about it, but I had a typo about 2/3rds of the way down in post #4. When pulling the kernel code from github to your PC, I mistakenly provided the command as
..when it should have been
git clone https://github.com/yourUserName/linux_kernel_sgh-i317.git
(I didn't have the "git clone" in the command.)
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I was gonna say something but I didnt wanna. In the text above that you did say that we would be using the "clone" command and I have used git clone before so I knew what I was in for. Maybe next time I will say something lol
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2

cdshepherd said:
I was gonna say something but I didnt wanna
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Next time, SAY SOMETHING. (well, you don't have to say it.. but please at least type it.) If people don't point out to me when I'm wrong, I'll just keep assuming I'm perfect.
When they do point out what's wrong, I have to admit to being imperfect for at least the amount of time it takes me to fix the error.

Regarding git, have you considered linking people to
For a tutorial, or even just for your own benefit (if as you mentioned you're not too hot on git)
I'm not amazing at git but it looked interesting when I had a play.

pulser_g2 said:
Regarding git, have you considered linking people to
For a tutorial, or even just for your own benefit (if as you mentioned you're not too hot on git)
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That does look interesting. I've added a link to it at the end of #4. I'll probably move it closer to the top of that post once I get "home from work" and can look at fitting it in better.
Thank you

thanks Gary, this is great! are you strictly interested in kernel development or would you consider writing other guides as well? or, would you be willing to offer less structured advice in return for others using it to write guides of their own?

a.vandelay said:
thanks Gary, this is great! are you strictly interested in kernel development or would you consider writing other guides as well? or, would you be willing to offer less structured advice in return for others using it to write guides of their own?
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Actually, writing guides isn't something I ever planned on doing. For me, it's more about sharing information than writing guides. I'm more proficient at kernels, so I have more information to share about it.
As for offering advice on writing guides, I'm probably the last person on this Earth that would be qualified to offer that kind of advice. I'm a horrible teacher. In the case of the kernel stuff, I'm just kind of guessing my way though. I think I posted in this thread how difficult it was for me.
Take care

I haven't forgotten this... I just have to do my real paying job during the week, and the evenings this week have been chaotic: I have kids.


[GUIDE] An easy way to convert .PNG to .raw565 for custom boot image [Windows]

