[Q] Phone Speaker Not Working. - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III

So the speaker on my phone is giving me problems. Its kind of hard to explain, but it kind of crackles/pops some times... Maybe really high pitched at times. and other times it cuts in and out. With very occasionally i cant hear anything out of it.
Little back story. it was kinda crackling a few months back nothing major. Then I set it on the top of my dresser and it fell onto a metal step ladder. (fell about 6-7 feet and hit on the top of the phone) As always i have a case and the screen didnt break thankfully. But it made the speaker start acting up to the point where phone calls are almost impossible to get through. I went ahead and replaced the speaker, but its still not sounding right, and still makes making phone calls unbearable. I Unrooted my phone, just to see if it was the rom and still nothing. so I went ahead and re-rooted again. (couldn't hurt right? ) Am i missing something?? It seems to me like a hardware problem but i dont know what else I'm missing?
Thanks for your help.
As a side note i went on a road trip and used my headphones for the first time since i got the phone 8 months ago. But come to find out the jack doesnt work... It recognizes the headphones being plugged in, but no sound comes through the earbuds. I dont know if its related.
If anyone can point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.

Take05 said:
So the speaker on my phone is giving me problems. Its kind of hard to explain, but it kind of crackles/pops some times... Maybe really high pitched at times. and other times it cuts in and out. With very occasionally i cant hear anything out of it.
Little back story. it was kinda crackling a few months back nothing major. Then I set it on the top of my dresser and it fell onto a metal step ladder. (fell about 6-7 feet and hit on the top of the phone) As always i have a case and the screen didnt break thankfully. But it made the speaker start acting up to the point where phone calls are almost impossible to get through. I went ahead and replaced the speaker, but its still not sounding right, and still makes making phone calls unbearable. I Unrooted my phone, just to see if it was the rom and still nothing. so I went ahead and re-rooted again. (couldn't hurt right? ) Am i missing something?? It seems to me like a hardware problem but i dont know what else I'm missing?
Thanks for your help.
As a side note i went on a road trip and used my headphones for the first time since i got the phone 8 months ago. But come to find out the jack doesnt work... It recognizes the headphones being plugged in, but no sound comes through the earbuds. I dont know if its related.
If anyone can point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.
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First, this will most-likely be moved to the Q&A section, so just be aware of that for future posts.
Second, it sounds like it's purely a hardware issue. It sounds like the 6-foot fall jostled some components around. I'd suspect it's a faulty connection to the motherboard, but I really cannot tell. As far as sound issues with various ROMs, I haven't heard of any issues remotely similar to this. There have been issues with sounds on various ROMs, but not of this nature.
As far as solutions go, do you have TEP? This is really the type of replacement that is perfect for TEP.

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Thread moved
Friendly Neighborhood Moderator


