[Q] Galaxy Nexus troubles - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Hello there guys,
don't even know how to describe my problem with my beloved GNex and I don't even know
if there is anyone who can possibly answer this. But heres the deal though ( :laugh: )
I am running 4.3 Paranoid Android with Franco Kernel and in a past few hours my phone is acting
really weird. It's having lots of SOD but with the additional thing. It brights up my display and make
few colorful lines across the screen and only thing I can do is pull out the battery and power it up again.
I have no idea whats the problem and if it's HW or SW related. Thanks for helping if so.


[Q] Defy grinds to a halt

Really hoping someone can help me. I have had my Defy for a few months and have always been on a custom SBF but continue to experience problems with the Defy working amazingly for hours and then sometimes I turn the screen on and the Defy is working in some kind of super slow mode and opening anything takes ages, everything does eventually open so it’s not crashed but just going super slow!
I am currently on SBF 3.4.2-177 Nordic but have had the same problem on different SBF’s so either my phone has a hardware issue or its some software I have on my phone, I am currently on Beta 6 of CM7 and have had this issue on other betas of CM7 but have never heard of anyone else with this issue. The phone will sometimes go a whole day without the issue also which is weird. It is not overclocked either. When it goes into what I now call superslow mode I have checked to see what the processor and memory usage are and both are around 60% used not being topped out at all. I have even used StabiltyTest to test the memory and CPU when the problem is occurring and both run through fine.
I really would love to know if anyone else had a similar problem or if they know what is causing it or how I can find out what is causing it without removing every bit of software I use. The only piece of software I use regularly that runs in the background is Juicedefender so I am going to remove this now and see what happens over a few days.
Any help would be amazing
Many Thanks
Did you install the latest patch for the auto-brightness issue? or Did you turn off the auto-brightness?
Thanks for the fast reply I have already installed the latest patch for auto-brightness issue but still have the problem
Was the phone slow in the stock ROM? I mean that's really wired that the problem appears on each SBF
Hi mys_721x, I only had the stock ROM for a matter of days when I first had the phone so really cant remember but I am thinking I may have to go back to see if I do still have problems if no one else can suggest anything else. Cheers
I have this same problem. Only fix seems to be a reboot whenever it happens
bobdigby said:
Hi mys_721x, I only had the stock ROM for a matter of days when I first had the phone so really cant remember but I am thinking I may have to go back to see if I do still have problems if no one else can suggest anything else. Cheers
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Same here, my phone suddenly becomes sluggish and unusable. Yesterday it was stuck on 100% cpu usage, I entered the task manager to see what was wrong and there wasn't any application that was using the cpu.
Only solution is to reboot everyday.
Glad to see I am not the only one, yea a reboot does the job sometimes it can be twice a day sometimes I don't see it for a few days, do you guys have juice defender installed by any chance as thats the only real program which stays running in my background which is extra to the roms I have used, cheers for your input, lets hope we can figure out whats going on.
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I had it to in the past. When i tried to lock the phone it took long time and it wouldn't unlock for a wile 1-2min what is verry long if your waiting and afterwards scrolling was lame.
Don't know what I did, but it's gone now. Now only when out of memory(dhuu!)
I think I wiped it cleen, went to a 2.2 and didn't have it again, now on CM.
Do you see in spare parts any apps using mutch cpu?
Weirdest thing that happens to me..
Every hour/day the phone loads up some applications prepared to start when I turn on the phone..
That means that if I close say, tigertext or Skype, the following day, without turning off the phone, hey are running again.. wtf?
EDIT: A way of checking what's using the CPU, if you're on Froyo, is check the application manager to check for services CPU usage
Yea I have no idea what is causing it but little to no cpu usage when it happens, when I lock on cm7 the tv effect for screen off is super slow motion its really strange, did a clean wipe yesterday and did its first slow down today just before post, cheers
Sent from my MB525 using XDA Premium App
Anyone have any luck with this? Mine just seems to be getting worse and worse on CM7.
Update: I've opened a issue for this on Github. You can go there to post new information / symptoms so that hopefully it can be fixed: https://github.com/Quarx2k/android_device_motorola_umts_jordan/issues/204
Hi dasbin,
Since uninstalling Juicedefender from my phone I have not had this issue once, it has now been 3 days which is probably a record for me so I would say that it was causing me the issue, do you have juicedefender installed? I am now using green power it is much better so far.