So today I really wanted to make a custom boot image for my phone. I looked on the wiki, lo and behold, the piece seems to have a complex side to it for some. Maybe it's easy for some, but difficult for others. Well, I was one that had difficulty.
I don't have a linux setup, so I attempted to use a Virtual Machine to run it. SUCCESS!!!...but wait...ImageMagick is being a pain. (I swear to god I have never been so frustrated in my life) I spent hours trying to get it to work, but failed in the end. So I researched new ways of converting my PNG into a .raw and then a .raw565/.rgb565. I searched the forums, tediously, but to no avail. Well I found something that all windows users can look forward to. It's a very simple 1 step conversion of a PNG to a rgb565/raw565 file.
For those who are interested, here are the steps:
Things you'll need:
Paint.net (a simple image editing program) Download here
rgb565.dll (can be found on the same website, i'd suggest getting the self extractor) Download here
Fastboot (you can get this with the Android SDK) Download here (setup can be found in the wiki or in places around the forum)
1. First you want to create your picture. It must be 320x480 resolution, and saved as a .PNG file. (Use your favorite picture editing tool. Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.net, etc.) Name the picture Splash
2. Once you have your PNG picture made and in the correct resolution, load your picture in Paint.Net.
3. After the picture is loaded, go to File --> Save as.... Name your picture Splash and change the file type to rgb565/raw565 and save to your desktop.
4. Find your picture on your desktop, right click it and click Properties. IMPORTANT!!! Make sure the picture file size is 307200 bytes exactly. (If it is not, you could end up damaging your phone, so DOUBLE CHECK).
5. Make sure you have the Android SDK set up with the latest USB drivers.
6. Put your picture into the same folder as your fastboot. (android-sdk-windows --> tools).
7. Once you reach this step, connect your phone through USB, and load your SPL. (Turn off phone. Hold the camera button + power button). Ensure the text on screen says Fastboot. If it doesn't, push the Back button to refresh it.
8. After your phone is connected and ready to use fastboot, Open your command prompt (cmd. Start --> run --> cmd). Type fastboot devices. Make sure your device number appears there. This will tell you if your computer is reading that your phone is connected to fastboot.
9. Make sure the path the command prompt is going to, is your SDK/tools folder. (cd android-sdk-windows --> cd tools).
10. Once your command line is aimed at the SDK tools folder (This is the location of your picture remember?), type the following:
fastboot flash splash1 Splash.rgb565 (if it's raw565 type that. the extension wont matter as long as it's the right format.)
fastboot reboot
NOTE: If your fastboot hangs while trying to put the new boot image on, remove the battery, and reload the phone's fastboot and try again. (this happened to me, and after doing this it worked)
Well there you have it. After completing these steps your new boot image should appear. I hope this helped the windows users out there (I know after figuring this out, it helped me a lot.)
If there are any Questions, please post them, I'll do my best to answer them.
Thank you and Enjoy.
101 views and no feedback? >.> I'm a little worried.
Is this working for anyone? Or has anyone tried it? :3
SpartusTana said:
101 views and no feedback? >.> I'm a little worried.
Is this working for anyone? Or has anyone tried it? :3
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Yeah dude don't worry it happens =/...
not really concerned about responses, as much as, Is it helping.
I just hope it helps people ^^
You do realize there is a convert to g1 program, that allows you to select your picture, and then to convert it, all with just 3 clicks of the mouse....so your method is pointless lol.
Fair enough on the little program that's available. Didn't realize the 3000 thing could convert.
Also my method isn't pointless. It is an accurate and usable method.
What you deem as better or worse, does not make it absolute.
If others choose to use this or the program, both options are there for people to choose.
I can't say I appreciate your prudish viewpoint, but thanks for the heads up...
Here ya go:
Ok, let me rephrase it. There is the easy way (with the program that everyone has been using for a while) and the hard way (your drawn out method).
tehseano said:
Ok, let me rephrase it. There is the easy way (with the program that everyone has been using for a while) and the hard way (your drawn out method).
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lol your blunt smugness is humorous to me for some reason.
is this program in the forums? I guess that was the link I was referring to.
See, in my OP, I stated that I searched a lot of places in the forums looking for a method, and didn't find one. So can't blame me for trying to help after finding a method that isn't pre-programmed. I was certainly proud of myself >.>;
Yes, blunt smugness, because you reinvented the wheel, and did a worse job. Had you searched correctly you would have found the link that Jag posted above. So as much as you would like to sound like you're some god, laughing at my impotence, you complained about people not reading your thread and giving feedback. Why? Oh yeah, you were trying to teach people a longer way of going about a simple task.
Anyways, now you know about it, and I'll leave you back to your post. Enjoy!
tehseano said:
Yes, blunt smugness, because you reinvented the wheel, and did a worse job. Had you searched correctly you would have found the link that Jag posted above. So as much as you would like to sound like you're some god, laughing at my impotence, you complained about people not reading your thread and giving feedback. Why? Oh yeah, you were trying to teach people a longer way of going about a simple task.
Anyways, now you know about it, and I'll leave you back to your post. Enjoy!
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Well I'm sorry you feel that way. In my post about the no replies, I stated that I was worried because there were so many views and no comments. It wasn't a complaint. Your angry criticism is only making this worse. Had you acted more mature in the matter, rather then trying to tell me off because you let your own bias rule you, it probably wouldn't have gotten to this point making you so upset.
I personally find you hilarious. You get so worked up over such a trivial matter. Let it rest, you made your statement.
IF AN ADMIN WOULD, COULD MY THREAD PLEASE BE LOCKED? It seems it is a useless thread and has only brought complaints. My apologies to those that feel...angry. I pity you.
SpartusTana said:
Well I'm sorry you feel that way. In my post about the no replies, I stated that I was worried because there were so many views and no comments. It wasn't a complaint. Your angry criticism is only making this worse. Had you acted more mature in the matter, rather then trying to tell me off because you let your own bias rule you, it probably wouldn't have gotten to this point making you so upset.
I personally find you hilarious. You get so worked up over such a trivial matter. Let it rest, you made your statement.
IF AN ADMIN WOULD, COULD MY THREAD PLEASE BE LOCKED? It seems it is a useless thread and has only brought complaints. My apologies to those that feel...angry. I pity you.
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Upset? I'm laughing at you trying to sound intelligent . I'm not sure how me cluing you in on what everyone else already knew in immature, but hey, if it helps you sleep through the night, who am I to say....
tehseano said:
You do realize there is a convert to g1 program, that allows you to select your picture, and then to convert it, all with just 3 clicks of the mouse....so your method is pointless lol.
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True, but the three other tutorials for that all have included the outdated "fastboot.exe" that doesnt work with the new drivers... and it took me while to figure that out, [noob syndrome] because they all only had instructions on how to work with the files they provided, for older drivers.
I may put together a tutorial including the easy picture conversion of the other tutorials and this version of the easy flashing of the new splash using the SDK tools you already have.