[Q] HTC Desire Z: No sound from speaker, media/ringtones/notifications

Just yesterday night I found out that I can't get any sound from my phone. Not even notifications sound work, or those ticky sounds what are heard when you turn ringtone volume up or down to hear the level. I have no idea how they are missing now... I dropped my HTC Desire Z in the water weeks ago and some say there can occur problems a long time after water damage, is this true?
I don't remember dropping my phone lately, but I may have dropped it yesterday by accident, but it was not a big drop. There could be a slight possibility tha the speaker died?
When I plug my earphones in, I get sound normally. This indicates to speaker damage indeed. What do you think? Does warranty cover this? I have no idea what causes this. Task killer maybe?
Sorry for the double post, but just bumping and reporting about this issue. Just tested calling from other phone, and the speaker mode won't work. I hear voice normally from internal speaker. I use Automatic Task Killer and there was "Music" -app in kill list, but it adding it to the white list did not affect in anything... besides plus music nothing else with sound works, without plugging in the headphones of course.
I really don't use ringtones that much, but I would like to show some youtube videos to friend with sound sometimes, or speak with speaker on if my hands are not available... this really sucks. ANY thoughts? What should I do?
The unexpected happened!
Haha, this is unbelievable! My 2 year old daughter got my phone for some reason and as soon as I noticed of course I told her "no! give it back" and as soon as she noticed I noticed she's having the phone, she threw it to the wall! (she was standing on the bed and the phone fell down quite a long way). The back cover fell off and I thought the phone is broken for good... since I had already dropped it to the water couple of months ago as you may know.
Well, shouted at my daughter for what she did. Then picked up the phone and put back the back cover. And guess what? The sounds work! Nothing wrong with them, or the phone! Tested out and everything works like charm! Haha I'm laughing my ass of, miracles sure happen!
If YOU have sound problems, don't start to bash your phone please
can u gimme the winning lottery numbers
pimped out g2
Today I went to swimming and dropped while changing to swimwear dropped my pants down while my phone was in the pocket. At home I noticed the sounds are not working again! So I recalled what happened and dropped my pants again in the same way, and the sounds were back again..
So I guess my phone can't stand any more knocks or drop downs... so I try to be really careful in the future. Thank god there is no touch-problems like in bad earbuds when the wire go bad and the sound comes only from the other one, like that I should always keep the phone in right position sounds to work... that would be nightmare.
Just reporting if you out there possibly have similar problems. It can all be symptomps from dislocated speaker like in my case.
Sound is back ...I'm a hard head
I too had lost sound after dropping ...After reading the warning about no trying to bang it back .............well what can I say , I put on the media with music and tapped it on the counter , NO Luck . Being hard headed I then started to slap it into the palm of my hand with a good snap ...Presto magic sound is back . Do not try this at home kids .

Headphones not working.

I'll cut right to the chase~
I switched roms today, after having too many problems with my AOKP install since the latest update, and everything was working fine until just now when my headphones literally stopped being detected, all music coming out of the speakers no matter what, and all i can hear on the headphones is a constant, rhythmic throbbing sound, similar to when the headphones try to connect.
I get this noise throughout boot too, and never used to.
I am honestly fearing the worst that my audio is F***ed.
Rom WAS HydrogenICS 27.04 with SiyahKernal 3.1, it is now NEAT Rom with the same kernel.
Please, if you can help at all do so, i have tried all 4 headphones i have.
Did the phone fall in a toilet for the past 24 hours?
Do you take your phone with you to shower?
Did you take it with you to swim?
Answer this questions and it may be resolved....
Otherwise just fix it with the warranty
beston94 said:
Did the phone fall in a toilet for the past 24 hours?
Do you take your phone with you to shower?
Did you take it with you to swim?
Answer this questions and it may be resolved....
Otherwise just fix it with the warranty
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None of this has happened, after my first S2's USB PCB died i've been extremely cautious with this one~
As for the warranty, i have no idea how long i'm covered for, or even if my rooting it would jeopardise it seeing as its not software, but i dont know what checks would be done so i really am quite confused. Thanks for the reply by the way.

[Q] In Ear Speaker Problems

So the speaker on my phone is giving me problems. Its kind of hard to explain, but it kind of crackles/pops some times... Maybe really high pitched at times. and other times it cuts in and out. With very occasionally i cant hear anything out of it.
Little back story. it was kinda crackling a few months back nothing major. Then I set it on the top of my dresser and it fell onto a metal step ladder. (fell about 6-7 feet and hit on the top of the phone) As always i have a case and the screen didnt break thankfully. But it made the speaker started acting up to the point where phone calls are almost impossible to get through. I went ahead and replaced the speaker, put it back together, and its slightly better, but still not sounding right, and still makes making phone calls unbearable. I Unrooted my phone, just to see if it was the rom and still nothing. so I went ahead and re-rooted again. (couldn't hurt right? ) Am i missing something?? It seems to me like a hardware problem but i dont know what else I'm missing?
Thanks for your help.