[Q] phone lights up constantly when locked

searched and found this but no answer :/
im using JJ's hybrid v3 and overclocked to 1.6 with doomkernel
everything has been great with no glitches for weeks
but today i noticed when my phone is just sat with the screen locked,
it will light up for 2 or 3 seconds, turn off, and then a random amount of time later ( 2 seconds, 10 seconds, 1 minute etc..) it will do it again!
not done anything new atall, just today!
anyone else experience anything like this?
or know how to fix?
really annoying lol
cheers in advance!
Did you install anything? I encountered this one when I installed openoffice what I did was disable the auto indexing and update
im always downloading new apps but not any new roms or anything,
no idea what the issue was, woke up today and everything was back as it should be!
strange anyway...
all fixed though i suppose!
That's definetly some app you have installed. I've seen some other post here, where someone complainted about that situation and found out it was an app he had that caused it. Don't remember which app it was though, sorry.

[Q] Screen issue, software or hardware?

I don't know how to put this but not so recently I found out that my galaxy nexus' screen behave strangely after reboot. It's like a distortion for about 1ms (I guess). It's just a glimpse of distortion. Happen after bootanimation (right/exactly when home screen comes up) or just before bootanimation ends. It happens too when the battery is about to die (3 or 4% left, the warning pops up and the background is distorted but the pop up message not).
anyone has any experience as such above?
is this software related issue or hardware related issue?
any suggestion, explanation, help, or anything else would be highly appreciated.
thank you.
ps: bought my galaxy nexus 3 months ago, had zero experience prior buying my galaxy nexus, had experience of wiping system but could not able to flash stock rom via cwm (at that moment not knowing that cwm can only flash flashable zip not tgz or tar), right now running custom rom xylon 011 JB 4.2.1.
It used to happen to me when I was running cyanogen mod 10 the same way you described. Went back to stock and haven't seen that again.
Wow, thank you very much for confirming this. I forgot to put additional info that I had run CM10 too and had same kind of behavior.
So I guess that is software issue rather than hardware, rite?
Anyone else having this issue?

touchscreen problem

Hi guys,
I've rooted and flashed my htc one x cause it was starting to act strangely. the screen was getting non responsive, couldn't pick up the calls etc.. I thought flashing it would help but it wouldn't I tried Android Revolution HD 21.0 and no help, the screen started to act crazy /look at the youtube link/ even tried a different kernel, then I flashed Cyanogen and still no help. After the screen goes on the phone acts crazy /not everytime-but mostly when I need to answer or make a call ) I don't know what to do. any ideas?
Return to stock and send it in for warranty. Unlocking and rooting/flashing a phone is the absolute LAST resort to solve a problem.....
the problems appears and goes.. it's not that it's acting like this all the time.. It just appears out of the blue and bugs me.. wonder what it is.. If I won't find out I might want to get HTC ONE from my operator..
and isn't it a kernel problem or something like that?

My device freezes in a black screen

Hey all!
This is happening to me for 2 months now, I was running official 12.1CM and now official 13CM
I tried to also use some stock based rom but im pretty sure it happened there too.
Whats happening to me is that randomly throughout the day my phone's screen turns black and I cant reboot it by any home button combination, only by getting out the battery.
When this happens the phone just totally freezes and I cant get it to respond or make a sound.
I don't think that the phone dies because sometimes when its freezes I can still see the notification led blinking.
Does anyone know why this might happen? or where can i copy some logs that might help you guys figure it out?
Thanks in advance!
sounds like you have the sleep of death issue? Personally I haven't been on CM roms much on my G3 so I haven't really encountered this issue but on my previous phone I've encountered this a few times on CM.
EDIT: Though it shouldn't happen on stock are you sure it happens on stock as well?
I have this issue as well using the Exodus rom. I never had it while using a stock rom, so I think this is a cyanogenmod issue (Exodus is a CM based rom in 5.1).
I have the exact same issue with my vs985. Seems to happen the most when viewing any sort of video, but I have had it happen at other times as well. Pretty dang annoying, probably 3-4 times a day. Using CM 13.0-20151217-nightly-vs985 but it started when I first flashed CM. Never had the issue on stock rooted rom.