YouTube Post Function is FUBAR (well, it's not all that bad, I just like the term =p)

Hey guys, just a head's up (of which you might already be aware of, if so feel free to close and/or delete this thread), the option to include YouTube video in a post is currently not working. When you click the YouTube button it places
code for you, into which I placed a YouTube video. However when you hit "Preview" or "Submit" the code changes to
and you get a malformed result aka some meta garbage.
I'm not sure if this is a vBulletin-only issue, or if some upgrade to the YouTube backend fudged it up, but since VBulletin is payware, I would ask them to fix this jazz (assuming you are running the latest version, otherwise they will just say it's not their fault).
*random* Even though it is not my current profession (aka the things I do to make money), for years I took on freelance coding assignments that involved in PHP as well as (X)HTML/CSS/JS/etc. The only forum software I have ever coded hacks/addons for is phpBB, but to date I will still design Wordpress/phpBB/Drupal/custom backends (although I refuse to work with ColdFusion after a bad experience years ago... that and ASP/ASPX... PHP and Java Servlets I'm cool with) for a friend's website or help out a friend if they are behind in a freelance gig in exchange for a DVD or something.
I consider the XDA community my friend as well (well technically lots and lots of friends, and the random ahole which is unavoidable =p), so if you guys ever need help with something that falls into that category, let me know. Please note, this is not an invitation for XDA members to request work from me. This notice just applies to public xda-developer resources (aka the homepage, forum, wiki... things like that).
Edit: It appears the CODE function isn't working either, as I had some example posts at the beginning
delete double thread
please read and respect XDA rules
you already posted the same here
orb3000 said:
please read and respect XDA rules
you already posted the same here
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I am aware of this, that's why I marked that post for deletion (I respect the rules, my router however is a different story, I think wifi went on the fritz because I got a response as if the post didn't go through).
Testing Code Function
Testing YouTube Function
Well it seems code works just find, as long as you don't try to embed bracketed code inside of it, but the YouTube Function is still boinked. BTW, this is just an FYI to the siteops, I could do without embedded YouTube videos.
Works inc preview?
stylez said:
Works inc preview?
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You can Click "Quote" to see stylez's code .
stylez said:
Works inc preview?
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it works and it always has for the past month
Ahh sorry guys, I was putting the whole URL in, not just the specific YouTube ID... I am going to go sit on my "stupid rock" now x.x, heh.