[Q] Optimus Headset issue

I could use some help!
Here's the issue. The headphone icon is on all the time on my phone. Which in turns causes me not to be able to hear phone calls. For a short term fix I used an app to disable the headset, but the icon is still there.
It thinks there is headphones plugged in all the time, when there isnt. The phone is two weeks old. Hasn't been dropped or abused. I called AT&T and they are seeing if I can get an in store replacement. But I may have to be given a refurb already after two weeks
Anyways. The phone thinks there is headphones plugged in all the time. i tried pulling the battery, power cycling, using different headphone and plugging them in, pulling them out thinking something got stuck. But nothing.... It still thinks there is headphones plugged in. Now when I plug in head phones some google voice thing pops up asking me to speak into the phone, when I hit the back button my music will start playing thru the head phones....
Anyone else have this issue? I have looked down instead the headphone port and there is nothing in there that would be causing a blockage from the hardware detector that I could see (not to say there isn't something causing this)
Please help! AT&T is going to be calling me back and letting me know about a replacement sometime, but if someone knows what's going on I'd rather just fix it then start over with a new phone...
My guess would be that there is still some sort of short. I think you were right to suspect something stuck down in the jack, but it sounds like something inside the casing may be shorting on the terminals. Since you said it opened up the voice command thing, I would suspect that the 4th pole was triggered (or whichever the microphone button would be for a 4-pole headset). As far as I know, the microphone/media button is activated when the jack senses a short on a specific pole. But, it would have to think that you have inserted a 4-pole plug. I don't know for sure, but I assume it does this by checking opposite sides along the plug shaft to see how many distinct conductors are present. If it thought your typical 3-pole plug was a 4-pole, there would probably be another "conductor" present, i.e. the trouble-making short-circuit.
Unfortunately, it sounds to me that you have a hardware problem. If you were adventurous, you could open up the case and inspect for the short. It may be something simple lying across some solder joints or something. However, it is probably safer to simply get the warranty exchanged refurb. I have one myself since my original one had this obnoxious echo that the caller on the other end would complain about. The refurb unit works great!
It's a bummer, but I doubt you'll even know the replacement is a "refurb". Sorry I don't have better news or advice. Good luck!
I had a simile issue a while back...mine was resolved with a couple of swift taps on the table on the corner of my phone closest to the ear phone Jack.....
When the f*ck did we get ice cream??
Thank you.
I figured it was something to do with the little pegs inside. Luckily for me, since it was in the first 30 day period I was able to get a new in store replacement. normally for people its 14 days, but since I have a company account it's 30 days in store replacement. It was replaced with a brand new device.
The guy there was actually a little tech savvy and was saying the same thing. He tried a few things also, even looking inside and poking the pegs with a needle to see if one was lodged. Everything was OK though. Strange.
New device in hand! Works much better. It raises concern over a design defect though. I hate to go thru this again and get a refurb phone in a month because of the same issue.
Guess I will stop using it for a music player hooked to the stereo in my car and just use my old ipod touch for that.

Slightly different sound issues

Hello all,
I've been a Galaxy S4 user for about two weeks. It's been a weird transition from the iPhone, and I'm hoping to say that it was for the better, when everything is said and done.
I've looked (ok, only a little...) through some of the S4 pages about sound not working for them, and most of it pertains to everything cutting off after plugging it into the headphone jack.
So here is the low-fat version - I don't use my phone much in headphone mode. I plug it into my car for 10 minutes while driving to work, and another 10 on the way back. On an average day, my phone is plugged in through the headphone jack for maybe 20 total.
Now here is where it gets interesting - I haven't been able to correlate the headphone jack issue to my audio cutout. It happens whenever the phone damn-well feels like it. Once, it happened when I was driving to work and the music just cut out, and last night, it borked out on me when I was asleep, leading to missed alarms, and not being at work on time. All that good stuff...
The audio comes back to normal when I restart the phone, like nothing ever happened.
I like the phone a bunch, and want to keep using it, but I cannot afford to babysit the thing and reset it before I go to bed every night... Any thoughts or suggestions would be very much appreciated.
Please feel to ask me any questions that'll help figure out a permanent solution to my problem.
Finally, I'd like to add that this is a factory unlocked S4, but I'm using it with T-Mobile. I didn't see a forum page which dealt with factory unlocked models alone, so I thought I'd post it under my carrier instead. Hope I didn't pooch up... Sorry for breaking forum rules. I've had a rough day since I woke up. It's only been two hours...
Friendly bump, guys. I'd really appreciate it if anyone knows what's going on here will fill me in on what I'm missing... It's really nerve wrecking to think that your phone may crap out on you at any point... Please! Anything to make it work!