[Q] need helps

i want to know how do i do to build a kernel for my htc desire, and ov/uc please thx
Try the Q&A section, where this should've been posted. Maybe you shouldn't be cooking kernels when you can't even manage to read forumpolicies
lol everyone learns and i want to learn how to make it just it
Alkan2 said:
lol everyone learns and i want to learn how to make it just it
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There is a q&a section on this forum, try there. This thread will probably soon be locked down once mods found out about it and most importantly, you won't get any help here.
hello noob!
Someone needs to take that ****e video off YouTube as it's harsh. How are we meant to build a community if people just shoot n00bs down before they know anything??
EddyOS said:
Someone needs to take that ****e video off YouTube as it's harsh. How are we meant to build a community if people just shoot n00bs down before they know anything??
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Don't wanna b adding too much to this thread but agree 1000 times with this comment...if it wasn't for noob threads I'd still be stuck with stock rubbish
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
This thread -> LOL
bailz2506 said:
Don't wanna b adding too much to this thread but agree 1000 times with this comment...if it wasn't for noob threads I'd still be stuck with stock rubbish
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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I agree noob threads are great, they helped me immensely.. but the android development thread is there for a specific reason and so is the q&a thread
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I've been noticing the increase of stupid questions for a while but more importantly, I am getting fed up with the aggressive nature of some of the users. So people post in the wrong section, move post with warning, end of.
Also if the ROMS were cross posted to FAQ by default then more people would end up there instead of using the search to find the ROM title and ending up at the DEV thread.
xda is getting a bad rep for their mods and i'm not surprised. . . .
Alkan2 said:
i want to know how do i do to build a kernel for my htc desire, and ov/uc please thx
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Returning to the original question.
The prerequisites for rolling your own kernel are:
- A linux system
- Terminal Know-how
- A synched GIT (such as the Bravo CM7 branch)
- Patience
That is just for building the stock kernel.
The additional prerequisites for changing stuff:
- A text editor
- A set of OC/UV values (such as Eviolett's)
- Experience in the linux terminal - more than for just compiling the stock kernel.
It doesn't seem like a lot of work - Sync the GIT, chuck in a few values, and build it. In reality, however, there is a stack of other stuff to do. I have a fairly good knowledge of the linux terminal, but still spent a stack more time getting everything ready than I wanted to (hours, in fact).
As motivated as you may be, it ain't a walk in the park, even with a detailed set of instructions. Stuff is going to go wrong, and a lot of the time, problems differ from those prescribed in the instructions.
Having been there, done that (or more accurately, failed to do that), this is just my two cents.
EDIT: Just to clarify, I failed miserably.
Bradshort said:
Also if the ROMS were cross posted to FAQ by default then more people would end up there instead of using the search to find the ROM title and ending up at the DEV thread.
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Nice idea but look at Robo's "RCMix S v2.0 Evolutionary Sense" thread" it has a separate RCMix Guide/Tutorial/FAQ + 2 irc channels now have a look through the 12000 odd posts in that thread maybe 50% are total spam by people who don't understand how a forum works, fail to do any independent research but expect someone to hold their hand and explain everything slowly to them. I don't condone it but i fully understand the reaction a lot of "dumb" superfluous posts get
This. Simple fact is most people are incredibly lazy and thinking that devs are here to answer their every stupid question.
Terepin said:
This. Simple fact is most people are incredibly lazy and thinking that devs are here to answer their every stupid question.
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Must agree.. I spent probably 10+ hours researching before I flashed my first ROM..
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
I totally agree with fllash. It looks easy, but it certainly isn't.
Just start with downloading a copy of Ubuntu, version 10.04 and up will do just fine.
Why Ubuntu? Well, if you're only starting out with Linux and the more advanced topics such as compiling your own kernel, you'll need all the help you can get. XDA is a great community with a lot of information to be found, but it sure won't cover all the questions you'll have, so you might want to search trough the Ubuntu forums etc., as they might have more specific answers to your questions. There are also numerous books about starting with Linux, so you might want to check those out as well.
When you got a nice grip on working in Linux and the terminal, it's time to get busy programming!
If you're not a programmer already, you might want to start with Java. (Maybe write a little Android program? That way you'll also learn how Android works)
The Linux kernel is written in C and that might be a bit harsh to start out with. However, if you feel confident enough (or if you have programming skills already), go get yourself a book about programming in C, search some tutorials and start off writing some easy and silly programs, just to get a good grip on the language.
When you feel like you got a good grip on programming in C, feel free to download a kernel which is already compatible with the HTC Desire, one from CM or one from Thalamus (from Oxygen ROM) and take a look at the source code. Try to understand what makes it tick. Please note, that these kenels are for AOSP ROM's only! If you want a HTC Sense compatible kernel, go get the source from HTC which you can find here: http://developer.htc.com
By the time you got this far, it's only a piece of cake to compile and install. (Compiling and installing really isn't the hardest part about all this, so you'll manage to find your way out of this one)
Right now, you're probably thinking: "Is this all necessary? I just want my own kernel.." Well, yeah, it kinda is. You just can't follow a tutorial and end up with a kernel which is going to be great. There are going to be bugs, you're going to have problems, nothing will work from the first try.
Maintaining a kernel is hard work and requires a lot of knowledge in order to do a proper job.
Also, take a look at http://developer.android.com/. Knowing how Android works is kinda a requirement as well (at least, I consider it to be a requirement).
Oh, and for the record, please post in the correct forums next time. There's a Q&A section where you can search for, or ask questions. I understand that this is a dev-related question and you might have figured that the dev section would do fine, but unfortunately, it doesn't.
Okay? Well, happy learning! Don't let other forum members or some tough luck get you down.

[Q] A tudor anyone?

I have a multitude of questions regarding everything from the basic Android OS to themes to programming. I don't want to get into trouble here in this site because, well, to be honest, I've learned a great deal on here and I feel it's the best Android site on the net. I'd also like to take a minute and thank everyone that has taken the time to work or reply to messages not to mention those that are out there working long hours to bring incredible works to my EVO 4G.
Anyway...might be willing to do some donations for time. If I should go to a chatroom to look for this...a point in the right direction would be great. Any help would be great.
Thank you in advance and thank you for the site.
Thread moved to Q&A​
so what exactly are u asking?
apk-mutli tool is pretty useful as well as dsixdas kitchen linux is also helpful since android is kinda like linux since it is based off of it
Well alot of bits can be edited and worked on .. Using Apktool and notepad+++ Use Gimp to do img edits.. Apktool to decompile things then use notepad+++ to edit xml or smali.. Once done recompile with Apktool .. Sometimes you may need to resign a file if you decompiled it other wise it won't install.. Unless you disable sig check...
Perhaps you should ask some specific questions as the original post is extremely vague. And rename the thread while spelling tutor* correctly may draw more positive attention. ;-) Good luck.
masterp_17us said:
Perhaps you should ask some specific questions as the original post is extremely vague. And rename the thread while spelling tutor* correctly may draw more positive attention. ;-) Good luck.
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If there is one thing that I see on here more than anything it's misspelled words...leave it to my typing to cause such a stir!
I guess I can't get to specific. Questions range from the structure of Android (OS), to Java, compiling, and so one. I think I need to find someone willing to do some IM time with me. I went to a few rooms and having multiple people in there throwing questions faster than I can type really isn't going to get it. I did have an offer from someone willing to spend that IM time with me. If that doesn't work out, I'll post that I need additional help.
dfr867 said:
I guess I can't get to specific. Questions range from the structure of Android (OS), to Java, compiling, and so one. I think I need to find someone willing to do some IM time with me. I went to a few rooms and having multiple people in there throwing questions faster than I can type really isn't going to get it. I did have an offer from someone willing to spend that IM time with me. If that doesn't work out, I'll post that I need additional help.
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Hit me up any time on Gtalk [email protected] I'll answer any questions I can.
jamieg71 said:
Hit me up any time on Gtalk [email protected] I'll answer any questions I can.
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Added you this afternoon....thanks in advance!

Stuck on compile AOKP

I'm attempting to compile AOKP and I keep getting this error
Checking build tools versions...
build/core/base_rules.mk:171: *** hardware/ti/omap4xxx/domx/domx: MODULE.TARGET.SHARED_LIBRARIES.libdomx already defined by device/amazon/otter-common/domx/domx. Stop.
Side note when compiling from "lunch" I cannot get "aokp_otter2-userdebug" to work. Only when I use "full_otter2-userdebug"
Does it make a difference?
This is only the second time I have attempted a build. First one being CM10.1 after following Hashcodes guide in the CM10.1 thread.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
okay solved both of those problems only to run into some more.
Problem 1:
Not being able to compile aokp_otter2-debug
to the AndroidProducts.mk file
Problem 2:
Checking build tools versions...
build/core/base_rules.mk:171: *** hardware/ti/omap4xxx/domx/domx:
MODULE.TARGET.SHARED_LIBRARIES.libdomx already defined by device/amazon/otter-common/domx/domx. Stop.
Changed /hardware/ti/omap4xxx/domx Android.mk to
include $(all-subdir-makefiles)
now onto the new errors...but at least it started compiling
Okay on to the next error while compiling...
Export includes file: frameworks/native/opengl/libs/Android.mk -- out/target/product/otter2/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libGLESv2_intermediates/export_includes
make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/otter2/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libwpa_client_intermediates/export_includes', needed by `out/target/product/otter2/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libhardware_legacy_intermediates/import_includes'. Stop.
It stops right there
I think I know where this originates but I don't know where to look to fix it
and i have looked over it the best that I could and compared it to the same file in CM10.1 and everything looks the same. But I can't seem to find an error...ohh well still looking
obsolete1 said:
Okay on to the next error while compiling...
Export includes file: frameworks/native/opengl/libs/Android.mk -- out/target/product/otter2/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libGLESv2_intermediates/export_includes
make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/otter2/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libwpa_client_intermediates/export_includes', needed by `out/target/product/otter2/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libhardware_legacy_intermediates/import_includes'. Stop.
It stops right there
I think I know where this originates but I don't know where to look to fix it
and i have looked over it the best that I could and compared it to the same file in CM10.1 and everything looks the same. But I can't seem to find an error...ohh well still looking
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Status of KF2 devs as of now....
Hashcode - Working on all 3 devices, very knowledgeable and experienced. Will most likely help on IRC if on, but hard to find an usually busy doing the work for all us happy consumers
Powerpoint45 - Usually busy, not often around to talk, but will post in the forums now and then and sometimes in IRC. He knows a bit about building ROMs, and probably would be of help to you, unfortunately, I'd say he's harder to contact than Hashcode.
FMKilo - IS NOT A DEV. That's what he says. He knows a bit around scripting and such, but like me, his kindle knowledge is mostly common sense and paying attention. Granted, he's usually on IRC, probably the easiest to get in contact with, and if you're not being super dumb, always willing to help. Even though he's not REALLY a dev, he could answer most questions that seem complex to most people, but are really simple things he already knows about.
idontwanttobeanoob - Don't know much about him really, but he's the only one besides PPT (powerpoint45) to start making a ROM, until you. You two might be able to help each other, and for anyone else reading this, feel free to help him with MIUI or possibly learn together.
that's it.
If you're a dev, feel free to rage at me, but you've been much to quiet and I think I comb these boards well enough. So, you're not being ignored, but there just aren't many around this community yet. I think we should encourage more people getting their own things working and sharing with the rest though. Maybe some new people can learn a bit more and become known devs. Plus in this small community it'd be easier to get known for releasing a cool ROM (bonus points for naming it MooRom)
iytrix said:
If you're a dev, feel free to rage at me, but you've been much to quiet and I think I comb these boards well enough. So, you're not being ignored, but there just aren't many around this community yet. I think we should encourage more people getting their own things working and sharing with the rest though. Maybe some new people can learn a bit more and become known devs. Plus in this small community it'd be easier to get known for releasing a cool ROM (bonus points for naming it MooRom)
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I'm not worried about being ignored...this is helping me through the process. I can see what I had to do/redo in case of system failure (unlikely but still I can read back). I just need to see if I can do this, its just something I've wanted to do and finally just dove in. Like I said the first time I attempted a build was just last week...and it was pretty much cut and paste code. So I tried something a little harder it may or may not pan out in the end. But thanks for posting on here letting me know that someone else is reading this other than me :good:
obsolete1 said:
I'm not worried about being ignored...this is helping me through the process. I can see what I had to do/redo in case of system failure (unlikely but still I can read back). I just need to see if I can do this, its just something I've wanted to do and finally just dove in. Like I said the first time I attempted a build was just last week...and it was pretty much cut and paste code. So I tried something a little harder it may or may not pan out in the end. But thanks for posting on here letting me know that someone else is reading this other than me :good:
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Hey guys noticed the post and wanted to let you know im more then willing to help out, resources are a bit limited on my end(I've got a ****ty laptop) but im here alot even if it doesn't say I am cause I forget to log in. Ill re read through the current issues and when I get up tomorrow ill start researching and see if we can get this going for ya( btw the miui rom might have to wait till miui comes up with an update, due to some of the current errors that are build based)
well took care of that error.
missing the wpa_supplicant_8_to folder
on to the next compile...fingers crossed

